Additional information

Eastern Edge Film Fund
Additional information
Please read the accompanying application guidelines before completing this
How did you hear about the Eastern Edge Film Fund?
Name of Applicant
Which borough are
you applying from?
Do you live / work /
study in this
What is your role(s)
in the project?
Producer’s name:
Details of production
company (if
Director’s name:
Total amount applied
for (£):
Finance raised so far
with list of sources:
In-kind services:
Please attach the following documents with your application
Logline - 1 line
Premise - 120 words
Step-Outline - single A4 page
Writer’s Treatment (max. 2 pages)
Script (maximum 10 pages)
Director’s treatment / vision statement - 1 page max.
Producers statement - 1 page
CVs & links to previous work
If you wrote Alien your logline might be, 'it's Jaws, but in space.' how to say
quickly what your story is. Useful as a stepping stone from idea to premise.
A statement of no more than 120 words in prose, without dialogue, which
captures the essential components of your story. It will include the Title,
tone/genre, location and time: together with a sense of story conflict and the
main characters.
A single A4 page, briefly indicating everything that will happen in the script
presenting the beats or steps of the story clearly. It is a structuring device
which lays out the action of the film and does not contain dialogue. The StepOutline should have each scene headed by a 'slug line'. e.g. INT. BARNEY'S
ROOM DAY. Below that write a short block of text that describes the scene's
action. Scene by scene build the Step-Outline of your movie.
A maximum length of 2 pages. Remember, a poor layout inhibits reading.
Treatments are Present Tense prose forms, like a short story, of your
screenplay without dialogue. It gives an account of what will be in the film and
does not contain anything that happens outside, or before, the film's events.
It need not include every single scene that will be in the film. It should convey
what is special about the project; what the film will be like while drawing the
reader into the story.
It will contain the story, plot points, the world, the tone and the characters with
a sense of characterisation while not reading like a dry list of events.
Director’s treatment / vision statement - 1 page max.
Describe your vision of the film
What creative approach will you take in making the film?
Why you want to tell this particular story?
What does the project mean to you and your career?
How would receiving the grant impact on you?
Are there any areas in development and production you would appreciate
some training/mentoring?
What ideas do you have about casting?
What previous experience do you have in filmmaking that could make you a
good director for this film?
Producers statement - 1 page
Describe your vision of the film
What previous experience do you have in filmmaking that could make you a
good producer for this film?
How do you intend on physically producing the film and monitoring production
so that funds are used prudently and the required deadlines are met?
What does the project mean to you and your career? How would receiving the
grant impact on you?
What facilities and services you expect to use in the three boroughs?
What other finance do you intend to raise for the project, and how? For e.g.
crowd funding, other grants, private investment.
Do you have original ideas about how to build an audience for the film? Will
you have a social media campaign?
Have you any distribution plans for the film once delivered? Which festivals
have you considered for your film? Have you included that in the schedule /
The Eastern Edge Film Fund Partners are required to identify all relevant
financial or personal interests that may exist between elected members or
employees of partner organisations and applicants. This is to ensure that
measures can be introduced to prevent a conflict of interest arising between
those persons assessing the application for the partnership and such
applicant. For these purposes please complete the statement below:
“I (or the person/group on whose behalf I am applying) do/do not * have any
financial and/or close personal relationship with any elected member or
employee of the Eastern Edge Film Fund or partnership organisations. The
nature of such relationship is as follows” (e.g. spouse, relative, financial
interest - please specify details)
*Delete as applicable
I have read and understood the Eastern Edge Film Fund’s application
guidelines and terms and conditions. The information I have given on this
application is true and correct. Any material I have sent to support my
application is also true and correct. I will tell you immediately if this
information or the supporting material needs to be updated. I am happy for
you to provide copies of this form and any supporting material to any person
or organisation you wish to consult about my application. I am authorised to
make this application and accept a conditional offer of support under the
terms and conditions laid out. I confirm that ideas, proposals and work
submitted are mine. I confirm that I am aged 16 years old or older.
Name of Applicant
Signature of
Upon signing/submitting this application form, ‘the filmmaker’ is
accepting all stated terms and conditions and upon breach of any stated
terms and conditions may become liable to withdrawal and/or recovery
of grant aid and support already paid or owing.
Additional Terms and Conditions.
Selection Procedure
The applications will be assessed by a project management panel consisting
of; the project executive producer and representatives (Arts Development
Officers) from each participating London borough, against the following
criteria: originality of proposal and use of medium, effective techniques, the
ability of the applicant to deliver the proposal, the likelihood that the proposal
can be realised within the outlined budget and schedule and its suitability for
exhibition, in addition to the guidance notes reproduced in the introduction to
this application pack. No correspondence will be entered into regarding
individual applications although the partnership may endeavour to feedback to
unsuccessful participants in the interests of their future development. A
complaint or appeal cannot be made on the basis of the quality or artistic
content of an application.
Because music is often costly and/or difficult to clear, the Eastern Edge Film
Fund stipulates that only music specifically commissioned for the film or precleared “library” music can be used on this scheme. All music must have
worldwide rights clearance in all media in perpetuity.
Delivery of completed work and deliverables (refer to the Guidance Notes) by
the stated deadline.
Rights and Exhibition of the finished films
All copyright, exhibition and promotional rights and administration thereof
remains the property and responsibility of ‘the filmmaker’ (as named in
Section 1 of this application form), except certain rights reserved to writers,
musicians and other collaborators by the aforementioned ‘filmmaker’ e.g. the
right to adapt their script and all the characters, places, scenes or situations
appearing in it) with the following exceptions – that the Eastern Edge Film
Fund partners have exclusive rights to premiere or ‘first public viewing and/or
exhibition’ up to and including three separate exhibitions and non-exclusive
exhibition rights for further screenings by negotiation with the filmmaker.
Please note that, alongside this, the Eastern Edge Film Fund partnership will
also have a non-exclusive right to exhibit the film for promotional purposes.
The Eastern Edge Film Fund partnership will not enter into any negotiation,
arbitration or dispute between ‘the filmmaker’ and collaborators named or
unnamed regarding copyright, rights, licensing or any other dispute or
Additional sheets. Please ensure that any additional sheets, such as your
CV and any continuation sheets are labelled clearly and attached to your
application form.