COM 225 – PUBLIC SPEAKING Spring 2014 Course Syllabus Instructor: Course: Site/Classroom: COM Office Phone: Email: Office hours: Rody Randon COM 225 – Section 22524 7:10-9:50pm (Tuesday Only) Phoenix College (H-109) (602) 285 – 7319 (H-221) By appointment only Required Text: Obrien, Liz (2013). Speak Well (2nd ed.). McGraw -Hill. Also our course website is located at Other Required Materials: 1 - 3”-ringed binder, and 1 pack of dividers (optional). Course Description: Public Speaking will provide students with knowledge and skills to enhance their public speaking. The course will explore major theories, concepts and skills of public speaking. In addition, the course will provide students with an opportunity to practice their speaking skills by delivering speeches that are common in everyday life. Course Objectives: Upon completion of this course, students will be able to do or demonstrate the following: The ability to speak in a variety of communication contexts which includes but are not limited to public, dyadic, small group, and organizational settings. The ability to adjust listening skills appropriate to any given situation in order to facilitate critical thinking. The comprehension of the importance of the relationship between speaker, message and audience. An understanding of speech anxiety and tools to alleviate the symptoms and causes of the apprehension. Overview of Course Requirements: Attendance: Because this is an experiential course, attendance is mandatory. Each student is allowed one absence, excused or unexcused. Every absence thereafter will result in a loss of 5-participation points. This also means being prepared for class with your book, speeches and any other activity that might be assigned. Late or Missed Assignments: Because we have a great amount of information to cover, there will be little time for makeup speeches. Therefore, make-up speeches will be determined on a case-by-case basis. Please plan on NOT being able to make up a speech. Late or missed written assignments will result in a 50% grade deduction each class period your work is turned in late. Cell Phones: All cell phones must be turned off during class. If you cell phone rings or you answer your cell phone during class you will lose 5-points for the day. It is important that you are a respectful audience member and class participant. Disabilities: Please contact the Disability Resource Center immediately if (1) you have or think you may have a disability or medical condition that may affect your performance, attendance, or grades in this class and for which you wish to discuss accommodations of class related activities or schedules; (2) you may require medical attention during class, or; (3) you may need special emergency evacuation preparations or procedures. For accommodations or additional assistance please contact the DRC, Learning Center (LC) Building, 602-285-7477. Accommodations are provided on an individualized, as-needed basis after the needs and circumstances have been evaluated. Academic Honesty: Students who use unauthorized material in any writing, presentations, or turn in any work that is not fully their own without properly crediting the source of any borrowed material will automatically qualify the student for a failing grade for the assignment and/or the course. Be forewarned that plagiarism, collusion, and cheating are grounds for suspension from the college. THIS POLICY WILL BE STRICTLY ENFORCED Student Responsibility As a student you are responsible for the information in the course syllabus. Please see the instructor should you have any questions regarding this syllabus. FERPA Policy Learn about your rights concerning educational privacy by viewing this link: PC Handbook Please be familiar with and observe the rules outlined in the student handbook including no food or drink in class and no guests in class. CatalogCommonPages2013-2014.pdf Speeches: Students will deliver 7 speeches. Below each speech is detailed with their requirements: 1. Introduction Speech (1-2 min.) – Each student will be paired up with another student and will give a speech to introduce them to the class. (10 points) 2. Process Speech (4-6 min.) – Students will prepare and present a speech that instructs the audience how to do something. The body of the speech will encompass the 3 steps involved in the process. No sources are required for this speech, however, one visual aid is required for this speech. (20 points) 3. Informative Speech (5-7 min., 3 sources, PowerPoint) – Students will pick a topic that they are knowledgeable about and prepare a speech to inform us on that topic. Students will develop a clear thesis and use adequate examples and sources to support your thesis. Delivery will be graded on this speech. (60 points) 4. Persuasive Speech (7-10 min., 3 sources, PowerPoint) – Student will prepare a speech to persuade using Monroe’s Motivated Sequence. In addition to using the prescribed organizational pattern, students will be expected to use effective language and polish their delivery. (100 points) 5. Tribute Speech (2-4 min., 1 visual/audio aid) – Students will choose a person who has made an impact on their lives and design a speech to pay tribute to that person, focusing on the value that they most admire in the person. A photo usually makes a good visual aid, but music and other metaphorical visual aids make great impacts as well. (60 points) 6. Special Occasion Speech (1-2 min. each, visual aid award) – On our last day of class we will have an awards ceremony. It will be fashioned in a “Secret Santa” fashion where students will determine what award they would like to win in their life and students will choose names and prepare a speech of presentation as well as a “gift/award” that they will present to their person. Then the students will prepare an acceptance speech for the award they wish to win. This can really be a fun activity and will be a great capstone to our class! (20 points, 10 points each) Other Assignments: We will be filming your speeches, beginning with your Process Speech. Students will turn in Self-Evaluation after the Process, Informative, Persuasive, and Tribute speeches. Each Selfevaluation is worth 10 points and this assignment is due one week after delivering the speech. Additionally, you will receive a copy of your classmate’s assessment form to be submitted with your type written evaluation. Occasionally there will be other in-class assignments and participation points given, thus your attendance and attentiveness is required. When emailing assignments please use the following: Application Paper: The application paper is a 2-3 page paper, which requires the student to reflect on critical concepts learned in this course. The concepts can be found in the textbook, class notes, or handouts. You must choose at least 2-3 concepts to discuss. You will define the concept, explain the concept and apply the concept to your future career. The paper must be typed with a clear introduction and conclusion, double-spaced, and include a title paper. Sources are not required, but may be helpful in defining and explaining the concepts. (25 points) Master Log: Each student will be required to complete a Public Speaking Master Log for submission at the end of the semester. The Log will include assignments, assessments, and reflections. Details of the Master Log will be discussed during the first day of class. (25 points) Grading: Grades will be determined by the following: Participation Points 35 points Introduction Speech 20 points Process Speech 50 points Informative Speech 75 points Persuasive Speech 100 points Tribute Speech 60 points Award Speech 20 points Self-Evaluations (4) 40 points Concept Checks (10) 100 points Application Paper 25 points Master Log 25 points Total Points 550 points Schedule Spring 2014 COM 225 – Public Speaking (Dates are subject to change at the discretion of the instructor) th Tues. Jan. 14 Welcome & Introduction None Master Group Discuss Into. Speech Tues. Jan. 21 st Tues. Jan. 28th Tues. Feb. 4th Tues. Feb. 11th Confidence in Public Speaking The Audience & The Speaker Presentation Aids Introduction Speech Process Speech Process Speech Listening & Speech Feedback Introductions, Body, Conclusions Part I (Ch. 1-3)- Con. Ck. 1 Part II (Ch. 5-6)- Con. Ck. 2 Part IV (Ch. 12)- Con. Ck. 3 All Groups See Speaking Schedule See Speaking Schedule Part I (Ch. 2)- Con. Ck. 4 Part III (Ch. 11)- Con. Ck. 5 Process speech Evals due Tues. Feb. 18 th Tues. Feb.25th Tues. Mar. 4th Tues. Mar. 11th Tues. Mar. 18th Tues. Mar. 25th Tues. Apr. 1st Tues. Apr. 8th Tues. Apr. 15th Tues. Apr. 22nd Selecting a Topic & Organization Delivery Finding Information Informative Speech & Ethics Informative Speech Informative Speech NO CLASS!!! Persuasion Informative Evals due Persuasive Speech Persuasive Speech Persuasive Speech Persuasive Speech Special Occasion Persuasive Evals Due Tues. Apr. 29 Tues. May. 7 th th Tribute Speech Application Paper Due Award Speech Tribute Evals Due Master Log due Part III (9-10)- Con. Ck. 6 Part II (Ch. 7)- Con. Ck. 7 Part V (15) & Part I (4) Con. Ck. 8 See Speaking Schedule See Speaking Schedule Spring Break Part V (Ch. 16 & 17) Con. Ck. 9 See Speaking Schedule See Speaking Schedule See Speaking Schedule See Speaking Schedule Part V (Ch. 18) Con. Ck. 10 All Groups All Groups Point Break Down Speeches Introduction Speech ______/20 points Process Speech ______/50 points Informative Speech ______/75 points Persuasive Speech ______/100 points Tribute Speech ______/60 points Award Speech ______/20 points Self-Evaluations Self-evaluation I ______/10 points Self-evaluation II ______/10 points Self-evaluation III ______/10 points Self-evaluation IV ______/10 points Concept Checks Concept Check I ______/10 points Concept Check II ______/10 points Concept Check III ______/10 points Concept Check IV ______/10 points Concept Check V ______/10 points Concept Check VI ______/10 points Concept Check VII ______/10 points Concept Check VIII ______/10 points Concept Checks IX ______/10 points Concept Check X ______/10 points Assignments Application Paper ______/25 points Master Log ______/25 points Attendance & Participation ______/35 points *Deduct 5 points for every absence after one. Total points ______/550 points