WEST END PUBLIC SCHOOLS, DISTRICT RE-2 Tuesday, June 17, 2014 Nucla High School 225 W. 4th Ave Nucla, CO 81424 7:00 p.m. – REGULAR SCHOOL BOARD MEETING Minutes MEETING CALLED TO ORDER AT 7:00 p.m. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE ROLL CALL Present: William Lobato, President; Freddie Smith, Vice President; Patty Morgan, Secretary; and John Reams, Treasurer. Not Present: Len Spina, Member Administration Present: Bob Conder, Interim Superintendent; Stephen Bollinger, Naturita Elementary and Middle School Principal; Deana Williams, Business Manager; and Shari Nelson, District Administrative Assistant. APPROVE AGENDA It was moved by Patty Morgan and second by Freddie Smith to approve agenda with addendums FF, GG, HH, II, JJ, KK, LL, MM. Approve Addendum to Interim Superintendent Robert A. Conder Contract. NN. Accept Judy Bowman's letter of resignation. OO. Accept Dale Osborn’s intent to retire at the end of 2014-15SY. William Lobato, aye; Freddie Smith, aye; Patty Morgan, aye and John Reams, aye. Motion passed. APPROVAL OF MINUTES It was moved by John Reams second by Freddie Smith to approve Minutes A. Approve minutes from May 20, 2014 Regular Board Meeting B. Approve minutes from May 22, 2014 Special Board Meeting West End Public School District, RE-2 June 17, 2014 Regular Board Meeting Minutes Page 2 of 7 C. Approve minutes from June 2, 2014 Special Board Meeting D. Approve minutes from June 5, 2014 Special Board Meeting Motion passed. WEST END CELEBRATIONS AND CONGRATULATIONS Mr. Conder congratulated Micheal Epright. PUBLIC PARTICIPATION Arthur Connelly – West End Wrestling Club Arthur had Freddie Smith sign the needed documentation to have the high school wrestling funds transferred to the West End Wrestling Club account. Shari Nelson will write the check and take it to Jamie Connelly at Citizen State Bank. INFORMATION ITEMS 1. Revenue/Expense Reports – Deana Williams Deana reported to the board details about the Public Schools Financial Training and the Financial Policy and Procedures Meeting she attended. At the financial training they talked about total finance funding and the in-depth formula for per-pupil funding. They also went over their webpage and the resources that are available on the site. They also talked about budget compliance. The financial reports are going to be much simpler that she presents to the board monthly. At the policy and procedure meeting they mainly went over the fund changes to the food service accounting. It is being changed from an enterprise fund to a special revenue fund. William Lobato explained that after the financial audit it was suggested that we try to get Deana additional training. And it is also a way for Deana to improve her school district financial skills and benefit the school district overall. She is making a conscious effort to increase her knowledge. William Lobato thanked Deana for attending the trainings. 2. 2013/2014 Safety and Discipline Report – Shari Nelson The board was giving the CDE final report for the districts 2013/2014 safety and discipline report. Shari explained that the information that is included is all discipline that was coded with state coded discipline incidents. CDE then breaks that information down into more detail per incident. REPORTS 1. DAC - Sam Sickels Sam Sickels reported to the board items that were discussed at June DAC meeting. 1. DAC reviewed the 2014 high school student survey. There were a lot of neutral answers and they West End Public School District, RE-2 June 17, 2014 Regular Board Meeting Minutes Page 3 of 7 question the value of the survey. There needs to be another one done. There was discussion about the survey and how many students participated. Michael Epright said that we need to educate the students on the survey. Bob Conder said we need to do the same type of survey this fall. It should have space for a student that would like to write more details about their answer. Freddie Smith said DAC should be involved in developing the survey that will be given out to students and the community. 2. Sam gave the board pictures of maintenance issues at our buildings. DAC would like the board to use this type of information as a tool and how are we going to work on the maintenance issues. Maintenance issues need to be prioritized and written work orders used. There also needs to be a way to track work orders. Bob Conder and John Reams said that the work orders are now being used and prioritizing is now happening. A sample of the work order that the district is using was shown to Sam. Freddie Smith said that the maintenance area is understaffed, so some of these issues have not been able to be addressed. Bob Conder said that interviews for the high school custodial position are going to be held the next day. Several of the applicants have maintenance experience. Sam Sickels said that DAC is letting the public know they are coming to the board with their concerns. 3. Sam’s next topic was the Paradox Valley Charter School last renewal application and communication between the district and the charter school. They discussed utilizing what each school has to offer and giving students in each school the opportunity to participate in after school extracurricular activities. 4. The district website needs to be updated with current information. Shari Nelson said that at the last high school staff meeting the need was discussed to switch to a new district web site location, so information can be updated by more than two individuals. Each school secretary, principal, teachers, and district personnel will be able to update their own pages. The site will be housed in Google doc drives. 5. Athletics update – The district dropped high school football, combined middle school football and wrestling and the high school wrestling is combining with Norwood. Why is there no wrestling coach on this month’s board agenda? There is a lot of community support for the wrestling programs and those individuals want the board to know the importance of advertising a wrestling coach for this next school year. William Lobato told West End Wrestling Club that the board does appreciate everything they have done for the wrestling programs. Administration will advertise the coaching position. 6. Coaching positions - DAC would like the board to table the sports coaching positions that are on tonight’s agenda. DAC would like to meet with the board and discuss the current coaching salary schedules. John Reams stated that a work session with DAC needs to be scheduled. William Lobato said there needs to be more administration, board, and DAC communication. SUPERINTENDENT’S REPORT Bob Conder – Interim Superintendent 3 months ago I was asked by this school board to step in as Interim Superintendent and get the district back on track. Now the district is back on track. The board has hired Micheal Epright as the new superintendent. Mike is the board’s employee and the staff are Mike’s employees. This will be my last night. John Reams thanked Mr. Conder for all of his help to get us through this transition time. The whole board and district appreciates all that he has done. West End Public School District, RE-2 June 17, 2014 Regular Board Meeting Minutes Page 4 of 7 PRINCIPALS’ REPORTS Stephen Bollinger – Naturita Elementary and Middle School Principal Steve thanked Mr. Conder for being a great mentor. The gym is being worked on and the engineer is coming in on Tuesday to look at the hard wood floor. Middle school wrestling and football is combining with Norwood and they will play here. The high school football and wrestling athletes will be transported by the district to Norwood when the regular season starts. BUILDING REPORTS COMMUNICATION ITEMS FROM BOARD MEMBERS William Lobato was contacted by Les Mahannah about the drainage issues between his property and the high school. He owns the house just east of the school on 4th Avenue. Les would do the work to place the appropriate drainage pipe. There may be ditch flow problems under the Garber building also. The board will have administration look into it first. If the work should be done the board is favorable to pay for materials. OPPORTUNITY FOR BLANKET MOTION It was moved by Patty Morgan second by Freddie Smith to blanket items A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, O, P, BB, CC, DD, EE, FF, GG, HH, II, JJ, KK, LL, MM, NN, OO A. Approve Bills for May 2014 and Preliminary Bills for June 2014. B. Approve Chadwick, Steinkirchner, Davis, & Co., P.C. to conduct the district’s ending 2014 FY financial audit. The Data Integrity Assistance Form will be billed separately. C. Approve Meadow Gold Dairies to provide the dairy needs to the food service program for the 2014-2015 SY. D. Approve to participate in the National School Breakfast, After School Snack, and Lunch programs for 2014-2015 SY. E. Approve to renew with SMIC Catastrophic Accident Insurance Plan through Gerber Life Insurance Company for the 2014-2015 SY. F. Approve 2014-2015 SY CASB Membership Dues in the amount of $4,259.00. G. Adopt the 2015 FY Budget. H. Approve Revised Policy EFD – Pricing of And Payment For Food Service. (Meal price increase Student Breakfast $1.25, Lunch $2.50, and Adult Breakfast $1.50) West End Public School District, RE-2 June 17, 2014 Regular Board Meeting Minutes Page 5 of 7 I. Approve Pinnacol Assurance Workman’s Compensation Renewal $36,978. J. Adopt the 2014-2015 Appropriation Resolution. K. Approve Fund 21 Supplemental Appropriation Resolution for 2013-2014. L. Approve the Colorado School District’s Self Insurance Pool renewal proposal for the July 1, 2014 – July 2015 policy period. (Additional coverage (at no extra fee) pollution coverage as well as data compromise coverage.) M. Approve Kristen Parrino as the CPP Coordinator for the 14-15SY. O. Approve Dale Osborn – Maintenance/Safety Director for 2014/15SY. ($20.12/hr) P. Approve Virgina Perkins as High School Math Teacher for 2014/15SY. ($29,185) BB. Approve Allison Galarza as a Volunteer Activity Bus Driver. CC. Approve Shari Nelson as National Honor Society Sponsor 2014-15SY. ($1025) DD. Approve Stacie Narramore as MS Yearbook Sponsor for 2014/15SY. ($1025) EE. Approve Brett Conder as HS Knowledge Bowl Coach for 2014-15SY. ($1100) FF. Approve Sara Bray as MS Knowledge Bowl Coach for 2014/15 SY.($1100) GG. Approve Brita Padget as MS Student Council Sponsor for 2014/15SY. ($1025) HH. Approve Debbie Wytulka as HS Yearbook Sponsor for 2014/15SY. ($2750) II. Approve Debbie Wytulka as HS Student Council Sponsor for 2014/15SY. ($2750) JJ. Approve Ernie Williams as Transportation Director for 2014/15SY. ($2000) KK. Approve Tanner Nelson for summer grounds care position. ($10hr/20 hrs. per week) LL. Accept Scott Sombers (School Psychologist) resignation effective May 23, 2014. MM. Approve Addendum to Interim Superintendent Robert A. Conder Contract. NN. Accept Judy Bowman letter of resignation. OO. Accept Dale Osborn’s intent to retire at the end of 2014-15SY. William Lobato, aye; Freddie Smith, aye; Patty Morgan, aye and John Reams, aye. Motion passed. West End Public School District, RE-2 June 17, 2014 Regular Board Meeting Minutes Page 6 of 7 BUSINESS ITEMS – Tabled to Next Board Meeting N. Approve Kelly Arnold as Co-Head High School Baseball Coaches for 2015 Season. ($2323) Q. Approve Randy Gabriel as Head Middle School Football Coach for 2014 Season. ($1858) R. Approve David Smith as Head High School Boys Basketball Coach for 2014-15 Season. ($3502) S. Approve Kelly Arnold as Head High School Girls Basketball Coach for 2014-15 Season. ($3717) T. Approve Debbie Wytulka as Head High School Volleyball Coach for 2014 Season. ($3717) U. Approve Clint Wytulka as Co-Head High School Baseball Coaches for 2015 Season. ($2323) V. Approve Randy Gabriel as Head Middle School Boys Basketball Coach for 2014 Season. ($1858) W. Approve Stacie Narramore as Head Middle School Track Coach for 2015 Season. ($1488) X. Approve Brita Padgett as Assistant Middle School Track Coach for 2015 Season. ($1025) Y. Approve Kelly Arnold as Athletic Director for 2014-15SY. ($3500) Z. Approve Marla Anderson as Athletic Directory Secretary for 2014-15SY. ($2000) AA. Approve Misty Galley as Assistant High School Volleyball coach for 2014 Season. ($1650) DISCUSSION None EXECUTIVE SESSION It was moved by Patty Morgan second by Freddie Smith to go into executive session for Negotiations (C.R.S. 24-6-402(4)(e) Superintendent Goals and Objectives West End Public School District, RE-2 June 17, 2014 Regular Board Meeting Minutes Page 7 of 7 William Lobato, aye; Freddie Smith, aye; Patty Morgan, aye and John Reams, aye. Motion passed. Time: 9:00 p.m. Who went in: William Lobato, Freddie Smith, Patty Morgan, and John Reams Michael Epright entered Executive Session at 9:30 p.m. It was moved by John Reams second by Freddie Smith to come out of executive session. William Lobato, aye; Freddie Smith, aye; Patty Morgan, aye and John Reams, aye. Motion passed. Time: 9:45 p.m. ACTION ITEM ADDED PP. To approve agreement with Michael Epright for 1 year contract to be new Superintendent. It was moved by Patty Morgan and second by Freddie Smith to approve PP. PP. To approve agreement with Michael Epright for 1 year contract to be new Superintendent. William Lobato, aye; Freddie Smith, aye; Patty Morgan, aye and John Reams, aye. Motion passed. ADJOURN It was moved by Patty Morgan and second by Freddie Smith to adjourn William Lobato, aye; Freddie Smith, aye; Patty Morgan, aye and John Reams, aye. Motion passed. Time: 9:50 p.m. Attest____________________________ Approved______________________ Patty Morgan, Secretary William Lobato, President