Asking For and giving Directions and Locations

North (adv)
West (adv)
South (adv)
East (adv)
South east (adv)
Go straight (adv)
Turn right (adv)
Turn left (adv)
Corner (adv)
In the middle adv)
Through (adv)
Along (adv)
Across (adv)
A junction (adv)
A cross road (adv)
: utara
: barat
: selatan
: timur
: tenggara
: lurus
: belok kanan
: belok kiri
: pojok
: di tengah
: melalui
: sepanjang
: menyebrang
: pertigaan
: perempatan
A. Deskripsi
Modul yang berjudul “Asking For and giving Directions and Locations” ini adalah
modul yang ke-15 dalam level novice yang harus dipelajari oleh siswa SMK. Modul ini
berisikan ungkapan unuk meminta dan memberi petunjuk arah dan lokasi suatu tempat
dalam Bahasa Inggris dengan situasi yang sesuai. Modul ini sebagai prasyarat bagi modul
berikutnya dan sebagai lanjutan dari modul A.14/04. Setelah menyelesaikan modul ini,
anda diharapkan dapat melakukan percakapan dalam bahasa Inggris. Sub kompetensi ini
sangat membantu ketrampilan berkomuniksi dalam dunia kerja.
B. Prasyarat
Sebelum mempelajari modul ini, anda harus membaca petunjuk yang diberikan
untuk meyakinkan bahwa anda tahu langkah-langkah yang harus ditempuh. Apabila ada
hal-hal yang kurang jelas silahkan bertanya kepada guru pembimbing
C. Petunjuk penggunaan modul
Panduan bagi siswa
Sebelum memulai menggunakan modul ini, anda harus membaca petunjuuk
yang diberikan untuk meyakinkan bahwa anda tahu langkah-langkah yang harus
ditempuh. Apabila ada hal-hal yang kurang jelas silahkan bertanya kepada guru
Peran guru
Dalam menggunakan modul ini, guru membimbing siswa dan memantau
pencapaian proses belajar siswa. Guru menetapkan waktu untuk pengujian setelah
menyelesaikan modul ini.
D. Tujuan Akhir
Berdasarkan situasi yang diberikan, anda dapat mempraktekan percakapan secara
berpasangan tentang cara bertanya dan memberi arah dan lokasi sesuia dengan situasi
dan kondisi.
E. Kompetensi
Kompetensi yang akan dicapai melalui modul ini adalah kompetensi dasar pada
level novice dengan sub kompetensi “ Asking For and Giving Directions and Locations”.
F. Cek kemampuan
Apakah kamu dapat melakukan percakapan sederhana berdasarkan situasi beerikut
1. Your friend has to go to drugstore near the downtown, but he does not know how
to get there. You explain to him.
2. Your mother asks you to go to the market near the post office, but you don’t know
where it is. Ask your partner.
3. Your brother does not know where the cinema. You tell him how to get there.
Apabila anda merasa tidak dapat melakukan perintah/ percakapan seperti yang
diminta diatas, anda harus mempelajari modul A.19/04 ini. Bila anda merasa sudah dapat
mempraktekan percakapan/ melakukan perintah diatas, maka anda dapat mengajukan untuk
uji sub kompetensi ini kepada guru pembimbing.
Isilah rencana belajar ini. Rencana belajar ini adalah merupakan langkah-langkah
kegiatan yang harus ditempuh dalam mempelajari modul ini. Untuk mengisi tabel ini, anda
harus mengkonsultasikannya kepada guru pembimbing anda. Sebagai bukti bahwa rencana
belajar anda disetujui oleh guru pembuimbing, mintalah guru pembimbing untuk memaraf
di kolom yang telah disediakan.
Guru Pembimbing
B.1.1 Tujuan Kegiatan Pemelajaran
Pada tahap ini, anda harus dapat menguasai ekspresi atau ungkapan yangdigunakan
dengan tepat untuk meminta dan memberi petunjuk arah dan lokasi suatu tempat dan dapat
mengucapkan dengan intonasi dan pronunciation yang benar.
B.1.2 Uraian Materi
Expression for Asking Directions
 Can you tell me the way to the stations?
 Can you direct me to the cinema?
 How can I get to the bookstore?
 Pardon me. Can you show me the way to …..?
 Do you know where the post office is?
 Could you tell me how to get to the bank?
 Excuse me, where is the toilet, please?
Expression for Giving Location
 Go down/ up this hall/corridor
 Go straight ahead
 Turn left/right
 Make a left/right turn
 Go around the corner to your left/right
 Go across the hall
 Go up stairs/downstairs to the second floor
B.1.3 Rangkuman 1
Ungkapan dan respon yang digunakan untuk meminta dan memberi petunjuk arah dan
lokasi suatu tempat dalam Bahasa Inggris sangat bervariasi bentuknya, disesuaikan dengan
situasi dan keadaan yang mendukungnya.
B.1.4 Tugas 1
 Listen to the dialogues asking and giving directions and locations in the tape.
Write down the expressions and responses that the speakers say.
 Play the tape again and check whether you have got the right expression and
 Play the tape again and try to repeat to practice your pronunciation and intonation.
 Check your pronunciation by comparing to the speakers in the tape. If you need a
help for your practice please consult to your teacher.
B.1.5 Tes Formatif 1
Please answer the following question!
1. What would you say if you want to ask someone about the directions and
2. What would you say if you want to give responses to someone about the
directions and locations.
3. Amir : Excuse me,…………(a)……………..where is the post office?
Linda : Ok. You can……(b)………..left and go…(c)…beside the school.
: I’m…………(d)…………. Barber Shop. Do you know where is it?
: It is ………(e)……….floor.
Tape Script Tugas 1
: Hello, good morning.
: Good morning, may I help you?
: I need to go to Post Office near the town but I think I got lost.
Could you show me the way to get there?
Girl : Ok, certainly. You can go along this way and then you will find a bakery.
Boy : What bakery?
Girl : “Frans” bakery. You will find Post Office in front of the bakery.
Boy : Thank you for your information.
Girl : You’re welcome.
B.1.6 Kunci Jawaban Tes Formatif 1
1. - Please tell me how I can get to the train station?
- Which way is it to the hospital?
2. - Take the first left then just go straight.
- Go down this road until you get to the cinema.
3. (a).
would you like to tell me
looking for
on the second
B.2.1 Tujuan Kegiatan Belajar 2
Pada tahap ini anda diharapkan melakukan tugas bersama dengan teman sebangku
untuk menarik kesimpulan dan menceritakan kembali beberapa dialog tentang ungkapan
yang umumnya digunakan untuk meminta dan memberi petunujuk arah dan lokasi suatu
tempat sesuai dengan situasi yang telah diberikan.
B.2.2 Uraian Materi 2
Dialogue 1
A : Excuse me, do you know where the market is?
B : What is the name of the market?
A : I don’t know exactly what is the name but all I know it’s near the Shoe Shop.
B : Oh, I see. I think it’s Sukamaju Market.
A : I guess so. How can I go there?
B : You can go there by pedicab, it’s only Rp.3000,- or you can go by bus, it’s
only Rp. 1000,A : So, it is near from here.
B : I don’t think so. After you get off from the pedicab you must walk ±100m.
A : Ok. I’ll try it. Thank you
B : You’re welcome.
Dialogue 2
X : Good Morning, may I help you?
Y : Good Morning, do you know where The Personal Manager’s office is?
X : Sure, it’s on the second floor, at the end of the hall. You can use the elevator.
Y : Thank you.
X : You’re welcome
B.2.3 Rangkuman 2
Ungkapan dan respon yang digunakan untuk meminta dan memberi petunjuk arah dan
lokasi suatu tempat sesuai dengan situasi yang telah diberikan.
B.2.4 Tugas 2
Mana text nya?
 Read the text very carefully and then try to answer the questions that follow.
 Read the text once again and try to find the directions and locations. Comprehend
the expression about directions and locations.
 Consult to your partner and make a summary about the text, then try to retell in
front of the class.
 Further questions, you may consult to your adviser.
Based on the text above, please answer the question that follow
Text yang mana? Dalam percakapan di atas, ngga ada
bicara tentang post office, dll, tuh…….
Where is the post office?
Where is the park?
Where is the cinema?
Where is the museum?
B.2.5 Tes Formatif 2
Work in pairs. Make up the dialogue based on the following picture.
1. You and your mother are going to the Flower Shop and then you meet a tourist
and ask you where the Coffee Shop is.
2. You are going to the Book Shop. But then you loose the way. And you want to
ask someone in front of the Music Centre, because you are there.
3. Siti is on the Ladies’ Hairdresser. She wants to go to Watch Shop, and also has a
plan to buy a crystal in a Crystal Shop. But she doesn’t know where is the place
and she asks you about that.
B.2.6 Kunci Jawaban Tes Formatif 2
1. Mother
: Tina, would you like to accompany me to go to the Flower Shop,
because we need new flower for the living room.
: Yes, of course. I think it’s a good idea!
( in the flower shop they meet a tourist who is asking about the coffee shop )
The Tourist : Excuse me, I’m looking for Coffee Shop, could you tell me
where it is ?
: Yes, I know that place. It’s near from here. You can go straight,
then you turn left. The Coffee Shop is on the right side.
The Stranger : Ok, I think it’s easy to find. By the way……thank you.
: You’re welcome
2. Tony
Excuse me, could you tell me where is the Book Shop?
Yes, I know that place. It is in front of Jenson’s shoe store.
I’m sorry, I don’t know where it is?
You can go straight, then turn left.
Ok, thank you.
Good evening, Which way is it to the Watch Shop?
Good evening. If you want to go to the Watch Shop, from here
you can turn left. It is between Coffee Shop and Department
And what about Crystal Jewelry. How can I get there?
From here, you can go straight and it is on the right side.
Thank you and bye….
B.3.1 Tujuan Kegiatan Belajar 3
Pada tahap ini anda diharapkan bekerjasama dengan teman sebangku untuk
memahami tentang penggunaan Modal Auxiliaries ( Can, Could and Would)
B.3.2 Uraian Materi 3
Untuk lebih memahami kegunaan dari Modal Auxiliaries Can, Could dan Would,
cobalah pelajari contoh-contoh di bawah ini.
Could you tell me where……?
Would you like to show me……?
B.3.3 Rangkuman 3
Dari contoh diatas, maka dapat disimpulkan kegunaan dari Could dan Would adalah :
: Adalah bentuk past tense dari CAN dan bentuknya sama untuk semua
subyek. Namun dalam penggunaannya tidak selamnya berarti past time.
Could biasanya digunakan untuk menyatakan permintaan dengan sopan.
Adalah bentuk lampau dari WILL, yang dipakai untuk semua subyek.
Sama seperti COULD, Would juga digunakan untuk menyatakan suatu
permohonan atau permintaan dengan sopan.
B.3.4 Tugas 3
 Work in pairs. Circle the italicize portion of the sentences that is incorrect.
Maksudnya ini apa?????
Can you to tell me the way to the Grand Hotel?
Taking this way straight ahead to the Tower.
Would you showed me the direction to the Swimming Pool.
It takes about fifteen minutes to get there by foot.
Take this way then bend right to the bridge.
B.3.5 Tes Formatif 3
Complete the following questions by using your own words to express asking for giving the
direction and location.
Could you tell me ……….? (the library)
Can you show me ……… the Post office?
Would you ……… the way to the Bookstore, is it ………or…….side?
Please tell me how …………the Fitness Centre?
……….show me the way to the Down town, go……….or…….. ?
B.3.6 Kunci Jawaban Tes Formatif 3
1. Where is.
2. The place.
3. Show me, right or left.
4. To go to.
5. Would you, straight or through along the blocks.
B.4.1 Tujuan Kegiatan Belajar 4
Pada tahap ini anda bekerjasama dengan teman sebangku untuk membuat suatu dialog
yang berisi ungkapan untuk meminta dan memberi petunjuk arah dan lokasi suatu tempat
sesuai dengan situasi yang telah diberikan.
B.4.2 Uraian Materi 4
Dari dialog yang terdapat pada B.2.2 Uraian Materi 2 dapat anda buat
rangkumannya sebagai berikut:
Dialogue 1
A asking for the direction to the Market and B is giving the direction and also the
location. For the first alternative is using pedicab then second is continue by foot.
Dialogue 2
X offering help to Y about the directions to the Personal Manager’s office. X is
giving the direction on the second floor at the end of the hall and using the elevator.
B.4.3 Rangkuman 4
Berdasarkan situasi yang telah diberikan dapat disusun suatu dialog menggunakan
ungkapan untuk meminta dan memberi petunjuk arah dan lokasi suatu tempat. Kemudian
dari dialog tersebut dapat dibuat rangkuman sederhana tentang isi dialog.
B.4.4 Tugas 4
Based on the situation below make up a simple conversation using the expression
asking and giving directions and locations then make the summary.
1. You’ve lost in some place that you never seen before. And you don’t know which
road that you should choose. You try to find your uncle house on Jl Mangga No
2. In the middle your way home, you met someone who is looking for some place.
Then ,that people asking for some direction from you. That people is looking for
the bus station.
B.4.5 Tes Formatif 4
Based on the situation below make up a dialogue with your partner.
1. Your friend wants to go to your house but he doesn’t know the direction.
2. Your friend wants to go to the gas station but he doesn’t know the direction.
3. Your friend wants to go to the boutique but she doesn’t know the direction.
4. Your friend wants to go to salon but she doesn’t know the best salon in town.
B.4.6 Kunci Jawaban Tes Formatif 4
1. A : Hello friend, can you help me? I don’t know where is your house, could you tell
me the easy way to go to your house?
B : Oh, really! Of course, I will. You can go to my house by pedicab, and then you
can get off from it, walk through the fifth blocks, you can turn right and see the
green colour of my house.
A : Ok, that’s all! Wait for me, I will come to your house by evening.
B : I’ll be waiting.
2. X : Friend, could you show me the way to the gas station because my gas is empty.
Y : Certainly, it’s easy way. You only have to go along the Sudirman street, find the
U turn, the gas station is on the right.
X : Oh, I think is far away from here. Thank you.
Y : You’re welcome.
3. A : Hei, I want to ask you. I don’t know the way to the boutique, can you help me?
B : Of course, I can. All you have to do is go straight to the Avenue, pass the second
block then you will find a blue house, that is exactly the boutique.
A : Oh, the blue one. I think I know it. Thank you.
B : You’re welcome.
4. X : Hello, friend. Can you help me? I want to go to Salon, I want to cut my hair but I
don’t know where is the best Salon in this town.
Y : All right, I’ll give you some directions. From Delima street, you can go along the
way then on the left corner of the Bank you can find the yellow house near the
Coffee shop. The best Salon is in yellow colour.
X : Ok, thank you so much for your help.
Y : You’re welcome.
B.5.1 Tujuan Kegiatan Belajar 5
Pada tahap ini anda harus dapat membuat dialog atau percakapan sederhana
menggunakan petunjuk arah dan lokasi suatu tempat beserta respon yang sesuai terhadap
ungkapan tersebut.
B.5.2 Uraian Materi 5
Perhatikan contoh situasi berikut dan dialognya:
Situation 1
Your friend, Tony, loose the directions to go to the Bookstore.
: I think that I’m not familiar with this place. Maybe I want to ask someone to
direct me.
Excuse me, can you direct me to go to Bookstore?
: Okay, I’ll give you the direction. You can go across the hall then turn left, the
Bookstore is in the opposite of the Drugstore.
: Thank you.
: You’re welcome.
Situation 2
Your pen friend, Rhea, loose her wallet. She wants to go to the Police Station.
Young boy
Young boy
Young boy
Good afternoon, young boy! I need your help.
Yes, of course, what kind of that?
Could you tell me where is the Police Station? Because I’ve lost my wallet.
Okay, from here you can go straight and then you will find the U turn next
to the Bank.
: Thank you for your information.
: You’re welcome.
B.5.3 Rangkuman 5
Percakapan di atas dibuat berdasarkan situasi yang telah diberikan. Perhatikan
situasinya sehinnga anda dapat membuat dialog yang tepat.
B.5.4 Tugas 5
Situation 1
You asks your mother where she puts your umbrella. Your mother says that your
umbrella is on the down stairs in the front of the bathroom.
Situation 2
You meet your old friend in supermarket, she wants to buy some vegetables. You
say that the vegetables are available on the right corner of the soft drink.
B.5.5 Tes Formatif 5
Without making the script please perform the dialog or conversation based on the
situation given.
Situation 1
You and your friend have lost in the new town “Sheffield”, you ask the people who
lived there where is the way to went out from that town.
Situation 2
Ria and Rio want to go to the Plaza to buy some clothes but they don’t know the
direction, so they ask someone in the Plaza to direct them.
B.5.6 Kunci Jawaban Tes Formatif 5
Situation 1
I and my friend
Old man
I and my friend
Old man
I and my friend
Old man
Situation 2
Ria and Rio
The girl
: Excuse me, Sir! We’ve lost in this town and we want to go out from
here. Could you show me the way to go out from here?
: Certainly, I’ll help you. Both of you should go along this street then
you will find Post Office, after that you can go through the avenue
until you find the boundary.
: That’s all, Sir?
: Yes, that’s all.
: Ok, thank you so much.
: You’re very welcome.
: Hello, could you help us?
: Oh, what is it?
Ria and Rio
The girl
: I don’t know where is the clothes shop in this Plaza, could you show
: Of course, it is near this food court, you only have to pass the two shops,
the clothes shop is on the right corner.
A.1 Performance Test
Dalam evaluasi ini anda diharapkan mampu bembuat percakapan secara spontan
tanpa ada draft berdasarkan situasi yang diberikan. Hal ini betujuan untuk meneguji apakah
anda sudah menguasai modul ini.
Work in pair. Please perform the dialogue or conversation base on situation given.
Situation I
You are in a Department store looking for a dress. And you don’t know where is the
place to find it.
Your mother told you to pick up your uncle in a train station, but you don’t know the
way to get there.
Situation 3
Youyr teacher give you assigment to make a handicraft from bamboo but you don’t
know the place to get the bamboo.
A.2 Written Test
Setelah membuat dialog dan percakapn diatas. Secara perorangan buatlah rangkuman
mengenai dialog yang telah anda buat tadi.
B.1 Performance Test
Situation 1
You : Excuse me, Miss. Could you tell me where can I get the dress?
Lady : Oh, I know. It’s “Matahari”. It is good collection and cheaper than the other.
You : That’s sound good to me. But where is it?
Lady : It is on the second floor. The shop is on the corner.
You can use the elevator over there.
You : Thank you very much.
Lady : You’re welcome.
Situation 2
You : Mom, you told me that I have to pick up uncle Sam in train station.
But I still confuse about the way to get there.
Mother : How come you don’t know where is the train station.
Usually you pass it when you go to the market.
You : Oh, really! Buet I never see it. Please tell me where is it.
Mother : Do you know Police Station?
You : Yes, of course. Why?
Mother : From here turn left and then follow that street until you get two intersection,
cross the intersection. The train station is at the end of the block.
You : Ok, thank’s Mom.
Situation 3
: Good morning, Sir. I need an information, where can I get the bamboo?
: Oh, I see. Do you ever go to the Petshop?
: Yes, it was a long time ago.
: That’s good. Walk down to the corner of that shop and turn left.
That’s the bamboo’s place.
: Ok, thank you, Sir. I’ll try to find it.
B.2 Written Test
Situation 1
I want to go to the Department Store looking for a dress. But I don’t know where is the
shop then I ask to shop assistant where can I get the good dress and cheaper than the other.
Then she shows me the way to go there.
Situation 2
My mother told me to pick up my uncle Sam in train station but I’m doubt about the
direction and after that I realize that actually the place is familiar to me.
Situation 3
My teacher give me an assignment to make a handicraft from bamboo. Because I don’t
know exactly where is the place so I ask him to explain the location and also the direction.
My teacher explain it clearly, so I find it easy to get there.
Setelah menyelesaikan semua tugas dan evaluasi di dalam modul ini dengan benar,
Anda diperkenankan untuk melanjutkan ke modul berikutnya yaitu modul A.16/04. Tetapi
apabila anda belum berhasil menguasai materi di dalam modul ini anda harus mengulang
kembali mempelajari modul ini.
Sebagai indikasi bahwa anda telah menguasai modul ini, Anda harus dapat
membuat percakapan secara spontan tanpa draft sesuai dengan situasi yang diberikan.
Perhatikan juga cara pengucapan dan intonasi yang benar. Guru pembimbing yang
menentukan apakah Anda dapat melanjutkan ke modul berikutnya atau tidak.
Depdiknas.2000.Global Access: To The World of Work. Second Edition.
Depdiknas: Jakarta.
Association of English Teachers of Vocational High School. 2003. step Forward:
Applicable for Communicative and Contextual Learning. East Java.
Mas’ud, Fuad. Drs. 1999. essentials of english Grammar: A Practical Guide.second
Edition. BPFE: Yogyakarta.
Perhatikan pertanyaan di Cek Kemampuan, saya sudah rubah.
Perhatikan juga expression di uraian materi 1, ada beberapa yang saya rubah.
Mana tape script Tugas 1? Lampirkan di akhir modul ya.
Untuk tugas 1 dan test formatif 1, berikan bentuk soal komunikatif, dengan
menggunakan peta lokasi yang dibuat sendiri. Misalnya:
Use the map below. (Buatkan peta) You are here (X). You want to go to the gas
station but you don’t know where it is. Please ask your partner. Your partner
will tell you how to get there.
5. Tugas 2, mana text nya? Siswa disuruh lihat text, tapi ngga ada tuh.
6. Uraian materi 3 perlu ditambah contoh-contoh penggunaan COULD dan
7. Tugas 3, maksudnya apa? Saya tidak mengerti, masa siswa hanya disuruh
melingkari, padahal kalimatnya sudah diberi tanda dengan cetak tebal yang
menunjukkan kesalahan.
8. Perhatikan perbedaan kalimat ini untuk memperbaiki bahasa Inggrisnya:
a. Where is the post office?
b. Could you tell me where the post office is?
Perhatikan letak “is” di antara kedua kalimat diatas, dan coba diskusikan
dengan teman apa bedanya.
Setelah itu, perhatikan kembali soal-soal di Test Formative 3, dan tolong
soalnya diganti karena banyak salah. Soal nomor 1 sudah saya perbaiki
sebagai salah satu pilihan.
Sepertinya modul ini perlu dirombak TOTAL. Tolong diskusikan dengan
teman-teman, dan agar dibuat secara bersama-sama.
Untuk membuat tugas dalam konteks “Asking for and Giving Direction”,
sediakan juga MAP (peta) lokasi, supaya siswa dapat memberi petunjuk
secara konkrit berdasarkan peta yang ada.