Ozone and UV Name ________________ Part A Open ozonewatch.gsfc.nasa.gov/facts/ozone.html 1. What is ozone ? _________________________________________ 2. 90 % of the ozone is in the layer called the ________________________ between ____ _____ km high 3. Naturally Ozone in the stratosphere is created when O2 is _______________________________________________ 4. Ozone is destroyed by molecules containing _____________________________ 5. Look at the graph - the peak ozone concentration is at about __________ km 6. Stratospheric ozone absorbs _____________ allowing ________ on Earth 7. Review the second graph and complete the table Wavelength range 8. Gases which have damaged the ozone layer are known as ____________ = ________________________________ 9. Where is the troposphere? ___________________________ % Absorption by atmosphere UVA UVB UVC and why is ozone bad there?____________________________ Top Right Click on What is a Dobson Unit 10. 300 Dobson units mean that the zone above could be compressed into a layer __________________ 11. How does the amount of ozone above the "ozone hole" compare with "normal" areas? _________________________ Top Right What is the Ozone Hole 12. Where is the "Ozone Hole" _____________________ and when does it occur each year ? ________________ 13. How does the area of the depleted zone shown for 2004 compare with the area of Antarctica? ________________ 14. What property of CFC's allows them to get into the stratosphere? __________________________ 15. Which conditions above the Antarctic help the reaction start? ______________________________________ 16. Why is the chlorine-ozone reaction called catalytic ? _____________________________________________ Top Right History of the Ozone Hole 17 What was the ozone concentration by the mid 1990's ___________ what % of 1960 level ____________ 18. Which chemical was detected where ozone was low? ______________________ Part B Open Wikipedia Ozone Depletion 1. Go down to the 2nd graph (5th image) showing Antarctic Ozone Minimum. How does 1995-2000 compare with 2000-2005? _______________________________________ Does the data yet show that the ozone layer is recovering? ______________ 2. Go down to Chemicals in the Atmosphere. 106756064 1 3/9/16 What were CFC's used for ? ______________________________________________________________ 3. Go down to Interest in … When was the problem first recognized_____________________________________ 4. 4. Go down to Consequences Describe 3 problems for humans? ________________________________________ __________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ 5. Which other species might be negatively affected ? ______________________________ Down to public policy ….. 6. The agreement to phase out CFC's was worked out at _____________________ in ______________________ 7. Although this was agreed in the late 1980's recovery is still _________________ 8. In the text find the meaning of EECl ______________________________________________________ 9. Double click on the graph Which compounds levels have gone up as CFC's declined? ______________ 10. The Global total EECl down __________ since __________. Part C Open Wikipedia UV index - 1. Why is the UV index so high in the southern hemisphere? UV Index ___________________________ 6-7 Description 2. What maximum levels are common in Australia? ______ 3. Go down to the chart and complete the small table 8-10 4. What should you wear if the UV index is over 11? ___________________________________________ 106756064 2 11 and above 3/9/16