Procedure for Solar System Scale Activity: 1. Picture in your mind what you think a scale model of the Solar System will look like and write a brief description of it. We will see how the model you build meets your expectations. 2. Measure the longest distance you can use, no more than 50 meters. Measure this distance to the nearest meter and record it in Data Table 1. This distance will represent the distance between the Sun and the furthest planet the model represents. 3. To find which planet we can go out to, let the scale diameter of Mercury initially be 1 mm (we can not reliably measure distances less then 1 mm). At this scale, 1 meter in the hall is equal to 0.0326 AU. Multiply by the longest distance you can use, for example, if the longest distance is 38 meters, then 38 0.0326 1.24 AU and look at Data Table 2 to find which planets fall within this range. Write the distance to this furthest planet in Data Table 1. 4. To calculate the distance from the model sun to each model planet, you need to calculate a scaling factor. Determine the scaling factor by dividing the distance from step 2 above by the distance from the Sun to the furthest planet. Find this distance in Data Table 2. Record the scaling factor in Data Table 1. For example, if the longest distance usable is 38 meters and the planet chosen is Neptune, then the scaling factor is 38 meters / 30.1 AU = 1.26 meters per astronomical unit. 5. Multiply the scaling factor from step 3 by the actual distance from the Sun to each of the planets in AU. Use the distance in Data Table 2. Record the answers in the column labeled "scale distance from Sun". 6. Measure out a length of paper equal to the scale distance to Mercury from the Sun. Do not cut the paper, but mark this by writing Mercury at this point. From that point, continue measuring the same piece of paper out to Venus, and mark that spot also. Continue doing this for all the planets out to the furthest planet chosen. 7. Go out into the hall and lay the paper out and observe the scale model you have created of the solar system. Use scotch tape to affix the paper to the floor. Supplies: Cashier Paper Marker Scotch Tape Scissors Ruler 50m Time: One lecture DATA TABLE 1 Largest usable distance (meters) Distance to furthest Planet (AU) Scaling factor (meters/AU) DATA TABLE 2 Planet Distance from Sun (AU) Distance to planet (kilometers) Scale distance from Sun to Planet (meters) Actual diameter of Scale diameter of Planet (kilometers) Planet (millimeters) Sun (a star) n.a. n.a. n.a. Mercury 0.39 58,000,000 4,880 Venus 0.72 108,000,000 12,100 Earth 1.00 150,000,000 12,800 Mars 1.52 228,000,000 6,800 Jupiter 5.20 778,000,000 142,000 Saturn 9.54 1,430,000,000 120,000 Uranus 19.2 2,870,000,000 51,800 Neptune 30.1 4,500,000,000 49,500 Pluto 39.4 5,900,000,000 2,300 1,391,980 Question and Conclusions: 1. Describe what your model looks like. Is this different from what you pictured in your mind in step 1? If so, how? 2. The nearest star to Earth is Alpha Centauri, 274,332 AU away. Where would this star be placed in your scale model of Solar System distances. 3. What are some of the advantages and disadvantage that you see in using a scale model? Be specific and use examples from this activity. 4. Think about making a scale model of the Milky Way Galaxy, give an outline of how this might be done, and describe any challenges you would face. 5. Fill in Data Table 3 below with the time it takes light to reach each of the planets. DATA TABLE 3 The speed of light is equal to 299,792.458 kilometers per second Mercury Venus Earth Mars Jupiter Saturn Uranus Neptune Pluto Important Vocabulary to Know: Astronomical Unit: A unit of measurement equal to 149.6 million kilometers, the mean distance from the center of the earth to the center of the sun. Distance: The actual path length covered by a body. It is a scalar quantity. Meter: The fundamental unit of length in the metric system, equal to 100 centimeters or approximately 39.37 inches. Metric System: The decimal measuring system based on the meter, liter, and gram as units of length, capacity, and weight or mass. Scale Model: A physical model, a representation or copy of an object that is larger or smaller than the actual size of the object, which seeks to maintain the relative proportions (the scale factor) of the physical size of the original object. Scaling Factor: The ratio of a distance measured on a scale drawing to the corresponding distance measured on the actual object. Solar System: The collection of planets and their moons in orbit around a sun, together with smaller bodies such as asteroids, meteoroids, and comets. More Online Resources: Scale Calculator: Scale Calculator: Solar System to Scale: Solar System Size to Scale: Solar System Distance to Scale: