제 1 장 가입자측 소형라우터 Configuration 소형라우터는 INTERNET 계약자측에 접속되어 있는 대부분의 라우터로 많은 제작회사의 제품이 운용 중에 있다. 여기서는 KORNET 가입자측에 많이 운용되고 있는 소형 라우터를 기준으로 가입자측 라우터 Configuration 방법을 상세히 기술 하였다. 1.1 Router 개요 라우터(Router)는 통신장비로, Packet 을 받아서 적당한 목적지 (Destination)를 결정해 보내주는 역할을 수행한다. 허브는 또한 통신장비로 라우터와 연결 되어 여러대의 PC 를 망에 연결시켜 장비의 효율을 높이기 위한 장비이며, CSU/DSU 는 라우터를 외부망에 연결시키는 역할을 한다. 라우터는 부분망 내에서 주고 받는 데이터는 부분망 내에서만 한정적 으로 움 직이도록 제한을 가하여 네트워크에 발생될 수 있는 불필 요한 작업량을 제거해 준다. Router가 읽는 네트워크 계층의 주소가 데이터 패킷이 가야할 목적지 주소이다. Router는 패킷내의 목적지 주소를 읽을 수 있으므로 Router 내의 Routing table(경로표)을 이용해 데이터 패킷이 지나가야할 경로를 지정한다. 경로표 작성은 수작업으 로 하는 Static Routing과 Router 스스로 갱신하는 Dynamic Routing 이 있다. 여러 부분망 사이에는 사용하는 프로토콜과 장비가 다르므로 이 런 차이를 극복하고 서로 의미있는 정보를 교환하도록 종합망을 구축 해야 한다. 브라우터(BROUTER)는 Bridge 나 Router 처럼 네트워크 상의 세그먼트 분리를 유지하면서 물리적으로 떨어진 네트워크를 연결한다. Routed 프 로토콜에서의 데이터 전송에서는 Router 기능을 하며 그 외의 프로토 콜에 대해서는 Bridge 기능을 수행한다. Bridge 는 Router 에 비해 비용 및 효과면에서 유리하다. 요즘에 말하는 라우터란 대부분 브라우터를 지칭한다. 1.2 소형라우터 (Router) 1.2.1 Cisco 2501라우터 가. 장비 개요 1-1 나. 개요 모델명 제작사 : CISCO 2501 : CISCO SYSTEM (미국) CISCO 2500 SERIES는 원거리 지역용으로 개발된 제품으로 사용자가 자신의 환경에 가장 적합한 구성을 스스로 선택할 수 있도록 광범위 한 유연성을 제공하며,실제 광범위한 여러 벤더의 REMOTE ROUTER 중 가장 우수한 기능을 발휘하는 동시에 경제적인 비용 효과를 함 께 누릴 수 있는 매우 뛰어난 장비이다. 특히 강력한 하드웨어의 안전성은 장비 에러에 의한 네트워크 휴지시간을 줄여, 사용자의 네트 워크의 생존성을 한층 높여준다. 다. 특징 및 기능 1. 특 징 구 분 내 용 Applications Dual sync/async serial ports Availity Asynchronous backup LAN Protocol WAN Support Routing Protocol IP, IPX, Apple Talk, DECnet IV, transparent bridging, source-routing bridging Two serial interface, X.25, Frame Relay HDLC, PPP, Dialon-Demand routing IGRP, RIP, OSPF, BGP, EGP Transparent Bridging Source Routing Bridging Bridging Spanning Tree Bridging Source Routing Bridging 호환성(INTEROPERABILITY) 호환성은 다른 회사가 지니고 있는 망 접속장비와 동일하게 사용할 수 있는 능력. 여러 회사의 제품의 복합 구성으로 FRONT END, BACKBONE, BACK-END NETWORK 을 구성한 광역망에서는 그 호환성 을 유지하기가 어려운 것이 현실이다. 현재 CISCO사는 전세계 ROUTER 의 표준 PROTOCOL 인 OSPF 와 PPP를 제공, 다른 회사의 ROUTER 와도 호환이 가능하도록 설계되어 있다. 호환을 위하여 여러제 1-2 품 및 다양한 환경을 구성하여 끊임없는 노력을 지속중에 있다. CISCO 사는 세계 ROUTER 시장의 선두주자로서 각 산업체에 다양한 환경의 설치 경험으로 최적의 신용도를 갖고 있으며 다양한 ROUTING PROTOCOL(IGRP, OSPF, BGP/EGP, RIP ) 등을 모두 지원하므로, 서로 다른 이기종간의 완벽한 호환성을 제공한다. 또한, 동일계열 상,하위 기종간의 완벽한 호환성을 제공한다. CISCO사는 다양한 ROUTER 및 COMMUNICATION SERVER를 제작 공급하는 회사로서 자체의 고유한 ROUTING PROTOCOL(IGRP)를 제공 하기 때문에 동사의 어떤 제품 이라도 완벽하게 호환된다. CISCO ROUTER 는 세계에서 가장 폭넓게 사용되는 망접속 장비이다. 현재 급속히 확산 되어가는 망의 확장은 상호 호환성에 관하여 중요한 관심 이 되고 있다. < 그림. 2501 뒷면 구성도 > 다양한 라우팅 프로토콜 지원 - Interior Gateway Protocol : RIP, OSPF - Exterior Gateway Protocol : EGP, BGP - Mbone Protocol : DVMRP, PIM or DVMRP, MOSPF 다양한 Routed Protocol 지원 - TCP/IP - Novell IPX - DECnet Phase IV - Appletalk Phase 1 and 2 서비스 우선순위 부여 및 인증 - 서비스 프로토콜에 대한 우선순위부여가 가능하며, TACACS를 통한 인 증 기능을 제공한다. 2. 기 능 PROTOCOL TRANSLATION 1-3 TCP/IP PROTOCOL를 X.25 패킷으로 패킷의 HEADER를 변환시켜, 공 중 데이타에 접속 시킬수 있는 기능 DIAL ON DEMAND ROUTING 전용선을 연결하여 사용중 Line Fault 나 Overhead Loading 시 Circuit Switch 망에 자동 접속하고 실제 세션이 설정된 후에 라인 연결을 행하 여 세션 연결도중의 불필요한 시간의 과금을 줄이는 기능 PRIORITY OUTPUT QUEUEING VENDOR PROTOCOL을 동시에 여러개 지원시 우선순위를 매기는 기능 TCP/IP HEADER COMPRESSION & PAYLOAD COMPRESSION 64Kbp/s이하의 저속 전용선을 사용하며 TCP/IP 를 사용할때 TCP/IP HEADER를 가능한 통신 PROTOCOL 로 압축, 보다 고속으로 전송 기능 및 데이타 필드를 압축하여 TCP/IP HEADER부분을 압축 전송하는 것보다 라우터의 딜레이 타임을 줄임으로서 전송효율을 증진 하는 기능 지원. Event logging 기능 이벤트(시스템의 문제발생 또는 인터페이스 변화 )발생시 , 변동사항을 원격지에서 관리하는 기능 DNS 기능 특정 IP address를 입력하지 않고서도, DNS (Domain Name Service) 기능 을 이용하여 서비스를 이용할 수 있는 기능 라. 상세 사양 사 양 Network Interface Software Dimensions( H x W x D ) Weight(average shipping) Consumption Input Current rating Operating temperature Non-operating Temp Processor Type 지 원 종 류 2501 : 1 ETHERNET, 2 SERIAL IP, IP & IBM, IP & IPX , IP/IPX & IBM, Desktop, Enterprise 4.44 x 44.45 x 26.82 Cm 4.5 Kg 40W 110~240VAC 1.0A at 60Hz, 0.5A at 50Hz 0 to 40。C -40 to 85。C 20 MHz 68030 1-4 Standard Components Memory Power Supply And Cord, Console Cable RJ-45 To Db-25 Adapter Rack Mount / Wall Mount Lit 4 MB flash EPROM : Standard, 8, 16 MB : Option 2 MD DRAM : Standard, 4, 6, 8 MB : Option 마. 각 포트의 용도 Serial Port : Rear Pannel 에는 외부 망과 연결시켜주는 역할을 한다. 여기에는 CSU 나 HSM, DSU 같은 고속 모뎀이 연결 됨니다. Console Port : 라우터의 유지,보수, 관리를 위해 터미널로 접속가능하게 한다. 원격으로 접속은 불허한다. AUX Port : 보통 원격 유지,보수,관리는 Serial line 을 통하거나 AUI Port 를 통해 하게 된다. 그러나 어떤 문제에 의해 위에서 언급한 Port 를 통해 접 속할 수 가 없을 경우 AUX port 에 Modem 을 붙여 원격 접속을 가능하게 할 수 있다. AUI Port : 내부 LAN 과의 접속을 위해 사용한다. 보통 TPT 를 AUI Port 에 붙여서 사용하게 된다. 여기에는 UTP Cable 을 통해 HUB 에 연결 됩니 다. 1.2.2 쌍용 라우터(SR-2501) 가. 장비소개 1) 제 작 사 : 쌍용정보통신㈜ 2) 모 델 명 : SR-2501 나. 개 요 쌍용정보통신의 원격지 접속용 ROUTER SR-2501은 보다 향상된 성능의 운영체제를 기반으로 다양한 Routing Protocol 및 통신 Protocol을 지원하고 있습니다. 한 개의 LAN 포트와 두 개의 WAN 포트를 내장하고 있으며, 원격 관리 기능 및 원격 S/W Upgrade 기능을 가지고 있는 원격지 접속용 Router입니다. 다. SR-2501 Router 특징 1 Ethernet Interface: 1-5 10 Base-T, 10 Base-5(AUI Port), 10 Base-2(BNC Port)의 3 가지 타입의 Ethernet Connector 를 모두 제공하며 필요한 Port 를 선택하여 사용. 2 Serial Interface: V.35, RS232 등 2 가지 타입의 WAN Connector 중 필요한 타입을 선택하여 사용할 수 있으며, 최대 T1/E1 까지의 전송속도를 제공하고, DSU/CSU 의 상 태에 따라 전송속도를 자동적으로 조절가능 라.SR-2501 Router Software Specification IP(RIP, OSPF) , IPX(RIP, SAP) Spanning Tree Transparent Bridging PPP (Point to Point Protocol) Frame Relay SNMP MIB I, II , RMON Agent Dynamic Configuration, Remote Upgrading PAP, CHAP NAT(Network Address Translator) Hardware Specification 1 Ethernet (AUI, BNC and 10 Base-T) 2 Serial (2 V.35 and 2 RS232) Sync up to T1/E1 1Mbyte Flash (2 MB 까지 확장 가능) 4Mbyte DRAM (16 MB 까지 확장 가능) 422mm(폭) x 213mm(길이) x 43mm(높이) AC 100V - 240V Routing Bridging WAN Service Management Security Option LAN Interface WAN Interface Link Speed Memory 제품 외관 사용 전원 마.SR-2501 ROUTER 주요 기능 1) 다양한 Routing Bridging Protocol IP (RIP, OSPF), IPX (RIP, SAP) Routing 및 Spanning Tree Bridging 의 다양한 프 로토콜을 지원 (Multi-Protocol 지원) 2) Duplicate IP Address 지원 하나의 물리적 네트웍에서 여러 개의 논리적 네트웍으로 나누어 사용 가능 3) BOOTP 를 포함한 UDP broadcast 기능 지원 UDP (User Datagram Protocol) Broadcast 를 지원하므로 Windows 95 의 네트웍파 일과 같은 Application 의 사용이 가능. 4) PAP, CHAP 과 같은 Security 지원 SR-2505 RUB 와 SR-2501 ROUTER 는 PPP 상에서 PAP (Password Authentication Protocol)과 CHAP (Challenge Handshake Authentication Protocol) 의 Security 기능을 제공하고 있어 보안성이 우수. 5) Dynamic Configuration 기능 1-6 Dynamic Configuration 기능을 제공하여 네트웍의 중단 없는 Configuration 의 변경이 가능. 6) Command Line 방식의 On-line Help 기능 On-line Help 기능을 제공하여 Configuration 이 용이하고 사용이 편리. 7) TFTP, rlogin, telnet 을 이용한 Remote Upgrade 및 관리 기능 TFTP, rlogin, telnet 을 지원하므로 네트웍 관리자가 원격지에서 구성 정보 변경 및 여러가지 네트웍 관리 기능, Remote Upgrade 등을 수행. 8) SNMP, MIB I, II 지원 SNMP 를 지원하며 MIB I, II 를 제공하여 네트웍 관리 기능을 수행합니다. SNMP Agent 에 의한 네트웍 관리 기능을 제공하며 이를 관리하기 위한 NMS S/W 인 쌍용 NetSpider 를 제공. 9) Frame Relay 의 WAN 서비스 지원 Frame Relay 접속 기능을 제공하여 경제적이면서 고속의 WAN 접속이 가능. 10) Remote Upgrade 기능 Flash Memory 를 탑재하여 네트웍 상에서 Version Up 된 프로그램을 다운로드 할 수 있어 신속하고 효율적인 유지 보수가 가능. 11) RMON 을 이용한 네트웍 관리 가능 RMON Agent 기능을 제공하여 SNMP 기능과 더불어 리모트 지역의 네트웍 관 리를 보다 정확하고 효율적으로 수행. 12) NAT (Network Address Translator) 기능 Private Network 에서 임의로 사용하는 비공식 IP 주소와 인터넷 상에서 사용하 는 공식 IP 주소를 상호 변환시켜 주는 쌍용 JANUS 의 기능을 제공. 즉, Private Network 을 현상태로 유지하면서 인터넷에 연결시켜 주는 NAT 의 기능을 제공하여 새로이 인터넷에 접속하고자 하는 사용자에게 매우 편리하며 Firewall 기능을 수행 1.3 Routed Protocol Routed Protocol이란 Internetwork 상에서 Route되는 Protocol 이다. Routed Protocol에는 다음과 같은 것들이 있다. TCP/IP OSI CLNS(Connectionless Network Service) OSI CMNS(Connection-Mode Network Service) DECnet Phase IV and Phase V Novell IPX Apple Talk Phase 1 and Phase 2 Banyan VINES(Virtual Network System) 3Com XNS Xerox XNS 1-7 Xerox PUP Ungermann-Bass XNS Apollo Domain CHAOSnet HP Advancenet 1.4 Routing Protocol Routing Protocol이란 Routing Algorithm을 수행하는 Protocol이다. 즉, Routing Protocol은 Internetwork상에서 Routed Protocol을 Route 한다. Routing Protocol에는 다음과 같다. RIP(Routing Information Protocol) IGRP(Interior Gateway Routing Protocol) OSPF(Open Shortest Path First) BGP(Border Gateway Protocol) EGP(Exterior Gateway Protocol) - Cisco와 IBM ES-IS(End System to Intermediate System) IS-IS(Intermediate System to Intermediate System) Static Routing은 Routing Table을 Network 관리자가 직접 구축하는 방식으 로 Traffic pattern이 예측 가능하고 정적인 구조(static topology)를 갖는 네트웍에서 효과적으로 동작한다. 그러나 네트웍 변경에 대응하기 어렵다. Dynamic Routing 은 환경 변화에 실시간 조정을 하며 문제해결과 traffic 최적화를 자동으로 수행한다. 따라서 네트웍 관리자는 더 중요한 문제를 처리할 시간적 여유를 갖게 된다. Dynamic Routing 은 네트웍 변경을 자동으로 갱신하기 때문에 약간의 대역폭(Bandwidth)을 사용한다. 1.4.1 RIP(Routing Information Protocol) 버클리 대학에서 개발한 RIP은 오늘날 네트웍에서 가장 널리 사용되고 있는 라우팅 프로토콜이다. RIP에서는 액티브(ACTIVE:ROUTER)와 패시브(PASSIVE:HOST) 두 가지 유형의 사용자를 정의하고 있다. 액티브 사용자는 자신이 속해있는 네트워크 내에서 데이타그램 패킷을 통해 매 30초 마다 라우팅 정보를 방송한다. 반면에, 패시브 사용자는 RIP 정보를 수신하여 경로를 갱신하지만 스스로 라우팅 정보를 송신하지는 않는다. 1-8 1.4.2 IGRP(Interior Gateway Routing Protocol) 시스코(CISCO)사에서 독자적으로 개발한 프로토콜로, 독립적 네트 워크 내에서만 사용하기 위해 개발된 것이다. RIP 과 유사하게 IGRP 는 HOP 수를 기준으로 한 정보를 전송한다. 라우팅 경로의 결정은 회선의 전송 능력, 전송 지연 시간, 회선의 사용율, 신뢰성(에러율)을 바탕으로 결정한다. IGRP 는 또한 복수의 경로상에서의 로드 밸런싱(LOAD BALANCING) 기능을 지원한다. 1.4.3 OSPF(Open Shortest Path First) IETF(Internet Engineering Task Force)에서 개발한 프로토콜인 OSPD는 SHORTEST PATH FIRST라는 알고리즘을 사용한다. OSPF 알고리즘에서는 모든 라우터가 토폴로지에 관한 모든 정보 (네트워크 맵)를 완벽히 갖고 있다. 다음은 OSPF의 특징을 나타낸다. 1)사용자에 의한 경로의 지정, 가장 경제적인 경로의 지정, 복수 경로의 선정 등의 기능을 제공하며, 변화의 발생에 관한 정보가 RIP에 비하여 빨리 전파된다. 2)라우팅 정보를 인접한 라우터에 모두 전송하는 플러딩(FLOODING) 방식을 사용하므로 토폴로지에 관한 정보가 전체 네트워크상의 라우터에서 동일하게 유지한다. 3)각 라우터는 자신을 네트워크의 중심점으로 간주하여 최단 경로의 트리를 구성한다. 4) IP주소와 IP에서 제공하는 서비스만을 사용한다. 5)여러 종류의 서비스를 제공하기 위하여 분리된 트리를 사용한다. 6)동일한 비용을 갖는 모든 경로에 트래픽을 분산시켜 전송한다. 1.4.4 BGP(Border Gateway Protocol) Exterior Gateway Protocol(EGP)은 RIP, OSPF, IGRP 등과 같은 IGP 라우팅 도메인 사이에서 라우팅이 가능하도록 디자인 되었다. 인터넷 전문 용어로, 라우팅 도메인은 Autonomous System(AS)이라고 부른다. 인터넷에 있어서 보다 광범위하게 사용되 최초의 Exterior Gateway Protocol 은 EGP(External Gateway Protocol)라는 프로토콜이다. EGP 는 당시에는 매우 유용한 기술이지만 몇가지 단점도 가지고 있다. 이것은 라우팅 프로토콜이라기 보다는 차라리 다른 IGP 로의 도달 가능한 프로토콜에 가깝다. 그리고 현재는 복잡한 네트웍을 반영하기 1-9 에는 부족한 점이 많으므로 이러한 EGP 프로토콜은 사용되는 곳이 거의 없다. BGP 는 EGP 에서 요구되는 토폴로지나 라우팅 정보의 단순한 전달과 주기적인 전체 라우팅 테이블 교환과 같은 문제점 몇가지를 다루는데 역점을 두고 있다. 또한 BGP 는 인터넷에 적합하게 설계된 Inter-AS 라우팅 프로토콜로 EGP 와는 달리, 라우팅 루프를 AS Path 번호로 탐지할 수 있으므로 EGP 의 차세대(NEXT-Generation) 프로토콜이라 할 수 있다. 그러므로 BGP 와 같은 Inter-AS 라우팅 프로토콜들이 인터넷 상에서는 실제로 EGP 를 대체하고 있다. BGP 프로토콜은 루프 프리 경로 환경을 가능하게 하였으며, 상호간에 교환되는 정보의 양도 줄일 수 있고, BGP 프로토콜을 적용시키기에도 비교적 쉽고, 간단하게 되며, IGP 에서 BGP 로의 전이과정도 단계적 으로 완벽하게 적용할 수 있는 장점때문에 Inter-AS 간에 라우팅에 있어서 폭 넓게 사용되고 있다. 1.4.5 Protocol 개념도 Protocol Routing Protocol Interior RIP IGRP OSPF Exterior BGP EGP Routed Protocol (Network Protocol) 이기종접속 TCP/IP Protocol P r o t o c oVender l IPX/SPX XNS Appletalk DECNet --------- Novell Xerox Apple Digital 1.5 소형 Router Configuration 가입자 개통시 계약자측 소형라우터의 기본적인 Configuration 하는 방법을 제작회사 별로 기술하였다. 1-10 1.5.1 Cisco Router Configuration <계약자 구성도> e1/0: e0: s2/0: DSU DSU s0: c2501 c7513 <노드측 라우터> <계약자측 라우터> 가. Setup Mode 에서의 Configuration 처음 라우터 포장을 해체하여 전원케이블 및 라우터 콘솔케이블을 연결, PC Serial Port 에 콘솔케이블 연결 통신 에물레이터를 실행후 에물레이터셋팅을 아래와 같이 한후 전원스위치를 ON 하면 아래와 같이 화면에 디스플레이가 되면 셋팅을 아래와 같이 한다. 에물레이터(이야기,하이퍼터미널,새롬데이터등..) -COM Port 설정 : COM1,COM2 등.. -BAUD : 9600 -DATA : 8 System Bootstrap, Version 5.2(8a), RELEASE SOFTWARE Copyright (c) 1986-1995 by cisco Systems 2500 processor with 14336 Kbytes of main memory F3: 5173084+61848+255460 at 0x3000060 Restricted Rights Legend Use, duplication, or disclosure by the Government is subject to restrictions as set forth in subparagraph (c) of the Commercial Computer Software - Restricted Rights clause at FAR sec. 52.227-19 and subparagraph (c) (1) (ii) of the Rights in Technical Data and Computer Software clause at DFARS sec. 252.227-7013. cisco Systems, Inc. 170 West Tasman Drive San Jose, California 95134-1706 Cisco Internetwork Operating System Software 1-11 IOS (tm) 2500 Software (C2500-D-L), Version 11.2(5), RELEASE SOFTWARE (fc1) Copyright (c) 1986-1997 by cisco Systems, Inc. Compiled Mon 31-Mar-97 20:17 by ckralik Image text-base: 0x0302A734, data-base: 0x00001000 cisco 2500 (68030) processor (revision N) with 14336K/2048K bytes of memory. Processor board ID 05652888, with hardware revision 00000000 Bridging software. X.25 software, Version 2.0, NET2, BFE and GOSIP compliant. 1 Ethernet/IEEE 802.3 interface(s) 2 Serial network interface(s) 32K bytes of non-volatile configuration memory. 8192K bytes of processor board System flash (Read ONLY) Notice: NVRAM invalid, possibly due to write erase. --- System Configuration Dialog --At any point you may enter a question mark '?' for help. Use ctrl-c to abort configuration dialog at any prompt. Default settings are in square brackets '[]'. --아래사항부터 라우터의 물음에 사용할것인지에 대하여 응답을 하여준다.... Would you like to enter the initial configuration dialog? [yes]: Y First, would you like to see the current interface summary? [yes]: Y Any interface listed with OK? value "NO" does not have a valid configuration Interface IP-Address OK? Method Status Protocol Ethernet0 unassigned NO unset up down Serial0 unassigned NO unset down down Serial1 unassigned NO unset down down Configuring global parameters: Enter host name [Router]: romc –이 항목에 입력한 글자는 라우터 프롬프트로 나타난다… The enable secret is a one-way cryptographic secret used instead of the enable password when it exists. Enter enable secret: 1234 --en 모드로 진입시 묻는 password The enable password is used when there is no enable secret and when using older software and some boot images. Enter enable password: suwon –이 패스워드는 Display 만 되는 패스워드입니다.. Enter virtual terminal password: 2002 --telnet 접속시 입력하는 password 입니다. Configure SNMP Network Management? [yes]: y --SNMP 사용여부 1-12 Community string [public]: y Configure DECnet? [no]: -SNMP 와 관련된 항목입니다. n Configure AppleTalk? [no]: n Configure IPX? [no]: n Configure IP? [yes]: y -- IP Routing 사용 여부 Configure IGRP routing? [yes]: n Configure RIP routing? [no]: n Configuring interface parameters: Configuring interface Ethernet0: Is this interface in use? [yes]: y – et0 interface 사용여부(y:사용함,n:사용않함) Configure IP on this interface? [yes]: n – et0 ip address 입력여부(y:입력,n:입력않함) Configuring interface Serial0: Is this interface in use? [yes]: y – se0 interface 사용여부(y:사용함,n:사용않함) Configure IP on this interface? [yes]: n – se0 ip address 입력여부(y:입력,n:입력않함) Configuring interface Serial1: Is this interface in use? [yes]: y – se1 interface 사용여부(y:사용함,n:사용않함) Configure IP on this interface? [yes]: n – se1 ip address 입력여부(y:입력,n:입력않함) The following configuration command script was created: - 위 에서 입력한 내용을 보여줌. hostname ROMC – 호스트이름 enable secret 5 $1$piLd$kSIpuBE87XslAseIWQVWX. –En 모드 진입 Password(1234) enable password suwon – 실재로 사용되지 않는 패스워드(Dispplay 만된다.) line vty 0 4 -- 5 대의터니널이 동시에 telnet 을 할수 있슴. password suwon - telnet 접속시 묻는 Password snmp-server community public – SNMP 사용 선언 ! no decnet routing no appletalk routing no ipx routing ip routing – IP Routing 사용선언 ! interface Ethernet0 no ip address no mop enabled ! interface Serial0 no ip address 1-13 no mop enabled ! interface Serial1 no ip address no mop enabled ! end Use this configuration? [yes/no]: y – 위에서 셋팅한 값 저장 Building configuration... 저장되는것을 표시 [OK]Use the enabled mode 'configure' command to modify this configuration. Press RETURN to get started! - 저장완료 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ seting 완료 위 setting 값 확인 ROMC#sh conf Using 442 out of 32762 bytes !version 11.2 service config no service udp-small-servers no service tcp-small-servers ! hostname ROMC - 호스트이름 ! enable secret 5 $1$piLd$kSIpuBE87XslAseIWQVWX. enable password suwon ! interface Ethernet0 no ip address - 위 setting 시 et0 ip address 입력을 하지 않았기 때문에 입력이 되지 않았움. no mop enabled ! interface Serial0 no ip address - 위 setting 시 se0 ip address 입력을 하지 않았기 때문에 입력이 되지 않았움. ! interface Serial1 no ip address - 위 setting 시 se1 ip address 입력을 하지 않았기 때문에 입력이 되지 않았움. ! 1-14 no ip classless snmp-server community public RO ! line con 0 exec-timeout 0 0 line aux 0 line vty 0 4 password suwon –원근리 에서 telnet 접속시 묻는 password login ! end 나.Consol Mode 에서의 Configuration - ENABLE 모드로의 진입 romc>en(enable) password:xxxx romc# -CONFIGURATION 모드로의 진입 romc#config t Configuring from terminal, memory, or network [ terminal ] ? Romc(config)# -HOSTNAME ( 라우터 이름 ) 등록 router>en ( enable ) Password:xxxx Router# Roouter#config terminal Router(config)#hostname romc Romc(config)#^z Romc#wr - ENABLE PASSWORD 등록 및 변경방법 romc#config terminal romc(config)#enable password xxxx 1-15 romc(config)#^z romc#wr - ENABLE SECRET PASSWORD 등록 및 변경방법 romc#config t romc(config)#enable secret xxxx romc(config)#^z romc#wr -VTY PASSWORD 등록 및 변경방법 romc#config t romc(config)#line vty 0 4 romc(config-line)#password xxxx romc(config-line)#^z romc#wr -PORT DOWN / ENABLE romc#config t romc(config)#int se0 ( 또는 int se1 ) romc(config-if)#shutdown romc(config-if)#^z romc#wr romc#config t romc(config)#int se0 ( 또는 int se1 ) romc(config-if)#no shutdown romc(config-if)#^z romc#wr -도메인 및 NAME SERVER 등록 romc#config t romc(config)#ip domain-name ns.kornet21.net romc(config)#ip name-server romc(config)#^z romc#wr 1-16 -SNMP 등록 romc#config t romc(config)#snmp-server community public RO romc(config)#^z romc#wr - ETHERNET IP ADDRESS 설정 romc#config t romc(config)#int et0 ------- ------- romc(config-if)# ip address romc(config-if)#^z -------- romc#wr -------- ------- romc#sh int et0 – et0 setting 값 확인명령 Ethernet0 is up, line protocol is up Hardware is Lance, address is 00e0.b05a.f447 (bia 00e0.b05a.f447) Internet address is MTU 1500 bytes, BW 10000 Kbit, DLY 1000 usec, rely 255/255, load 1/255 Encapsulation ARPA, loopback not set, keepalive set (10 sec) ARP type: ARPA, ARP Timeout 04:00:00 Last input 00:00:00, output 00:00:00, output hang never Last clearing of "show interface" counters 3w4d Queueing strategy: fifo Output queue 0/40, 0 drops; input queue 4/75, 11608 drops 5 minute input rate 19000 bits/sec, 9 packets/sec 5 minute output rate 5000 bits/sec, 8 packets/sec 13511906 packets input, 4071076710 bytes, 933 no buffer Received 3945782 broadcasts, 0 runts, 0 giants 298 input errors, 287 CRC, 285 frame, 0 overrun, 11 ignored, 0 abort 0 input packets with dribble condition detected 8829125 packets output, 1452286999 bytes, 0 underruns 0 output errors, 4985 collisions, 0 interface resets 0 babbles, 0 late collision, 47821 deferred 0 lost carrier, 0 no carrier 0 output buffer failures, 0 output buffers swapped out [ 설명 ] configuration 모드로 진입하는 명령 1-17 configuration 포트를 ethernet 0 로 설정 ethernet 0 포트에 대한 ip address 및 netmask 할당 설정종료 “ ctrl + z “ 설정된 값의 저장 -SERIAL IP ADDRESS 설정 romc#config t romc(config)#int se0 -------- --------- romc(config-if)# ip address romc(config-if)#^z -------- romc#wr -------- -------- romc#sh int se0 ------- Serial1 is up, line protocol is up Hardware is HD64570 Description: Pyun-Taek College 512K Internet address is /30 MTU 1500 bytes, BW 1544 Kbit, DLY 20000 usec, rely 255/255, load 1/255 Encapsulation HDLC, loopback not set, keepalive set (10 sec) Last input 00:00:01, output 00:00:00, output hang never Last clearing of "show interface" counters 5d23h Input queue: 0/75/0 (size/max/drops); Total output drops: 43 Queueing strategy: weighted fair Output queue: 0/64/43 (size/threshold/drops) Conversations 0/21 (active/max active) Reserved Conversations 0/0 (allocated/max allocated) 5 minute input rate 3000 bits/sec, 5 packets/sec 5 minute output rate 8000 bits/sec, 4 packets/sec 1839153 packets input, 149137272 bytes, 0 no buffer Received 59891 broadcasts, 0 runts, 0 giants 160 input errors, 160 CRC, 91 frame, 0 overrun, 0 ignored, 19 abort 2094945 packets output, 1131042901 bytes, 0 underruns 0 output errors, 0 collisions, 84 interface resets 0 output buffer failures, 0 output buffers swapped out 16 carrier transitions DCD=up DSR=up DTR=up RTS=up CTS=up [ 해설 ] configuration 모드로 진입 configuration 포트를 serial 0 로 설정 serial 0 포트에 ip address 및 netmask 설정 설정종료 “ ctrl + z “ 설정값 저장 ( write ) serial 0 설정값 및 상태보기 -OSPF & NETWORK 설정 romc#config t romc(config)#router ospf 3559 ---- routing protocol “ ospf “ 사용 romc(config-router)#network area ---- et0 의 netmask, wild mask, area 설정 1-18 romc(config-router)#network area ---- se0 의 netmask, wild mask, area 설정 romc(config-router)#^z ---- 설정값 종료 romc#wr ---- 저장 romc#sh conf Using 930 out of 32762 bytes ! version 11.2 ! hostname songtan-3 ! enable secret 5 $1$xg.d$OYuzLIotj1OYChQopeCEw. ! ip subnet-zero – 이항목을 빕력하지 않을경우 와 같은 서버넷이 입력이 않됨. ! interface Ethernet0 ip address no mop enabled ! interface Serial0 ip address ! interface Serial1 no ip address shutdown ! router ospf 3559 network area network area ! ip classless ! line con 0 line aux 0 line vty 0 4 - STATIC ROUTING 설정 romc#config t romc(config)#ip route ---- static routing 설정 romc(config)#^z romc#wr -Configuration 확인 romc#sh conf Using 930 out of 32762 bytes ! version 11.2 ! hostname songtan-3 ! enable secret 5 $1$xg.d$OYuzLIotj1OYChQopeCEw. ! ip subnet-zero 1-19 ! interface Ethernet0 ip address no mop enabled ! interface Serial0 ip address ! interface Serial1 no ip address shutdown ! ip classless ip route ! line con 0 line aux 0 line vty 0 4 password suwon login - DATA LINK PROTOCOL 설정 ( HDLC PPP ) romc#config t romc(config)#int se0 romc(config-if)#encapsulation ppp ---- data link protocol ppp 설정(이기종 접속시) romc(config-if)#^z romc#wr ROMC#sh int se0 - PPP 접속이 성공적으로 이루어진 상태 Serial0 is up, line protocol is up Hardware is HD64570 Description: Holy_Net 128Kbps Internet address is MTU 1500 bytes, BW 128 Kbit, DLY 20000 usec, rely 255/255, load 1/255 Encapsulation PPP, loopback not set, keepalive set (10 sec) LCP Open Listen: CDP Open: IPCP Last input 00:00:03, output 00:00:03, output hang never Last clearing of "show interface" counters 6d01h Input queue: 0/75/0 (size/max/drops); Total output drops: 2116 Queueing strategy: weighted fair Output queue: 0/64/2116 (size/threshold/drops) Conversations 0/29 (active/max active) Reserved Conversations 0/0 (allocated/max allocated) 1-20 5 minute input rate 0 bits/sec, 0 packets/sec 5 minute output rate 0 bits/sec, 0 packets/sec 1069447 packets input, 495144795 bytes, 0 no buffer Received 0 broadcasts, 0 runts, 0 giants 1 input errors, 1 CRC, 0 frame, 0 overrun, 0 ignored, 0 abort 1329781 packets output, 690302297 bytes, 0 underruns 0 output errors, 0 collisions, 0 interface resets 0 output buffer failures, 0 output buffers swapped out 0 carrier transitions DCD=up DSR=up DTR=up RTS=up CTS=up -점검요령 romc#ping --정상적으로 개통이 되었을경우 Protocol [ip]: Target IP address: ---- 상대 라우터 serial ip address Repeat count [5]: 200 ---- 반복횟수 Datagram size [100]: 300 ---- 데이터그램 크기 Timeout in seconds [2]: ---- 응답대기 시간 Extended commands [n]: ---- 확장 명령에 대한 시험 여부 Sweep range of sizes [n]: Type escape sequence to abort. Sending 200, 300-byte ICMP Echos to, timeout is 2 seconds: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Success rate is 100 percent (200/200), round-trip min/avg/max = 44/45/124 ms romc#ping - 정상적으로 개통이 되지 않았을경우 Protocol [ip]: Target IP address: Repeat count [5]: 200 Datagram size [100]: 300 Timeout in seconds [2]: Extended commands [n]: Sweep range of sizes [n]: Type escape sequence to abort. 1-21 Sending 200, 300-byte ICMP Echos to, timeout is 2 seconds: ……………………………………………………………. ……………………………………………………………. ……………………………………………….. Success rate is 0 percent (0/200) -Cisco 라우터에서 LOOP 시험 전송로에서 LOOP 시 TEST romc#sh int se0 Serial1 is up, line protocol is up ( looped ) --- loop 확인 Hardware is HD64570 Description: Pyun-Taek College 512K Internet address is MTU 1500 bytes, BW 1544 Kbit, DLY 20000 usec, rely 255/255, load 1/255 Encapsulation HDLC, loopback not set, keepalive set (10 sec) Last input 00:00:01, output 00:00:00, output hang never Last clearing of "show interface" counters 5d23h Input queue: 0/75/0 (size/max/drops); Total output drops: 43 Queueing strategy: weighted fair Output queue: 0/64/43 (size/threshold/drops) Conversations 0/21 (active/max active) Reserved Conversations 0/0 (allocated/max allocated) 5 minute input rate 3000 bits/sec, 5 packets/sec 5 minute output rate 8000 bits/sec, 4 packets/sec 1839153 packets input, 149137272 bytes, 0 no buffer Received 59891 broadcasts, 0 runts, 0 giants 160 input errors, 160 CRC, 91 frame, 0 overrun, 0 ignored, 19 abort 2094945 packets output, 1131042901 bytes, 0 underruns 0 output errors, 0 collisions, 84 interface resets 0 output buffer failures, 0 output buffers swapped out 16 carrier transitions DCD=up DSR=up DTR=up RTS=up CTS=up romc#ping – 자기자신 라우터의 se0 ip address 를 입력한다. Type escape sequence to abort. Sending 5, 10-byte ICMP Echos to, timeout is 2 seconds: !!!!! 1-22 Success rate is 100 percent (5/5), round-trip min/avg/max = 36/39/40 ms [참조] Cisco 라우터에서 LOOP 시험시 Line Protocol 를 HDLC 로만 가능. 다. Configuration 예제 수원 NODE 가입자 CONFIGULATION ( 일반적으로 STATIC kyonggi uni#sh conf ---- ROUTING ) 현재 config 상태확인 Using 930 out of 32762 bytes ! version 11.2 ---- version ! hostname kyonggi uni ---- 라우터 이름 ( 프롬프트 나타냄 ) ! enable secret 5 $1$xg.d$OYuzLIotj1OYChQopeCEw. ---- enable secret password ! ip subnet-zero ---- ip subnet 사용 ! interface Ethernet0 ip address ---- lan 측 ip 부여 ! interface Serial0 ip address ---- wan 측 ip 부여 bandwidth 128 ---- 통신속도 설정 ! interface Serial1 no ip address shutdown ---- serial 1 port disable ! ip classless ---- ip classless 선언 ip route ---- 수원 노드 router 로 static 처리 ! line con 0 ---- console port line aux 0 ---- 보조 port line vty 0 4 ---- 가상 port password xxxx ---- line password login 1-23 수원 NODE CONFIGULATION romc#sh conf Using 930 out of 32762 bytes ! version 11.2 ! hostname romc ! enable secret 5 $1$xg.d$OYuzLIotj1OYChQopeCEw. ! ip subnet-zero ! interface Ethernet0 ip address no mop enabled ! interface Serial0 ip address bandwidth 128 ! interface Serial1 no ip address shutdown ! router ospf 3559 ---- routing protocol “ ospf “ 선언 redistribute static subnets ---- 가입자 static routing 을 ospf 로 변환 network area ---- et0 의 netmask, wild mask, area 설정 network area ---- se0 의 netmask, wild mask, area 설정 ! ip classless ip route ---- 가입자 network 을 가입자 serial 로 static 처리 ! line con 0 line aux 0 line vty 0 4 password xxxx login ! end 1.5.2 3Com Router Configuration e1/0: e0: s2/0: DSU DSU s0: 3Com c7513 <노드측> <계약자측> 1-24 처음 라우터 포장을 해체하여 전원케이블 및 라우터 콘솔케이블을 연결, PC Serial Port 에 콘솔케이블 연결 통신에물레이터를 실행후 에물레이터셋팅을 아래와 같이 한후 전원스위치를 ON 하면 아래와 같이 화면에 디스플레이가 되면 셋팅을 아래와 같이 한다. 에물레이터(이야기,하이퍼터미널,새롬데이터등..) -COM Port 설정 : COM1,COM2 등.. -BAUD : 9600 -DATA : 8 NetLogin: root Password: xxxx Welcome to the 3Com NETBuilder [1] romc#menu -- main menu 보는 명령어(라우터에서 지원하는 모든항목) ============================ Main menu (Level 1)============================== 1 - SYS ( System Service ) 2 - SCH ( Scheduling Services ) 3 - PATH ( Path - Physical Line Configurations ) 4 - PORT ( Port - Logical Network Configurations ) 5 - LAPB ( LAPB - Path Configurations ) 6 - PPP ( Point to Point Protocol ) 7 - FR ( Frame Relay - Port Configurations ) 8 - X25 ( X25 - Path Configurations ) 9 - SMDS 10 - BRIDGE ( SMDS - Port Configurations ) ( Bridge - Global Bridging Function ) 11 - STP ( Bridge - Spanning Tree Protocol ) 12 - IP ( TCP/IP - Internet Protocol ) 13 - ARP ( TCP/IP - Address Resolution Protocol ) 14 - RIPIP ( TCP/IP - Routing Information Protocol ) 15 - OSPF ( TCP/IP - Open Shortest Path First ) 16 - EGP ( TCP/IP - Exterior Gateway Protocol ) 17 - TCP ( TCP/IP - Transmission Control Protocol ) 18 - UDPHELP ( BOOTP/UDP/IP - Broadcast Helper ) 19 - BOOTPC ( BOOTP - Bootstrap Protocol Client Application ) 20 - SNMP ( TCP/IP - Simple Network Management Protocol ) 21 - LLC2 ( LLC2 - IEEE 802.2 Data Link Control 22 - DECnet ( DECnet - Routing Protocol ) 1-25 ) 23 - IPX ( IPX - Internet Packet Exchange Protocol ) 24 - IDP ( XNS - Internet Datagram Protocol ) 25 - RIPXNS ( XNS - Routing Information Protocol ) 26 - VIP ( VINES - Internet Protocol ) 27 - AppleTalk ( AppleTalk Routing Protocols ) 28 - FIlter ( Packet Filtering ) 29 - BGP ( Border Gateway Protocol ) Select (1-29) ... <CR> to Exit ===> ip service menu 로 직접이동(ip 에 관련된 서버메뉴를 보여줌) [2]romc#me -ip --- ========================== IP service menu (Level 2)=========================== 1 - ADDRess ( Add Delete Flush ) 2 - AllRoutes 4 - CONTrol 6 - FilterAddrs ( Add Delete ) 7 - FilterDefAction ( SetD ) 8 - FIlters ( Add Delete ) 9 - ICMPReply ( Flush ) 3 ( SetD ) 10 - LaPosteDD 5 ( SetD ) 12 - LaPostePort 14 - LaPostePRefix 15 - NETaddr - CONFiguration - DefaultTTL ( SetD ) ( SetD ) 11 - LaPosteNN ( SetD ) 13 - LaPostePP ( SetD ) ( SetD ) ( SetD Add Delete ) 16 - QueuePriority ( SetD ) 18 - RemoteAddress ( SetD ) 20 - SecAuthIn ( Add Delete ) 22 - SecCONTrol ( SetD ) 24 - SecLabelDefault ( SetD ) 26 - SecLabelValues ( SetD ) 17 - ReassemblyTime ( SetD ) 19 - ROUte ( Add Delete ) 21 - SecAuthOut 23 - SecFileServer 25 - SecLabelSys 27 - SecLabelXtra ( Add Delete ) ( SetD ) ( SetD ) ( SetD ) 28 - SecLEVel ( SetD ) 29 - SMDSGroupAddr 30 - X25ProtID ( SetD ) 31 - X25QueueSize 32 - X25VCLimit ( SetD ) 33 - X25VCTimer ( Add Delete ) ( SetD ) ( SetD ) Select (1-33) ... <CR> to Exit ===> 15 ( net address select ) ================== SHow -IP NETaddr =========================== ------------------------IP Directly Connected Networks--------------현재라우터에 설정된값 표시가 됨. IP Address Port Subnet Mask Status MTU Broadcast Format 1 Down 1500 2 Up 1524 ===================== -IP NETaddr parameter menu (Level 3)===================== 1 - SetD 1-26 2 - Add 3 - Delete Select (1-3) ... <CR> to Exit ====> 3 번 선택 Enter !<port> (mandatory) => 1 ( port 선택 ) Delete !<port> NETaddr <IP address> Delete !1 ( 기존 ip delete ) NETaddr ==================== SHow -IP NETaddr ============================ ------------------------IP Directly Connected Networks------------------삭제완료후 표시 IP Address Port 2 Subnet Mask Status Up MTU 1524 Broadcast Format ================= -IP NETaddr parameter menu (Level 3)===================== 1 - SetD 2 - Add 3 - Delete Select (1-3) ... <CR> to Exit ====> 1 번 선택 Enter !<port> (mandatory) => 1 ( port 선택 ) SetD | !<port> NETaddr = <IP address> [<subnet mask> [Ones|Zeros [MTU]]] UnNumbered SetD !1 NETaddr = ( 새로 부여받은 ip setting ) ============================ SHow -IP NETaddr ============================== ------------------------IP Directly Connected Networks------------------------새로운 ip seting 표시 IP Address Port Subnet Mask 1 2 Status MTU Broadcast Format Down 1500 Up 1524 ===================== -IP NETaddr parameter menu (Level 3)===================== 1 - SetD 2 - Add 3 - Delete Select (1-3) ... <CR> to Exit ====> 3 번 선택 Enter !<port> (mandatory) => 2 ( port 선택 ) Delete !<port> NETaddr <IP address> Delete !2 ( 기존 ip delete ) NETaddr ===========================SHOW -IP NETaddr =============================== 1-27 ------------------------IP Directly Connected Networks------------------------IP Address Port Subnet Mask Status MTU Broadcast Format 1 Down 1500 ===================== -IP NETaddr parameter menu (Level 3)===================== 1 - SetD 2 - Add 3 - Delete Select (1-3) ... <CR> to Exit ====> 1 번 선택 Enter !<port> (mandatory) => 2 ( port 선택 ) SetD !<port> NETaddr=<IP address>[<subnet mask>[Ones|Zeros[MTU]]] | UnNumbered SetD !2 NETaddr = ( 새로운 serial ip setting ) ============================SHow -IP NETaddr =============================== ------------------------IP Directly Connected Networks------------------------IP Address Port Subnet Mask Status MTU Broadcast Format 1 Down 1500 2 Up 1524 ===================== -IP NETaddr parameter menu (Level 3)===================== 1 - SetD 2 - Add 3 - Delete Select (1-3) ... <CR> to Exit ====> ========================== IP service menu (Level 2)=========================== 1 - ADDRess 2 - AllRoutes 4 - CONTrol 6 - FilterAddrs ( Add Delete ) 7 - FilterDefAction ( SetD ) 8 - FIlters ( Add Delete ) 9 - ICMPReply 10 - LaPosteDD ( Add Delete Flush ) ( Flush ) 3 ( SetD ) 5 ( SetD ) 12 - LaPostePort 14 - LaPostePRefix 15 - NETaddr 16 - QueuePriority - DefaultTTL ( SetD ) ( SetD ) 11 - LaPosteNN ( SetD ) 13 - LaPostePP ( SetD ) ( SetD ) ( SetD Add Delete ) ( SetD ) 18 - RemoteAddress ( SetD ) 20 - SecAuthIn ( Add Delete ) 22 - SecCONTrol - CONFiguration ( SetD ) 17 - ReassemblyTime 19 - ROUte ( Add Delete ) 21 - SecAuthOut 23 - SecFileServer 1-28 ( SetD ) ( Add Delete ) ( SetD ) 24 - SecLabelDefault ( SetD ) 26 - SecLabelValues 25 - SecLabelSys ( SetD ) ( SetD ) 27 - SecLabelXtra ( SetD ) 28 - SecLEVel ( SetD ) 29 - SMDSGroupAddr 30 - X25ProtID ( SetD ) 31 - X25QueueSize 32 - X25VCLimit ( SetD ) ( Add Delete ) ( SetD ) 33 - X25VCTimer ( SetD ) Select (1-33) ... <CR> to Exit ===> 19 ( static route select ) ============================ SHow -IP ROUte ================================ -------------------------------IP Static Routes--------------Static Routes Destination Mask Gateway 설정상태표시 Metric Source 1 Static ====================== -IP ROUte parameter menu (Level 3)====================== 1 - Add 2 - Delete Select (1-2) ... <CR> to Exit ====> 2 번 선택하여 지우기 Delete ROUte <IP address> [<mask>] {<gateway> | !<port>} Delete ROUte 1 ============================ SHow -IP ROUte ================================ -------------------------------IP Static Routes-----------------------삭제후 표시 Destination Mask Gateway Metric Source No IP Static Route Configured ====================== -IP ROUte parameter menu (Level 3)====================== 1 - Add 2 - Delete Select (1-2) ... <CR> to Exit ====> 1 번 선택하여 setting Add ROUte <IP address> [<mask>] {<gateway> | !<port>} <metric> [Override] Add ROUte 1 ============================ SHow -IP ROUte ================================ -------------------------------IP Static Routes----------------------입력후 표시 Destination Mask Gateway Metric 1 Source Static ====================== -IP ROUte parameter menu (Level 3)====================== 1 - Add 2 - Delete Select (1-2) ... <CR> to Exit ====> [3]romc#me -port ( port 로 직접 이동 ) ========================= PORT service menu (Level 2)========================== 1-29 1 - AutoDial 3 - CONTrol 5 - DIAGnostics 7 - DialCONTrol 9 - DialDiag 11 - DialRcvrState 13 - NAme 15 - PAths ( SetD ) 2 ( SetD ) ( SetD ) - CONFiguration 4 - DefaultPriority ( SetD ) 6 - DialCONFig 8 10 - DialInitState ( SetD ) ( SetD ) 12 - DialSamplPeriod ( SetD ) ( SetD ) ( Add Delete ) 14 - OWNer 16 - ProtMacAddrFmt 17 - QueuePATtern ( SetD ) ( SetD ) 18 - QueueInterLeave ( SetD ) 19 - QueuePriority 21 - VirtualPort - DialDebouncTime ( SetD ) 20 - QueueThrottle ( SetD ) ( Add Delete ) Select (1-21) ... <CR> to Exit ===> 3 ( port display ) ================= SHow -PORT CONTrol ============================== Port !1 CONTrol = Enabled Port !2 CONTrol = Enabled Port !3 CONTrol = Disabled Port !4 CONTrol = Disabled - port 사용여부 표시(현재 사용을 하겠다는 표시임) - port 사용여부 표시(현재 사용을 않하겠다는 표시임) ================ SHowD -PORT CONTrol ============================= Port !1 CONTrol = Enabled Port !2 CONTrol = Enabled Port !3 CONTrol = Disabled Port !4 CONTrol = Disabled ==================== -PORT CONTrol parameter menu (Level 3)==================== 1 - SetD Select (1-1) ... <CR> to Exit ====> ========================= PORT service menu (Level 2)========================== 1 - AutoDial 3 - CONTrol 5 - DIAGnostics 7 - DialCONTrol 9 - DialDiag 11 - DialRcvrState 13 - NAme 15 - PAths 17 - QueuePATtern 19 - QueuePriority ( SetD ) ( SetD ) ( SetD ) 2 - CONFiguration 4 - DefaultPriority ( SetD ) 6 - DialCONFig 8 - DialDebouncTime ( SetD ) 10 - DialInitState ( SetD ) ( SetD ) ( Add Delete ) ( SetD ) 12 - DialSamplPeriod ( SetD ) 14 - OWNer 16 - ProtMacAddrFmt ( SetD ) ( SetD ) 18 - QueueInterLeave ( SetD ) 20 - QueueThrottle 1-30 ( SetD ) 21 - VirtualPort ( Add Delete ) Select (1-21) ... <CR> to Exit ===> 14 ( data link protocol 선택 ) ========================== SHow -PORT OWNer =============================== Port !1 OWNer = ETHernet Port !2 OWNer = PPP - cisco 라우터의 encap ppp 와 같은 항목으로 이해바람 Port !3 OWNer = Auto Port !4 OWNer = Auto =================== SHowD -PORT OWNer ============================== Port !1 OWNer = ETHernet Port !2 OWNer = PPP Port !3 OWNer = Auto Port !4 OWNer = Auto ===================== -PORT OWNer parameter menu (Level 3)===================== 1 - SetD Select (1-1) ... <CR> to Exit ====> ========================= PORT service menu (Level 2)========================== 1 - AutoDial 3 - CONTrol 5 - DIAGnostics 7 - DialCONTrol 9 - DialDiag 11 - DialRcvrState 13 - NAme 15 - PAths ( SetD ) ( SetD ) ( SetD ) - CONFiguration 4 - DefaultPriority ( SetD ) 6 - DialCONFig 8 - DialDebouncTime ( SetD ) 10 - DialInitState ( SetD ) ( SetD ) ( Add Delete ) 17 - QueuePATtern ( SetD ) 12 - DialSamplPeriod ( SetD ) 14 - OWNer 16 - ProtMacAddrFmt ( SetD ) ( SetD ) 18 - QueueInterLeave ( SetD ) 19 - QueuePriority 21 - VirtualPort 2 20 - QueueThrottle ( SetD ) ( Add Delete ) Select (1-21) ... <CR> to Exit ===> 15 ( path 확인)-path 와 port 는 하나로 인식해도 무방함. =========================== SHow -PORT PAths =============================== Port !1 PAths = 1 Port !2 PAths = 2 Port !3 PAths = 3 Port !4 PAths = 4 =========================== SHowD -PORT PAths ============================== Port !1 PAths = 1 Port !2 PAths = 2 1-31 Port !3 PAths = 3 Port !4 PAths = 4 ===================== -PORT PAths parameter menu (Level 3)===================== 1 - Add 2 - Delete Select (1-2) ... <CR> to Exit ====> [4]romc#me –path -(속도부분 seting 항목) ========================= PATH service menu (Level 2)========================== 1 - BAud ( SetD ) 2 - CLock 3 - CmdCharSet ( SetD ) 4 - CONFiguration 5 - CONNector 7 - DialCarrierTime ( SetD ) 8 9 - DialDodIdleTime ( SetD ) 10 - DialIdleTime 6 - CONTrol - DialCONTrol 11 - DialMode ( SetD ) 12 - DialNo 13 - DialRetryCount ( SetD ) 14 - DialRetryTime 15 - LAyout 17 - NAme ( SetD ) 19 - StayAliveTimer ( SetD ) ( SetD ) ( SetD ) ( SetD ) ( SetD ) ( SetD ) ( SetD ) 16 - LineType ( SetD ) 18 - Pad ( SetD ) 20 - TinyGramcomp ( SetD ) Select (1-20) ... <CR> to Exit ===> 1 ( 속도 setting ) =========================== SHow -PATH BAud =============================== Path !1 BAud = 10000 Path !2 BAud = 56 Path !3 BAud = 64 Path !4 BAud = 64 ========================== SHowD -PATH BAud =============================== Path !1 BAud = 10000 Path !2 BAud = 56 Path !3 BAud = 64 Path !4 BAud = 64 ===================== -PATH BAud parameter menu (Level 3)====================== 1 - SetD Select (1-1) ... <CR> to Exit ====> 1 Enter !<path> (mandatory) => 2 ( port 선택 ) SetD !<path> BAud = <K-bps> (1.2-16000) SetD !2 = 256 BAud 1-32 Note: You must Enable Path CONTrol for this Path to take this parameter into effect =========================== SHow -PATH BAud =============================== Path !1 BAud = 10000 Path !2 BAud = 56 Path !3 BAud = 64 Path !4 BAud = 64 ========================== SHowD -PATH BAud =============================== Path !1 BAud = 10000 Path !2 BAud = 256 – 현 상태는 입력만되고 저장이 되지 않은상태임 Path !3 BAud = 64 입력을 위해서는 6 번 control 을 선택후 path 를 enable 하여 Path !4 BAud = 64 주어야 한다. ===================== -PATH BAud parameter menu (Level 3)====================== 1 - SetD Select (1-1) ... <CR> to Exit ====> ========================= PATH service menu (Level 2)========================== 1 - BAud ( SetD ) 2 - CLock 3 - CmdCharSet ( SetD ) 4 - CONFiguration 5 - CONNector 6 - CONTrol ( SetD ) 7 - DialCarrierTime ( SetD ) 8 - DialCONTrol ( SetD ) 9 - DialDodIdleTime ( SetD ) 10 - DialIdleTime ( SetD ) ( SetD ) 11 - DialMode ( SetD ) 12 - DialNo 13 - DialRetryCount ( SetD ) 14 - DialRetryTime ( SetD ) 16 - LineType ( SetD ) 18 - Pad ( SetD ) 15 - LAyout 17 - NAme 19 - StayAliveTimer ( SetD ) ( SetD ) 20 - TinyGramcomp ( SetD ) ( SetD ) Select (1-20) ... <CR> to Exit ===> 6 ==================== SHow -PATH CONTrol ============================== Path !1 CONTrol = (Enabled,CRC16) Path !2 CONTrol = (Enabled,CRC16) Path !3 CONTrol = (Disabled,CRC16) Path !4 CONTrol = (Disabled,CRC16) ========================= SHowD -PATH CONTrol ============================= Path !1 CONTrol = (Enabled,CRC16) Path !2 CONTrol = (Enabled,CRC16) Path !3 CONTrol = (Disabled,CRC16) Path !4 CONTrol = (Disabled,CRC16) 1-33 ==================== -PATH CONTrol parameter menu (Level 3)==================== 1 - SetD Select (1-1) ... <CR> to Exit ====> 1 Enter !<path> (mandatory) => 2 ( port 를 enable ) SetD !<path> CONTrol = ( [ Enabled | Disabled ] , [ CRC32 | CRC16 ] ) SetD !2 CONTrol =e Tue Mar 24 19:08:26 1998 Path 2 DOWN ========================== SHow -PATH CONTrol ============================== Path !1 CONTrol = (Enabled,CRC16) Path !2 CONTrol = (Enabled,CRC16) Path !3 CONTrol = (Disabled,CRC16) Path !4 CONTrol = (Disabled,CRC16) ========================= SHowD -PATH CONTrol ============================= Path !1 CONTrol = (Enabled,CRC16) Path !2 CONTrol = (Enabled,CRC16) Path !3 CONTrol = (Disabled,CRC16) Path !4 CONTrol = (Disabled,CRC16) ==================== -PATH CONTrol parameter menu (Level 3)==================== 1 - SetD Select (1-1) ... <CR> to Exit ====> Tue Mar 24 19:08:38 1998 Path 2 UP ========================= PATH service menu (Level 2)========================== 1 - BAud ( SetD ) 2 - CLock 3 - CmdCharSet ( SetD ) 4 - CONFiguration 5 - CONNector 6 - CONTrol 7 - DialCarrierTime ( SetD ) 8 9 - DialDodIdleTime ( SetD ) 10 - DialIdleTime - DialCONTrol 11 - DialMode ( SetD ) 12 - DialNo 13 - DialRetryCount ( SetD ) 14 - DialRetryTime 15 - LAyout 17 - NAme 19 - StayAliveTimer ( SetD ) ( SetD ) ( SetD ) ( SetD ) ( SetD ) ( SetD ) ( SetD ) ( SetD ) 16 - LineType ( SetD ) 18 - Pad ( SetD ) 20 - TinyGramcomp ( SetD ) Select (1-20) ... <CR> to Exit ===> 2 ( clock setting ) – 클럭부분 셋팅 ====================== SHow -PATH CLock =======현 라우터 크럭상태 표시 Path !1 CLock = Not Set 1-34 Path !2 CLock = External Path !3 CLock = External Path !4 CLock = External ========================== SHowD -PATH CLock ============================== Path !1 CLock = Not Set Path !2 CLock = External Path !3 CLock = External Path !4 CLock = External ===================== -PATH CLock parameter menu (Level 3)===================== 1 - SetD Select (1-1) ... <CR> to Exit ====> 1 을 선택하여 클럭을 셋팅한다.(디폴트로 두어도 무방함.) ========================= PATH service menu (Level 2)========================== 1 - BAud ( SetD ) 2 - CLock 3 - CmdCharSet ( SetD ) 4 - CONFiguration 5 - CONNector 7 - DialCarrierTime ( SetD ) 8 9 - DialDodIdleTime ( SetD ) 10 - DialIdleTime 6 - CONTrol - DialCONTrol 11 - DialMode ( SetD ) 12 - DialNo 13 - DialRetryCount ( SetD ) 14 - DialRetryTime 15 - LAyout 17 - NAme 19 - StayAliveTimer ( SetD ) ( SetD ) ( SetD ) ( SetD ) ( SetD ) ( SetD ) ( SetD ) ( SetD ) 16 - LineType ( SetD ) 18 - Pad ( SetD ) 20 - TinyGramcomp ( SetD ) Select (1-20) ... <CR> to Exit ===> 5 ( connector 선택 ) ========================= SHow -PATH CONNector ============================= Path !1 CONNector = Not Set Path !2 CONNector = V35 Path !3 CONNector = RS449 Path !4 CONNector = RS232 19.2k 이하 접속시 사용 ====================== SHowD -PATH CONNector ============================ Path !1 CONNector = Not Set Path !2 CONNector = V35 Path !3 CONNector = RS449 Path !4 CONNector = RS232 <CR> to Exit =====================> ========================= PATH service menu (Level 2)========================== 1 - BAud ( SetD ) 2 1-35 - CLock ( SetD ) 3 - CmdCharSet ( SetD ) 4 5 - CONNector 7 - DialCarrierTime ( SetD ) 8 9 - DialDodIdleTime ( SetD ) 10 - DialIdleTime 6 11 - DialMode ( SetD ) 13 - DialRetryCount ( SetD ) 19 - StayAliveTimer ( SetD ) ( SetD ) ( SetD ) 12 - DialNo 14 - DialRetryTime ( SetD ) ( SetD ) - CONTrol - DialCONTrol 15 - LAyout 17 - NAme - CONFiguration ( SetD ) ( SetD ) 16 - LineType ( SetD ) 18 - Pad ( SetD ) 20 - TinyGramcomp ( SetD ) Select (1-20) ... <CR> to Exit ===> 16 ( line type setting ) =========================== SHow -PATH LineType ============================= Path !1 LineType = - Path !2 LineType = Leased – 전용선 사용을 표시(auto 로 두어도 상관없슴.) Path !3 LineType = Auto Path !4 LineType = Auto ========================= SHowD -PATH LineType ============================= Path !1 LineType = Leased Path !2 LineType = Leased Path !3 LineType = Auto Path !4 LineType = Auto =================== -PATH LineType parameter menu (Level 3)==================== 1 - SetD Select (1-1) ... <CR> to Exit ====> ========================= PATH service menu (Level 2)========================== 1 - BAud ( SetD ) 2 - CLock 3 - CmdCharSet ( SetD ) 4 - CONFiguration 5 - CONNector 7 - DialCarrierTime ( SetD ) 8 9 - DialDodIdleTime ( SetD ) 10 - DialIdleTime 6 - CONTrol - DialCONTrol 11 - DialMode ( SetD ) 12 - DialNo 13 - DialRetryCount ( SetD ) 14 - DialRetryTime 15 - LAyout 17 - NAme 19 - StayAliveTimer ( SetD ) ( SetD ) ( SetD ) ( SetD ) ( SetD ) ( SetD ) ( SetD ) ( SetD ) 16 - LineType ( SetD ) 18 - Pad ( SetD ) 20 - TinyGramcomp ( SetD ) Select (1-20) ... <CR> to Exit ===> 1 ( 속도보기) =========================== SHow -PATH BAud =============================== 1-36 Path !1 BAud = 10000 Path !2 BAud = 256 Path !3 BAud = 64 Path !4 BAud = 64 ========================== SHowD -PATH BAud =============================== Path !1 BAud = 10000 Path !2 BAud = 256 Path !3 BAud = 64 Path !4 BAud = 64 ===================== -PATH BAud parameter menu (Level 3)====================== 1 - SetD Select (1-1) ... <CR> to Exit ====> [5]romc#me -ospf ( ospf routing protocol 로 직접이동) ========================= OSPF service menu (Level 2)========================== 1 - AreaId ( SetD ) 3 - CONFiguration 5 - Cost 7 - DefaultMetric ( SetD ) 8 9 - DirectPolicy ( SetD ) 10 - ExteriorPolicy 6 ( SetD ) 17 - PassWord ( Add Delete ) - CONTrol ( SetD ) - DEBUG ( Set ) - Delay ( SetD ) ( Add Delete ) 12 - InterfaceStatus ( Add Delete ) 15 - Neighbor - AreaRanges 4 ( SetD ) 11 - HelloTime 13 - InteriorPolicy 2 14 - LinkStateData ( Add Delete ) 16 - NeighborStatus ( SetD ) 18 - ReceivePolicy ( Add Delete ) 19 - RetransmitTime ( SetD ) 20 - RouterDeadTime 21 - ROUTerPriority ( SetD ) 22 - StaticPolicy 23 - StubDefaultMetri( SetD ) 24 - VirtualLink ( SetD ) ( Add Delete ) ( Add Delete ) Select (1-24) ... <CR> to Exit ===> 1 ( area number setting ) ========================= SHow -OSPF AreaId ============================== !1 AreaId = Transit !2 AreaId = Transit ==================== -OSPF AreaId parameter menu (Level 3)===================== 1 - SetD Select (1-1) ... <CR> to Exit ====> ========================= OSPF service menu (Level 2)========================== 1 - AreaId 3 - CONFiguration ( SetD ) 2 - AreaRanges 4 1-37 - CONTrol ( Add Delete ) ( SetD ) 5 - Cost ( SetD ) 7 - DefaultMetric ( SetD ) 8 9 - DirectPolicy ( SetD ) 10 - ExteriorPolicy 11 - HelloTime 6 ( SetD ) 13 - InteriorPolicy - Delay ( SetD ) ( Add Delete ) 14 - LinkStateData ( Add Delete ) 17 - PassWord ( Set ) 12 - InterfaceStatus ( Add Delete ) 15 - Neighbor - DEBUG 16 - NeighborStatus ( SetD ) 18 - ReceivePolicy ( Add Delete ) 19 - RetransmitTime ( SetD ) 20 - RouterDeadTime 21 - ROUTerPriority ( SetD ) 22 - StaticPolicy 23 - StubDefaultMetri( SetD ) 24 - VirtualLink ( SetD ) ( Add Delete ) ( Add Delete ) Select (1-24) ... <CR> to Exit ===> 3 ( 상태보기) ================== SHow -OSPF CONFiguration =========================== DEBUG = None DefaultMetric = Disable StubDefaultMetric = 1 InteriorPolicy = None ExteriorPolicy = None StaticPolicy = All ReceivePolicy = All 0(Type1) 이항목 All 로 되어 있어야만 Static 처리시 외부로 접속이가 능 합니다.미선택시 외부로 접속이 않됨. 0 ----------------------- OSPF Configuration for Port !1 -----------------------!1 CONTrol = Disable !1 AreaId = !1 Cost = 65535 !1 ROUTerPriority =1 !1 Delay =1 !1 HelloTime = 10 !1 RouterDeadTime !1 RetransmitTime =5 !1 Neighbor = ALL !1 VirtualLink -ospf 라우팅 사용않함. Transit = 40 = None ----------------------- OSPF Configuration for Port !2 -----------------------!2 CONTrol = Disable !2 AreaId = !2 Cost = 65535 !2 ROUTerPriority =1 !2 Delay =1 -ospf 라우팅 사용않함. Transit 1-38 !2 HelloTime = 10 !2 RouterDeadTime !2 RetransmitTime =5 !2 Neighbor = ALL !2 VirtualLink = 40 = None <CR> to Exit =====================> ================ OSPF service menu (Level 2)========================== 1 - AreaId ( SetD ) 3 - CONFiguration 5 - Cost 7 - DefaultMetric ( SetD ) 8 9 - DirectPolicy ( SetD ) 10 - ExteriorPolicy 6 ( SetD ) ( Add Delete ) 15 - Neighbor 17 - PassWord - AreaRanges 4 ( SetD ) 11 - HelloTime 13 - InteriorPolicy 2 ( Add Delete ) - CONTrol ( SetD ) - DEBUG ( Set ) - Delay ( SetD ) ( Add Delete ) 12 - InterfaceStatus 14 - LinkStateData ( Add Delete ) 16 - NeighborStatus ( SetD ) 18 - ReceivePolicy ( Add Delete ) 19 - RetransmitTime ( SetD ) 20 - RouterDeadTime 21 - ROUTerPriority ( SetD ) 22 - StaticPolicy 23 - StubDefaultMetri( SetD ) 24 - VirtualLink ( SetD ) ( Add Delete ) ( Add Delete ) Select (1-24) ... <CR> to Exit ===> 4 ( port 상태보기) ========================== SHow -OSPF CONTrol ============================== !1 CONTrol = Disable !2 CONTrol = Disable - ospf 를 사용하지 않고 Static 을 사용함. ==================== -OSPF CONTrol parameter menu (Level 3)==================== 1 - SetD Select (1-1) ... <CR> to Exit ====> [13]romc#me -sys ( system 으로 직접이동 ) ========================== SYS service menu (Level 2)========================== 1 - ADDRess 3 - AUditTrailType 5 - CONNectionUsage ( SetD ) 6 - DATE ( Set ) 7 - DSTime 8 - FILESELection ( SYsgen ) 9 - FileServerAddr ( SYsgen ) 11 - LogServerAddr 13 - MacAddrFormat 15 - NetAccess 2 ( SetD ) ( SetD ) ( SYsgen ) ( SetD ) ( SetD ) 4 - ALias ( Add Delete ) - CONFiguration 10 - GLobalPARams 12 - MacAddrDispMode ( SetD ) 14 - MACros 16 - NetMAP 1-39 ( Flush ) 17 - NetMapTime ( SetD ) 18 - NMMacro ( SetD ) 19 - NMPrompt ( SetD ) 20 - PROMpt ( SetD ) 21 - RemoteManager ( Add Delete ) 22 - SampleOption 23 - SampleTime ( SetD ) 24 - STATistics ( Flush ) 26 - SysCONtact ( SetD ) 25 - SysCallerID ( SetD ) 27 - SYSgen ( SetD ) 28 - SysLOCation 29 - SysNAMe ( SetD ) 30 - SystemMessages 31 - TimeZone ( SetD ) 33 - UIEcho ( Set SetD ) 35 - WatchDogTimer ( SetD ) 32 - UIBinary ( SetD ) 34 - VERSion ( SetD ) 36 - WelcomeString ( SetD ) Select (1-36) ... <CR> to Exit ===> 17 (hostname 바꾸기) ===========================show -SYS NMPrompt ============================== NMPrompt = "romc#" ==================== -SYS NMPrompt parameter menu (Level 3)==================== SetD NMPrompt = "<string>" SetD NMPrompt = "romc#" ======================== SHow -SYS NMPrompt ============================== NMPrompt = "romc#" [6]romc#sh -ip net ( port configulation 보기) -IP Directly Connected Networks------------------------IP Address Port Subnet Mask Status MTU Broadcast Format 1 Down 1500 2 Up 1524 [7]romc#sh -ip ro -------------------------------IP Static Routes-------------------------------Destination Mask Gateway Metric Source 1 Static [8]romc#sh -port conf ( port 상태보기) ----------------------------Current Port Parameters---------------------------Port Name Ctrl State Owner Paths 1 Port_1 Ena Dwn ETH 1 2 Port_2 Ena Up PPP 2 3 Port_3 Dis Dwn Auto 3 4 Port_4 Dis Dwn Auto 4 [9]romc#sh -path conf ( path 상태 보기) ----------------------------Current Path Parameters---------------------------- 1-40 Path Name Port Ctrl State T1Mode Baud Conn Clock Line (kbps) 1 Path_1 1 Ena Dwn - 10000 - 2 Path_2 2 Ena Up - 256 V35 Ext Leased 3 Path_3 3 Dis Dis - 64 RS449 Ext Auto 4 Path_4 4 Dis Dis - 64 RS232 Ext Auto [10]romc#sh -sys conf ( system 상태 보기) ...............................Global Parameters............................... ADDRess = 2 -%08000205C675 alias table empty AUditTrailType = Local CONNectionUsage = Low DATE = Tue Mar 24 19:10:39 1998 DSTime = 0 FILESELection = Localfloppy FileServerAddr = LogServerAddr = MacAddrDispMode = Brief !1 MacAddrFormat = Canonical !2 MacAddrFormat = Canonical !3 MacAddrFormat = Canonical !4 MacAddrFormat = Canonical No macros found NetAccess = (Remote,Console,Telnet) NetMapTime = 0 NMMacro = "" NMPrompt = "romc#" PROMpt = "NETBuilder > " Management allowed from the following addresses: *.*.*.* SampleOption = None SampleTime = 15 SysCallerID = "" SysCONtact = "" SysConf File is empty SysLOCation = "" 1-41 - - SysNAMe = ""--------------------------------------------Line 상태를 #6 Tue Mar 24 19:08:38 1998 Path 2 UP #5 Tue Mar 24 19:08:27 1998 Path 2 DOWN #4 Tue Mar 24 18:55:49 1998 Path 2 UP #3 Tue Mar 24 18:47:34 1998 System Initialized and Running #2 Tue Mar 24 18:47:27 1998 Path 2 AVAILABLE #1 Tue Mar 24 18:47:27 1998 Path 1 AVAILABLE TimeZone = 480 UIBinary = OFF UIEcho has no active value for local console. SW/NBRO-CF,7.2, booted on Tue Mar 24 18:47 from local flash X25 - 3.2 SPMON Version 1.0.4 Copyright 1985-1994, 3Com Corporation WatchDogTimer = Reset WelcomeString = "Welcome to the 3Com NETBuilder" [11]romc#si ( version 및 memory 보기) System Information Summary CPU 68302 Firmware version 1.0.4 RAM size 8388604 bytes Flash File System size 2097152 bytes Port 1 MAC Address 08-00-02-05-C6-74 Port 2 MAC Address 08-00-02-05-C6-75 Port 3 MAC Address 08-00-02-05-C6-76 Port 4 MAC Address 08-00-02-05-C6-77 [12]romc#sh ver SW/NBRO-CF,7.2, booted on Tue Mar 24 18:47 from local flash X25 - 3.2 SPMON Version 1.0.4 Copyright 1985-1994, 3Com Corporation PING TEST [15]romc#ping ( 상대편 SERIAL ) Pinging... is alive [16]romc#ping ( DNS SERVER ) Pinging... is alive 1-42 1.5.3 Rustle Router-4501(한아라우터) Configuration <구성도> e1/0: e0: s2/0: DSU s0: DSU R4501 c7513 <노드측> <계약자측> 처음 라우터 포장을 해체하여 전원케이블 및 라우터 콘솔케이블을 연결, PC Serial Port 에 콘솔케이블 연결 통신에물레이터를 실행후 에물레이터셋팅을 아래와 같이 한후 전원스위치를 ON 하면 아래와 같이 화면에 디스플레이가 되면 셋팅을 아래와 같이 한다. 에물레이터(이야기,하이퍼터미널,새롬데이터등..) -COM Port 설정 : COM1,COM2 등.. -BAUD : 9600 -DATA : 8 가. Login Rustle Router-4501 Copyright(c) 1998 HanA Systems, INC. System Monitor Version 2.0 Press space key twice for diagnostic mode. Dump from Flash Memory. .text Section : 0xffc00098 to 0x100000, size=0xa5510 .data Section : 0xffca55a8 to 0x1a5510, size=0x29c04 .sdata Section : 0xffccf1ac to 0x1cf114, size=0x1c Boot from FLASH Memory. #####. ## # .####m ###### ## ###### ## ## # ## ## ## ##### ## # "####m ## ## ##### ## # ## # m ## ## ## ## ## "# "####" "####" ## ###### ###### #####. .####. ## ## # ## # ###### ###### #####. # # ## # ## ## ## ##### ## # ## # ## ##### ##### #### ## ## ## # ## # ## ## ## ---- ######## m # ## ###### # ## # # # 1-43 .#####. .## # ## ## # #### # `#####. ## # ## ## ## # ## -------------------------[ HanA Systems, INC. ]------------------------------Configuration setup .... System initialization .... TICK Interrupt starting .... WAN0 Mode: not assigned WAN1 Mode: not assigned Security Configuration Disable!!! TTY_Shell Start ... -- Router 4501 에 Login 합니다. RUSTLE Login: router Welcome to "Rustle Router-4501" Login O.K.(Type ? for help, Type CTL-C for interrupt.) ROUTER> conf – 값을 설정할 수 있는 Configuration 모드로 변경합니다. Enter config password : ****** ROUTER(config)>> sh conf - 현 라우터 config 상태를 확인.(초기값입니다.) >>>>> ROUTER Configuration <<<<< Version : 3.5.8a DRAM Size : 8 Mbytes NVRAM Size : 2KB(80bytes free) Flash Memory Size : 2 Mbytes Async Serial Console : 1 port Synchronous WAN : 2 ports Ethernet : 1 port [Console] Baudwidth 9600 , 1 Stop Bit, H/W Flow Control is OFF, CR Conversion is ON, Parity Bit None(0), S/W Flow Control is Echo 8 Data Bit ON ON [Ethernet0] Internet Address Network Mask Submask Broadcast Address Hardware Address 0:90:8:0:4a:a9 MTU 1500 Bytes [WAN0] Internet Address Network Mask Broadcast Address Submask MTU 1500 Bytes 1-44 Mode Setting Incorecct, Clock = External(1) Host IP Address Bandwidth 56K Bandwidth 56K User : [WAN1] Internet Address Network Mask Broadcast Address Submask MTU 1500 Bytes Mode Setting Incorecct, Clock = External(1) Host IP Address User : = System Parameters = Domain Name Server address: UDP protocol timeout: 68101 sec. login timeout: 0 min. = Routing Protocol = RIP : RIP Not Enabled on this system OSPF : OSPF Not Enabled on this system = SNMP = System Name : ROUTER System Description : HanA ROUTER Ver 3.5 , 1996 System OID : 1,3,6,1,4,1,413,1,0, Community Name : public Contact : HanA System, Mr. Kim, TEL:82-2-561-3236 Location : On the Kim's Desk in Iho Building Update Frequency : 5 Second Gateway : on 나. Serial ip 입력 ROUTER(config)>> int ? – 인터페이스에 관련된 모든 항목을 보여줌. wan0|wan1|w0|w1|0|1 WAN interface option – ip 를 설정할 인터페이스. <wan0> Sync|Async|Backup PPP Port eth|wan0|wan1|w0|w1|0|1 interface option console console option interface ethernet|wan0|wan1 ip <ip> <mask> <mtu> interface ethernet|wan0|wan1 secondary add|delete <ip> <mask> [hq|mq|lq] interface wan0|wan1 hq|mq|lq <Bandwidth Percent> interface wan0|wan1 hq|mq|lq flexible|static 1-45 interface wan0|wan1 mode ppp|fr|hdlc|x.25|test|brg|nothing-인터페이스모드설정 interface wan0|wan1 clock external|internal interface wan0|wan1 host <ip> interface wan0|wan1 user <ip> interface ethernet|wan0|wan1 clear interface ethernet|wan0|wan1 ipx enable|disable interface console|wan0|wan1 baud <baud-rate> ROUTER(config)>> int w0 ? – w0 와 관련된 옵션을 보여줌. ip IP address option <secondary> Set Secondary IP address mode wan protocol mode option clock clock mode option baud setting baudrate option <hq|mq|lq> High Q, Middle Q, Low Q clear - 255 로 셋팅할것.(기본 30) Clear all counters ROUTER(config)>> int w0 ip ? – w0 port ip 와 관련된 옵션을 보여줌. <A>.<B>.<C>.<D> dotted IP address <enable|disable> Set IPX Mode ROUTER(config)>> int w0 ip ? <A>.<B>.<C>.<D> IP subnet mask ROUTER(config)>> int w0 ip ? <46-1500> Maximum transfer unit on ethernet - 무조건 1500 으로 설정 ROUTER(config)>> int w0 ip 1500 intf_IP: intf_MASK: mtu:1500 intf:2 다. Ethernet ip 입력 ROUTER(config)>> int et ? ip IP address option <secondary> Set Secondary IP address clear Clear all counters ROUTER(config)>> int et ip ? <A>.<B>.<C>.<D> <enable|disable> dotted IP address Set IPX Mode ROUTER(config)>> int et ip ? <A>.<B>.<C>.<D> IP subnet mask ROUTER(config)>> int et ip ? 1-46 <46-1500> Maximum transfer unit on ethernet ROUTER(config)>> int et ip 1500 intf_IP: intf_MASK: mtu:1500 intf:1 라. Static routed 입력 ROUTER(config)>> route ? add delete add IP route option delete IP route option ROUTER(config)>> route add ? <A>.<B>.<C>.<D> dotted IP address ROUTER(config)>> route add ? <A>.<B>.<C>.<D> IP subnet mask ROUTER(config)>> route add ? - 은 모든 ip address 를 뜻함 <A>.<B>.<C>.<D> gateway ip address ROUTER(config)>> route add ? <0-16> metric value ROUTER(config)>> route add 1 ? eth|wan0|wan1|w0|w1|0|1 interface option ROUTER(config)>> route add 1 w0 metric=1, ifnum=2, ttl=999 마. Save 저장 ROUTER(config)>> save BLK#17 erased(delay=304925, 416ms) BLK#18 erased(delay=293876, 402ms) BLK#19 erased(delay=289091, 396ms) BLK#20 erased(delay=294010, 402ms) BLK#21 erased(delay=299312, 410ms) BLK#22 erased(delay=284138, 390ms) BLK#23 erased(delay=284026, 389ms) save ...done 바. Reboot 재부팅 ROUTER(config)>> reboot Confirm? (y|d|n): y System restarting ....... 1-47 Rustle Router-4501 Copyright(c) 1998 HanA Systems, INC. System Monitor Version 2.0 Press space key twice for diagnostic mode. Dump from Flash Memory. .text Section : 0xffc00098 to 0x100000, size=0xa5510 .data Section : 0xffca55a8 to 0x1a5510, size=0x29c04 .sdata Section : 0xffccf1ac to 0x1cf114, size=0x1c Boot from FLASH Memory. #####. ## # .####m ###### ## ###### ## ## # ## ## ## ##### ## # "####m ## ## ##### ## # ## # m ## ## ## ## ## "# "####" "####" ## ###### ###### #####. .####. ## ## # ## # ###### ###### #####. # # ## # ## ## ## ##### ## # ## # ## ##### ##### #### ## ## # ## # ## # ## ## ## ---- ######## m ## "# `####' `####' ###### ## # ## ###### # ## ## # # "# ## .#####. # ## ## # `#####. ## # ## ## ## # ## Configuration setup .... System initialization .... TICK Interrupt starting .... WAN0 Mode: not assigned WAN1 Mode: not assigned Security Configuration Disable!!! TTY_Shell Start ... RUSTLE Login: router Welcome to "Rustle Router-4501" Login O.K.(Type ? for help, Type CTL-C for interrupt.) Enter config password : ****** 사.Serial 상태 보기 ROUTER(config)>> sh int w0 [Wan0] 1-48 # #### "#####' `#####' ###### -------------------------[ HanA Systems, INC. ]------------------------------- ROUTER> conf .## Internet Address Network Mask Broadcast Address MTU 1500 Submask HADDR 0:0:0:0:0:0 SCC: state=DOWN DSR : OFF HBCAST 0:0:0:0:0:0 IP: state=UP TCP : state=UP DCD : OFF Mode Setting Incorecct, Bandwidth 56K Clock = External(1) 5 Minute input rate 0 Bits/min 0 Packets/min Total 0 Bytes 5 Minute output rate 0 Bits/min 0 Packets/min Total 0 Bytes Input Packet: 0 packets (0 broadcast), 0 bytes Output Packet: 0 packets (0 broadcast), 0 bytes Errors: 0 input, 0 output Discards: 0 input, 0 output Frame Error Count : 0 0 input packets with unknown protocols Routing Protocol : None High Q : Buffer Number = 250 70000 Bits/Sec Flexible – 이값은 꼭 250 으로변경할것 Middle Q : Buffer Number = 250 70000 Bits/Sec Flexible - .. Low .. Q : Buffer Number =250 70000 Bits/Sec Flexible - Secondary IP : 아.Ethernet 상태보기 ROUTER(config)>> sh int et [Ethernet0] Internet Address Network Mask Broadcast Address MTU 1500 Submask HADDR 0:90:8:0:4a:a9 NIC0: state=UP HBCAST ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff IP : state=UP TCP : state=UP 5 Minute input rate 0 Bits/min 0 Packets/min Total 0 Bytes 5 Minute output rate 0 Bits/min 0 Packets/min Total 0 Bytes Input Packet: Output Packet: 0 packets (0 broadcast), 0 bytes 0 packets (0 broadcast), 0 bytes Errors: 0 input, 0 output Discards: 0 input, 0 output 1-49 Frame Error Count : 0 0 input packets with unknown protocols Routing Protocol : None Secondary IP : 자.Routing 상태보기 ROUTER(config)>> sh ro route active|all|rip|ospf ROUTER(config)>> sh ro active net mask gateway mt if prot ttl ucnt mapid 0 1 Static - 0 0 0 Static - 0 0 1 Static - 0 1 2 Static - 0 차. Secondary ip 입력 ROUTER(config)>> int et ? ip IP address option <secondary> Set Secondary IP address clear Clear all counters ROUTER(config)>> int et se ? add add IP route option delete delete IP route option ROUTER(config)>> int et se add ? <A>.<B>.<C>.<D> dotted IP address ROUTER(config)>> int et se add ? <A>.<B>.<C>.<D> IP subnet mask ROUTER(config)>> int et se add 카. 기타 설정방법 -Prompt 변경 ROUTER(config)>> prompt <string> string : 변경하고자 하는 프롬프트 ex) Prompt를 Kornet으로 변경하고자 할때 ROUTER(config)>> prompt Kornet 바뀐 프롬프트는 다음번 접속시에 적용된다. Kornet(config)> 1-50 -Password 변경 ROUTER(config)>> password <login|config> login: Login Password 변경 config: Config Password 변경 ex) Login Password를 router에서 kornet으로 변경하고자 할 경우 ROUTER(config)>> password login Current Login Password : router New Login Password : ****** --> 바뀔 Password kornet(7자리까지) Re-enter : ****** Password Updated ! Windows telnet 사용시 password 변경이 되지 않을 경우 Neterm, 새롬데이타맨 등을 이용하여 변경하십시요. - Login Time out ROUTER(config)>> lto 120 --> 120초로 조정 (Max 85 minutes) -Interface counter 값 Clear ROUTER(config)>> Int w0 clear --> wan0의 counter 값 초기화 -Router에 DNS 등록하기 ROUTER(config)>> setdns --> dns Server IP등록 -Prox mode 설정 wan0 ip :공인 ip) et ip :사설ip) 사설ip : --------------- 0.Security Proxy mode를 single IP로 설정한다. ROUTER (config)>> security proxy sip 0.Host IP를 설정한다. ROUTER (config)>> sec proxy host Host IP로 지정된 PC 또는 Server만이 외부에서 wan 0의 IP로 접속 가능하며 나머지 PC들은 외부에서 접속 불가능 하다. 0.Security Proxy mode를 해제하기. ROUTER (config)>> security proxy off 1-51 -NAT 설정 공인IP 사설IP: ------------------ 0.Security File을 작성 후 text file format으로 저장합니다. (security.lst) # Nat Info # Nat Type natdef static dynamic cf> 은 변환될 사설 IP이고은 변환될 공인 IP. Dynamic IP는 변환될 공인 IP range(범위). 0.ftp 또는 tftp를 사용하여 security.lst file을 Upload한다. ftp 사용시 : ftp> put security.lst security tftp 사용시: ROUTER (config)>> flash tftp ip security.lst security 0.저장 후 다시 부팅한다. ROUTER (config)>> save ROUTER (config)>> reboot y 0.Nat Mode를 실행한다. ROUTER (config)>> security nat on 0.Nat 구성을 확인한다. ROUTER (config)>> show security nat 0.Default route 을 route table 에 등록한다. ROUTER (config)>> route add 203.239. 90.2 1 w0 // Gateway = Remote Serial IP -IP Filtering 설정 1-52 0.Security File을 작성 후 text file format으로 저장합니다. (security.lst) #IP Fitering info #src_s_ip src_e_ip dst_s_ip dst_e_ip enable/disable ipdef disable enable cf> IP Filtering시 100.100.100.X IP는 200.200.200.X IP로 IP 통신을 할 수 없다. (disable) IP Filtering시 203.239.46.X IP는 모든 IP와 통신을 할 수 있다. (enable) 0.ftp 또는 tftp를 사용하여 security.lst file을 Upload한다. ftp 사용시 : ftp> put security.lst security tftp 사용시:ROUTER (config)>> flash tftp ip security.lst security 0.저장 후 다시 부팅한다. ROUTER (config)>> save ROUTER (config)>> reboot y 0.IP Filtering Mode를 실행한다. // configuration file에서 disable로 설정된 IP영역을 Filtering한다. ROUTER (config)>> security filter ip on 0.IP Filtering 구성을 확인한다. ROUTER (config)>> show security filter ip -Port Filtering 설정 0.Security File을 작성 후 text file format으로 저장합니다. (security.lst) #Port Fitering info #Port_Type Port_Number Enable/Disable portdef tcp 21 enable tcp 23 disable tcp 80 enable udp 513 disable cf>TCP Port 번호 telnet - tcp 21, ftp - tcp 23, http - tcp 80, rlogin - udp 513 0. ftp 또는 tftp를 사용하여 security.lst file을 Upload한다. ftp 사용시 : ftp> put security.lst security tftp 사용시 : ROUTER (config)>> flash tftp ip security.lst security 0.저장 후 다시 부팅한다. ROUTER (config)>> save ROUTER (config)>> reboot y 0. Port Filtering Mode를 실행한다. // configuration file에서 disable로 설정된 IP영역을 Filtering한다. ROUTER (config)>> security filter port on 1-53 0.IP Filtering 구성을 확인한다. ROUTER (config)>> show security filter port -Protocol Filtering 0.Security File을 작성 후 text file format으로 저장합니다. (security.lst) #Protocol Fitering info #ProtoType Enable/Disable protodef icmp disable tcp enable udp diable 0.ftp 또는 tftp를 사용하여 security.lst file을 Upload한다. ftp 사용시 : ftp> put security.lst security tftp 사용시 : ROUTER (config)>> flash tftp ip security.lst security 0.저장 후 다시 부팅한다. ROUTER (config)>> save ROUTER (config)>> reboot y 0. Protocol Filtering Mode를 실행한다. // configuration file에서 disable로 설정된 IP영역을 Filtering한다. ROUTER (config)>> security filter proto on 0.IP Filtering 구성을 확인한다. ROUTER (config)>> show security filter proto 타. Configuration 예 수원 NODE <노드측라우터 Cisco> <가입자측 라우터 한아라우터> -가입자측 라우터(한아) Configuration #intface et ip 1500 - et ip address 설정 #intface w0 ip 1500 –serial ip address 설정 #intface w0 mode hdlc(or ppp) – line protocol 설정 1-54 #intface w0 baud 1544000 - line 속도 설정 #route add 1 w0 – static routed 설정 #save -- 위 사항 저장 #reboot -- 저장후 리부트 1.5.4 XYLAN Router Configuration 처음 라우터 포장을 해체하여 전원케이블 및 라우터 콘솔케이블을 연결, PC Serial Port 에 콘솔케이블 연결 통신에물레이터를 실행후 에물레이터셋팅을 아래와 같이 한후 전원스위치를 ON 하면 아래와 같이 화면에 디스플레이가 되면 셋팅을 아래와 같이 한다. 에물레이터(이야기,하이퍼터미널,새롬데이터등..) -COM Port 설정 : COM1,COM2 등.. -BAUD : 9600 -DATA : 8 Welcome to the Xylan Omniswitch! Version login : admin password: xxxx / % ls 현재 Flash File System 내의 File List 를 확인한다. mpm.img 1833252 03/02/98 18:04 mpm.cnf 32768 03/02/98 18:20 mpm.cmd 34 03/02/98 18:21 e12.img 32884 03/02/98 18:21 esm.img 32539 03/02/98 18:23 mpm.cfg 1024 01/01/70 00:00 asmce.img asmcedrv.img 47846 03/02/98 18:25 124658 03/02/98 18:25 asms.img 40471 03/02/98 18:26 diag.img 177488 03/02/98 18:26 dni.img 17895 03/02/98 18:26 fesm.img 30806 03/02/98 18:26 fesm2.img 30763 03/02/98 18:26 fsm.img 37735 03/02/98 18:26 fwd.img 101754 03/02/98 18:26 mesm.img 22052 03/02/98 18:26 asm.img 45122 03/02/98 18:26 mrd.img 64390 03/02/98 18:26 1-55 wsm2.img 41894 03/02/98 18:26 wsmdcser.img 13334 03/02/98 18:26 wsmdrv.img 122883 03/02/98 18:26 3627042 bytes free. ROUTER 재 SETUP 시 mpm.cnf,mpm.cfg File 을 삭제후 SETUP / % rm mpm.cnf mpm.cfg File 를 삭제한다. mpm.cnf is your configuration file - if you remove this file, parameters will not be saved until you reboot; do you want to remove this? (n) y File system compaction in progress... mpm.cfg is your bootstrap configuration file - if you remove this file, bootstrap parameters will be defaulted until you explicitly set them; do you want to remove this? (n) y / % slot Slot 에 실장된 Module 상태 및 H/W,S/W Version 상태보기 S/W Version 은 에서 ppp 사용가능. Module-Type Adm-Status Slot Part-Number Oper-Status HW Board Mfg Firmware-Version Rev Serial # Date Base-MAC-Address ---- ----------- ----------- ----- ---------- -------- ----------------1* MPM 1G Enabled B2 80552391 02/05/98 (PATCH) 5014316 Operational 1-1 2 3 00:20:da:90:83:40 HRE Operational Empty HSM2 Enabled D3 80452808 01/22/98 (PATCH) 5011006 Operational 00:20:da:8e:96:c0 00:20:da:8e:96:d0 3-1 WSM2S-NC A3 73851014 09/17/97 5011713 4 M-Ether/12 Enabled REV D 03/27/97 b6f1 D1 80655749 02/07/98 (PATCH) 5015826 Operational 5 Empty 6 Empty 7 Empty (FR 1.20) 00:20:da:91:35:10 1-56 / % vl 현재 설정된 Virtual LAN 을 보여준다. Group ID Group Description (:VLAN ID) Network Address Proto/ (IP Subnet Mask) Encaps or (IPX Node Addr) ===== ============================== =============== ======== 1 Default GROUP (#1) (ff.ff.ff.00 ) IP / ETH2 / % systat System 의 상태를 확인. System Uptime : 0 days, 00:04:56.81 MPM Transmit Overruns : 0 MPM Receive : 0 Overruns MPM total memory : 16MB MPM free memory : 9250224 bytes MPM CPU Utilization ( 5 sec) : 4% ( 0% intr 0% kernel 2% task 96% idle) Cpu Utilization 이 50%이상이면 System 점검필요. MPM CPU Utilization ( 60 sec) : 5% ( 0% intr 0% kernel Power Supply 1 State : OK Power Supply 2 State : Not Present Temperature Sensor : OK - Under Threshold Temperature Alarm Masking : Disabled / % modvl 1 Group 1 의 Setting 상태를 수정한다. Current values associated with GROUP 1.1 are as follows: 1) GROUP Number - 1:1 2) Description - Default GROUP (#1) IP parameters: 3) IP enabled - Y 4) IP Network Address - 5) IP Subnet Mask - 6) IP Broadcast Address - 7) Router Description - GROUP #1.0 IP router vport 8) RIP Mode - Silent {Active(a), Inactive(i), Deaf(d), Silent(s)} 9) Routing disabled - N 10) NHRP enabled - N 11) Default Framing - Ethernet II 1-57 3% task 95% idle) {Ethernet II(e), Ethernet 802.3(8), fddi(f), token ring(t), source route token ring(s)} IPX parameters: 12) IPX enabled - N (save/quit/cancel) : 4= 부여 받은 IP 중 ROUTER(GATEWAY)로 사용할 ip 를 Setting. New IP address generates new subnet and broadcast addresses. Enter '?' to view the changes. : 5= Subnet Mask 를 Setting. New mask caused change in broadcast address. : 6= Broadcst Ip 를 Setting. : 8=a Rip Mode Active : ? Setting 값 확인. 1) GROUP Number - 1:1 2) Description - Default GROUP (#1) IP parameters: 3) IP enabled - Y 4) IP Network Address - 5) IP Subnet Mask - 6) IP Broadcast Address - 7) Router Description - GROUP #1.0 IP router vport 8) RIP Mode - Active {Active(a), Inactive(i), Deaf(d), Silent(s)} 9) Routing disabled - N 10) NHRP enabled - N 11) Default Framing - Ethernet II {Ethernet II(e), Ethernet 802.3(8), fddi(f), token ring(t), source route token ring(s)} IPX parameters: 12) IPX enabled - N : save 변경된값을 저장한다. 1-58 / % crgp 새로 Group 을 생성한다.(ppp 연결 Group) GROUP Number ( 2) : Description (no quotes) : ppp Enable WAN Routing? (n): y Enable IP (y) : IP Address : Router(계약자)에 부여된 Serial IP 를 Setting. IP Subnet Mask (0xffffff00) : Subnet Mask Setting. IP Broadcast Address ( ) : Broadcast IP Setting. Description (30 chars max) : Disable routing? (n) : Enable NHRP? (n) : IP RIP mode {Deaf(d), Silent(s), Active(a), Inactive(i)} (a) : Enable IPX? (y): n GROUP 2 has been added to the system. / % vl Group 이 생성된 것을 확인한다. 'vl' command is archaic, 'gp' is preferred... Group ID Group Description (:VLAN ID) Network Address Proto/ (IP Subnet Mask) Encaps or (IPX Node Addr) ===== ============================== =============== ======== 1 Default GROUP (#1) (ff.ff.ff.00 ) 2 ppp (ff.ff.ff.fc ) / % ppp /Interface/WAN/PPP % pppa p1 PPP Setting. Peer ID (1) : Adding PPP configuration record for Peer ID: 1 Enter PPP parameters: 1) Description: Entry PeerID 1 {Enter text up to 30 characters} 1-59 IP / ETH2 IP / WAN 2) Adminstrative Status ................................... Enabled {(E)nable, (D)isable} 3) PPP Mode ............................................... Normal {(N)ormal, (M)ultilink} 4) Compression Type ....................................... None {(N)one, STAC-(L)ZS} 5) Bridging Group ......................................... 1 {1-65535 or 0 for no Bridging} 50) Bridge Config Admin Status ...................... Enabled {(E)nable, (D)isable} 51) PPP Bridging Mode ............................... Ethernet Only {Bridge (A)ll, (E)thernet Only} 6) Routing Group .......................................... 0 {1-65535 or 0 for no Routing} 7) Authentication Type .................................... NONE {(N)one, (P)AP, (C)HAP} 70) User ID received from remote for Authentication . {16 characters userid} 71) Password rcvd from remote for Authentication .... {16 characters password} 72) User ID sent to remote for Authentication ....... {16 characters userid} 73) Password sent to remote for Authentication ...... {16 characters password} 8) Max Failure Counter .................................... 3 {Max Failure Counter 1..65535} 9) Max Configure Counter .................................. 3 {Max Configure Counter 1..65535} 10) Max Terminate Counter .................................. 3 {Max Terminate Counter 1..65535} 11) Retry Timeout Value .................................... 10 {Retry Timeout in Second(s) 1..65535} (save/quit/cancel) : : 5=0 Bridge Mode 는 Disable 해야함. Enter PPP parameters: 1-60 1) Description: Entry PeerID 1 {Enter text up to 30 characters} 2) Adminstrative Status ................................... Enabled {(E)nable, (D)isable} 3) PPP Mode ............................................... Normal {(N)ormal, (M)ultilink} 4) Compression Type ....................................... None {(N)one, STAC-(L)ZS} 5) Bridging Group ......................................... 0 {1-65535 or 0 for no Bridging} 6) Routing Group .......................................... 0 {1-65535 or 0 for no Routing} 7) Authentication Type .................................... NONE {(N)one, (P)AP, (C)HAP} 70) User ID received from remote for Authentication . {16 characters userid} 71) Password rcvd from remote for Authentication .... {16 characters password} 72) User ID sent to remote for Authentication ....... {16 characters userid} 73) Password sent to remote for Authentication ...... {16 characters password} 8) Max Failure Counter .................................... 3 {Max Failure Counter 1..65535} 9) Max Configure Counter .................................. 3 {Max Configure Counter 1..65535} 10) Max Terminate Counter .................................. 3 {Max Terminate Counter 1..65535} 11) Retry Timeout Value .................................... 10 {Retry Timeout in Second(s) 1..65535} : 6=2 Routing Group 은 2 번 Group 이다. Enter PPP parameters: 1) Description: Entry PeerID 1 {Enter text up to 30 characters} 2) Adminstrative Status ................................... Enabled {(E)nable, (D)isable} 1-61 3) PPP Mode ............................................... Normal {(N)ormal, (M)ultilink} 4) Compression Type ....................................... None {(N)one, STAC-(L)ZS} 5) Bridging Group ......................................... 0 {1-65535 or 0 for no Bridging} 6) Routing Group .......................................... 2 {1-65535 or 0 for no Routing} 60) IP Config Admin Status .......................... Enabled {(E)nable, (D)isable} 61) Remote IP Address (Only valid if IP is enabled) . {Valid IP address notation e.g., x.x.x.x} 62) IPX Config Admin Status ......................... Disabled {(E)nable, (D)isable} 7) Authentication Type .................................... NONE {(N)one, (P)AP, (C)HAP} 70) User ID received from remote for Authentication . {16 characters userid} 71) Password rcvd from remote for Authentication .... {16 characters password} 72) User ID sent to remote for Authentication ....... {16 characters userid} 73) Password sent to remote for Authentication ...... {16 characters password} 8) Max Failure Counter .................................... 3 {Max Failure Counter 1..65535} 9) Max Configure Counter .................................. 3 {Max Configure Counter 1..65535} 10) Max Terminate Counter .................................. 3 {Max Terminate Counter 1..65535} 11) Retry Timeout Value .................................... 10 {Retry Timeout in Second(s) 1..65535} : save Setting 값을 저장한다. Normal (non-multilink) PPP configuration record created. Do you wish to define the link at this time y/n (y) Adding Link for Peer ID 1, Link Index: 1: 1-62 : 1) Description: Link Entry: 1, Peer ID: 1 {Enter text up to 30 characters} 2) Adminstrative Status ................................... Enabled {(E)nable, (D)isable} 3) Link Type .............................................. ISDN call {(W)SM Port, (I)SDN call} 4) Link Slot .............................................. 0 {Slot number} 5) Link Port .............................................. 0 {Port number} (save/quit/cancel) : 3=w Link Type 을 WSM 으로 설정함. : 4=3 WSM 이 실장된 Slot 번호를 기정한다. : 5=1 Router 의 Serial Port 를 지정한다. : ? Setting 값 확인. 1) Description: Link Entry: 1, Peer ID: 1 {Enter text up to 30 characters} 2) Adminstrative Status ................................... Enabled {(E)nable, (D)isable} 3) Link Type .............................................. WSM Port {(W)SM Port, (I)SDN call} 4) Link Slot .............................................. 3 {Slot number} 5) Link Port .............................................. 1 {Port number} : save Setting 값 저장. /Interface/WAN/PPP % /Interface/WAN/PPP % wan /Interface/WAN % wpm 3/1 WAN Port 를 Setting 함.(Slot/Port) 1) Admin Status .................................... UP {(U)p, (D)own} 2) Speed in BPS .................................... 0 {9600, 19200, 56000, 64000, 128000, 256000, 512000, 768000} {1024000, 1544000, 2048000} 3) Clocking ........................................ External {(I)nternal, (E)xternal, (S)plit} 1-63 4) Protocol Type ................................... Frame Relay {(F)rame Relay, (P)PP(Point to Point)} (save/quit/cancel) : 4=p Protocol Type 를 PPP 로 설정한다. : ? Setting 값 확인. 1) Admin Status .................................... UP {(U)p, (D)own} 2) Speed in BPS .................................... 0 {9600, 19200, 56000, 64000, 128000, 256000, 512000, 768000} {1024000, 1544000, 2048000} 3) Clocking ........................................ External {(I)nternal, (E)xternal, (S)plit} 4) Protocol Type ................................... Point to Point {(F)rame Relay, (P)PP(Point to Point)} : save /Interface/WAN % cas 3/1 Sevice 를 생성하여 준다. Slot 3 Port 1 Service 2 Configuration 1) Description .............................................. = PPP-Bridging {Enter up to 30 characters} 2) Service Type ............................................. = Bridging {(R)outing, (B)ridging} 3) Administrative Status .................................... = Enabled {(E)nable, (D)isable} 4) Group(s) ................................................. = 5) PPP Bridging Mode (Applies to Bridging Only) ............. = Ethernet only {Bridge (a)ll, (E)thernet only} (save/quit/cancel) : 2=r Service Type 을 routing 으로 설정한다. Slot 3 Port 1 Service 2 Configuration 1) Description .............................................. = PPP-Routing {Enter up to 30 characters} 2) Service Type ............................................. = Routing {(R)outing, (B)ridging} 3) Administrative Status .................................... = Enabled {(E)nable, (D)isable} 1-64 4) Group(s) ................................................. = 5) PPP Bridging Mode (Applies to Bridging Only) ............. = Ethernet only {Bridge (a)ll, (E)thernet only} : 4=2 Group 을 2 로 설정한다. Slot 3 Port 1 Service 2 Configuration 1) Description .............................................. = PPP-Routing {Enter up to 30 characters} 2) Service Type ............................................. = Routing {(R)outing, (B)ridging} 3) Administrative Status .................................... = Enabled {(E)nable, (D)isable} 4) Group(s) ................................................. = 2 5) PPP Bridging Mode (Applies to Bridging Only) ............. = Ethernet only {Bridge (a)ll, (E)thernet only} : save Saving configuration now....Please wait... /Interface/WAN % vas Service 상태를 확인한다. ATM driver code NOT loaded. FDDI Services do not exist! Services Slot Oper Service Port Sta. VCs Groups Number Service Vport Description Type ==== ==== ==== ====== ======= ===== ================================ ========= 3/1 UP PPP 2 1 15 PPP-Routing Routing 3/1 UP PPP 2 2 0 PPP-Routing Routing /Interface/WAN % ppps PPP Stat 를 보고 IP Oper State 가 OPEN 되어있는 것을 확인한다. IP IPX BCP CCP Peer Admin Oper Oper Oper Oper ID State Mode State State State State ===== ====== ========= ======= ======= ======= ======= 1 UP Normal Open Close Close Close /Interface/WAN % aisr Routing Table 에 Static 추가한다. Do you want to see the current route table? (y or n) (y) : 1-65 IP ROUTING TABLE Group VLAN Network Mask Gateway Metric Id: Id ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 LOOPBACK 1 1:1 1 2:1 ----------------------------------------------------------------------Destination IP address of host or network : 모든 Network : 목적지(상대편 Serial IP) IP address of next hop Route successfully added /Interface/WAN % ipr Routing Table 을 확인한다. IP ROUTING TABLE Group VLAN Network Mask Gateway Metric Id: Id ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 STATIC 1 LOOPBACK 1 1:1 1 2:1 ----------------------------------------------------------------------/Interface/WAN % reboot Router 를 Rebooting. Confirm? (n) : y Locking filesystem...locked. System going down immediately... switch[4822c468]: System rebooted by admin System rebooted by user 'admin' on session 0 Flash file system check in progress... Checking root file system... OK Performing file consistency check... Done. System Boot 1-66 / % ping 상대 Router Serial 로 Ping Test. Count (0 for infinite) (1) : 100 Size (64) : Timeout (1) : Ping starting, hit <RETURN> to stop PING 64 data bytes [0 ] ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... [50 ] ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ---- PING Statistics---100 packets transmitted, 100 packets received, 0% packet loss 정상 / % ping Dns 로 Ping Test Count (0 for infinite) (1000) : 100 Size (64) : Timeout (1) : Ping starting, hit <RETURN> to stop PING 64 data bytes [0 ] ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... [50 ] ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ---- PING Statistics---100 packets transmitted, 100 packets received, 0% packet loss 정상. 1.5.5 KENTROX Router Configuration 처음 라우터 포장을 해체하여 전원케이블 및 라우터 콘솔케이블을 연결, PC Serial Port 에 콘솔케이블 연결 통신에물레이터를 실행후 에물레이터셋팅을 아래와 같이 한후 전원스위치를 ON 하면 아래와 같이 화면에 디스플레이가 되면 셋팅을 아래와 같이 한다. 에물레이터(이야기,하이퍼터미널,새롬데이터등..) -COM Port 설정 : COM1,COM2 등.. -BAUD : 9600 -DATA : 8 PACESETTER_Pro_V35U_662846 services 1 CONTROL 662846 Enter service selection: 1 번 선택 1-67 ============================================================================== PACESETTER Pro V35U Control Port ADC Kentrox PACESETTER Pro V35U Software Version Number 6.4 Serial Number 00662846 Copyright (C) 1990-1997 Press ESC to exit control port To get back into control port, type 9999 <RET> Enter password:xxxx – password 입력 =============================================================================== Control Port Terminal Types 1 - Wyse 50 or TVI-910/920 2 - VT100 or ANSI compatible – 터미널모드 선택 Enter Terminal Type:2 번 선택 MAIN MENU **Main Menu** PACESETTER Pro V35U Control Port 1 - Status Board, addresses, statistics, enable/disable, error log 2 - Call control Call set-up, disconnect, status 3 - Configuration Dial directory, port, and application parameters 4 - System functions Date/time, applications, load software, restart 5 - Security Control port passwords, PAP/CHAP, IP filters, RADIUS Enter command number:1 Terminate input with <RET> Press ESC to exit 1) STATUS **Status Commands** PACESETTER Pro V35U Control Port 1 - Board Status Display internal module types and status 2 - Call Status Check call status and manually disconnect calls 3 - Names/Addresses Verify names & MAC, IP, IPX and X.121 addresses 4 - Statistics Show statistics for port n 5 - Disable Port Put port n in Disabled state (busy out dial ports) 6 - Enable Port Bring port n to an Enabled state 7 - Log Status Display or clear system logs 8 - IP Connectivity Ping or trace route to specified destination Enter command number:1 Terminate input with <RET> Press ESC to return to previous menu 1-68 1-1 ) Board-Status **Board Status** PACESETTER Pro V35U Control Port PACESETTER Pro V35U 4/22/98 9:12:54 Ethernet D Channel Port number: 0 2 Protocol type: ETHERNET D SIGNALLING State: Enabled Enabled Status: Down Down B1 Channel B2 Channel HS WAN Control Port Port number: 3 4 5 6 Protocol type: PPP PPP PPP CONTROL PORT State: Enabled Enabled Enabled Enabled Status: Down Down Up Down Press ESC to return to previous menu 1-6) Status-Enable Port **Enable Port** PACESETTER Pro V35U Control Port Valid port numbers (with names) are: 0: Ethernet 2: D Channel 3: B Channel 4: B Channel 5: HS WAN 6: Control Port Enter port number:0 Terminate input with <RET> Press ESC to return to previous menu 1-6-0) Enable Port **Enable Port** PACESETTER Pro V35U Control Port Valid port numbers (with names) are: 0: Ethernet 2: D Channel 3: B Channel 4: B Channel 5: HS WAN 6: Control Port 1-69 Port 0 already enabled Enter another port number:0 Terminate input with <RET> Press ESC to return to previous menu 1-8) ip connectivity – ping test 시험 **IP Connectivity** PACESETTER Pro V35U Control Port |------------------------ Press <RET> to toggle values -----------------------| Connectivity: PING ( traceroute ) |------------------- Type in values. IP address: Max chars shown in () -------------------| (x.x.x.x Note: x = 0-255) Payload size: 256 (18 to 1472 bytes) Test connectivity (Y/N): Y Use TAB & CURSOR keys to move among fields Press ESC to abort command & exit MAIN MENU **Main Menu** PACESETTER Pro V35U Control Port 1 - Status Board, addresses, statistics, enable/disable, error log 2 - Call control Call set-up, disconnect, status 3 - Configuration Dial directory, port, and application parameters 4 - System functions Date/time, applications, load software, restart 5 - Security Control port passwords, PAP/CHAP, IP filters, RADIUS Enter command number:3 Terminate input with <RET> Press ESC to exit 3) configuration **Configuration Commands** PACESETTER Pro V35U Control Port 1 - PPP dial directory Locations, telephone numbers, option selection 2 - Port Protocol, connection mode, line speed, addresses 3 - Router IPX & IP addresses, static routes 4 - Bridge STP & Bridge filters 5 - Frame Relay DLCIs for routing/bridging 6 - Async services PAD & Telnet parameters 7 - System parameters Heralds, idle timers, DNS, etc. 8 - SNMP Community strings, trap addresses, authentication 9 - Bandwidth on demand ISDN port utilization parameters 10 - X.25 X.121 addresses, switching table Enter command number:2 1-70 Terminate input with <RET> Press ESC to return to previous menu 3-2) PORT **Configure Port** PACESETTER Pro V35U Control Port Valid port numbers (with names) are: 0: Ethernet 2: D Channel 3: B Channel 4: B Channel 5: HS WAN 6: Control Port Enter port number:0 Terminate input with <RET> Press ESC to return to previous menu 3-2-0) ETHERNET **Ethernet Interface Parameters** Port 0 PACESETTER Pro V35U Control Port Ethernet Last changed: 4/22/98 8:57:28 |- Press <RET> to toggle values -||-- Type in values. Port type: ETHERNET Port name: Max chars shown in () --| Ethernet (14) MAC address: 00205b000748 Traffic types permitted to/from LAN IP Routing: Y IPX Routing: N Ethernet Bridging: N Process selections (Y/N): Y Use TAB & CURSOR keys to move among fields Press ESC to abort command & exit 3-2-5) HS WAN **PPP Port Configuration** Port 5 PACESETTER Pro V35U Control Port SC-35 Last changed: 3/11/98 17:39:33 |- Press <RET> to toggle values -||-- Type in values. Port type: PPP Port name: Connection mode: LEASED (DTE) Line speed: 56.0 KBPS Compression: N Circuit backup: N Traffic types permitted on line IP Routing: HS WAN Remote IP address Y 1-71 Max chars shown in () --| (14) IPX Routing: N Ethernet Bridging: N Process selections (Y/N): Y Use TAB & CURSOR keys to move among fields Press ESC to abort command & exit 3-2-6) CONTROL PORT **Control Port Configuration** Port 6 PACESETTER Pro V35U Control Port SC-232 Last changed: 3/11/98 16:44:27 |- Press <RET> to toggle values -||-- Type in values. Port type: CONTROL PORT Port name: Max chars shown in () --| Control Port (14) Connection mode: DIRECT (DCE) Line speed: 9600 baud Parity: NONE Process selections (Y/N): Y Use TAB & CURSOR keys to move among fields Press ESC to abort command & exit 3) CONFIGURATION **Configuration Commands** PACESETTER Pro V35U Control Port 1 - PPP dial directory Locations, telephone numbers, option selection 2 - Port Protocol, connection mode, line speed, addresses 3 - Router IPX & IP addresses, static routes 4 - Bridge STP & Bridge filters 5 - Frame Relay DLCIs for routing/bridging 6 - Async services PAD & Telnet parameters 7 - System parameters Heralds, idle timers, DNS, etc. 8 - SNMP Community strings, trap addresses, authentication 9 - Bandwidth on demand ISDN port utilization parameters 10 - X.25 X.121 addresses, switching table Enter command number:3 Terminate input with <RET> Press ESC to return to previous menu 3-3) ROUTER **Router Commands** PACESETTER Pro V35U Control Port IPX Router IP Router 1 - IPX port information 5 - IP port information 2 - IPX RIP & SAP settings 6 - IP static routes 1-72 3 - IPX RIP static routes 7 - IP security features 4 - IPX static services 8 - IP DHCP server 9 - IPshare static mapping 10 - IP NAT proxy servers Enter command number:5 Terminate input with <RET> Press ESC to return to previous menu 3-5) IP PORT CONFIGURATION **IP Port Information** PACESETTER Pro V35U Control Port Last changed: 3/12/98 19:06:15 Port Interface IP Address IP Mask x.x.x.x x.x.x.x |-Use RET to toggle values-| Protocol 0 ETHERNET NONE 3 PPP NONE 4 PPP NONE 5 PPP Encapsulation ENET II NONE Note: x = 0-255 Process selections (Y/N): Y Use TAB & CURSOR keys to move among fields Press ESC to abort command & exit 주)) HOST 가입자 수용시 SERIAL INTERFACE 에 NAT PROTOCOL 적용 **IP Port Information** PACESETTER Pro V35U Control Port Last changed: 3/8/03 1:56:03 Port Interface IP Address IP Mask x.x.x.x x.x.x.x |-Use RET to toggle values-| Protocol 0 ETHERNET NONE 3 X.25 LINE NONE 4 PPP NONE 5 PPP NAT Encapsulation ENET II – 사설 ip Note: x = 0-255 Process selections (Y/N): YUse TAB & CURSOR keys to move among fields Press ESC to abort command & exit 3-6) IP STATIC ROUTE **IP Static Routes** PACESETTER Pro V35U Control Port Last changed: 3/12/98 19:06:15 1-73 Destination IP Network IP Mask Next Hop x.x.x.x x.x.x.x x.x.x.x 1: Hops (1 - 15) 1 2: 3: 4: 5: 6: 7: 8: 9: 10: 11: 12: 13: 14: 15: Note: x = 0-255 __________ Process Static Routes (Y/N): Y In IP address field, use UP/DOWN to scroll and LEFT to process selections. To change or add entry, enter new value Use <CTRL-D> to delete entry Use TAB & CURSOR keys to move among fields Press ESC to abort command & exit 주)) Ctrl + Enter 로 255 로 이동후 “ Y “ 3-10) NAT proxy servers IP addresses **NAT proxy servers IP addresses** PACESETTER Pro V35U Control Port Last changed: 4/24/98 1:48:54 For traffic initiated from the WAN side of a NAT connection Ping: (x.x.x.x Note: x = 0-255) Ftp: (x.x.x.x Note: x = 0-255) Http: (x.x.x.x Note: x = 0-255) Telnet: (x.x.x.x Note: x = 0-255) Smtp: (x.x.x.x Note: x = 0-255) Pop3: (x.x.x.x Note: x = 0-255) __________ Process selections (Y/N): Y 1-74 Use <CTRL-D> to delete entry Use TAB & CURSOR keys to move among fields Press ESC to abort command & exit 1.5.6 SR-2501 Router(쌍용) Configuration 처음 라우터 포장을 해체하여 전원케이블 및 라우터 콘솔케이블을 연결, PC Serial Port 에 콘솔케이블 연결 통신에물레이터를 실행후 에물레이터셋팅을 아래와 같이 한후 전원스위치를 ON 하면 아래와 같이 화면에 디스플레이가 되면 셋팅을 아래와 같이 한다. 에물레이터(이야기,하이퍼터미널,새롬데이터등..) -COM Port 설정 : COM1,COM2 등.. -BAUD : 9600 -DATA : 8 SsangYong Router System 3.0.5 *** SR2501(5) *** password :xxxx romc> admin Password:xxxx Romc# 가.IP Seting 1) Ethernet IP Seting romc# ip romc/IP# ? best(match Print the best matched route entry bootp BOOTP forwarding management default-gateway Set default gateway disable Disable IP instance enable Enable IP instance for(ward UDP forward management int(erface IP Interface management save Save IP configuration data into main memory sh(ow Print the IP information st(atic IP Static route management de(bug IP Debug management end Goto the root command option 1-75 help Print the command syntax and description romc/IP# enable IP instance is enabled. romc/IP# int ? cr(eate Create IP interface del(ete Delete IP interface en(able Enable IP interface dis(able Disable IP interface romc/IP# int cr ? <A.B.C.D> : IP interface address romc/IP# int cr ? <A.B.C.D> : IP mask romc/IP# int cr ? <number> : physical port number 주)) 0 번 : ethernet , 1 번 ,2 번 : serial romc/IP# int cr 0 ? bc : broadcast network nb : non-broadcast multiple access network pp : point-to-point network and its neighbor IP address romc/IP# int cr 0 bc romc/IP# int en ? <A.B.C.D> : IP interface address romc/IP# int en ? <number> : physical port number romc/IP# int en 0 나.Serial IP Seting romc# ip romc/IP# ? best(match Print the best matched route entry bootp BOOTP forwarding management default-gateway Set default gateway disable Disable IP instance enable Enable IP instance for(ward UDP forward management int(erface IP Interface management 1-76 save Save IP configuration data into main memory sh(ow Print the IP information st(atic IP Static route management de(bug IP Debug management end Goto the root command option help Print the command syntax and description romc/IP# enable IP instance is enabled. romc/IP# int ? cr(eate Create IP interface del(ete Delete IP interface en(able Enable IP interface dis(able Disable IP interface romc/IP# int cr ? <A.B.C.D> : IP interface address romc/IP# int cr ? <A.B.C.D> : IP mask romc/IP# int cr ? <number> : physical port number 주)) 0 번 : ethernet , 1 번 ,2 번 : serial romc/IP# int cr 1 ? bc : broadcast network nb : non-broadcast multiple access network pp : point-to-point network and its neighbor IP address romc/IP# int cr 1 bc romc/IP# int en ? <A.B.C.D> : IP interface address romc/IP# int en ? <number> : physical port number romc/IP# int en romc/IP#end romc#save romc#write 다.Interface IP Address 확인 romc/IP# sh int 1-77 Flag IP address IP mask Port Type P2P-Neighbor Status -------------------------------------------------------------------------Enabled 0 BC UP(0) Enabled 1 UP(40) BC 정리)) romc# romc#ip romc/IP# romc/IP#enable romc/IP#int cr 0 bc ethernet romc/IP#int en 0 romc/IP#int cr 1 bc serial romc/IP#int en 1 romc/IP#end romc#saveall romc#write 라.IP Static Route 설정 romc/IP# ? best(match Print the best matched route entry bootp BOOTP forwarding management default-gateway Set default gateway disable Disable IP instance enable Enable IP instance for(ward UDP forward management int(erface IP Interface management save Save IP configuration data into main memory sh(ow Print the IP information st(atic IP Static route management de(bug IP Debug management end Goto the root command option help Print the command syntax and description romc/IP# st ? add Add the IP static route del(ete Delete the IP static route 1-78 romc/IP# st add ? <A.B.C.D> : IP address romc/IP# st add ? <0~255> : preference romc/IP# st add 128 ? <number> : the metric romc/IP# st add 128 1 ? <A.B.C.D> : IP address of next gateway romc/IP# st add 128 1 romc/IP# end romc#saveall romc#write 정리)) ROMC#IP ROMC/IP#STATIC ADD 128 1 ROMC/IP#END ROMC#SAVEALL ROMC#WRITE 마.OSPF Seting romc# ospf romc/OSPF# ? enable Enable the OSPF instance disable Disable the OSPF instance exp(ort Export the external route as a OSPF route unexp(ort Unexport the external route as a OSPF route save Save the OSPF configuration data into main memory sh(ow Show the OSPF information ar(ea Area management int(erface Interface management nbr Neighbor management ran(ge Range Management ho(st Host management debug Debug Management help Print the command syntax and description 1-79 end Goto the root command option romc# ospf romc/OSPF# enable OSPF instance is not enabled. romc/OSPF# ar ? cr(eate Create area en(able Enable area dis(able Disable area del(ete Delete area sh(ow Show area information sa(ve Save area information into main memory romc/OSPF# ar cr ? <A.B.C.D> : area id romc/OSPF# ar cr ? transit : transit area nssa : nssa area stub : stub area nosum : stub no summary area romc/OSPF# ar cr transit ? <number> : default cost in cast of stub and nusum no : no authentication simple : simple authentication <cr> romc/OSPF# ar cr transit no romc/OSPF# ar ? cr(eate Create area en(able Enable area dis(able Disable area del(ete Delete area sh(ow Show area information sa(ve Save area information into main memory romc/OSPF# ar en ? <A.B.C.D> : area id romc/OSPF# ar en 1-80 romc/OSPF# sh ar Area ID Type Cost Auth. #Intf #Hosts LS Types Flags --------------------------------------------------------------------enable TRANSIT 0 NO 0 romc/OSPF# int ? cr(eate Create interface en(able Enable interface dis(able Disable interface del(ete Delete interface se(t Change interface parameter vadd Add virtual interface vdel(ete Delete virtual interface sa(ve Save interface data into main memory sh(ow Show interface information romc/OSPF# int cr ? <A.B.C.D> : area id romc/OSPF# int cr ? <A.B.C.D> : interface address romc/OSPF# int cr <number> : physical port number romc/OSPF# int cr 1 romc/OSPF# int en ? <A.B.C.D> : interface address romc/OSPF# int en ? <number> : physical port number romc/OSPF# int en 1 romc/OSPF# end romc#saveall romc#write 정리)) romc#ospf romc/ospf#enable romc/ospf#ar cr transit no romc/ospf#ar en romc/ospf#int cr 1 1-81 0 3F 100000 romc/ospf#int en 1 romc/ospf#int cr 0 romc/ospf#int en 0 romc/ospf#end romc#saveall romc#write 바. WAN Ssting romc# wanset ? enable : enable port disable : disable port clear : clear the statistical variables loop-test : loop test reset : reset the port connector : set connector type for WAN speed romc# wanset speed ? <number> : physical port number romc# wanset speed 1 ? <cr> <number> : wan speed (bps) in case of speed v35,rs232 : connector type romc# wanset speed 1 256000 romc#saveall romc#write 사.상태보기 romc# sh int 0 Interface is physically Enabled. Type is ETHER. Enabled IP address is UP. MAC address is 00:40:3f:21:04:af Ethernet is non-promicuous. Input queue 0/200, Output queue 0/50 226750 packets input, 22982735 bytes, 0 no buffer, 0 runts, 0 giants 51 input errors, 0 collision, 51 CRC, 0 frame, 0 overrun 213624 packets output, 151210460 bytes, 0 drops 1-82 0 output errors, 0 collisions, 0 underruns 1 cam load, 0 interface reset, 0 restarts 0 zero_ISR, 0 RBAE, 0 RBE, 0 RDE, 0 RFO romc# sh int 1 Interface is physically Enabled. Type is WAN. V35 Enabled IP address is UP. WAN speed is 256000 Input queue 0/18, Output queue 0/24 233255 packets input, 149503900 bytes 0 no buffer, 0 ignored 0 fatal errors, 0 runts, 0 giants 0 input errors, 0 CRC, 0 overrun, 0 abort 227394 packets output, 17357570 bytes, 0 drops, 0 ignored 0 output errors, 0 underruns 0 interface reset, 0 restarts DCD = UP DSR = UP CTS = UP DTR = UP RTS = UP romc# ppp romc/PPP# sh ppp PPP is Enabled. Max. # of configuration requests : 200 Max. # of termination requests : 10 Max. # of unacknowledged echo requests : 20 Max. configuration request send interval : 3 Max. termination request send interval : 3 Max. echo request send interval : 10 LCP [TX/RX] IPCP IPXCP [TX/RX] [TX/RX] BCP [TX/RX] --------------------------------------------------------------------------1 Enabled Opened Opened [ 6282/ 12598] [ 2 Enabled Starting [ 0/ Closed 3/220751] [ Starting 0] [ 0/ 0/ Closed 0] [ Initial 0] [ 0/ 0] Initial 0] [ romc/PPP# sh port 1 The ppp port 1 is [ENABLED]. Authentication user name : "sr2500" Authentication user password : "" 1-83 0/ 0/ 0] Local MTU : 1520 Remote MTU : 1520 NCP protocol IP : TRUE IPX : TRUE APPLETALK : FALSE NETBIOS : FALSE BRIDGING : TRUE Authentication Timeout : 10 Authentication max. # of retries : 10 InputPkt(233372),BadAddr(0),BadControl(0),TooLong(0) romc/PPP# ? enable Enable PPP disable Disable PPP set Change PPP parameter port Port management lcp LCP management user User management sh(ow Show PPP information opt(ion Option management de(bug Debug management help Print the command syntax and description end Goto the root command option romc/PPP# enable 아.Ping Test romc# ping ? <A.B.C.D> : IP address romc# ping 64 octets from icmp_seq 0, time=30ms 64 octets from icmp_seq 1, time=20ms 64 octets from icmp_seq 3, time=30ms 64 octets from icmp_seq 4, time=20ms 64 octets from icmp_seq 5, time=30ms 64 octets from icmp_seq 6, time=20ms 64 octets from icmp_seq 7, time=30ms 1-84 64 octets from icmp_seq 8, time=20ms 64 octets from icmp_seq 9, time=20ms 10 packets transmitted, 9 packets received.(10% packet loss) 1-85