Chemistry 0960 Jeopardy

Chemistry 0960 Jeopardy! Rules
Submitted by Danny Rubenstein, Chemistry 0960
Len Kogut, Professor
1) For the first question of the round, or in cases outlined in these rules, a TOSSUP occursa.
TOSSUP-Len writes a question on the computer screens to be answered., of light to
moderate difficulty. Each group works together, and sends one representative to the front
to present a written answer to the question. The first person to completely and accurately
answer the question, and submit it to Len earns for his group control over the board
2) The group in control may select any question on the board, with the following stipulations:
In a $100-200-300-400 system, the group has to chose either:
i. Answer the least-value question in a category (ex. choose $200 if only 200-300400 remain), and maintain control of the board assuming the correct answer is
ii. Answer a value greater than the least value (i), in which case the group earns
more bonus points for a higher-value question, but forfeits control of the board.
No group may answer more then 3 consecutive questions.
If a group forfeits control of the board by either answering a higher-value question, or
answering incorrectly, the game goes to a TOSSUP.
3) Bonus points are awarded on the basis of question difficulty:
A TOSSUP question is worth NO bonus points- only control of the board.
Bonus points for a $100 question are < $200, etc.
4) Answers must be given in the form of “What is______?” If Len answers that this is correct, he
will ask group number. The group will then reply with the number on the back of the computer.
Group: “What is Molecular?”
Len: “Correct. Group?”
Group: “L7”
Answers not given in the correct form cause a group to forfeit control of the board, and
results in a TOSSUP.
5) TOSSUP questions do not have to be answered in the traditional form, as they may be solutions
offered in the form of sketches, diagrams, etc.
6) In Double-Jeopardy (or any round after the first), the highest value for a given category offers the
greatest award, but also comes with the RISK of losing points. This rule applies only to the most
difficult question in a category.
7) Any discrepancies or arguments are resolved based on Len’s ruling.
8) There is a TOSSUP at the beginning of every round.