here - Institute for Social and European Studies

Name of the course
Level of education
Professor’s name
Nations, identity and culture
Academic semester
Dr. Boglárka Koller Academic title
Aims of the course:
The aims of the course are to enquire into the nature and the origin of nations and nationalism
and their relationship to politics and culture as well as to examine the changing character of
collective identities. The course has three parts. Part I. looks at the major theories of nations
and nationalism and reviews the various theories from the primordialists through the ethnosymbolists and constructivists to the modernists. Part II. focuses on the challenges of nations
and nationalism to current international system and examines the concepts of nation, state and
citizenship. Part III. explores the issues of multiculturalism and multiple identities.
Course outline:
1. Introduction, course outline
I. Theories of nations and nationalism
2. Terminology
3. Essentialist theories
4. Nationalism and modernism
5. Invention and imagination in nation-building
6. Typology of nationalism
II. Nations, states and citizens – myths and misconceptions
7. The dichotomy of national self-determination and state sovereignty
8. Changing character of citizenship
9. Inclusion and exclusion with special focus on immigrants and minorities
III. Multiculturalism and multiple identities
10. The concept of multiculturalism and the theories of multiple identities
11. Student presentations
12. Student presentations
13. Students presentations
14. Students presentations
15. Conclusions
Discussant of one selected topic (50% of the mark)
Term paper, 15 pages (50% of the mark)
Each student is required to be a discussant once during the course. His/her task involves:
 Providing a summary of the reading (required readings 3-7); preparing a presentation.
Providing a half page printed handout for the fellow students
 Formulating two critical questions to the selected topic for the rest of the group.
Course materials:
Lecture notes and readings
Required readings:
1. ÖZKRIMILI, Umut (2000): Theories of Nationalism. A Critical Introduction
Macmillan Press Ltd., London, 12-63.
2. SMITH, Anthony D. (1998): Nationalism and Modernism. A critical survey of recent
theories of nations and nationalism. Routledge. London and New York, 117-142.
3. HOBSBAWM, Eric & Ranger, Terence (1983): Invention of Tradition. Cambridge
University Press, 1-14, 263-307
4. ANDERSON, Benedict (1991): Imagined Communities. 2nd edition, Verso, London,
5. KYMLICKA, Will (1995): Multicultural citizenship. A liberal theory of minority
rights, Clarendon Press, Oxford,11-34
6. IGNATIEFF, Michael (1995): The myth of citizenship In Beiner Roland (eds.):
Theorizing Citizenship, State University of New York, 53-77.
7. KOLLER Boglárka (2013): The fading civic identity of EU nationals In Ágh Attila
and Vértes András (eds.): European futures. The perspectives of the new member
states, Budapest College of Communication and Business, 139-170.
Suggested readings:
ARMSTRONG, John A. (1982): Nations before Nationalism. The University of
North Carolina Press.
BARRY, Brian (1999): The Limits of Cultural Politics in CLARKE, Desmond M.
& JONES Charles (1999): The Rights of Nations, Nations and Nationalism in a
Changing World, Cork University Press, Ireland.
BREUILLY, John (1993): Nationalism and the State, Manchester University
BRUBAKER, Rogers (1992): Citizenship and Nationhood in France and
BRUBAKER, Rogers (2004): In the name of the nation: reflections on nationalism
and patriotism, Citizenship Studies, Vol. 8, No. 2, June 2004, 115–127
BRUBAKER, Rogers (1996): Nationalism Reframed, Nationhood and the
national question in the New Europe. Cambridge University Press.
COBBAN, Alfred (1944): National Self-determination. Oxford University Press,
Cumberlege, London.
CONNOR, Walker (1984): Eco- or ethno-nationalism, Ethnic and Racial Studies
GELLNER, Ernest (1964): Thought and Change. Weidenfeld and Nicolson,
London, 1964.
GELLNER, Ernest (1983): Nations and Nationalism, New Perspectives on the
Past. Blackwell Publishers, Oxford.
GIDDENS, Anthony (1995), The Nation-State and Violence, Polity Press,
HASTINGS, Adrian (1997): The Construction of Nationhood: Ethnicity, Religion
and Nationalism.Cambridge University Press.
HAYES, Carleton (1926): Essays on Nationalism, Macmillan, New York.
HECHTER, Michael (1975): Internal Colonialism, The Celtic Fringe in British
National Development. 1536-966, Routledge and Kegan Paul, London.
KANTNER, Cathleen: Collective Identity as Shared Ethical Self-Understanding. The
Case of the Emerging European Identity. European Journal of Social Theory 9(4):
KEDOURIE, Elie (1993): Nationalism. Fourth, expanded edition, Blackwell,
Oxford, Cambridge, (first edition in 1960, London)
KOHN, Hans (1955): Nationalism, Its Menaing and History. D. Van Nostrand
MAAS, Willem (2008): Migrants, states, and EU citizenship’s unfulfilled promise.
Citizenship Studies, Vol. 12, No. 6, December 2008, 583–596.
MANN, Michael (1995): A Political Theory of Nationalism and Its Excesses in
PERIWAL, S. (1995): Notions of Nationalism. Central European University
Press, Budapest.
MILL, John Stuart (1861): Of Nationality as Connected with Representative
Government in MILL, John Stuart: Utilitarianism, Liberty and Representative
Government. J. M.ent, 1936.
NAIRN, Tom (1977): The Break-Up of Britain. New Left Books, London.
ORRIDGE, A. W.(1981): Uneven Development and Nationalism. Political
Studies XXIX/1 and 2.
RENAN, Ernest (1882): What is a nation? in BHABHA, H. (1990), Nations and
Narrations. Routledge, London.
SALAZAR, Jose Miguel (1998): Social Identity and National Identity in Worchel, S.,
Morales J.F., Paez, D., Deschamps, J.C. (1998), Social Identity. SAGE Publications,
SCHÖPFLIN, George (2000): Nations, Identity and Power. Hurst & Company,
SMITH, A.D. (1997): National Identity and the Idea of European Unity in
GOWAN, Peter and ANDERSON, Perry (1997): The Question of Europe. Verso.
SMITH, A.D.(1991): National Identity, Penguin Books, London.
SMITH, Anthony D. (1986): The Ethnic Origins of Nations. Blackwell, Oxford.
TILLY, Charles (1975): The Formation of National States in Western Europe.
Princeton University Press, Princeton & New Jersey.
Van den BERGHE, Pierre (1978): Race and Ethnicity: a Sociobiological
Perspective. Ethnic and Racial Studies 1, 4.
WEBER, Eugene (1979): Peasants into Frenchmen. The Modernisation of Rural
France, 1870-1914, London.