2004 ISM 구매 교육기관 -대학명 -학과명 -위치 -전화번호 -홈페이지 -구매전공분야 및 특이사항 ALABAMA A&M UNIVERSITY School of Business Huntsville, Alabama 256/372-5000 www.aamu.edu BS in Business Administration with concentration in Logistics MBA with concentration in Logistics AUBURN UNIVERSITY College of Business Auburn, Alabama 334/844-4000 www.auburn.edu BS in Logistics UNIVERSITY OF ALABAMA Department of Information Systems, Statistics and Management Science Tuscaloosa, Alabama 205/348-6010 www.ua.edu BS in Operations and Supply Chain Management MS in Operations and Supply Chain Management MBA with concentration in Supply Chain & Operations Management PhD in Operations and Supply Chain Management Certificate in Materials Management Distance learning opportunities 1 UNIVERSITY OF ALASKA — ANCHORAGE College of Business and Public Policy Anchorage, Alaska 907/786-4100 www.scob.alaska.edu BBA in Global Logistics Management MS in Global Supply Chain Management Certificate in Logistics ARIZONA STATE UNIVERSITY W.P. Carey School of Business Tempe, Arizona 480/965-6044 http://wpcarey.asu.edu BS in Supply Chain Management MBA with specialization in Supply Chain Management Ph.D. in Business Administration with concentration in Supply Chain Management Certificate in Professional Purchasing C.P.M. Exam preparation program Distance learning opportunities THUNDERBIRD — THE GARVIN SCHOOL OF INTERNATIONAL MANAGEMENT Glendale, Arizona 800/848-9084 www.t-bird.edu Graduate emphasis in Supply Chain Leadership UNIVERSITY OF PHOENIX Business Management Phoenix, Arizona 800/660-6846 www.phoenix.edu Certificate in Operations and Supply Chain Management C.P.M. Exam preparation program 2 ARKANSAS STATE UNIVERSITY College of Business State University, Arkansas 870/972-3035 http://business.astate.edu BS in Marketing with Logistics emphasis UNIVERSITY OF ARKANSAS Marketing and Logistics Department Fayetteville, Arkansas 501/575-4055 www.uark.edu BS in Transportation Master of Transportation and Logistics Management AMERICAN GRADUATE UNIVERSITY Covina, California 877/351-9060 www.agu.edu Master of Acquisition Management Master's Certificate in Acquisition and Contracting Distance learning opportunities BAKERSFIELD COLLEGE Bakersfield, California 661/395-40111 www.bc.cc.ca.us Certificate of Achievement in Logistics CALIFORNIA MARITIME ACADEMY Vallejo, California 707/654-1000 www.csum.edu BS in Logistics and International Business 3 CALIFORNIA STATE UNIVERSITY — CHICO College of Business Chico, California 530/898-6271 www.cob.csuchico.edu BS in Business Information Systems with option in Supply Chain Management Systems CALIFORNIA STATE UNIVERSITY — DOMINGUEZ HILLS Division of Extended Education Carson, California 310/243-3741 www.csudh.edu/purchasingonline Certificate Award in Purchasing C.P.M. Exam preparation program Distance learning opportunities CALIFORNIA STATE UNIVERSITY — HAYWARD College of Business and Economics Hayward, California 510/885-3000 www.csuhayward.edu BS in Business Administration with option in Purchasing and Materials Management MBA with option in Supply Chain Management Certificate in Purchasing and Supply Management C.P.M. Exam preparation program CALIFORNIA STATE UNIVERSITY — LONG BEACH University College and Extension Services Long Beach, California 800/963-2250 www.uces.csulb.edu BS in Operations Management MA in Global Logistics Certificate in Purchasing and Procurement 4 CALIFORNIA STATE UNIVERSITY — LOS ANGELES Department of Management Los Angeles, California 323/343-2890 www.calstatela.edu BS in Business Administration with option in Operations Management Certificate in Operations Management CALIFORNIA STATE UNIVERSITY — NORTHRIDGE College of Extended Learning Northridge, California 818/677-3911 www.csun.edu/exl Certificate in Production and Inventory Control CALIFORNIA STATE UNIVERSITY — SACRAMENTO College of Business Administration Sacramento, California 916/278-6578 www.csus.edu/cba BS in Business with concentration in Operations Management Certificate in Purchasing Management C.P.M. Exam preparation program CALIFORNIA STATE UNIVERSITY — SAN BERNARDINO College of Extended Learning San Bernardino, California 909/880-5979 http://cel.csusb.edu Certificate in Logistics Management COASTLINE COMMUNITY COLLEGE Fountain Valley, California 714/546-7600 http://coastline.cccd.edu Certificate of Achievement in Supply Management 5 Distance learning opportunities GOLDEN GATE UNIVERSITY Edward S. Ageno School of Business San Francisco, California 415/442-6500 www.ggu.edu BBA with concentration in Operations and Supply Chain Management MBA with concentration in Operations and Supply Chain Management Certificate in Operations and Supply Chain Management Distance learning opportunities RIVERSIDE COMMUNITY COLLEGE Norco Campus Norco, California 951/372-7068 www.academic.rcc.edu/logisticsmanagement AS in Logistics Management AS in Business Administration with concentration in Logistics Management Certificate in Logistics Management Certificate in Business Administration with concentration in Logistics Management SAN JOSE STATE UNIVERSITY Professional Development Center San Jose, California 408/519-1286 www.sjsu.edu Certificate in Purchasing and Supply Chain Management C.P.M. Exam preparation program UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA — BERKELEY Industrial Engineering and Operations Research Berkeley, California 510/642-5484 www.ieor.berkeley.edu Certificate in Logistics 6 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA — IRVINE UCI Extension Irvine, California 949/824-4661 http://unex.uci.edu Certificate in Supply Chain Management UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA — RIVERSIDE University Extension Riverside, California 909/787-4111 www.ucr.edu Certificate in Purchasing Management UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA — SAN DIEGO UCSD Extension San Diego, California 858/882-8041 www.extension.ucsd.edu Certificate in Purchasing and Supply Management UNIVERSITY OF SAN DIEGO Supply Chain Management Institute San Diego, California 619/260-4894 http://scmisandiego.org BBA in Supply Chain Management MS in Supply Chain Management MBA with emphasis in Supply Chain Management Graduate certificate in Supply Chain Management COLORADO TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY Colorado Springs, Colorado 719/598-0200 www.coloradotech.edu BS in Business Administration with concentration in Logistics/Supply Chain Management 7 MBA with concentration in Logistics/Supply Chain Management Graduate certificate in Logistics/Supply Chain Management Distance learning opportunities UNIVERSITY OF NEW HAVEN School of Engineering and Applied Science West Haven, Connecticut 800/342-5864 www.newhaven.edu Certificate in Logistics GEORGE WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY School of Business and Public Management Washington, D.C. 202/994-5536 www.gwu.edu MBA with concentration in Supply Chain Management Ph.D. with concentration in Logistics, Technology and Project Management HOWARD UNIVERSITY School of Business Washington, D.C. 202/806-1725 www.bschool.howard.edu/scm MBA with concentration in Supply Chain Management Graduate certificate in Supply Chain Management UNIVERSITY OF THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA School of Business and Public Administration Washington, D.C. 202/274-5000 www.udc.edu BBA in Procurement and Public Contracting 8 FLORIDA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY School of Extended Graduate Studies Melbourne, Florida 407/674-7347 www.fit.edu PMBA with concentration in Acquisition and Contract Management MS in Acquisition and Contract Management MS in Management with concentration in Acquisition and Contract Management Graduate certificate in Materiel Acquisition Management Distance learning opportunities FLORIDA STATE UNIVERSITY Department of Marketing Tallahassee, Florida 850/644-4091 www.cob.fsu.edu BS in Marketing with concentration in Supply Chain Management MBA with concentration in Supply Chain Management UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA MBA Programs Gainesville, Florida 352/392-7992 www.floridamba.ufl.edu Certificate in Supply Chain Management UNIVERSITY OF NORTH FLORIDA Coggin College of Business Jacksonville, Florida 904/620-2780 www.unf.edu BBA in Transportation and Logistics 9 CLARK ATLANTA UNIVERSITY School of Business Administration Atlanta, Georgia 404/880-8000 www.cau.edu BA in Business Administration with concentration in Supply Chain Management DALTON STATE COLLEGE Division of Business Administration Dalton, Georgia 706/272-4507 www.daltonstate.edu BS in Industrial Operations Management GEORGIA COLLEGE & STATE UNIVERSITY Logistics Education Center Robins AFB, Georgia 478/327-7376 www.gcsu.edu MSA in Logistics Management GEORGIA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY The Logistics Institute Atlanta, Georgia 404/894-2343 www.tli.gatech.edu Executive Masters in International Logistics Certificate in Logistics Management Distance learning opportunities GEORGIA SOUTHERN UNIVERSITY Department of Management, Marketing, and Logistics Statesboro, Georgia 912/681-5216 http://coba.georgiasouthern.edu BBA in Logistics and Intermodal Transportation 10 KENNESAW STATE UNIVERSITY Michael J. Coles College of Business Kennesaw, Georgia 770/423-6425 www.kennesaw.edu BBA in Operations and Purchasing SOUTHERN POLYTECHNIC STATE UNIVERSITY School of Engineering Technology and Management Marietta, Georgia 770/528-7243 www.spsu.edu BS in Industrial Engineering Technology MS in Management with option in Operations Management Certificate in Logistics BOISE STATE UNIVERSITY College of Business and Economics Boise, Idaho 208/426-1181 http://cobe.boisestate.edu BBA in Operations Management DEPAUL UNIVERSITY College of Commerce 312/362-6780 www.depaul.edu BS in Management with option in Operations Management Certificate in Purchasing Management C.P.M. Exam preparation program ELMHURST COLLEGE Center for Business and Economics Elmhurst, Illinois 630/617-3400 http://elmhurst.edu 11 BS in Logistics and Transportation MS in Supply Chain Management ILLINOIS CENTRAL COLLEGE Business and Information Systems East Peoria, Illinois 309/694-5422 www.icc.edu AAS in Management with concentration in Materials/Logistics Certificate in Materials/Logistics Management LOYOLA UNIVERSITY School of Business Administration Chicago, Illinois 312/915-6541 www.luc.edu BBA in Operations Management MBA with concentration in Operations Management NORTHERN ILLINOIS UNIVERSITY College of Business DeKalb, Illinois 815/753-5000 www.niu.edu BS in Operations and Information Management NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY The Transportation Center Evanston, Illinois 847/491-3741 http://transportation.northwestern.edu/ BS in Transportation and Logistics MBA with concentration in Transportation and Logistics 12 OAKTON COMMUNITY COLLEGE Management and Supervision Des Plaines, Illinois 847/635-1600 www.oakton.edu Certificate in Purchasing Management WESTERN ILLINOIS UNIVERSITY College of Business and Technology Macomb, Illinois 309/298-2442 www.wiu.edu BS in Supply Chain Management MBA with concentration in Supply Chain Management WILLIAM RAINEY HARPER COLLEGE Palatine, Illinois 847/925-6358 www.harpercollege.com AAS in Supply Chain Management Certificate in Supply Chain Management C.P.M. Exam preparation program INDIANA STATE UNIVERSITY School of Business Terre Haute, Indiana 812/237-2000 www.indstate.edu BS in Marketing with specialization in Purchasing Management INDIANA UNIVERSITY Kelly Direct Online Programs Bloomington, Indiana 812/855-2661 http://kd.iu.edu MS in Global Supply Chain Management 13 Graduate certificate in Supply Chain Management Essentials Distance learning opportunities INDIANA UNIVERSITY — BLOOMINGTON Kelley School of Business Bloomington, Indiana 812/855-0212 www.iub.edu BS in Production/Operations Management MBA with major in Production/Operations Management Ph.D. in Operations Management INDIANA UNIVERSITY — SOUTH BEND Continuing Education South Bend, Indiana 574/237-4167 www.iusb.edu Certificate in Supply Management C.P.M. Exam preparation program PURDUE UNIVERSITY Krannert School of Management West Lafayette, Indiana 765/494-9700 www.mgmt.purdue.edu BS in Industrial Management MBA with option in Operations Management Ph.D. in Operations Management UNIVERSITY OF INDIANAPOLIS School of Business Indianapolis, Indiana 800/232-8634 www.uindy.edu BS in management with concentration in Production and Operations Management 14 IOWA STATE UNIVERSITY College of Business Ames, Iowa 515/294-3656 www.bus.iastate.edu BS in Production/Operations Management UNIVERSITY OF NORTHERN IOWA Department of Management Cedar Falls, Iowa 319/273-6240 www.cba.uni.edu BS in Management with emphasis in Supply Chain/Operations Management SOUTHWESTERN COLLEGE Professional Studies Wichita, Kansas 316/684-5335 www.sckans.edu/ps/ BS in Operations Management C.P.M. Exam preparation program Distance learning opportunities UNIVERSITY OF LOUISVILLE Logistics and Distribution Institute Louisville, Kentucky 502/852-8565 www.louisville.edu/org/lodi/ Graduate certificate in Logistics and Distribution LOUISIANA STATE UNIVERSITY Division of Continuing Education Baton Rouge Louisiana 225/578-6325 www.doce.lsu.edu Certificate in Purchasing and Supply Management 15 MAINE MARITIME ACADEMY Loeb-Sullivan School of International Business and Logistics Castine, Maine 800/227-8465 www.mainemaritime.edu BS in International Business and Logistics MS in Global Supply Chain Management ANNE ARUNDEL COMMUNITY COLLEGE Arnold, Maryland 410/777-2958 www.aacc.cc.md.us C.P.M. Exam preparation program CECIL COMMUNITY COLLEGE North East, Maryland 410/287-1000 www.cecil.cc.md.us AAS in Transportation and Logistics Materials Management Certificate in Transportation and Logistics Materials Management UNIVERSITY OF MARYLAND — COLLEGE PARK Robert H. Smith School of Business College Park, Maryland 301/405-2286 www.rhsmith.umd.edu BS in Logistics, Transportation, and Supply Chain Management MBA with concentration in Logistics/Supply Chain Management Ph.D. in Logistics and Transportation UNIVERSITY OF MARYLAND — UNIVERSITY COLLEGE Department of Management and Technology Adelphi, Maryland 800/283-6832 www.umuc.edu/gsmt BS in Business Supply Chain Management 16 MS in Management with track in Procurement and Contract Management Certificate in Procurement and Contract Management Distance learning opportunities MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY Center for Transportation and Logistics Cambridge, Massachusetts 617/258-7267 www.mit.edu BS in Operations Research Master of Engineering in Logistics Ph.D. in Logistics NORTHEASTERN UNIVERSITY College of Business Administration Boston, Massachusetts 617/373-3270 www.cba.neu.edu BS in Business Administration with concentration in Supply Chain Management Certificate in Supply Chain Management CENTRAL MICHIGAN UNIVERSITY College of Business Administration Mount Pleasant, Michigan 989/774-3124 www.cba.cmich.edu BS in Purchasing and Supply Management EASTERN MICHIGAN UNIVERSITY College of Business Ypsilanti, Michigan 734/487-4140 www.scm.emich.edu BS in Marketing with concentration in Purchasing and Materials Management MBA with specialization in Supply Chain Management Graduate certificate in Supply Chain Management 17 FERRIS STATE UNIVERSITY College of Business Big Rapids, Michigan 231/591-2427 www.ferris.edu BS in Business Administration with concentration in Supply Chain Management Certificate in Global Logistics LAWRENCE TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY College of Management Southfield, Michigan 248/204-3055 www.ltu.edu MS in Industrial Operations MICHIGAN STATE UNIVERSITY Eli Broad College of Business East Lansing, Michigan 517/355-8377 www.bus.msu.edu BS in Supply Chain Management MS in Logistics Ph.D. in Supply Chain Management Front-line manager certification program NORTHWOOD UNIVERSITY Troy Program Center Troy, Michigan 248/649-5111 www.northwood.edu/uc/ AA in Automotive Supply Management BBA in Automotive Supply Management Distance learning opportunities 18 WAYNE STATE UNIVERSITY School of Business Administration Detroit, Michigan 313/577-4525 www.busadm.wayne.edu BS in Business Logistics WESTERN MICHIGAN UNIVERSITY Haworth College of Business Kalamazoo, Michigan 616/387-5075 www.hcob.wmich.edu/ism BS in Integrated Supply Management METROPOLITAN STATE UNIVERSITY College of Management Minneapolis, Minnesota 612/659-7252 www.metrostate.edu BAS in Operations and Manufacturing Management UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA Carlson School of Management Minneapolis, Minnesota 612/625-0027 www1.umn.edu BSB in Supply Chain Management MBA with specialization in Marketing and Logistics Management Ph.D. in Marketing and Logistics Management PARK UNIVERSITY Extended Learning Program Parkville, Missouri 816/584-6816 www.park.edu BS in Management/Logistics 19 Distance learning opportunities SAINT LOUIS UNIVERSITY John Cook School of Business St. Louis, Missouri 314/977-3617 www.slu.edu MBA with concentration in Operations and Supply Chain Management Certificate in Supply Chain Management SOUTHWEST MISSOURI STATE UNIVERSITY College of Business Administration Springfield, Missouri 417/836-5646 www.coba.smsu.edu BS in Marketing with option in Logistics and Transportation MBA with option in Logistics UNIVERSITY OF MISSOURI — ST. LOUIS College of Business Administration St. Louis, Missouri 314/516-6267 www.umsl.edu BS in Management with emphasis in Logistics and Operations Management Graduate certificate in Logistics and Supply Chain Management WEBSTER UNIVERSITY School of Business and Technology St. Louis, Missouri 314/968-7021 www.websteruniv.edu MBA with an emphasis in Procurement and Acquisitions Management MA in Procurement and Acquisitions Management Graduate certificate in Government Contracting Distance learning opportunities online and at multiple locations 20 METROPOLITAN COMMUNITY COLLEGE Business Department Omaha, Nebraska 800/228-9553 www.mccneb.edu AAS in Operations and Supply Chain Management UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA — KEARNEY College of Business and Technology Kearney, Nebraska 308/865-8504 www.unk.edu BS in Industrial Distribution UNIVERSITY OF NEVADA — LAS VEGAS College of Business Las Vegas, Nevada 702/895-1762 www.unlv.edu BS in Management with concentration in Supply Chain Management UNIVERSITY OF NEVADA — RENO College of Business Administration Reno, Nevada 775/784-6993 www.coba.unr.edu BS in Supply Chain Management MBA with concentration in Supply Chain Management SOUTHERN NEW HAMPSHIRE UNIVERSITY School of Business Manchester, New Hampshire 603/644-3102 www.snhu.edu Certificate in Production and Inventory Control 21 BLOOMFIELD COLLEGE Business Administration Bloomfield, New Jersey 973/748-9000 www.bloomfield.edu BS in Business Administration with concentration in Materials Management Certificate in Materials Management RUTGERS UNIVERSITY Rutgers Business School Newark, New Jersey 973/353-1169 http://business.rutgers.edu MBA with concentration in Supply Chain Management Ph.D. in Supply Chain Management STEVENS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY School of Engineering Hoboken, New Jersey 201/216-5263 www.soe.stevens.edu Graduate certificate in Value Chain Enterprise Systems THOMAS EDISON STATE COLLEGE Trenton, New Jersey 609/984-1150 www.tesc.edu AS in Procurement BS in Procurement NIAGARA UNIVERSITY Department of Transportation and Logistics Niagara University, New York 716/286-8050 www.niagara.edu BS in Commerce with concentration in Transportation and Logistics Management 22 Certificate in Logistics, Transportation, and Management SYRACUSE UNIVERSITY Whitman School of Management Syracuse, New York 315/443-3751 www.som.syr.edu BS in Supply Chain Management MBA with concentration in Supply Chain Management Ph.D. in Supply Chain Management CENTRAL PIEDMONT COMMUNITY COLLEGE Continuing Education Charlotte, North Carolina 704/330-4223 www.cpcc.cc.nc.us C.P.M. Exam preparation program EAST CAROLINA UNIVERSITY Department of Industrial Technology Greenville, North Carolina 252/328-9600 www.sit.ecu.edu/itec BS in Industrial Distribution and Logistics MS in Industrial Distribution and Logistics LENOIR COMMUNITY COLLEGE Kinston, North Carolina 252/527-6223 www.lenoircc.edu AAS in Global Logistics Technology Distance learning opportunities 23 NORTH CAROLINA A&T STATE UNIVERSITY School of Business and Economics Greensboro, North Carolina 336/334-7229 www.ncat.edu/~business BS in Economics and Transportation MS in Transportation and Logistics NORTH CAROLINA STATE UNIVERSITY College of Management Raleigh, North Carolina 919/515-5560 www.mgt.ncsu.edu BS in Business Management with concentration in Operations and Supply Chain Management MBA with concentration in Supply Chain Management UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA AT WILMINGTON Cameron School of Business Wilmington, North Carolina 910/962-3777 www.csb.uncw.edu BS in Business with concentration in Production and Operations Management BOWLING GREEN STATE UNIVERSITY Department of Management Bowling Green, Ohio 419/372-2946 www.cba.bgsu.edu BS in Business Administration with specialization in Purchasing and Supply Chain Management CASE WESTERN RESERVE UNIVERSITY Weatherhead School of Management Cleveland, Ohio 216/368-2030 24 www.weatherhead.cwru.edu MS in Management in Supply Chain COLUMBUS STATE COMMUNITY COLLEGE Marketing and Graphic Communications Department Columbus, Ohio 614/287-5175 www.cscc.edu AAS in Logistics Certificate in Purchasing CUYAHOGA COMMUNITY COLLEGE Business Technologies Cleveland, Ohio 800/954-8742 www.tri-c.cc.oh.us AAB in Purchasing Management JOHN CARROLL UNIVERSITY Boler School of Business University Heights, Ohio 216/397-4386 http://bsob.jcu.edu BS in Business Logistics MIAMI UNIVERSITY Department of Management Oxford, Ohio 513/529-4215 www.sba.muohio.edu BS in Purchasing and Procurement Management THE OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY Department of Marketing and Logistics Columbus, Ohio 614/292-9695 25 www.osu.edu BS in Transportation and Logistics Management MBA with major in Operations and Logistics Management Ph.D. in Logistics SINCLAIR COMMUNITY COLLEGE Business Technologies Dayton, Ohio 800/315-3000 www.sinclair.edu AAS in Procurement and Material Management Certificate in Procurement and Materials Management Distance learning opportunities UNIVERSITY OF AKRON College of Business Administration Akron, Ohio 330/972-7042 www.uakron.edu BS in Business Administration with core in Supply Chain/Operations Management MBA with specialization in Supply Chain Management UNIVERSITY OF CINCINNATI Department of Quantitative Analysis and Operations Management Cincinnati, Ohio 513/556-7140 www.business.uc.edu BS in Industrial Management MBA with concentration in Operations Management Ph.D. with concentration in Operations Management/Quantitative Analysis UNIVERSITY OF TOLEDO College of Business Administration Toledo, Ohio 419/530-2087 www.utoledo.edu 26 BBA with specialization in Purchasing and Supply Management C.P.M. Exam preparation program WRIGHT STATE UNIVERSITY Raj Soin College of Business Dayton, Ohio 937/775-2437 www.wright.edu/coba BS in Operations Management MBA with concentration in Supply Chain Management LANGSTON UNIVERSITY School of Business Langston, Oklahoma 405/466-3207 www.lunet.edu BBA in Organization Management with specialization in Supply Chain Management TULSA COMMUNITY COLLEGE Tulsa, Oklahoma 918/595-7414 http://www.tulsacc.edu AAS in Purchasing and Materials Management Certificate in Purchasing Management PORTLAND STATE UNIVERSITY School of Business Administration Portland, Oregon 503/725-4769 www.sba.pdx.edu BS in Supply and Logistics Management DUQUESNE UNIVERSITY A.J. Palumbo School of Business Administration Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 412/396-6276 27 www.bus.duq.edu BS in Supply Chain Management MBA with specialization in Supply Chain Management LEHIGH UNIVERSITY College of Business and Economics Bethlehem, Pennsylvania 610/758-3400 www.lehigh.edu BS in Supply Chain Management Certificate in Supply Chain Management Graduate certificate in Supply Chain Management Distance learning opportunities LUZERNE COUNTY COMMUNITY COLLEGE Nanticoke, Pennsylvania 800/377-5222 www.luzerne.edu Certificate in Warehouse Management Distribution PENNSYLVANIA STATE UNIVERSITY Smeal College of Business University Park, Pennsylvania 814/865-1866 www.smeal.psu.edu BS in Supply Chain and Information Systems MBA with specialization in Supply Chain Management Ph.D. in Supply Chain and Information Systems Certificate in Logistics and Supply Chain Management C.P.M. Exam preparation program Distance learning opportunities ROBERT MORRIS UNIVERSITY Department of Management and Marketing Moon Township, Pennsylvania 412/262-8200 28 www.rmu.edu BSBA in Supply Chain Management Certificate in Supply Chain Management SAINT JOSEPH'S UNIVERSITY University College Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 877/648-3758 www.sju.edu/uc/ AAS in Purchase/Acquisitions BS in Professional Studies with concentration in Purchasing Certificate in Purchasing & Acquisitions C.P.M. Exam preparation program Distance learning opportunities UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA Wharton School Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 215/898-7507 www.wharton.upenn.edu BS with concentration in Operations & Information Management MBA with major in Marketing and Operations Management Ph.D. in Operations & Information Management COLLEGE OF CHARLESTON Department of Management and Marketing Charleston, South Carolina 843/953-5507 www.cofc.edu BS in Business with concentration in Global Logistics and Transportation Certificate in Global Logistics and Transportation GREENVILLE TECHNICAL COLLEGE Greenville, South Carolina 864/250-8111 www.greenvilletech.com 29 AAS in Supply Chain Management Certificate in Supply Chain Management C.P.M. Exam preparation program MIDLANDS TECHNICAL COLLEGE Continuing Education Columbia, South Carolina 803/732-0432 www.mtctraining.com Certificate in Purchasing Fundamentals C.P.M. Exam preparation program TRIDENT TECHNICAL COLLEGE Business Department Charleston, South Carolina 843/572-6022 www.tridenttech.edu AS in Transportation and Logistics Certificate in Transportation and Logistics C.P.M. Exam preparation program Distance learning opportunities CHATTANOOGA STATE TECHNICAL COMMUNITY COLLEGE Business and Information Systems Chattanooga, Tennessee 423/697-4441 www.chattanoogastate.edu Certificate in Purchasing TENNESSEE STATE UNIVERSITY College of Business Nashville, Tennessee 615/963-7123 www.tnstate.edu/busadmin BBA in E-Business and Supply Chain Management 30 UNIVERSITY OF MEMPHIS Department of Marketing and Supply Chain Management Memphis, Tennessee 901/678-3721 www.memphis.edu BBA in Marketing and Supply Chain Management UNIVERSITY OF TENNESSEE College of Business Administration Knoxville, Tennessee 865/974-5061 www.bus.utk.edu BS in Logistics and Transportation MBA with concentration in Logistics and Transportation Ph.D. in Marketing, Logistics and Transportation PALO ALTO COLLEGE Management Program San Antonio, Texas 210/921-5151 www.accd.edu/pac/mgt/MainMgtPage.htm AAS in Logistics Management Certificate in Logistics Management SAM HOUSTON STATE UNIVERSITY Department of Management and Marketing Huntsville, Texas 936/294-1254 www.shsu.edu BBA with emphasis in Operations Management ST. EDWARD'S UNIVERSITY Graduate School of Management Austin, Texas 512/448-8400 www.stedwards.edu 31 MBA certificate in Operations Management STEPHEN F. AUSTIN STATE UNIVERSITY Department of Management, Marketing, and International Business Nacogdoches, Texas 936/468-4103 www.sfasu.edu BBA with major in Management TEXAS A&M INTERNATIONAL UNIVERSITY College of Business Administration Laredo, Texas 956/326-2495 www.tamiu.edu/coba MS in International Logistics TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY Mays Business School College Station, Texas 979/845-1616 www.business.tamu.edu BBA in Information & Operations Management MBA with concentration in Supply Chain Management Ph.D. in Information & Operations Management TEXAS CHRISTIAN UNIVERSITY M.J. Neeley School of Business Fort Worth, Texas 817/257-7717 www.neeley.tcu.edu MS in Supply and Value Chain Management MBA with certificate in Supply and Value Chain Management UNIVERSITY OF DALLAS Graduate School of Management Irving, Texas 32 972/721-5000 www.udallas.edu MBA with concentration in Supply Chain and Market Logistics Management Graduate certificate in Supply Chain Management Distance learning opportunities UNIVERSITY OF HOUSTON College of Technology Houston, Texas 713/743-2255 www.tech.uh.edu BS in Logistics Technology MS in Technology Project Management UNIVERSITY OF HOUSTON — DOWNTOWN College of Business Houston, Texas 713/221-8000 www.uhd.edu BS in Purchasing & Supply Management UNIVERSITY OF NORTH TEXAS Department of Management and Logistics Denton, Texas 940/565-3120 www.coba.unt.edu BBA with concentration in Logistics MBA with a concentration in Marketing and Logistics UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS — EL PASO College of Business El Paso, Texas 915/747-5174 www.utep.edu/coba BBA with emphasis in Supply Chain Management 33 BRIGHAM YOUNG UNIVERSITY Marriott School Provo, Utah 801/422-4285 marriottschool.byu.edu BS in Supply Chain, Services & Operations MBA with concentration in Supply Chain UTAH VALLEY STATE COLLEGE Mountainland Applied Technology College Orem, Utah 801/764-7528 www.uvsc.edu/matc C.P.M. Exam preparation program Distance learning opportunities WEBER STATE UNIVERSITY School of Business and Economics Ogden, Utah 801/626-7307 http://goddard.weber.edu BS in Logistics & Operations Management C.P.M. Exam preparation program NORTHERN VIRGINIA COMMUNITY COLLEGE Business Division Alexandria, Virginia 703/845-6313 www.nvcc.edu/Alexandria AAS in Acquisition and Procurement Certificate in Acquisition and Procurement OLD DOMINION UNIVERSITY International Maritime, Ports & Logistics Management Institute Norfolk, Virginia 757/683-3964 34 www.oduport.org MBA with concentration in Maritime Activities TIDEWATER COMMUNITY COLLEGE Business, Public Services and Technologies Division Portsmouth, Virginia 757/822-2300 www.tcc.edu AAS in Acquisition and Procurement Certificate in Acquisition and Procurement UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA School of Continuing and Professional Studies Charlottesville, Virginia 703/536-1139 www.scps.virginia.edu Certificate in Procurement and Contracts Management Distance learning opportunities VIRGINIA POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTE AND STATE UNIVERSITY Department of Business Information Technology Blacksburg, Virginia 540/231-6596 www.bit.vt.edu BS in Operations Management SHORELINE COMMUNITY COLLEGE Business Administration Division Seattle, Washington 206/546-4665 www.shoreline.edu AAAS in Purchasing and Supply Management Certificate in Purchasing and Supply Management C.P.M. Exam preparation program Distance learning opportunities 35 UNIVERSITY OF WASHINGTON Educational Outreach Seattle, Washington 206/543-2320 www.outreach.washington.edu Certificate in Purchasing Management LAKESHORE TECHNICAL COLLEGE Cleveland, Wisconsin 888/468-6582 www.gotoltc.com AAS in Supply Chain Management Certificate in Materials Management NORTHEAST WISCONSIN TECHNICAL COLLEGE Business and Information Technology Green Bay, Wisconsin 920/498-5435 www.nwtc.tec.wi.us AAS in Supply Chain Management Certificate in Purchasing Management C.P.M. Exam preparation program UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN — EAU CLAIRE Department of Management and Marketing Eau Claire, Wisconsin 715/836-3677 www.uwec.edu/cob/ BS in Management with emphasis in Operations/Materials Management UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN — MADISON Grainger Center for Supply Chain Management Madison, Wisconsin 608/262-1941 www.bus.wisc.edu/grainger BS with specialization in Supply Chain Management 36 MBA with specialization in Supply Chain Management UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN — SUPERIOR Transportation and Logistics Management Superior, Wisconsin 715/394-8374 www2.uwsuper.edu/TRANS/index.htm BS in Transportation and Logistics Management 37