Computer Networks

Compiled by Mr J. Chebor (Computer Science Department)
Course Lecturer:
Cell PhoneNo.:
Mr. Chebor John
Aim and Objectives
This module aims to impart an in-depth knowledge of the fundamental techniques involved in
computer-to-computer and computer-mediated communications in a networked environment.
Upon satisfactory completion of this module a student should be able to:
Explain different networking issues and concepts
Analyze various coding techniques
Make appropriate judgments regarding the use of network devices.
Design, implement and administer a network
Lecture topic
Introduction to Networks
 Networks
 Types of Networks
 Classification of Networks
Network Protocols
 Functions of Protocols
 TCP/IP Overview
 TCP/IP Configuration
 OSI layer System
 TCP/IP Layer System
Network Hardware
 NICs
 Hubs/Repeaters
 Bridges/Switches/ Routers
 Gateways
Week 2 & 3
Week 4
Week 5
Week 6
Week 7
Week 8
Week 9
Assignments and Practical Activities
Coding Techniques
 Introduction
 Data encoding techniques
Transmission Media
 Channel Maximum Data Rate
 Cabling
 Wireless transmission
Network Access Control
 Contention
 Token System
 Demand Priority
Network Technologies
 Ethernet
 Token ring
 Fibre Distributed Data Interface
Server Installation
Windows Server 2000
Creating User Accounts and Groups
Driver installation
Configuration for Active Directory
Installation and configuration of a networ
Installation of DBMS Applications
Assignment 2 (Practical)
Week 10
Network security
 Security risks
 Security policy goals
 Security Measures
Assesment Strategy
Class Test 1 (Theory)
Class Test 2 (Practical)
Assignment 1 (Theory)
End-of-semester examination
Administration of (DBMS)
Main texts
1. Fourouzan, Behrouz (1998) Introduction to Data Communications and Networking,
McGraw Hill.
2. Halsall, F. (1995) Data Communications, Computer Networks and Open Systems, 4th
Ed., Addison Wesley, New York.
3. Peterson L.L. & Davie Bruce S. (2000) Computer Networks, 2nd Ed., Morgan
Reference texts
4. Tanenbaum, A.S. (1996) Computer Networks, 3rd Ed., Prentice Hall, New Jersey
5. Stallings, W. (1997) Data and Computer Communications, 5th Ed., Prentice Hall,
New Jersey,
Introduction to Computer Networks
-are interconnection of computers and computer devices to share data and
communicate. There are several types but we look at three types:
Wide area network
 Covers a wide geographical area (sites).
 Usually connected by non-dedicated circuits.
 Use greater verities of transmission technology and media.
 E.g. telephones network, satellite links and internet.
 Involves LANs, MANs
 Internet is an internet work consisting of a world wide interconnection of
governmental, academic, public and private based networks.
 Intranets are internal corporate networks that use the infrastructure uses
internet protocols and IP based tools e.g web browsers and standards of the
 Intranets use firewalls a security program software that connects the internet to
the internet it blocks or filters unauthorized traffic from entering the intranet
and can also prevent an authorized employees from accessing the internet.
 Extranets are extended intranets connecting not only internal personnel but
also some selected stakeholders e.g customers, supplies and other strategic
Metropolitan Area Networks (MAN).
 Network of computers and other device within a confined geographical region
e.g urban region of urban centre or town
 Larger than LAN and connects clients and servers.
 Uses different transmission media and technology than LAN.
 normally belong to the same organization
(iii)Local Area Networks (LANs)
 Network of computers and other devices confined in relatively small area e.g.
a room or
in a building.
 Connected by dedicated circuits
 A private network
Categories of Computer Networks
Peer – to-peer
 No one computer in the network has higher capabilities that the other.
 Used for communication and not administration.
 Can have same OS or different OS.
 OS in each computer considers itself more authoritative than the other.
 They are easy to manage; do not require expertise, less expensive.
 Not flexible (expand), unsecure and not practical: not centralized.
 One superior computer serves the other computer (clients / workstations).
 Server must be installed with NOS to function.
 NOS designed to;
Manage data and other resources for a number of clients e.g files disks space,
net work printers, computer processing power and communication ports.
Ensure that only authorized users access the network.
Control which type of files a user can open and read.
Restrict when and from where users can access the network.
Dictate which ruler’s computers will use to communicate.
Supply applications to users.
Examples of NOS include MS windows server 2000, 2003, Novell, NetWare,
UNIX and Linux, Windows NT.
 Easy to manage and control other computers from the server.
 More secure: use passwords and log ins.
 Allow filtered information e.g. (for exams, accords, personnel etc.)
 Slow use of resources
 Failure of the server crumbles the organizations operations; need
Several servers (secondary domain controllers).
May be complex: server software configuration to server the other computers.
Types of Servers
 File and print servers – manage print jobs and file transfers.
 Mail servers for Emails.
 Application servers; handles applications e.g databases.
 Communication serves for fax etc.
 Proxy server: provides proxy services and stores frequently used websites to
be accessed locally rather than remotedly
 All these can be configure in one server, but will make operations slow.
Advantages of Computer Networks
1. Share resources
Hardware, scanners, printers CD-writers and backups devices.
2. Less running cost
Files are all on servers
Diskless workstations are possible –thin client
3. More efficiency
Against system failure
 Failing nodes can be by passed
 Additional backup servers.
Group working
 Single online project: multiple participants for same free space
Distributed processing
 Some heavy tasks can on some systems share out workload to idle nodes
on the network.
4. Faster
10,100 or even higher mbps as compared to ordinary telecommunicating
modems at 56k.
5. Facilitate communication
Same information and files can be sent to multiple workstations.
Faxes and internet or ISDN lines e-mail.
6. Flexible working
-Tele-working and data logging using portable computers.
7. Security
Centralized control via servers
8. Data integrity
No duplicates of same documents in different files.
Errors can be propagated: hard to eradicate.
Virus can spread across the entire system
Costly to manage: extra staff without adequate safeguards in place.
Less secure than standalone.
Complex network software.
Not simple to install.
-Protocol is a rule that governs how networks communicate i.e. it is a method of
communication between network nodes.
- Integral part of both software and hardware adhered to by software & hardware
-Only clients and servers using the same protocols to communicate.
There are many different types of protocols available to accomplish different
Some work at different layers of the OSI reference model and some work
together in what is referred to as protocol stack.
They include:
IPX/SPX- Internet work packet exchange, sequenced packet exchange created by
TCP/IP- transmission control protocol/internet protocol.
Functions of a protocol
(i) Define the structure of the message information i.e. function of the parity bit to the
transmission data
(ii) Coping up with signal errors through
(a) block checksum (a code generated and sent after a certain number of
bytes have been transmitted
e.g. the checksum for the message “Cad!” for ASCII (American Standard Code for
Information Exchange) coding is
0100 0011
0000 0001
0000 0100
0010 0001
Matching checksum values at both transmitter and receiver implies absence of errors
(b) or using a polynomial code (a mathematical code that detects burst errors
Control information flow through windowing (the transmission of multiple
packets that requires acknowledgment from receiving machine.
Performed by link management where
- Transmitting computer sends out a “connection request packet”
-Receiving computer returns a “connection acknowledgement packet”
- Transmission is added by a “disconnected packet”
-end transmission is confirmed with a “disconnection acknowledgement packet”
TCP/IP Overview
The most common protocol is TCP/IP because it can be supported by other operating
systems e.g. LINUX and Windows (compatibility)
TCP/IP is fondly referred in short as IP
There are many versions of IP protocols. The present and commonly used one is IPv4
or simply IP that has a 32-bit address (a maximum of 232 =4,294,967,296 addresses)
TCP/ IP configuration:
IP addressing
The location of communicating nodes must be known in order to transmit
IP address is a code that uniquely identifies the location of each node on a
It is composed of a set of four dotted decimal numbers each of which range 0255 in value e.g. of an IP address is
An IP address is split into two parts, a Network ID and an Host ID
Network ID
- Is the first part of the IP address
- It identifies the network segment (physical network) in which a particular node is
located in the network.
- All nodes on the same segment will have the same network ID.
Host ID
- Is the unique ID of the device/node
- It is the second part of the IP address
IP Address Classification
- There are five IP classes namely A, B, C, D and, E
- They define the division between networks and host ID.
- Are based on the physical location of the network that an organization has.
(a) Class “A”
Uses only the first of the four IP decimal numbers for network Id and the next
three for the host Id
Out of the 32-bit addresses, it uses 7-bit for NetID and 24-bit address for HostId
leaving 1-bit (binary 1) for class order. Therefore a prefix of 8 bits
Allows the use of 126 (27-2) networks and 16,777 214 (224-2) hosts per network
Good for organizations with large number of hosts
(b) Class “B”
Uses the first two IP address Network ID and last two parts for host id.
Out of the 32-bit addresses, it uses 14-bit for NetID and 16-bit address for HostId
leaving 2-bits (binary 10) for class order. Therefore a prefix of 16 bits
Allows the use of 16384 (214) networks and 65534(216-2) hosts per network
Usually assigned to medium sized to large sized number of hosts.
(c) Class “C”
Users the first three IP address parts for NetId and the last part for HostId
Out of the 32-bit addresses, it uses 21-bit for NetID and 8-bit address for HostId
leaving 3-bits (binary 110) for class order. Therefore a prefix of 24 bits
Allows the use of 2097152 (221) networks and fewer 254(28-2) hosts per network
Used for small sized hosts LANs
Commonly used because lots of networks are required than hosts
(c) Class “D”
- Is not allocated to hosts and is used for multicasting networks
(d) Class “E”
- Is reserved for future IP expansion and experimental use.
IP address classes is identified using the first parts (first octet) of the four dotted
decimal part . The first octet range for each class is obtained from binary number
systems range as follows:
Dotted Decimal range
Binary Number range
IP address Consideration
(a) IP address cannot be 127 as it results to looped back function used to
test network continuity. (ping address=
(b) Bits cannot be all 1s for both network and host Ids ; the address is
interpreted as a broadcast rather than a host id or network id
(c) Bits as well cannot be all 0s; the address is interpreted as this network
only i.e. cannot connect to a remote network
(d) Host Id must be unique to network Id for identification
Sub netting
Used in conjunction with IP address to determine whether device is located on a
local or remote network
- Has two uses:
(a) Blocks out a portion of the IP address to distinguish the network ID
from the host ID.
(b) Specifies whether the destination IP address is located on local or a
remote network.
Class A –
C –
16,777 214
128-191 1-0
192-223 1-1-0 24
224-239 1-1-1-0
240-255 1-1-1-1
For the following IP addresses, identify the class, network Id , host Id and caret
(i) 197. 68.1
(ii) 101.101. 1.0
Default Gateway
This is the IP address for the router to which packet destined for a remote
network can be sent by default
Not a must to address but failure to address it limits the network to a LAN
DNS (Domain name server).
Are servers that provide resolutions of TCP/IP host names to the IP addresses
and are essential for locating devices on a network i.e. giving names of users
e.g. comp1 or meshack=
DNS translates human readable computer host names into IP address that an
equipment require to deliver information
Internet uses WINS ( Windows Internet Name System)
Other protocols
(a) SMTP( simple mail transfer protocol)
Protocol responsible for moving messages from one mail server to another over
the TCP/IP network.
Received messages are stored on a remote “mail server” until the destination
machine “collects “them
(b) POP (Post Office Protocol) is used to retrieve mails from a mail server.
Once delivered; it is deleted from the server.
(c) IMAP. Alternative to POP where messages can be stored on servers
rather than downloading to a local machine.
Deleted messages remain in the server.
(d) UDP ( user datagram protocol) for fast delivery but does not guarantee
(e) ARP (Address Resolution Protocol) for confirming and identifying the
MAC (media access control) address of the NIC on the destination
node using IP address. ARP is used in many Ethernet networks.
(f) ICMP (Internet control message protocol) for error correction and
identification handling.
Handles special Internet control functions
1. Reporting unreachable destinations
2. Reporting IP packet header problems
3. Reporting routing problems
4. Reporting echoes (pings)
•Protocol for error detection and reporting
– tightly coupled with IP, unreliable
• ICMP messages delivered in IP packets
• ICMP functions:
1. Announce network errors
2. Announce network congestion
3. Assist trouble shooting
4. Announce timeouts
(g) IGMP: Internet group management protocol for multicasting within
(h) DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol). A protocol installed
and configured in the server to automatically assign unique IP
addresses to every device on a network.
(i) HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol) provides a standard for web
browsers and services to communicate.
(j) SNMP (Simple Network Management Protocol) standard for TCP/IP
protocol for network management. It is used to monitor and map
network availability, performance and error rates.
OSI Reference Model
Networking involves so many issues that require standardization. For instance
Packet size
Packet structure
Speed of transmission
Synchronization of senders & receivers
Error detection and correction
Or even physical circuitry of the sender and receiver
OSI (open system interconnect) model was developed by international standards
organization (ISO)
It splits the hardware and software of networks into seven layers.
A layer is a collection of related functions that provide services to the layers
below it and receives services above it.
Date Link
(1) Physical layer (Media, signal and binary transmission)
 concerned with the hardware itself
 transmits raw bit stream over physical cable
 defines cables, cards, and physical aspects
 defines NIC attachments to hardware, how cable is attached to NIC
 defines techniques to transfer bit stream to cable
 e.g. NICs, Cables, amplifiers, hubs, RJ-11, RJ-45
(2) Data link Layer (Physical Addressing/configuration).
this layer defines the methods used to transmit and receive data on the
network. It consists of the wiring, the devices use to connect the NIC to the
wiring, the signaling involved to transmit / receive data and the ability to
detect signaling errors on the network media
Turns packets into raw bits 100101 and at the receiving end turns bits into
handles data frames between the Network and Physical layers
the receiving end packages raw data from the Physical layer into data frames
for delivery to the Network layer
responsible for error-free transfer of frames to other computer via the Physical
e.g CSMA/CD, bridges, switches, NIC
(3) Network layer (Path determination and logical addressing)
Routes data to different network routes
Adds unique addressing information to packets
translates logical network address and names to their physical address (e.g.
computer name ==> MAC address)
responsible for
o addressing
o determining routes for sending
managing network problems such as packet switching, data congestion
and routing
if router can’t send data frame as large as the source computer sends, the
network layer compensates by breaking the data into smaller units. At the
receiving end, the network layer reassembles the data
-e.g. IP, IPX, AppleTalk, routers, switchers
(4)Transport layer (End-to-end communication)
-Interface between hardware& software.
additional connection below the session layer
manages the flow control of data between parties across the network
divides streams of data into chunks or packets; the transport layer of the
receiving computer reassembles the message from packets
"train" is a good analogy => the data is divided into identical units
provides error-checking to guarantee error-free data delivery, with on losses or
provides acknowledgment of successful transmissions; requests retransmission
if some packets don’t arrive error-free
E.g. switches, UDP, TCP, ARP, SPX, NetBIOS / NetBEUI
(5) Session Layer (Inter host communications)
establishes, maintains and ends sessions across the network
responsible for name recognition (identification) so only the designated parties
can participate in the session
provides synchronization services by planning check points in the data stream
=> if session fails, only data after the most recent checkpoint need be
manages who can transmit data at a certain time and for how long
Examples are interactive login and file transfer connections, the session would
connect and re-connect if there was an interruption; recognize names in
sessions and register names in history - e.g. Telnet, FTP, NetBIOS, TCP,
(6) Presentation (Network Translator)
Translates from network to application format and vice-versa
all different formats from all sources are made into a common uniform format
that the rest of the OSI model can understand
responsible for protocol conversion, character conversion, data encryption /
decryption, expanding graphics commands, data compression
sets standards for different systems to provide seamless communication from
multiple protocol stack
provides encryption compression and terminal emulation e.g. a gateway
ASCII, EBCDIC, Manchester, NRZ,
(7) Application:
used for applications specifically written to run over the network
allows access to network services that support applications;
directly represents the services that directly support user applications
handles network access, flow control and error recovery
Example apps are file transfer, e-mail, NetBIOS-based applications
Examples Word, Spreadsheet, and e-mail, DNS, FTP, SNMP, DHCP, SMTP, Telnet
Network Hardware
Network Interface Card (NIC)
Also called Network adapter, transceiver (transmitter receiver)
A component that physically connect .computer to transmission media
-Could be physical: can either be slotted onto ISA (industrial standard architecture)
for old type PCs or PCI (peripheral component interconnect) commonly used or still
slotted onto AGP (Accelerated Graphics port) for advanced technology.
-NICs can also in-built: be built on to the motherboard or to a portable PC via
serial/parallel ports or PCMCIA ((personal computer memory card International
Association) interfaces
-Still NICs can be wireless: uses an antennae to transmit and receive transmissions
-The wide range types and speeds are required as performance of the NIC is critical
for the performance of the network as a whole.
Parts of NIC
Expansion bus connection is an expansion that connects to the system board.
-Media connector: - Port connector to the transmission media which in the connected
to terminator RJ45
-Buffer – memory chip that stores data temporarily before transmission and on
- Boot ROM (optional) applicable for thin client technology, for computers to boot
from it instead of booting from a storage device.
-Transceiver: chip next to media connector that converts analog to digital and vice
versa transmissions
Boot ROM
Expansion bus
Functions of NIC
Prepare data from computer for the network cable i.e. from digital to
Send of data
Control data flow from computer to cable system.
WAN link
Router Switch
(i) Hubs: Act as a point of connection between network nodes
Are 4, 8, 12 or 24 etc ported
Most are passive: just repeat signals or
Intelligent hubs / management hubs may posses internal processing
capabilities permit remote management, filter data or provide diagnostic
information about the network
They can be used as standalone hubs: serve isolated group of computers
for small organization workgroup or home office or used to link remote
network segment
(ii) Repeaters:
Repeaters: Connect similar segment of LANs.
Receive transmissions from one segment , cleans and amplifies the signal
and then transmits it to the next segment
Enables coaxial cable extend from 185 m to 925m or thick coaxial from
500m to 2.5km.
Usually two ported but may be multiported for multiple segments.
(iii)Bridges :
Connects two dissimilar network segments but unlike repeaters establishes
a filtering database (forwarding table) of MAC address to forward or filter
traffic segments and passes traffic between them using MAC address.
Used to extend network size and avoid exceeding network limits such as
segment size, numbers of devices.
Can be standalone or a PC node assigned the job utilizing two NICs,
physical addressing information.
Is protocol independent
Ethernet (IPX)
Faster than routers; protocol independent
Slower than repeaters and hubs analyzes packets before transmission
Can extend a network without extending further a collision domains or can
also extend segments
Improves network performance: can be programmed to filter out certain
frames e.g. unnecessary broadcast frames.
They are useful for LANs which extend over different floors in a building
or LANs built on departmental levels.
Types of Bridges
1. Local bridges: Directly connect local area networks (LANs)
2. Remote bridges: Can be used to create a wide area network (WAN) link
between LANs. Remote bridges, where the connecting link is slower than the
end networks, largely have been replaced by routers.
3. Wireless bridges: Can be used to join LANs or connect remote stations to
(iv) Switches:
-Connect not only network nodes but also dissimilar network segments of a LAN
-Can be described as multiported bridge. Each portt = a bridge, each device
connected receives its own dedicated channel => eases traffic congestion.
-Most have an internal processor, an operating system, memory and several ports
-more costly but effectively make use of limited bandwidth than bridges:
- Better security (Isolates traffic) and performance (Separate channels)
than routers
Data can be lost because switches can be overwhelmed by continuous ,heavy
Traffic can come to a halt due to amounting collisions if protocols that do not
detect and restore data loss operate (therefore switches placement should
match backbone capacity and traffic patters)
Has replaced workgroup hubs
Types of switches (switching modes)
(i) Cut-through mode: Reads a frames header and decides where to forward the data
before it receives the whole packet.
- Incase frames becomes corrupt packets, runts, or erroneously shortened packets, it
waits to determined packet integrity then transmits does not actually detectcorrupt packets.
- Fast: does not stop to read entire packet.
- Suits small workgroups; limited speed and low number of devices.
ii. Store and forward mode: Switch reads entire packets into memory, checks for
accuracy then transmits.
-Results to traffic congestion
- Do not propagate errors
- Transfer data with segments of different transmission speeds
-Good for larger LANs and mixed speed environments.
Apart from keeping track of certain nodes on the network as switches do, routers
connect dissimilar networks e.g. LANs and WANs running at different
transmission speeds and using variety of protocols.
-Used in specialized applications e.g. large internet nodes or digitized telephone cells
Functions of routers
Connect dissimilar networks
Addressing of information interpretation.
Determine the best path for data to follow from node A to node B
Reroute traffic if primary path is down but another path is available.
Other functions include.
Filter out broadcast transmissions to alleviate network congestion
Prevent certain types of traffic from getting to a network, enabling customized
segregation and security
Support simultaneous local and remote connectivity
Provide high network fault tolerance through redundant components such as
power suppliers or network interfaces
Monitor network traffic and report statistics.
Diagnose internal or other connectivity problems and trigger alarms.
Categorized according to the scope of the network they serve
Interior router: Directs data between autonomous LAN of an
organization e.g. from supervisors node to employee node
Exterior router: directs data between nodes external to a given
autonomous LAN e.g. routers on internet backbone.
Border routers (gateway routers) connect autonomous LAN with
a WAN e.g. a business node with its ISP node.
Routing Modes
Static routing : use specific routers between nodes (programmed
by network administration
- Not optimal: does not account for Network congestion, farted
-But can be used with dynamic routing to indicate the router of last resort,
the router that accepts all unroutable packets
- Less efficient and less accurate: requires human (administrative)
Dynamic routing: Automatically calculates the best path between
two nodes and accumulate this information in a routing table.
A routing table contains three information details
Network ID: Destination network id
Cost: the cost or metric of the path through which the packet is to be sent
Next Hop: is the address of the next station to which the packet is to be
sent on the way to its final destinat
the routing table for node C from the following network for destinations A,
B, D and E
Is given as in the routing table below
Network ID
Can detect congestion and failures and re- route traffic
Used by many networks.
(Vi) Gateways: combination of hardware and software to connect two dissimilar
kinds of networks (different formatting, communications protocols or
Interprets information to be read by another system
They must :
Operate at all levels of OSI
Communicate with applications.
Establish and manage sessions.
Translate encoded data
Interpret logical and physical addressing of data
Can reside on servers, computers, connectivity device (e.g. routers) or
Slower than bridges or routers—can cause extreme network congestion.
Examples include firewall, e-mail, IBM host,
Network Design Consideration
For efficient, largely trouble free networks the following “5-4-3” rule is often
No more than 5 repeated segments
No more than 4 repeaters/hubs between any 2 nodes
No more than 3 segments must be populated
Also a maximum of 7 bridges allowed in a system
Data Transmission
Information stored in computer systems and transferred over computer networks can
be divided into two categories; Data and signals. Data are values stored in the
computer system e.g. characters, symbols, numbers, spaces etc.
Signals are the electric or electromagnetic encoding of data to transmit data over a
Signals are either digital (convey digital data) or analog (convey analog data).
But we are interested in digital data in computer networks.
The binary data must be encoded at source node into a signal to be conveyed
over the medium and be decoded at destination into binary data.
Data Encoding Techniques
There are many techniques that exist. They include character coding
techniques (e.g. Baudot, Binary Coded Decimal-BCD, American Standard Code
for Information Interchange-ASCII, Extended Binary Coded Decimal Interchange
Code-EBCDIC and Unicode), Manchester Phase Encoding-MPE, Differential
Manchester Encoding-DME, Non-Return to Zero-NRZ, Non-Return to Zero
Inverted-NRZ-I, 4B/5B, 5B/6B, Pulse Amplitude Modulation 5-PAM5 etc. But
we look at four main techniques.
Non-return to zero (NRZ)
Positive voltage define bit 1 and zero voltage define digit 0.
Signal does not return zero at the middle of bit.
Costly because of high power output needed in sending I bit per unit line
resistance (prone to attenuation).
Uses larger bandwidth two bits = 1 wave (transmitted per cycle).
No clock synchronization between sender and receiver i.e. the internal clocks
of the sender and receiver should match. This can easily be achieved if there are
frequent changes in the shape of the transmitted signal. It should be in any of the
three states transmitting a 0 bit (-ve) transmitting 1 bit (+ve voltage) or idle (0
Hard to distinguish 0 and 1 bits when synchronized.
Non-Return to Zero Inverted (NRZ-I)
A 1 bit inverts the voltage and a 0 bit has no effect on the voltage format
a 1 bit is represented by 0 volts or +ve volts depending on the previous level
V(v) 1 0
Bandwidth usage is minimized and frequent voltage changes for clock
Still problem in power output.
Manchester encoding
Duration of a bit is divided into two halves such that
Voltage remains at one level during the 1st half and moves onto the other level
in the second half. Provides clock synchronization.
V(v) 1 0
0 0
0 1
Transition in the middle of data bit (each bit = full normal cycle) to recover
clock synchronization
Clock speed matches the data speed e.g. 10 mbps current wave is 10MHz.
which makes it very inefficient.
Differential Manchester encoding
1 = changes the previous state of the voltage.
0 = has no effects on the previous state
0 1
- Voltage change is always in the middle of an interval for easy clock
-Taken ring uses this technique where no preamble required.
Maximum data rate of a channel
Determined in two ways;
Nyguist theorem
Used to determine the maximum capacity of a noise-free channel. It states that for a
noise –free channel with a bandwidth B, the maximum capacity of the channel is
given by:
Capacity =2x B
E.g. Determine the maximum capacity of a complex low-pass signal of 10 kHz
C =2 x 1
= 2 x 10000
=20000 bps
=20 mbps
Shannon’s theorem.
- Applies in noisy channels
-States maximum capacity is given by
C = Blog 2 ( 1+S/N )
C =Maximum capacity
B = maximum frequency (bandwidth)
S =signal power
N =noise power
S/N = signal-to noise ratio
e.g Determine the maximum capacity of a 3000Hz bandwidth channel with thermal
noise of 30 dB
C =300 log 2 (1+3000)
2 x =1001
= 3000 log 2 (1001)
3000 log10 1001 = 3000 x 9.9673
Log 10 2
= 3000 bps
Transmission Media
Is the means through which data is transmitted between nodes.
There are two categories: Conducted and Wireless media
1. Conducted Media
(a) Twisted
- composed of four pairs of cables twisted to prevent attenuation and crosstalk
l (registered jug)
- Use a termination called RJ45
-Main media for large scale LAN implementation
Twisted pairs
-There are two types
i. UTP (Unshielded Twisted Pair)
 Uses telephone line cable
 Two insulated copper wires twisted together in a regular spiral per cable
 Most common in medium sized LANs for low-cost , short distance
ii. STP (Shielded Twisted Pair)
 pairs of twisted cable ,each wrapped in plastic, then wrapped in aluminum
foil then copper braid and finally covered by a PVC
 The metal braid is connected to earth for earthing.
 They drastically reduce interference, of greater physical strength but
Advantages of T.P
Cables and connections are inexpensive
Cables are easy to install
Ends of cables easily connected to device
Most commonly used cables: compatible to telephone cable systems.
Electromagnetic interference
Temperature and humidity interference
Have limited segment length – depending on the cable standard.
Have limited bandwidth.
There are several categories depending on frequency and capacity of transmission in
Capacity (mbps)
for voice only
: for slow token ring
:for Ethernet
:fast token ring
: fast Ethernet
: LAN for ATM
CAT6 thicker
: LAN for ATM
CAT7 Thicker
: LAN for ATM
(ii) Coaxial Cable:
-Similar to aerial cable that consist of copper conductor surrounded by a layer of
flexible insulation. The insulator is covered by copper braid that acts as conductor
and also reduce EMIs and finally covered by a plastic case (PVC)
- Commonly used by backbone topology
- Use BNC –British naval connectors terminators
-Are stronger and transmit data over longer distance
-Support higher bandwidths
-Are simple to install
- Are expensive and incompatible with telephone cables: need convectors
- There are two types
(a)Thin coaxial cable
Copper braid
copper core
10 Base 2
E.g. cheaper net Thinner and 10 Base 2
-10 base2 has maximum segment length of 185m, impedance of 50, and speed of up
to 10 mbps and minimum physical bend radius of 15cm
-the cable terminator can be cut
(b) Thick coaxial cable
- Big and one has to drill at the point of terminator.
-E.g. standard, Thicknet and 10Base5
Copper core
Plastic insulation
Inner braid
Outer copper braid
PVC Case
-Added layer of aluminum tape
- Extra layer of copper braid
- Covers 500m length segment
- 60cm bend radius
Fibre optic cable
Consists of quite flexible plastic or glass thread surrounded by glass cladding
(coat)and covered by light-proof PVC sleeve slightly thicker than human hair
Have ST- straight tip by AT&Tor SC- subscriber connector – new version that
allow push/ pull insertion for simple connection
PVC Sleeve Glass cladding
Fibre optics transmission
light source is projected into the cable by quickly switching on and off by:
a. High intensely LED- photo diode projections
lower cost
Lower power
Shorter distance in-km
Up to 200mbps
b. Laser projections
Cover much longer distance
much longer transmission speeds 1-2 gbps
during transmission, light reflects off glass fibre sleeve due to total internal
reflection due to higher refractive index of glass thread
optic sensor called photo receptor receive pulses on the receiving end
very fast 10-100 times than wire systems: no impedance
Cover greater distance (in km vs. m), no signal degradation
Immune to electromagnetic radiation: use light waves only
Safe in most conditions : use photons, hard to tap into
Electrically isolated: No crosstalk
lack of good , set international standards
lack of knowledge- technicians are expensive to hire
Expensive media type
Difficult to install: ca be shatter in transit or when bent round corners
(a) Monomode: carries a single ray of light, usually emitted from laser
can transmit pulses for a long distance: light is unidirectional at the centre of the
Supports higher transmission rates
It is expensive
(b) Multimode- wavelength of light take multiple paths hence path at
receiving end is more blurred (modal dispersion) than in monomode
2. Wireless media
- signal transmission through the space
WPAN (Wireles Personal Area) Used to connect and exchange information
between devices such as mobile phones, laptops, PCs, Cameras and video
console over short range radio frequencies without connecting to elaborate
Wifi (Wireless Fidelity) connects within wireless LAN (WLAN) e.g Ethernet
for faster, better range and security
WiMAX(World interoperability for microwave access) uses point to
multipoint topology to provide broadband access
GSM (Global system for mobile communications) enables roaming and
switching carriers without switching phones for voice calls and sms services.
Newer versions of GSM include
GPRS (General packet radio services) for higher speed data transmission that uses
WAP (wireless application protocol), MMS (multimedia messaging services)
CDMA (code division multiple access) a form of broad spectrum for higher
data bandwidth using shared codes. It is limited to regions
Wireless waves are either Infrared: use line-of sight transmission e.g. remote
- No obstacle
Radio waves: can go through obstacles from transmitting antennae to receiving
Laser-jet – can penetrate through some materials e.g. glass.
Wireless media have no physical connection
More expensive
Used in complex structures
Are affeceted by interference e.g from other devices, fluorescent tubes etc
Not secure
Have hubs with 3-4 ports
 To extend connections to wired networks
 Connect wireless to telephone line for internet
 Acts as the access point (transmitter/receiver)
- Characteristics of wireless transmissions that make them travel from source to
destination include absorption, reflection, diffraction, scattering refraction
Factors to Consider when choosing a Medium
-Distance and expansibility
- Environmental conditions (e.g. noise and weather conditions)
4. Media access methods
Also referred to as logical topologies Media control methods
Ways of transmitting methodology used by computers to determine when
devices are allowed to communicate using the network.
Allows one workstation transmit data at a time onto the network or the use of
one channel at a time
All in the case where multiple computers complete for a cable especially in
- There are three methods
(i) Connection
(ii) Token passing (round loin)
(iii) Demand priority (reservation)
(i) Contention:
-Operate mainly in bus topology
- Computers on the network complete to sent date.
- There are two types:
(a) CSMA/CD – Carrier Sense Multiple Access Collision Detection
Carrier Sense: Each station on the LAN continually listens to the cable for presence
of signals before transmitter
Multiple access: Many computers attempting to transmit
Collision detection: If collision is detected, the station stops transmitting and waits
for a random length of time before transmitting again
How CSMA /CD Works
A station that wishes to transmit checks whether a cable in free.
It transmits
If other stations transmitted simultaneously collision results
All stations stop transmitting
Wait for a random length of time then transmits.
Station listens for
Stop transmitting
then waits
(b) CSMA/CA (Collision Avoidance):
Each computer signals its intension to transmit data before transmitting to avoid
CSMA/CA can optionally be supplemented by the exchange of a Request to
Send (RTS) packet sent by the sender S, and a Clear to Send (CTS) packet sent
by the intended receiver R, alerting all nodes within range of the sender, the
receiver, or both, to keep quiet for the duration of the main packet
CA comes with a cost overhead incurred by having each station broadcasting its
intension prior to transmitting
(ii) Token Ring
Functions in a ring physical topology and star logical topology
Token passing method which collisions are avoided by using a token
A token is a small data frame used to transmit data.
How it works
-A station that wishers to transmit on the network waits until the token is through
-The sending station transmits data using the token
- Token travels to the recipient
- Receiving station receives the token with data and returns token to the sender – a
show of reception
- Sender receives, acknowledges and releases the token to the network
-Once the communication is over, the token is passed to the next candidate in a
sequential manner.
-The most well-known examples are token ring and ARCNET.
(iii) Demand priority
-A system that requires demand priority switches/ hubs that control network access to
transmit information at a time
- Data ca be prioritized according to the data types of video
- If data is send and received at the same time contention occurs data of a higher
priority token precedence
-the access method used distinguishes four priority levels called access classes (0, 2, 4
and 6)
Class 6: for urgent messages e.g those relating to critical alarm conditions and
associated control functions
Class 4: Messages relating to normal control actions and ring management functions
Class 2: Messages relating to routine data gathering for data logging
Class 0: Messages relating to program downloading, and general file transfers- low
priority messages
5. Network Technologies
Are standards in which data follows during transmission
Are usually created by specific manufactures
Include Ethernet, token ring, FDDI , ATM & ARNET etc
Historical Background
Was created at university of Hawaii in 1960 for their WAN called ALOHA.
Xerox first used it commercially in the late 1970s.
-The first original version of Ethernet was designed as a 2.94 mbps system to
connect over 100 computers on a 1km cable.
A 10 mbps Ethernet was developed jointly by Xerox, Intel Corporation and Digital
Today, it is a specification describing a method for computers and data systems too
connect and share cabling. It is the basis of IEEE 802.3 specification (Institute of
Electronic &Electrical Engineering)
Features of Ethernet
1. Topology :
liner bus ,star bus
2. Signal mode:
3. Access method:
4. Specification:
IEEE 802.3
5. Transfer speed:
10/100 mbps
6. Cable type:
Thicknet, thinnet or UTP
7. maximum frame size: 15-18 bytes
8. media:
i.e. draws power form the computer and thus will not fail unless the media is
physically cut or improperly terminated.
Ethernet frame
Ethernet breaks data into frames
A frame is a unit of data that is transmitted as a single unit. It can be
between 64 and 1518 bytes long but the Ethernet frame itself uses at
most 18 bytes.
Every frame contains control information and follows same basic
Example of a Ethernet frame used in TCP/IP
Preamble: marks the start of a frame
Destination and source:
Shows the origin and destination addresses.
Type: Used for identifying the network layer protocol (i.e. is it IP or IPX)
CRC: Cyclical redundancy check for error checking field to determine if
the frame arrived without being corrupted.
Examples of Ethernet Standards
10 Base 2 -thin coaxial cable
10 Bases -Std Ethernet using a thick coaxial cable
Cable type (Fibre optic cable)
Bandwidth (baseband)
Speed in mbps
Bus Ethernet: Newer version of Ethernet
Introduced due to increased demands for greater bandwidths due to faster servers
processors, new applications and more demanding environment that require greater
network transfer rates than existing LANs ca provide
Based on CSMA/CD protocol.
Can use twisted pair & fibre optics.
Ca be broken down to.
100 Base TX
3. 100 Base T4
4. 100 Base FX
(iii)Token Ring
LAN technology that uses a three-byte token to transmit data around a logical
ring network
Baseband transmission
Transfer rate of 4 and 16 mbps
Used by IBM computers
Use twisted and fibre optics cables
Segment length 45-200m
Employs differential Manchester encoding scheme: does not have pre-amble
Token ring frame format
Starting Delimiter
consists of a special bit pattern denoting the beginning of the frame.
Access Control : controls how the frame is accessed
Frame Control
a one byte field that contains bits describing the data portion of the frame contents.
Indicates whether the frame contains data or control information
Destination address
a six byte field used to specify the destination(s) physical address .
Source address
Contains physical address of sending station . It is six byte field that is either
the local assigned address (LAA) or universally assigned address (UAA) of
the sending station adapter.
a variable length field of 0 or more bytes, the maximum allowable size
depending on ring speed containing MAC management data or upper layer
information. Maximum length of 5000 bytes
Frame Check Sequence
a four byte field used to store the calculation of a CRC for frame integrity
verification by the receiver.
Ending Delimiter
The counterpart to the starting delimiter, this field marks the end of the frame
Frame Status
a one byte field used as a primitive acknowledgement scheme on whether the
frame was recognized and copied by its intended receiver.
FDDI (fibre distributed data interface)
Describes a high speed 100-200 mbps duplex token passing network that uses
fibre optical media
FDDI network contains two token rings; one for possible backup in case the
primary ring fails
It has a larger maximum frame-size than Ethernet therefore more throughput
Though FDDI can replace Ethernet for fast networks, Ethernet due to its speed,
cost and reliability have made FDDI redundant
Network Security
Security Risks
To understand how to manage network security, you should first recognize the types of
threats that your network may suffer.
Security threats or risks come from four areas: people, transmission and hardware
network, Protocols and software, and internet
Risks Associated With People
By some estimates, human errors, ignorance, and omissions cause more than half of all
security breaches sustained by networks. Human errors account for so many security
breaches because taking advantage of them is easiest way to circumvent network
The risks associated with people are included -the following list;
Intruders or attackers using social engineering or snooping to obtain user
An administrator incorrectly creating or configuring user IDs, groups and their
associated rights on a file server, resulting in file and logon access vulnerabilities.
Network administrators overlooking security flaws in topology or hardware
Network administrators overlooking security flaws In the operating system or
application configuration.
Lack of proper documentation and communication of security policies, leading to
deliberate or inadvertent misuse of files or network access
Dishonest or disgruntled employees abusing their file and access rights.
An unused computer or terminal being left logged on to the network, thereby
providing an entry point for an intruder.
Users or administrators choosing easy-to-guess passwords.
Authorized staff leaving computer room doors open or unlocked, allowing
unauthorized individuals' to enter.
Staff discarding disks or backup tapes in public waste containers.
Administrators neglecting to remove access and file rights for employees who
have left the organization.
Users writing their passwords on paper, then placing the paper in an easily
accessible place (for example, taping it to their monitor or keyboard').
Risks Associated with Transmission and Hardware
This section describes security risks inherent in the Physical, Data Link, and Network
layers of the OSI Model. Recall that the transmission media, NICs, hubs, network access
methods (for example, Ethernet), bridges, switches, and routers reside at these layers. At
these levels security breaches require more technical sophistication than those that take
advantage of human errors. The following risks are inherent in network hardware and
Transmissions can be intercepted (wireless and fiber-based transmissions are
more difficult to intercept).
Networks that use leased public lines, such as T1 or DSL connections to the
interne: are vulnerable to eavesdropping at a building's demarcation point
(demarc), at a remote switching facility, or in a central office.
Unused hub, router, or server ports can be exploited and accessed by hackers if
they are not disabled, A routers configuration port, accessible by Telnet, may not
be adequately secured.
If routers are not properly configured to mask internal subnets, users on outside
networks (such as the Internet) can read the private addresses.
Modems attached to network devices may be configured to accept incoming calls,
thus opening security holes if they are not properly protected.
Dial-in access servers used by telecommuting or remote staff may not be
carefully secured and monitored.
Computers hosting very sensitive data may coexist on the same subnet with
computers open to the general Public.
Passwords for switches, routers, and other devices may not be sufficiently
difficult to guess, changed frequently, or worse, may be left at their default
value, imagine that a hacker wants to bring a library's database and mail servers
to a halt.
Risks Associated with Protocols and Software
Like hardware, networked software is only as secure as you configure it to be. This
section describes risks inherent in the higher layers of the OSI Model, such as the
Transport, Session, Presentation, and Application layers. As noted earlier, the
destinations between hardware and software risks are somewhat blurry because
protocols and hardware operate in tandem. For example, if a router has not been properly
configured, a hacker may exploit the openness of TCP/IP to gain access to a network.
Network operating systems and application software present different risks, in many
cases; their security is compromised by a poor understanding of file access rights or
simple negligence in configuring the software. Remember-even the best encryption,
computer room door locks, security policies, and password rules make no difference if
you grant the wrong users access to critical data and programs.
The following are some risks pertaining to networking protocols and software:
TCP/IP contains several security flaws. For example, IP addresses can be falsified
easily, checksums can be thwarted, UDP requires no authentication, and TCP
requires only weak authentication.
Trust relationships between one server and another may allow a hacker to access the
entire network because of a single flaw.
NOSs may contain "back doors" or security flaws that allow unauthorized users to
gain access to the system. Unless the network administrator performs regular
updates, a hacker may exploit these flaws.
If the NOS allow server operators to exit to a command prompt, intruders could run
destructive command-line programs.
Administrators might accept the default security options after installing an operating
system or application. Often, defaults are not optimal. For example, the default user
name that enables someone to modify anything in Windows Server 2003 is called
"Administrator." This default is well known, so if you leave the default user name as
"Administrator/1 you have given a hacker half the information he needs to access and
obtain full rights to your system.
Transactions that take place between applications, such as databases and Web-based
forms, may be open to interception.
Risks Associated with internet Access
Although the internet has brought computer crime, such as hacking, to the public's
attention, network security is more often compromised "from the Inside" than from
external sources. Nevertheless, the threat of outside intruders is very real, and it will only
grow as more people gain access to the Internet.
Users need to be careful when they connect to the internet Even the most popular Web
browsers sometimes contain bugs that permit scripts to access their systems while they're
connected to the Internet, potentially for the purpose of causing damage. Users must also
be careful about providing information while browsing the Web. Some sites will capture
that information to use when attempting to break into systems. Bear in mind that hackers
are creative and typically revel in devising new ways of breaking into systems. As a
result, new Internet-related security threats arise frequently. By keeping software
current, staying abreast or emerging security threats, and designing your Internet access
wisely, users can prevent most of these threats. Common Internet-related security issues
include the following:
A firewall may not be adequate protection, if it is configured improperly. For example, it
may allow outsiders to obtain internal IP addresses, then use those addresses to pretend
that they have authority to access your internal network from the Internet—a process
called IP spoofing.
When a user Telnets or FTPs to your site over the Internet, his user ID and password are
transmitted in plain text—that is, unencrypted. Anyone monitoring the network (that is,
running a network monitor program or a hacking program specially -designed to capture
logon data) can pick up the user ID and password and use it to gain access to the system.
Hackers may obtain information about your user ID from newsgroups : mailing lists, or
forms you have filled out on the Web.
While users remain logged on to Internet chat sessions, they may be vulnerable to other
Internet users who might send commands to their machines that cause the screen to fill
with garbage characters and require them to terminate their chat sessions. This type of
attack is called flashing.
After gaming success to your system through the Internet, a hacker may launch denialof-service attacks. A denial-of-service attack occurs when a system becomes unable to
function because it has been deluged with data transmissions or otherwise. Disrupted.
This incursion is a relatively simple attack to launch (for example, s hacker could create a
looping program that sends thousands of e-mail messages to your system per minute).
The easiest resolution of this problem is to bring down the attacked server, then
reconfigure the firewall to deny service (in return) to the attacking machine. Denial-ofservice attacks may also result from malfunctioning software. Regularly upgrading
software is essential to maintaining network security.
An Effective Security Policy
As you have learned, network security breaches can be initiated from within an
organization, and many take advantage of human errors. This section describes how to
minimize the risk of break-ins by communicating with and managing the timers in your
organization via a thoroughly planned security policy. A security policy identifies your
security goals, risks, levels of authority designated security coordinator and team
members, responsibilities for each team member, and responsibilities for each
employee. In addition, it specifies how to address security breaches. It should not state
exactly which hardware, software, architecture, or protocols will be used to ensure
security, nor how hardware or software will be installed and configured. These details
change from time to time and should be shared only with authorized network
administrators or managers.
Security Policy Goals
Before drafting a security policy, you should understand why the security policy is
necessary and how it will serve your organization. Typical goals for security policies are
as follows:Ensure that authorized users have appropriate access to the resources they need.
Prevent unauthorized users from gaining access to the network, systems, programs, or
Protect sensitive data from unauthorized access, both from within and from outside the
Prevent accidental damage to hardware or software.
Prevent intentional damage to hardware or software.
Create an environment in which the network and systems can withstand and, if necessary,
respond to and recover from any type of threat.
Communicate each employee's responsibilities with respect to maintaining data integrity
and system security.
A company's security policy may not pertain exclusively to computers or networks.
Security in Network Design
Addressing physical access to hardware and connections is just one part of a
comprehensive security approach. Even if you restrict access to computer rooms, teach
employees how to select secure passwords, and enforce a security policy, breaches may
still occur due to poor LAN or WAN design. In this section, you will learn how to address
some security risks via intelligent network design.
The optimal way to prevent external security breaches from affecting your LAN is not to
connect your LAN to the outside world at all. This option is impractical in today's
business environment, however. The next best protection is to restrict access at every
point where your LAN connects to the rest of the world. This principle forms the basis of
hardware and designed based security.
Fire walls
A Firewall is a specialized device, or a computer installed with specialized software,
that selectively filters or blocks traffic between networks. A firewall typically involves
a combination of hardware and software and may reside between two interconnected
private networks or, more typically between a private network and a public network
(such as the Internet), as shown in many types of firewalls exist, and they can be
implemented in many different ways.
To understand secure network design and to qualify for Network+ certification, you
should recognize which functions firewalls can provide, where they can appear on a
network, and how to decide what features you need in a firewall.
The simplest form of a firewall is a packet-filtering firewall, which is a router (or a
computer installed with software that enables it to act as a router) that examines the
header of every of data it receives to determine whether that type of packet is authorized
to continue for its destination. If a packet does not meet the filtering criteria, the firewall
prevents the packet.
placement of a firewall between a private network and the Internet
However, if a packet does meet filtering criteria, the firewall allows that packet to pass
through to the network connected to the firewall. Packet-filtering firewalls are also
called screening firewalls. (In fact, nearly all routers can be configured to act as
packet-filtering firewalls.)
Examples of software that enables a computer to act as a packet-filtering firewall include
IP tables (for Linux systems), Checkpoint Firewall Technologies' Firewall-1, McAfee
Firewall, and Symantec.
In addition to blocking traffic on its way into a LAN, packet-filtering firewalls can block
traffic attempting to exit a LAN. One reason for blocking outgoing traffic is to stop
worms from spreading. For example, if you are running a Web server, which in most
cases only needs to respond to incoming requests and does not need to initiate outgoing
requests, you could configure a packet-filtering firewall to block certain types of
outgoing transmissions initiated by the Web server. In this way, you he lp prevent
spreading worms that are designed to attach
themselves to Web servers and propagate themselves to other computers on the Internet.
Often, fire //alls ship with a default configuration designed to block the most Corryton
types of security threats. In other words, the firewall may be preconfigured to accept or
deny certain types of traffic. However, many network administrators choose to
customize the firewall settings, for example, blocking additional ports or adding criteria
for the type of traffic that may travel in or out of ports. Some common criteria a packetfiltering firewall might use to accept
or deny traffic include the following:Source and destination IP addresses.
Source and destination ports (for example, ports that supply TCP/UDP connections,
FTP, Telnet, ARP, ICMP, and so on).
Flags set in the IP header (for example, SYN or ACK).
Transmissions that use the UDP or ICMP protocols.
A packet's status as the first packet in a new data stream or a subsequent packet.
A packet's status as inbound to or outbound from your private network Based on these
options, a network administrator could configure his firewall, for example, to prevent
any IP address that does not begin with "196-57," the network ID of the addresses on his
network, from accessing the network's router and servers. Furthermore, he could
disable— or block-certain well-known ports, such as the FTP ports (20 and 21), through
the router's configuration. Blocking ports prevents any user from connecting to and
completing a transmission through those ports. This technique is useful to further guard
against unauthorized access to the network. In other words, even if a hacker could spoof
an IP address that began with "196.57," he could not access the FTP ports (which are
notoriously insecure) on the firewall. Ports can be blocked not only on firewalls, but also
on routers, servers, or any device that uses ports. For example, if you established a Web
server for testing but did not want anyone in your organization to connect to your Web
pages through his or her browsers, you could block port 80 on that server.
For greater security, you can choose a firewall that performs more complex functions
than simply filtering packets. Among the factors to consider when making your decision
are the following:Does the firewall support encryption? (You will learn more about encryption later in this
Does the firewall support user authentication?.
Does the firewall allow you to manage it centrality and through a standard interface (for
example, by using SNMP)?
How easily can you establish rules for access to and from the firewall?
Does the firewall support filtering at the highest layers of the OSI Model, not just at the
Data Link and Transport layers?
Does the firewall provide logging and auditing capabilities, or alert you to possible
Does the firewall protect the identity of your internal LAN's addresses from the outside
world? F
Further, you could configure the firewall to accept incoming traffic only from IP
addresses that match the IP addresses on your Houston LAN. In a way, the firewall acts
like a bouncer at a private club who checks everyone's ID and ensures that only club
members enter through the door. In the case of the Houston-Denver VPN, the firewall
will discard any data packets that arrive at the Denver firewall and do not contain source
IP addresses that match those of Houston's LAN. Because you must tailor a firewall to
your network's needs, you cannot simply purchase one, install it between your private
LAN and the Internet, and expect it to offer much security. Instead, you must first
consider what type of traffic you want to filter, then configure the firewall accordingly,
ft may take weeks to achieve the best configuration-not so strict that it prevents
authorized users from transmitting and receiving necessary data, yet not so lenient that
you risk security breaches. Further complicating the matter is that you may need TO
create exceptions to the rules. For example, suppose that your human resources manager
is working from a conference center in Salt Lake City While recruiting new employees
and needs to access the Denver server that stores payroll information. In this instance,
the Denver network administrator
might create an exception to allow transmissions from the human resources manager's
workstation's IP address to reach that server. In the networking profession, creating an
exception to the filtering rules is called "punching a hole" in the firewall.
Because packet-filtering firewalls operate at the Network layer of the OSI Model and
examine only network addresses, they cannot distinguish between a user who is trying to
breach the firewall and a user who is authorized to do so. For example, your organization
might host a Web server, which necessitates accepting requests for port 80 on that
server. In this case, a packet-filtering firewall, because it only examines the packet
header, could not distinguish between a harmless Web browser and a hacker attempting
to manipulate his way through -he Web site to gain access to the network. For higherlayer security, a firewall that can analyze data at higher layers is required. The next
section describes this kind of device.
Proxy Servers
One approach to enhancing the security of the Network and Transport layers provided by
firewalls is to combine a packet-filtering firewall with a proxy service. A proxy service is
a software application on a network host that acts as an intermediary between the external
internal networks, screening all incoming and outgoing traffic The network host that runs
proxy service is known as a proxy server. (A proxy server may also be called an
Application layer gateway, an application gateway, or simply, a proxy.) Proxy servers
manage security, at the Application layer of the OSI Model. To understand how they
work, think of the secure data on a server as the president of a country and the proxy
server as the secretary of state.
Rather than have the president risk her safety by leaving the country, the secretary of state
travels abroad, speaks for the president and gathers information on the president's behalf.
In fact foreign leaders may never actually meet the president. Instead, the secretary of
state acts as her proxy. In a similar way, a proxy server represents a private network to
another network (usually the Internet).
Although a proxy server appears to the outside world as an internal network server, in
reality it is merely another filtering device for the internal LAN. One of its most
important functions is preventing the outside world from discovering the addresses of the
internal network. For example, suppose your LAN uses a proxy server and you want to
send an e-mail message your workstation to your mother via the Internet. Your message
would first go to the pr; server (depending on the configuration of your network, you may
or may not have to leg: -separately to the proxy server first). The proxy server would
repackage the data frames that make up the message so that, rather than your
workstation's IP address being the source, the proxy server inserts its own IP address as
the source. Next, the proxy server passes repackaged data to the packet-filtering firewall.
The firewall verifies that the source IP address in y o u r packets is valid (that it came
from the proxy server) and then sends your message to the internet. Examples of proxy
server software include Squid (for use on UNIX-type of systems), Novell Border
Manager and Microsoft Internet Security and Acceleration (ISA) Server 2000, an
optional service for Windows 2000 Server and Windows Server 2003 servers. Figure144, depicts how a proxy server night fit into a WAN design.
Proxy servers can also improve performance for users accessing resources external to
their network by caching files. For example, a proxy server situated between a LAN and
an external Web server can be configured to save recently viewed Web pages. The next
time a user or on the LAN wants to view one of the saved Web pages, content is
provided by the proxy server. This eliminates
the time required to travel over a WAN and retriev3 the content from the external Web
Figure 14-4 A proxy server used on a WAN .-
Remote Access
As you have learned, many companies supply traveling employees, telecommuters, or
distant vendors with remote access to their private LANs or WANs. When working with
remote access, you must remember that any entry point to a LAN or WAN creates a
potential se: risk. In other words, if an employee can get to your network in New York
from his hotel room in Rome a smart hacker can likely do the same. You can, however,
take advantage of techniques designed to minimize the possibility of such unauthorized
remote access In this section, you will learn about security measures tailored to remote
access solutions, such as remote control and dial-up networking.
Remote Control
Remote control systems enable a user to connect to a host system on a network from a
distance and use that system's resources as if the user were sitting in front of it. Although
such remote .control systems can be convenient, they can also present serious security
risks. Most remote control software programs (for example, Symantec Corporation's PC
anywhere) offer features that increases the security of remote control systems. If you
intend to allow remote control access to a host on your LAN, you should investigate
these security features and know how to implement them correctly, important security
features that you should seek in a remote control program include the following:53
Often, firewall and proxy server features are combined in one device. In other words,
you might purchase a firewall and be able to configure it not only to block certain types
of traffic from entering your network, but also to modify the addresses in the packets
leaving your network.
Network Operating System Security
Regardless of whether you run your network on a Novel!, Microsoft, Macintosh, Linux,
or UNIX network operating system, you can implement basic security by restricting what
users are authorized to do on a network. Every network administrator should understand
which resources on the server ail users need to access. The rights conferred to all users
are called public rights, because anyone can have them and exercising them presents no
security threat to the network. In most cases, public rights are very limited. They may
include privileges to view and execute programs from the server and to read, create,
modify, delete, and execute files in a shared data directory.
In addition, network administrators need to group users according to their security levels
and assign additional rights that meet the needs of those groups. As you know, creating
groups simplifies the process of granting rights to users- For example, if you work in the
IT Department at a large college, you will most likely need more than one person to create
new user IDs and passwords for students and faculty. Naturally, the staff in charge of
creating new user IDs and passwords need the rights to perform this task. You could
assign the appropriate rights to each staff member individually, but a more efficient
approach is to put all of the personnel in a group, and then assign the appropriate rights on
the group as a whole.
Logon Restrictions
In addition to restricting users' access to files and directories on the server, a network
administrator can constrain the ways in which users can access the server and its
resources. The followings a list of additional restrictions that network administrators can
use to strengthen the security of their networks;
Time of day-Some user accounts may be valid only during specific hours-for example,
between 8:00 A.M. and 5:00 P.M. specifying valid hours for an account can increase
security by preventing any account from being used by unauthorized personnel after
Total time logged on-Some user accounts may be restricted to a specific number of hours
per day of logged-on time. Restricting total hours in this way can increase security in the
case of temporary user accounts. For example, suppose that your organization offers a
WordPerfect training class to a group of high school students one. Afternoon, and the
WordPerfect program and training files reside on your staff server. You might create
accounts that could log on for only four hours on that day.
Source address-You can specify that user accounts can log on only from certain
workstations or certain areas of the network (that is, domains or segments). This
restriction can prevent unauthorized use of user names from workstations outside the
Unsuccessful logon attempts-Hackers may repeatedly attempt to log on under a valid user
name for which they do not know the password. As the network administrator you can set
a limit on how many consecutive unsuccessful logon attempts from a single user ID the
server will accept before blocking that ID from even attempting to log on. Another
security technique that can be enforced by a network administrator through the NOS is
the selection of secure passwords. The following section discusses the importance and
characteristics of choosing a secure password.
Choosing a secure password is one of the easiest and least expensive ways to guard against
unauthorized access. Unfortunately, too many people prefer to use an easy-to-remember
If your password is obvious to you, however, it may also be easy for a hacker to figure
out. The following guidelines for selecting passwords should be part of your
organization's security policy. It is especially important for network administrators to
choose difficult passwords, and also to keep passwords confidential and to change them
Tips for making and keeping passwords secure include the following:
Always change system default passwords after installing new programs or
equipment. For example, after installing a router, the default administrator's
password on the router might be set by the manufacturer to be "1234" or the
router's model number.
Do not use familiar information, such as your name, nickname, birth date,
anniversary, pet's name, child's name, spouse's name, user ID, phone number,
address, or any other words or numbers that others might associate with you.
Do not use any word that might appear in a dictionary. Hackers can use programs
that try a combination of your user ID and every word in a dictionary to gain
access to the network. This is known as a dictionary attack, and it is typically
the first technique a hacker uses when trying to guess a password (besides asking
the user for her password).
Make the password longer than eight characters—the longer, the better. Some
operating systems require a minimum password length (often, eight characters),
and some may also restrict the password to a maximum length.
Choose a combination of letters and numbers; add special characters, such as
exclamation marks or hyphens, if allowed. Also, if passwords are case sensitive,
use a combination of uppercase and lowercase letters.
Do not write down your password or share it with others.
Change your password at least every 60 days, or more frequently, if desired. If
you are a network administrator, establish controls through the network
operating system to force users to change their passwords at least every 60 days.
If you have access to sensitive data, change your password even more frequently.
Do not reuse passwords.
Password guidelines should be clearly communicated to everyone in your organization
through your security policy. Although users may grumble about choosing a
combination of letters and numbers and changing their passwords frequently, you can
assure them that the company's financial and personnel data is safer as a result. No
matter how much your colleagues protest, do not back down from your password
requirements. Many companies mistakenly require employees only to use a password,
and don't help them choose a good one. This oversight increases the risk of security
Encryption is the conversion of data into a form, called a cipher that cannot be easily
understood by unauthorized people. Decryption is the process of converting encrypted
data back into its original form, so it can be understood.
Encryption is the use of an algorithm to scramble data into a format that can be read only
by reversing the algorithm-that is, by decrypting the data. The purpose of encryption is
to keep information private. Many forms of encryption exist, with some being more secure
than others.
Even as new forms of encryption are developed, new ways of cracking their codes
emerge too.
Encryption is the last means of defense against data theft. In other words, if an intruder
has bypassed all other methods of access, including physical security (for instance, he
has broken into the telecommunications room) and network design security (for instance,
he has defied a firewall’s packet-filtering techniques), data may still be safe if it is
encrypted. Encryption can protect DATA stored on a medium, such as a hard disk, or in
transit over a communications channels.
To protect data, encryption provides the following assurances:Data was not modified after the sender transmitted it and before the receiver picked it
Data can only be viewed by its intended recipient (or at its intended destination).
All of the data received at the intended destination was truly issued by the stated sender
and not forged by an intruder.
Practical Activities
Server Installation
Planning for installation
When installation and configuring an NOS, you must create a plan for your server and
its place in your network before you insert installation CD. You need to consider
many factors, including organizational structure, server function, applications, number
of users, LAN architecture, and optional services (such as remote access) when
developing this plan .After you have installed and configured the NOS, changing its
configuration may prove difficult and causes service disruptions for users. To begin,
first ensure that your server hardware meets the NOS version sever requirements.
Next, you must prepare answers to the following list of critical pre-installation
How many, how large, and what kind of partitions will the server
require? Windows 2000 server for instance, must be installed on a single
partition. When you install it, you will have a choice of:
 Creating a new partition on non partitioned hard disk.
 Creating a new partition on partitioned hard disk.
 Installing windows 2000 server on an existing partition.
 Removing an existing partition and creating a new one for installation.
The option you choose will depend on how your server is currently partitioned,
whether you want to keep data on existing partitions, and how you want to subdivide
your server’s hard disk. If you know the number and size of the partitions you need
(for example on a 16-GB hard disk you might want to create a 6-GB system partition
and a 10-GB data partition), it is best to create them during installation.
What type of file system will the server use? Recall that the optimal file
system for windows server 2003 computer is NTFS; choose NTFS unless your
applications require a different file system. NTFS must be used if you intend
to use Active Directory and the Domain model for centralized resource and
client management.
What will you name the server? You may use any name that includes a
maximum of 15 characters, and that includes numerals, letters, and hyphens
but no periods, spaces or other special characters (e.g. ? or =). Choose a
practical, descriptive name that distinguishes the server from others and that is
easy for you and your user to remember. For example, you might use
geographical server names, such as Kabarak or Nakuru. Alternatively you
might name servers according to the function such Marketing or Research.
The marketing server in the Kabarak domain might be called Mktg-Kabu.
Which protocols and network services should the server use? Before you
begin installing server, you need to know which protocol (or Protocols) your
network requires. In Windows 2000 server, TCP/IP is the default protocol,
and depending on your circumstances, should probably leave it as such. If
your server runs Web services or requires connectivity with UNIX, Linux, or
Mac OS X server systems, you must run TCP/IP. If your Windows 200 server
must communicate with an older Netware server that relies on IPX/SPX, you
should also install NWLink IPX/SPX compatible protocol and Gateway
services for NetWare. For communication with Macintosh computers running
the Apple Talk protocol, you need to install Apple Talk.
What will the Administrator password be? Use a strong password- in other
word that is difficult to crack. In Windows server 2003, network
administrators can require users to choose stronger passwords than ever,
which means , among other things, must include a mix of different characters,
including numbers, uppercase letters, lowercase letters, and special characters
(such as*, &, @ and so on), and they cannot contain any part of the user’s
name, nor can they resemble any known English. The strongest passwords are
also the longest. The Administrator password should be the most stringent
Should the network use domains or workgroups, and if so, what will they
be called?
First decide whether your network will use workgroups or domains. During
installation you will be asked whether the server should join an existing
workgroup, be a new workgroup server, or join an existing domain. As you
learned, in a workgroup situation, computers share network access in a peer-topeer fashion. It is more likely that your environment will require domains, in
which the security for clients and resources is centralized. If the server will be
joining an existing domain, you must know the domain name, domain controller
name, and the DNS server name.
Domain names should describe the logical group of servers and users they support.
You may use any name that includes numerals, letters, and hyphens, but no spaces,
periods, or other special characters (for example? or =). Popular schemes for naming
domains incorporate geography and function into the names. For example, in a
domain model for a WAN spanning several towns, you might want to name your
domains Kaba, Naku, Keri, and so on. In a very large organization, you might want
to use a less limiting convention.
For example if, your company’s business is
chemical production, you might want to name your domains Hydrocarbons, Resins,
Solvents, and so on.
Will the server support additional services? During installation, you will be
asked to choose which services your server will support. Of course, you must
install certain protocols and network services in order for clients to access the
server. You may also want to install optional services, such as: Remote
installation Services, Terminal Server, Windows Media Services and
Management and Monitoring Tools.
Although it’s easiest to include additional services during the original installation,
they can be added later as well.
Which licensing mode will you use? You may choose one of two licensing
modes per seat or per server. The server licensing allows a limited number of
clients to access the server simultaneously. (The actual number is determined
by your windows server 2003 purchase). In per server mode, any of your
organization’s clients may be capable of connecting to the server. The number
of concurrent connections is restricted. Per server mode is a popular choice in
organizations that have a limited number of servers and many users, or where
multiple users share workstations (for example, a mail-order catalog’s call
center). The per seat mode requires a license for every client capable of
connecting to the Windows Server 2003. Environments that include multiple
Windows Server 2003 computers and in which each user has his own
workstation, this choice is probably more economical than per server
If you are running Windows Server 2003 as Web or FTP server for anonymous clients
(for example, Internet users from anywhere in the world), you do not need separate
Windows Server 2003 client licenses for these types of clients.
How can I remember all of this information? As you make these preinstallation decisions, you should note your choices on a server installation
form and keep the form with you during installation.
The preceding list describes only the most significant installation options. You
should also be prepared to:
Read and accept license agreement.
Identify your organization.
Provide your Product Key (which can be found on the jacket of your Windows
Server 2003 CD-ROM).
Select the appropriate time and date.
Specify display settings.
Identify and supply drivers for hardware components, such as video cards,
NICs, Printers, and so on.
If you are upgrading a server that currently runs an older Windows NOS, such as
Windows NT or Windows 2000 Server, you will have to follow a special upgrade
process, as described in the Microsoft documentation. The following section walks
you through a new Windows Server 2003 installation.
Installing and Configuring a Windows Sever 2003 Server
After you have devised a plan for your windows server 2003 installation, you can
begin the actual installation process. In this section, you will learn about the available
options and the decisions you must make when installing and initially configuring
your windows server 2003 server.
The installation process
You can install windows server 2003 from a CD-ROM or remotely over the network.
If you use the network method, be aware that this type of installation generates a high
volume of network traffic and shouldn’t be performed while clients are attempting to
use the network. You also have the choice of performing a windows server 2003
installation in attended or unattended mode. The term “attended mode” simply means
that someone is at the computer responding to installation prompts as they appear.
Unattended mode relies on a pre-programmed script (which can be customized for
different environments) to answer installation prompts.
This mode prevents the need for a network administrator to be present during server
installation. However, creating the script requires forethought and preparation.
Now that you understand the variables and considerations for a windows server
2003 installation, you are prepared to install the NOS. following is a summary of
the processes, which assumes an attended installation using a CD-ROM (in other
words, somebody will be responding to prompts, rather than allowing a script to
respond to prompts automatically). It represents a typical, simple installation for a
small or home office. The options you choose and the prompts you see during
installation will depend on your network environment and your pre-installation
decisions. The time your installation requires will also depend on the options you
choose in addition to your server’s processor speed and amount of memory. Insert
the windows server 2003 CD-ROM in your server’s CD-ROM drive and restart
the server (making sure your computer is configured to boot from a CD-ROM).
After booting, you may be prompted to press nay key to install windows server
2003. after you press a key, the windows setup screen appears and installation will
proceed with prompts, to:
Inspect your hardware and load appropriate hardware drivers and other
Display the Windows Licensing Agreement, which you should read and
then press the F8 key to accept if you want to continue.
Search the hard disk to determine whether any previous versions of
windows are installed.
Scan the hard disk to assess how many partitions and what types of
partitions are available.
Select a partition for windows server 2003 installation (at this point, you
may also create a new partition or delete an existing partition).
Format the disk partition you selected.
Copy files to the windows installation folders on the hard disk.
After the windows installation files are copied to your server’s hard disk, the setup
process ahs finished preparing your computer for the windows server 2003
installation. Your computer restarts and returns to a graphical user interface screen.
During the next part of the process, you are prompted to:
Customize regional and language options, which include how numbers
should be formatted and what languages you want windows server 2003 to
Personalize your software by entering your name and your organization’s
Enter the 25 character product key that appears on your CD-ROM folder.
Select the licensing mode you want to use-either per server, per devices, or
per user.
Assign a name to your server and enter (and confirm) the password
associated with the administrator user account.
Enter modem dialing information.
Choose date and time settings.
Choose whether the server is part of workgroup or a domain.
After gathering the preceding information, the setup program installs and registers the
components you’ve selected, installs start menu items, saves settings, and removes the
temporary files created during installation. Then, your system restarts (or prompts you
to click finish to restart). Finally, you can log on to the server using the Administrator
user name and password.
Network Administration
Configuration for Active Directory
Additional accounts that you create may be local accounts, or those that only have
rights on the server they are logged on to, and domain accounts, those that have rights
throughout the domain. To create domain accounts, you must have Active Directory
installed and your domains properly configured. Active Directory is not installed by
default when you install Windows server 2003. To install Active Directory, click
start, and then click Manage Your Server. From the Manage Your Server window,
click Add or remove a role, and then select Domain Controller (Active Directory)
from the list of server roles that the Configure Your Server Wizard offers. The Active
Directory Installation Wizard will lead you through the process of making the
computer a domain controller.
Creating User Accounts and Groups
The following exercise assumes that Active Directory is installed on your Windows
Server 2003 computer and that domains have already been configured.
To create a domain user account:
1. Make sure you are logged on as Administrator.
2. Click start, point All Programs, point to Administrative Tools, and then click
Active Directory Users and Computers. The Active Directory Users and
Computers snap-in opens.
3. Double –click the Active Directory container in which you want to create the
new user. This may be a domain or an OU.
4. Right-Click the Users folders, point to New on the shortcut menu, and then
click User. The new object-User dialogue box opens, as shown in figure 8-18.
5. Type the user’s last and first name in the appropriate text boxes. You then see
the user’s full name in the Full name text box.
6. Enter a user name in the User logon name text box. This name uniquely
identifies the user in a domain or forest. The domain name is provided
automatically. Click Next to continue.
7. In the new object – User dialog box shown in figure 8-19, enter a password for
the user. Enter a strong password (one that consists of at least 10 characters,
cannot be found in the dictionary, and contains numbers, letters and special
characters). Re-type the password in the confirm password text box. You may
also select from four additional options: user must change password at next
logon, User cannot change password.
Password never expires, or Account is disabled. It’s a good policy to force the
user to pick a new password the first time they log on, so that they have a
password that is meaningful to them and so that you as the network
administrator don’t know their password. It is also a good policy to allow the
password to periodically expire.
With this in mind, make certain that the first option, user must change
password at next logon, is checked, and then click next.
8. The next New Object –user window displays the information you have
entered. Click Finish to complete the creation of a new domain user account.
After you have created a new user, you can configure the properties associated with
his account, including his address, telephone number, and e-mail address, his rights to
use remote access, his position in the organization, his group memberships, what
hours of the day he may log on to the network, and so on. To modify user account
properties, you can use the Active directory Users and Computers snap-in. In the
snap-in window, double click the user account in the right-hand pane. The user
Account Properties dialog box opens, with multiple tabs that represent different
categories of attributes you may change.
Before you add many users, you will probably want to establish groups into which
you can collect user accounts. But before creating a group, you must know what type
of scope the group will have. The group’s scope identifies how broadly across the
windows serve 2003 network its privileges can reach the possible scopes re domain
local, global, or universal. A domain local group is one that allows its members access
to resources within a single domain. Domain local groups are one that allows its
members access to resources within a single domain. Domain local groups are used to
control aces to certain folders, directories, or other resources. They may also contain
global groups. A global group allows its members access to resources within a single
domain also. However, a global group usually contains user accounts and cam be
inserted (or nested) into a domain local group to gain access to resources in other
domains. A universal group is one that allows its members access to resources across
multiple domains and forest.
To create a group in windows server 2003
1. Make sure you are logged on as Administrator.
2. Click start, point to All programs, point to Administrative Tools, and then
click Active directory users and computers. The Active Directory users and
Computers snap-in starts.
3. Double click the Active Directory container in which you want to create the
new group. This may be a domain or an OU.
4. Click Action on the menu bar, click New, and then click Group. The new
object-group dialog box appears, as shown in figure 8-20.
5. In the New object –group dialog box, enter the name of the group in the Group
name text box. In case you are using Windows NT servers on your network,
the group name (pre-windows 2000) text box is automatically completed.
6. Choose the group scope: Domain local, global, or universal.
7. Select the type of group you want to create: security or distribution. A security
group is the type you would use to grant a group of users privileges to shared
resources, whereas distribution groups are used solely for sending e-mail
messages to a group of users through mail server software such as the
Microsoft Exchange Server. After you have made your selection, click OK to
finish creating the new group.
Modifying the properties of a group account is similar to modifying the
properties of a user account. To modify the properties of your newly created
group, double click the group in the right panel of the Active Directory Users
and Computers snap-in window. This opens the group’s properties dialog box,
which contains four tab: General, Members, Member of, and managed by.
Through this dialog box, you can add user accounts to the group, make the
group a member of another group, and specify which user account will
manage the group.
As mentioned earlier, users and groups are virtually useless unless they have
some right to the server’s data and system directories.
Sharing Applications
Suppose you want to assign the role of file server to newly installed Windows Server
2003 computer. In that case, you would follow these steps:
1. If the manage Your Server window is not open, click start, and then click
Manage Your Server. The Manage Your Server window opens.
2. Click Add or remove a role. The Configure Your Server Wizard window
opens, reminding you to make sure that all of the server’s peripherals are
installed, that it is connected to the network and to the internet, if internet
access is desired, and that you have the windows server 2003 installation CD
3. Click next to continue.
4. The configure your server wizard detects your network connection settings.
Then, it prompts you to select the server’s role from a list possibilities.
5. Click File server, then click Next to continue.
6. The configure Your server wizard prompts you to set default d disk quotas (a
limit on how much of the server’s hard disk space user’s personal files can
occupy) for new users, if desired. After you have made your choice, click next
to continue.
7. Next, you are prompted to choose whether you want to enable the File server
indexing service, which allows users to search indexed files for specific words
or characters. (By default, the indexing service is turned off). After making
your selection, click next to continue.
8. Finally, you are presented with a summary of your selections. Confirm that the
selections are correct, and then click next to continue.
9. The share a folder wizard appears, prompting you to establish shared folders
on the server. Click next to continue.
10. Specify a folder path for the folder you want to share. For example, you might
want to share the folder called “C:\ documents and settings\ All users\
Documents” Then click next to continue.
11. You are prompted to name the share you have just created and if, you desire,
provide a description. For example, you could name the share “Public
documents” and enter a description of “A directory available for file sharing
among all users.” Click next to continue.
12. The share a folder wizard prompts you to indicate users’ permissions to the
The default selection allows users read-only access to files in the folder, as shown
in Figure 8-17. (“Read-only access” means that users can view data files and
execute program files within a folder, but they cannot modify, delete, or add files).
If you want users to be able to save files to the folder, you could choose
Administrators have full access; other users have read and write access. Click
Finish to continue.
13. The next screen announces that “sharing was successful’. Click close to close
the share a folder wizard.
14. The Configure Your Server Wizard announces that “This server is now a file
server.” Click finish to close the wizard.
15. You have now made it possible for users to share files on this server.
COMP312 Assignment
A new graphics and design company "Pentagon Designs" is setting up a complement
of computer systems, ready for their official business launch in around two months
time. It is your task as an employee of "Universal Network Co." to design and specify
a fully networked, site-wide system (see building plan attached). 
You will need to identify the possible needs of each department listed on the plan
and include designs for:
One computer system per employee – which should be specified according to their
job needs.
The computer systems must be designed part-by-part by you. Just show ONE
example system per department.
One fileserver and one backup server per department area – also designed by you.
will also need to specify:
Additional hardware such as routers and repeaters that you deem necessary 
Operating systems software and any required networking software, ensuring that
any licensing requirements are met – there is no need to specify applications
software, firewall & virus protection software where you feel it is
should also produce a reproduction of the building plan showing any necessary
connecting cabling, to allow engineers to lay cabling across the site.
You may use any one, or sensible combinations of network topologies that you feel
As a responsible employee of “Universal Network Co.," dedicated to the best value
for money for your
clients, you need to ensure that your specifications are based on performance. 
Note: You must include well researched and well referenced material to back up
your decisions made in the above specifications, especially in the areas of network
topologies, network security and the network hardware you have chosen
20 Graphics Designers
2 Security Guards
3 Accountants
7 Secretarial/Typing
4 Technicians/Stores
1 Managing Director
1 Receptionist/PA to Managing Director
A Door.