B Blue Ridge Mts., Barter, Benedict Arnold, Boston Tea Party

Alphabet Virginia History Book Ideas
Create an alphabet book by writing a fact for each letter of
the alphabet that concerns an event or person we studied in
Virginia History this year. You will be graded on if you have
a colored picture and a Virginia History fact that we have
studied this year for each letter. Choose facts that you don’t
know very well in order that you may learn those facts!
A Atlantic Ocean, Appalachian Mts., Appalachian Plateau,
Algonquian, Africans and Native Americans settled in
Tidewater & Piedmont, Abolitionist, Abraham Lincoln,
Appomattox Court House, Arthur Ashe, Apples, Antietam
B Blue Ridge Mts., Barter, Benedict Arnold, Boston Tea
Party, Booker T. Washington, Bill of Rights, Bull Run Creek,
Brown vs. Board of Education in 1954, Black Codes,
C Chesapeake Bay, Coastal Plain (Tidewater), Christopher
Columbus, Cherokee, Charters, Cash crop=tobacco, Credit,
Continental Army, Continental Congress, Cumberland Gap,
Confederates, Coal, Cardinal, Committees of
D Debt, Declaration of Independence, Daniel Boone,
Dogwood Tree,
E Eastern Shore, Eastern Woodlands, English in Tidewater &
Piedmont, English Parliament, Executive Branch,
Emancipation Proclamation, Excise Tax,
F Fall line, “Father of our country,” “Father of our
constitution,” Freedman’s Bureau, Federals, Fort Sumter,
Frederick Douglass,
G Gold, Germans, Scottish, and Irish settled in Shenandoah
Valley, George Washington, “Give me liberty or give me
death,” George Mason, General Assembly, Governor of VA,
Gettysburg Address,
H House of Burgesses, Harriet Tubman, Harper’s Ferry,
Hampton harbor, Harry F. Byrd, Sr., House of Delegates,
I Iroquoian, Indentured Servants, Income Tax,
J James River, Jamestown in 1607, John Smith, John Rolfe,
Jamestown capital moved to Williamsburg, July 4, 1776,
James Armistead Lafayette, James Madison, James Monroe,
John Brown, Jim Crow Laws, Judicial Branch, Jefferson
Davis, John Paul Jones, John White,
K Kernstown (only battle Stonewall Jackson lost), King
George III
L “Life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness,” Loyalist, L.
Douglas Wilder, Legislature Branch, Lexington and Concord,
M Money, Manassas, Monitor, Merrimack, Massive
Resistance, Maggie Lena Walker, Molly Pitcher, Mason-Dixon
N New Market, Nat Turner, Norfolk (Navy base),
O Old Dominion, Oregon Trail, James Olgethorpe
P Piedmont, Potomac River, Peninsula, Powhatans, Patriots,
Patrick Henry, Poll Taxes, “Pay as you go,” Property Tax,
Pacific Ocean,
Q Queen Elizabeth, Quartering Acts, Quakers
R Roanoke Island, Rappahannock River, Richmond is an
English name, Roanoke is a Native American name,
Revolutionary War, Robert E. Lee, railroads, Rebels,
S States surrounding Virginia (Maryland, West Virginia,
Kentucky, Tennessee, and North Carolina), Siouan, slaves,
Sharecropping, “Separate but equal,” Senate, shipbuilding,
Services, state tax, Sacajawea,
T Tidewater, Tobacco used as money, Thomas Jefferson,
Thomas “Stonewall” Jackson, Tourism, Textiles, Townshend
U Underground Railroad, Union, Ulysses S. Grant, University
of Virginia (UVA)
V Valley & Ridge, Virgin Queen Elizabeth I, Virginia
Company of London, Virginia Assembly, Virginia Statute for
Religious Freedom, Virginia Declaration of Rights, Virginia
Beach, VMI Cadets,
W women in 1620, Williamsburg capital moved to
Richmond, George Wythe, Woodrow Wilson, Wampum Belts,
X Taxes, Texas
Y Yorktown, York River, Yankees,
Z Zachary Taylor