Chemical Engineering - The Hong Kong General Chamber of


Chemical Engineering:

Technological Challenges and Business Opportunities

Ka Ming NG ( 吳嘉名教授 )

Department of Chemical Engineering

Hong Kong University of Science and Technology

Clear Water Bay

A presentation at the HK General Chamber of Commerce on 7th March at 4:00-7:00pm


The chemical processing industry is the largest global industrial sector, with a total shipment of US$1.59 trillion in 1999. Significant technological advances have taken place in the area of nanotechnologies, bioengineering, pharmaceutical engineering and environmental technologies. In this presentation, we will offer an overview of such advances in the Department of Chemical Engineering at HKUST, and discuss related business opportunities in Hong Kong and the Pearl River Delta region.


Ka-Ming NG (PhD, University of Houston), Professor and Department Head

Research Interests:

Synthesis of processes with multiphase reactions, separation and purification using extraction and crystallization, solids processing; applications in manufacture of pharmaceuticals and specialty chemicals, and environmental conservation.

Overview - Logistics and Supply Chain Management in

Hong Kong and China

Chung-Yee Lee ( 李忠義教授 )

Department of Industrial Engineering & Engineering Management

Hong Kong University of Science and Technology

Clear Water Bay

A presentation at the HK General Chamber of Commerce on 7th March at 4:00-7:00pm


To sustain its leading position, Hong Kong needs to reinvent itself from a pure transportation hub to an efficient logistics hub by providing greater value to the goods flowing in the global supply chain that connects the Greater China region with the rest of the world.

HKUST recently established the Logistics and Supply Chain Management Institute to enhance this essential area of the Hong Kong economy. It seeks to expand knowledge and boost logistics industry through world-class research, education and industry cooperation.

Current research projects include decision support technologies for intelligent logistics and transportation management; design of supply chain networks; inventory management systems; and route guidance systems for multi-modal transport networks.


Chung-Yee Lee ( PhD, Yale ), Professor and Department Head

Research Interests:

Logistics management; production scheduling; production and operations management.

Emerging Mobile Commerce Applications on Handheld Devices

Dit Yan Yeung ( 楊瓞仁教授 )

Department of Computer Science

Hong Kong University of Science and Technology

Clear Water Bay

A presentation at the HK General Chamber of Commerce on 7th March at 4:00-7:00pm


Hong Kong is among the cities with the highest acceptance rate of mobile phones. In recent years, other handheld devices such as personal digital assistants (PDA) are also becoming popular. In this talk, some ongoing projects at the Cyberspace Center of the

Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST) will be presented. These projects are trying to explore the integrated use of mobile devices, Internet and security technologies in developing novel applications that may lead to new business models for the e-society.


Dit-Yan Yeung (Ph.D, University of Southern California)

Associate Professor of Computer Science

Director of Sino Software Research Institute

Associate Director of Cyberspace Center

Research Interests:

Theory and application of machine learning and pattern recognition; applications to bioinformatics, biometrics, computer security, and handwriting recognition.
