Elizabeth White Katherine Gonsalves Unit Topic or Theme: Geography Grade: 4th Lesson Topic or Theme: Bodies of Water & Sea Life Lesson Objectives: -Students will be able to correctly identify the 5 bodies of water covered in this lesson in addition to recognizing certain types of sea life that would live in a particular body of water -Students will be able to successfully complete the online interactive journey Instructional Technique: Individual, group work, and discussion. Instructional Materials: Computers Blank world map worksheet Crayon/Markers Overhead projector Theoretical Perspective: The information presented in this lesson will help students succeed knowing the locations of major bodies of water which will in turn help them to navigate future geography classes. They will also be able to inform others of their newfound information. Procedure: A. Introductory Activity (if applicable) Good morning class! Today we will be exploring the major bodies of water all around the world! Can anyone name any? Allow time for students to raise their hands and mention any bodies of water they are familiar with. Teacher will then begin a KWL chart on the boards. Very good! Now, do you know of any animals that might live in those specific bodies of water? Allow students to come up with different animals, which will then be added to the KWL chart. Perfect! What are some things that you want to learn about regarding bodies of water and sea life? Allow students to discuss what they would like to learn through this lesson, while the teacher adds this to the middle column of the KWL chart. Now we will start our lesson! I am going to pass out some blank maps of the world, so take out your pencils and wait for further direction! B. Step-by-step (descriptive outline) Teacher will pass out the blank world maps in addition to putting a second blank map on the overhead projector. The class will begin by labeling the continents in order to better understand where the bodies of water are located. Teacher will ask students if they know where the Atlantic Ocean is on the map. Students will have the chance to come up to the screen and point where they believe the Atlantic Ocean. If they are correct, the teacher will write it in on the overhead sheet while students are instructed to write it in on their individual sheets. This will be done each time through the Indian Ocean, Arctic Ocean, and Pacific Ocean. If students are incorrect with their choice of placement, another student will have the opportunity to help figure out where the body of water is. After all of the oceans have been successfully put in place, the teacher will move on to the Red Sea. Along with oceans, we will also be looking at the Red Sea. Does anyone think they know where the Red Sea is located? Students will be given the chance to answer and discuss with classmates and teachers where it might located. Once students have seen where all the 5 bodies of water are located, we will discuss the features of each one. Students will be asked the following questions. Which body of water is the coldest? Which body of water is the warmest? Which body of water is closest to where we live? Which body of water is the smallest? Which body of water is the largest? Teacher will move into the area of sea life. Teacher turns to the KWL chart and discusses the list of sea life the students have compiled. The teacher tells the students which body of water the sea life is located in and then adds to list in addition explaining why the animals are where they are, for example, polar bears and penguins in the Arctic Ocean because they can withstand cold temperatures. The list of animals will be as follows: Arctic Ocean o Polar Bears o Penguins Indian Ocean o Coral Reef o Starfish Pacific Ocean o Shark o Jelly Fish Atlantic Ocean o Lobster o Seal Red Sea o Eels o Manta Rays Now that we have discussed what animals live in each body of water that we are studying, you are going to draw the animals on your map. It is important to pay attention to where you are putting them, make sure they are in the correct body of water, or you will be confused later on. Now, grab some markers or crayons from the back of room and color in your map, this will help you to remember the bodies of water and animals which you will tested on later. Make sure not to color too dark, so you can read what your wrote in earlier. Students will be given time to color in their maps. Once it appears that all students have finished coloring in their maps, the teacher will provide further instruction. Now, everyone will have the chance to apply their knew knowledge in an Internet journey through the world. Please grab your laptops and when you’re ready, double click on the Sea Adventure icon on your desktop and get started! Please read the directions carefully and if you have any questions, please raise your hand. When you finish, put away your laptops, return to your seat, and look over your filled in map. Teacher will walk around answering questions and checking on student’s progress. Once all students have completed the adventure, the class will discuss the journey and what they thought was easy and/or difficult. Now, please put away your filled in maps, and take out a pencil. Teacher will hand out the same blank map from the beginning of class and direct the students to fill in the five bodies of water and one animal for each body of water. Students will hand this in once they have completed it to the best of their ability. When students are finished, they will be asked to start thinking about what they have learned from this lesson. C. Closure Now that we have journeyed through the world, and learned about the bodies of water and their corresponding animals, what are some specific things you know now that you didn’t at the beginning of this lesson? Students will be able to discuss what they learned and fill in the last column on the KWL chart. We hope everyone learned something new today and enjoyed the lesson! Make sure to share your new information with all your friends! D. Adaptations for different learners (i.e. non-native speakers, struggling readers or math phobic learners, students with poor study skills) Students with visual impairments will be allowed to work with a partner for the interactive game section using the computer Students with ADD/ADHD will be seated near the teacher as well as having the option of receiving a written set of directions Students with hearing impairments will receive a written set of directions Students with developmental and/or physical disabilities will be working with an aide in order to complete this activity Evaluation: A. How/ when will you determine if you have met your objectives? We will determine if the objectives have been met by the students through the grading of the student's filled in maps, which they completed at the end of the lesson. Students will be graded on a scale of 1 to 10, weighing each item in at 1 point. B. Concerns or questions you have about teaching this lesson? Concerns regarding internet usage (staying on assigned websites) Will students understand the importance of this lesson, or will they see it as merely a computer game?