MKT 340 – Marketing Channel

‫جامعة األمري سلطان‬
Prince Sultan University
‫كلية إدارة األعمال‬
College of Business Administartion
‫قسم التسويق و االدارة‬
Dept. of Marketing and Management
MKT 340 – Marketing Channels
Credit: 3 (3,0,0)
Instructor: Mr. Mahmoud Achouri
Office: # A255
Phone: # 494 8673
Email: machouri@
Course Description:
In the world of global competition, marketing channels is gaining
Marketing Channels, also called distribution
management, which is closely related to supply chain management,
deals with “place” element of the marketing mix.
This course provide students with a foundation in channel management
and shows them how to design, develop, and maintain effective
relationships among channel members to achieve sub stainable
competitive advantage by using both strategic and managerial frames.
Course objectives:
 To understand the structure, functions, design, Implementation,
and the role of marketing channels in the marketing mix and
firm’s overall strategy.
 To familiarize with terms and concepts relating to distribution,
marketing, and business that are significant in the field of
Marketing Channels.
 To identify and analyze the relationships of these concepts with
one another and with marketing and/or business principles and
‫جامعة األمري سلطان‬
Prince Sultan University
‫كلية إدارة األعمال‬
College of Business Administartion
‫قسم التسويق و االدارة‬
Dept. of Marketing and Management
 To demonstrate through case analyses and other assignments the
application and use these concepts in marketing and/or business
 To study different types of channel institutions and explore the
newly established channels.
 To prepare for entry into higher-level courses in marketing.
Topics to be Covered :
 An Analytic Framework for channel Design
&Implementation: Channel design-segmentation,
positioning& targeting, Establish new channels or refine
existing ones.
 Channel design: Demand, supply and competition
Segmentation for Marketing Channel Design: Service Outputs
 Supply-Side Channel Analysis: Channel Flows and Efficiency
Analysis- Channels flows, using channel flow concepts to
design a zero bazed channel.
 Channel Structure and Membership Issue: Who should be in
the channel? What types of intermediaries should be
used? A single channel or dual distribution?
 Gap analysis: Sources and types of channel gaps: Demand
side gaps, supply side gaps, Closing channel gaps,
 Vertical integration: owning the channel: degrees of
vertical integration, reasons to outsource distribution,
Channel Implementation and performance measurement:
 Channel Power: sources of power
 Managing Conflict to Increase Channel Coordination
 Strategic Alliances in Distribution
Channel Institutions:
‫جامعة األمري سلطان‬
Prince Sultan University
‫كلية إدارة األعمال‬
College of Business Administartion
‫قسم التسويق و االدارة‬
Dept. of Marketing and Management
Non-store Retailing and Electronic Channels
Your grade will be based on the following:
 Major 1and 2 = 18*2%=36%
 Final Exam
 Project =10%
 Assignments & case Analysis + presentation 8%
 Class participation & attendance 6%
The midterm and final examinations (76%) will follow the normal
pattern of the university. There are three examinations for the
semester, two major exams and Final exam.
Assignments, case Analysis, & presentation (18%)
There will be a project which counts of 10% and selected of case
studies in the field of marketing channels. Students will discuss and
analyze each case, and will come up with suggested solutions, they
will submit report and present their results.
During the semester, two home work assignments will be given and
each count for (4 %) of your final grade.
Class participation & attendance 6%
Class participation means making meaningful contributions and
showing evidence of preparation during the discussions of the issues.
Absence from class means no participation, which means lower final
Course Text book:
Anne T.Coughlan , Erin Anderson , Lowis W. Stern & Adel I. ElAnsary. Marketing Channels, 7Th Edition . Prentice Hall , 2006.
Recommended Reference:
Bert Rosenbloom. Marketing Channels: A Management View , 6Th
Edition. The Dryden Press , 1998