First line support

1st line support manual
Enlight TestStation 1.2
Admin And Candidate
Thursday, March 27, 2003
FIRST LINE SUPPORT .................................................................................................. 4
SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS .................................................................................................. 4
Enlight TestStation Internet ........................................................................................ 4
Candidate ................................................................................................................ 4
Admin ..................................................................................................................... 4
Studio ...................................................................................................................... 5
WEB BASED CUSTOMER SUPPORT SYSTEM ...................................................................... 5
SUPPORT CASES – 5 TYPES ............................................................................................... 5
Type case 0 .................................................................................................................. 5
Problems with applications other then Enlight’s. ................................................... 5
Type case 1 .................................................................................................................. 6
Users don’t know how to use the applications: IE, Admin or candidate. ............... 6
Type case 2 .................................................................................................................. 6
Wrongly configured PC or Network. ...................................................................... 6
Type case 3 .................................................................................................................. 7
Internet communication. ......................................................................................... 7
Type case 4 .................................................................................................................. 8
Performer test type of problem. .............................................................................. 8
Type case 5 ................................................................................................................ 10
Problem with the service from Enlight or a bug report. ....................................... 10
Q AND A – 33 EXAMPLES ............................................................................................... 11
Ex 1 ........................................................................................................................... 11
User needs help with his PC. ................................................................................ 11
Ex 2 ........................................................................................................................... 12
Complaints about the GUI and regular PC usage. ................................................ 12
Ex 3 ........................................................................................................................... 13
Applets were not loading. ..................................................................................... 13
Ex 4 ........................................................................................................................... 13
User do not know his user name and password. ................................................... 13
Ex 5 ........................................................................................................................... 13
Postpone question did not reappear. ..................................................................... 13
Ex 6 ........................................................................................................................... 14
Test “disappear” after completion result page is not shown (Cyber patrol). ........ 14
Ex 7 ........................................................................................................................... 16
How do I configure the ISA Server to communicate with Admin. ...................... 16
Ex 8 ........................................................................................................................... 17
Proxy on the network and Admin can not connect to database. ........................... 17
Ex 9 ........................................................................................................................... 20
Admin Failed to connect to the database. ............................................................. 20
Ex 10 ......................................................................................................................... 23
Cannot load the java applet for performer tests. ................................................... 23
Ex 11 ......................................................................................................................... 24
Same user done 2 tests in the same time how could it be? ................................... 24
Ex 12 ......................................................................................................................... 25
Change the user details within DB2...................................................................... 25
Ex 13 ......................................................................................................................... 26
The total for a user and for the Customer ID of the same user are not the same. . 26
Ex 14 ......................................................................................................................... 27
Problem to start a test from the site: ......................................... 27
Ex 15 ......................................................................................................................... 29
Click on the box but there isn’t one. ..................................................................... 29
Ex 16 ......................................................................................................................... 30
All group disappeared. .......................................................................................... 30
Ex 17 ......................................................................................................................... 30
Failed to connect to the database error during testing. ......................................... 30
Ex 18 ......................................................................................................................... 31
Problem in TestStation Admin: bridge/122. ......................................................... 31
Ex 19 ......................................................................................................................... 33
Admin and candidate are very slow today. ........................................................... 33
Ex 20 ......................................................................................................................... 33
Performer test problems. ....................................................................................... 33
Ex 21 ......................................................................................................................... 40
All went well but suddenly we get no applet. ....................................................... 40
Ex 22 ......................................................................................................................... 42
Error message when doing the Excel performer test. ........................................... 42
Ex 23 ......................................................................................................................... 42
Java console explanations. .................................................................................... 42
Ex 24 ......................................................................................................................... 49
Performer Error: can not write assignment document to disk. ............................. 49
Ex 25 ......................................................................................................................... 50
Performer Error “no ADL defined…”. ................................................................. 50
Ex 26 ......................................................................................................................... 54
While trying to open the user Admin crashes. ...................................................... 54
Ex 27 ......................................................................................................................... 56
Server administration problem. ............................................................................. 56
Ex 28 ......................................................................................................................... 56
Are bugs in the program suspected? ..................................................................... 56
Ex 29 ......................................................................................................................... 57
Duplicates seem to be in the system. .................................................................... 57
Ex 30 ......................................................................................................................... 58
During a test start “Error occurred when loading picture”. .................................. 58
Ex 31 ......................................................................................................................... 60
Mismatch in statistics numbers is experienced. .................................................... 60
Ex 32 ......................................................................................................................... 61
None of the optional answers given were correct. ................................................ 61
Ex 33 ......................................................................................................................... 61
Admin hangs and user get the Error: 'Couldn't connect to database'. ................... 61
Ex 34 ......................................................................................................................... 62
How do I extract a Java Console? ......................................................................... 62
First line support
Administrators who act first line support should have basic knowledge in computer and
computer network.
They should understand the following:
IP addresses, Proxy, Firewall, ISP, IE configuration, Network configuration, Windows
user rights and Office application.
They should be able to Install an operating system and configure it to access the network.
They should have access to personal / consultant with higher Network Administration
skills for consultation.
A first line support should pass some basic training concerning the TS system,
architecture, database and functionality.
Enlight TestStation Manuals should be studied.
Enlight are responsible to have service available to the Internet users. Customers are
responsible for their own network, servers and client configuration for to adhere to our
minima requirements. This is for to enable trouble free access to our service.
System requirements
Minimum requirements:
Enlight TestStation Internet
Windows 95/98/ME/NT4/2000
128 Mb RAM
Display resolution of at least 1024x768 pixels with 16k colors
Internet Explorer, version 5 or above, with support for Java 1.1 installed
Microsoft Java VM installed
Access to the Internet, with at least 56k6 modem speed
Performer questions require Microsoft Office 97/2000
Firewall: port 80 open for HTTP-communication
No Proxy caching
Windows 95/98/ME/NT4/2000
128 Mb RAM
Display resolution of at least 800x600 pixels with High Color (16 bit)
Internet Explorer, version 5 or above, with support for Java 1.1 installed
Access to the Internet, with at least 56k6 modem speed
Firewall: port 80 open for HTTP-communication
No Proxy caching
No Proxy Login
Windows 95/98/ME/NT4/2000
Pentium II 400 MHz
128 Mb RAM
Web-browser for printing (Microsoft Explorer 4.0 or Netscape 4.0 or later)
100 Mb free Hard Drive space for Studio client only
300 Mb free Hard Drive space for stand alone version
Display resolution of at least 1024x768 pixels with 16k colors
TCP/IP protocol
Web based Customer Support System
Customers are recommended to Submit support request use the Jitterbug support
system located at:
Doing so will enable us to trace support cases and retrieve assistant from solved cases.
Support cases – 5 types
Support cases are of 5 types. For to determine the case, information from the users is
needed, questions have to be asked Java console have to be supplied and you will
probably need to ask the user to run few simple commands. Here are all cases:
Type case 0
Problems with applications other then Enlight’s.
Problem definition: Users want help with applications and routines that have nothing
or very little to do with the Enlight products.
Diagnose: New users, untrained users, users did not work with the application for
long time, new test center who do not know what features are in the product or do not
know what the support contract cover.
Typical problem: Need basic help with the PC usage, ask questions concerning other
then Enlight products, need help with processing data extracted from Enlight Test
station Admin.
For example, how to sort lists, how to import lists to Excel, how to print labels etc.
Question to ask:
What is your test center number or name?
Who is responsible for test administration, name of contact person in place?
Resolution: All information on how to utilize our programs is available in the Test
station Candidate, Admin, and Studio manuals.
Explain the caller that he have called to the Enlight Support department, and in case
he needs help with other applications then the Enlight applications he should get in
touch with the person in charge at the test center.
Solved by: Solved locally at the test center, please notice that in some cases we
should anyway help customers for the sake of goodwill. We will help only in cases
where resolution is immediately available.
Type case 1
Users don’t know how to use the applications: IE, Admin or candidate.
Problem defenition: Users cannot use the applications: IE, Admin or candidate.
Diagnose: New users, untrained users, users did not work with the application for
long time and forgot how to use it.
Typical problem: Cannot find test site = Using old link.
Cannot login = Try to login to the wrong database or username / password forgotten /
Can not retake an aborted test or user “restarted” aborted test but can not see his
answers (restart from question one) = User did not chose the test from the tab for
aborted tests but he rather chose a new test.
Question to ask:
From what URL are you running the test? (Login to the correct Database)
What is your test center number or name?
Do you know your login?
Did it ever work?
When last?
Resolution: All information on how to utilize the programs is available in the
Teststastion Candidate, Admin, and Studio manuals.
Solved by: Support of this kind must be solved by 1st line.
Type case 2
Wrongly configured PC or Network.
Problem definition: The users network or PC is wrongly configured for test station or
Test station Admin is wrongly configured for the system.
Diagnose: Problem appear in few cases: On rollout (first use), after local upgrade or
policy changes, (mostly after holidays, when network is available for upgrades).
Typical problem: Test takers can or cannot do tests and administrator cannot run the
TS Admin program = proxy or firewall configuration.
Test Candidate SW applet is not visible (gray box no button) No problem running TS
Admin = Usually an IE security setting is too high or Suns Java is active.
Admin “Failed to connect to the database,..” = Setting in the network was changed or
Admin was wrongly installed.
Questions to ask:
Did it ever work?
Does it work on another machine near you on the same network (isolate the problem
to one machine)?
When did it stop working?
What changes was done in the network (here you will always get yes or no changes,
still try to get in contact with the administrator)?
Resolution: Minima requirements should apply for to enable Enlight Test station
server components access the client and client access the service. 1st line support will
have to encourage the local administrator to restore the old settings, usually Firewall,
proxy or IE security settings. IE security setting could be implemented network wide
with the help of group policy (computer or user). Sometimes security policies are
implemented network wide without the knowledge of the users or test administrator.
In some cases it is very hard or impossible to convince administrators to make
changes as policies conform to the company’s security policy. In this case nontechnical workarounds have to be found, for example using Admin from home or
using a modem connection for to administrate test takers.
Solved by: Those problems can easily be solved by 1st line support. In those cases
where costumer’s administrators need help with details of configuration, 2nd line
support could be consulted. Here we have to emphasize that the configuration is the
costumers’ responsibility.
Type case 3
Internet communication.
Problem definition: Internet communication.
Diagnose: Usually a temporary problem on the Internet, a routing problem, a DNS is
down problem, an ISP is down, to or from our servers (should be about the same). No
traffic or traffic go slow and the application timeout. The Internet connections
bandwidth is to narrow.
Typical problem: Long wait time until the java applet button appears.
Long wait time after logging in.
Tests can be initiated but time out after few questions are answered.
Single user can do test with no problem but when all the class sit for testing they have
lots of crashes = narrow connection.
Questions to ask:
Here the first line support should help the test center to analyze the problem.
Information needed:
Java console?
Log file ts_admin.log.
Retrieve information: Ask the administrator to ping the server DNS name and IP
address, check the response time, check if can resolve DNS name, Run tracert to the
server, check route and hops.
Resolution: If the cause is diagnosed correctly a measure of action can be taken, for
example ask the user to contact the ISP, try to get the user to configure their firewall
to have a second or third DNS. In most cases if the problem is isolated to be a routing
or a DNS down problem on the Internet, it is more likely than not that others have
noticed it and resolution is on the way. If so, the only thing can be done is wait or
access the Internet through another ISP.
Solved by: A first line support will be able to diagnose but not solve those problems.
In those cases where costumer’s administrators need help with details of
configuration, 2nd line support could be consulted. Here we have to emphasize that
the configuration is the customers’ responsibility, and Internet connectivity problems
are to be solved by customers ISP.
Type case 4
Performer test type of problem.
Problem definition: Performer test type problem. Problem is isolated only to a certain
Performer test.
Please notice: many performer problems are actually a Type case 1 support cases
where users do not know how to use the Candidate SW and cause the test to crash.
Those cases are sometimes hard to solve, test takers have to be monitored during the
test for to find what behavior trigger the crash.
Diagnose: All works well beside a certain performer test. Test can not be started,
crash repeatedly, crash always on the same question, long wait time etc..
Typical problem: Cannot start the Excel Performer test on all machines = MS Excel
not installed, upgraded.
Test crash always on the same question = Test must be repaired or otherwise
All performer tests crash = Norton Antivirus cause the problem or Office installation
is corrupt.
Questions to ask:
What tests cause the problem?
Are you using Norton Antivirus?
Did it ever worked?
When did it last work well?
Is the problem for every one on the network?
Are all machines in classroom Identically to Hardware and Software installations?
What are the differences?
Is MS Office installed on all test machines?
Is it a fresh installation or an upgrade?
Can students save changes to the machines or are you using fresh image before every
lesson, day, week, or curse?
On what file system is the folder C:\temp, FAT or NTFS.
If on NTFS, do all users have read, write permissions on the C:\temp folder so they
can save to it?
MS Java VM must be installed and the only one active in the Internet Explore.
Sun Java should not be used when attempting to run Performer tests.
Java Console is absolutely needed here!!!
Resolution: Diagnosed by 1st line support when appropriate will suggest customer to
take any kind of action: for example: uninstalling, installing, reinstalling MS Office
components. Empty “Temporary Internet Files”, empty the C:\temp folder, change
rights on temp folder etc..
If problem is not solved, 1st line support who get a Type case 4 support request, will
collect all needed information and will submit the request to us with an enclosed
phone number of customer / contact person at test center.
Solved by: After problem is diagnosed by 1st line support and solution cannot be
supplied, case will be submitted for resolution by the 2nd line support.
This type of support case can be isolated to either one of the following alternatives:
1) Strictly a problem in the status of the MSOffice application /s or PC configuration
at the test center. (Type case 4.1)
2) Strictly a Bug in the test. (Type case 4.2)
Where a diagnose of the problem entail that the MSOffice installation is in the wrong
stat, suggestions for solution will be supplied by the 1st line support.
In the case where a solution can not be found or where a diagnose imply a Bug in the
test, it is the 2nd line support responsibility to suggest a course of action alternatively
repair the bug and inform the 1st line of the case status.
Type case 5
Problem with the service from Enlight or a bug report.
Problem definition:
1) Advice concerning server installation and configuration or problem with the
Enlight Test Station service, here the problems are isolated to the Enlight servers
or applications.
2) Problems with content of test as test questions or complains about SW design.
1) Service is unavailable to Internet users for any reason. We will diagnose it.
2) Reports concerning error in the content of a test.
Typical problem:
1) Service not available to anyone.
2) Test question is misleading, is not correct, none of the answers gave a correct
Questions to ask:
1) When did you experience the problem first? 1st line support have to try to access
the service by himself.
2) Database, test, language, question ID number or question text.
1) Resolution is our responsibility. A 1st line support who get a support request from
a remote test center would suspect that the problem is with the servers if he can
not access the services by himself. Here we assume of course that the problem is
not isolated to the 1st line support network as well. Anyhow if the 1st line support
cannot access the service he is requested to ASAP consult us for the status of the
machine in question.
2) Resolution is our responsibility. A 1st line support who get a support request from
a remote test center would collect all the details about the test item and report it to
2nd line support.
Solved by:
1) In the case an unfortunate situation with the servers is a reality, we at 2nd line
support will treat the problem with accordance to the “Application Service
Agreement” we have with the customer. The 1st line will be continuously
informed of any changes in the status of the service.
2) The test development department will review the question and if constructed
wrongly it will be repaired ASAP. Please notice that 95 % of complains are
proven to be baseless and question content is correct. Please verify before moving
the case forward to the 2nd line support as many test takers could be confused after
or during a test occasion.
Q and A – 33 examples
Here are detailed examples of support cases.
Fragment of information in support cases should hint you of the cause of the problem.
Those important fragments are highlighted with Blue.
Examples of Cases will be classed in two ways:
1) Quick diagnose and classification of the problem in to the above cases: Type case
1 through 5. This is the first stage, based on supplied information from the
support request. It is an intuitive stage where a 1st line support tries to narrow the
I will try to explain why I suggest each Type case.
2) The closing classification of the case to Type case 1 through 5. After a solution is
I will enclose an explanation of the choice.
Based on actual support cases found in Jitterbug names and identification details
are changed.
Ex 1
User needs help with his PC.
Quick diagnose: Type case 0
Closing classification: (Type case 0, 1)
“Hi, do you have an idea about the following: A test center creates for example 30 test
takers and he wants to give each of them a single paper with username and password.
What is the easiest way to go? Is it the best to use the print-function, then copy and paste
into a word document, save it as data source and run a mail merge to have a single paper
for each one? Or is there a better way?
Thanks in advance,”
Analyze: This support case is clearly a Type case 0, our Admin product can create a file
with the print or export function. What and how the test center process this data is up to
them. We should help requests concerning our SW functions and suggest users to learn
the manuals.
Reality: In this case we are able to help quickly with a few simple suggestions.
Example of an approach:
Depending on the quantity, say fewer than 50 test takers, you can use the print function in
1 select the user then chose "Print".
2 the details appear in an Internet explorer window.
3 print the page for this user.
If they need an automated function they can save to the tab file then run a script.
1 chose the parent user to the left.
2 chose "Copy to file" from the file menu.
3 run the script.
4 we do not have such script ready, customer will have to write it by himself or if it is a
usual need you will have to order one from the development department.
Ex 2
Complaints about the GUI and regular PC usage.
Quick diagnose: Type case 1
Closing classification: (Type case 1)
“I am a candidate for the ECDL Test. I have recently completed all 7 Modules of the
course, and today I had a go at the Diagnostic Test for Module 6. I found the font size so
small that it caused eyestrain and I had to stop for frequent breaks before I could
I am used to 138% enlarged fonts on my PC and I would be most grateful if there is a
way to enlarge the size of the font sizes for the Diagnostic and other Test Questions.
Thank you for considering my request. ”
Analyze: This kind of problems should be solved at the test center and should actually
not even get to the 1st line support.
Reality: changing setting in the pc by the test leader could solve this problem.
Solution: For the moment we do not have a setting so you could configure the font size,
next version will probably have. A work around would be to change the setting in the
display properties dialogue window.
Do so:
Right click on the desktop then chose "properties" > "settings tab" then change the
"screen Area" towards the less, 800 by 600 should work fine, but not less then that.
Ex 3
Applets were not loading.
Quick diagnose: Type case 2 or 1
Closing classification: (Type case 2) & (Type case 1)
“I tried to log in today at work to do a Diagnostic test, but was unable to. I was advised
that 2 applets were not loading. Tonight I have tried to log in at home for a Diagnostic
test, but nothing happened when the "take a test button" was clicked.
Please advise, thank you.”
Analyze: The problem come from one user not a test center. The problem follow the user
hint us that the user probably is the cause.
Reality: The situation was really so that no “TestStation 1.2.2” button never appeared.
The user was pressing on the empty gray box, there for nothing happened.
Solution: Empty the cash in Internet explorer; reduce the security setting for IE. Then go
again to the URL and accept the Enlight security certificate.
Ex 4
User do not know his user name and password.
Quick diagnose: Type case 1
Closing classification: (Type case 1)
“Cannot logon to start diagnostic test. Do not know user name and password required”
Analyze: Have to find out from what test center user is.
Reality: Students at test center are not informed on how to obtain username and
Solution: 1st line has to contact the test center and ask them to inform tire students of the
Ex 5
Postpone question did not reappear.
Quick diagnose: Type case 1
Closing classification: (Type case 1)
“TC reported the following problem:
Test taker DE-12345 took an Excel 2000-Performer Test on 26.9.2002.
He had nearly 10 questions that he wanted to answer later and so he clicked on the
button. After 29,33 minutes he received the information that he answered all
45 questions but he was never asked these 10 questions again.
Can we find out if this is true?
Thanks in advance,”
Analyze: User do not know how to use the candidate SW and think that he can jump over
questions by clicking the “X” and return to them later.
"X" Here you click for to ignore the question and leave it unanswered, will not come
back in the end of the test and will counted as wrong answer.
"->" Here you click for to save the question for the end of the test.
Test taker most likely was clicking on the “X” instead of the “->”
Solution: Solved by 1st line support.
Ex 6
Test “disappear” after completion result page is not shown (Cyber patrol).
Quick diagnose: Type case 5
Closing classification: (Type case 2)
“Hi Can someone have a look into this problem please as this error message appears as
soon as the candidates click "END TEST" This particular error is for PP but the error
apparently occurs on every test. The tests disappear and do NOT appear in either the
aborted or completed tests. Just got off the phone to the engineer and while we were on,
he did 2 tests, of which when you click “End test”, the percentage bar display gets to
approx 75% and then freezes, it then times out.
They did however do 9 tests this afternoon without a problem. He did mention that they
are using Cyber patrol, which checks for porn sites.
This is used alongside Border Manager 3.6
May be a bug in the system. Spec of their site:
Bandwidth: 1Mbps
Users sharing the Internet connection: 400 users !!!
The proxy server is NOT caching and port 80 is open
is being used as an exception on the proxy server...
Error message:
Kind regards
Thank you.”
Analyze: As soon as you can see that it some time works then you can understand that
their network configuration is correct. It either works or it doesn’t. If so, we have to look
on elements that change in time. From the provided information, the best candidate for
this evaluation is the bandwidth available per test taker.
Notice that the network can be congested with other activities as: sending large file or
mail folders synchronization etc.
Reality: "They did however do 9 tests this afternoon without a problem." If this is the
situation, then they probably had network problem sometimes. With a connection of
1Mb/s and 400 clients you get only 2.5 Kb/ sec. but lets say that only 50 of the 400
clients are in use you still have 20 Kb/s and user.
Our minimum requirement is 56 Kb/sec for each test taker.
Solution: Now the real question is what happened with broken tests that you couldn’t see
them and retake them?
For this we will need a list of the username experiencing the problem.
The 1st line support has to inform the test center about the need to conform to the minima
A good way to test it is to try run several tests when load on the network is known to be
very low, say on night, evening or very early morning.
Then collect the list of tests claimed to be missing.
The 2nd line support will access the database in search for those tests incidents.
Ex 7
How do I configure the ISA Server to communicate with Admin.
Quick diagnose: Type case 2
Closing classification: (Type case 2)
“How do I configure the ISA Server to communicate with the Admin Program?
Thanks in advance,”
Analyze: ISA Server is the new version of MS proxy server. The most common problem
is that it is configured with Proxy login. Proxy login an ISA Server security feature that
logs in all access to the Internet. This is done by communicating both a customary User
Name and password feed in manually by a user before each access or by automatically
using the NT user name and password used when the user logged in to his computer. In
the second case the login will be transparent to the user. The program trying to access the
Internet, most commonly the web browser like Internet Explorer handles the
communication with the ISA server.
Reality: Enlight Test station Admin cannot participate in that communication of NT User
names and passwords. In other words TS Admin does not support proxy login.
Solution: The support case here grounds in the fact that the network configuration does
not comply with the Minima requirements. For to diagnose such problems you need to
find out if proxy login is used on that network. Notice that in the case where proxy login
is transparent for the users, users tend to believe that there is no proxy login. When
suspecting a proxy problem you will need to speak with the network administrator for to
verify whether proxy login is set for that network.
For to solve this kind of problem you will need to verify the following information:
1) The name of the database the customer in question is trying to connect?
2) First the ISA Proxy should be configured so that no "proxy log in" is required.
3) Depending on the database you are trying to connect, you should not cash traffic from
that address.
Possible Proxy Problem when installing / using TestStation admin 1.2.2
Here are some Error messages you may get:
Error message: Failed to connect to the database, this program will terminate.
Error message:
Error message:_DBinet:failed to read from servlet, reason: Connection timed out.
You cannot run Admin and no Logon dialogue will appear, the database can’ t be
For Sweden the Test Station server is: IP is: the port to be connected on the server is 80.
Ex 8
Proxy on the network and Admin can not connect to database.
Quick diagnose: Type case 2
Closing classification: (Type case 2, 3)
“Admin - proxy problems...
Test center, with ADSL connection and proxy server. I have two text files attached: one
should be the Admin log file with proxy, the other one without.
Doing a test is no problem.
Ts_admin.log with proxy:
+---------------------------------------------------| TestStation Version 1.2.2
| Copyright © 1997-2000 TestStation Europe AB, Sweden
DefaultApplication="C:\PROGRA~1\INTERN~1\iexplore.exe" file://
Driver :null
Loading driver svtest.teststation.db.HttpDriver ...
HttpDriver: using url ''
HttpDriver: database name: 'BECERT'
Request.execute.retry: 4
Ts_admin.log without proxy:
+---------------------------------------------------| TestStation Version 1.2.2
| Copyright © 1997-2000 TestStation Europe AB, Sweden
DefaultApplication="C:\PROGRA~1\INTERN~1\iexplore.exe" file://
Driver :null
Loading driver svtest.teststation.db.HttpDriver ...
HttpDriver: using url ''
HttpDriver: database name: 'BECERT'
Request.execute.retry: 4
There's NO proxy login.
Thanks in advance,”
Analyze: The two logfiles are identical. The error is:
This means that the java program is unable to find the IP number for the name Possible reasons include:
1. The DNS for this domain was not working at the time. If this were the case it would be
a temporary problem.
2. There is no such domain/machine. Easily verifiable that it is.
3. They have a miss configured local network where only some programs get DNS
service and/or their proxy is doing DNS lookups for them but it only works if a program
sends requests to the proxy without attempting to make the lookup itself first.
We have previously seen setups where IE works but "nothing" else does. For MS Proxy
there used to be some kind of client installation that would help.
They should check their DNS settings and verify that they get network access with
programs other than just Internet Explorer. Things they could try to run other than admin
telnet 80
(From win2k, on other windows versions the commands may look differently)
Reality: After the customer has done those checks he reported that: They have tried to run
ping, telnet and nslookup, all three returned some sort of error.
Now this response from a customer is usual "some sort of error" isn't very helpful. The
exact error messages would be nice to see.
ping and telnet may be blocked by their firewall. nslookup should however always work,
because it sends a DNS request just like their logfiles showed that TS Admin (Java) does.
My guess is that they need to fix their DNS.
A temporary solution may be to replace with the IP number.
For TS Admin they can do that in their inifile.ini, which is located in the Client directory
where they have installed it (making a copy of the current one).
That may help, but it's not certain. Using IP numbers will stop working if is moved from its current location.
Solution: Basically this should be solved by 1st line support but the 2nd line could help in
analyzing the error message.
Ex 9
Admin Failed to connect to the database.
Quick diagnose: Type case 2
Closing classification: (Type case 2)
Error message “Failed to connect to the database,..”
Person has installed Admin for the BECERT database but cannot start the program. Some
of her colleagues have Admin installed as well, but no problems there. There is a proxy
(no proxy login) but since Admin works on the other computers (same network), it is
probably not the proxy that is causing the problem. If the person surfs to: she sees the normal page (I'm alive). Pinging to returns no error but pinging to the ip-address give
I've attached the Admin logfile if it's any use.
Thanks in advance,”
+---------------------------------------------------| TestStation Version 1.2.2
| Copyright © 1997-2000 TestStation Europe AB, Sweden
DefaultApplication="C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe" file://
Driver :null
Loading driver svtest.teststation.db.HttpDriver ...
HttpDriver: using url ''
HttpDriver: database name: 'BECERT'
Request.execute.retry: 4
at svtest.teststation.db.HttpDriver$Request.send(
at svtest.teststation.db.HttpDriver$Request.execute(
at svtest.teststation.db.HttpDriver.connect(
at svtest.teststation.db.TeststationDatabase.init(
at svtest.teststation.db.TeststationDatabase.<init>(
at svtest.teststation.db.TeststationDatabase.<init>(
at svtest.teststation.core.DBSession.connect(
at svtest.teststation.core.GUIDBSession.<init>(
at svtest.teststation.testadmin.AdminFrame.<init>(
at svtest.teststation.testadmin.AdminFrame.main(
Request.execute.retry: 3
Analyze: From the info and the log file ts_admin.log found in the client folder of the
Teststation Admin installation you can see the following:
Seems that the reason of not being able to connect to the database is the result of not
being able to resolve the name to its IP address
Anyway the costumer claim that they can ping the DNS name but not the IP. At first it
seems like it should actually be the opposite. Still some networks can be configured so it
is impossible to ping IP addresses out side of the network.
The cause of the problem could be any one of the following:
1) Wrong DNS setting.
2) Wrong Admin proxy configuration.
3) Wrong choice during Admin installation. (Proxy / No Proxy)
Reality: As different networks could have different settings it is hard to pinpoint the exact
cause but we can still benefit of the information that there are few machines that properly
connect with Admin. From here we can assume that the third possibility is the cause.
Solution: If installed “With Proxy” we could suggest the customer to reinstall Admin, as
with “No Proxy” and if this does not solve the problem, we will try to switch the DNS
names with the corresponding IPs in the inifile.ini.
Some networks with proxy are configured so that the Test Administrators machines
belong to a machine group, this group is granted special rights in the proxy server or
bypass it altogether. It would be good to talk to the network administrator at the site for to
find out what are settings for that machine or user in question.
After all this is still a “Type Case 2” support for the first line support.
Ex 10
Cannot load the java applet for performer tests.
Quick diagnose: Type case 2
Closing classification: (Type case 2)
A test center cannot load the java applet for performer tests (they can do non-performer
tests). Security levels have been set to the lowest, temporary IE files and cookies have
been deleted, latest JRE installed.
System configuration:
- Microsoft Win 2000 (SP 3) Professional Multilanguage
- IE 6
- Java 2 Standard Edition Runtime Environment
- Java(TM) Plug-in: Version 1.4.0_03
Using JRE version 1.4.0_03 Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM
User home directory = C:\Documents and Settings\kalle
- Proxy Configuration: Manual Configuration
Proxy: http=sta-srv3:80,https=sta-srv3:80,ftp=sta-srv3:80,gopher=sta-srv3:80
Proxy Overrides: <local>
I attached the Java console.
Thanks for your input!”
Java Console: (This is the Sun’s Java Console)
---------------------------------------------------c: clear console window
f: finalize objects on finalization queue
g: garbage collect
h: display this help message
l: dump classloader list
m: print memory usage
o: trigger logging
p: reload proxy configuration
q: hide console
r: reload policy configuration
s: dump system properties
t: dump thread list
x: clear classloader cache
0-5: set trace level to <n>
---------------------------------------------------load: class svtest.teststation.testclient.TS_Applet not found.
java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: svtest.teststation.testclient.TS_Applet
at sun.applet.AppletClassLoader.findClass(Unknown Source)
at Source)
at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source)
at sun.applet.AppletClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source)
Analyze: Strictly a configuration problem of the clients. Quick look at the Java console
and we see that Suns Java is active. Performer tests dose not work with Suns Java. NONperformer tests will run well. Notice this is not a (Case type 4) just because the performer
is affected.
Reality: We don’t support Sun’s Java.
Solution: Configure IE (Internet Options > Advanced) not to use Sun Java. If they do not
have MS Java Installed yet they should get.
Ex 11
Same user done 2 tests in the same time how could it be?
Quick diagnose: Type case 1
Closing classification: (Type case 1)
Test center reported of test taker XY-12345 (TC 112233):
In the admin this person has 2 results for the Word 2000 Performer test:
ECDL 3.0 M3 - Word 2000 Performer 77 25.09.02 10:48 36 min 45 sec.
ECDL 3.0 M3 - Word 2000 Performer 93 25.09.02 10:41 19 min 0 sec.
They both started on the same day, the 2 one 7 minutes after the first. But the total
duration of the first one was 19 minutes. The first one was with a higher result than the
second one. Is it possible to see when both tests where finished? If both tests were started
from the same machine? What can be the cause for this?
Thanks in advance,”
Analyze: Same test, same time and the same test center. Problem caused by Test
Administrator who happens to log in for 2 different users but with the same Username.
Reality: after login there is an information window with details, test leader should review
this information before the test is chosen.
Solution: Solved by first line. Tests where finished probably with start time and +
duration. 2 different users one was logged on as her, by mistake, probably did a test.
Cannot see from what machine. They will have to look in the results page for to find who
hold result not his.
Ex 12
Change the user details within DB2.
Quick diagnose: Type case 1, 5
Closing classification: (Type case 1, 5)
“Here's a request from College X to change the user details within DB2
John Smith UK0012345678.
Don't ask me how but they managed to log her onto the system as the Test Center to take
a Cert test. Could you please move the test that she completed as?
TC B0111111111 (M4 Excel 97) 86% and move it into her actual account within the
system (under Center)
Analyze: The problem is that user X was to do a test and the administrator logged in as
user Y. Then X did a test as Y. the result is saved in the DB under Y.
Reality: What the user wants us to do is to move the results from one user to the other.
Technically it is possible to do by the 2nd line support. This problem is caused by bogus
routines at the test center.
Solution: 1st line support have to inform the test center of the cause. If this is to be solved
by the 2nd line support, a Job order have to be placed with the sales department at Enlight
as we are charging for this kind jobs.
Ex 13
The total for a user and for the Customer ID of the same user are not the same.
Quick diagnose: Type case 5
Closing classification: (Type case 1, (5))
“John is generating reports and needs to know why the figures for X College are different
when looked at from a Customer ID and Total, point of view. Screen grabs of the issue
are attached.
Any ideas? anyone??
TC: XYZ123
Thanks in advance,”
Screen grabs:
Analyze: Here we see that something is wrong, the total for a user and for the Customer
ID of the same user have to be the same. It looks like a Bug. So what is wrong?
Reality: The system with customer ID was added to Teststation Admin after a request
from customer. This was done for to enable invoicing. The system works perfectly but
this bug was revealed shortly after the release. A fix was developed and a new Teststation
Admin SW solving this bug was released.
Solution: This is a so-called known bug. Customer is using the old version of TS Admin.
The 1st line support has to encourage the customer to download and install the new
2nd line support can help with information about the status of known bugs and if or when
a fix will be supplied.
Ex 14
Problem to start a test from the site:
Quick diagnose: Type case 2
Closing classification: (Type case 2, 5)
Request: concerning a problem to start a test from a site like or for
example the Swedish test site:
Cannot get the applet (gray box only), and the java console is empty.
Analyze: On the web page there is a java applet, see bellow:
This java applet candidate122.jar is in the form of a zip file, which is downloaded and
starts on the page.
<PARAM NAME="inifile" VALUE="applet.SECERT.ini">
Your browser does not support Java or Java is disabled.
There are 2 kinds of files: candidate122.jar for to start regular tests for to start performer tests.
For to be able to start a test the applet has to be available, in some networks there is a
filter on the firewall for any kind of zip files. In such a network the java applet will not
load and the Java console will be empty. For to enable testing, this filter have to be
removed. Some Novel firewall in school network have shown to have this as a default
setting. A new setting in the firewall has to allow files in zip format to be downloaded
from our servers. Server names are for example: for Swedish cert
server or for UK diagnostic server. The 2nd line has all the names
and IP addresses; new servers are added frequently to the system.
In some cases IP addresses are needed for to work around an error combination with
DNS name resolution.
Reality: Most school networks connect to the Internet through the municipality or other
organizations network. With several firewalls upstream it could be hard to pinpoint the
source of the problem. You will need to get in touch with the network administrator
responsible for the network high up, the one that actually connects to the Internet.
Solution: Sounds complicated but still this is a simple “Case type 2” support. Wrong
configuration. For to make sure that the source of the problem is the lack of ability to
download the candidate122.jar or .cab file few tests have to be conducted.
The 1st line support will need to supply links to the candidate122.jar or .cab file. For
The test center will need to click the link, download and save the file to their desktop. If
the file does not load completely or the download process is stuck, you have a clear
indication that this is a configuration problem that has to be solved at the customers
Notice that a DNS address resolution problem could have a slightly similar symptoms.
For to make sure the problem is not DNS problem, the TC could try to ping the machine
DNS name.
Ex 15
Click on the box but there isn’t one.
Quick diagnose: Type case 2
Closing classification: (Type case 1, 2)
“My name is J. Smith, I am currently working on the ECDL and seem to be experiencing
problems with the Test station page. I was told that with a user name and password I can
take a diagnostic test, but to no avail. On this site there is no Log In Box, the Demo box
does not work, it says click on the box and there isn’t one.
The whole page seems to be unable to connect to the actual diagnostic and demo tests
itself, the questions seem to lead you round and round in circles. I am very disappointed
in this, as it is supposed to promote the learning of IT skills, with a web page like this it
makes a joke of the whole thing.
J. Smith”
Analyze: You see the request and understand immediately that it is a new user to the
system. So any Type 1 or Type 2 cases could be the problem.
Reality: User has never been presented to the system in the proper way.
Solution: Solved by 1st line support. First have to inform the test center of the need to
present the system to the users. Users are to be informed about the minima requirements.
In this case the following solved the problem:
Please try the following for to make the button appear:
Enable Java on the tools > Internet options menu in Internet explorer
Chose the advanced tab and enable MS Java vm.
If you do not have java vm on your machine please go to
and download and install it.
Try to reduce the security from the security tab from the Internet options menu. Reduce it
to medium; this is done for to enable Java.
Simply he had the wrong configuration. Novice users believe that computers are working
out of the box like a VCR.
Ex 16
All group disappeared.
Quick diagnose: Type case 1
Closing classification: (Type case 1, 5)
“Used Admin yesterday for to organize the users in new groups. Today I discovered that
an all group disappeared. What happens here?”
Analyze: User error using teststation Admin. User does not disappear themselves from
the database.
Reality: What really happened is either the administrator “cut” a group and forgot to
paste it then closed admin, or user started admin twice on the same machine or separate
machines. Then saved the info from one with changes that caused the group not to be
under any Test Center.
Administrator might have mistakenly chosen to delete those users.
Solution: If users was deleted the administrator can chose the Show deleted persons
menu alternative and then restore them one by one.
If a cut group was not pasted then the 2nd line support need to help here.
Ex 17
Failed to connect to the database error during testing.
Quick diagnose: Type case 2, 3 or 5
Closing classification: (Type case 2, 3, 5)
“During a test, test takers get thrown out and the test crashes with the following error:
Thanks in advance,”
Analyze: Crashes are caused of a time out, the time out could be caused of several
reasons: it could be a congested network at the test center, Internet connection, or
somewhere in the route packages takes on the internet (routing problem). In some cases it
could be a heavy load on the server. A simple analyze would be so:
1) If reported from a single test center then the problem is local to the test center =>
control the bandwidth, simultaneous test takers and other activities on the
network. Type case 2.
2) If the 1st line support receive reports from few test centers next to each other but
not from anyone anywhere else, it is probably a routing problem => control what
ISP both are using, check if test centers are using the same network connection or
in any other way related to each other. Type case 3.
3) If the 1st line support receives reports from few test centers that have nothing to
do with each other and are geographically not very adjacent, it could be a heavy
load on the Enlight test server. In this case contact the 2nd line support for
additional study. Type case 5.
Reality: in most cases the cause would be either a routing problem or congested local
network. The minima requirement is 56 Kbps available for each simultaneous test taker,
this have to be calculated from the band width you have left after you have reduced the
amount of bandwidth used by other applications accessing the internet from that network.
Solved by the 1st line support if Type case 3 or 4.
Solved by the 2nd line support if Type case 5. 1st line support have to collect the
information as indicated in the Analyze paragraph.
Ex 18
Problem in TestStation Admin: bridge/122.
Quick diagnose: Type case 3
Closing classification: (Type case 3, 5)
“User get the Problem in teststation Admin: bridge/122
Testing with Candidate is ok
User has MS proxy on the network
Using the Admin he get the error, admin is installed with the proxy alternative.
We found that the user cannot ping the server but can ping the IP of the server.
We changed that the inifile.ini in the admin installation will contain the IP instead of the
DNS name. And an installation of admin as with no proxy.
All is well now.”
Enclosed Error message:
Analyze: If Candidate works and Admin don’t => configuration problem would be the
case. As we can see here user can ping the IP address but not the DNS name => can not
resolve name outside of IE.
Reality: Some networks are configured so that the proxy is taking care on the connection
with the DNS server.
Solution: Solved by 1st line support asking customer to ping the IP of the server
informing the user of the need of DNS name resolution, Alternatively helping with the
configuration of the file inifile.ini found in the client folder of the Teststation Admin
installation. The correct IP address of the server is obtained from the 2nd line support. 2nd
line support can help in analyzing the problem.
Here is an example inifile.ini:
(DNS name was replaced with the IP address)
# Inifile for Settings.class
# Header, footer gifs for printer
DefaultApplication=explorer file://
Ex 19
Admin and candidate are very slow today.
Quick diagnose: Type case 3, 5
Closing classification: (Type case 3)
Today Test Center X phoned us at 12.00 and reported that admin and candidate on is very slow. I tried from here and it was not only slow, both
hangs up after the first login.
Mr. Smith informed me that he has the same on his machine. After nearly 15 minutes
everything worked fine. We informed Test Center X that everything is all right again,
now they want to know what was the reason for this.
Thanks in advance,”
Analyze: This is clearly an internet connection problem as described in Case Type 3. if
the login windows rapier => the database is working and the service is OK.
Reality: It “fixed it self” after 15 minutes. Probably a routing problem repaired by the
Solution: As you can see, first it is important to verify if the problem is collective. Try
from different locations. Now because the problem was experienced from different
locations, the 2nd line support need to be informed ASAP. From here we do few checks
on the servers for to make sure that the problem is not with us.
Ex 20
Performer test problems.
Quick diagnose: Type case 4
Closing classification: (Type case 4 .1 (or case type 2))
“Any ideas on this error message.
Enclosed Java console
Thanks in advance,”
Microsoft (R) VM for Java, 5.0 Release This is OK
? help
c clear
f run finalizers
g garbage collect
m memory usage
q quit
t thread list
+---------------------------------------------------| TestStation Version 1.2.2
| Copyright © 1997-2000 TestStation Europe AB, Sweden
| Build: 20010816-0859270
+---------------------------------------------------Java Vendor : Microsoft Corp.
Java Version: 1.1.4
: this_field_intentionally_left_blank
: teststation:UKCERT:
Loading driver svtest.teststation.db.HttpDriver ...
HttpDriver: using url ''
HttpDriver: database name: 'UKCERT'
Database: DB2/SUN
encrypt: true
Client.<init> Admin login procedure
HttpDriver: using url ''
HttpDriver: using url ''
Client.createGUI() done!
EcdlTest: loading old test
Tid: wxpoxp2/a0a111a:ee4b8f4fb1:-7dda
loading objects for question #145
loading objects for question #144
. More questions are downloaded
loading objects for question #102
loading objects for question #160
loading objects for question #161
All objects loaded!!! creation of msword8/Application because CoCreateInstance of CLSID
{000209FF-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} failed: Call was rejected by callee. Failed creation of msword8/Application because CoCreateInstance of
CLSID {000209FF-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} failed: Call was rejected by callee.
msg:An error occurred during the application initialisation. The application will be closed. Error Failed creation of msword8/Application because
CoCreateInstance of CLSID {000209FF-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} failed: Call was
rejected by callee.
Client.kill() 6
Client.kill() 7
Extra details:
For the record here are few performer errors that could ground in a damaged (broken)
COM server, or Norton Antivirus program.
In those cases where Norton Antivirus is non-existent we would recommend Un install of
MS Office and then reinstallation of MS Office. Notice that the Install choice to “Repair
MS Office” would not work here.
Segments taken from several Java consoles after a crashed Performer Test:
Console 1:
loading objects for question #41
loading objects for question #76
All objects loaded!!! read error
at com/ms/lang/RegKey.pRegQueryStringValue
at com/ms/lang/RegKey.getStringValue
at svtest/teststation/core/QuestionTypePerformer.acceptAnswer
at svtest/teststation/core/QuestionOfTypePerformerExcel.acceptAnswer
at svtest/teststation/core/Test.setAnswer
at svtest/teststation/testclient/Client.answerButtonPressed
at svtest/teststation/testclient/Client.doQEvent
at svtest/teststation/testclient/
at java/lang/ Unknown error(0x800a03ec)
at excel8/Application.putDisplayAlerts
getHelpContext: 0 message: Unknown error(0x800a03ec) Unknown error(0x800a03ec)
at excel8/Application.putDisplayAlerts Unknown error(0x800a03ec)
at excel8/Application.putDisplayAlerts Unknown error(0x800a03ec)
at excel8/Application.putDisplayAlerts Unknown error(0x800a03ec)
at excel8/Application.putDisplayAlerts Unknown error(0x800a03ec)
at excel8/Application.putDisplayAlerts
getHelpContext: 0 message: Unknown error(0x800a03ec)
37 Unknown error(0x800a03ec)
at excel8/Application.putDisplayAlerts Unknown error(0x800a03ec)
at excel8/Application.putDisplayAlerts Unknown error(0x800a03ec)
at excel8/Application.putDisplayAlerts Unknown error(0x800a03ec)
at excel8/Application.putDisplayAlerts Unknown error(0x800a03ec)
at excel8/Application.putDisplayAlerts
getHelpContext: 0 message: Unknown error(0x800a03ec) Unknown error(0x800a03ec)
at excel8/Application.putDisplayAlerts Unknown error(0x800a03ec)
at excel8/Application.putDisplayAlerts (0x800706ba) De RPC-server is niet beschikbaar.
at excel8/Application.putVisible venster Microsoft Excel niet verbergen.
svtest.teststation.core.TSFatalException: Kan venster Microsoft Excel niet verbergen.
at svtest/teststation/performer/spreadsheet/excel/TS_ExcelControl.hide
at svtest/teststation/core/QuestionTypePerformer.leaveQuestion
at svtest/teststation/core/Test.leaveCurrentQuestion
at svtest/teststation/testclient/Client.nextButtonPressed
at svtest/teststation/testclient/Client.doQEvent
at svtest/teststation/testclient/
at java/lang/
msg:Kan venster Microsoft Excel niet verbergen.
Client.kill() 6
Client.kill() 7
TS_Applet.kill() svtest.teststation.testclient.TS_Applet[panel1,0,0,300x40,layout=java
Console 2:
loading objects for question #44
loading objects for question #33
loading objects for question #40
loading objects for question #71
All objects loaded!!! (0x80010012) De server (niet de servertoepassing) is
niet beschikbaar
en is verdwenen. Alle verbindingen zijn ongeldig. De aanroep is niet uitgevoerd.
at shdocvw/InternetExplorer.setVisible venster Microsoft Explorer niet verbergen.
svtest.teststation.core.TSFatalException: Kan venster Microsoft Explorer niet verbergen.
at svtest/teststation/performer/operatingsystem/win95/TS_Win95Control.hide
at svtest/teststation/core/QuestionTypePerformer.leaveQuestion
at svtest/teststation/core/Test.leaveCurrentQuestion
at svtest/teststation/testclient/Client.nextButtonPressed
at svtest/teststation/testclient/Client.doQEvent
at svtest/teststation/testclient/
at java/lang/
msg:Kan venster Microsoft Explorer niet verbergen.
at svtest/teststation/testclient/Client.prevButtonPressed
at svtest/teststation/testclient/Client.doQEvent
at svtest/teststation/testclient/
at java/lang/
msg:Er is een fout opgetreden tijdens de initialisatie van de toepassing. De toepassing zal
worden afgesloten. Foutmelding:java.lang.NullPointerException
Client.kill() 6
Client.kill() 7
Analyze: The com object call was rejected as seen in the log : “Failed creation…”.
This is a virus protection that is actually a bug in Norton antivirus.
Reality: Like a problem some customers have experienced. The problem is due to that
Norton Antivirus is installed. See below for solution:
This error occurs on a system where Norton AntiVirus 2000 has been installed.
This bug has been corrected in Microsoft Word 2002.
Click ‘Start’, and then click ‘Run’.
Type one of the following commands:
- If the Norton AntiVirus program is installed as a stand-alone product, type
the following command, and then press ENTER:
regsvr32 -u "c:\program files\norton antivirus\officeav.dll"
If the command is successful, you receive the following message:
DllUnregisterServer in C:\Program Files\Norton AntiVirus\OfficeAV.dll succeeded.
- If the Norton AntiVirus program is installed as part of SystemWorks,
type the following command, and then press ENTER:
regsvr32 -u "c:\program files\norton systemworks\norton antivirus\officeav.dll"
If the command is successful, you receive the following message:
DllUnregisterServer in C:\Program Files\Norton Systemworks\Norton
AntiVirus\OfficeAV.dll succeeded.
Click ‘OK’.
---Solution: Clearly a case Type 4.1, Solved by 1st line support informing the customer to
implement the fix. This could be considered also as a case Type 2 => wrong
Ex 21
All went well but suddenly we get no applet.
Quick diagnose: Type case 2, 3
Closing classification: (Type case 3)
“This morning all went well, Tests and Admin. Suddenly we get no applet.
Here is the Java Console:
Microsoft (R) VM for Java, 5.0 Release
? hjäp
c rensa
f kör slutförare
g samla in skräp
m minnesanvändning
q avsluta
t lista trådar
IOException Loading Archive:
at com/ms/net/wininet/http/HttpInputStream.connect
at com/ms/net/wininet/http/HttpInputStream.<init>
at com/ms/net/wininet/http/HttpURLConnection.createInputStream
at com/ms/net/wininet/WininetURLConnection.getInputStream
at com/ms/vm/loader/JarArchiveSet.loadNextJar
at com/ms/vm/loader/JarArchiveSet.getResourceBits
at com/ms/vm/loader/JarArchiveSet.getClassData
at com/ms/vm/loader/ResourceLoader.getClassData
at com/ms/vm/loader/URLClassLoader.findClass
at com/ms/vm/loader/URLClassLoader.loadClass
at com/ms/vm/loader/URLClassLoader.loadClass
at com/ms/applet/AppletPanel.processSentEvent
at com/ms/applet/AppletPanel.processSentEvent
at com/ms/applet/
at java/lang/
java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: svtest.teststation.testclient.TS_Applet
at com/ms/vm/loader/URLClassLoader.loadClass
at com/ms/vm/loader/URLClassLoader.loadClass
at com/ms/applet/AppletPanel.processSentEvent
at com/ms/applet/AppletPanel.processSentEvent
at com/ms/applet/
at java/lang/
Thanks in advance,”
Analyze: As all worked well at first and the probability that a network administrator will
reconfigure the network during work hours is low we role out Type Case 2 and suspect an
Internet problem Type Case 3.
Customer is asked to ping => result is Error, cannot ping. The
thing is that we do not know if he could ping it before so we ask him to try to surf to => error he cannot.
Notice that if ping would have work then we would know that the Internet is accessible
and will have to start to look else ware. In that case we will suspect that the administrator
has actually did change the network configuration during work hours. In that case we will
get in touch with the administrator for to find out what was done and the case will be
Type Case 2.
Reality: As it appears they seem to do not have access to the Internet.
Solution: The ISP should solve Internet access problem. The only thing we can do is to
recommend them to get in touch with their net administrator for further investigation.
The problem was probably a routing problem on the Internet. Was fixed by ISP and the
router / server reloaded a new RIP list after restart. (Another possibility was DNS update
error due to damaged ocean cable)
Ex 22
Error message when doing the Excel performer test.
Quick diagnose: Type case 1, 4.1
Closing classification: (Type case 1)
“A few candidates got the following error message when doing the Excel performer test
(on different occasions but in the same test center; OS: Windows 98/XP): (translated
from Dutch)
"Excel cannot save the current document. If you are editing a cell, you need to click
"OK" in this dialog box. Then go to the cell and press "Enter"."
The candidates did not try to save the document.
I tried that here and got this error: java.util.EmptyStackException).
Any ideas? ”
Analyze: The clues in the request are: “A few” and “in the same test center” the error
message tell what the error was. When the problem is with few of the test takers and in
the same test center we have the indication that the problem could be that the test center
fail to teach the candidates how to use the SW.
Reality: Many performer problems are actually a “Type case 1” support cases where
users do not know how to use the Candidate SW and cause the test to crash. Those cases
are sometimes hard to solve, test takers have to be monitored during the test for to find
what behavior trigger the crash.
Solution: the 1st line support has to inform the test center that candidate should be trained
in using the TS Candidate SW. If they wish they can try to run some demo tests.
The solution for this actual problem was simply to finish editing the cell by pressing
“Enter” before clicking on the “Answer” button.
Ex 23
Java console explanations.
Quick diagnose: Type case 4
Closing classification: (Type case 1, 4.1)
Notice: Java console explanations are in Fat Blue
“Test crash during performer tests, here is the Java console log:
Here you see that they are using the correct Java VM. So you have to look elsewhere.
Microsoft (R) VM for Java, 5.0 Release
? help
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TS_Applet.start() svtest.teststation.testclient.TS_Applet[panel2,0,0,140x40,hidden,layout=java.awt.FlowLayout]
TS_Applet.start() svtest.teststation.testclient.TS_Applet[panel5,0,0,140x40,hidden,layout=java.awt.FlowLayout]
+---------------------------------------------------| TestStation Version 1.2.2
| Copyright (c) 1997-2000 TestStation Europe AB, Sweden
| Build: 20010816-0859270
+---------------------------------------------------Java Vendor : Microsoft Corp.
Java Version: 1.1.4
: this_field_intentionally_left_blank
: teststation:UKDIAG:
Loading driver svtest.teststation.db.HttpDriver ...
HttpDriver: using url ''
HttpDriver: database name: 'UKDIAG'
Database: DB2/SUN
encrypt: true
Client.<init> Normal login procedure
HttpDriver: using url ''
Client.createGUI() done!
loading objects for question #1
loading objects for question #46
. More objects
loading objects for question #76
loading objects for question #4
loading objects for question #70
All objects loaded!!! Until here all is well: applet, login chose test and download test.
Couldnt find window: o-perf11.rtf - Microsoft Word
java.lang.Throwable This is ok too performer type test questions are loading one by one.
at svtest/teststation/performer/TS_ApplicationControl.toFront
at svtest/teststation/performer/wordprocessor/word/
at svtest/teststation/core/QuestionTypePerformer.drawQuestionType
at svtest/teststation/core/Question.drawQuestion
at svtest/teststation/core/Test.paintCurrentQuestion
at svtest/teststation/testclient/Client.paintCurrentQuestion
at svtest/teststation/testclient/Client.showNextQuestion
at svtest/teststation/testclient/Client.delayTick
at svtest/teststation/core/TabTest.showFeedback
at svtest/teststation/testclient/Client.answerButtonPressed
at svtest/teststation/testclient/Client.doQEvent
at svtest/teststation/testclient/
at java/lang/
Couldnt find window: o-perf16.rtf - Microsoft Word
at svtest/teststation/performer/TS_ApplicationControl.toFront
at svtest/teststation/performer/wordprocessor/word/
at svtest/teststation/core/QuestionTypePerformer.drawQuestionType
at svtest/teststation/core/Question.drawQuestion
at svtest/teststation/core/Test.paintCurrentQuestion
at svtest/teststation/testclient/Client.paintCurrentQuestion
at svtest/teststation/testclient/Client.showNextQuestion
at svtest/teststation/testclient/Client.delayTick
at svtest/teststation/core/TabTest.showFeedback
at svtest/teststation/testclient/Client.answerButtonPressed
at svtest/teststation/testclient/Client.doQEvent
at svtest/teststation/testclient/
at java/lang/
Couldnt find window: o-perf8.rtf - Microsoft Word
at svtest/teststation/performer/TS_ApplicationControl.toFront
at svtest/teststation/performer/wordprocessor/word/
at svtest/teststation/core/QuestionTypePerformer.drawQuestionType
at svtest/teststation/core/Question.drawQuestion
at svtest/teststation/core/Test.paintCurrentQuestion
at svtest/teststation/testclient/Client.paintCurrentQuestion
at svtest/teststation/testclient/Client.showNextQuestion
at svtest/teststation/testclient/Client.delayTick
at svtest/teststation/core/TabTest.showFeedback
at svtest/teststation/testclient/Client.answerButtonPressed
at svtest/teststation/testclient/Client.doQEvent
at svtest/teststation/testclient/
at java/lang/
Here and the rest of the console is the test crash !!! (0x80010001) Call was rejected by callee.
at msword8/Documents.Save
Couldnt find window: o-perf17.rtf - Microsoft Word
at svtest/teststation/performer/TS_ApplicationControl.toFront
at svtest/teststation/performer/wordprocessor/word/
at svtest/teststation/core/QuestionTypePerformer.drawQuestionType
at svtest/teststation/core/Question.drawQuestion
at svtest/teststation/core/Test.paintCurrentQuestion
at svtest/teststation/testclient/Client.paintCurrentQuestion
at svtest/teststation/testclient/Client.prevButtonPressed
at svtest/teststation/testclient/Client.doQEvent
at svtest/teststation/testclient/
at java/lang/ (0x80010001) Call was rejected by callee.
at msword8/Documents.Save (0x80010001) Call was rejected by callee.
at msword8/Documents.Save (0x80010001) Call was rejected by callee.
at com/ms/com/ComException.<init>
at com/ms/com/ComFailException.<init>
at msword8/Documents.Save (0x80010001) Call was rejected by callee.
at msword8/Documents.Save (0x80010001) Call was rejected by callee.
at msword8/Documents.Save (0x80010001) Call was rejected by callee.
at msword8/Documents.Save (0x80010001) Call was rejected by callee.
at com/ms/com/ComException.<init>
at com/ms/com/ComFailException.<init>
at msword8/Documents.Save
Couldnt find window: o-perf10.rtf - Microsoft Word
at svtest/teststation/performer/TS_ApplicationControl.toFront
at svtest/teststation/performer/wordprocessor/word/
at svtest/teststation/core/QuestionTypePerformer.drawQuestionType
at svtest/teststation/core/Question.drawQuestion
at svtest/teststation/core/Test.paintCurrentQuestion
at svtest/teststation/testclient/Client.paintCurrentQuestion
at svtest/teststation/testclient/Client.showNextQuestion
at svtest/teststation/testclient/Client.delayTick
at svtest/teststation/core/TabTest.showFeedback
at svtest/teststation/testclient/Client.answerButtonPressed
at svtest/teststation/testclient/Client.doQEvent
at svtest/teststation/testclient/
at java/lang/
Couldnt find window: o-perf6.rtf - Microsoft Word
.More performer questions are loading correctly
at svtest/teststation/performer/TS_ApplicationControl.toFront
at svtest/teststation/performer/wordprocessor/word/
at svtest/teststation/core/QuestionTypePerformer.drawQuestionType
at svtest/teststation/core/Question.drawQuestion
at svtest/teststation/core/Test.paintCurrentQuestion
at svtest/teststation/testclient/Client.paintCurrentQuestion
at svtest/teststation/testclient/Client.showNextQuestion
at svtest/teststation/testclient/Client.delayTick
at svtest/teststation/core/TabTest.showFeedback
at svtest/teststation/testclient/Client.answerButtonPressed
at svtest/teststation/testclient/Client.doQEvent
at svtest/teststation/testclient/
at java/lang/
Here Is The cause !!! The OpenOld method or property is not available because the
Find or Replace dialog box is open.
at msword8/Documents.Open
svtest.teststation.core.TSFatalException: Cannot open assignment document.
at svtest/teststation/performer/wordprocessor/word/TS_Word8Control.load
at svtest/teststation/core/QuestionTypePerformer.drawQuestionType
at svtest/teststation/core/Question.drawQuestion
at svtest/teststation/core/Test.paintCurrentQuestion
at svtest/teststation/testclient/Client.paintCurrentQuestion
at svtest/teststation/testclient/Client.prevButtonPressed
at svtest/teststation/testclient/Client.doQEvent
at svtest/teststation/testclient/
at java/lang/
msg:Cannot open assignment document.
Client.kill() 6
Client.kill() 7
Thanks in advance,”
Analyze: Here we can see a crash during testing with performer tests. After first crash the
C:\Temp folder contain trash that must be removed before attempting to run a new
performer test. In this case it was not emptied and tests will continue to crash.
Reality: Users are not informed on how to answer performer questions in the correct
manner. Problem is caused by users answering a question that require them to open a sub
application of Word, namely here the Find or Replace dialog box but it can be any sub
application in the MS office, Then they attempt to press the answer button in candidate
without closing the sub application first. All next crashes are caused of the junk left in the
C:\Temp Folder.
Solution: 2nd line support can help in finding the cause of the problem, based on a Java
console supplied by the customer. 1st line support will have to inform customers of how
to retrieve a Java console, advice costumers on how to answer the performer questions
and of the need in empting the C:\temp folder after a crash of a performer test. Regular
tests have nothing to do with the temp folder; therefore its important to know what kind
of test is crashing.
Please notice that if during the test you are required to edit a document with the help of a
sub utility of the office application, for example the find and replace utility, you will need
to close the sub application so the office application is the active application and only
then press the answer button.
After a test crash have to empty the Temp folder.
Ex 24
Performer Error: can not write assignment document to disk.
Quick diagnose: Type case 4.2
Closing classification: (Type case 4.2)
“When I try to run a performer test I get the following error:
What should be done for to fix it?
Thanks in advance,”
Analyze: During performer testing the java applet write to your local disk, namely to
your “Temp” folder (often c:\temp). If this folder resides on a NTFS partition it could be
protected by security permissions. This error will appear in the case where this folder is
restricted for the user group “Everyone”.
Reality: In accordance with the security policy of a company, access to files and folders
could be restricted. For to enable “Performer test” testing, the “Everyone” group should
be granted “full control” permission for the “c:\temp” folder.
Solution: This setting is the default for most OS installations. The first line support
should provide test centers with these minima requirements. If problem is not solved even
though setting is correctly set, the 2nd line support could be contacted.
Ex 25
Performer Error “no ADL defined…”.
Quick diagnose: Type case 4.2
Closing classification: (Type case 4.2)
“When I try to run a performer test I get the following error:
Error: “No ADL defined in loadObjects()_”
What should be done for to fix it?
Thanks in advance,”
Some more errors messages that are leading to a Type case 4.2 are appearing halfway
through the test. You get the following message
From a bug in an Excel performer test:
From a bug in an Power Point performer test:
First this one:
And next time you try to retake the aborted test you get:
And in the Java console something like (notice errors taken from a similar but different
occasion of a test crash):
loading objects for question #303
All objects loaded!!!
Couldnt find window: o-perf1.rtf - Microsoft Word
at svtest/teststation/performer/TS_ApplicationControl.toFront
at svtest/teststation/performer/wordprocessor/word/
at svtest/teststation/core/QuestionTypePerformer.drawQuestionType
at svtest/teststation/core/Question.drawQuestion
at svtest/teststation/core/Test.paintCurrentQuestion
at svtest/teststation/testclient/Client.paintCurrentQuestion
at svtest/teststation/testclient/Client.init
at svtest/teststation/testclient/Client.loadTest
at svtest/teststation/testclient/Client.doQEvent
at svtest/teststation/testclient/
at java/lang/ < 0
java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: -1 < 0
at svtest/teststation/performer/adl/nodes/TS_RangeNode.parseNode
at svtest/teststation/performer/adl/TS_ADLParser.parseNode
at svtest/teststation/performer/adl/nodes/TS_RangeNode.parseNode
at svtest/teststation/performer/adl/TS_ADLParser.parseNode
at svtest/teststation/performer/adl/nodes/TS_MathNode.parseNode
at svtest/teststation/performer/adl/TS_ADLParser.parseNode
at svtest/teststation/performer/adl/TS_ADLParser.parseAssignment
at svtest/teststation/core/QuestionOfTypePerformerWord.acceptAnswer
at svtest/teststation/core/Test.setAnswer
at svtest/teststation/testclient/Client.answerButtonPressed
at svtest/teststation/testclient/Client.doQEvent
at svtest/teststation/testclient/
at java/lang/
msg:An error occurred during the application initialisation. The application will be
closed. Error message:java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: -1 < 0
And then in the java console (taken from a Dutch OS) :
All objects loaded!!! (0x800706ba) De RPC-server is niet beschikbaar.
at msword8/Documents.Close
at svtest/teststation/testclient/Client.getMsgForKey
at svtest/teststation/performer/wordprocessor/word/TS_Word8Control.close
at svtest/teststation/performer/wordprocessor/word/TS_Word8Control.load
at svtest/teststation/core/QuestionTypePerformer.drawQuestionType
at svtest/teststation/core/Question.drawQuestion
at svtest/teststation/core/Test.paintCurrentQuestion
at svtest/teststation/testclient/Client.paintCurrentQuestion
at svtest/teststation/testclient/Client.init
at svtest/teststation/testclient/Client.loadTest
at svtest/teststation/testclient/Client.doQEvent
at svtest/teststation/testclient/
at java/lang/
msg:An error occurred during the application initialisation. The application will be
closed. Error message:java.lang.NullPointerException
Client.kill() 6
Client.kill() 7
Notice that second error is caused by trash left in the C:\Temp folder.
Analyze: After choosing the test from the list a test down load starts and test objects are
downloaded to the test takers pc. Performer tests are containing ADL objects. One or few
of those is missing and was lacking to load with the test.
For the set of 2 errors the test was damaged and was loaded again.
Reality: Notice that all is working well: login, database connection and Internet
communication. So the problem is at the server side. Probably a file is corrupted or a new
version upload was ending with errors.
Solution: This is clearly a 2nd line support. The test will be updated at the server.
Ex 26
While trying to open the user Admin crashes.
Quick diagnose: Type case 5
Closing classification: (Type case 1, 5)
“While trying to open the user "720XYZ" in the NLCERT database the admin crashes. It
is not possible to show the properties of the user.
After a long wait nothing happens and admin return to show the list view.
I need an urgent response on that!!
Enclosed ts_admin.log:
+---------------------------------------------------| TestStation Version 1.2.2
| Copyright © 1997-2000 TestStation Europe AB, Sweden
DefaultApplication="C:\PROGRA~1\INTERN~1\iexplore.exe" file://
Driver :null
Loading driver svtest.teststation.db.HttpDriver ...
HttpDriver: using url ''
HttpDriver: database name: 'NLCERT'
Database: DB2/LINUX
encrypt: true
superAdmin: false
Exception occurred during event dispatching:
<<no stack trace available>>
Notice what it says here:
Thanks in advance,”
Analyze: Now at first it really seems like a bug in the system. It is not possible to run
"View person(s)” in Admin for this user so you cannot see any details, like what and how
many tests he was doing. Notice that this user is a test leader not a test taker, so as a test
leader we will not expect him to have any tests done. Test leader user is a user account
whose purpose is logging in before a certification test is done. This is needed for to verify
the identity of the test taker before a test is started. It is a test security feature. We do not
want test takers to send someone else to do the certification test instead of them. In this
case the second line support was contacted, as this was the only way to get to know what
really happens here.
Reality: the 2nd line support needs to access the database for to retrieve information about
the user. After doing that we found that the Test leader have done the incredible amount
of 3903 tests, he logged in as both the test leader and then as the test taker. This is a
mistake that could happen a few times and in those cases the second line support has to
take action but 3903 times it is just too much. Test station admin is constructed for to
show details for a person who did up to several hundred tests, information for those tests
are downloaded by admin when you chose “View person(s)” but the amount of
information in 3903 tests that this user did cause the memory available to admin to be
packed full. “java.lang.OutOfMemoryError”
Solution: so that case which look as if it was a “Type Case 5” support for the 2nd line is
actually bottomed in an abuse of the system and is actually classed as a “Type Case 1”.
The 1st line will need to inform the test center of the problem caused by the abuse. Those
test takers who have done the tests will need their results actually done under the test
leader to be moved under them. For this to be done on such an amount, a job order have
to be placed with the sales department, this kind of job will probably be charged for. Test
centers are responsible to train their employees in the Enlight Test Station system before
giving them access to the system.
In this case the user is restricted and his password was changed for to limit future
damage. User would gain access again after he is trained. (No hard feelings).
Ex 27
Server administration problem.
Quick diagnose: Type case 5
Closing classification: (Type case 5)
“I'm using the (modified) perl-script, that calculates the graduates of a testcentre. It's
called by a grad_spt, in which the data from the form is validated.
My question is: How do I make the perl script run in the background on the server? As it
is for now, the web page is waiting for the script to finish, and it's not very nice, if the
script is taking a long time (since the web page will time out, terminating the script!)
Thanks in advance,”
Analyze: Strictly a configuration problem of an add-on system. Help with Unix command
is needed.
Reality: We are not responsible to help in such cases. Professional help can be supplied if
ordered from the sales department.
Solution: For goodwill purpose and if solution is available at hand, we will supply help.
Advanced projects can be ordered from the sales department.
Ex 28
Are bugs in the program suspected?
Quick diagnose: Type case 5
Closing classification: (Type case 5)
Mr. Smith from X School phoned me today because they found a serious problem
during the tests they conducted today: the user x0123456 took the win NT test and had an
overall result of 94% with 28 wrongly answered questions and category results between
54 and 70%. So it is quite clear that something went wrong. X School had the impression
that it is connected with Hot spot questions. Could you please verify the X School results
from today and correct if necessary. Thanks.”
Analyze: Here we get a clue about a bug in the system. Something went wrong and the
facts does not pass the logic test.
Reality: On the odd occasion, we will get inquiries or alerts regarding a bug. A perfect
program has no bugs. But such does not exist. The goal of the programmer is to cover as
much possibilities in the program. Some very unusual circumstances will result in the
appearance of a bug.
Solution: This case is a clear Case Type 5 support, solved by the 2nd line support in
accordance with the development department. Still not all bugs are repaired immediately;
they are treated in relation to their nature. In some cases bugs will be fixed for next SW
version and in some cases immediately.
Ex 29
Duplicates seem to be in the system.
Quick diagnose: Type case 5
Closing classification: (Type case 1, 5)
“A candidate called today because her candidate profile on UKCERT:
Username: UK12345678
Password: password
Appeared with 2 PP 2000 tests one under each other. If you initialized either of them, the
error, "this test has been replaced" appeared. I then went to admin. Deselected that test
for her and the administrator and saved it, logged out. Logged in back in candidate and
there was still 1 PP2000 test there with the same error. I then selected the test again and
again the error appeared.
Any ideas?
Error after choosing a replaced test:
Thanks in advance,”
Analyze: This problem is caused because the system was abused by a test center. A test
administrator who wish to use TS Admin have to start the Admin program, login, do the
changes he wants to do and close the program when done. The TS Admin program
should never stand connected and logged in unattended. Doing so could jeopardize the
security of the system. Beside that, unsaved changes in admin could cause conflict with
other changes done from another end.
Reality: Conflict of changes is exactly what has happened here. During nighttime we are
administrating the system, taking backup and importing new tests. In the above case the
administrator has saved to the system old information belong to tests that have already
been replaced the night before and caused a conflict in the system. The result is: a
duplicate of the test is presented in the client program Candidate and in the Admin
program Test station admin.
Solution: the damage can only be solved by the 2nd line support accessing the database.
You cannot solve it with the Admin program as the case indicated. 1st line support must
inform the test center about the damaged caused by having admin opened over night or
by administrating a user tree branch from 2 different ends.
Please notice that it is not advised that 2 different physical users use a single user
account. Each user should have own user account.
Ex 30
During a test start “Error occurred when loading picture”.
Quick diagnose: Type case 4.2
Closing classification: (Type case 5)
“During test start we get the following Error:
Or sometimes we get the following error:
What is the cause of this problem?
Thanks in advance,”
Analyze: After choosing the test from the list a test down load starts and test objects are
downloaded to the test takers pc. Test objects include encrypted files. One of those files
could not be found at the server. In the java console you will se the following text line in
the case were all went well:
loading objects for question #102
loading objects for question #160
loading objects for question #161
All objects loaded!!!
In case where there is an error as the above indicated, you will find the error interrupting
the download. Like in the following Java console:
loading objects for question #240
loading objects for question #241
loading objects for question #242
loading objects for question #243
loading objects for question #244
loading objects for question #246
at com/ms/net/wininet/http/HttpInputStream.connect
at com/ms/net/wininet/http/HttpInputStream.<init>
at com/ms/net/wininet/http/HttpURLConnection.createInputStream
at com/ms/net/wininet/WininetURLConnection.getInputStream
at java/net/URL.openStream
at svtest/teststation/core/QuestionTypePerformer.loadObjects
at svtest/teststation/core/Test$
at java/lang/
Reality: Notice that all is working well: login, database connection and Internet
communication. So the problem is at the server side. Probably a file is corrupted or a new
version upload was ending with errors.
Solution: This is clearly a 2nd line support. The test will be updated at the server.
Ex 31
Mismatch in statistics numbers is experienced.
Quick diagnose: Type case 5
Closing classification: (Type case 1)
A test center (ID: 123xyz) reported the following:
Sub-admin: XYZ
Test leader: 123xyzTL
If they select test leader "123xyzTL" and run a statistic with the statistic-function from
1.2.2002-1.3.2002 they have 192 total tests (DEMO= 67,
M1= 25, M2= 18, M3= 25, M4= 17, M5= 12, M6= 14, M7= 14)
If they select all the users, press view persons and look at the results, they only have 164
total tests (DEMO= 59, M1= 18, M2= 16, M3= 16, M4= 15, M5= 12, M6=14, M7= 14)
There is a difference of 28 Tests.
I also tried out and I agree with them.
There are no deleted users under this test leader.
Thanks in advance,”
Analyze: Looks like a bug, but it is not a bug!
From looking in the database we see that the difference grounds in that “statistics” counts
finished + unfinished results, a total of 192 Tests.
But the result view shows; only completed results, Total finished 164 Tests.
The difference of 28 Tests
Reality: Generally there is no guarantee that the statistics, result view and consumption
show the same value. This depends on that they count slightly different, for example
count of aborted tests.
28 Tests are aborted or not completed.
Solution: 2nd line support can help to clarify such misunderstandings but it is the 1st line
that have to inform the customer of the differences. What looks first as a bug shows to be
a feature of the program. The only thing that was missing is the knowledge about the
Ex 32
None of the optional answers given were correct.
Quick diagnose: Type case 5.2
Closing classification: (Type case 5.2)
“Candidate in the United Kingdom queried Question 330 of Spreadsheet test
None of the optional answers given were correct as a comma was used instead of a
decimal point.
The question asked what would the answer be if you formatted the decimal place to 1?
The options given were:
Your comments would be appreciated.
Thanks in advance,”
Analyze: The test was translated and seems to have the wrong locals setting configured
there for the (,) instead of (.).
Reality: This is a simple case type 5.2 and is solved by repairing the test content.
Solution: Resolution is our responsibility. A 1st line support who get a support request
from a remote test center would collect all the details about the test item and report it to
2nd line support. The test development will fix it ASAP.
Ex 33
Admin hangs and user get the Error: 'Couldn't connect to database'.
Quick diagnose: Type case 5
Closing classification: (Type case 5)
“An administrator user was created in Admin and saved to the database.
When the new administrator tries to start Admin he get the login window. After login the
Admin hangs and user get the Error: 'Couldn't connect to database'.
What is wrong?
Thanks in advance,”
Analyze: This error occurs after the log in window. The login window is an indication
that the database was definitely contacted. So the problem is somewhere else.
Reality: In this case there is some problem with the data sent from the Admin program.
Solution: A report of such an event has to be reported to the 2nd line support. We will
need to know the Username and what database he fail to access.
Ex 34
How do I extract a Java Console?
Quick diagnose: Type case 1
Closing classification: (Type case 1)
“For to report en error I was requested to supply a Java Console.
What is it and how do I get it?”
Analyze: Test pages, the html pages from where a test is started contain a Java applet. A
Java applet is a small program written in the Java programming language. The applet on
our page presents itself as a button:
When pressed, the Java program is initiated and a contact with our database server starts.
Reality: All those actions can be logged and in case some errors occurs troubleshooting
starts. The first source of information can be found in the Java console.
Solution: following are the steps to extract a Java console.
Activate Java console in Internet Explorer:
Tools menu -> Internet options -> Tab Advanced
Scroll down to "Microsoft VM".
Check all three alternatives.
Click OK.
Shut down the browser (Internet Explorer).
Restart the browser.
View menu -> Java console.
A new window will open up, the Java console.
The Java console shows the communication between the browser and the server.
The Java console doesn't have to be open during testing. If something goes wrong, open
up the Java console.
Important! Don't shut down Internet Explorer if something goes wrong, the information
in the Java console will be lost.
When you need to send the Java console content to us, just mark all the content in the
consol then copy it using Ctrl + C then paste it in a text document or in the mail using
Ctrl + V.