
Following is an essay on reversing permanent Aussie drought, saving the urban tree,
remineralization and how soil organic matter and methods of
horticulture/agriculture/land management relate to global climate change and human
Regenerating River Systems for Continental Climate Change
On how the Aussie drought is connected to the asteroid hit 250 million years ago,
eucalyptus emissions into the upper atmosphere, logging of non-eucalypt species and loss
of organic matter from the soil due to European farming practices.
I recently thought of a reason why Australia might be prone to perpetual drought unless
reforestation of non-eucalypt trees is begun. And a method of saving rivers such as the
Murray and the Darling by regenerating and reforesting the river systems, moist ocean
air can be encouraged "towards" the land, thereby slowly allowing natural reforestation
of the continent itself. Analysis of the data that are available reveals that, averaged over
land areas, there has been a slight increase in precipitation over the 20th century of
about 1%. However, precipitation over land has decreased substantially in the last two
decades. Regional increases have been detected in the high continental latitudes of the
northern hemisphere and more recently decreased rainfall has been observed over parts
of the northern hemisphere subtropics. Direct observations and model analyses indicate
that rainfall has also increased over large parts of the tropical oceans.
Following is a method of reforesting large river systems such as the Murray and Darling
in Australia in order to recover the land from perpetual drought by changing the
continental climate patterns.
Where the tidal system allows, large greenhouses could be constructed over tidal canals
in order to collect fresh water, while the sides of the greenhouses could grow crops with
this collected water. The system could be set up using technology that ran by itself
without the need for human monitoring...Gaviotas has the technology to create passive
watering systems using the soil moisture itself to regulate the inflow of irrigation water.
I suggest the Aussie govt. get Paolo Lugari, founder of Gaviotas or some of their
engineers down to the Murray to work on the problem. The three main problems are
1.Dying source water, 2.Salination of soils and increased % of salt in river water,
3.Pollution from chemical fertilization and urban/industrial pollution. The solution
must address all of these and not simply flush the problem out into the ocean. —The center of Vedic culture in India
was along the the iceage water from the Himalayas ran out...the river and
culture disappeared. The mountains supporting the Murray need to be reforested
wherever possible in trees that bring in snow/rain. I just read that firs were planted in
Tlemcen valley in Algeria on the verge of the Sahara and this bought in snow every year.
The Man Who Planted Trees by Jean Giono is a beautiful tale of the regeneration of land,
rivers and human community through one mans efforts of tree planting. A forested
earth holds more water in the watertable, humus layer and biomass, also it aids in
cooling through increased evaporation, this would tend to keep water more on the land
and less in the oceans.
“Trees are known to evaporate more water than even lakes, due to the surface area of the
leaves. So the more deforestation the less evaporative cooling of the land…the slower the
evaporation cycle and the more droughts and flooding occur. Because there is less
evaporative cooling this means a hotter more humid climate. By planting more trees,
evaporative cooling is increased, speeded up the evaporative cooling cycle, so the more
trees, the cooler the land and the more rain. By speeding up the evaporative cooling cycle
we can slow down the carbon dioxide global warming taking place.” Brett de Courcy
Harris, Speeding up Evaporative Cooling to Minimise the Symptoms of Global Climate
Change. Brett is Windguy at
Forests affect climate in three different ways: they absorb the greenhouse gas carbon
dioxide from the atmosphere and help to keep the planet cool; they evaporate water to
the atmosphere and increase cloudiness, which also helps keep the planet cool; and
they are dark and absorb a lot of sunlight, warming the Earth.
Trees associated with the rainforest and with snow need to be planted. NOT desert
plants like Eucalyptus the aromatics of which probably repel rain in the
atmosphere...(anyone got some information on this). The point is to plant alpine trees in
the hills of the river tributaries, and rainforest trees along the flood plains, not desert
species, and to plant enough trees percentage wise to counteract the volatile-dispersing
effect of the eucalyptus emissions.
Mollison mentions trees seeding rain all thru his work. For starters they hold water on
the land and in the water table instead of letting it run off into the rivers and ocean.
They give off bacteria, pollen, spores, and chemicals...which attract water molecules
and build rain drops. Then there is probably an electromagnetic biophotonic, ionic (lifeenergy) effect which we don't really know much about yet, but you can get a glimpse of
by studying Viktor Schauberger and The Secret of Life by Georges Lakhovsky.
In saving Australia from permanent drought we are talking an extended turn around
period. You cannot work on the desert itself, you have to focus on reforesting all the
rivers from the ocean to the tributaries in non eucalypt species...this will stop the
encroachment of the desert and send it back. Then ocean air will be "attracted" up into
reforested river systems such that the entire continent can be reforested. But if we lose
the river systems before we do this, we will not be able to reforest the continents and
modify climate. This is a way that nature herself uses to turn the tide of rainfall inland
keeping continents forested.
I am not advocating eradication of the eucalyptus genus, but to ensure that future
plantations be of rain attracting/generating species, and that river systems be
regenerated in rainforest trees and broad canopy soil-fertility enhancing trees like
acacia, moringa and neem. Re-establishment of the river-forest systems is essential to
terra-forming the Australian continent, holding the soil on the land and creating a more
balanced, life-enhancing climate with less extremes so the desertification can be halted
and returned to savanna.
Here is an NCAR scientist responding to my eucalyptus emissions desertification theory:
‘It is an interesting idea. Eucalypts have one of the highest volatile organic compound
(VOC) emission rates of any plant species. Trees can control clouds/rain through these
VOC because they form cloud condensation nuclei (CCN) that provide a starting point
for all cloud droplets (i.e. a surface for water to condense on). We typically think of
forests increasing CCN and thus more clouds/rain. But at some point a large number of
CCN will actually decrease rain because you have many surfaces and not enough waterso the result is many small droplets that are too small to fall to the surface.”
Alex Guenther
Alex Guenther along with Thomas Karl are working on the alarm chemical emissions: —Aspirin-like chemical
given off by stressed trees. Plant to plant communication occurs on the ecosystem level
through emissions of volatile organic substances like methyl salicylates which act like
immune system communication to prepare the plants for the stress of drought,
fluctuations in temperature, insect attack or disease. A stressed plant gives off these
threat chemicals and consequently warn others of the danger, thereby helping them
resist and recover. Alex Guenther, NCAR Scientist 303-497-1447
The Permian Asteroid
There needs to be a review of the tree spectrum in Australia (then part of Pangea) prior
to the big asteroid hit 250 million years ago. That asteroid hit provided the impetus for
the breakup of pangea by the way. Chances are that if that asteroid hadn’t have
sterilized the Australian landmass then the present flora would be far more diverse and
more like that of South America. That hit and the ongoing desertification of Oz has left
the Eucalyptus as the dominant survivor species. And I suspect that the volatility of the
aromatic emissions of the Eucalyptus coupled with the pressurized thermal movement
of the upper atmosphere caused by the dry heated desert actually causes air currents
to push moisture filled ocean air away from the sunbaked land. The electric charge of
the emissions of volatile organic substances may indeed “break up” the formation and
condensation of raindrop particles in the upper atmosphere preventing rain clouds from
forming. Leading to permanent desertification, which will only serve the hardy
Eucalyptus itself and other species as resistant to drought as they. This Survivor Plant
Spectrum lead to ongoing desertification and failed to build up the humus or provide
the cloud seeding and rain attraction necessary to keep Australia in lush tropical
rainforest. Yellow Box trees (Eucalyptus mellidora) is indigenous to the extensive slopes
of the Murray Darling Basin from western Victoria to southern Queensland.
Apart from rainforests, forests are dominated by the hardwood genus Eucalyptus of
which there are more than 600 varieties. The expansion of a large number of varieties of
Eucalypt probably occurred in the open ecosystem space opened up by the Permian
asteroid hit. Originally, 14% of the vast desert continent of Australia was forested, now
only 7% is. With the preferential wood desired by humans, I would assume that we cut
down mostly trees other than eucalypt, which would increase the % of rain dispersing
trees compared to rain attracting trees. Trees were felled and land cleared for
agriculture, but over the last 20 years government has encouraged deforestation by
Japanese firms for paper. Although the major impact of deforestation on precipitation is
found in and near the deforested regions, it also has a strong influence on rainfall in the
mid and even high latitudes.
The "great dying" of the Permian mass extinction 250 million years ago is attributed to a
massive asteroid bigger than Mount Everest that slammed into the earth 250 million
years ago causing the greatest mass extinction on record, killing about 90% of all life.
Geologists located the huge undersea 125-mile wide crater off the north-west coast of
Australia where they think the asteroid hit with the force of 1 million nuclear bombs, an
impact that almost snuffed out life on earth. About 90 per cent of marine organisms
and 80 per cent of land animals and plants died out at the end of the Permian and the
beginning of the Triassic periods. The absence of iridium suggesting this earlier space
rock had a different composition than the dinosaur-killer rock. The most dominant
plant, which is found commonly in fossil beds from the Permian-Triassic, was a giant
fern called glossopteris. In the geological layers following the impact, that fern is absent
from the fossil record. This also might explain the absence of horsetail in Australasia.
Or rather the absence of horsetail could be explained by the fact that Australasia was
down at the south pole during the carboniferous period in which horsetail was a
dominant species. The polar ice cap of the Carboniferous Period covered the southern
end of Pangaea. Glacial deposits, specifically till, of the same age and structure are
found on many separate continents which would have been together in the continent of
The Permian Asteroid hit is the single most formative force in the history of the
Australian continent, essentially making it what it is today. The extinction of most life
on that landmass allowed a vacuum in which the Eucalypt as a hardy survival species
was able to flourish...consequently it is the Eucalypt that has become the principle
species to define the nature of the Australian biosphere. In theory....thus we have the
Eucalyptus as a giant expectorant, decongestant pushing ocean air off the landmass in
the south and forcing the monsoon to drop its wad too soon in the north. If Australia
still had a land bridge to either South America or Indonesia then the reseeding after the
250 million year sterilization would have produced a more diverse forest with "kinder"
climate-making and land-fertility effects.
The asteroid hit provided the niche for 600 types of eucalypt to emerge, but in the last
200 years it is humans who have selectively deforested non-eucalypt species, thus
altering the balance between rain-making species and rain-dispersing species. Take a
look at soil-salination and water-table statistics covering the last 200 years to glean the
consequences of white human degradation of the Australian continent.
Even as far back as 2000 years ago man knew that the forests had to be preserved
because they attract the rain and the rain feeds the rivers and the rivers feed the
irrigation systems. Thus vast tracts of forest were absolutely protected from felling.
Universalising International Law (Developments in International Law, V. 48)
by C. G. Weeramantry Oz wind chart ocean warming as
winds lowering
My father said the monsoon belt moves up and down in latitude throughout the 11 year
solar cycle. This should be easy to map by following monsoon stats with solar cycle
stats. First intuition would be the band of rain descends further down from the equator
during solar max and retreats in solar min...but not sure yet. But I am talking mostly of
drawing ocean rain into the southern Australian river systems as a year round
phenomena. Monsoons are the result of still bodies of ocean water without cooling
currents...causing massive water vapor to collect in the air. They are drawn south onto
Australia by hot air rising off the central desert which causes a low pressure, pulling
the most air in.
On the google satellite it looks like the northern territory woodlands are mostly
eucalypt...we need to consider what the eucalypt emissions and land heat rising does to
the monsoons...I would assume that this would add fuel to the fire and force the
monsoon belt to drop its energy/rain earlier. If there were more rain pulling trees in the
Northern Territories this would both make the monsoons moderately more gentle and
the moisture would be drawn down deeper into the continent.
Granted the climate change effects wouldn't happen until the system was mature and
wide spread, but the human econeering would mostly include regenerating the river
systems in Southern Australia...this would bring some extra rain in which would
contribute to natural reforesting...which could be enhanced by placing seed-oasis
plantations across the south which will self seed as the rain increases. Keeping in mind
that it is non-eucalypt trees that need to be encouraged. Ultimately this should help to
reduce the blocking highs.
There needs to be a study of the effect of the massive quantities of volitile particulates
in the upper atmosphere over Australia...their effect on rain condensation, cloud
charge, wind patterns and even on the effect on the soil and microbial life as they fall
with the rain.
Nursery Rainforest Greenhouse
"Engineering is the art of making what you want from things you can get."
If you look at Aussie river systems on google satellite you see a line of just one tree
thickness along the edge of the river. This needs to be changed to a large belt of broad
canopy trees essentially shading the river and the sides of the gullies in the tributaries
need to be planted in pine, spruce and fir.
Obviously at the mouth of the river where it is at its widest, the greenhouse could not
span the river itself, but would be run either side with gravity fed channels of river
water through the greenhouse structure. Planting in the greenhouse would include
canopy trees (Neem, Moringa, Acacia and spreading Amazonian trees) toward the
“height” of the middle, then understory trees either side and food crops at the edges.
The greenhouse structures would provide a temporary pseudo-rainforest to re-establish
the regenerated tree canopy of the river. Thus they would start out at the mouth of the
river and every five years the greenhouse would be uplifted and moved along to another
stretch of the river, until the river is reforested right up to the source again.
Plastic—The five mile long greenhouses would probably be of either blue or green plastic
depending on which nurtures the flora/fauna of the river and provide the least lightreflection (as such huge structures would alter the local climate). The plastic would
incorporate a green plastic netting embedded in 6 mil 4 year UV protected polyethylene
film. Helps keep condensation from dripping on plants by causing it to flow down the
sides of the film instead. At night thermal heat released from plants is reflected back
into the greenhouse
Simultaneously while re-establishing the mouth of the river, the tributaries in the hills
need to be reforested with Caribbean Pine (Pinus caribea), Firs, Spruce, Cedar and rain
attracting species. Mychorizae produce a fourfold increase nutrient uptake to plants
thus establishing a powerful root system in order to withstand salination and hold the
riverbanks together. Mychorizae also keep the moisture in the river reforestation stable
thereby preventing redesertification and breakdown of the integrity of the riverside
structure. The people of Gaviotas grew Pinus caribaea (Hondoras pine) on their
savanna...this was the only thing that would grow other than the existing grasses...then
overtime the native rainforest species started to infiltrate the pine forest as the soil
ecosystem started to upgrade. None of this would have occurred without the Pizolithus
tinctorius mycorrhiza that cohabited with the pine trees.
The trees would reinstate the natural shade and evaporative cooling system of the
water…and help to keep the river water cooled toward the ideal 4°C as established by
Schauberger. Schauberger himself may not agree with the idea of glasshouse structures
“over top” of river systems due to the heating of the water…however these systems
might be able to be engineered such that they actually cool the river stream with air
currents rather than heat it. Over time the increased rainfall in the region would help to
wash the salts down into lower regions out of the tree and crop root zone…the build up
in humus and soil microbe life would help keep nutrients and nitrogen in the soil rather
than leeching into the river and out into the ocean.
The fear based society generates avarice and professional protectionism, which
prevents the spiritual largess needed for systems thinking and systems vocational
action. The way society is structured people tend to look to preserving their little job,
without interface with other sectors. A systems approach to civilization is yet to be
established. There have been plenty of models of what to do established throughout
history and around the world. We know what to do it is just a matter of believing in it
and gathering the key brains, the volunteer-community and start doing it now.
Giant Kelp Forests found in the waters off Tasmania and Victoria, are the rainforests of
the sea. n Australia, giant kelp is harvested from the beaches of King Island in Bass
Strait. The size and number of giant kelp beds in Tasmania has greatly fallen over the
last 30 years, with only about five % of the original area remaining. The factors may be
causing this decline include over-harvesting in some areas, fall of dissolved nutrient
levels in the ocean waters of Tasmania, increase in water temperature off eastern
Tasmania: a rise of 1.5°C since the 1960s. Kelp needs to be mixed with human/animal
manure and other soil amendments to make some super potting mix for establishing
acres of starter plants under shade cloth. Seeds need to be harvested from India, Sri
Lanka and Madagascar espec. for canopy trees for the river basins...these landmasses
are the sisters of Oz anyway.
I recommend buckwheat as a composting green crop for creating humus for the potting get the greens, then if you harvest the seeds and husk them, and sprout them
they give off the goop mucopolysaccharides which is the best soil binder, moisture
holder, root-hair nutrient transfer medium there is. This goop can be added to compost
tea or irrigation water. The husks can be used as mulch. The buckwheat could be
grown right there on the river flats and processed where it is needed via traveling trucks
with processing units on them.
Algae Production—The increase in biomass in the soil along the river would act as a
sewage treatment plant for the transformation of pollutants, in a similar way to healthy
bacteria in the intestines keeping pathological putrefying forms of microbe life at
bay…and create necessary nutrients for the health of the whole. Algae could be
included in the greenhouse reforestation-desalination along the river bank by growing
algae in the manmade water channels diverted off the main river that cut through the
greenhouses which provide the water for distillation/condensation. The Algae could be
harvested for biodiesel, stock food, or fertilizer.
Algoculture: Spirulina, Hope for a Hungry World; and Spirulina, Production and Potential
—Denise Fox —Microalgae’s role in restoring earth —SOLIX BIOFUELS —Boulder based company using algae to
generate biodiesel.
Truffle Business—Truffles and medical mushrooms could be a bonus crop giving
incentive for the planting of oaks etc… Australia is rich in mycorrhizal fungi, in general,
and field evidence suggests that the Australian truffle-like fungi form mycorrhizae with
major forest trees such as Eucalyptus, Allocasuarina, Leptospermum, Acacia and
Fungi soil water holding—mychorizae compost activator also increases water holding
capacity. Geoff Lawton found that mychorizae of a particular fungi in Jordan was
complexing with the salt in the soil and allowing trees to grow on a salt plane that he
was establishing in permaculture. Greening the Desert—They laughed and said it
couldn't be done......Permaculture organic gardening, Geoff Lawton
Harvesting Water the Permaculture Way DVD with Geoff Lawton —Solar, biofuel,
reforestation project in sahara —The (Air to water harvest) night radiant condensation
system. The XDOBS night radiant condensation System is a truly green
(environmentally sensitive) water from air extraction system. It not only produces water
from air but does it without any external electricity or fuel.
As stated by Callum Coates, the trees allow the fresh rain water to infiltrate the
soil....and here is the important bit. The presence of a forest cover has each tree acting
as a solar pump. Gravity is trying to force the fresh water down but the trees (plants)
are reversing gravity's effect and holding the fresh water up. As fresh water is less dense
than the saltier water below it, this creates a fresh water lens which sits as a high water
table in a fully functioning landscape pushing the saltier water-table further down out
of reach of the vegetation. All plants require salts to grow and water to grow and Haikai
Tane described this system in the Aussie floodplain system as a stepped diffused
system of broad acre hydroponics.....feeding just the right balance of salts and minerals
and water to the green cover above. Bare ground with over'head irrigation will produce
saline conditions because there are no solar pumps operating to keep the fresh water in
In the youtube Drylands Permaculture video Bill Mollison says you can reduce the
salting of the soil problem in Australia by reforesting to lower the watertable. Callum
Coats in YouTube - The Beauty of Water he says that reforestation prevents the runoff
and rapid evaporation and allows the rain to sink in, washing salts down into lower soil
It appears that it is conventional farming practices that are the source of the salination those need to be fixed. The Murray river experience has shown that
salination of soils is due to chemical fertilizers and plowing, plus the decrease in soil
organic matter. Superphosphate added increases the formation of salt in the soil.
Irrigation ditches then allow the salt to enter the river system. With correct land use
systems salinity is not a problem. —Australia's
Salinity Crisis: What Crisis? Two great news videos —ERIC claims that increasing soil
salinity was largely due to soil degradation, eg. increased soil hardpans that degraded
soil structure, and increased through or lateral water flows in soil. Soil degradation is
also due to the loss of organic matter, nutrients, soil biology and native perennial
grasses. The inapplicability of the rising groundwater model does not negate the
importance of plants as the development of soil structure and vegetation are entwined.
However, the focus should be on developing a functional soil rather than simply
attempting to insert deep rooted plants. The preferential occurrence of grasses on clay
soils appears to arise from the very high density of small roots providing extensive
contact between plant roots and colloidal surfaces. This reduces the volume of soil
water extracted per unit root length and thereby reduces the accumulation of salt
around roots. The extensive contact between the plant roots and soil colloids, and the
limited accumulation of salts around roots promote the uptake of nutrients.
“The damaging effects of salinity mainly arise through a decline in soil structure
associated with dispersion of clay due to displacement of bi and trivalent ions by
monovalent cations, osmotic reduction in the availability of water to plants, and
specific ion toxicity. These effects are usually linked. Bivalent cations such as calcium
improve soil structure, and the associated improvement in drainage and limited
solubility ensure that calcium is rarely responsible for adverse salinity effects. The
salinity changes currently of consequence primarily relate to sodium chloride, hence
the issue is generally sodicity rather than salinity. “ Brian Tunstall Salinity Is Natural
ERIC Research Papers on Soils:
Western Australia Tree Planting Org…Men Of The Trees Inc. PO Box 103
Guildford Western Australia 6935
PDF by Barrie Oldfield on Reclaimation of a Salt Lake in Western Australia
Breaking hard pan, raising beds, covering with mulch for mychorrhizal growth
and using salt hardy species.
Dan Reese Vortex system for removing iron and sulphur and salt —Conical ceramic pipes used in
Knossos to create toroid water flow.
Regarding mirrored dishes could be used to generate steam (energy)
and distilled water. No reason why our municipal power plants could not also produce
our drinking water. The solar arrays could be established on pontoons off shore and
fresh water and electricity piped to shore through the same cable/pipe system.
I invented a passive solar heater comprising of a coiled tube of heat resistant glass
shaped into a cone spiral...through which water flows from the bottom to the
top...inside the hollow of the cone black iron sand is put. This both magnetizes and
superheats the water, plus the water is vortexed naturally. I don't know about the
engineering of this, but I suspected that this system might even run passively by
itself...the superheated water exiting down the inside of the sand chamber might "pull"
water up the cone exerting a slight antigravity effect. If need be water treatment or
water for a building could be run through a series of these glass cones...perhaps even
clockwise and anticlockwise rotations.
One wonders what the effect on the water itself might be. I "saw" this in my head at a
permaculture course; along with an antimatter coiled free energy devise.
Of course Schauberger would say that "heating" water is bad for it...but I imagine this
magnetite-vortex system might be very good at eliminating prior imprints from the
Visionary Land Use—Reforestation is the most important human enterprise at this
point in our human cool the planet, reduce water vapor levels and
consequent wind speeds, cool the rivers and water flows, reduce erosion, capture
carbon, increase humus, create oxygen, provide food and resources, slow global
warming—with its impending rise of the world's oceans and prevent the next iceage.
There needs to be "stewardship requirements" for all land areas, to stop exploitive
minded land owners and encourage a countrywide and global cooperative ethos. Tree
coverage should be a certain % of any land (divided into native and exotic species in
different areas)...rain making areas should have to plant a higher % of rainmaking
species. The government/permaculture consultants would need to work with people to
ensure that this system actually increases farm profits eg: from nut, resin, honey,
herbs, lumber, seed, bark and wood product sales. In moving from exploitive farming to
regenerative land stewardship people are going to have to be educated in abundance,
regenerosity and non-fear thinking in order to come along with the shift. Knowing
reforestation efforts will help the whole and for the long term will encourage people to
put in the effort—if only the government could decide on a comprehensive plan.
The solution is to not only reforest, but to remineralize! Australia in particular is one of
the most eroded ancient landmasses on earth, yet it does have rich deposits of minerals
which could be widely distributed along with rockdust, ground-up seashells in order to
enhance the reforestation project, but also to strengthen growth and drought resistance
in existing tree populations. Diatomaceous earth is the most moisture holding clay-like
amendment. Just reforestation alone is not enough…if we remineralize we might be able
to hold back the next ice age till the point that we are spiritually and technically able to
deal with it. With the already lowered water tables and mineral depleted soils our
reforestation efforts may not be successful enough to operate in climate modification.
Let us not waste our time and resources on failed systems like the monoculture tree
plantations in China, much of which is dead thru lack of water. If the river-flat systems
are permacultured with a major canopy belt along the waterway itself…this will not only
provide more food and lumber than the existing fields of plowed crops, but the
permacultured river flats will act as natural forest to pull in rain from the ocean such
that surrounding hills and land receives more water for natural reseeding of forests or
planted reforesting. ***In Gaviotas the huge plantations of pine trees that they planted
turned out to be a nursery crop which changed the soil and climate such that native
forest started to become re-established on land that grew nothing but prairie grass for
millions of years.*** —Not only rockdust/minerals needs to be considered by soil microbial life
and the lack of humus molecules. We must also look into how radioactive fallout from
DU etc…is affecting our soils and therefore the ecosystems around the globe. said that 8% of salamanders in Yellowstone park are genetically
deformed…we can consider them to be the canary in the coalmine for all other species. —Don Weaver, Survival of
Civilization, Carbon Cycle Iceage Theory developed by John Hamaker. —Remineralization solution for Sudden Oak Death —Nice summary of the need
to remineralize.
(WRM), Plantations are not forests
—World Rainforest Movement
Australia is the idea testing ground for terraform-style climate change methods because
it is further along in its senescence cycle, (yet ironically never harbored large
mammals.) Australia also has some of the world’s leaders in ecological systems
management, namely Bill Mollison, David Holgrem and Callum Coats.
I propose the following team to be constructed and implement a test area for the
greenhouse-reforestation and desalination of a river flat.
• Callum Coats the Schauberger scholar, now living in Byron Bay for river systems
water health, and desalination. Aerodynamics of greenhouse design.
• Geoff Lawton, permaculturalist on horticulture in high saline soils using mycorrhiza,
water systems engineering and plant spectrum.
• Paul Stamets mushroom guy as consultant on types of fungi to use in the system for
cleanup and nutrient fertility of plants to be established.
• Engineers from Gaviotas and Arcosanti (AZ) for the design project of the greenhouses.
Also Buckminster Fuller Institute and Jacque Fresco (FL) of the Venus Project.
• Don Weaver (CA) and Jon Biloon (HI) for rockdust remineralization and desalination.
• Permaculturalists Bill Mollison and/or David Holgrem overseeing the master design of
the system to make sure all aspects are covered.
Evidence Of Massive Landscape Change Unearthed In Australia
A team from CSIRO Land & Water and the Cooperative Research Centre for Catchment
Hydrology has found signs that European settlement unleashed an episode of erosion,
sediment deposition and change in river systems orders of magnitude greater than we
have assumed to date. Metres of mud and sand deposited on river floodplains, which
the scientists at first guessed to be the result of hundreds or even thousands of years of
erosion, are proving to have happened in as few as 30 or 40 years. What looked like the
accumulation of centuries in the Murray floodplain turns out to have taken place since
about 1960. “In the original rivers the rainfall was held back by vegetation and swampy
areas. Today it rushes downstream in defined channels far more quickly and in larger
New Evidence Indicates Huge Vegetation Loss Accompanied Mass Extinction
The mass extinction 250 million years ago, at the end of the Permian Period was
accompanied by a massive loss of vegetation, causing major changes in river systems.
With the loss of deep-rooting plants, meandering river systems changed rapidly to
braided systems. Braided streams run much straighter and faster and branch out for
short distances before merging back to the primary stream. They also cause much
faster sediment buildup because vegetation is not holding streamside soil in place and
it is easily swept away by the faster-moving water.
Peter Ward, a UW geological sciences professor, along with David Montgomery, a UW
associate geological sciences
GALACTIC PULSE: Paul la Violette's ice core cosmic dust data needs to be compared to
events and extinctions on earth. Factoring this galactic pulse cosmic data into the
carbon-cycle ice age theory and asteroid/comet events would probably arrive at a very
precise explanation for earths geological/biological history. One thing I didn't hear him
point out on youtube is that if there is an increase in cosmic rays/gamma rays from the
galactic center this cosmic wind would increase the sun's output, and in turn the sun's
increased magnetic field and solar wind would protect the earth from the cosmic rays
and would push the cosmic dust out to the furtherest reaches of the solar system
Due to deforestation Windguy theorizes that the slowing down of the evaporation rain
cycle due to deforestation is contributing to our climate change with the man made GHG
Where my theory hasn't been proven is that the slow down in the overall evaporation rain
cycle is affecting global and ocean temperatures. CSIRO is still doubtful of Australia's
rainfall dropping off even though we suffered a major drought during the last el nino.
There is a problem of the oceans heating up, as the last el nino showed us exactly how
bad a drought can occur when the rain forcing is not there no more. If we don't get the
required evapotranspiration and/or the oceans are too warm, then the rain fall levels
become exceptionally low. Climate change due to GHG's and deforestation are slowly
eroding away at the factors that make it rain. A strong la nina brought on by an excessive
melting Arctic has given us some relief for the time being.
Australia is a dry country, but not that dry the Murray Darling dries up. When they
chopped down trees for wood over a hundred years ago, red cedar was their favorite, not
gum trees. So for the last 200 years we have cut down the forests and have left the
eucalypts to survive (even though the koala population is dwindling from deforestation
due to urban and farmland growth).
Eucalypts don't evapotranspire any where near as much because they survived by
storing their water. How? Is by the leaves pointing downwards, being a paler duller green
and brown colour. The leaves don't photosynthesize anywhere near as much and emit far
less water than any normal trees. So gum trees are essentially as good as crops and
grass in creating rainfall (ie:not much at all).
So if we went for non-eucalytus native trees in a major replanting scheme, I would bet
any money in the improvement to the rainfall. Australia would also have a cooler more
regular temperature as well due to the evapo-cooling effect. The ocean is going to be the
bummer in the equation though. I believe we may have to resort to some form of wet
netting (wind assisted evaporation), or water sprays along the coastline to get back our
regular rain fall patterns in the end.
Per cubic centimetre of water 540 joules of energy is absorbed into the water molecules
themselves to turn the water into gas. Those 540 joules have to be released in the upper
atmosphere mainly by infrared radiation to turn the water gas back into water liquid. So
trees are very helpful as a heat pump into outer space. If there was a major tree planting
drive planet wide, we could most certainly fully offset climate change altogether even with
the high level of CO2 in the atmosphere, thus eliminating all polar ice cap melting and
desertification spread on most continents.
Replanting parts of the Murray-Darling might have some effect, but note that last year
there were reports of dying trees in the area following the long drought and the loss of
irrigation. With enough trees you can stop the southward creep of the desert by localised
climate change, if you get the world involved in tree planting, then you can tear up the
IPCC predictions.
In an ideal world we would leave the wettest spots on the planet just for forests, medium
to low rainfall areas for farming and the urban areas near deserts. It would benefit all
since the higher evaporation rainfall would benefit more and more regular rainfall
everywhere. When farmlands near the coasts, are sold and converted to forests then the
more inland farmlands would benefit from the increased rainfall. A subsidization scheme
should help people move to the more arid areas when building new houses.
By using K&T my basic figures show a 30% more forests on this planet can fully
offset the total manmade GHG forcings just by speeding up the evaporative
cooling effect. Windguy
We might be in for a 20 year cooler, rainier period in which new plantations and soildesalination projects could be undertaken due to the extra water availability. Swale
building and ground cover planting in order to hold water on the land to increase the
water table should also be undertaken during this cycle to build water resources for the
next drought period. Ken McCracken needs to work with Peter Garrett and Senator
Penny Wong et al in order to initiate a comprehensive countrywide reforestation project
that can continue through several government changes. Australia also needs to grow
hemp on a large scale to make ground-holding fabric to establish planting of river gully
sides for erosion prevention.
3 —Ken McCracken predicts a 20 year cooling period connected with an absence of
sunspots on the sun…part of a 2300 year cycle. If this solar max is cooler then we can
assume that this 20 year cooling trend is in effect. This puts another spin on the
upcoming 50 year Solar Max which supposed to be larger than normal. The cooling
period is a mini iceage dip in solar output connected to a 2300 year solar cycle...the
Ken McCracken talk explains this. I think McCracken was getting his data from ice
cores in Antarctica...regarding the 2300 year mini-ice-age cycle.
NASA was expecting a 50 year large in the next few years we will see who is
right...if Ken McCracken is right this gives us another 20 years grace to transform to a
postcarbon culture. "Scientists of the world are the custodians of the knowledge of
things that are about to happen," he said.
Dr Ken McCracken is a former head of CSIRO’s division of space science, and
founding chief of the CSIRO's new Division of Mineral Physics in Sydney. His research
for NASA was instrumental in protecting US astronauts from exposure to possibly fatal
doses of cosmic radiation from solar flares.
“When the sun’s active, it’s a little bit brighter,” explains Ken Tapping, a solar
researcher and project director for Canada’s National Research Council.
If there is a solar cooling period the decrease in the earth-embrace of the solar wind
allows more cosmic rays to impact the atmosphere, which in turn generates clouds that
cool the earth and increase rain levels. It is probably the increase of ions in the Van
Allen belts during solar max that strengthens the electromagnetic charge of the
magnetospheric plasma making it more likely that cosmic rays will collide with the
plasma and produce showers of secondary particles, rather than penetrating down into
the biosphere. Galactic cosmic rays are the highest-energy particles in the solar system,
they collide with atoms in Earth's atmosphere, but even Earth's magnetic field is
usually not sufficient to deflect them.
THE CHILLING STARS: A New Theory of Climate Change, by Henrik Svensmark &
Nigel Calder. Outlines a controversial new theory for solar-moderated cosmic rays as
the driving force for natural climate changes over the centuries. Shows how cosmic rays
produce abundant cloud-condensation nuclei, and that variations in this abundance
triggers variations in the major greenhouse gas, water vapor, which drives changes in
Earth's cloud-cover and temperature.
Cosmic energy forces as factors in the modification of standardized laboratory chemical
and phase-change experiments. A pioneer on water structure and water activation. The
Piccardi enclosure mirrors Wilhelm Reich's accumulator. He also discovered a dynamic
and energetic movement to the Earth's path in orbit that correspond to seasonal
On my father’s cycle chart he has the mutant years at solar the 11 year solar
cycle. He must have discovered this himself during his years farming. Probably why we
have a 8% mutation rate in the salamanders in Yellowstone Park - because we are in
solar quiet. The mutation effect could happen through changes in pH, water structure,
inner cellular flocculation etc...related to changes in the earth's EMF and the increase
in incoming cosmic rays. Changes in the properties of the water itself in the body would
lead to changes in DNA expression (dehydration being the most common cause of
genetic "mistake").
To prove this one would have to look for anecdote evidence of increased mutation
during the mini iceage...and also simply tracing mutation records and comparing them
to the solar cycle. It is often noted that the coldest part of the so called ‘Little Ice Age’ of
the 13th to mid 19th centuries coincided with the seventeenth century ‘Maunder’
minimum in sunspot numbers. This period of bitter cold began around 1650 and
lasted, with intermittent spikes of warming, until 1715. This period was associated with
the Black Death in Europe.
“McCracken’s analysis of the sun’s cyclical activity and global climate records has led
him to the view that we are entering a period of up to two decades in which reduced
solar activity may either flatten the upward trend of global temperatures or even cause
a slight and temporary cooling. In a paper given in 2005 to a ‘’soiree” hosted by then
president of the Academy of Science, Professor Jim Peacock, McCracken said the sun
was the most active it had been over 1000 years of scientific observation. This made it
inevitable that its activity would decrease over the next two decades in line with
historically observed solar cycles.”
”The reduced ‘forcing’ might compensate, or over-compensate, for the effects of the
increasing concentration of greenhouse gases,” he said. ”It is likely that there will be a
cessation of around 20 years in the increase in world temperature, or possibly a
decrease by 0.1 [degrees] or more.”
If McCracken is right we will know by this coming solar max...if the output is lower than
expected then solar cooling is underway...won't this naturally lead to increased
condensation of rain anyway...without the cosmic ray cloud theory.
Whatever the coming solar activity efforts should be focused on swales, groundcover,
hemp-ground-holders, reforestation in non-eucalypt species...with connecting belts of
eucalypt for koala bears to join separated eucalypt forests. :)
The point being to maximize earth-soakage and storage of whatever rainfall Gaia has in
the offering.
“Henrik Svensmark has several problems with his idea, as it could possibly be true, but
he should have evaluated it's effect before publishing his studies. 1. he was finally able to
emulate his idea in a lab experiment where cosmic rays did indeed create clouding. But
people have refuted that the conditions in the upper troposphere were not the same as his
lab experiment and cosmic rays would do little if any cloud creation. 2. it is the sulphur
compounds in the atmosphere that allow the cosmic rays to knit together the water
particles, since the industrial era sulfur in the sky has increased significantly, changing
from the USA being the major producer to China, virtually no real sign of cooling has been
seen. 3. Solar activity has been decreasing since the eighties, but the global average
temperatures have been increasing. They have not poo pooed the idea all together, they've
just boxed in the level of solar forcing and the cosmic rays effect into the one, since they
can evaluate by how the global average temperatures follow the solar output.” Windguy
The Russian bioelectric pioneer Georges Lakhovsky (1869-1942) was one of the
founders of the field of Radionics or Radiathesia. This is based on the concept that man
and all other life forms are submerged in the electro-magnetic energy field of the earth
(geobiology). Radionics sees organs, diseases and remedies as having their own
particular frequency or vibration. Lakhovsky postulated that all living cells possess
attributes such as resistance, capacitance, and inductance, which are normally
associated with electronic circuits. These 3 electrical properties, when properly
configured, will cause the recurrent generation or oscillation of high frequency sine
waves when sustained by a small, steady supply of outside energy of the right
frequency. This effect is known as resonance. Lakhovsky proposed that cellular
oscillation is maintained by cosmic radiation and that disease was due to a disequilibrium of oscillation from an excess or deficiency of cellular radiation.
The top soil, humus deficient land in Australia presents a similar challenge to the
sterile humus deprived urban soil or the radically leached aluminum soils of Gaviotas.
Some form of soil enrichment will need to be incorporated in any replanting/reforesting
Carbon Excess Enshrouds Earth
Deforestation in the tropics accounts for nearly 20 % of carbon emissions due to human
activities; tropical deforestation releases 1.5 billion tonnes of carbon each year into the
atmosphere. Deforestation affects the soil and local climate by reducing the evaporative
cooling that takes place from plant life. As a result, temperatures rise. In addition, the
loss of vegetation leads to increases in soil erosion and rainfall runoff and drastically
affects the biodiversity of the ecological system. Contributing factors to carbon
emissions besides deforestation include the vegetation cover reduction due to loss of
organic matter in the soil from chemical agricultural. Loss of evaporative cooling from
deforestation increases ocean temperatures as well, and warming oceans hold less CO2
and grow less phytoplankton, algae and photosynthetic bacteria. It is estimated that
algae produce between 73% to 87% of the net global production of oxygen.
Here is a very good web page on the composition of seawater:
With regards to CO2 sequestration in biomass, the reduction in vegetation,
reduction in leaf litter/soil organic matter and reduction in plankton combine to be the
most significant factors in liberating CO2 to warm the globe. Scientists predict that
increasing ozone near the Earth's surface could lead to significant reductions in
regional plant production and crop yields. Surface ozone also damages plants, affecting
their ability to soak up carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and accelerating global
warming. Plants and soil are currently slowing--down global warming by storing about a
quarter of human carbon dioxide emissions, but the new study suggests that this could
be undermined by further increases in near-surface ozone.
Manmade CO2 consists of 60% of greenhouse gases. America is by far the largest
contributor to global warming than any other country -- releasing a quarter of the
world's carbon dioxide -- the primary cause of global warming. In the past 50 years, the
U.S. carbon dioxide emissions have almost doubled. The algae use CO2 and water to
grow new algae, giving off oxygen and water vapor in the process. The organisms also
absorb components of acid rain, such as nitrogen oxide and sulfur oxide. Nitrogen
oxides, commonly abbreviated NOx, are shorthand for the combination of nitric oxide
and nitrogen dioxide (NO plus NO2) that are produced by aircraft and automobile
emissions, in biomass burning, and by some industrial processes, as well as by such
natural events as lightning. Over the United States lightning accounts for about 5
percent of the total U.S. nitrogen oxide annual emissions.
It doesn't make much sense to burn organic matter as in adding biochar to the
soils...due to loss of carbon to the atmosphere. It is better to grow Nitrogen fixing green
crops, cut and let them lie as mulch or compost the green crop with earthworms and
mycorrhiza to turn it into humus faster. Adding fresh organic matter to soil under
favorable conditions immediately starts rapid multiplication of bacteria, fungi, and
actinomycetes...and plant health is synonymous with healthy populations of soil
microbes. Loss of native grasses and organic matter (humus) and hence soil structure is
a major cause of lowering water tables through lack of water absorption. If we
reestablished humus leaves in the soils we would reduce degenerative disease, maintain
high crop yields, reduce weather extremes and climate change, reduce the incidence of
drought, prevent erosion, reduce leaching, reverse the decline in tree health. Carbon
sequestration through recycling waste organic matter back to the soils, using waste
from urban clean-up, crop harvest, or food processing, plus growing green crops is
vitally important to prevent wide scale desertification and the rapid onset of the next ice
age. —Green crops
Thing to remember is that increased atmospheric humidity is more of a greenhouse gas
than CO2. David Archer proposes that we have stopped the next ice age with our
putting fossil fuel carbon into the atmosphere. Perhaps he is not familiar with the John
Hamaker idea that greenhouse warming increases coriolis effect of equatorial air
moisture sent to the poles and the melting of the poles leads to the slowing of the
Atlantic conveyor. Oceanic Conveyor Belt ... warm, salty surface water is chilled and
sinks in the North Atlantic to flow south towards Antarctica. Increased CO2
emissions might bring on a larger/longer ice age.
The soil carbon reservoir is 2000 GTons, carbon in the biosphere is 500 Gtons, Fossil
fuel carbon released already is 300 Gtons and Fossil carbon reserves are 5000 Gtons.
The Long Thaw: How Humans Are Changing the Next 100,000 Years of Earth's Climate
by David Archer
Plows, Plagues, and Petroleum: How Humans Took Control of Climate by William F.
In this electrical universe minerals are key to spiritual nutrition.
In an age of degeneration, to recover our health and sanity we need to focus on
remineralization and phytochemical rich superfood and wild food supplementation due
to generations of nutritional decline. The accelerating soil depletion and food quality
decline are rapidly eroding the nutritional foundations of our health and spirituality. In
the land of plenty, despite being overfed we find ourselves tired, depleted and
malnourished. Most of the environmental modification methods we use provide shortterm benefits but are highly detrimental in the long term. Thus our exploitive practices
are increasingly coming back to us as degenerative disease, crime, violence, drug use,
loss of hope and loss of clarity. Demineralized diets affect not only our bodies, but also
our ability to reason our way out of our demise and to act. Diseases are created chiefly
when we destroy the harmony reigning among mineral substances present in air, water,
food and—most crucially—soil. If we don't have descent “prima material”...the balanced
basic constituents for building strong bodies, then we still cannot incarnate fully and
live in vibrant health.
As with disease in humans, forest ecologists recognized that insects, parasites
and blights targeted trees already weakened by demineralization. Our topsoils contain
less than 16 of the 60-plus essential minerals. This demineralization is partially
caused by more than a century of petrochemical agriculture, but also because the earth
herself has reached the end of its current demineralization cycle, in the 10,000 years
since the last ice age.
John D. Hamaker, author of Survival of Civilization, puzzled over the paradoxes
of the "greenhouse effect" and the clear scientific evidence that the earth has gone
through at least thirty 100,000-year cycles of glaciation within the three-million-year
record of recurring ice ages. Major ice ages have occurred with great regularity, each
cycle encompassing 90,000 years of glaciation followed by around 10,000 years of
warm, interglacial periods. Ice ages are the mechanism by which Gaia regenerates
herself. As the glaciers inch their way over the continents, they slowly grind mountains
and rock into a powder-fine mineral dust (loess) which is then deposited liberally over
the surface of the earth by winds. Besides feeding vegetation, mineral dust aerosol
represents a dominant, and in some cases primary, source of nutrient iron to remote
ocean areas—phytoplankton growth is limited by Fe availability. Due to the increase in
plankton biomass, high dust deposition rates to the world ocean at the Last Glacial
Maximum have lowered atmospheric CO2 (8-40 ppm) through Fe fertilization.
Current symptoms of warming reflect the fact that we are reaching the end of an interglacial period and that we are running out of the mineral fertility needed to keep carbon
locked in the biosphere. As soil fertility declines towards the end of the interglacial
periods, deciduous trees become diseased, just as our elms, chestnuts and maples are
today. Studies also showed that during ice ages the tropics were hotter and dryer than
usual—the very direction our climate is now moving in. Hamaker observed that the
greenhouse gases gather in a greater concentration around the equator, where the
sun's rays are most intense. The result is that in the past few decades we have begun to
see the tropics heating up and drying out—as in the extreme drought and famine in
Africa. As the greenhouse gases become hotter, they cause tropical ocean water to
evaporate, forming moisture-laden clouds, rising tropical air sucks down the heavy
polar northern air masses, creating high winds, hurricanes and tornadoes.
The topsoils become demineralized over the 10,000 year warm interglacial period.
Stressed and weakened from demineralized soils trees become prone to disease, die-off
and consequently fire. Trees are no longer able to remove excess CO2 from the air,
causing the build-up of greenhouse gases. Just before the onset of the previous ice
ages, atmospheric carbon dioxide levels rose exponentially—due to this
demineralization/disease/fire cycle. Hamaker found those trees with the greatest leaf
area were the first affected by blights or disease toward the end of previous interglacial
periods. Chestnut trees have been measured at 60 acres of leaf area per tree, elms at
about 40. Of course, the trees with larger leaf areas require more mineral rich soils to
sustain their high nutrient demands.
The amount of energy available in an ecosystem depends on the type of vegetation
the area can support. Remineralization generates thriving trees and ecosystems, so
healthy they resist disease and insect attack. Besides remineralizing with rock dust we
can also add blue green algae fertilizers to soils to build humus, microbe life and
water holding capacity. The fast growing algae could...dispose of surplus CO2 and feed
the world...To propagate blue green algae all one needs is a pond, water and rock dust
as the nutrient supply. The algae would build soil humus, feed soil microorganisms
thereby build up beneficial micro flora and strengthening food crops. Blue-green algae
are another important source of fixing atmospheric nitrogen. In natural systems all of
the nitrogen comes from the atmosphere.
Carbon and oxygen comprise the bulk of soil organic matter by weight, carbon
almost half and oxygen a little over one third. Hydrogen and nitrogen are the next major
constituents of soil organic matter, and comprise around 10% by weight in long lived
forms. 98% of the nitrogen derives indirectly through fixation of atmospheric nitrogen
by microbes, with around 2% being attributed to lightening causing the gas to go into
aqueous solution. The hydrogen drives through the dissociation of water. Soil bacteria
use energy derived from the oxidation ("burning") of carbohydrates to reduce molecular
nitrogen (N2) to ammonia (NH3). The ammonia resulting from fixation is rapidly
incorporated into certain amino acids and nitrogen-containing compounds. The
nitrogen fixation in nonsymbiotic or symbiotic bacteria requires two different enzymes
which contain iron and molybdenum. Free-living, non-photosynthetic bacteria depend
on soil organic matter as a food source whereas the photosynthetic microorganisms
may derive their food from the products of photosynthesis.
The amounts of nitrogen fixed by free-living non-photosynthetic bacteria in the
soil may achieve an approximate maximum of 15 kilograms per hectare per year. More
so if suitable organic matter is added to the soil. Contributions of the free-living,
photosynthetic cyanobacteria to the nitrogen economy of soils are around 50 kilograms
per hectare per year. Nitrogen-fixing activity of these organisms is strongly dependent
on adequate sunlight in addition to favorable moisture conditions. Nitrogen fixation
rates from 75 to 300 kilograms of N per hectare per year is achieved from the symbiotic
association of certain micro-organisms with the roots of higher plants, such as the
bacteria (Rhizobium) which characteristically infect the roots of leguminous plants (e.g.,
bean, soybean, clover, peanut). Most of the nitrogen fixation in marine environments
(about 20% of the total amount of annual biological fixation) is attributed to the
cyanobacteria but many other kinds of nitrogen-fixing microorganisms have also been
found in such environments. And nitrogenase activity from non-photosynthetic and
photosynthetic bacteria has been detected in the soil surrounding the mycorrhizal roots
of land, marine and freshwater plants. Living plant roots release a wide variety of simple
organic compounds which may be used as food by free-living soil bacteria.
The breakdown of soil organic matter occurs via biological combustion wherein the
carbon is released as CO2. The breakdown is accelerated by agricultural practices such
as tillage and the application of mineral fertilizers. Over the last century the increase in
atmospheric CO2 is commensurate with the loss of soil organic matter. If global
warming is due to increased levels of atmospheric CO2 then it can be effectively
addressed solely by adopting land management practices that rebuild the levels of soil
organic matter. This is the thesis of Mr Rob Gourlay and Dr Brian Tunstall at
Environmental Research & Information Consortium (ERIC) in Australia. They say the
increase in CO2 is an effect and not a cause of global warming.
“Soil compaction is the most widespread consequence of agricultural development in
Australia, and is likely the most significant factor affecting production. The magnitude
of compaction is evidenced by comments in explorers dairies as to the permeability of
soils that are now impermeable, and by comparisons between forested and cleared
areas. Part of this compaction is mechanical, as with ploughing and trampling by
livestock, but most is likely associated with the loss of organic matter. The
development of a permeable structure in most Australian soils depends strongly on the
levels of organic matter.” Brian Tunstall Salinity Is Natural
With increased knowledge on the energy balance of the earth it will be found that
the cause of global warming is directly related to vegetation clearing, hence the solution
involves reestablishing viable plant communities. Soil organic matter is central to the
development of plant communities and hence is central to addressing global warming.
The increase in atmospheric CO2 is proportional to the loss of organic matter from the
soil, due to the loss of perennial vegetation through conventional agricultural practices.
Gourlay and Tunstall say the application of economic/bureaucratic
solutions to global warming, such as carbon credits, serves only to produce large
profits for companies at extreme costs to the community and the environment.
The problem of increased levels of CO2 can be solved by widespread application of
rockdust and green crops (soil organic matter), thereby building humus and microbes
in the soil. This in turn will reinstate the vegetative mantle of the earth, stop
desertification and erosion, pull CO2 out of the air and reinstate evaporative cooling.
This has the added benefit of reducing the degenerative decline of humanity, whereupon
we are better able to correctly address the other problems we have created due to our
unconsciousness. If human health is to improve rather than continue its existing
decline, and if global warming is to be mitigated, then increasing the levels of soil
organic matter must be a fundamental priority.
Soil organic matter has been forgotten in commercial agriculture because of the
mistaken belief that fertility can be attained using mineral fertilizers. The cation
exchange capacity of even the best clay is much less than that for soil organic matter.
The high chelating capacity of humic compounds is the main reason for the increased
fertility achieved by increasing soil organic matter. Plants require a steady supply of
nutrients throughout their growth hence the soil must act as a nutrient reservoir. Most
soluble nutrients would be lost through leaching without effective storage in the root
zone. Soil organic matter provides the necessary storage for supplying nutrients
throughout the growth of a plant. Microbes supply all of the more than 60 elements
needed by plants in an appropriate form and relative abundance. However, the elements
supplied in mineral fertilizers are only a small fraction of these. With systematic
application of chemical fertilizers, some of the 60 elements needed by plants become
depleted because of the negative impact on microbial populations, rapid breakdown of
organic matter due to nitrogen fertilizers and collapse of soil structure.
Earth’s protective covering of vegetation completely depends on the functioning of
soil bacteria. Vegetation depends on the effective functioning of the living organic
component of soils. Organic matter rich in nutrients and readily decomposable carbon
compounds produces a great flush in the growth of some groups of microbes. Soil
organic matter is formed and broken down by microbes, hence the accumulation of
humus is determined by factors that control microbial activity. And the population of
bacteria is directly related to the organic matter content of the soil. Bacteria contribute
to organic matter and humus build up in soils and aid in improving soil structure.
Microbial byproducts glue soil particles into water-stable aggregates, water holding
capacity, pore size and infiltration rate of soils. Plant health may be enhanced when the
soil is "inoculated" with beneficial microorganisms such as the improved strains of the
nitrogen-fixing bacterium Rhizobium, the nitrogen-fixing soil bacteria Azobacter and
Azospirillum and the mycorrhizae, fungi that enhance plant phosphorus nutrition.
The optimum pH for the growth of soil bacteria is NEUTRAL pH. Farmers need to
keep the hydrogen ion concentration of their soils close to neutral because in highly
alkaline or highly acidic conditions the growth and multiplication of bacteria is
inhibited. Generally in heavy rainfall areas receiving 100 inches and more it is advisable
to apply lime or dolomite once every two years and in moderate rainfall regions, once
every four years. Appropriate levels of soil organic matter (4%) greatly increase the
ability of the soil to store water in the range of potentials suitable for plants. Plus the
improvement in soil aeration by organic matter greatly improves plant access to stored
water and nutrients, and the ready availability of oxygen promotes root growth.
Soil organic matter and microbes have increased in importance with global
warming as vegetation is significant for levels of carbon sequestration and potential
CO2 fixation. CO2 Sequestration in Soil Organic Matter: Only humic compounds and
glomalin are long lived; they are derived through soil microbiological activity. Humic
compounds comprise around 70% of Soil Organic Matter and Glomalin around 30%.
There is around 10% conversion efficiency of organic matter to humic compounds.
Rockdust distribution and microbe inoculation in association with increased soil
organic matter can help reverse global warming, reduce CO2 levels, prevent extreme
weather, stop ocean warming, and counteract acid rain and the acidification of the
oceans. Through remineralization and preventing global warming, the next ice age can
be stopped, or delayed until we are better prepared for it. Rockdust and humus
production are also the foundational mechanism for regenerating the human species
towards an enlightened, reGenerous civilization in which war and disease are rendered
obsolete—ie: no longer necessary as a means of waking up, for we know the mechanism
of the nightmare and have chosen a different way. Mr Rob Gourlay and Dr Brian
Tunstall conclude that the only viable solution for the soil, vegetation and superior food
production is to return to the naturally evolved system in which nutrients are supplied
to plants via microbes.
Australia is the only continent without glaciers...another reason why rockdust
remineralization is so important there. Australia is vulnerable to changes in global
weather patterns and the increase in weather extremes associated with global
warming...however an enormous amount of local climate reformation can be
encouraged by judicious planting of rainmaking species. Fog collecting wind breakers
for starter trees. The water management systems are going to have to be upgraded
industrial scale, so that when there are severe storms most of the water can be kept on
the land—through swales, ponds, dams...storm water off urban landscape should be
diverted to tanks or dams for irrigation water. The more extreme storm weather
associated with increased global warming means that native grasslands and tree cover
will become more and more necessary.
Mr Rob Gourlay and Dr Brian Tunstall - Global Implications of Soil Organic Matter by
Environmental Research & Information Consortium (ERIC) – —Don Weaver, Survival of Civilization,
Carbon Cycle Iceage Theory developed by John Hamaker. — William Ruddiman explains ice age periodacy. —Are Hurricanes increasing
in intensity.
mp=200805 —Tornado stats
http://www.seafrien oceano/seawater. htm It says:
"Chemical elements in sea water do not exist on their own but are attracted
to preferential ions of opposite charge" It also explains that the oceans are by far the
largest reservoir of CO2 on the planet. Other sources say it is also the largest reservoir
of dissolved organic carbon (DOC), otherwise known as humic substance, on the planet.
The urban tree revival system can be used on a grand scale for regenerating forests.
This system of regeneration can also be used to revive forests and protect them from
insect invasion, disease and drought. As it is 10,000 years since the last iceage when
rock dust was spread all over the world, the soils are becoming progressively leeched.
This weakens forests so that they have a shorter turn around time before fire, pest and
disease creates the death necessary for the recycling of nutrients and the new growth
forest. Senescence refers to the biological processes of a living organism approaching an
advanced age (i.e., the combination of processes of deterioration which follow the period
of development of an organism).
The periodacy of forest cycles can be increased by reviving the forest with rockdust and
Mycorrhiza. Trials with seedlings need to be done to discover which mycorrhiza work
best with the existing forest trees...with the idea of introducing new species of
mycorrhiza that may be even more efficient that the existing species. Then aerial
topdressing with rockdust, mycorrhiza, powerful soil microbes plus a humus-material
could occur over vast areas. Colorado is blessed with both shale deposits and plenty of
rock for producing rockdust. To find super strains of mycorrhiza scientists need to
obtain samples from trees and forests around the world that are particularly strong and
A trial of this method could be undertaken in Colorado right now with the infestation of
the mountain pine beetle. Whether trees with healthier immune systems and
resurgence in growth/energy actually stop beetle infestation or feed it is a matter to be
discovered. Several miles deep of the boarder of the infestation area could be aerial top
dressed with the minerals and inoculant with the idea of the following years growth
would be of greater strength/energy in order to stop the spreading of the attack. It is my
belief that the beetles are attacking trees that have exhausted the vital potential of the
soil and because of this are primed to be "recycled by the forces of nature."
The lodgepole acreage under attack by mountain pine beetles jumped about 50 percent
this year to 644,840 acres, up from 430,526 acres last year. Bark beetles are expected
to kill nearly all the large lodgepoles there, and it will take a century for a mature forest
to return, said research silviculturist Wayne Shepperd of the U.S. Forest Service.
By sterilizing the soil of microbes and leeching it of minerals our manmade nuclear
radiation and acid rain will be increasingly shortening the period these forest
growth/death cycles unless we intervene with methods of forest regeneration on a grand
scale. However through understanding the forces involved and our place in the scheme
of ecological events we can inoculate nature against the common vicissitudes and set in
place longer and more fecundate cycles of growth. The following paper on urban forestry
renewal presents some ideas that can be used on a country or continent wide scale.
The planet was covered by about 14% forests a 1000 years ago, now it is 6%.
The trees are the lungs and liver of a city.
I propose that to cure the decline of urban tree populations we apply topical
applications of compost mixtures that incorporate city compost, healthy fungi and
bacteria, humic acid and minerals from ground shale and rockdust, plus algae grown in
city sewage bioreactors that produce methane for energy and algae fertilizer as a
byproduct. The gelatinous compounds and minerals from seaweeds should also be
incorporated into the mix to provide colloidal holding hydrating capacity. This
comprehensive remedy can be applied both in liquid and in solid form depending on the
site requirements. Once fully “cured” with mixture will be sweet smelling and so can
even be used as a foliar spray. Not only will regenerating the trees protect them from
decline and aid in air quality and urban cooling, but healthy tree immunity ensures
that widespread pandemics of disease and insect attack do not occur which reduces the
potential for forest fire. A city can also sell both solid and liquid fertilizers to its citizens
to support the venture.
To fight the pollution and stress of "modern" life we need more nutrition not less. And
this applies to our Urban Trees also. Our urban trees are suffering scorching and
impaired leaf growth because they are starving for minerals, humus, healthy microbe
populations and mucolaneous colloidal hydroscopic molecules in the soil. If the leaves
cannot make adequate chlorophyll they cannot build up the antioxidant phytochemicals
chemicals and resources needed for their immunity to pollution, disease, insects, harsh
weather and UV sunlight. The health of the tree is a reflection of the health of the soil.
We humans have interfered with the natural recycling of nutrients within urban and
rural ecosystems, disrupting everything from the soil, to the air. (Human sewage may
not be able to be used in the urban remineralization program due to heavy metals,
drugs, hormones and antibiotics and other harmful chemicals that might be recycled.)
Increases cellular respiration and cell integrity
Makes plants more phototropic
Reduces UV and wind damage.
Increases photosynthesis.
Increases carbohydrate content of sap (food stores)
Reduces need for insecticide/fungicide.
Makes plants more drought tolerant.
Mineral, vitamin antioxidant content is increased.
Increases soil microflora
Improves soil moisture, tilth and aeration.
Makes plants healthier, more disease and insect resistant.
Also without an under-canopy or ground clover layer the soil profile becomes panned
and waterproof on top preventing the absorption of water; the soil capillary structure for
water flow and aeration breaks down; dry hard soil profiles are unconducive to
earthworm populations; without groundcover the surface overheats and becomes more
positively charged, this breaks down the EMF (depolarizing) and the ground water loses
its levitational microcluster structure…carbones/ORMUS/noble gases are released and
water absorbs more oxygen which burns through the soils humic materials faster;
without humus and organic hydrophyllic molecules the soil loses its water holding
capacity; the soil becomes more inorganic and sterile and loses its ability to maintain
microbe and mycorrhiza populations disrupting the nutrient recycling and nutrient
holding capacity…the soils become increasingly leached, while the water table drops
due to the water losing its levitational structure. (see Fertile Earth, by Viktor
Schauberger for more on this process. I consider this the primary text for the subtle
science of ecosystems.)
“The trees in your orchard give that they may live, for to withhold is to perish.” The
Prophet, Kahlil Gibran.
Coming from rural NZ I know how food is supposed to taste... Rockdust permaculture
in Hawaii...makes the best food you will taste has so much electrical
lifeforce it literally blows your head off when you eat it. Once food is devoid of plentiful
minerals and lifeforce then disease, depression, addiction and all manner of dysfunction
sets in. The same imbalance, degeneration and depletion we see in the environment, we
see in our own health.
The Survival of Civilization, - John D. Hamaker and Donald A. Weaver (Rockdust
remineralization and climate change, Carboncycle Iceage Theory) Don Weaver is the
living expert. John Hamaker recommends about 14 pounds of rock dust per 100 square
feet of garden bed. Paramagnetism may be an answer to the question why rock dust
seems to be a lot more than just the sum of the nutrients it contains. The survival of
civilization depends Upon Our Solving Three Problems: Carbon Dioxide, Investment
Money and Population
To Love And Regenerate The Earth: Further Perspectives on The Survival of Civilization,
Don Weaver. Both books are available now for free at
Paramagnetism: Rediscovering Nature's Secret Force of Growth by Philip S. Callahan
Since the earth's EMF is dropping there may be a greater need for adding paramagnetic
mineral rock to our soils. (Re: Phillip Callahan's book Paramagnetism).
AZOMITE Azomite is the name of a specific volcanic deposit in Utah. Early this century
geological prospector Rollin Anderson found deposits of montmorillonite clay in a valley
south of Salt Lake City. Azomite has 67 major and trace elements. AZOMITE is an
acronym for ( A to Z Of Minerals Including Trace Elements). It has about 80 trace
elements in it. It is from a deposit in the Southwest USA - I believe Utah.
Azomite is available at Harmony Farm Supply, 3244 Highway 116 North, Sebastopol,
CA 95472, (707) 823-9125
Fertility from the Ocean Deep, Charles Walters; founder and editor of Acres U.S.A.
Sea Energy Agriculture by M.D. Murray Maynard
Eco-Farm, An Acres U.S.A. Primer: by Charles Walters
Minerals for the Genetic Code: by Charles Walters
Plants grown with ORMUS and seacrop…many times larger and more nutritious: (see pictures)
What Arthur is doing in this seacrop is adding soda ash (Na2CO3) as
a precipitant in place of part of all of the sodium hydroxide that is
normally used in the Wet Method for making ormus. As with the use of sodium
hydroxide, this raises the PH to 10.75 to 11 which in turn creates the
magnesium hydroxide (Milk of Magnesia) that is typically thought of as ormus.
Seaweed Folar Spray and Anti Aging—Soluble cytokinin plant growth hormones
extracted from seaweed stimulate more in-plant production of antioxidants and thus
function as biostimulants and longevity agents. Brown seaweed beds near Norway and
Nova Scotia were found to be highest in plant growth hormone cytokinin. Plant growth
hormone cytokinin works by increasing the in-plant (endogenous) natural production of
antioxidants. In plants, antioxidants a-tocopherol (vitamin E) and ascorbic acid (vitamin
C) are concentrated in the chloroplast and protect the photosynthetic apparatus when a
plant is subjected to stress, by scavenging free radicals. Produce containing higher
levels of antioxidants also has a longer storage life. Due to the increased antioxidants in
crops grown with seaweed folar feeding we can achieve greater longevity effects because
mitochondrial free radicals play an important role in human aging. Slowing down the
aging process involves calorie restriction and the suppression of damaging free radical
and inflammatory reactions. Wear and tear on the mitochondria and other tissues is
why Calorie Restriction or "undernutrition without malnutrition” extends life span.
Less oxidation of food coupled with extra metabolic time for more perfect detoxification
is the key to long life.
In growing my sprouts I found that the buckwheat gives off a thick gelatinous goop as it
germinates. This being rather unpalatable I used to rinse it off and put the goop on a
potplant. I noticed that the plant immediately responded with increased growth and
greenness, whereas it hadn’t when I gave it the soak water of my other varieties of
sprouts. It dawned on me that the assimilation faculty of the roots had improved with
the introduction of the goop and that mere minerals and nitrogen had not contributed
significantly to increased growth. Goop-mucigel consists of mucopolysaccharides and
glycoproteins and inorganic salts suspended in water producing colloidal
homogenization and holding water in the soil to serve as protective matrix which allows
minerals and molecules to be more readily uptaken by plant root hairs; as well as
improving the soil crumb structure (tilth). These molecules would naturally form from
the breakdown of plant and animal material in a natural ecosystem, however urban
environments starve the soil of these soil-matrix molecules, thereby the soil loses its
water holding capacity, its ability to withstand leaching, its colloidal suspension of
nutrients for supplying plant roots, the protection of root hairs and an soil condition
that supports thriving microbe populations.
Water is the substrate in which the process of life occurs, hence life exhibits
hydrophyllic (water-loving), colloidal (water suspending) properties. Bioactive molecules
are electromagnetically able to form a colloidal suspension in the water of life. The
precipitation of hydrophilic colloids of the protoplasm causes cell death. Minerals in life
are held in colloidal bonds (chelated) with hydrophilic substances such as gelatin,
albumin, collagen and mucopolysaccharides. In their chelated bonds minerals have
98% assimilation capacity by the body..
(See CELLULAR UPTAKE OF LARGE MOLECULES on Bargyla Rateaver’s work in the
I made an ultra effective liquid fertilizer tea that makes plants green within hours...with
a much faster growth rate than I had with my other fertilizer formulas.
I used nearly 1/2gallon of rainwater, 1 cup of buckwheat goop, 1 cup of soak-water
from barley, 1 Tbs liquid seaweed, 1 Tbs Fulvic, 1/2 tsp liquid silicon, 1 tsp dead-seasalt sole and dash of mag/cal powder along with 2 tsp of EFFECTIVE
MICROORGANISMS EM•1, and 1 Tbsp of raw honey (or molasses).
Then I bubbled this with my aquarium aerator for 2 hours...holding the tube down with
a quartz crystal. I strained some thru a coffee filter to put into a spray bottle, the rest I
watered my plants with.
Fungi/mushrooms may actually do the urban remineralization alchemy for us. Say if
we used “transition group elements” rich soil amendments, ocean concentrates, kelp,
shale, peatmoss, forest mulch etc...for growing the fungi. Mycorrhiza extends the soil
nutrient scavenging capacity of plants up to 4 times more than its roots alone. —Paul Stamets at the 10th
LOHAS conference
EM•1® Agricultural helps maintain plant health by generating a fermentative pathway,
rather than a putrefactive pathway that encourages the growth of other resident
beneficials. —Efficient Microbes • —EM•1® Multi-use Size (12 ounce) $14.95
Rob Gourlay, an environmental scientist and founder of the Environmental Research &
Information Consortium (ERIC) told us about how he has been combining Effective
Microorganisms (EM) and ORMUS in some of the ERIC products and Australian farmers
have started asking him "where is all the
water coming from?" after using this product.
SOIL BASED ORGANISMS—The type of bacteria and fungi in the soil, along with the
quality of the nutrient supply that feeds them, determines the health of the plants that
grow in that soil. SBO’s, or soil-based organisms, are bacteria that live in soil. The
SBO’s are extremely aggressive against pathological molds, yeast, fungi, and viruses.
SBO’s produce and release powerful enzymes that sterilize the soil of harmful
putrefactive organisms and prepare the soil for lush plant growth. Bacillus subtilis, a
bacteria that is commonly found in the environment rather than in humans.
I had the idea of using aerated compost tea to municipal scale processing of waste. A
cities waste could be composted for humus using compost tea in the composting of the
waste, then the humus could then be used to make more compost tea. The tea could be
used to fertilize city vegetation and be sold via the tank-truck load to local farmers.
Boulderite Roland Evans told me that there is a guy who just got financing from
European banks to start a prototype real progressive community development project
near San waste, live and work, algae diesel fuel making plant, new form of
architecture...the works. The designer had to write about 10 books worth of material to
give to the financers to get the ball rolling and it is going to be the pioneer to more such
communities throughout the States and in Third World countries. This community plan
must be going to use the Evans system of compost tea for their food production. Other
components of the tea include Molasses to be used for the sugar needed by the bacteria,
plus kelp, azomite clay, ground eggshell in as well.
In a large scale municipal compost tea system it would be good to incorporate a
spiraling motion with magnets, and sound frequencies "The Sound of the Sun" as well
as the aeration...
In a large scale municipal compost tea system it would be good to incorporate a
spiraling motion with magnets, as well as the aeration...As Schauberger mentions…In
Barvaria farmers tone ascending notes as they stir a bucket of clay and water in a
clockwise direction, and descending notes as they stir it in an anticlockwise direction.
In the morning they sprinkle the contents over their crops. 178 Earthmind, Paul
Pat Flanagan found that spiraling water could produce electric potentials of up to
20000 volts; and has confirmed that crystals placed in water do affect its surface
tension for a short period. Water circulated over a crystal tends to pick up energy.
Water exposed to electric or magnetic fields somehow remembered the frequencies
applied. Pat Flanagan found that spiraling water could produce electric potentials up
too 20,000 volts. Elixir of the ageless: Liquid crystal water, electro-colloidal mineral
concentrate by G. Pat Flanagan
Fred Alan Wolf suggests that “memory” is recorded at the molecular or atomic scale in
water occurring at the synapses or connections between neurons in the brain.
Water is a receptive sense organ linking us to both the terrestrial and the cosmic
“Water is incredibly sensitive to minute environmental stimuli, as Italian scientist
Giorgio Piccardi discovered in the 1930s. Piccardi found that the rate of chemical
reactions taking place in water solutions could be mysteriously affected by cosmic
influences, such as the lunar and sunspot cycles, solar eruptions, or sudden cosmic ray
showers. As Michel Gauquelin has put it, water is ‘subject to major changes as a result
of even very low energy influence…Water studied in the lab is sensitive to very slight
changes in electric or magnetic fields. Because water makes up so much of our bodies,
these subtle influences must also occur within our own cells and tissues.” 176,
Earthmind, Paul Devereux.
Filled with ideas for water treatments for humans, horticulture and ecology: —David Sereda
Water is it conscious? Filmmaker and mystic ecologist David Sereda discussed some of
the amazing properties of water-- it may actually have memory and consciousness,
73 DVD: ‘Water The Great Mystery,’ Saida Medvedeva Also sold at the Bleep Store and
on Amazon
Here's a direct link to the flash frozen water that was restructured by the
Sound of the Sun as recorded by NASA
David Sereda’s CD to restructure your own water with the sound of the sun: —Modern Energy Research Library..amazing papers on Walter
Russell, Tesla, Schauberger, John Worrel Keely, Moray, etc...
The Water Puzzle and the Hexagonal Key - Scientific Evidence of Hexagonal Water and its
positive influence on health! "Dr. Mu Shik Jhon"
Viktor Schauberger - possibly the most forward-thinking sciphilosopher mystic of all
The Fertile Earth: Nature's Energies in Agriculture, Soil Fertilization and Forestry by
Viktor Schauberger (One of the most esoteric holy books ever written)
Living Water: Viktor Schauberger and the Secrets of Natural Energy, Olof Alexandersson,
Energy Evolution, Viktor Schauberger
Living Energies: Exposition of Concepts Viktor Schauberger by Callum Coats
Hidden Nature by Alick Bartholomew, (Schauberger’s main themes.)
The Schauberger Keys, by Alick Bartholomew.
The Water Wizard: The Extraordinary Properties of Natural Water by Viktor Schauberger
Most oil shales contain organic matter derived from varied types of marine and
lacustrine algae, with some debris of land plants, depending upon the depositional
environment and sediment sources. —Wyoming bentonite, plus “dry” humic acid AGRO-LIG MICRO FINE
– leonardite schale /humic acid products stimulate plant growth by contributing to the
breakdown of soil minerals and increasing absorption. —Leonardite shale 50 lb bag
SHALE COLLOIDS—Plant-derived colloidal minerals may provide the best form of
minerals, for they are suspended in water and water is the primary vehicle of nutrient
delivery in life. Colloids are extremely small particles and are 98% absorbable. One
factor that accounts for their absorbability is their small size, which gives them a huge
surface to mass ratio. It is best to take in these liquid minerals with food. Shale
derived colloidal minerals naturally contain around 6% fulvic and humic acid thereby
increasing the assimilation of the minerals. In the USA these products are being
produced from Carbonaceous period organic shale deposits in Utah. They are
naturally occurring "bioavailable" trace minerals from plant deposits 70 million years
old. The good thing about these liquid mineral supplements is that they do indeed
contain 74+ common and obscure elements which nature herself collected and
ACTIVE LIQUID MINERALS site has a great list of the minerals and trace elements
and you will see how many of them are involved in the prevention of cancer. —ACTIVE Liquid Minerals, this is a
organic plant-derived ionic liquid mineral supplement, containing Monatomic
Elements and Fulvic Acid in purified water. They also have another great product:
Active Immune Booster that is derived from plantain and banana stem.
• American Longevity Majestic Earth Minerals by Dr. Joel Wallach is full spectrum'
liquid mineral supplement derived from a similar shale mine in Utah. The Majestic
Earth Minerals come in a 32 fluid ounce (1 quart) container and cost $18 at wholesale.
You sign up as a member for $6 to get the wholesale price and you get his Dead
Doctors Don’t Lie audiotape for free.
• Humic Acid for Horticulture: Hydroponic stores sell humic acid, liquid silicon and
Seaweed extracts that are ideal for sprouting and gardening. Diamond Nectar and
Grotek’s Pure Fulvic Acid are humic acid extracts from Leonardite shale sources. Using
mineral rich soil amendments for sprouting and gardening is one way of getting
plentiful trace minerals with high bioavailability. Dr. Joel Wallach produces “Blooming
Miracle Soil Revitalizer,” from Utah Shale deposits. —Shale colloidal
minerals from a geologist’s POV.
Healing Power of Minerals, Special Nutrients, and Trace Elements by Paul Bergner
Nutrition and Physical Degeneration by Weston Andrew Price
The biowaste from cities and farming should be going into digestors for production of
methane and fertilizer. —Methane release from oceans
Algoculture: Spirulina, Hope for a Hungry World; and Spirulina, Production and Potential
—Denise Fox —Microalgae’s role in restoring earth —SOLIX BIOFUELS —Boulder based company using algae to
generate biodiesel. Their plant is in Fort Collins and uses carbon dioxide from a
brewery. Algae’s single-celled structure is extremely efficient in use of light and
absorption of nutrients. So much so, that algae’s growth and productivity is 30 to 100
times higher than crops like soybeans. Success comes from knowing how to select the
right algae species, create an optimal photobiological formula for each species, and
build a cost-effective photobioreactor that can precisely deliver the formula to each
individual algae cell, no matter the size of the facility, or its geographical location.
We need to be growing algae from human sewage for remineralization/reforestation.
Biodiesel is not energetically feasible, however in developing the BD-plants we will be
setting the stage for methane gestaters/nutrient recycling systems and within 5 years
the other energy systems (Magnegas, HHO, Zeropoint, Magnetic Motors, Photsynthetic,
fuel cells etc...) will be online.
BIOMIMICRY “Life creates the conditions conducive to life.”
Janine Benyus: 12 sustainable design ideas from nature
This greening of the middle east thing, is perhaps the most hopeful thing of heard in a
world of bad and diabolical news. ---GEOFF LAWTON Permaculture
project in Jordan, greening of the desert, mushrooms under mulch creating waxy
substance that ties up salt and makes it insoluble allowing plants to grow in salt flats.
There is a middle east country that is giving a Permaculture business unlimited budget
to green the entire country.
A friend said his Mycorrhizae innoculation of his composted swales held water in his
soil for an entire summer in Colorado without watering. A soil amendment needs to be
made with the unheated shale powder and mychorrhizae and perhaps these Jordan
mushroom spores for high salted soils and this might also help to remedy the damage
done by chemical farming as well.
Because it is desert and dried up lake/seas the middle east presents a mineral rich
bowl of potential productivity.
Wonder if zeolite and kelp in the soils will help reduce depleted uranium pollution or
whether DU is an eternal problem without a solution. —PERMACULTURE & PEAK OIL: Beyond
'Sustainability' David Holmgren
There is just not enough lifeforce and life-harmonic either in formal western lifestyle or
in western medicine to really offer a cure of "cancer" or anything. Permaculture offers
the only solution at this point in our history of genuine survival in any kind of noble
holy universal condition. —The largest renewable energy conference —Seed Savers Network Seed Savers' Network, Box 975, Byron
Bay, NSW 2481 —Fruit Tree Planting Foundation —California Rare Fruit Growers —Large scale sustainability/legislation —Michael Pilarski, neighborhood planting —Remineralize the Earth Journal
Forests affect climate in three different ways: they absorb the greenhouse gas carbon
dioxide from the atmosphere and help to keep the planet cool; they evaporate water to
the atmosphere and increase cloudiness, which also helps keep the planet cool; and
they are dark and absorb a lot of sunlight, warming the Earth.
Demineralization—Our soul is only as strong as our soil is rich. The demineralization
is partially caused by over a century of petrochemical agriculture, and it being 10,000
years since the last great period of remineralization at the end of the last iceage. As the
soils are demineralized by leaching, the stressed, weakened trees are no longer able to
remove excess CO2 from the air, causing a build-up of greenhouse gases. Thus building
up the tree biomass as a CO sink to help stabilize climate will require the
remineralization of the soil with rockdust on a grand scale. This in turn will help keep
the water cycle healthy and consequently prevent widespread famine. (see John
Hamaker’s The Survival of Civilization)
“So long as one feeds on food from unhealthy soil, the spirit will lack the stamina to free
itself from the prison of the body.” - Rudolf Steiner