Installing Watchnet DVR Program

Watchnet 1
Digital Video Recorder
Installation and user guide
Videon Digital Technologies Ltd
100 Ironside Cres, #1
Scarborough, Ontario M1X 1M9
Copyright WatchnetDVR Inc.2002
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Installing Watchnet DVR Program
Run the file named Watchnet.exe, choose between NTSC or PAL versions and follow the instructions on
screen to complete the installation.
After restarting, the following screen appears.
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User Registration
User: Enter Master user name
Password: Enter Master password and confirm password
Board Type: Chose the right board you installed ( 30F or 60F)
Display Mode: Choose Capture if you don’t have a live board installed.
Select Board Channel: Choose the right number of channels on the board installed.
Note: If the wrong data is entered the DVR Program will not work correctly. To correct this go to
C:/Program files/WatchnetDVR/start
and re enter the correct information again.
The program will be registered as follows.
DVR Main : The main
Watchnet program.
DVR Search: Data search
DVR Setting: Watchnet user
setting program.
Backup: Data backup
Backup Viewer: Search /View
program form backup data.
Auth Tool: A program for determining whether a stored image (jpg file) has been altered
The following icons will be placed on your desktop.
Please copy DVR Main to C:\WINDOWS\Start Menu\DVR Main
For auto startup.
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When exiting from the DVR Main program, or starting the DVR Search, DVR Setting
program, a LOG IN NAME and LOG IN P/W will be asked. This is to insure that access
to the program is limited only to the authorized users. A virtual keyboard is available for
easy entry of data.
Warning! Recording is suspended during DVR setup
User Settings
Start "DVR Setting", and the following screen appears.
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Watchnet DVR operates according to DVR Configuration settings.
Disk tool - Creates a Watchnet DVR file system. (Watchnet DVR program will create it's own file
system, so that the large amounts of data will be handled safely without the danger of system failure.)
System - Settings for network connection, options, initial screen settings, sounds, automatic
restoration ( Watch Dog), keyboard lockout, etc.
Camera - Various settings for up to 16 cameras and the digital/relay outputs, scheduling, motion
detection. covert operation remote notification
Sensor - Settings for up to 16 sensors.( NO/NC), assignment of digital IO, etc.
Backup - Settings for the automatic backup schedule.
User admin – Multi level Password protection for different users for different tasks.
Image Authentication- Allows to validate a recorded or copied image.
Manual Backup – Backup data manually by date time camera # to the minuet level.
Disk Tool
Disk tool - Creates a Watchnet DVR file system. (Watchnet DVR program will create it's own file
system, so that the large amounts of data will be handled safely without the danger of system failure.)
What is a Volume? Volume is a unit used in the Watchnet file system, 1 Volume
equal to 60MBs of hard disk space. Motion Picture Data are recorded in these
volumes, and once the last volume is full the program starts recording from the first
volume once more overwriting the previously recorded data. First in First out basis.
(Data will be lost if not backed up before over writing)
It is recommended to partition the hard disk in to two and use the second partition for recording and storing
data. At least five megabyte of space must be left unused for windows not to show (Disk Full) error
Example of a 40gig HDD . Drive C: 2Gig
Drive D: 38Gig
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Total - The total capacity of hard disk space.
Used Disk - The capacity of hard disk space currently being used.
Usable Disk - The capacity of hard disk space available for usage.
Max Volume - The total number of Volumes available for usage.
Used Volume - The number of Volumes being used.
Add Volume - Enter the number of volumes desired for usage on this partition.
Volume Delete - Discard all volumes from the selected hard drive.
Enter the number of volumes desired for usage on the "Add Volume" slot and push the "Add" button, check that
the correct number appears on the "Add Volume" slot on the graph below, and push the "Make" button to create
a Watchnet file system on the selected hard disk " Close" to exit.
Choose the Drive on which a file system to be created by highlighting it in blue.
Note: Always create five volumes less than the maximum available to avoid windows
error message (Disk Full)
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System Setup
Site Information
Site name : Enter a name for the system.
Site location : Enter address of the system.
Allow to connect from remote site (Check on the box to allow connection from remote computers)
When any event happen, notify it to remote site (Check box to initiate connection to a remote
computer) This option is to notify a remote computer on the network about an event (Motion) is been
detected by Watchnet DVR . In order to notify a network computer, enter the IP address or the phone
number of a dial up network Watchnet Remote View program must be installed on network system for
this function to operate. Note: Choose Modem and enter a Pager Number or Phone number to be
called. (No message will be sent)
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Log Write
Logging information will be recorded on C:\ for the desired categories. Check on the box to allow
logging. ( Logs can be read by using windows notepad)
Initial screen : Choose the number of cameras to be displayed on the screen when starting the
program. (The number of splits chosen will determine how many camera shots that will be shown on
the monitor screen.)
Large Screen: Check on the box to show a large screen when starting Watchnet DVR.
CCTV Monitor Auto change Interval: Setting the switching interval time in seconds of the
cameras selected for the monitor output. (Composite Signal)
PC Screen Auto change Interval: PC Monitor display (VGA) can be switched one at a time or in
groups when selected on the main program GUI. Enter time in seconds for auto switch.
Extra Options
Sound Recording & Camera
One channel of sound recording is available using the windows sound card drivers. Choose the
camera with sound for recording..
Screen lock
Disables Crtl, Alt, Del Keys and the Windows Button from the keyboard to prevent unauthorized
shutdown of the system.
Use H/W watchdog
Allows rebooting when system problems are detected. A warning buzzer will sound for one minute
And the DVR will restart.
Note: Once this feature is enabled you cannot do system setup or close the DVR Program for more than
one minuet.
When alarm happens make a beep
When selected the beep is heard through the speaker warning a motion or event has been detected.
Press the "Apply” button to apply all settings.
Press “Save and close” for main menu
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Camera Setup
Press 1to16 camera buttons to setup individual configuration.
Use Camera : Check the box to enable or disable camera from viewing and recording.
Name : Enter a name of the camera location.
Pan/Tilt Option
- Use pan/tilt camera : Check the box to enable Pan/Tilt (Camera Movement) options.
- Select receiver : Choose the kind of protocol of the camera receiver for use.
- Port : Choose the serial port on the DVR to connect to the camera.
- Speed : Set the speed of the Pan/Tilt option.(depends on the camera equipment being used)
- Parity, Data bit, Stop bit, RS 232, RS 422 : Set according to the Pan/Tilt equipment manual.
Note: RS422 Port is on capture board separate form serial ports 1and 2
Previous or Post Recording Options
(Enabled only when using Motion or Sensor from the 'Scheduling' menu)
- Pre Alarm: Records the selected amount of images prior to a Motion or Sensor detection.
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- Post Alarm : Records the selected amount of images after a Motion or Sensor detection.
Insert Character In Image
- Use : Check the box to insert Camera ID, Date/Time on the images.
- Position : Choose the position on the image where the characters are to be inserted.
Compression Method & Rate
:Choose the recording format (jpeg, mpeg), and change the compression rate. (Positioning the
knob left will reduce both the image size and picture quality) Note: When recorded on mpeg the
files cannot be played in reverse while searching.
Transmission Compression
Choose the format (jpeg, mpeg) and the compression rate for the images transmitted on the network
Note: Mpeg files are smaller and faster on network.
- Hide View on PC Monitor: Choose to hide camera images from the PC monitor.
- Remove From CCTV Display : Choose to block camera images from going out the composite-Out
port. (Hide from TV Monitor display) Note: These functions can be used for covert cameras to
record with out display on any monitor.
Adjust Camera Frame Rate
- Maximum Averaged Frame Rate: When chosen Watchnet DVR will automatically divide the
total number of frames among active cameras. E.g. 30FPS to 4 Cameras = 7.5FPS/Camera
- Select Frame Rate by Camera: Manually set the number of frames per second to be recorded.
Remember each camera has its own settings so press the "Apply" button to set each camera.
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Scheduling is the important part if the WatchnetDVR were the desired time set by hour and day-of-theweek for recording images of the camera from the Scheduling menu. The above picture shows normal
recording 9am to 5pm for 7 days and motion recording from 6pm to 9am.
Record Scheduling
- Normal : All images captured on the camera is to be recorded.
- Sensor : Record images only when the sensor is enabled.
- Motion : Record images only when movement is detected on the camera.
- Watch : Choose to not record images, just see them on screen in real time.
- Sensor & Motion : Record images when the sensor is enabled or when movement is detected on the
- Normal & Event : Record only assigned frames per second when no there is no motion or sensor
activity but record maximum frames when detection occurs. ( Choose this mode for sound recording)
Notify Scheduling
Data will be transmitted through the network program on the chosen times of the schedule chart.
(enabled only when set to Motion, Sensor)
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- Notify : Set the desired times and day-of-the-week same as above.
<< Example >>
Recording images of the num. 1 camera every day from 9(hr) to 17(hr) press the "Cam 1"button
from the buttons on the left to select camera, Click "Normal” mode, and drag the mouse pointer on
the matrix to highlight the time in red from left to right "sun" line, from 9 to 17. (See the picture
Remember each camera has its own settings so press the "Apply" button to set each camera
Color & Motion
From this menu, control the color of the image, choose different settings for Motion detection, set and
adjust sensitivity, assign relay outputs to trigger when motion detected etc. There will be no picture
display on monitor when camera is not connected.
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Detection Area Setting
- Whole area : When selected will detect movement in all areas of the camera view.
- Partial area : When selected will allow to assign a partial area of the picture to be triggered by
motion. Press the "Add" button and drag mouse pointer on the picture to choose specific areas to
detect movement, and only movement from those selected areas will act as a trigger. More than one
area can be selected. Push "Delete" to erase a detection area.
Note: To avoid malfunction do not draw detection boxes outside the picture area.
- Display detected area: Check this box, and press the "Detection test" button to test the sensitivity of
motion detection. (motion detection is shown by the change of color of the "DETECT ICON" and by
the red dots on the screen)
Motion Setting
Desired motion detection depends on the appropriate settings on this menu.
- Rate of motion : Change the % of motion difference to detect. Lower the %, more sensitive the
motion detection.
- Sensitivity Adjustment : Set the color sensitivity of a moving object. Lower the %, more sensitive
the detection of color differences between the object and the background.
Color Control
Sets the Brightness, Contrast, Saturation, and Hue of the camera image. Press the "Default Value"
button to return all settings to the original values.( Black and White cameras must be set to lowest
value for Hue and Saturation.
Relay Options
Enabled when Motion recording is selected on the Schedule menu.
- Use Relay : Check the box to enable Digital Output.
- Port 1~4 : Select the desired relay to be enabled.
- Relay Time : Select the time for the relay to be active on motion or event detection.
Remember each camera has its own settings so press the "Apply" button to set each camera
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Sensor (Digital I/O)
1~16 sensors can be connected, and sensor activation can be linked to Digital Outputs and cameras.
Use Selected Sensor : Check the box to use sensors. Check the box of the chart on the bottom half
of the screen to choose specifically which sensors to use.
Sensor Location : Input the position of the sensor.
Sensor Type : Choose the sensor type being used.(0=Normally open and 1=Normally closed)
Connected Camera : Choose the camera to enable recording when sensor is activated.
Check Interval : Check for sensor movement every assigned interval.
Output Port 1~4 : Choose the Output to be triggered by sensor for use.
Output Interval : Select the time for the output to stay active.
Input Test : Test sensor movement.
The chart on the bottom half of the screen shows all of the sensor settings. Up to 16 sensors can be linked
to one camera.
Note : Multiple outputs can be triggered by a sensor.
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Remember each sensor has its own settings so press the "Apply" button to set each sensor
Recorded images can be backed up automatically when a Backup Schedule is used.
From Schedule Table choose the day-of-the-week on which the automatic backup will occur.
ㆍ Use Schedule : check the box to use a Backup Schedule.
ㆍ Scheduling Day : choose the day or days from the chart below.
ㆍ Hour, Minute : choose the time on which Backup will start.
ㆍ Camera Select : select the cameras to backup.
ㆍ Backup Device Setup : choose the hard drive and the file on which to save the backup data. (data
can be recorded on CD or DVD, and these are shown as drives on the computer. (Eg HDD will be
shown as drives C: D:, CD will be drive E:, etc.)
ㆍ When finished with the settings, be sure to press the "Update" button to save them. Updated
information should be shown on the chart on the screen.
Backup starts from the time when the last Backup stopped and ends at the time when Backup began. (On
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the first backup, backup starts on the beginning of the data)
<< Example >>
ㆍ Backup on the 20hr automatically every day
Set the times of each of the days of the week to 20:00. Then backup will begin where the previous
backup left off the day before, to be specific the 20hr of the day before to the 20hr of the day. (Of
course, only the data available during that time period will be backed up.)
ㆍ Backup once a week on the 20hr of every Saturday
Set the time of "Sat" to 20:00. Then backup will occur of all data starting from the 20hr of the Saturday
of the previous week
When finished with the Backup settings, be sure to enable the Backup Program from
Start Menu, Programs, Watchnet DVR, Backup.exe otherwise scheduled automatic
backup will not work.
Or enable the option to auto start at DVR startup from” Search” menu click manual
back up and check Auto startup as shown in picture.
User Admin
User Name - Enter name of user
Password - Input desired password.
Confirm Password - Password check.
Grade - Select the authority level for the user.
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Authority - Assign the functions to which the admin. Will have authority.
level 1 admin will have complete authority of all functions
Note: Default user name is “dvr” and password is “1”
ㆍ Mode - "Add Mode" will add a user. to the list, "Modify Mode" will modify an existing user.
After filling the user information and checking the appropriate boxes, click the "Add/Modify" button to
register the user information. To change the status of an existing administrator, click on the administrator
from the graph and make the desired changes.
To delete an users, click on the desired user. and press the "Delete" button.
Press “Close” to exit to main menu.
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Main Program
IMPORTANT! DVR Settings must be completed before operating the Main DVR program.
Be sure you've completed all user settings before proceeding.
< Click on to get enlarged view and back>
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Click on each buttons to view cameras for different screen layouts. The screen can be
divided into up to 16 different camera images. The arrow button will move the position
of the camera images, and the "+" button will enlarge just the camera screen to fit the
The above picture shows the status of up to 16 cameras. The numbers will light up when
the cameras are enabled and there’s video signal. The numbers will flash if the cameras
are enabled in the setup and there is no video signal. The round lights corresponding to the
cameras are lit when there is recording. (Steady for normal and flashing on and off when
motion recording.) No light indicating there is no recording.
Sensor Output: These buttons will change color showing on board relay activity.
Note: Clicking in the numbers 1 to 4 can manually activate each output.
< Camera control
: Push the "CAM
This button will enable
the menu for controlling
pan, tilt & zoom cameras
Choose the camera and
use appropriate button
for controlling functions.
Copyright WatchnetDVR Inc.2002
< Image control
This button will enable
the menu for changing
the characteristic of each
image. Choose camera
and press each buttons
for desired Brightness,
Contrast& Color.
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Setup and Search Functions
The Setup button activates the "DVR Setup” program
from the main screen. All the DVR Setup functions are
mentioned in the above sections of this manual.
Search: This button activates the Search program from
the DVR Main screen while the DVR is still running.
Search Functions:
The current date and time appears on the top right corner of the screen. Choose the date to be searched.
The numbers and the bars on the lower part of the screen indicate hours and minutes of recording and the
total number of Volumes used are shown as white squares. Images on the right indicate the current status
of network connection and Backup execution.
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Choose the search pattern by selecting the images single or multiple
From X1 to X16. On a single search it is possible to enlarge and shrink
the images and it is faster than multiple search. For multi camera search
choose X4 to X16 the search will be slower because the DVR have to
search frame by frame through all pictures.
Select the date for searching by clicking
on the date.
The above Section shows volumes of recording done in white squares .The bottom bar
is for Hours and the top bar is for Minutes. (The above Picture shows recording for two
cameras at 16 hrs and 20min to38 min) . Click on the hour square .When selected the
red dot appears and the recorded picture will appear on the screen for the hour. The
Window on top right will show the time and recording pattern of that picture. Ex.
Motion det, JEPG etc and the camera number.
(Time and Info Window)
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Click the Date button for calendar
Click on minutes for advance and reverse search to desired time.
Click to scroll between cameras for search.
Click to toggle between audio and video recording.
Search Tools
Search tool will enable the search options.
Choose the functions from the dial below for reverse and
IMAGE, Control speed of search on a scale of 1 to 10 Etc.
EXIT Search Mode
DVR will record images as per schedule when the search is being done.
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Image tool
This button enables a powerful tool dial that gives
much selection to ZOOM & ENHANCE, the picture being
For Digital zoom click on ZOOM button then draw a
box on the picture to be zoomed in.
Click ORIGINAL for normal picture. SHARPEN,
SOFTEN and Black and White picture controls are
possible by pressing the appropriate buttons.
Saves current Image to Hard disk
Prints Current image to printer
Saves motion picture images from
point to point till stopped (.avi)
What is AVI File?
An AVI File is the format that windows media player can play back on any computer. Files saved on
AVI Format can be copied to CDR or Floppy disks to be viewed on other computer without installing
any special program for playback.
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Backup can be done manually by choosing the camera and desired folder, or be
done automatically using a Backup Schedule.
Backup Process: From the window on the left, choose the camera and date, hour, minute
desired for backup. The window on the right shows the progress of the backup process as it
Media Path Information : Create a folder as a desired backup destination, find it from the
window and double-click on it.
Auto Startup: When the box is checked, automatic backup according to the present settings
will occur the next time "DVR Backup" is activated.
Erase all settings.
Start backup according to current settings.
(you'll be asked once more to verify the drive
and folder chosen as backup destination)
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When copying Backup data to a different location: you MUST set file name in the
order of date-camera no.-date, the same as the folder name desired for copying, and
the minutes can be specified according to your needs. (Backup files are divided by
minutes. ex) 01.dat, 12.dat are data files for the 1st and 12th minute of the data file)
Display the starting and the finished time of backup.
Run "Backup Viewer".
Backup program switches to stand-by mode.
(If Backup Schedule was chosen on the user settings, then the Backup program MUST be
activated and be in stand-by mode!!)
End Backup program.
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Backup Viewer
Backup Data can be reviewed with only the "Backup Viewer" program, on a search-by-date basis.
: Read Backup data by date.
: Choose the desired camera and time period for search.
: Saved data are indicated in red, and each notch stands for one
minute. Scroll with the arrow to move to the desired time.
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Use the buttons (in the order of display, stop, play backwards, play forwards, show image by image
backwards, show image by image forwards, move to beginning, move to end) to search through the
: Save image.
: Print image.
: Quit "Backup Viewer".
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Auth Tool (Picture authentication tool)
This program deciphers images saved by the Search or Backup Viewer Program, and tells you when an
image has been altered or it is original.
: Open an image to decipher. With real unaltered images, the image information
appears as shown above, but nothing appears for altered images.
: End program.
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Watchnet DVR
Copyright WatchnetDVR Inc.2002