Los Angeles/Orange County Workforce Development Leaders

Los Angeles/Orange County Workforce Development Leaders
Centers of Excellence
Centers of Excellence
Cerritos College
Citrus College
Coast Community College
Coastline Community College
Coastline Community College
East Los Angeles College
El Camino College
El Camino College
Glendale Community College
Glendale Community College
Glendale Community College
Glendale Community College
Golden West College
Golden West College
Irvine Valley College
Irvine Valley College
LA Community College District
LA Community College District
LA Mission College
Meeting Minutes – April 9, 2009
Glendale Community College
Audrey Reille
LA/OC Regional Consortium
Lisa Lewenberg
LA/OC Regional Consortium
Nick Kremer
LA Trade Tech College
LA Valley College
Jim Lancaster
LA Valley College
Raine Hambly
LA Valley College
Harold Bouley
Joumana McGowan
LA Valley College
Gayle Brosseau
Long Beach City College
Cathy Brinkman
Mount San Antonio College
Phil Sutton
Mount San Antonio College
Mount San Antonio College
Cynthia Dorroh
Mount San Antonio College
Kristin Bruno
Linda Serra
Orange Coast College
Scott Rubke
Pasadena City College
Mary O’Connor
Pierce College
Omid Pourzanjani
Rio Hondo College
Rich Alvidrez
Saddleback College
David Gatewood
Saddleback College
Rachel Manders
Saddleback College
Diane McBride
Santa Monica College
Felicito Cajayon
West Los Angeles College
Ed Zayas
West Los Angeles College
Lyla Eddington
Susan Coleman
Marcia Wilson
Bahram Badiyi
Deborah DiCesare
Nona Matattva
Richard Kahn
Michelle Whitfield
Angela Moore
Darrow Soares
Madelyn Arballo
Sarah Daum
Corine Doughty
Doug Haines
Jose Luis Fernandez
Mike Slavich
Ken Patton
Mary Williams
Tamara Rice
Patricia Ramos
Buck Stapleton
Linda Clowers
Welcome and
Lyla Eddington welcomed everyone and introduced Kristin Bruno, Dean of Instructional Services at
Glendale Community College who also welcomed everyone and introduced Ron Nakasone, Vice
President of Administrative Services. Ron welcomed everyone to the campus and briefly relayed what
was going on at the campus including the new parking structure, new Health Sciences building and the
expansion of the South Campus. Self-introductions proceeded around the room.
I. Approval of
● Minutes from the March 12, 2009 LOWDL Meeting at CCCAOE Spring Conference in San Francisco
were approved with two corrections - the addition of two attendees.
II. Announcements of
Intent &
for Approval
A. Announcements of Intent If you have any questions or concerns contact the colleges directly and copy Jessica
Gallardo as well.
1. Los Angeles Trade Tech College – Biodiesel Technician. New Certificate of
Achievement program. For more information contact Leticia Baraja, Dean,
Academic & Workforce Development at (213) 763-7071 or BarajaL@lattc.edu.
2. Los Angeles Trade Tech College – Hybrid Vehicle Technology. New Certificate
of Achievement program. For more information contact Leticia Baraja, Dean,
Academic & Workforce Development at (213) 763-7071 or BarajaL@lattc.edu.
3. Los Angeles Trade Tech College – CNG/LNG Transportation. New Certificate of
Achievement program. For more information contact Leticia Baraja, Dean,
Academic & Workforce Development at (213) 763-7071 or BarajaL@lattc.edu.
4. Los Angeles Trade Tech College – Medical Assistant (Clinical). New Degree and
Certificate of Achievement program. For more information contact Leticia Baraja,
Dean, Academic & Workforce Development at (213) 763-7071 or
B. Programs for Approval – All Programs were APPROVED.
Consent Agenda:
Reminder: Consent agenda programs are programs that were previously locally approved
programs that are under 18 units that now need to go through LOWDL to get regional
approval. The procedures are on www.laocrc.com.
1. Glendale Community College – Unix System Administrator – New Certificate of
Achievement program; 12 units. For more information contact Linda Serra, Business
Division Chair at (818) 240-1000 ext. 5525 or lserra@glendale.edu. APPROVED
2. Glendale Community College – Insurance Professional – New Certificate of
Achievement program; 18 units. For more information contact Linda Serra, Business
Division Chair at (818) 240-1000 ext. 5525 or lserra@glendale.edu. APPROVED
Action Agenda:
1. Los Angeles Valley College – Commercial Music – Substantial changes to program
in Commercial Music. Add Certificate of Achievements in Jazz Studies, Music
Arranging, Music Notation, Music Technology and Songwriting. For more
information contact Richard Kahn, Professor, Music Department at (818) 947-2778 or
kahnr@lavc.edu or Laurie Nalepa, Office of Academic Affairs at (818) 947-2326 or
nalepl@lavc.edu. APPROVED
Richard Kahn stated it is a fast growing sector in the music industry. There are many
Master’s and Doctorate programs in music and LA Valley wants to upgrade their
program and bring it in line with Title V. The purpose of the curriculum is to bring
everything in line with the music industry of today. The program is already in place
this is just a revamping of the program. He stated that everything has already passed
through their District and the college. He also noted that individuals who complete the
A.A. degree program will have earned most of the Certificates of Achievement as well.
2. Los Angeles Valley College – Sustainable Construction Management – New A.S.
Degree and Certificate of Achievement program. For more information contact
Ronald Reis, Technology Department Chair at *818) 947-2582 or reisra@lavc.edu or
Bahram Badiyi, Architect at (818) 331-0827 or bbakiyi@aol.com. APPROVED
Bahram Badiyi stated it is a very important and diverse program, especially looking at
energy concerns being looked at by the state and the entire country. The program
provides training to entry-level managers in the areas of human information, record
keeping, architecture, construction and all areas needed for today’s construction
managers. They incorporated the ideas from many managers in the industry as well as
those that work closely with managers. They hope to add Certificate of Achievements
in the future. It is projected there will be 120,000 jobs in the solar area alone in the next
two years. It is also projected that in the next four years 40% of those in the
construction industry will retire.
3. Golden West College – Software Development –New A.A. Degree and Certificate of
Achievement program. For more information contact Don Nielsen, Professor at (714)
892-7711 ext. 51099 or dnielsen@gwc.cccd.edu. APPROVED
Omid Pourzanjani stated this was not a new program.
4. Glendale Community College – Computer Applications Technician. New
Certificate of Achievement program; 17 units. For more information contact Linda
Serra, Business Division Chair at (818) 240-1000 ext. 5525 or lserra@glendale.edu.
This is taking the place of 7 mini certificates and combining them into one.
5. Glendale Community College – Computer Applications Specialist. New Certificate
of Achievement program; 17 units. For more information contact Linda Serra,
Business Division Chair at (818) 240-1000 ext. 5525 or lserra@glendale.edu.
This is the larger certificate of the Computer Applications. The Computer Applications
Technician fits into this program.
Coastline Community College – Real Estate. Substantial changes to an approved
credit program; replace existing program from Certificate of Achievement to a Degree
program. For more information contact Joumana McGowan, Dean, Career/Technical
Education at (714) 241-6209 ext. 17301 or jmcgowan@coastline.edu. APPROVED
Joumana McGowan stated that Coastline took the existing program and repackaged
7. Coastline Community College – Emergency Management. New A.A. Degree and
Certificate of Achievement program. For more information contact Joumana
McGowan, Dean, Career/Technical Education at (714) 241-6209 ext. 17301 or
jmcgowan@coastline.edu. APPROVED
Joumana McGowan said FEMA and the Office of Homeland Security approached
Coastline college to train more individuals in emergency management. Coastline has
an online program and they want them to be able to reach more people in the profit and
not for profit sectors.
8. Saddleback College – Mental Health Worker. New A.S. Degree and Certificate of
Achievement program. For more information contact Rajen Vurdien, Vice President
for Instruction at (949) 582-4309 or rvurdien@saddleback.edu or
lbashor@saddleback.edu. APPROVED
Tamara Rice stated Saddleback College was approached by the Orange County Health
Association regarding the need for mental health workers. Saddleback already has
several of the courses set up as well as internships already set up in the credit and noncredit area.
Corine Doughty from Orange Coast College asked if they have identified employers
for clinical placement. Tamara Rice said most of their students will go to Pacific
Clinics for paid internships and/or they will utilize existing facilities in the South
Orange County area.
9. Saddleback College – Medical Lab Technician. New A.S. Degree program. For
more information contact Rajen Vurdien, Vice President for Instruction at (949) 5824309 or rvurdien@saddleback.edu or lbashor@saddleback.edu. APPROVED
Saddleback College recognizes the need in the state for medical lab technicians.
Saddleback received a $425,000 grant for this program. Those that go through the
program can go onto school to become a clinical science lab tech.
10. West Los Angeles College – Fire Technology. New A.A. Degree and Certificate of
Achievement program. For more information contact Buck Stapleton, Chairperson at
(310) 287-4221 or buckstapleton@yahoo.com. APPROVED
Buck Stapleton said this was a program that was previously offered at West Los
Angeles College as Fire Science. However, it was not offered for 10 years and
removed from the list of programs. They are now bringing the program back as Fire
Sarah Daum inquired whether West LA intends to start a Paramedic program in the
future. Buck stated this was an Administrative Justice Fire Technology program and he
is not aware of any future plan to start a paramedic program.
11. West Los Angeles College – Pharmacy Technician. New A.S. Degree and Certificate
of Achievement program. For more information contact Todd LeGassick, Director of
Allied Health at (310) 287-4464 or legasst@wlac.edu. APPROVED
Todd LeGassick stated this was a follow-up program to the Pharmacy Clerk program
they brought to LOWDL last year. There is a great need for placement of Pharmacy
Technicians. The Labor Market continues to be very strong.
III. HigherEdExpress
Felicito Cajayon from Los Angeles Community College District displayed the new website
HigherEdExpress.com. It is a list of the short-term training programs for all the community colleges in
the Los Angeles/Orange area. Due to the new stimulus package providing funding to the WIBs to
provide short-term training in the near future LA Community College District created this list in hopes
the WIB/One-Stops will refer to it when searching for a short-term training program.
They are willing to list all the short-term training programs available by community colleges. There is
no fee and no contract or agreement to fill out and completely voluntary. Simply provide them with
your information and they will post it. In the future they hope each college will have their own page
dedicated to this and not just the links to the individual colleges. The pricing on the website is per
A lot of funding will be available to the short-term training programs and they are going to look at the
ETPL but it might be outdated. They will also look at iTrain but the community colleges don’t always
fit in with that list. They hope the One-Stop Centers will gravitate toward this list.
The main goals of the list are: it is up-to-date; useable to end users; and provides useful links. Felicito is
hoping to promote this throughout the entire community college system. It is recommended that each
college have supporting Labor Market Data so when a One-Stop manager calls and asks for that
information they will have it readily available.
The website is currently in the draft stage even though it is live. It was suggested that a search feature be
added. If you have further suggestions contact Felicito Cajayon.
Each college should review the
information and provide
updates/changes if necessary.
A template for submitting the
information will be developed
by Felicito and distributed to
the LOWDL group.
Send all information or
inquiries to
Each college needs to contact
Felicito Cajayon to give him
the OK or if you prefer not to
be on the list let him know He
would also like you to provide
contact information and links
to include with the
A. System (Chancellor’s) Office – Ron Selge, Chancellor’s Office, Career Technical Education
IV. Reports
1. CTE –
CTE Monthly Updates are available on the Chancellor’s website.
Economic and Workforce Development –
Mary O’Connor from the RHORC said the RHORC has lots of resources to share.
Their newest product is the Fundamentals of Computing. It provides basic
computing and record keeping training for use in the medical field since many are
transitioning to electronic record keeping. All materials and resources are
available through their website and all are free. You can order them online at
B. CCCAOE Vice President’s Report – Paul Creason, Vice President, CCCAOE
Fall Conference – Date Change – October 28-30, 2009 at Long Beach. Currently
they are calling for proposals. More information can be obtained from their
website www.cccaoe.org.
C. The Ideal Partnership – WIB Initiative – Lyla Eddington, Ed.D., Chair, Los Angeles/Orange
County Regional Consortium
College Contact list for the WIB/One-Stop Centers – Susan Coleman. The list
was sent out to all the WIB/One-Stop Centers in the Los Angeles and Orange
County areas. If you have any changes or updates please send them to Susan
Coleman at scoleman@occ.cccd.edu.
D. Counselor’s Regional Workshops – Susan Coleman
 Orange County – Tuesday, April 21, 2009 at Kaiser Hospital, Irvine, CA
 Los Angeles County- Tuesday, April 28, 2009 at Santa Monica College.
E. LA/OC Regional Consortium – Lyla Eddington, Chair, LA/OC Regional Consortium
1. Leadership Institute – April 22-24 at the UCLA Conference Center in Lake Arrowhead.
2. 2009-2010 LOWDL Meeting Sign-Up –
Proposed dates:
September 17, 2009
October – CCCAOE Fall Conference
November 19, 2009
December 17, 2009
January 21, 2010
February 18, 2010
March – CCCAOE Spring Conference
April 15, 2010
May 20, 2010
June 17, 2010
The time will be kept from 10 AM to 2 PM. If anyone knows of any obstacles to these
dates please let us know. Sign-ups will begin at next month’s LOWDL meeting.
3. Tech Prep Directors and Coordinators meeting – April 28, 2009 at North Orange
County Community College. Be sure to RSVP if you plan to attend. Agenda to
include a presentation by Robin Harrington on the Tech Prep Renewal on-line process
as well as a panel sharing successful projects within their consortium. CTE Deans
encouraged to attend with Tech Prep Directors.
4. Los Angeles Regional Coordination Tech Prep Steering Committee meeting will be
May 5, 2009 at Sheraton Cerritos. RSVP to Terry Adams at
tadams@citruscollege.edu. Program will include a panel of EWDP Centers as well as
a panel presentation on Dual/Concurrent Enrollment and other high school activities.
CTE Deans encouraged to attend with Tech Prep personnel.
V. Other
RSVP Required! RSVP to
RSVP Required for lunch.
RSVP to Terry Adams –
JPL Externships for LOWDL Faculty – Summer 2009 – Rich Alvidrez, Community College
Initiative Education Office
PowerPoint presentation provide as well as handouts of the presentation. JPL is the largest
employer in the San Gabriel Valley. Their product is creating new knowledge and creating new
technology. The NASA Summer Faculty Research Program is a 10 week summer program with
most participants being from the 4-year college or research universities. Community College
faculty have participated as well. It currently includes several colleges in the Southern California
area and would like to expand the program to more colleges. For more information go to
http://www.jpl.nasa.gov or directly to the Faculty Program website at https://jsfrp.jpl.nasa.gov or
contact Petra Kneisl-Milanian, JPL Summer Faculty Research Coordinator at (818) 354-0726 or
Petra.A.Kneissl_Milanian@jpl.nasa.gov or Rich Alvidrez, Community College Initiatives at
(818) 354-1214 or Alvidrez@jpl.nasa.gov.
May 21, 2009 LOWDL meeting at Orange Coast College
Deadline for agenda items is May
14, 2009. Program Applications
are due by May 7, 2009.
VII. Lunch
VIII. Input for Hilda
Solis on the
reauthorization of the
X. Adjournment
A discussion regarding the input for the reauthorization of the Workforce Investment Act ensued after
lunch. The suggestions and ideas will be typed up, sent out to the group for review or to add more input
then sent to Diane McBride who will then send it to Marvin Martinez who will then provide the
information to Hilda Solis.