文档下载 免费文档下载 http://www.mianfeiwendang.com/ 本文档下载自文档下载网,内容可能不完整,您可以点击以下网址继续阅读或下载: http://www.mianfeiwendang.com/doc/e419825b6848e34b74057232 摩根大通:亚太汽车行业研究报告 20090123【英文】 Auto WINRegional autos industry highlights Asia Pacific Equity Research 23 January 2009 Auto WIN Regional autos industry highlights Key items this month Regional Autos Team ? WFrank LiAC 2009. We analyze 1) the timing and the drivers of the third auto boom in hat is changing? We focus on the regional auto sales outlook for (852) 2800-8511 China, and the potential short-term revival of heavy truck demand in frank.m.li@jpmorgan.com China, as we believe China’s industrial production growth will see a J.P. Morgan Securities (Asia Pacific) Limited sharp rebound by 2Q09 due to aggressive monetary easing by the Jin Luo Chinese government in Sep-08; 2) Korean auto sales, which are likely to (852) 2800-8516 fall below 1 million units for the first time since the 1998 Asian jin.j.luo@jpmorgan.com Financial Crisis; 3) the potential growth drivers for the Indian auto J.P. Morgan Securities (Asia Pacific) Limited market, on the back of which we expect a revival growthttp://www.mianfeiwendang.com/doc/e419825b6848e34b74057232h of sales Bharat Iyer momentum in 2H08; 4) the Taiwanese auto market looking for signs of a (91-22) 6639-3005 recovery; 5) the rapid deceleration of auto sales in Indonesia, which bharat.x.iyer@jpmorgan.com should continue well into 2009; and 6) the reasons for the negative J.P. Morgan India Private Limited outlook on the Malaysian auto sector, including lower GDP growth, a Nick Lai rising unemployment rate and weakening consumer confidence. (886-2) 2725-9864 nick.yc.lai@jpmorgan.com ? IJ.P. Morgan Securities (Taiwan) Limited. Chinese government’s expected decision to expand consumer credit into nformation: We discuss 1) 2008’s vehicle sales in China and the Jon Oh the auto 文档下载 免费文档下载 http://www.mianfeiwendang.com/ sector in order to boost car sales; 2) the light small vehicle (60-3) 2270-4730 segment gaining market share in Korea to about 37%; 3) the heating up jon.t.oh@jpmorgan.com of competition in the executive segment with Bajaj and Hero Honda JPMorgan Securities (Malaysiahttp://www.mianfeiwendang.com/doc/e419825b6848e34b74057232) Sdn. Bhd. rolling out 125-135cc bike models; 4) the impact of commodity tax cut (18146-X) on the auto sales in Taiwan; and 5) Daihatsu’s target to achieve 13% Aditya Srinath, CFA share in the Indonesian market in 2009. (62-21) 5291-8573 aditya.s.srinath@jpmorgan.com ? Non-consensus calls: We initiated coverage on DongFeng Motor with PT J.P. Morgan Securities Indonesia an Overweight rating. DongFeng Motor is our top pick in the China auto Wan Sun Park sector; we believe the company is well-positioned to ride China’s third (82-2) 758-5722 auto boom. We are Underweight on Astra International because we wansun.c.park@jpmorgan.com believe current consensus earnings estimates are too high. A right time J.P. Morgan Securities (Far East) Limited to accumulate Astra would be when vehicle sales start to stabilize, rather than when interest rates start to decline, in our view. Aggregate SAAR sales volume in Asia New vehicle volume (SAAR) salehttp://www.mianfeiwendang.com/doc/e419825b6848e34b74057232s Million units Market CY06 CY07 CY08E CY09E Y/Y(%) Japan 5.73 5.35 5.07 4.68 -7.8 China 7.22 8.79 9.38 8.78 -6.4 Korea 1.16 1.22 1.15 1.00 -13.2 India 1.87 2.25 2.48 2.58 4.0 Taiwan 0.37 0.33 0.24 0.21 -13.5 Hotai Motor, Taiwan Economic Journal. Indonesia 0.32 0.43 0.60 0.37 -37.7 Total 16.7 18.4 18.9 17.6 -6.9 Source: JAMA, KAMA, CAAM, SIAM, China Motor, Hotai Motor, Taiwan Economic Journal, Astra International, J.P. Morgan estimates. See page 81 for analyst certification and important disclosures, including non-US analyst disclosures. J.P. Morgan does and seeks to do business with companies covered in its research reports. As a result, investors should be aware that the firm may have a conflict of interest that could affect the objectivity of this report. Investors should consider this report as only a single factor in making their 文档下载 免费文档下载 http://www.mianfeiwendang.com/ investment decision. 2 W: What is changing? In this sectiohttp://www.mianfeiwendang.com/doc/e419825b6848e34b74057232n, analysts summarize the changing trends in the industry or regulatory changes in the various markets in the region. China Change 1: We expect China's next auto boom to kick off in 2010/11 Given the worse-than-expected economic slowdown and worse-than-expected car sales in the past two months, we recently cut our 2009 and 2010 sales forecasts of domestically made sedans (cars) by 9% and 6% to 4,795 million and 5,370 million, respectively. As a result, we expect sales to decline by 5% Y/Y in 2009 before rising to 12% and 16% Y/Y in 2010E and 2011E, respectively. Table 1: China—J.P. Morgan’s forecasts for vehicle demand Sales units 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009E 2010E 2011E ('000) Sedan 2242 2,787 3,829 4,727 5,047 200 220 246 SUV 163 196 238 357 448 4,795 5,370 6230 MPV 109 156 191 226 197 484 552 618 Minivan 757 831 918 988 1,064 1,091 1179 Total PV 3271 3970 5176 6298 6756 6489 7233 8273 (Y/Y % change) 2http://www.mianfeiwendang.com/doc/e419825b6848e34b740572322% Bus 183 179 191 247 253 -4% 255 268 283 Truck 1121 1,163 1,317 1,516 1,641 1610 Trailer 99 57 93 178 194 175 Truck chassis 307 298 341 450 450 2,290 7% 183 202 Van chassis 91 91 98 102 88 382 2,409 2,651 (Y/Y % change) 1,010 21% 30% 11% 14% 1395 1464 84 92 101 401 455 Total CV 1,801 1,788 2,040 2,494 2,625 -0.7% 14.1% 22.3% 5.2% -12.7% 5.2% 10.1% Total vehicles 5,072 5,758 7,216 8,792 9,381 8,779 9,642 10,924 (Y/Y % change) 17.2% 13.5% 25.3% 21.8% 6.7% -6.4% 9.8% 13.3% Source: CAAM, J.P. Morgan estimates. Due to the comparison base effect, car sales might experience the sharpest Y/Y decline in 1H09 before tapering off in 2H09 due to the expected gradual recovery in demand in 2H09 and the reduced comparison base in 2H08. China’s next auto boom to kick-off in 2010E/2011E Passenger vehicle sector characterized by low penetration rate The passenger vehicle penetration rate in China is rather low, as low as 24 per 1,000 perhttp://www.mianfeiwendang.com/doc/e419825b6848e34b74057232sons by 2007. Mature markets such as the US, Europe and Japan already boast of high penetration rates and offer less growth potential. Unlike these markets, China’s passenger vehicle market, 文档下载 免费文档下载 http://www.mianfeiwendang.com/ which is increasingly driven by first-time buyers in tier-two and tier-three cities, has a rather low penetration rate. In tier-one cities such as Beijing and Shanghai, replacement demand has also become a key driver in new demand, with second-hand vehicle sales quickly catching up with primary market car sales. This means that despite its already massive size, China’s passenger vehicle market still offers a lot of growth potential in the next 5-10 years, due to its low penetration rate and large pool of potential buyers. Table 2: China: Penetration rate of cars (Possession of passenger vehicles per 1,000 persons) 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 20http://www.mianfeiwendang.com/doc/e419825b6848e34b7405723203 2004 2005 2006 2007 Passenger vehicles 1.93 2.41 2.92 3.45 3.99 4.7 5.25 5.88 6.74 7.79 9.36 11.44 13.35 16.31 19.93 24.19 Source: CEIC, J.P. Morgan. Table 3: China—Number of second-hand vehicles by region in 2006 Region Truck Bus & Car Off-road Motorcycle Others Total 文档下载 免费文档下载 http://www.mianfeiwendang.com/ coach vehicle Beijing 14,941 71,418 169,955 5,905 7,369 52,701 322,289 Guangdong 48,506 49,180 138,505 5,875 55,295 9,895 307,256 Shanghai 33,970 51,724 117,730 1,326 12,893 4,652 222,295 Zhejiang 44,268 44,280 71,497 4,127 12,362 3,719 180,253 Others 218,387 236,737 321,576 17,224 54,740 25,118 873,782 Total 360,072 453,339 819,263 34,457 142,659 96,085 1,905,875 Source: China Auto Market, J.P. Morgan. Source: China Auto Market, J.P. Morgan. 3 frank.m.li@jpmorgan.com 4 Table 4: Car penetration rate in Europeanhttp://www.mianfeiwendang.com/doc/e419825b6848e34b74057232 countries and the US (units/per 1000 persons) 492 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 France 476 485 490 487 495 495 Germany 532 538 541 581 590 597 UK 464 470 480 504 506 546 550 509 508 Spain 431 559 566 Italy 563 583 588 592 441 448 437 452 459 462 文档下载 免费文档下载 http://www.mianfeiwendang.com/ Avg* 1,160 493 503 509 513 516 1,190 522 526 US* 1,120 1,130 1,140 1,150 1,200 Source: Data for Europe is based on ACEA and J.P. Morgan estimates, while US data is based on Wardsauto and J.P. Morgan estimates. *European car penetration rate is based on car possession per one thousand population, while car penetration rate in the US is based on car possession rate per one thousand driving age population, which represents around 75% of the population. Looking for the next auto boom in 2010/ 2011? Despite our cautious near-term view on car demand, we have an optimistic view on the passenger vehicle sector’s medium-term growthhttp://www.mianfeiwendang.com/doc/e419825b6848e34b74057232 prospects. Unlike the mature markets such as the US, Japan or Western Europe, China’s car market is still a growth market with much potential, especially in tier-three cities, to be tapped in the next 5-10 years. Just like China’s first two auto booms, which were largely driven by the breakout of car demand in tier-one and tier-two cities, we expect the next boom to be largely driven by the breakout of demand in tier-three cities, which might happen in 2010 or 2011. The urban households’ average disposable income in tier-three cities in 2007 was Rmb27,929, which was lower than in tier-one and tier-two cities at Rmb52,448 and Rmb40,157, respectively. On the other hand, in 2007, tier-three cities’ disposable income growth rate of 16.2% was higher than tier-one and tier-two cities’ 14.6% and 15.9%, respectively. Assuming a conservative forecast of a 10.5% CAGR in tier-three cities’ income growth from 2007 to 2010, the houshttp://www.mianfeiwendang.com/doc/e419825b6848e34b74057232eholds’ urban average disposable income in tier-three cities should rise to Rmb41,563 by 2011. Based on China’s CPI discount factor of 1.5% in 2006, 4.5% in 2007, 6.1% in 2008, and estimated CPI of 1%, 2%, and 3.5% for 2009, 2010, and 2011, respectively, we find that the above estimated urban households’ average disposable income in tier-three cities of Rmb41,563 is equivalent to purchasing power worth around Rmb34,637 in 2006—similar to the urban households’ average disposable income in tier-two cities of Rmb34,654 in 2006, which sparked off China’s second auto boom. On the other hand, if we elect to adopt a more aggressive forecast of a 13% CAGR in tier-three cities’ income growth 文档下载 免费文档下载 http://www.mianfeiwendang.com/ from 2007 to 2010, we expect the urban households’ average disposable income in tier-three cities to reach Rmb40,199 in 2010. Likewise, using China’s CPI discount factor of 1.5% in 2006, 4.5% in 2007, 6.1% in 2008, and an estimated CPI of 1% and 2% in 2009http://www.mianfeiwendang.com/doc/e419825b6848e34b74057232 and 2010, respectively, we find that the above estimated urban households’ average disposable income in tier-three cities of Rmb40,199 is equivalent to purchasing power worth around Rmb34,674 in 2006—similar to the urban households’ disposable income in tier-two cities of Rmb34,654 in 2006. In short, we expect China’s third auto boom to kick off in 2010 or 2011 when the average households’ disposable income in tier-three cities is expected to reach the Rmb40,199 or Rmb41, 563 level. This amount, when discounted back based on the CPI factor, is similar to purchasing power of the urban households’ average disposable income of Rmb32,250 in tier-one cities in 2003 and Rmb34,654 in tier- two cities in 2006, which sparked off China’s previous two auto booms. Figure 2: China—Breakout of car demand in tier-three cities in 2010 scenario First tier city household average income 50 40 disphttp://www.mianfeiwendang.com/doc/e419825b6848e34b74057232osable 文档下载 免费文档下载 http://www.mianfeiwendang.com/ 30 20 10 0Third tier city household average disposable income 199419961998200020022004200620082010 Source: J.P. Morgan. Figure 3: China—Breakout of car demand in tier-three cities in 2011 scenario First tier city household average disposable income 50 40 30 20 10 0Third tier city household average disposable income 文档下载 免费文档下载 http://www.mianfeiwendang.com/ 199419961998200020022004200620082010 Source: J.P. Morgan. China’s demographics favor good medium-term growth People in the age group of 40-45 years, who have highest disposable income and are most likely to own cars, accounted for 16% of China’s total population in 2007. By 2012, the income bracket of the 40-45 age group is estimated rise to 19% of China’s total population, bohttp://www.mianfeiwendang.com/doc/e419825b6848e34b74057232des which well for car demand growth in 2012 to 2015. 5 6 Figure 4: China—Demographic breakdown by age group in 2007 Source: CEIC, J.P. Morgan. Figure 5: China—Demographic breakdown by age group in 2012E Source: CEIC, J.P. Morgan. Upside from upcoming policy package to stimulate China’s car consumption China’s three consumption growth engines: Housing, car and rural consumer markets In light of the sharp economic slowdown, China’s State Council has noted the importance of activating domestic consumption, and has highlighted three key markets for increasing domestic consumption—the housing market, the car 文档下载 免费文档下载 http://www.mianfeiwendang.com/ market, and the rural consumer market. On January 14, 2009, China’s State Council passed policies to boost the domestic auto sector, which are, in general, positive for the sector, in our view. 1. From January 20-December 31, the government will cut the vehicle purchase tax for cahttp://www.mianfeiwendang.com/doc/e419825b6848e34b74057232rs with an engine size of 1.6 liters or below from 10% to 5%, which is charged at the consumer level. 2. The government will provide Rmb5 billion as a financial subsidy to help farmers upgrade their three-wheeler and low-speed agricultural vehicles to light trucks and mini-buses with an engine size of 1.3 liters or below. 3. Promote M&A in China’s auto industry. 4. The central government will spend Rmb10 billion to help auto companies upgrade their technology and develop proprietary technology. 5. Adopt an “alternative energy car” strategy through measures such as promoting the development of electric cars and boosting the development of key auto parts of electrical cars. 6. Help auto companies develop their own proprietary brands and accelerate 文档下载 免费文档下载 http://www.mianfeiwendang.com/ the construction of export bases for autos and auto parts. 7. Develophttp://www.mianfeiwendang.com/doc/e419825b6848e34b74057232 an auto-related service industry. We believe the above policies are encouraging and expect the government to take additional measures to boost the automotive sector if the cyclical downturn proves to be more severe than expected. We have summarized other possible policies and/or measures that the domestic automotive sector has proposed to the governing authorities, and rate their chances of adoption by the government to stimulate car consumption in China: (1) Allowing institutional customers with a legal person status who purchase vehicles to obtain a VAT credit to offset VAT liabilities We believe the above policy, if adopted, should encourage corporate customers to purchase vehicles. Given its relative complexity, we believe the chances of its adoption are medium. 文档下载 免费文档下载 http://www.mianfeiwendang.com/ (2) Allowing individual customers who purchase vehicles http://www.mianfeiwendang.com/doc/e419825b6848e34b74057232to obtain credit at a certain percentage of the vehicle purchase price that can be used to offset their individual income tax liabilities We believe the above policy, if adopted, would encourage individual customers to purchase vehicles. Given its relative complexity, we believe the chances of its adoption are medium. (3) Including motorcycles, light trucks and small cars (engine size of 1.5 liters or below) in the list of “home appliances entering rural families” project that qualify for 13% financial subsidy of the purchase price Given the high recurrent usage cost, we believe the possibility of cars, even small cars, being included in the list is low. However, motorcycles might well be included. 7 8 (4) Increasing credit support to auto producers, dealers and auto parts suppliers We believe the chances are Inhttp://www.mianfeiwendang.com/doc/e419825b6848e34b74057232 very fact, high. China’s 文档下载 免费文档下载 http://www.mianfeiwendang.com/ Import and Export Bank, on December 7, 2008, signed an agreement to provide a credit line of Rmb10 billion to Chery, China’s largest local branded auto producer. The policy can help alleviate the cash flow problem suffered by auto producers, dealers and auto parts suppliers amid the sales slowdown. (5) Loosening requirements on auto loans and reducing lending rates for auto loans Unlike many developed countries, where 70-80% of the cars are bought with the help of loans, only less than 10% of the cars sold in China are bought via loans, with most consumers buying cars on a lump-sum cash basis. This is partly because the auto loan lending rate is set at a rather high level of 1.4x the benchmark lending rate. In comparison, the mortgage rate on property is set at 0.7-0.8x the benchmark lending rate. In other words, the borrowers of auto loans for the same amount of money tend to pay twice as much interest as those http://www.mianfeiwendang.com/doc/e419825b6848e34b74057232of property mortgage loans. We believe chances of adoption of the above policy are high, as it could help boost sales in China. We believe it might take some time for Chinese banks, which have burnt their fingers in the previous down-cycles in 2005, to come up with auto loans with as preferential a lending rate as that of the property mortgage rate. (6) Allowing consumers to borrow money from the public housing fund to purchase cars We believe chances of allowing consumers to borrow auto loans from the Rmb400 billion public housing fund to purchase cars are low, given the complexity of implementing the policy and the fact that the housing market badly needs the full support of the public housing fund. (7) Increasing the VAT rebate for auto parts and vehicle exports China’s vehicle exports have suffered a sharp decline from 3Q08. We believe that the chance of increasing the VAT rebate for vehicle exports is very high, which shouhttp://www.mianfeiwendang.com/doc/e419825b6848e34b74057232ld be positive for auto producers focusing on exports. (8) Increasing purchase of local branded vehicles by the government We believe the chances are very high, which should be positive news for local branded vehicle producers. (9) Providing financial subsidy for vehicles, which are scrapped ahead of their lifespan The chances are medium, in our view, and we see limited positive impact from the policy if it is adopted. We are Overweight on DongFeng Motor and Neutral on Denway Motor If the government keeps coming up with 文档下载 免费文档下载 http://www.mianfeiwendang.com/ aggressive policies to stimulate car consumption, there is a chance that the next auto boom might kick off ahead of our originally forecast 2010/2011. We believe DongFeng Motor (DFM) makes the best proxy to take advantage of the upturn in China’s next auto boom because: (1) The company’s multi-strategic-partner business model has enabled it to gain access to a steady flow of new models from its http://www.mianfeiwendang.com/doc/e419825b6848e34b74057232three strategic partners—Nissan, Honda, and Peugeot Citroen. (2) DFM is a consistent outperformer, with its market share expanding to 14.1% in FY08 from 12.9% in FY07. In comparison, Denway’s market share continues to decline, with its market share down to 4.5% in FY08 from 4.7% in FY07. We expect DFM to outperform Denway Motors from here. While we believe that Denway Motors’ earnings for FY08 and FY09 could be disappointing and are already fairly valued in the current price, we remain Neutral given its high cash position and the possibility of returning cash to shareholders. By our estimates, it boasts net cash of HK$0.67 per share on its own balance sheet; the net cash on its 50%-owned Guangzhou Honda is equivalent to ~HK$0.52 per share attributable to Denway’s shareholders. Its share price might trade above its fair value of HK$2.1 文档下载 免费文档下载 http://www.mianfeiwendang.com/ if://www.mianfeiwendang.com/doc/e419825b6848e34b74057232r the company returns cash to shareholders through a special dividend. Our fundamental December 2009 price target of HK$2.1 is based on 10x FY10E P/E. Key risks to our price target include more severe-than-expected price cuts amid a sharp economic slowdown and weaker-than-expected sales volume. Change 2: Heavy truck demand likely to stage a recovery in the short term; we still forecast lower heavy truck demand for 2009 The heavy truck sector slipped into the red in 4Q08 According to the statistics released by China Association of Auto Manufacturing, China’s heavy truck demand dropped to a low of 160,490 units, down 31% Y/Y and 58% H/H in 2H08. As a result, China’s heavy truck demand growth slowed to only 10.9% in FY08. In 2008, Sinotruk Group (including listed vehicles and Jining Commercial Vehicle of the parent) was http://www.mianfeiwendang.com/doc/e419825b6848e34b74057232in the No. 1 position with sales of 111,424 units, followed by FAW (107,093 units) and DFM (106,490 units). 文档下载 免费文档下载 http://www.mianfeiwendang.com/ Table 5: China—Heavy truck sales volume by companies in 2007 and 2008 Units 2008 2007 Y/Y % Sinotruk 111,424 99,819 11.6% DongFeng Motor 106,490 88,731 20.0% FAW 107,09396,247 11.35 Shanxi Auto 65,08460,090 8.3% Beiqi Foton 57,10756,646 0.8% SAIC Hongyan 22,33724,034 -7.1% Baotou Beifang Benz 25,03815,068 66.2% Anhui Jianghuai 10,78610,285 4.9% Anhui Hualing 12,82811,233 14.25 Huibei Sanhuan 7,7585,946 30.5% Others 14,50319,382 -25.2% Total 540,448 487,481 10.9% Source: CAAM. 9 文档下载 免费文档下载 http://www.mianfeiwendang.com/ 10 Figure 6: China— Heavy truck producers’ market share in 2007 Source: CAAM. Figure 7: China— Heavy truck producers’ market share in 2008 Source: CAAM. Figure 8: China—Monthly hehttp://www.mianfeiwendang.com/doc/e419825b6848e34b74057232avy truck demand in 2007 and 2008 Source: CAAM. We believe the collapse in heavy truck demand is due to the much sharper-than-expected slowdown in economic growth. For example, according to Commercial Vehicle News, logistics companies in Shanxi and Liaoning provinces (China’s major suppliers of coal and iron ore, respectively), which own over 50% of the heavy trucks, have suspended operations due to the poor business environment. Given the high operating leverage in the heavy truck sector, we believe China’s heavy truck sector could have slipped into the red from 4Q08. Recovery in heavy truck demand on the way due to lagged effect of monetary easing We hold the view that China’s heavy truck demand could see a short-term recovery from the current depressed level due to the expected sharp rebound in China’s 文档下载 免费文档下载 http://www.mianfeiwendang.com/ industrial production as ohttp://www.mianfeiwendang.com/doc/e419825b6848e34b74057232f 2Q09 in response to the aggressive monetary easing by the government as of September 2008. If China continues to pump liquidity into the economy, there might be a major increase in industrial output growth, fueling a recovery in the property and commodity sectors, which in turn should increase the demand for commercial vehicles including heavy trucks. As shown in Figure 9, China’s industrial production growth tends to exhibit a strong correlation with that of China’s money supply (as reflected in M2 growth or loan growth); although money supply growth tends to lead industrial output growth by around one or two quarters. We witnessed a sharp divergence between China’s money supply growth and China’s industrial production growth in 4Q08 due to the lagged effect of China’s money supply growth and the de-stocking Chttp://www.mianfeiwendang.com/doc/e419825b6848e34b74057232hina’s 4Q08. effect economy in in 文档下载 免费文档下载 http://www.mianfeiwendang.com/ With consistent monetary easing, China’s industrial production growth could rebound sharply, which in turn could result in recovery in heavy truck demand from the current depressed level in the short term. There is a big question over the sustainability of the expected demand recovery unless the Chinese government’s Rmb4 trillion economic stimulus program is successfully able to arrest the economic slowdown in China and the property and mining sectors come out of the current doldrums. This is because 50% of the demand comes from mining, 30% from logistics, 10% from property, and 10% from infrastructural projects. The expected increase in infrastructural spending, driven by the economic stimulus package, might not be sufficient to offset the sharp slowdown in demand from mining (falling coal prices) http://www.mianfeiwendang.com/doc/e419825b6848e34b74057232and logistics (related to import and export trade), and property sectors. As a result, we conservatively forecast a 30% decline in China’s heavy truck demand to 378,000 in 2009. Table 6: China’s heavy truck demand forecasts 文档下载 免费文档下载 http://www.mianfeiwendang.com/ 000 units Heavy truck demand 2005 2006 2007 2008E 2009E 2010E 2011E 237 307 487 540 378 454 522 30% 59% 11% -30% 20% 15% Source: CAAM, J.P. Morgan estimates. 11 12 The key risk to our bearish demand forecast for China’s heavy truck sector this year is the turnaround in the property and mining sectors—which account for a large part of the heavy truck demand in China—on consistent and aggressive monetary easing. Figure 9: Correlation between China’s M2 growth and industrial production growth %oya, 3mma, both scales 22252020181516101412510019981999200020012002200320042005200620072008 Source: CEIC. Figure 10: Correlation behttp://www.mianfeiwendang.com/doc/e419825b6848e34b74057232tween China’s loan growth and industrial production growth %oya, 3mma, both scales 2525232120191715151310119575019981999200020012002200320042005200620072008 Source: CEIC. Korea Change: 2009 domestic auto sales likely to drop 14% Y/Y to below 1MM units 文档下载 免费文档下载 http://www.mianfeiwendang.com/ We expect 2009 domestic auto sales to shrink by nearly 14% Y/Y to 998,000 units, below 1 million units for the first time since the 1998 Asian Financial Crisis. We expect No.1 player HMC’s domestic vehicle sales to fall by 13% Y/Y to below 500,000 units. However, market share should trend upwards to slightly over 50%, due to hardships of other domestic makers including Ssangyong and GMDAT, and the potential scale-down of capacity. HMC’s export shipment from Korea is also expected to fall by 7% Y/Y to 1,024,000 units. Transplant production will likely suffer a 9% Y/Y drop to 1,032,000 http://www.mianfeiwendang.com/doc/e419825b6848e34b74057232units in 2009, despite the ramp-up of the Czech plant (full capacity of 200,000 units). We assume nearly a 40% Y/Y drop in the US and Turkey plant shipments and a significant slowdown in growth for emerging markets ( 2% Y/Y for China and -6% Y/Y for India). Implication: Challenging 1H ahead, share price to remain range-bound During the course of 2009, we expect 1Q to be the most challenging quarter for HMC (similar to other auto makers), and we believe auto makers globally will 文档下载 免费文档下载 http://www.mianfeiwendang.com/ engage in serious production cuts in 1Q. In terms of SAAR, 2Q could be testing the bottom (best-case scenario), but it is more likely that we will still see a Q/Q decline in domestic vehicle sales up to 3Q. We expect HMC to enter a good product cycle from 3Q09, with FMC/FL of traditional volume sellers in the pipeline (Tuscon/Sonata during 2H09 and Avante/Vehttp://www.mianfeiwendang.com/doc/e419825b6848e34b74057232rna/Grandeur in 2010E). Until then, we expect HMC’s share price to remain range-bound without a catalyst. Table 7: HMC—Consolidated sales projection (units) Domestic Export Transplants US China India 文档下载 免费文档下载 http://www.mianfeiwendang.com/ Turkey Czech Consolidated total Source: Company data, J.P. Morgan estimates. 2007 2008E Y/Y% 2009E Y/Y% 624,227 570,116 -8.7 499,101 -12.5 1,076,324 1,099,229 2.1 1,024,013 -6.8 917,434 1,127,625 22.9 1,032,000 -8.5 251,023 237,103 -5.5 150,000 -37 231,666 294,508 27.1 300,000 1.9 327,161 489,428 49.6 462,000 -5.6 107,584 95,582 -11.2 60,000 -37.2 11,004 N.A. 60,000 445.3 2,617,985 2,796,970 6.8 2,555,113 -8.6 13 frank.m.li@jpmorgan.com Figure 11: Domestic market share trend Source: KAMA. 14 Figure 12: HMC US inventory Source: Company data. Unit sales http://www.mianfeiwendang.com/doc/e419825b6848e34b74057232up 4% in 2008, driven by the passenger car segment India Macroeconomic variables led to modest growth in sales over 2008; we expect growth momentum to revive over 2H09 Four-wheeler unit sales in India were at 2.35 million units, up 4% Y/Y in 2008—growth was primarily 文档下载 免费文档下载 http://www.mianfeiwendang.com/ driven by passenger cars ( 10% Y/Y), while commercial vehicle sales (-9% Y/Y) declined. We expect the environment to remain challenging over the near term, with sales expected to lag over 1H09, given the current economic slowdown. Consequently, we expect sales to pick up into 2H09, driven by monetary easing, given that the central bank has reduced CRR/Repo rates. We expect auto unit sales to grow by 5% over 2009. Figure 13: India auto sales Source: SIAM. Passenger car sales Over 2008, passenger car sales were up 10% Y/Y, with sales being driven by exports ( 59% Y/Y). Domestic sales growth ( 3% Y/Y) moderated sharply, thhttp://www.mianfeiwendang.com/doc/e419825b6848e34b74057232ough. 15 16 Figure 14: Passenger car sales Source: SIAM. J.P. Morgan estimates GDP growth to moderate to 5.5% in 2009 before rebounding in 2010. Given this backdrop, we forecast domestic sales to remain muted over the near term, with sales growth expected to remain weak over 1H09. A subsequent recovery appears likely over 2H, given the monetary easing. Export growth will likely hold, though, as India emerges as a hub for small car exports. On balance, we expect passenger car sales to grow at 7% Y/Y over 2009. Figure 15: India GDP growth Source: RBI, J.P. Morgan estimates. Note: 2005 GDP growth is representative of GDP growth for year ending March 2006. 文档下载 免费文档下载 http://www.mianfeiwendang.com/ CV sales declined 9% Y/Y, led by the slowdown in M/HCVs Despite the repo/CRR rate cuts, banks remain risk averse and have not cut lending rates Commercial vehicle sales Figure 16: M/HCV and Total CV http://www.mianfeiwendang.com/doc/e419825b6848e34b74057232sales Source: SIAM. IIP (Index of Industrial Production) growth dipped sharply to 2.8% in 2008, hurting commercial vehicle sales, which declined by 9% Y/Y. Over 2009, we expect CV sales to remain flat Y/Y. While 1H will likely remain challenging, we expect sales to recover in 2H, driven by easing credit flow for new truck purchases as well as buying ahead of the rollover of emission norms to Euro IV from April 10 onwards. Figure 17: Index of Industrial Production Source: RBI, J.P. Morgan estimates. Note: 2005 IIP growth is representative of GDP growth for year ending March 2006. 17 18 Taiwan Limited drivers in 2009: We see no signs of a recovery in Taiwan’s auto market Auto sales in 2008 reached a 22-year low of 222,496 units (excluding vehicles over 3.5L), a decline of 30.3% Y/Y. Given the slowdown in auto sales, the Taiwan Transportation Vehicle Manufacturers Association (TTVMA) has been ahttp://www.mianfeiwendang.com/doc/e419825b6848e34b74057232sking for assistance from the government since past November. TTVMA had originally proposed a reduction in commodity tax and subsidies for the buyers replacing their old vehicles. The recent cuts in commodity tax for vehicles (by NT$30,000/car and NT$4,000/motorcycle) suggest 文档下载 免费文档下载 http://www.mianfeiwendang.com/ that the government is making an effort to boost auto sales in Taiwan. However, we do not expect further drivers that would help boost auto sales due to the current financial meltdown. We expect the overall auto sales in Taiwan to decline by 10,000-20,000 units in 2009, implying a 5%-10% fall, and will recover 5% Y/Y in 2010E. Figure 18: Taiwan—Historical auto sales and forecasts Units (LHS), % (RHS) Source: China Motor, Hotai Motor, J.P. Morgan estimates. Figure 19: Taiwan—Consumer confidence index Figure 20: Taiwan—Unemployment rate Source: TEJ. Source: TEJ. Guidance from leading auto companies are in line withttp://www.mianfeiwendang.com/doc/e419825b6848e34b74057232h our view Hotai Motor guided that the company’s auto sales would reach 20,000-22,000 units in 2009—flat to a 10% Y/Y decline. China Motor expects flat growth in 2009. Auto companies expect no signs of a recovery in 2009, by our analysis. In terms of new model launches this year, Hotai appears aggressive as the company plans a slew of new model and redesigned launches in 2009. China Motor will rather likely be conservative, with only its Mitsubishi Colt Plus, which is expected in 2H09. The newcomer to the market this year should be Yulon’s Luxgen MPV, which is scheduled to be launched in March. This will be Yulon’s own branded car launch in 文档下载 免费文档下载 http://www.mianfeiwendang.com/ Taiwan; it is scheduled to be launched in China in 2010. Table 8: New model launch plans of major auto companies Company Yulon Motor Hotai Motor China Motor ://www.mianfeiwendang.com/doc/e419825b6848e34b74057232rMazda Honda Model name (engine size- liter)Nissan Teana (2.0-3.5)Luxgen MPVToyota Wish (2.0)Toyota Yaris (2.5)Toyota Camry (2.0-3.5)Mitsubishi Colt Plus (1.6)Mazda 3 (2.5)Honda Civic (2.0)New/ Redesigned Whole new model Whole new model Major change Minor change Minor change Minor change Major change Minor change TypeSedanRVRVCompactSedanCompactCompactSedanLaunch timeMar-09Mar-094Q092H092H092H094Q09Mar-09 Source: China Motor, Hotai Motor, Taiwan Motor. Table 9: Market share by segment in 2008 Passenger 文档下载 免费文档下载 http://www.mianfeiwendang.com/ China Motor 8.6% Hotai 47.6% Yulon 10.0% Ford Lioho 4.9% Mazda 4.8% Honda 7.9% Source: China Motor, Hotai Motor. RV/SUV Commercial vehicle13.7% 66.3%.2% 0.4_.4% 3.7%5.1% 11.2%5.2% 0.0_.2% 0.0% 19 Figure 21: Historical market share analysis—Top three players Figure 22: Taiwan registered cars by (exchttp://www.mianfeiwendang.com/doc/e419825b6848e34b74057232l vehicles) ‘000 units Source: China Motor, Hotai Motor. Source: Ministry of Transportation. age commercial 文档下载 免费文档下载 http://www.mianfeiwendang.com/ 20 Table 10: YTD 08—Volume and market share Marque TIV Share Proton 131,635 25.9% Perodua 154,933 30.5% Toyota 93,831 18.5% Nissan 28,693 5.6% Honda 30,879 6.1% Others 68,778 13.5% TIV 508,367 Source: MAA. Table 11: 2009 and 2010—Volume forecasts 2009E 2010E TIV 411,315 416,275 Proton 111,394 105,235 文档下载 免费文档下载 http://www.mianfeiwendang.com/ Perodua 134,417 138,449 Toyota 73,039 75,230 Nissan 28,050 29,725 Honda 27,910 29,305 Others 36,505 38,330 Source: J.P. Morgan estimates. Table 12: 2009 and 2010—Market share forecasts 2009E 2010E Proton 27.1% 25.3% Perodua 32.7% 33.3% Toyota 17.8% 18.1%://www.mianfeiwendang.com/doc/e419825b6848e34b74057232ar Nissan 6.8% 7.1% Honda 6.8% 7.0% Others 8.9% 9.2% 文档下载 免费文档下载 http://www.mianfeiwendang.com/ Source: J.P. Morgan estimates. Malaysia Not a time to own, in our view Although the MAA guidance for 2009 is 10%-15% higher than our forecast of -22% growth for TIV, we maintain our view that auto sales will plummet in 2009, fueled by a confluence of macro factors such as lower GDP growth (2009E = 2%), rising unemployment rate (2009E = 4%) and weakening consumer confidence (Sep-08 CSI = 89). Furthermore, with potential softening of the second-hand market, trade-in values are likely to dip, posing more impediments for down payments of a new car. We expect 2009 TIV to decline by 22% Our 2009 and 2010 estimates of 411,315 and 416,274 units, respectively, suggest that TIV should decline 22% Y/Y this year and stabilize by 2010. We expect market share increase for both Proton (from 25.9% to 27.1% in FY09) and Perodua (from 30.5% to 32.7% ihttp://www.mianfeiwendang.com/doc/e419825b6848e34b74057232n FY09), largely at the expense of lower sales in continental and Korean cars. Earnings outlook We expect weak numbers in the Feb-09 reporting season, reflecting the down-cycle of the calendar year and incorporating the weak performance of Oct-08. Earnings could continue to surprise on the downside throughout the remaining year, depending on the severity of auto sales decline. Vehicle operating margins should also contract in 2009, as ASPs are likely to come under pressure. In 2009, we expect Tan Chong to report an earnings decline of 36% (OP margin down by 170bp), while UMW should post an earnings decline of 23% (OP margin down by 50bp). We expect Proton to be marginally profitable, with a CY09 net profit of M$7.5 million. We have a cautious view on the sector We reiterate our cautious view on the auto sector. We remain Underweight on UMW (with a Dec-09 PT of M$4.40, based on a 10% discount to our SOTP valuation),://www.mianfeiwendang.com/doc/e419825b6848e34b74057232 given that the stock is trading at a premium to regional comps (14x FY09E P/E) and its exposure to the oil and gas sector appears to lend vulnerability to its non-auto 文档下载 免费文档下载 http://www.mianfeiwendang.com/ earnings. We are Overweight on Tan Chong (with a Dec-09 PT of M$1.80, based on a 20% discount to BVPS), solely for its attractive valuation, although we believe poor liquidity and earnings headwinds could hamper the share price performance. We maintain our Neutral rating on Proton (with a Mar-09 PT of M$2.10, based on the company’s net cash value), and believe that the stock, in the short term, should trade back to the net cash level. Unexpected resilience in 2009 is a risk to our PTs and views for all three companies. 21 22 Figure 23: Malaysia—New vehicle sales Million units, seasonally-adjusted annualized rate: six-month moving average Source: Malaysia Automohttp://www.mianfeiwendang.com/doc/e419825b6848e34b74057232tive Association, J.P. Morgan estimates. Figure 24: Annual TIV sales since 1995 (000 units) Source: MAA, J.P. Morgan estimates. Figure 25: Malaysia petrol pump price trends Source: MAA, J.P. Morgan estimates. Figure 26: Sales decline Y/Y—Lessons learned in 1998 Source: MAA. 文档下载 免费文档下载 http://www.mianfeiwendang.com/ Figure 27: Sales decline Y/Y—Forecasts for 2009 Source: J.P. Morgan estimates. Not a sector to own, in our view TCM (OW; Dec-09 PT of M$1.80) We remain cautious on the Malaysian auto sector. However, we maintain our Overweight rating on Tan Chong with a Dec-09 PT of M$1.80; our PT is based on a 20% discount to FY09E BVPS, despite earnings likely to decline by 36% next year. We still believe that Tan Chong is one of the deepest value auto-makers in the region, trading at a 5.4x FY09E and c.50% discount to NTA. Although UMW’s cashttp://www.mianfeiwendang.com/doc/e419825b6848e34b74057232h net position should bode well under current market conditions with an interest cover of over 16x FY09E, valuation multiples suggest that the stock is trading at 14x FY09E P/E, which we believe is expensive, given the historical P/E average of 11x and that Tan Chong is only trading at 5.4x FY09E. 文档下载 免费文档下载 http://www.mianfeiwendang.com/ Moreover, due to the lack of top-line stimuli, which is reflected in our deteriorating earnings outlook (-23%) for FY09, we maintain our Underweight rating on UMW and our Dec-09 PT of M$4.40 is based on a 10% discount to our SOTP valuation; we have pegged the company’s 51% stake in Toyota and 38% stake in Perodua at 8x P/E (previously 12x). The company’s exposure to upstream oil and gas manufacturing also lends more vulnerability to its non-auto earnings, in our view. For Proton, we believe the company’s fundamentals do not suggest any valid reasons://www.mianfeiwendang.com/doc/e419825b6848e34b74057232ar for investors to own its stock, but the steep valuation discount (trading at a c.14% discount to its net cash) suggests value to the stock. We maintain our Neutral rating with a Mar-09 PT of M$2.10, based on the net cash value of Proton, and believe that the company, in the short term, should trade back to the net cash level. 23 UMW (UW; Dec-09 PT of M$4.40) Proton (Neutral; Mar-09 PT of M$2.10) 24 Indonesia Change: Auto sales have started decelerating rapidly; we expect a 38% decline in vehicle sales in 2009 Auto sales in Indonesia were up by 44% Y/Y in the 11 months to November 2008. However, the strong performance masked a change in the outlook that began to take shape in the fourth quarter. Vehicle sales fell by 16% in November and preliminary indications for December suggest a further 16-20% M/M 文档下载 免费文档下载 http://www.mianfeiwendang.com/ decline. Lower consumer confidence, a decline in the rupiah (which increasedhttp://www.mianfeiwendang.com/doc/e419825b6848e34b74057232 car prices) and higher interest rates (coupled with more difficulties reported in credit availability/car finance) depressed the market towards the year-end. Outlook for 2009 We expect the operating conditions to continue to deteriorate going into 2009. Our forecasts build in vehicle sales slumping to 30,000 units per month before a recovery towards year-end. We expect vehicle sales to decline by 38% in 2009. Commercial vehicles and CVs should be among the worst hit, as commodity-related demand will likely be impacted the most, while commercial vehicles might suffer due to lower credit availability. Indonesia last saw a decline of a similar magnitude in 2006, when sales fell by 40%. To put our forecasts in perspective, we expect 2009 sales to be about 20-25% below the 2004 level. Table 13: Indonesian four wheeler sales and forecasts Units 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008E 2009E Industry 483,270 533,899 318,904 434,472 http://www.mianfeiwendang.com/doc/e419825b6848e34b74057232 606,077 374,000 Astra 314,222 217,586 259,906 174,827 194,480 Share 45.0% 48.7% 54.8% 51.4% 51.8% 52.0% 223,108 Industry 36.3% 10.5% -40.3% 36.2% 39.5% -38.3% Astra 47.9% 19.4% -32.7% 27.6% 40.8% -38.1% Source: Gaikindo, J.P. Morgan estimates. At this time, however, while the decline is still gathering pace, it is difficult to gauge if our forecasts are conservative or optimistic. We believe that over the next few months, as vehicle sales are expected to decline, we will get an opportunity to assess how deep and broad the slowdown is. To end on an optimistic note, given the length of previous cycles, we expect a recovery in vehicle sales starting sometime in 4Q09. Potential policy response Potential policy responses in the auto sector broadly include: (1) moves aimed at supporting industry and employment; (2) improving demand and purchasing power; and (3) macroeconomic monehttp://www.mianfeiwendang.com/doc/e419825b6848e34b74057232tary policy. Fuel prices 文档下载 免费文档下载 http://www.mianfeiwendang.com/ Fuel prices in Indonesia have been cut three times since the beginning of December 2008. At Rp4,500 per liter (about US$0.40/liter), current gasoline prices are back to where they were before the May 2008 increase. The cut in diesel prices has also been to a similar extent. We do not rule out the possibility of further cuts if crude oil remains below $45/bbl, the level built into Indonesia’s preliminary budget for 2009. Import duties To support the domestic automobile manufacturing industry (when the currency began to weaken), Indonesia’s government exempted automobile manufacturers from paying customs duties on specific inputs and steel grades for automobile manufacture. The Ministry of Trade, which is preparing a stimulus package, might look at additional measures to support local value addition http://www.mianfeiwendang.com/doc/e419825b6848e34b74057232in the sector. Ownership, sales, and luxury taxes Through 2H08, company feedback and newspaper reports (Bisnis Indonesia) indicated that Indonesian regional governments were looking at raising the 文档下载 免费文档下载 http://www.mianfeiwendang.com/ ownership tax (pajak balik nama) on automobiles by 5-15%. However, in an apparent turnaround, the automobile association, Gaikindo, announced that the government is debating reducing taxes on ownership of four-wheelers by 5% or more. The proposed reduction is aimed at supporting the industry in the face of the increasing threat of employment losses. Interest rates The other macroeconomic policy variable that has a bearing on the auto industry is the interest rate. BI moved to an ‘easing’ stance in December and cut the policy rate by 75bp from the peak of 9.5%. About 70% of commercial vehicles and ~50% of passenger car puhttp://www.mianfeiwendang.com/doc/e419825b6848e34b74057232rchases are on credit in Indonesia. Lower interest rates and increased loan availability could be the most potent of these policy measures to revive demand in 2009. 25 26 I: Information In this section, analysts give their take on the news and the 文档下载 免费文档下载 http://www.mianfeiwendang.com/ developments in each region that may be pertinent to auto companies. China Information 1: China's vehicle sales in December 2008 up 11.8% M/M and down 7.99% Y/Y For December 2008, China’s passenger vehicle sales came in 4% below our estimate. China sold 584,600 passenger vehicles in December, up 11.8% M/M and down 7.99% Y/Y. The passenger vehicle sales figures for December are ~4% below our estimate. Sedan sales recorded 452,400, up 16% M/M, down 6.89% Y/Y; MPV sales recorded 13,900, down 3.51% M/M and 36.89% Y/Y; SUV sales recorded 40,600, down 16.01% M/M, up 5.7 % Y/Y; and crossover vehicle sales recorded 77,700, down 7.4% M/M and 12.72% Y/Y. For 2http://www.mianfeiwendang.com/doc/e419825b6848e34b74057232008, China’s overall vehicle sales rose 6.7% Y/Y—1% below our forecast. China sold 9.38505 million vehicles in 2008, 1% below our forecast of 9.487 million, and up 6.7% Y/Y. The Y/Y growth rate in China’s vehicle sales for 2008 went down by 15.14 percentage points. The sales growth rate of passenger vehicles contracted by 14.41 percentage points versus 2007, while that of commercial vehicles dropped by 17 percentage points versus 2007. For 2008, China sold 6.7556 million passenger vehicles, up 7.27% Y/Y—sedan sales recorded 5.0469 million, up only 6.78%; MPV sales recorded 197,400, down 12.56% Y/Y; SUV sales recorded 447,700, up 25.28% Y/Y; and crossover vehicle sales recorded 1.0636 million, up 7.67% Y/Y. China’s top 10 car producers in 2008 include: (1) FAW VW with 2008 sales of 498,908. (2) Shanghai VW with sales of 478,059. (3) Shanghai GM with sales of 395,715. (4) FAW Toyota with sales of 347,663. (5) DongFeng Nissan with http://www.mianfeiwendang.com/doc/e419825b6848e34b74057232sales of 318,785. (6) Chery with sales of 286,569. (7) Guangzhou Honda with sales of 277,358. (8) Beijing Hyundai with sales of 253,298. (9) Geely with sales of 221,823. (10) Changan Ford with sales of 200,756. Among China’s passenger vehicle producers, the relative underperformers include 文档下载 免费文档下载 http://www.mianfeiwendang.com/ Shanghai GM, Chery, and Changan Ford, which have suffered Y/Y drops in sales for 2008; FAW Toyota, Beijing Hyundai and DongFeng Nissan saw above-average Y/Y growth in 2008 sales. The top 10 car producers account for 65% of China’s total car sales for 2008. J.P. Morgan comments The M/M recovery in sales demand in December is largely because auto producers tend to force a lot of cars on the dealers at year-end to dress up full-year sales. For 2008, they even waged full-scale competitive price cuts, which helped attract some consumhttp://www.mianfeiwendang.com/doc/e419825b6848e34b74057232ers. The actual Y/Y decline in December 2008 sales figures should be larger, given that there were 23 work days in December 2008, versus 21 work days in December 2007. We expect China’s sales of domestically made sedans to drop by 5% Y/Y in 2009 before going up by 12% and 16% in 2010 and 2011, respectively. We believe China’s next auto boom will kick off in 2010/2011 based on the expected 文档下载 免费文档下载 http://www.mianfeiwendang.com/ breakout of car demand in tier-three cities. We expect the Chinese government to come up with additional measures to stimulate car consumption. For instance, the lending rate on car loans, which is currently 1.4x the benchmark rate, could be adjusted downwards. Currently, the mortgage rate on housing loans is 0.8x the benchmark rate. If the government keeps coming up with aggressive policies to stimulate car consumption, we could see a recovery inhttp://www.mianfeiwendang.com/doc/e419825b6848e34b74057232 China’s car demand ahead of our base case forecast of 2010/2011. We maintain Overweight on DFM and Great Wall Motor. Information 2: China to expand consumer credit to the auto sector According to Shanghai Securities News, PBOC Deputy Governor, Liu Xi Yu, noted on January 15 that China’s banking industry will fully support the development of the auto industry, especially in approving new auto financing companies and expanding banks’ consumer credit to boost auto sales. Impact: Positive for China's auto sector 文档下载 免费文档下载 http://www.mianfeiwendang.com/ We see the potential boost in auto loans as positive for China’s auto sector. Currently, less than 10% of cars are sold via auto financing in China because auto loans are difficult to get and charge a relatively higher lending rate. By end-2008, the balance of auto loans is only Rmb158.3 billion, of which auto financihttp://www.mianfeiwendang.com/doc/e419825b6848e34b74057232ng companies accounted for only Rmb31.8 billion. If PBOC loosens the lending requirements and reduces the lending rate for auto loans to the auto sector, and accelerates the process of approving additional auto financing companies, auto sales in China could be boosted. 27 28 Korea Information 1: The light-small vehicle segment gains market share In 2008, the combined market share of light and small vehicle segments rose to 36.6% from 30.7% a year ago. Surging oil prices in 1H08 and weak consumption during the economic downturn were the main factors behind the shift in demand. Conversely, SUV and CDV market shares fell 6 percentage points to 22.7% during the same period. Table 14: Domestic market share by segments % Light/Small 24.9 18.8 30.4 Medium 20.7 Commercial 2007 2008 Passenger cars 80.9 21.2 Large 12.1 vehicles 19.1 12.6 Buseshttp://www.mianfeiwendang.com/doc/e419825b6848e34b74057232 Trucks 13.3 11.5 Total 100.0 83.1 SUV & CDVs 23.2 16.9 5.8 5.4 100.0 Source: KAMA. Note: Starting January 2008, the 文档下载 免费文档下载 http://www.mianfeiwendang.com/ light vehicle segment has expanded to include 1.0L vehicles. Impact: Demand for light-small vehicle segment to remain relatively robust Despite stabilizing oil prices in the latter half of 2008, sales of light and small vehicle segments continued to outpace that of other vehicle segments. Looking ahead in 2009, we believe this trend will continue as no meaningful recovery in domestic consumption is expected, while tightened auto financing should continue to weigh down demand for larger vehicle types. Information 2: Ssangyong Motor to file for court receivership Ssangyong Motor, a subsidiary of China’s Shanghai Automotive Industry Corp (SAIC), filed for court receivership on January 9, 2009. Throughout 2008, the company was mostly affected by faltering SUV demand in the wake of the global economic downturn. In 2008, Ssangyong’s domestihttp://www.mianfeiwendang.com/doc/e419825b6848e34b74057232c sales dropped 35.4% Y/Y to 39,165 units from 60,616 units in 2007. Ssangyong’s product lineup includes three SUV models, one CDV model and two luxury vehicle models. Figure 28: Domestic auto sales Units Source: KAMA. Impact: Not much impact Sentiment-wise, the company’s filing for court receivership is deemed negative and should draw additional investor concerns about the industry. Given the size of the company and the presence in the domestic market, however, we believe the impact to remaining domestic automakers will be limited. As at end-2008, the company’s market share was only 3.4%. On the supply chain side, vendors and parts makers to Ssangyong Motor should 文档下载 免费文档下载 http://www.mianfeiwendang.com/ directly suffer from this event. Of note, some of the vendors have stopped providing parts to the company in expectation of Ssangyong’s potential bankruptcy, as SAIC hashttp://www.mianfeiwendang.com/doc/e419825b6848e34b74057232 shown little interest in bailing out the company. Table 15: Major parts makers’ exposure to Ssanyong Motor Company Rating Exposure Hyundai Mobis (012330 KS) NR None Kumho Tire (073240 KS) NR Less than 5% of revenue Hankook Tire (000240 KS) NR Less than 5% of revenue (W4~5B annually) Halla Climate Control (018880 KS) NR Less than 1% of revenue Source: Company data. 29 30 India Hero Honda rolls out three new variants of bikes The company is introducing refurbished variants of two of its 125cc motorcycles, Glamour and Glamour Fi (fuel injection), and entry-level bike, CD Deluxe. While the new variants of the Glamour range will be available between Rs45,800-55,450, CD Deluxe will be available in four trim levels priced between Rs33,700 and Rs36,900. Impact With the launch of Bajaj’s new bikes over the next few months, the product upgrades by Hero Honda appear thttp://www.mianfeiwendang.com/doc/e419825b6848e34b74057232o be timely. We believe Hero Honda has a competitive advantage over Bajaj given its reach into tier-two cities 文档下载 免费文档下载 http://www.mianfeiwendang.com/ and rural areas. Bajaj Auto to launch six new bikes to spur sales Bajaj Auto has plans to launch six new bikes in 2009 in the 125cc-and-above segment in a bid to stem market share losses. The company recently launched the first of its new model range, the XCD 135cc, which is priced at Rs46,000—variant of the existing product (XCD 125cc). This will be followed up with the launch of two more bikes in the 125-135cc segment over the next six months. Bajaj also plans to launch three new products in the premium segment (150cc and above) later in the year. The new bikes will be produced from Bajaj’s Waluj and Pantnagar plant. Impact The company will attempt to revive falling sales (Bajaj lost 600bp in domestic market share over the past year) with these new launches, in our view. However, Bajaj continues to focus on its markehttp://www.mianfeiwendang.com/doc/e419825b6848e34b74057232t strategy based on segmenting the executive segment (which accounts for over 50% of industry sales) on engine size (i.e., 125cc), rather than price. This strategy has yet to bear fruit, though. Hyundai rolls out premium hatchback i20 Hyundai’s latest offering, the premium hatch i20, has been launched in India in three variants priced between Rs0.48 million and Rs0.58 million. The car is powered with a 1.2-liter, Kappa, DOHC petrol engine and is Euro V ready. The i20 will be manufactured exclusively in India at Hyundai Motor India’s Chennai plant. Impact Hyundai’s i20 will take on Suzuki’s Swift Zxi and Skoda’s Fabia, priced at Rs0.51 million and Rs0.58 million, respectively. While globally the i20 will replace Getz, in India the two cars will co-exist, thus ensuring that the company is present at both ends of the large hatchback segment; the Getz being the lower-priced option and the i20 at the top end. The i20, along with i10http://www.mianfeiwendang.com/doc/e419825b6848e34b74057232 and Getz strengthen Hyundai’s product portfolio in the volume-driven A2 segment. Taiwan Information 1: Cut in commodity tax should boost auto sales The Legislative Yuan passed the third reading of an amendment in commodity tax 文档下载 免费文档下载 http://www.mianfeiwendang.com/ regulation, reducing commodity tax by NT$30,000 on sedans, commercial vehicles and light trucks below 2,000cc, and by NT$4,000 on motorcycles. We expect auto companies to pass on the NT$30,000 per vehicle tax cut to consumers. This will likely be effective from January 19, 2009 through the end of 2009. Table 16: Taiwan auto sales by maker Company Car plate# Hotai (Toyota) 79,365 China Motor (Mitsubishi)36,465 Yulon (Nissan) 25,088 Ford Lioho 12,611 Auto 21 (Suzuki) 8,151 Sanyang (Hyundai) 6,443 Source: Ministry of Transportation. 2008 Y/Y growth-24.3%-22.0%-29.9%http://www.mianfeiwendang.com/doc/e419825b6848e34b740572 32-29.4%-49.3%-43.6%-43.5%-31.2%-29.8%Market share34.6_.9_.9%8.7%5.5%4.3%3.6%2.8_0.0%January growthMarket share1,189 -54.03.7s0 -17.4 .7%5.8% 1-10, 2009 Car plate # Y/Y 文档下载 免费文档下载 http://www.mianfeiwendang.com/ -30.8_.5_4 -83.3%3.5%-51.9%4.8x -70.2%2.2_8 -56.5%3.3%-56.9_0.0% Impact: We expect cyclically low February sales to be stronger than usual Auto sales during January 1-10, 2009 were 3,526 units, down 57% Y/Y. January is generally the peak season for auto sales in Taiwan, accounting for ~15% of full-year sales. Because of the reduction in commodity taxes on automobiles, we believe consumers have postponed their plans to purchase cars. This could have dragged early-January sales; however, we note that December sales also declined 38.9% Y/Y. Auto companies have indicated an increase in orders since the bill was passed. They expect a rebound in sales from the Chinese New Year through Februahttp://www.mianfeiwendang.com/doc/e419825b6848e34b74057232ry. However, we remain conservative on the impact of the cut in commodity tax on auto sales—we believe this will boost sales volume due to purchases by consumers who had postponed their purchases in December and January, but may not provide enough incentive for newcomers to enter the market. Figure 29: Taiwan—Market share by auto maker 文档下载 免费文档下载 http://www.mianfeiwendang.com/ Source: China Motor, Hotai Motor. 31 Figure 30: ? versus NT$ ?/NT$ Information 2: Price increase by Japanese car makers after the Chinese New Year likely Several auto companies have indicated that they are planning to increase their retail prices by 3%-5% to reflect the appreciating yen. The yen has appreciated 22% Y/Y, causing an increase in costs for imported Japanese models and domestic models—many of their auto parts are imported from Japan. Hotai Motor indicated that it has already increased the retail http://www.mianfeiwendang.com/doc/e419825b6848e34b74057232prices of its imported Lexus models from the beginning of this year by 3%. Hotai is still in discussions with Toyota on whether or not to adjust the prices on its domestic models. If the company decides to increase prices, this will most likely occur after the Chinese New Year. According to Commercial Times, Honda has already adjusted prices of CR-V and Accord models by NT$10,000, and of FIT by NT$10,000-20,000, effective for this year. Impact: Price increase is likely to offset the commodity tax cut benefits Price increases will most likely absorb the NT$30,000/vehicle reduction in commodity tax, offsetting the incentive for potential consumers to purchase cars. Although the NT$30,000/vehicle commodity tax cut should encourage first-time car 文档下载 免费文档下载 http://www.mianfeiwendang.com/ buyers, a 3%-5% price increase could hold off their interest, in our view. Figure 32: Taiwan auto sales, Y/Y growth by segment http://www.mianfeiwendang.com/doc/e419825b6848e34b74057232% Source: Datastream. Figure 31: Taiwan auto sales ‘000 units Source: China Motor, Hotai Motor. Source: China Motor, Hotai Motor. 32 Indonesia Information 1: Daihatsu targeting a 13% market share in 2009 Astra Daihatsu Motors (ADM) indicated that it is targeting a 13% market share of total expected industry sales of 400,000 units in 2009, as reported in Bisnis Indonesia (January 8, 2008). Amelia Tjandra, Director Marketing of ADM, indicated that its market share in 2008 went up to 12.9% from 12% in 2007, allowing ADM to step up to the third place in 文档下载 免费文档下载 http://www.mianfeiwendang.com/ Indonesia sales after Toyota and Mitsubishi. ADM also said that it is planning to launch a new model, the Boon Luminas (a 1500cc seven-seater structurally similar to the Toyota Passo Sette), but it has not confirmed a timeline for the launch. It ahttp://www.mianfeiwendang.com/doc/e419825b6848e34b74057232lso reported that the waiting list for the Daihatsu Xenia is over 2,400 units, which we estimate is less than 1.5 months of waiting period. Table 17: Daihatsu—Indonesia sales breakdown (2008) units Sales 2008 % of Daihatsu Sales Xenia 34,057 43.70% Gran Max 27,319 35.00% Terios 14807 19.00% Sirion 1827 2.30% Zebra PU 10 0.00% Total 78,020 100.00% 文档下载 免费文档下载 http://www.mianfeiwendang.com/ Source: Bisnis Indonesia. Information 2: Automobile association, Gaikindo, estimates that 2009 four- wheeler sales could aggregate to 460,000 units Indonesian automobile manufacturer’s association, Gaikindo, projects that four- wheeler sales could total to 460,000 units (down 26%) in 2009, from 607,000 units in 2008. These numbers also provide an initial estimate of December 2008 vehicle volumes at about 37,000 unitshttp://www.mianfeiwendang.com/doc/e419825b6848e34b74057232—a 17-20% M/M drop in volumes and flat Y/Y. Gaikindo’s 2009 forecast is also significantly higher than our estimate of 374,000 vehicle sales in Indonesia. Admittedly, at this time, visibility is limited but our forecasts assume that vehicle sales would decline to about 30,000 units per month in the coming months. Gaikindo did not elaborate on the basis of its forecasts. 33 文档下载 免费文档下载 http://www.mianfeiwendang.com/ Share price performance HK$ Source: Datastream.34 N: Non-consensus calls In this section, we give our non-consensus calls or views on each auto market that we would like to highlight. China DongFeng Motor Co., Ltd: Pole position (This note was originally published on 17 January 2009; please see the original note for pricing dates) ? Initiate with Overweight: We initiate coverage on DongFeng Motor (DFM), China’s third-largest auto producer, with an Overweight rating and a Dec-09 price targehttp://www.mianfeiwendang.com/doc/e419825b6848e34b74057232t of HK$4.7. We also add the stock to our Asia Analysts’ Focus List. ? DFM well positioned to ride China’s third auto boom: The boom, we believe, will be driven by the breakout of car demand in tier-three cities in 2010/2011 because: (1) urban households’ average disposable income in tier-three cities is expected to reach Rmb40,199/Rmb41,563 in 2010/2011, which when discounted back on the CPI factor is similar to the purchasing power of urban households’ disposable income of Rmb32,250 in tier-one cities in 2003 and Rmb34,654 in tier-two cities in 2006, which sparked the previous two booms; (2) the penetration rate of cars is low at 24 units per 1,000 people in 2007, and China’s demographics bode well for medium-term car demand; and (3) DFM’s multi-strategic-partner business model has enabled it to gain access to a steady flow of new models from its three strategic partners—Nissan, Honda, and Peugeot Citroen. ? Upside from policyhttp://www.mianfeiwendang.com/doc/e419825b6848e34b74057232 stimulus package: The government recently released a series of policies to stimulate car consumption such as reducing the vehicle purchase tax. We expect more policies, such as reducing the lending rate of auto loans, to be released, which should benefit China’s auto sector, including DFM. ? Valuation, PT, risks: Our PT of HK$4.7 is based on a P/E of 10x FY10E earnings, a 12% discount to the median historical 12-month forward P/E of 11.3x, and a 10% discount to our DCF value of HK$5.2 per share. Key 文档下载 免费文档下载 http://www.mianfeiwendang.com/ risks to our PT are the: (1) cyclical downturn in China’s passenger vehicle sector; (2) expected loss in the heavy truck sector from 4Q08 amid the economic slowdown; and (3) possible upward revision in technology transfer fee on the models introduced by DFM’s JV partners. Reuters: 0489.HK; Bloomberg: 489 HK Rmb in millions, year-end December Revenue 52-week range Market 1.31-6.28 cap (HK$MM) 21,712://www.mianfeiwendang.com/doc/e419825b6848e34b74057232 EBITDA Market cap (US$MM) 2,791 EBIT Shares outstanding (MM) Net profit Free float (%) 8,616 33 EPS (Rmb) Avg daily volume (MM) DPS (Rmb) Avg daily value (US$MM) 21 EV/EBITDA HSCCI 7 2,983.27 Dividend yield (%) Exchange rate HK$7.78/US$1 P/E (x) Performance 1M 3M 12M P/B (x) Absolute (%) 9.6 18.9 -60.1 ROE (%) Relative (%) 22.0 19.6 -12.8 Source: Company, Bloomberg and J.P. Morgan estimates. Note: Prices and valuations 文档下载 免费文档下载 http://www.mianfeiwendang.com/ are as of 16 January 2009. Investment thesis Initiate with OW and PT of HK$4.7 We initiate coverage on DongFeng Motor (DFM) with an Overweight rating and a December 2009 price target of HK$4.7, implying 87% upside. Our positive view on the stock is based on: (1) DFM is a proxy for China’s third auto boom to kick off in 2010/2011E; (2) the company stands to benefit frhttp://www.mianfeiwendang.com/doc/e419825b6848e34b74057232om the expected policy package to be launched by the government to stimulate auto consumption; and (3) its undemanding valuations. DFM well positioned to play the next cyclical upturn China’s passenger vehicle sector in the middle of a cyclical downturn The passenger vehicles’ penetration rate in China is rather low, with the penetration rate of passenger vehicles being as low as 24 units per 1,000 people by 2007. This means that, unlike the mature markets in the US, Europe and Japan, China’s 文档下载 免费文档下载 http://www.mianfeiwendang.com/ passenger vehicle market still offers a lot of growth potential in the next five to 10 years. On the other hand, the passenger vehicle sector has been rather cyclical, with growth in the car market witnessing rather high volatility in the previous two cycles. China’s first auto boom occurred in 2003 when the sale of domestically made sedans://www.mianfeiwendang.com/doc/e419825b6848e34b74057232r (cars) rose a significant 79% due to the breakout of demand in tier-one cities. When a large part of the pent-up demand in tier-one cities was unleashed, the car market experienced a two-year consolidation period (2004 and 2005), and the sales growth of domestically made sedans slowed down from 79% in 2003 to 17% and 20% in 2004 and 2005, respectively. It was not until 2006 that the second boom kicked off on the breakout of car demand in tier-two cities. It started to lose steam in April 2008, and since then has been in a cyclical downturn. Next auto boom in 2010/2011? Just as China’s first two auto booms were largely driven by the breakout of car 文档下载 免费文档下载 http://www.mianfeiwendang.com/ demand in tier-one and tier-two cities, we expect the next boom to be largely driven by the breakout of car demand in tier-three cities, which might happen in 2010/2011 whhttp://www.mianfeiwendang.com/doc/e419825b6848e34b74057232en urban households’ average disposable income in tier-three cities is expected to 35 36 reach Rmb40,199/Rmb41,563, which when discounted back on the CPI factor is similar to the purchasing power of the urban households’ average disposable income of Rmb32,250 in tier-one cities in 2003 and Rmb34,654 in tier-two cities in 2006, which sparked China’s previous two auto booms. China’s demographics favor good medium-term growth People in the age group of 40-45, who have the highest disposable income and are the most likely owners of cars, accounted for 16% of China’s total population in 2007. By 2012, the 40-45 age group is estimated to rise to 19% of the total population, boding well for car demand growth from 2012 to 2015. DFM well positioned to ride China’s third auto boom We believe that DFM is well positioned to benefit from China’s next auto boom because of its multi-strategic-partner business model, which hashttp://www.mianfeiwendang.com/doc/e419825b6848e34b74057232 enabled it to gain access to a steady flow of new models across all different segments of passenger vehicles from its three strategic partners. DongFeng Nissan: Nissan’s “China dream” Nissan’s JV with DongFeng Motor—DongFeng Nissan—represents Nissan’s “China dream”. Nissan has set an aggressive growth plan for DongFeng Nissan, which includes raising DongFeng Nissan’s: 1. Capacity from 760,000 units per annum to 1,200,000 units per annum by 2012. 2. Annual sales volume to 1 million units, and annual sales to Rmb10 billion by 2012. 3. Total number of dealerships to 1,050 (including both commercial and passenger vehicle dealers) by 2012. 4. Localization ratio from 71% to 90% by 2012. We estimate that DongFeng Nissan, with a broad range 文档下载 免费文档下载 http://www.mianfeiwendang.com/ of passenger vehicle models introduced from Nissan covering different segments of the passenger vehicle sector, sold 385,000 units in FY08, accounting for around 53% of DFM’s total passenger vehiclhttp://www.mianfeiwendang.com/doc/e419825b6848e34b74057232e sales in FY08. We expect DongFeng Nissan to sell 415,000 units of passenger vehicles in FY09 amid the expected cyclical slowdown, almost 8% above the sales volume in FY08, helped by the expected launch of a new model in the segment. DongFeng Honda: DFM’s most profitable passenger vehicle business Honda has two strategic partners in China—DongFeng Honda (JV between DFM and Honda), and Guangzhou Honda (JV between Guangzhou Automotive and Honda). DongFeng Honda is DFM’s most profitable passenger vehicle business, with an estimated gross margin of around 24% in FY08, due to the high profitability of its Honda CRV products, and the fact that it has been operating at near full capacity due to the strong demand for those products. We estimate DongFeng Honda sold 164,000 units in FY08, accounting for 23% of DFM’s passenger vehicle sales. In FY09, we expect DongFeng Honda to sell 171,000 units, up 4% Y/Y, helped by ://www.mianfeiwendang.com/doc/e419825b6848e34b74057232rthe launch of two new models in 3Q09. DongFeng PSA: Struggling to stay above water Of DFM’s passenger vehicle businesses, DongFeng PSA (JV between DFM and Peugeot Citroen (PSA)) is the weakest of the three, and has been struggling to stay afloat. We believe DongFeng PSA’s major problem might lie in the products that it has introduced into the China market from PSA, which command a lower price- 文档下载 免费文档下载 http://www.mianfeiwendang.com/ performance ratio and less brand name recognition than those introduced by its competitors. For instance, we estimate DongFeng PSA sold 178,000 units in FY08, 36% below its sales target of 280,000 units, and accounting for only 24% of DFM’s total passenger vehicle sales. In fact, we expect DongFeng PSA to make a profit of about Rmb613 million in FY08, which includes a subsidy income of around Rmb300 million from the government. Inhttp://www.mianfeiwendang.com/doc/e419825b6848e34b74057232 FY09, we expect Dong Feng PSA to sell 160,000 units, down 10% Y/Y, despite its planned launch of three new models in FY09. We expect the company to lose Rmb374 million at the operating level and Rmb120 million at the bottom line in FY09 after the government’s subsidy. Commercial vehicle business highly correlated with China’s economic growth DongFeng Motor (DFM) is China’s second-largest commercial vehicle producer, with a wide range of commercial products, including light trucks, medium trucks, heavy trucks and buses. We estimate DFM’s commercial vehicles to account for 文档下载 免费文档下载 http://www.mianfeiwendang.com/ around 31% of its FY08 sales volume, and 26% of its FY08 sales revenue. However, we expect its commercial vehicle operation to contribute only 5% of its operating profit in FY08 as: (a) the commercial vehicle’s gross margin is rather low at around 14% duehttp://www.mianfeiwendang.com/doc/e419825b6848e34b74057232 to the cut-throat competition in the China market, and due to its inferior competitive position; (b) the commercial vehicle business is highly correlated with China’s economic growth. With the slowdown in growth, commercial vehicle producers including DFM’s commercial vehicle business are taking a heavy hit in profitability. Guangzhou Honda: Key to DFM’s engine and auto parts’ business Last but not least, we forecast DFM’s engine and auto parts business to account for 10% of its revenue, and 16% of its profit in FY08. Its engine business is conducted through: (1) DongFeng Nissan JV (DongFeng Motor Co. Ltd) which produces engines under the DongFeng brand and Cummins brands to 文档下载 免费文档下载 http://www.mianfeiwendang.com/ supply to DFM’s own commercial vehicle business and outsiders; (2) DongFeng Honda Engine JV (a 50: 50 JV between DFM and Honda with an annuahttp://www.mianfeiwendang.com/doc/e419825b6848e34b74057232l capacity of 480,000 units) which supplies engines to DongFeng Honda and Guangzhou Honda. According to an agreement signed between Guangzhou Automotive, DFM and Honda in 1998, DongFeng Honda Engine JV would be entitled to 30% of the profit made by Guangzhou Honda in return for supplying engines to the latter. 37 38 Upside from policy stimulus package On January 14, 2009, China’s State Council passed policies to boost the domestic auto sector, which include: (1) From January 20-December 31, 2009, the government will cut the vehicle purchase tax for cars with an engine size of 1.6 liters or below from 10% to 5%, which is charged at the consumer level. (2) The government will provide Rmb5 billion in financial subsidy to help farmers upgrade their three-wheel and low-speed agricultural vehicles to light trucks and mini-buses with an engine size of 1.3 liters or below. suhttp://www.mianfeiwendang.com/doc/e419825b6848e34b74057232mmarized We have the additional measures that the auto sector has proposed to the governing authorities, which might be adopted to stimulate car consumption in China: 1. Allowing institutional customers with a legal person status who purchase vehicles to obtain VAT credit to offset their VAT liabilities. 2. Allowing individual customers who purchase vehicles to obtain credit at a certain percentage of the purchase price of 文档下载 免费文档下载 http://www.mianfeiwendang.com/ vehicles that can be used to offset their individual income tax liabilities. 3. Including motorcycles, light trucks and small cars (engine size of 1.5 liters or below in the list of “home appliances entering rural families” project that qualify for a financial subsidy of 13% of the purchase price. 4. Increasing the credit support for auto producers, dealers and auto parts’ suppliers. 5. Loosening requirements on auto loans and reducing the lending rate of loans. 6. Allowing consumers to borrow money from the hohttp://www.mianfeiwendang.com/doc/e419825b6848e34b74057232using public fund to purchase cars. 7. Increasing the VAT rebate for auto parts and vehicle exports. 8. Increasing the purchase of local branded vehicles by the government. 9. Providing financial subsidy for vehicles which are scrapped ahead of their lifespan. Investment risks We believe its key investment risks include: (1) Cyclical downturn in China’s passenger vehicle sector During the cyclical downturn, DFM’s passenger vehicle business could suffer from a contraction in sales volume and profit margin. This is especially true of its DongFeng PSA business, the weakest of its three passenger vehicle businesses. (2) Sharp contraction in heavy truck demand amid economic slowdown Given the high operating leverage in the heavy truck sector, we believe the heavy truck sector, including DFM’s heavy truck business could have slipped in the red from 4Q08, and the heavy truck division’s loss might further widen in FY09. (3) Technology transferhttp://www.mianfeiwendang.com/doc/e419825b6848e34b74057232 fee upon the expiration of contracts Normally, foreign auto producers charge the technology transfer fee for models that they introduce to JVs. Given that China’s car sales have kept beating expectations of foreign auto producers in the past few years, the producers might tend to increase the technology fee charged on the models introduced into China when they introduce the new generation of the existing models upon the expiration of the previous technology transfer contracts or when they introduce new models. 文档下载 免费文档下载 http://www.mianfeiwendang.com/ Valuation and share price analysis Our December 2009 price target of HK$4.7 is based on a P/E of 10x FY10E earnings, a 12% discount to the median historical 12-month forward P/E of 11.3x, and a 10% discount to our DCF valuation of HK$5.2 per share. Peer comparison We use listed auto producers both in China and in the overseas markets as://www.mianfeiwendang.com/doc/e419825b6848e34b74057232 comparison peers of DFM. As a vertically integrated auto producer with a leading position across most auto business segments in China, DFM should trade at a premium valuation on a normalized FY10E P/E over China’s auto sector average and Asia ex-Japan and ex-China auto sector average valuation, in our view. We find that China’s passenger vehicle sector, including Denway Motors, Brilliance China and Great Wall Motor, trades at an average FY09E and FY10E P/E of 7.1x and 6.8x while Asia ex-Japan and ex-China stocks trade at an average FY09E P/E of 12.8x and 10.3x, respectively. In comparison, Japanese passenger vehicle stocks trade at an average FY09E and 文档下载 免费文档下载 http://www.mianfeiwendang.com/ FY10E P/E of 43.4x and 18.5x respectively, while the European names trade at an average at an average FY09E and FY10E P/E of 74x and 18.4x, respectively, due to the sharp fall http://www.mianfeiwendang.com/doc/e419825b6848e34b74057232in profit amid the economic slowdown. The US large passenger vehicle names such as GM and Ford are expected to incur huge losses for FY09 and FY10, and hence record negative P/Es. As a vertically integrated auto producer with a leading position across most auto business segments in China, DFM deserves a premium earnings-based valuation to China’s auto sector. Given China’s far better growth profile post 2009, we value DFM at HK$4.7 per share, based on 10x FY10E P/E. 39 Table 18: Global auto companies’ valuation comparison (x) Region Segment Company FY09E FY10E FY09E FY10E FY08E P/E (x) EV/EBITDA (x) P/BV 文档下载 免费文档下载 http://www.mianfeiwendang.com/ Asia ex-Japan & ex-China Passenger Maruti Udyog 10.7 8.8 4.8 4.2 2.0 Tan Chong Motor 5.5 5.1 4.5 NM 0.6 UMW Holdings 14.0 13.0 2.5 NM 1.8 China Motor 20.9 14.3 7.0 7.0 0.3 Passengehttp://www.mianfeiwendang.com/doc/e419825b6848e34b74057232r 12.8 10.3 4.7 5.6 1.0 CV Ashok Leyland 4.2 3.6 3.8 3.2 0.9 Tata Motors 3.3 2.9 7.1 NM 0.8 Mahindra & Mahindra 10.2 9.2 8.7 8.1 1.8 CV sector Avg 5.9 5.2 6.5 5.6 1.1 Auto Industry Avg 9.3 7.8 5.6 5.6 1.1 China Passenger Denway Motors 9.9 10.1 NA NA 1.2 Dongfeng Motor Grp Co Ltd 6.3 5.3 2.4 1.8 0.9 Brilliance China Automotive NA NA 7.9 NA 0.3 sector Avg 文档下载 免费文档下载 http://www.mianfeiwendang.com/ Great Wall Motor Company Limited 6.1 5.8 NA NA 0.5 Geely Automobile Holdings Ltd* 4.4 4.4 2.5 2.2 1.0 Passenger sector Avg 7.1 6.8 4.4 2.1 0.8 CV Qingling Motors Co 7.1 NA NA NA 0.3 Weichai Power 3.8 3.5 1.3 1.2 0.8 Sinotruk 7.3 6.8 1.9 1..2 0.8 CV sector Avg 5.6 5.2 1.9 1.2 0.7 Auto Industry Avg 7.8 6.9 3.9 3.6 0.8 Japan Passenger Honda Motor (7267) 20.1 44.1 20.3 13.4 0.7 Mazda Motor (7261) 4.8 10.0 http://www.mianfeiwendang.com/doc/e419825b6848e34b740572323.6 0.5 Nissan Motor (7201) NA NA 6.4 3.4 0.1 Daihatsu Motor (7262) 9.8 10.1 2.3 1.8 0.9 Suzuki Motor (7269) 9.1 9.6 1.9 1.6 0.8 Toyota Motor (7203) 173.3 NA 12.8 7.0 0.8 Passenger sector Avg 43.4 18.5 8.0 5.1 0.6 4.3 文档下载 免费文档下载 http://www.mianfeiwendang.com/ CV Hino Motor* NA NA 7.2 7.4 0.3 Fuji Heavy Industries (7270) 16.1 13.5 3.8 3.6 0.5 ISUZU* 3.5 3.4 0.6 0.6 0.6 CV sector Avg 9.8 8.4 3.9 3.8 0.5 Auto Industry Avg 26.6 13.4 6.0 4.5 0.6 Europe Passenger Peugeot* NA NA 9.5 7.2 0.2 Renault* NA 8.3 9.5 8.0 0.2 BMW* 216.0 31.0 9.4 7.7 0.6 Daimler AG* 34.9 17.3 9.9 8.6 0.7 Volkswagen* 35.1 29.4 11.1 10.4 2.6 Fiat* 10.0 5.9 4.9 4.3 0.5 Passenger sector Avg 74.0 18.4 9.0 7.7 0.8 CV Scania 11.6 14.4 5.3 6.0 2.1 Volvo 15.7 21.1 5.4 0.9 MAN 7.5 9.7 2.5 3.0 0.9 CV sector Avg 11.6 15.1 4.4 4.5 1.3 Auto http://www.mianfeiwendang.com/doc/e419825b6848e34b74057232Industry Avg 42.8 16.7 6.7 6.1 1.1 文档下载 免费文档下载 http://www.mianfeiwendang.com/ US Passenger Ford Motor Company NA NA NA NA NA General Motors NA NA NA NA NA Passenger sector Avg NA NA NA NA NA CV Commercial Vehicle Group 1.1 1.4 27.3 13.7 NA Cummins Inc 4.8 4.9 5.2 4.9 1.1 PACCAR Inc. 6.7 7.4 7.6 8.6 1.8 CV sector Avg 4.2 4.6 13.4 9.1 1.4 Auto Industry Avg 4.2 4.6 13.4 9.1 1.4 Global PV Sector Average 34.2 13.4 6.6 5.2 0.8 Global CV Sector Average 7.4 7.7 5.7 4.8 1.0 Global Auto Average 20.8 10.5 6.1 5.0 0.9 Source: Bloomberg, and J.P. Morgan estimates. Note * IBES estimates. 40 文档下载 免费文档下载 http://www.mianfeiwendang.com/ 文档下载网是专业的免费文档搜索与下载网站,提供行业资料,考试资料,教 学课件,学术论文,技术资料,研究报告,工作范文,资格考试,word 文档, 专业文献,应用文书,行业论文等文档搜索与文档下载,是您文档写作和查找 参考资料的必备网站。 文档下载 http://www.mianfeiwendang.com/ 亿万文档资料,等你来发现