resume - UMass Boston Computer Science

Tiegang Han
1588 North Main Street, Apt. 109
Palmer MA 01069
Home: 413 2838267
Looking for a Software Developer position in a team work environment, using my
experience to make a fruitful and productive contribution to the company.
• Three years experience in computer programming.
• Highly motivated, fast learns, and get things done personality, real team player.
• Fluently software programming skills in Java J2EE Client-Server, web applet, and
Database applications.
• Deep insight on framework, design patterns, refactoring.
• C++ experience in sophisticated real world stories simulations.
Experience University of Massachusetts Boston, Boston, MA
QA for iDataMap project
• Develop a Client/Server application software for Geography department of UMass
Boston as a developer.
• Test paths that reflect actual user traffic patterns, create random paths to increase
• Verify content and functionality requirements, verify flow requirements, perform
comprehensive load testing, and verify server side components.
• Develop bug tracking system in
Teaching Assistant of a Java course: cs110
• Teach discussion section, collaborate on home work design.
• Collect and grade homework. Wrote Unix scripts to collect, test, and grade
Computer Technical Support
• Maintained computers works, helped students with computer operation problems
and new students' registrations.
University of Massachusetts Amherst, Amherst, MA
Intern of computer aided design of campus planning
• Used AutoCAD, Photoshop, PowerPoint to do campus planning projects and
Huayi Design Consultants LTD, Shenzhen GuangDong China 6/1996-6/1998
Assistant system administrator, Technical Support
• Set up internal computer networks, Windows system, provided related tutorials.
University of Massachusetts Boston Boston, MA
Master of Science - Software Engineering
• Candidate of Master of Science, expected June 2003.
• Master most important computer science concepts on software engineering.
• Courses: Software engineering I, II, III, IV. Compiler Design I, Computer
Networks, Database Management, Computer Architecture, Data Structures and
Algorithms In C and Java, Languages of Java, C, C++, XML. GPA: 3.5
• Operating System: Windows 95/98/NT/2000/XP, Solaris Unix7.0, Mac OS.
• Programming Languages: J2EE ( JDBC, Serverlets, JSP, SOAP, EJB, XML,
XSLT), J2ME (Wireless). VB, C/C++, SQL, HTML
• Application Tools: JBuilder7.0, MS Visual C++6.0, Dreamweaver, ANT, CVS,
Tomcat3.0, Oracle, Access, Photoshop
• Java application: Java compiler design, Java applet game on web, Banking
system, File system ( modeling Unix).
• C++ application: Database system simulation modeling random arrival tasks,
Polynomial calculator.
• Final project: iDataMap using Java JDBC, JSP, Serverlets, Oracle, XML, SVG.
• More info about my projects, please visit
Upon request.