Associated Teachers TV programme KS1/2 Science: KS2 Learning with Nicole Daily Plan Y6 Science: Life Cycle of Plants - stages of plant growth Objectives & Introduction NC 3a the effect of light, air, water and temperature on plant growth QCA to consider conditions that might affect germination and plan how to test them 10 Key opening questions about seeds: What is a seed? What is in them? Do all plants make them? How are seeds dispersed? What seeds do we (humans) eat? What seeds do other animals eat? Will seeds grow anywhere? What conditions do seeds need to grow? Where in a food chain would we find seeds? What is the biggest seed you know of? Give these questions out, two per table with a variety of seeds or pictures on view. Children to feed back - teacher (or TA) to collate onto a mind map entitled ''seeds". Opening Activities Remind children that once seeds have been dispersed they need to germinate. 1) Use focus group to locate plants (digital camera?) in school grounds (Wednesday). These can be put on PowerPoint for children to describe what plants were found and what stage the plants are at in their life cycle. Ask children to suggest what seeds need in order to germinate and how they could investigate this. 2) Remind children of the need for a fair test and ask them how many seeds they should use in order to get reliable evidence. Help children to set up their investigation and ask them to write an account of how they set up the work. Discuss children's results with them and relate their findings to seeds germinating in the Spring after the cold winter. The Primary Complete Series St. Mary's (10 User licence) 1 Daily Plan Science: Life Cycle of Plants - stages of plant growth Focus activities: WILF success criteria (REVIEW AT PLENARY) To plan a fair investigation ; to find ways of varying the conditions Introduce the plant – Brassica - a member of the Cabbage Family. Explain that it is relatively fast growing and can grow from seed to seed in 5 weeks. Explain that the light table can be used as a source of light AND warmth and that all groups can use it in today's investigation. The height to between the seeds and the lights can be changed. 3) Ask groups to determine, using 'post -its' and a master grid pinned to board at front, what decisions required to design an investigation into: The effect of light, air, water and temperature on the growth of the plant. (Learning Objective 1). Variables -light, water, air, warmth. Children to determine how to vary each of these by answering the questions, "How can we vary...?" Each group to feedback on their design ideas. Ask focus group 1 how to vary amount of light to emerging plants? Give them a range of plant pots and adapted cardboard tubes (see *) for them to explore ways of varying light conditions. Ask focus group 2 how to vary amount of warmth, using equipment provided - to include thermometers, and a set of books to vary distance seedling to light/ heat source from light table platform. Focus groups 1 and 2 to set up their investigations. Groups 3, 4, 5 to prepare seeds for planting using planting instructions. These groups to vary amount of water; using the Outcomes pipettes. state that water and warmth are also needed for germination state that the seeds in the dark germinated as well as those in the light use several seeds in each set of conditions in order to get reliable results suggest suitable factors e.g. light, warmth, water, soil to investigate and how they will carry out a fair test Resources of these Introduction seeds and/ or pictures of seeds Opening activities 10 questions on strips of paper. 1) list stages of plant growth on flash cards - on display board. 3) master grid (large; A2) ; post -its for each table. Focus group 1: cardboard tubes with paper taped over an end. Holes of different sizes can be made in to paper to vary amounts of light. Focus group 2: thermometers, stack of dictionaries. The Primary Complete Series St. Mary's (10 User licence) 2