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Б.Б.Иванов, Метод за определяне на вариантите на разполагане на химико-технологично производство с линейна структура в универсална химико-технологична система Bulgarian Chemical Communications, v 15, No 3, pp. 274-283, 1982. (Bulgarian) 23. Б.Б.Иванов, Специализирана система за управление на данни при анализ и оптимизация на многоасортиментни химико-технологични системи Bulgarian Chemical Communications, v 15, No 2, pp. 163-172, 1982. (Bulgarian) 24. Reklaitis, G.V., 1982. Review of Scheduling of Process Operations. AIChESymposium 78, 119133.31 25. Muhlemann, A. P., Lockett, A. G., and Farn, C.-K., 1982. Job shop scheduling heuristics and frequency of scheduling. International Journal of Production Research, 20, 2, 227-241. 26. Grossmann, I.E. and K.P. Halemane, "A Decomposition Strategy for Designing Flexible Chemical Plants," AIChE J. 28, 686 (1982). 27. Grossmann, I.E., "Uncertainty and Flexibility in Chemical Process Design," CIT Engineering News 2, 13 (1982). 28. M.A.H. Dempster. 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Wein, “Heavy traffic analysis of dynamic cyclic policies: a unified treatment of the single machine scheduling problem,” Operations Research, Volume 49, Number 2, pages 246-270, 2001. 447. SHORT-TERM SCHEDULING OF MULTIPRODUCT BATCH PLANTS UNDER LIMITED RESOURCE CAPACITY,C. A. MÉNDEZ, G. P. HENNING and J. CERDÁ INTEC (UNL CONICET) Guemes 3450 - 3000 Santa Fe – ARGENTINA E-mail: Latin American Applied Research 31:455-462 (2001) 448. Kyu-Hwang Lee; Heung Il Park; In Beum Lee. A Novel Non uniform Discrete Time Formulation for Short-Term Scheduling of Batch and Continuous Processes. Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 2001, 40, 49024911. 449. Castro, P.; Barbosa-Povoa, A. P. F. D.; Matos, H. An Improved RTN Continuous-Time Formulation for the Short term Scheduling of Multipurpose Batch Plants. Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 2001, 40, 20592068. 450. Lee, K.; Il Park, H.; In Beum Lee. A Novel Nonuniform Discrete Time Formulation for Short-Term Scheduling of Batch and Continuous Processes. Ind. Eng. Chem. 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Grossmann, "Scheduling to Minimize the Expected Completion Time in Flowshops with Uncertain Processing Times," Proceedings ENPROMER Vol. 1, pp. 205-210 (2001). 456. Sebastian Engell, Andreas M¨arkert, Guido Sand, R¨udiger Schultz, and Christian Schulz. Online scheduling of multiproduct batch plants under uncertainty. In Online optimization of large scale systems, pages 649–676. Springer, Berlin, 2001. 457. Sebastian Engell, Andreas M¨arkert, Guido Sand, R¨udiger Schultz, and Christian Schulz. Online scheduling of multiproduct batch plants under uncertainty. In Online optimization of large scale systems, pages 649–676. Springer, Berlin, 2001. 458. ADVANCES IN LOGIC-BASED OPTIMIZATION APPROACHES TO PROCESS INTEGRATION AND SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT Ignacio E. Grossmann , CHAPTER 11, 2001 459. A METHOD TO OPTIMIZE SCHEDULING IN SMALL BATCH MANUFACTURING Adrián Guillermo Lucero1, Abelardo Alves de Queiroz2 1 Dep. of Mechanical Eng., UFSC, CEP 88040-900. CP Nº476, Florianópolis, SC, Brazil 2 Dep. of Mechanical Eng, UFSC, CEP 88040-900. CP Nº476, Florianópolis, SC, Brazil. , 2001 460. Chapter 1.Introduction, objective and motivations , 2001 461. CHAPTER 8: RESULTS AND CONCLUSIONS ,MUSIER AND EVANS SCHEDULING ALGORITHM RESULTS FOR, SET 2: CUSTOMER ORDERS ,2001 462. Applied Stochastic Integer Programming:Scheduling in the Processing Industries S. Engell1, A. M¨arkert2, G. Sand1, and R. Schultz2, 2001 463. Discrete Optimization Methods and their Role in the Integration of Planning and Scheduling Ignacio E. Grossmann1, Susara A. van den Heever and Iiro Harjunkoski, 2001 464. Research Challenges in Process Systems EngineeringIgnacio E. Grossmann and Arthur W. Westerberg, 2001 465. Discrete and disjunctive optimization:Parallel strategies and applications in industrial scheduling Jerker Bj orkqvist ,2001 466. SUPERVISING CONTROL SUPPORT SYSTEM OF A MULTIPURPOSE BATCHPLANT STRUCTURED BY PROCESS AND BY ACTIVITYA. LOZANO, O. 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(2002). Multi-period job selection: planning work loads to maximize pro¯t. Computers and Operations Research, 29(8), 1081{1098. 473. Wera, Y. (2002). Production planning and raw materials management models in the process industry. Ph.D. thesis, Universit¶e de Liµege. 474. Grossmann, I.E., S.A. van den Heever and I. Harjunkoski, "Discrete Optimization Methods and their Role in the Integration of Planning and Scheduling," AIChE Sympsium Series No. 326, Vol. 98, pp.150-168 (2002) 475. Jackson, J.R. and I.E. Grossmann, “High Level Optimization Model for the Retrofit Planning of Process Networks,” I&EC Research 41,3762-3770 (2002). 476. Balasubramanian, J., Grossmann, I., 2002. A novel branch and bound algorithm for scheduling ow shop plants with uncertain processing times. Com-54puters and Chemical Engineering 26, 41{57. 477. Schulz, C., 2002. Modelling and optmization of a multiproduct processing plant. Dr.-Ing.-Dissertation, Universit•at Dortmund, Department of Chemical Engineering, Dortmund, Germany, in German. 478. Balasubramanian, J., & Grossmann, I. E. (2002). Scheduling to minimize expected completion time in flowshop plants with uncertain processing times. Computers and Chemical Engineering, 26, 41–57. 479. Biehl, M., Prater, E., & Realff, M. (2002). Modeling and simulation of areverse supply chain in an uncertain environment. In Proceedings ofthe INFORMS, San Jose. 480. Grossmann, I. E., van den Heever, S. A., & Harjunkoski, I. (2002). Discrete optimization methods and their role in the integration of planning and scheduling. In Proceedings of the AIChE Symposium Series No.326, Vol. 98 (pp. 150–168). 481. Julka, N., Karimi, I., & Srinivasan, R. (2002). Agent-based re.nery supply chain management. ESCAPE-12, The Hague. 482. Nishi, T., Konishi, M., Hasebe, S., & Hashimoto, I. (2002). Autonomous decentralized supply chain optimization system for multi-stage production processes. 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Balasubramanian and I.E. Grossmann, "A Novel Branch and Bound Algorithm for Scheduling Flowshop Plants with Uncertain Processing Times," Computers and Chemical Engineering 26, 41-57 (2002). 489. Jackson, J.R. and I.E. Grossmann, “High Level Optimization Model for the Retrofit Planning of Process Networks,” I&EC Research 41,3762-3770 (2002). 490. Harjunkoski, I. and I.E. Grossmann, “Decomposition Techniques for Multistage Scheduling Problems using Mixed-integer and Constraint Programming Methods,” Computers and Chemical Engineering 26, 1533-1552 (2002). 491. Van den Heever, S.A. and I.E. Grossmann, "A Mixed-integer Nonlinear Programming Approach to the Optimal Planning of Offshore Oilfield Infrastructures," submitted for publication (2002). 492. -based and Decomposition Algorithm for the Scheduling of Testing Tasks in New Product Development of Pharmaceuticals and Agrochemicals. Applied Mathematical Programming and Modeling Conference, 2002, Varenna, Italy. 493. -Term Scheduling of Multipurpose Plants. 2002 AIChE Annual Meeting, Indianapolis, IN. - Also presented in 2002 INFORMS Annual Meeting, San Jose, CA. 494. Astrid Franz and Karl Heinz Hoffmann. Optimal annealing schedules for a modified Tsallis statistics. J. Comput. Phys., 176(1):196–204, 2002. 495. Scheduling of Batch Plants: Constraint-Based Approach and Performance Investigation Wei Huang a and Bo Chen b., 2002 496. Rescheduling manufacturing systems: a framework of strategies, policies, and methods, Guilherme E. Vieira Department of Control and Industrial Automation Engineering, Catholic University of Parana, Curitiba, Parana, Brazil , Jeffrey W. Herrmann Department of Mechanical Engineering and Institute for Systems Research, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, USA , Edward Lin Institute for Systems Research, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, USA , 2002 497. SCHEDULING OF MULTIPURPOSE BATCH PROCESSES WITH MULTIPLE BATCHES OF THE PRODUCTS T. HOLCZINGER, J. ROMERO1, L. PUIGJANER1 and F. FRIEDLER, 2002 Publication 2003 498. Ivanescu, C.V., Fransoo, J.C. and Bertrand, J.W.M. (2003a). Planning and scheduling in the process industry. In GÄunther, H.O. and van Beek, P. (eds), Advanced planning and scheduling solutions in process industries. Springer, Berlin. 499. Ivanescu, V.C., Fransoo, J.C. and Bertrand, J.W.M. (2003b). On the selectivity of order acceptance procedures in batch process industries. BETA WP 99. 500. Kallrath, J. (2003). Planning and scheduling in the process industry. In GÄunther, H.O. and van Beek, P. (eds), Advanced planning and scheduling solutions in process industries. Springer, Berlin. 501. Maravelias, C.T. and Grossmann, I. (2003). New general continuous-time state-task network formulation for short-term scheduling of multipurpose batch plants. In- dustrial and Engineering Chemistry Research, 42, 3056{3074. 502. Maravelias, C.T. and I.E. Grossmann, "A New General Continuous-Time State Task Network Formulation for Short Term, Scheduling of Multipurpose Batch Plants,” I&EC Research, 42, 30563074(2003). 503. Sahinidis, N.V., "Optimization under Uncertainty: State-of-the-Art and Opportunities,"Proceedings of FOCAPO2003 (Eds. I.E. Grossmann and C.M. McDonald), Coral Springs(2003). 504. Engell, S., M•arkert, A., Sand, G., Schultz, R., 2003. Aggregated scheduling of a multiproduct batch plant by two-stage stochastic integer programming.Optimization and Engineering Submitted. 505. Maravelias, C. T., & Grossmann, I. E. (2003). A new general continuous time state task network formulation for short term, scheduling of multipurpose batch plants. I&EC Research, 42, 3056–3074. 506. Masini, G., Petracci, N., & Bandoni, A. (2003). Supply chain optimizationin the fruit industry. In I. E. Grossmann & C. M. McDonald (Eds.),Proceedings of the FOCAPO 2003 (pp. 237–240). CACHE. 507. Mendez, C., & Cerda, J. (2003). An MILP framework for reactive scheduling of resource-constrained multistage batch facilities. In I. E. 508. Romero, J., Badell, M., Bagajewicz, M., & Puigjaner, L. (2003). Integrating budgeting models into scheduling and planning models for the chemical batch industry. Industrial Engineering and Chemistry Research, 42(24), 6125–6134. 509. A TWO-STAGE STOCHASTIC INTEGER PROGRAMMING APPROACH TO REAL-TIME SCHEDULING Guido Sand and Sebastian Engell Process Control Laboratory, Dortmund University 44221 Dortmund, Germany, FOCAPO,2003 510. Aggregated Scheduling of a Multiproduct Batch Plant by Two-Stage Stochastic Integer Programming SEBASTIAN ENGELL, Department of Biochemical and Chemical Engineering, University of Dortmund, Emil-Figge-Str. 70,D-44221 Dortmund, Germany email: ANDREAS M¨ ARKERT Institute of Mathematics, University Duisburg-Essen, Campus Duisburg, Lotharstr. 65, D-47057 Duisburg, Germany email: GUIDO SAND Department of Biochemical and Chemical Engineering, University of Dortmund, Emil-Figge-Str. 70, D-44221 Dortmund, Germany email: R ¨ UDIGER SCHULTZ. Institute of Mathematics, University Duisburg-Essen, Campus Duisburg, Lotharstr. 65, D-47057 Duisburg, Germany email: Received April 19, 2002; Revised October 2, 2003 511. J. Kallrath. Planning and scheduling in the process industry. In H. O. Gunther and P. van Beek,editors, Advanced Planning and Scheduling Solutions in Process Industry, pages 201{227. Springer-Verlag, 2003.25 512. C. Maravelias and I. Grossman. New general continuous-time state-task network formulation for shortterm scheduling of multipurpose batch plants. Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 42:3056{3074, 2003a. 513. C. Maravelias and I. Grossman. Minimization of the makespan with a discrete-time state-task networkformulation. Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 42:6252{6257, 2003b. 514. J. Miller, G. L. Nemhauser, and M. W. P. Savelsbergh. A multi-item production planning model with setup times: Algorithms, reformulations, and polyhedral characterizations for a special case.Math. Prog., 95(1):71{90, 2003. 515. K. Neumann, C. Schwindt, and N. Trautmann. Advanced production scheduling for batch plants inprocess industry. In H. O. Gunther and P. van Beek, editors, Advanced Planning and Scheduling Solutions in Process Industry, pages 43{71. Springer-Verlag, 2003. 516. H. Stadtler. Multilevel lot-sizing with setup times and multiple constrained resources: Internally rolling schedules with lot-sizing windows. Oper. Res., 51(3):487{502, 2003. 517. Lasschuit, W. and N. Thijssen, "Supporting Supply Chain Planning And Scheduling Decisions in the Oil and Chemical Industry," Proceedings FOCAPO 2003 (Eds. I.E. Grossmann and C.M. McDonald), pp.37-44, CACHE (2003). 518. Maravelias, C.T. and I.E. Grossmann, "A New General Continuous-Time State Task Network Formulation for Short Term, Scheduling of Multipurpose Batch Plants,” I&EC Research, 42, 30563074(2003a). 519. Maravelias, C.T. and I. E. Grossmann, "A Hybrid MILP/CP Decomposition Approach for the Continuous Time Scheduling of Multipurpose Batch Plants," submitted for publication (2003b). 520. Masini, G., N. Petracci and A. Bandoni, "Supply Chain Optimization in the Fruit Industry," Proceedings FOCAPO 2003 (Eds. I.E. Grossmann and C.M. McDonald), pp.237-240, CACHE (2003). 521. Mendez, C. and J. Cerda, “An MILP Framework for Reactive Scheduling of Resource-Constrained Multistage Batch Facilities,” Proceedings FOCAPO 2003 (Eds. I.E. Grossmann and C.M. McDonald), pp.335-338, CACHE (2003). 522. Neiro, S.M.S. and J.M. Pinto, "Supply Chain Optimization of Petroleum Refinery Complexes," Proceedings FOCAPO 2003 (Eds. I.E. Grossmann and C.M. McDonald), pp.59-72, CACHE (2003). 523. Romero, J., M. Badell, M. Bagajewicz, and L. Puigjaner, “Integrating Budgeting Models into Scheduling and Planning Models for the Chemical Batch Industry,” Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 42 (24), 6125 -6134 (2003). 524. Sahinidis, N.V., "Optimization under Uncertainty: State of the Art and Opportunities," Proceedings FOCAPO 2003 (Eds. I.E. Grossmann and C.M. McDonald), pp.153-165, CACHE (2003). 525. Shah, N., "Pharmaceutical Supply Chains: Key Issues and Strategies for Optimization," Proceedings FOCAPO 2003 (Eds. I.E. Grossmann and C.M. McDonald), pp.73-85, CACHE (2003). 526. Shapiro, J., "Challenges of Strategic Supply Chain Planning and Modeling," Proceedings FOCAPO 2003 (Eds. I.E. Grossmann and C.M. McDonald), pp.27-34, CACHE (2003). 527. Venkatsubramanian, V., "Abnormal Events Management in Complex Process Plants: Challenges and Opportunities in Intelligent Supervisory Control," Proceedings FOCAPO 2003 (Eds. I.E. Grossmann and C.M. McDonald), pp.117-132, CACHE (2003). 528. An Integrated System Solution for Supply Chain Optimization in the Chemical Process Industry Dr. Juergen S. Kussi , Dr. Franz-Josef Toelle Bayer AG (, ZT-TE Process Systems Engineering, 51368 Leverkusen, Germany FOCAPO 2003 Meeting, January 12 –15, 2003, in Coral Springs, Florida 529. Maravelias, C.T.; Grossmann, I.E. A New General Continuous-Time State Task Network Formulation forthe Short-Term Scheduling of Multipurpose Batch Plants. Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 2003, 42 (13), 3056-3074. 530. Maravelias, C.T.; Grossmann, I.E. A Hybrid MILP/CP Decomposition Approach for the Short TermScheduling of Multipurpose Batch Plants. Submitted for publication (2003). 531. Perea, E., E. Ydstie and I.E. Grossmann, "A Model Predictive Control Strategy for Supply Chain Optimization," Computers and Chemical Eng., 27, 1201-1218 (2003). 532. Balasubramanian,J. and I.E. Grossmann, “Scheduling Optimization under Uncertainty – An Alternative Approach,” Computers and Chemical Engineering 27, 469-490 (2003). 533. Maravelias, C.T. and I.E. Grossmann, "A New MILP Variable Resource Constrained Scheduling Model for the Testing of New Pharmaceuticals and Agrochemicals," Proceedings FOCAPO2003 (Eds. I.E. Grossmann and C.M. McDonald), pp.253-256 (2003). 17 534. Maravelias, C.T. and I.E. Grossmann, "A New General Continuous-Time State Task Network Formulation for Short Term, Scheduling of Multipurpose Batch Plants,” I&EC Research, 42, 30563074(2003). 535. Maravelias, T.C.; Grossmann, I. E. New Continuous-Time State Task Network Formulation for the Scheduling of Multipurpose Batch Plants. Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 2003, 42 (13), 3056 – 3074. 536. -Constrained Scheduling Model for the Testing of Pharmaceuticals and Agrochemicals. In Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Foundations of Computer- Aided Operations, Coral Springs, FL. 2003, 253-256. 537. of Batch Plants. In Proceedings of the 5th International Workshop on Integration of AI and OR Techniques in Constraint Programming for Combinatorial Optimization Problems, Montreal, Canada. 2003, 109-123. - Also accepted for presentation in INFORMS 2003 Annual Meeting, Atlanta, GA. 538. -Time State Task Network Formulation for Short-Term Scheduling of Batch Plants. In Proceedings of the 13th European Symposium on Computer-Aided Process Engineering, Lappeenranta, Finland. 2003, 215-220. 539. Maravelias, T.C.; Grossmann, I.E. A General Continuous State Task Network Formulation for Short Term Scheduling of Multipurpose Batch Plants with Due Dates. To be published in Proceedings of PSE 2003, Kunming, China. 540. Makespan of Batch Plants. Accepted for presentation in 2003 AIChE Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA. 541. g Tasks in New Product Development of Pharmaceuticals and Agrochemicals Using Constraint Programming. Accepted for presentation in 2003 AIChE Meeting, San Francisco, Under Uncertainty. ICHEME Symposium Series 133:427-34. 542. Van den Heever, S.A. and I.E. Grossmann, “A Strategy for the Integration of Production Planning and Reactive Scheduling in the Optimization of a Hydrogen Supply Network,” Computers and Chemical Engineering, 27, 1813-1839 (2003). 543. Jackson, J.R., J. Hofmann, J. Wassick and I.E. Grossmann, "A Nonlinear Multiperiod Process Optimization Model for Production Planning in Multi-Plant Facilities," Proceedings FOCAPO2003 (Eds. I.E. Grossmann and C.M. McDonald), pp.281-284 (2003). 544. Houze, M., N. Juhasz and I.E. Grossmann, "Optimization Model for the Production and Scheduling of Catalyst Loads Changeouts in a Process with Decaying Performance," Proceedings FOCAPO2003 (Eds. I.E. Grossmann and C.M. McDonald), pp.311-314 (2003). 545. Jackson, J. and Ignacio E. Grossmann, "A Temporal Decomposition Scheme for Nonlinear Multisite Production Planning and Distribution Models," I&EC Research, 42, 3045-3055 (2003). 546. Stochastic Integer Programming Bibliography Maarten H. van der Vlerk Department of Econometrics and OR University of Groningen PO Box 800, NL-9700 AV Groningen, The Netherlands E-mail: May 2, 2003 547. Additions to the Stochastic Programming Bibliography Maarten H. van der Vlerk Department of Econometrics and OR University of Groningen PO Box 800, NL-9700 AV Groningen, The Netherlands E-mail: May 2, 2003 548. 25th Year Issue on Computers and Chemical Engineering, Retrospective on Optimization Lorenz T. Biegler and Ignacio E. Grossmann Department of Chemical Engineering Carnegie Mellon University Pittsburgh, PA 15213, 2003 549. Modelling and Solving Real-Time Scheduling Problems by Stochastic Integer Programming G. Sand, S. Engell _ Process Control Laboratory, University Dortmund, 44221 Dortmund, Germany, 2003 550. EMERGENCY CONSIDERED OPTIMIZATION FOR A UTILITY PLANT WITH QUANTITATIVE SAFETY CONSTRAINTS J.H. KIM and C. HAN Department of Chemical Engineering, Pohang University of Science and Technology, Pohang, Kyungbuk 790-784, Korea H.S. YI School of Environmental Science and Engineering, Pohang University of Science and Technology, Pohang, Kyungbuk 790-784, Korea, 2003 551. A systematic approach for multi-objective process design in multi-purpose batch plants, A dissertation submitted to the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich (ETHZ) For the degree of Doctor of Technical Sciences, 2003 Publication 2004 552. B. Ivanov, N. Vaklieva-Bancheva and K. Mintchev, Methodology for optimal resources used control in case of compatible batch chemical processes 10th INTERNATIONAL SUMMER SCHOOL OF CHEMICAL ENGINEERING- V a r n a May 24 - 31, 2004 (English), (Poster full version) 553. B. Ivanov, and K. Mintchev Software of optimal control production campaigns in cases of multipurpose batch chemical engineering systems -10th INTERNATIONAL SUMMER SCHOOL OF CHEMICAL ENGINEERING- V a r n a May 24 - 31, 2004 (English), (Poster full version) 554. Б.Иванов, М.Минчев Софтуер за определяне на производствени разписания при работата на мнагоцелеви и многопродуктови химико-технологични системи, осигуряващи оптимално натоварване на системите за ресурсопотребление , доклад пред Петата национална конференция по химия, 29.09.2004 – 1.10.2004, София (Bulgarian), (Presentation in PPT format) 555. Хр. Бояджиев, Б.Иванов, Н. Ваклиева-Банчева, Софтуер за синтез, реновация и оптимално управление на многоцелеви химико-технологични системи с периодични процеси със снижени емисии на вредни вещества в околната среда, Новости БАН, Юни,2004г., Брой 6 (10),година 2 (Bulgarian), (English) 556. Ivanov B.B. and Minchev K., Optimal Loading the Systems for Resource Consumption in Case of Multiproduct and Multipurpose Batch Chemical Plants (Teoretical Aspects and Software Realization), Представена лекция пред факултета по информационни технологии при Веспремския университет, Унгария, 10 ноември 2004г. 15 часа (English) 557. К.Минчев, Е.Шопова, Б.Иванов, Софтуер за определяне на производствени разписания при работата на многоцелеви и многопродуктови химико-технологични системи осигуряващи оптимално натоварване на системите за ресурсопотребление, устен доклад пред младежкия симпозиум организиран в рамките на младежкото изложение “ЕКСПО-ИНТЕЛЕКТ’04” 02.12.2004г. (награден с диплома) (Грамота за участие) (Bulgarian) 558. Scheduling Tank Container Movements for Chemical LogisticsI.A. Karimi, M. Sharafali and H. Mahalingam AIChE Fall 2004 - 10: Computing and Systems Technology Division 559. Design and Scheduling of Multi-Period and Multipurpose Batch PlantsSoon-Ki Heo and In-Beum Lee AIChE Fall 2004 - 10: Computing and Systems Technology Division 560. A Comparison of Continuous-time Models for Scheduling Noncontinuous Plants Suresh P. Sivanandam, Ganesh Balla, Arul Sundaramoorthy and I.A. Karimi AIChE Fall 2004 - 10: Computing and Systems Technology Division 561. A Continuous-Time Formulation for Scheduling Multi-Stage Multi-product Batch Plants with IdenticalParallel Units Liu Yu and I. A. Karimi AIChE Fall 2004 - 10: Computing and Systems Technology Division 562. Order acceptance under uncertainty in batch process industries, Virginia Cristina Iv¸anescu J.W.M. Bertrand en prof.dr. J.P.C. Kleijnen, 4 oktober 2004 563. Ivanescu, V.C., Fransoo, J.C. and Bertrand, J.W.M. (2004b). A hybrid policy to correct for the selectivity of order acceptance procedures in batch process industries. under review. 564. Maravelias, C.T. and I. E. Grossmann, "A Hybrid MILP/CP Decomposition Approach for theContinuous Time Scheduling of Multipurpose Batch Plants," to appear in Computers and ChemicalEngineering (2004). 565. Challenges in the new millennium: product discovery and design, enterprise and supply chain optimization, global life cycle assessment, Ignacio E. Grossmann., Department of Chemical Engineering, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA 15213, USA, Received 21 May 2004; accepted 20 July 2004 Available online 25 August 2004 566. Lasschuit, W., & Thijssen, N. (2004). Supporting supply chain planning and scheduling decisions in the oil and chemical industry. Computersand Chemical Engineering, 28, 863–870. 567. Maravelias, C. T., & Grossmann, I. E. (2004). A hybrid MILP/CP decomposition approach for the continuous time scheduling of multipurpose batch plants. Computers and Chemical Engineering, 28, 1921–1949. 568. Neiro, S. M. S., & Pinto, J. M. (2004). A general modeling framework for the operational planning of petroleum supply chains. Computers and Chemical Engineering, 28, 871–896. 569. Sahinidis, N. V. (2004). Optimization under uncertainty: state-of-the art and opportunities. Computers and Chemical Engineering, 28, 971–983. 570. Shah, N. (2004). Pharmaceutical supply chains: key issues and strategies for optimisation. Computers and Chemical Engineering, 28, 929–941. 571. Shapiro, J. (2004). Challenges of strategic supply chain planning and modeling. Computers and Chemical Engineering, 28, 855–861. 572. T¨urkay, M., Oruc¸, C., Fujita, K., & Asakura, T. (2004). Multi-company collaborative supply chain management with economical and environmental considerations. Computers and Chemical Engineering, 28, 985–992. 573. Multi-Task/Multi-Stage Production Planning and Scheduling for Process Industries Francesco Gaglioppa¤ Lisa A. Millery Saif Benjaafarz August 18, 2004 574. Barbaro A. F. and M. Bagajewicz, “Managing Financial Risk in Planning under Uncertainty, “ to appear in AIChE Journal (2004). 575. Maravelias, C.T.; Grossmann, I.E. A Hybrid MILP/CP Decomposition Approach for the Short Term Scheduling of Multipurpose Batch Plants. Comput. Chem. Eng. 2004, 28, 1921-1949. 576. Maravelias, C.T. and I. E. Grossmann, "A Hybrid MILP/CP Decomposition Approach for the Continuous Time Scheduling of Multipurpose Batch Plants," Computers and Chemical Engineering, 28, 1921-1949 (2004). 577. Balasubramanian, J. and I. E. Grossmann, "Approximation to Multistage Stochastic Optimization in Multiperiod Batch Plant Scheduling under Demand Uncertainty," I&EC Research 43, 3695-3713 (2004). 578. Grossmann, I.E., “Challenges in the New Millennium: Product Discovery and Design, Enterprise and Supply Chain Optimization, Global Life Cycle Assessment,” to appear in Computers and Chemical Engineering (2004). 579. Maravelias, C.T. and I. E. Grossmann, “Optimal resource investment and scheduling of tests for new product development,” Computers and Chemical Engineering, 28 pp. 1021–1038 (2004) 580. Maravelias C.T. and I.E. Grossmann, “Using MILP and CP for the scheduling of batch chemical processes, Lecture Notes Comp. Sci., 3011: pp. 1-20 (2004). 581. Grossmann, I.E., “Advances in Logic-Based Optimization Approaches to Process Integration And Supply Chain Management,” to appear in Advances in Chemical Engineering (eds. M.A. Galan and E. Del Valle) (2004). 582. Grossmann, I.E., “Advances in Logic-Based Optimization Approaches to Process Integration And Supply Chain Management,” to appear in Advances in Chemical Engineering (eds. M.A. Galan and E. Del Valle) (2004). 583. Challenges in the New Millennium: Product Discovery and Design, Enterprise and Supply Chain Optimization, Global Life Cycle Assessment Ignacio E. Grossmann, 2004 584. Minimization of Makespan with Discrete-Time State-Task Network Formulation Christos T. Maravelias, Ignacio E. Grossmann ., 2004 585. On the Relation of Continuous and Discrete Time Models for the State-Task Network Formulation Christos T. Maravelias1 and Ignacio E. Grossmann2 ., 2004 586. Design and Retrofit of Periodic Batch Plants: A RTN Based Approach Tânia Pintoa, Ana Paula F. §b D. Barbósa-Póvoa and Augusto Q. Novaisa aD.M.S., INETI, Est. do Paço do Lumiar, 1649-038 Lisboa, Portugal bC.E.G.-IST, DEG, IST., Av. Rovisco Pais, 1049-101 Lisboa, Portugal, 2004