norwood board of health - Norwood Health Department

January 22, 2007
In Attendance: Gary Arthur
Robert James
Kathy Hammond
Dr. Frank Perrino
Donna Laake
The meeting was called to order at 5:15 p.m. by President Pro Tem Gary Arthur. There was a
moment of silence in memory of our departed friend, Felix O’Donnell.
Dr. Perrino reported that the Norwood Health Department still had over 350 doses of influenza
vaccine remaining from the 2006/2007 stock due to the late arrival of the vaccine from the Ohio
Department of Health. We are not charging for the vaccine in an attempt to use up the remaining
stock. Sanofi Pasteur has already begun booking for the 2007/2008 flu season and we have
ordered 400 doses of influenza vaccine as well as 30 doses of pneumonia vaccine. The 400 flu
doses are used for individuals not covered by the sub-group of high risk individuals that the
ODH vaccine is intended, e.g. city employees, non-high risk. We will still order the bulk of
vaccine from the ODH but will probably adjust our numbers downward. Flu activity to date
remains at “sporadic” and Dr. Perrino is not seeing much influenza or influenza-like illness at the
Effective December 31, 2006, C. Difficile was no longer reportable by hospitals and nursing
homes. Locally, there have been few cases from the reporting done by the two nursing homes in
Norwood. The Norwood Health Department completed the survey from the ODH to study the
cost of C. Difficile reporting for 2006. The full report is expected in February, 2007.
The Norwood Health Department does not currently charge for TB testing because we receive
the PPD from the Hamilton County TB Control. However, the cost of syringes and the amount
of documentation is increasing. The Health Commissioner recommended a charge of $5 per test
be implemented and Dr. Perrino agrees. On motion of Robert James, seconded by Kathy
Hammond, it was moved to approve the charge of $5 per TB test. All members present voted,
Dr. Perrino reviewed a proposed policy prepared by the nursing staff regarding testing post
vaccination for Hepatitis B. It is imperative that medical personnel document conversion
(immunity) by running a titer for Hepatitis B. Mrs. Laake has also recommended that police and
fire personnel obtain titer for Hepatitis C at the same time to document that personnel do not
have the disease at that point in time. Two firemen have obtained Hepatitis C following
documented needle sticks but cannot document that they were Hepatitis C negative prior to the
stick. Dr. Perrino requested that the draft policy be revised to contain more inclusive language
for employee testing. He will review the policy at the next meeting.
Dr. Perrino reported that he will be out of the office for several weeks due to hip surgery later
this week. All wished him a speedy recovery.
Approve Minutes
On motion of Kathy Hammond, seconded by Robert James, it was moved to approve the minutes
of the December 18, 2006 meeting as distributed. All members present voted, “Aye.”
Final Report of Toy Donation
With the $15,000 toy donation as well as toys donated by other contributors, we were able to
assist 147 families and 293 children this holiday season. Thank you letters have been sent and
the few remaining toys will be used for our B.C.M.H. clients and clients of the Norwood Service
League as part of their “Every Kid Counts” campaign. We are very grateful for everything that
people did to assist us in this effort.
Smoke Free Workplace Update
The second set of draft rules for the implementation of the Smoke Free Workplace Act have been
posted on the ODH website for public comment. A public hearing was held with testimony from
both sides of the issue being heard. As a result, the rules were changed slightly and have been
submitted to Public Health Council for their review. Public Health Council will also hold a
public hearing and then either accept, reject or amend the rules as presented. It is hoped that the
process will be completed by April so that implementation and enforcement can begin. Each
local health department received a number of static clings for businesses to use to fulfill the
requirements of posting of signs. In addition, we have heard that the ODH will receive funding
from the Tobacco Use Prevention and Control Foundation to be distributed to local health
departments to assist with preliminary implementation and mailing of educational letters.
Health Commissioner Evaluation
Mr. James reported that he has not yet completed the written evaluation and may need
information about budget figures to complete. Norwood City Council is considering two
ordinances on how wage increases are given to appointed officials: one ties the salary increase
to the A.F.S.C.M.E. Local 3278 contract and the other limits the increase to up to 2% per year.
How this will affect the health commissioner salary is yet to be determined. Mr. James will
complete the evaluation by the next board meeting.
3-A-Day of Dairy Grant Update
The Leadership Team at the Norwood Middle School has had their training and the first of their
presentations and taste tests were completed last week. Pictures of students eating cheese or
drinking milk were taken and displayed throughout the city on vinyl posters. There will be 2
more presentations during the school year with a celebration in May that we have dubbed “May
Moo Fest.” Kathy Hammond asked if the program could be presented to Holy Trinity students.
Mrs. Laake will check with Suzanne Hopper of the Greater Cincinnati Nutrition Council to see if
this can be done.
Approval of “After Action Report/Corrective Action Plan
Following the functional pandemic influenza exercise, Mrs. Laake prepared a required “After
Action Report/Corrective Action Plan that lists strengths and weaknesses as well as plan to
correct deficiencies. Our evaluator gave us very good marks with the exception of the
“Emergency Operations Center” which the City of Norwood does not have. Corrective actions
are listed on pages 11 and 12 in the report and will be tracked for completion. On motion of
Kathy Hammond, seconded by Robert James, it was moved to accept the After Action Report/
Corrective Action Plan. All members present voted, “Aye.”
Norwood Multiyear Training and Exercise Program
As part of the requirements of the PHI grant, we have developed a 2006-2008 training plan that
utilizes a “building block approach” to training, whereby training now will prepare staff for
additional and more complicated training in the future. We will coordinate activities with other
local health departments in Hamilton County to maximize training activities and dollars. On
motion of Robert James, seconded by Kathy Hammond, it was moved to accept the “Norwood
Multiyear Training and Exercise Program,” with all members present voting, “Aye.”
Cities Readiness Initiative
Mrs. Laake presented a contract to the Board of Health in the amount of $4,147.37
to complete activities surrounding the “Cities Readiness Initiative.” The contract proposes an
initial payment of $829.47 with the remainder of funds being paid upon completion of tasks and
submission of bills. While not a lot of money for very much work, it nonetheless is what we
would be tasked to do even if we did not accept the contract. On motion of Kathy Hammond,
seconded by Robert James, it was moved to approve the contract as presented. All members
present voted, “Aye.”
Changes to Residential Recycling Initiative Grant
Mrs. Laake reported that she attended a meeting at the Hamilton County Department of
Environmental Services about changes to the way monies are distributed through the “R.R.I.”
program. Those communities with higher percentage of recycling rates will receive additional
funds. At the present time, Norwood’s recycling rate is about 9 – 9.5%. If we could increase our
rate to 10% or greater, our funding would increase about $16,000 per year. If we stay the same,
we would receive about $2,000 LESS a year than our current rate. Mrs. Laake will speak at
Norwood City Council tomorrow night to inform Council and to solicit their support in activities
to increase recycling rates. Strategies include having can and bottle recycling containers at
Norwood Recreation activities at the Community/Senior Center, swimming pools, and possibly
at Norwood football and soccer games at the stadium. We will also pursue recycling activities
with large apartment complexes where the owners can receive one year of recycling for free if
they commit to recycling for two additional years.
U.A.S.I. Equipment
Mrs. Laake informed that board that as part of the “Urban Area Securities Initiative” or
‘U.A.S.I.” each local health department received a bag containing PPE valued at approximately
$1,400 to be used by staff in response to an emergency. The Norwood Health Department did
not receive additional equipment containing more sophisticated PPE because Sanitarian Joe
Chalfant is not part of the “cold zone monitoring” team. The U.A.S.I. bag will be kept in the
“B.T. Office” with other equipment and supplies.
Use of Facility
Councilman Victor Schneider has requested the use of our auditorium to conduct an
informational session on necessary steps to file for elective office. This meeting is open to the
public and is non-partisan in nature and purely informational. Mrs. Laake just wanted the board
to know about the meeting. Mr. Arthur will consider attending.
Vital Statistic Computerization
Beginning January 1, 2007, all requests for burial permits are made electronically with local
registrars approving them on line. Funeral directors now accept a greater responsibility for
completing all necessary information and can then print the burial permit once approved by the
local registrar. All death information is also entered electronically, then printed by the funeral
director and taken to the attending physician for cause of death and signature. The paper copy of
the death certificate is still filed with the local registrar and then forwarded to the ODH.
Eventually, all birth and death records will be in a stored database at the ODH so that certificates
can be obtained at any local registrar office.
Tobacco Grant/”LifeSkills”
The Norwood Health Department was informed that we have been approved for a $3,550 grant
to once again provide “LifeSkills” training for all 3rd and 6th grade students at Norwood City
Schools as well as at Holy Trinity School. This is the fourth year for the program that teaches
not only the health consequences of smoking and drugs but also skills for students to resist peer
pressure to being smoking. The program has been very well received by students and teachers.
Programming will likely take place in March or April.
Speaking Opportunities
On January 11, 2007 Mrs. Laake and school nurse Kathy Strasser did a PowerPoint presentation
to the Norwood Board of Education about the programming we provide to Norwood students and
staff to increase wellness. As part of the school’s “Wellness Policy” teachers were asked to
prioritize activities for the year. As a result of this collaboration over the years, Norwood City
Schools again received 6 gold “Buckeye Best” awards for the 2005/2006 school year. With
continuing activities in 2007, we expect that the gold awards should be forthcoming in the
2006/2007 school year as well.
Mrs. Laake has been asked to be the keynote speaker for “Putting School Wellness Pieces
Together: A Framework for Student Success” conference on March ????? for two sessions: one
for administrators and one for school staff.
On Friday, 26th Mrs. Laake will have a display at the Norwood High School basketball game
with information about new vaccines including Menactra (meningitis vaccine for 9 – 18 year
olds), Gardasil (HPV vaccine for girls) and TdaP tetanus vaccine for adults that contains
pertussis vaccine. Since we do not see 7th graders for MMR and Hepatitis B vaccine prior to
entry into 7th grade, it has been difficult to get information out to this age group’s parents. It is
hoped that the information will be helpful to parents as they continue to monitor their teen’s
health and vaccination history.
Training Requests
1. As noted in our “Corrective Action Plan,” additional Norwood Health Department personnel
need to be trained in IS 300 and IS 400. Donna Laake and Betsy Nabors request attendance at
those classes presented by the Ohio State University College of Public Health on the following
dates: IS 300
February 6 and 7 from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. both days
IS 400
February 8 and 9 from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. on 2/8 and
8:30 a.m. to 12:00 noon on 2/9
There is no charge for the classes which will be held at the Hamilton Co. General Health District.
2. Betsy Nabors and Chandra Corbin request attendance at “Public Health Nursing Surge:
The Trail to Competence” held at the Hamilton County General Health District on March
8 from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. There is no charge for the training that was developed by
nurses for nurses and will be followed by an on line “trail guide” of course completion
On motion of Robert James, seconded by Kathy Hammond, it was moved to approve both
training requests. All members present voted, “Aye.”
Division Reports
The various Division Reports were reviewed for the month of December, 2006. Nursing home
visit activity increased due to continuing to provide flu shots in the home. “Utilities” or lack of
utilities was the main complaint during December and Joe Chalfant was in court several times
with Jerry’s Auto and dog bite cases.
New ODH Director of Health
Governor Strickland announced that he has appointed Dr. Alvin Jackson as the new Director of
Health effective April 1, 2007. Dr. Jackson is the Medical Director of Community Health
Services, an FQHC facility in Sandusky, OH. Dr. Jackson has worked with Sandusky Health
District on many project and his public health priorities include inclusion of all people, access to
those who don’t have it and that all public health is local. We look forward to working with Dr.
Jackson in the future. In the interim, Anne Harnish will be the Acting Director of Health.
With there being no further business, on motion of Robert James, seconded by Kathy Hammond,
it was moved to adjourn. All members present voted, “Aye.” The meeting was adjourned at
6:50 p.m. The date of the next Board of Health meeting will be Monday, February 12, 2007 at
5:15 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Donna M. Laake, RN, Secretary
Norwood Board of Health