2009-2010 English Questions Set 20

MACC/SWAC English Questions
Please Read Aloud: All of the questions in this match are 5-second questions.
This is the first directed question for team A.
In the play, A Doll’s House by Henrik Ibsen, how much money did the trip to Italy cost?
Begin (250 pounds)
This is the first directed question for team B.
In the novel, The Bean Trees, what did Taylor buy with the money she earned from
working at the hospital? Begin (1955 VW Bug or 1955 Volkswagen Bug)
This is the second directed question for team A.
In the poem, Theme For English B by Langston Hughes, what two places does the student
say he hears as he is doing his assignment? Begin (Harlem and New York)
This is the second directed question for team B.
In the short story, Split Cherry Tree, what is Dave’s father’s name? Begin (Luster Sexton)
This is the third directed question for team A.
In the short story, Lamb to the Slaughter, what does Mary do with the murder weapon after
she kills her husband? Begin (she puts it in a pan and cooks it)
This is the third directed question for team B.
In the play, Death Knocks by Woody Allen, who does Nat warn about the rug being loose
on one of the stairs? Begin (Death)
This is the fourth directed question for team A.
In the play, Death of A Salesman, what is the overwhelming clue that something is
happening to Willie’s mental faculties? Begin (he talks to himself or you can accept he talks
to people that aren’t there)
This is the fourth directed question for team B.
In the short story, The Secret Life of Walter Mitty by James Thurber, what does Mrs. Mitty
tell Walter to do while she is getting her hair fixed? Begin (buy overshoes or galoshes)
This is the fifth directed question for team A.
In the nonfiction selection, The Dog That Bit People by James Thurber, what animals were
in the house that Muggs wouldn’t do anything about? Begin (mice)
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This is the fifth directed question for team B.
In grammar, what type of pronouns are the words, I, me, he or him? Begin (personal or
personal pronouns)
This is the sixth directed question for team A.
In grammar, what type of pronoun are the words myself, yourself or themselves? Begin
(reflexive or reflexive pronouns)
This is the sixth directed question for team B.
In the play, A Doll’s House by Henrik Ibsen, where did Nora’s husband think she got the
money for the trip to Italy and where did she actually get it? Begin (he thought she got it
from her father before he died and she actually borrowed it or she borrowed it from
This is the seventh directed question for team A.
In the novel, The Bean Trees, what are Taylor’s two colors? Begin (red and turquoise)
This is the seventh directed question for team B.
In the nonfiction selection, The Dog That Bit People by James Thurber, what did Mother
send to people that Muggs had bitten at Christmas? Begin (a box of candy)
This is the eighth directed question for team A.
In the short story, The Secret Life of Walter Mitty by James Thurber, what is Walter’s
doctor’s name? Begin (Dr. Renshaw)
This is the eighth directed question for team B.
In the play, Death of A Salesman, what surprise did Willie bring to his sons in the backseat
of his car? Begin (punching bag)
This is the ninth directed question for team A.
In the play, Death Knocks by Woody Allen, how much money does Death tell Nat he has
when he says he doesn’t have $28? Begin (a few singles)
This is the ninth directed question for team B.
In the short story, Lamb to the Slaughter, Mary goes to the store after the murder and asks
the clerk, Sam, for what two things? Begin (both must be given – potatoes and a can of
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This is the tenth and final directed question for team A.
In the short story, Split Cherry Tree, where does Professor Herbert say Dave’s father has
germs? Begin (on his teeth or in scum on his teeth)
This is the tenth and final directed question for team B.
In the poem, Theme For English B by Langston Hughes, what type of records does the
student say he likes for a Christmas present? Begin (Bessie, Bop or Bach)
That ends the portion of the match with directed questions. Coaches, if you have any team
member substitutions, please send those team members to the stage at this time. (Note:
Allow time for substitutes to be seated, introduce substitute team members.)
No form of conferring is allowed during the tossup portion of the match. Conferring includes
sharing of written or verbal information or signals. Please remove all written material
from your team tables. Writing is not permitted during tossup rounds, except in the math
We will now have ten tossup questions. Remember, the person who buzzes in must give the
answer immediately. Please wait until I recognize the team before you give an answer. The
penalty for buzzing in early and giving a wrong answer is minus 2 points, and the question
will then be reread in its entirety to the other team.
This is the first tossup question.
What literary term describes a failure of a character to see or understand what is obvious
to the audience as in Macbeth by William Shakespeare when Macbeth plans the murder of
Duncan whilst feigning loyalty? Begin (dramatic irony)
This is the second tossup question.
In the play, A Doll’s House by Henrik Ibsen, what are the names of the Helmer children?
Begin (Ivar, Bob and Emmy)
This is the third tossup question.
In the nonfiction selection, What Wendell Wants Ch. 2 by Jenny Lee, in Commandment 10,
what three things may you do if it is for the good of my dog? Begin (all three must be given
– lie, cheat or steal)
This is the fourth tossup question.
In the novel, The Bean Trees, when Taylor writes a postcard to her mother and says “I
found my head rights, Mama. They’re coming with me”, what does she mean? Begin (That
she is taking the Indian child, Turtle, with her on her journey west)
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This is the fifth tossup question.
In the short story, Split Cherry Tree, what three things did Dave’s father say they learned in
school when he went? Begin (“readin', writin', and cipherin” or you can accept reading,
writing and math)
This is the sixth tossup question.
In the play, Death Knocks by Woody Allen, who does Nat call when Death leaves? Begin
(Moe Lefkowitz)
This is the seventh tossup question.
In the play, Death of A Salesman, who says "My salvation is that I never took any interest
in anything"? Begin (Charley)
This is the eighth tossup question.
In the short story, The Secret Life of Walter Mitty by James Thurber, what does Mrs. Mitty
tell Walter to put on if he hasn’t lost them? Begin (his gloves)
This is the ninth tossup question.
In the nonfiction selection, The Dog That Bit People by James Thurber, Thurber said that
Muggs didn’t really think of him as one of the family. What was the advantage to being
one of the family? Begin (Muggs bit family members less than he bit strangers)
This is the tenth and final tossup question.
(Emcee note – if match is tied after this question go to the three tie breakers at the end of these
questions – use all three, even if tie is broken on first or second question!)
In grammar, what part of speech are words like about, above, at, by, and of? Begin
(SWAC Emcees only – Ask if there are any appeals)
EMERGENCY QUESTIONS (To be used in an emergency only –DO NOT USE AS EXTRA TIE
BREAKERS – but they can be used in place of tie breakers as they would be used if a
question has a mistake, if the emcee “flubs” a question, etc.):
You have 5 seconds to answer this question.
In the play, A Doll’s House by Henrik Ibsen, what is the name of the children’s nursemaid?
Begin (Anne or Anne-Marie)
You have 5 seconds to answer this question.
In the poem, Patty’s Charcoal Drive-in by Barbara Crooker, to what does the carhop
compare each overflowing tray? Begin (a banquet)
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TIE BREAKERS(To be used in cases of tie games – use all three questions, even if the tie is
broken with the first or second question; in case teams are still tied at the end of these
three questions – the game remains a tie.):
This is the first tiebreaker question.
In the short story, A Very Old Man With Enormous Wings by Gabriel Garcia Marques, why
did the neighbor woman say the angel had come to Earth? Begin (to take their sick child)
This is the second tiebreaker question.
The noble, virtuous father Macduff provides an ideal foil for the villainous, childless
Macbeth in Shakespeare’s play. What is a foil? Begin (A character who is meant to
represent characteristics, values or ideas, which are directly and diametrically opposed to
those of another character, usually the protagonist)
This is the third tiebreaker question.
In the poem, Woman Work by Maya Angelou, what chore involved the company? Begin
(the company to feed)