Name: MM Period: ALL ABOUT YOU Search the Internet to find the following information about you and complete this sheet. Special Instructions before printing: *When you finish, make sure you complete the header on this page, then select all (Ctrl+A), make your font Cambria 10 pt, and all text black. Your answers should fit on 3 pages (if not, let me know, so we can adjust the margins). *Follow these instructions to print correctly: click on the Office button, print, make sure the HP3505 printer is selected, click on the “Properties” tab, select “Finishing”, check “Print on Both Sides”, Ok, Ok (this will allow it to print front/back), click on your document so it will print, then turn it in to be graded. 1. How many days old are you? OR Answer: 2. How tall will you be? Answer a few questions and let the computer predict how tall you will be. (hint: search for height predictor or calculator) Answer: 3. Stress-o-meter Take this quiz to get your personal stress profile. Overall, you are Answer: 4. Test your Grooming Smarts List the results on your answer sheet. Answer: 5. What kind of friend are you? Answer: 6. What’s your job personality? Answer: 7. How healthy are You? Answer: 8. Find an author who shares your birthday, or whose birthday is close to yours. List the author and their birthday. Answer: Your Birthday— Author— Their Birthday— Name: MM Period: 9. List a book that the author whose birthday is close to yours write. You will need to search this one (google, bing or yahoo) Answer: 10. How much did things cost the year you were born? List 3. (Click Quick Page button after entering your birthday) Answer: 1. 2. 3. 11. What was popular the year you were born? List 3 Answer: 1. 2. 3. 12. Who was President the year you were born? Answer: 13. What were the top toys the year you were born? List 3 Answer: 1. 2. 3. 14. What does your name mean? Answer: 15. What’ Your Name Worth? (in Scrabble) Enter your name to see your score. Answer: 16. Check out the Yahoo People Search web page to see if your phone number and/or address are listed: Answer: Whose name is listed? (or names) 17. Check out the online directory assistance web page to see if you are listed: Are you listed? If you are not listed, are there other people in the state with your name? If so list where they live. Answer: Listed? Others in state? 18. What site comes up first when you “Google” your name? Go to Google and search for your name. Answer: Name: MM Period: 19. What movie was the biggest money maker movie the year you were born? Answer: Movie— Total Grossed— 20. List 3 events in history that happened on your birthday. OR Answer: 1. 2. 3.