resume - The Community Foundation of Santa Cruz County

Marguerite McCurry, Ph.D., CFRE
(Certified Fund Raising Executive)
Marguerite (Margie) McCurry
Social Security No.: (upon request)
560 Dry Creek Road, Monterey, CA 93940-4204
Cell (831) 601-5243; Home (831) 901-3191; toll-free 1-800-763-7861
1997: Certified Specialist in Planned Giving (California State University, Long Beach)
American Institute for Philanthropic Studies
Degrees: University of New Mexico, Albuquerque:
1980: Ph.D. Health Education. Dissertation: "The Relationship of Newspaper Presentment to Adult
Immunization Behavior: An Exploratory Study of a Swine Influenza Program."
1976: M.A. Public Administration. Thesis: "The Caring Function in the American Health Care
Delivery System: A Study of Intra-organizational Dissonance."
1974: B.A. Journalism, University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, New Mexico:
Pomona College, Claremont, California: undergraduate work
Fund Builders Alliance - 2009 to present:
One of three Principals ( in an affiliation of fundraising and nonprofit
management professionals. Our approach to consulting work for nonprofits is atypical. Each of our members
and associates is a freelance consultant. Each project is headed by the member most qualified and available for
that particular assignment. This person is the contracting consultant. Other members and associates are attached
to the project team to provide their talents in specialized aspects of the work. All fees are paid to the project
manager who is contractually responsible for the work and disburses fees to participating team members per
internal agreements. Overhead is absorbed internally by each participant.
The result is an experienced senior consultant, leading a group of specialists who work for only the hours
required to complete actual tasks, yet remain on call as needed. The more challenging matters within an
assignment’s scope are reviewed with non-participating members as needed. From within and through other
professional associations, we are able to mobilize specialized staff as needed, such as endowment and planned
giving specialists, marketing and creative development specialists, board and staff trainers, researchers, strategic
planners, grant writers, non-profit PR specialists, media relations and organizational development specialists
and the like. Clients’ access to these talents does not incur stand-by overhead, recruiting delays or extra fees,
and this organizational structure assures a high level of professional service provided at very reasonable cost.
McCurry Group – 2009 to present:
Providing public relations and fundraising services to nonprofit agencies.
Central Coast Visiting Nurse & Hospice Association, Monterey CA: February 1999 to February 2009:
Director, Fund Development and Communications: Develop and implement a successful fund raising
program; develop and train Foundation board, supervise Director of Planned Giving, Grants Coordinator and
Donor Relations/Raiser’s Edge Database Coordinator. Select new database software and oversee conversion of
data. Plan and successfully complete capital campaign to purchase Salinas building. Manage all media ad
placements; produce all public relations news releases and manage media contacts.
California State University, Sacramento: 1986 to 1998:
January 1993 to December 1998:
Assistant Vice President for University Affairs. Supervise Development Directors in seven Colleges,
library and athletics, data base manager, and prospect researcher. Planned, promoted and completed over-goal a
$50 million five-year comprehensive campaign ending June 30, 1998. Initiated plans for and completed a
database conversion, supervised planned giving operations, developed University's first comprehensive Policies
and Procedures manual for fundraising, interfaced with University and CSUS Trust Foundation auditors, staffed
Trust Foundation board, solicited major (six-figure and above) gifts.
September, 1986 to January 1993:
Executive Director, University Advancement. California State University, Sacramento.
Hired to develop and implement University’s first fundraising efforts. Increased annual contributed income
from $500,000 in 1986 to $8 million in 1988. Planned and implemented all University fund raising activities,
including Annual Fund gift clubs, alumni and parent campaigns, corporation/ foundation support, real estate
acquisitions, planned giving (University’s first Charitable Remainder Trusts, new Life Insurance policies, and
first Lead Trust), prospect research, computerized data management, College-specific capital campaigns and
special events. Supervised three professional and six support staff. Participated in organization of CSUS Trust
Foundation, University’s first 501 (c)(3) fundraising auxiliary. Selected and implemented University’s first
computerized alumni/ development database. Developed first series of fundraising publications (samples
available upon request).
Stephens College - 1985 - 1986
April, 1985 - August, 1986:
Executive Director of College Advancement, Stephens College, Columbia, Missouri.
Coordinated Offices of Development, Public Relations and Alumnae Programs, supervised three Directors and
their staffs. Developed and managed all operating plans and program budgets.
University of New Mexico, Albuquerque - 1976 - 1985
September, 1981 - April, 1985:
Director of Development and Alumni Affairs, University of New Mexico Medical Center, Albuquerque,
New Mexico. Developed first non-governmental funding sources (individual, foundation, corporation).
Responsible for all initial alumni affairs (chapters, class agent system, boards). Developed computerized record
systems, publications, correspondence, seminars, phonathons. Also Assistant to the Director of the UNM
Medical Center. Liaison between Director's office, four health schools, and eight service and research
June, 1980 - September, 1981:
Communications Research Specialist, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD.(on loan from
University of New Mexico.) A 15-month Loaned Executive assignment at NIH Division of Research
Resources, to design a national communications program for NIH Biomedical Research Support Grant and to
institute the resultant program on a pilot-test basis at a number of medical/educational institutions throughout
the country.
1976 - 1981:
Director, Public Information, UNM Medical Center and Asst. Director of Public Information, University
of New Mexico, Albuquerque. Directed all public affairs activities for UNM School of Medicine, Colleges of
Nursing and Pharmacy, Dental Programs, Allied Health units, three hospitals.
Other experience includes full-assignment news reporter for daily metropolitan newspapers; radio and
television on-air news; public relations; legal secretary; wire service reporter; society page editor.
1986-present Association of Fundraising Professionals (formerly National Society of Fund Raising Executives)
- Certified Fund Raising Executive (CFRE) 1987, re-certified 1990; Emeritus 1999
- Vice President, Government Relations; Monterey Bay Chapter, 1999-2005
- Chair, Mentorship Program, 2007-08
- Chair, Academy of Fund Raising/2000, Carmel Mission Inn
- President, California’s Capital Chapter, Sacramento 1997, 1998
- Chair, National Foundation “Every Member” campaign
- National awards committee, 1997
- Board of Directors, California's Capital Chapter, 1992 - 1998
- National Assembly representative 1996, 1997, 1998
- Academy of Fund Raising chapter chair, 1993, 1994
- National Philanthropy Day chapter committee, 1989, chair 1990
- Track Dean, International Conference, 1986
- 1988-1990 Planned Giving Forum of Sacramento
- President 1990; Vice President 1988-89
- Speaker: “Which Planned Gift Vehicle is Best for Which Donor?” 1998
Council for Advancement and Support of Education
- Speaker, CASE District VII conference, San Francisco, 1994
- CASE District IV Long-Range Planning Committee, 1986
- Judging Coordinator, Advertising/Photography, 1984
- Southwest Regional Conference Planning Council, 1978
Association of American Medical Colleges
- Panelist, Alumni Track, National Conference, 1984
- Chair, 11-state Western Region, 1978
- Secretary, National Group on Public Relations, 1974-75
National Health Agencies of New Mexico
- Chair, "Good Health is Good Business" Conference, 1984
- Chair, Combined Federal Campaign, 1984-85
- Medic Alert Foundation International
- Chair, New Mexico Chapter, 1984-85
Lovelace Health Plan (Health Maintenance Organization)
- Board of Directors, 1984-85
Wellness/New Mexico Association
- Board of Directors, 1984-85
National Association for Hospital Development
New Mexico Fund Raising Executives
National Institutes of Health
- Advisory Panel, "Radiation and Cancer Prevention,"
National Cancer Institute, 1984
- Panelist, National Medical Audiovisual Center, 1981
- Minority Biomedical Scientific Seminar Staff, 1980
- National Health Forum, Washington, D.C. at Baylor College of Medicine
Consultant,"Communicating With Mexican Americans:For Their Good Health."
Central Coast Visiting Nurse Association & Hospice
- Foundation Development Director
- President’s Operations Council
- Coordinator, VNA Speakers’ Bureau
California State University, Sacramento:
- Chair, University Development Council
- Faculty Endowment Fund Committee
- Chair, Computerized Records Committee
- Speakers Bureau
- Chair, Capital Campaign Planning Committee
- Chair, Database Conversion Committee
Stephens College:
- Senior Administrative Officers Council
- President's Council
University of New Mexico, Albuquerque:
- Chair, University Combined Fund/United Way Drive
- Administrative Search Committees
- Affirmative Action Committee
Research in Ireland, Holland, Germany, Italy, France, England, Switzerland on use of mass media by European
health agencies. (1978); Prague, Budapest and Vienna 2002 on history of nonprofits
President, Golden Oaks Condominium Homeowners Association (90 condos)
Speaker, “Over 40 Isn’t Over the Hill,” to 30 civic groups annually
Pomona College Alumni Assn. Reunion Committee
Sacramento Opera Association
- Board of Directors 1989, 1990
Speaker, "CSUS, Yesterday and Today" and “Over 40 Isn’t Over the Hill”
- 15 to 30 civic groups annually
Sacramento Metropolitan Chamber of Commerce
- Membership Drive Phonathon
American Cancer Society, New Mexico Division
- Chair, Nominating Committee
- Public Information, Planned Giving Committees
- State Chair, Great American Smokeout
St. Mark’s on the Mesa Episcopal Church, Albuquerque, NM
- Vestry 1983-1985
Medic Alert
- Chair, New Mexico Board of Directors
Capitol Hill Society, Washington, D.C.
National Press Club, Washington, D.C.
United Way of Greater Albuquerque
- Executive Committee, Health Division
New Mexico Conference of Christians and Jews
- Board of Directors
New Mexico Interagency Council on Smoking and Health
National Society of Fund Raising Executives
- Nominated, International “Outstanding Fund Raising Executive”
Outstanding Fund Raising Executive, California Capital Region
National Society of Fund Raising Executives
- Exceptional Mentor Award, California's Capital Chapter
California State University System (23 campuses)
- Seven League Boots Society (for 30% increase in alumni support and
33% increase in corporate support.)
California State University System
- Seven League Boots Society (for 160% increase in total gift dollars and
146% increase in corporate gifts)
Who's Who in the West
Who's Who in California
Who's Who of American Women
University of New Mexico Medical Alumni Association
- Zuni Bear Leadership Award
University of New Mexico
- Meritorious Service Medal
United Way of Greater Albuquerque
- Volunteer Award; Health Task Force
University of New Mexico 15-Year Service Award
The Honor Society of Phi Kappa Phi
Who's Who Among Students in American Universities/Colleges
John P. McGovern, M.D., Scholarship Award: first national presentation by
Eta Sigma Gamma honorary health society
Other awards include: Albuquerque Chamber of Commerce Appreciation Award; New Mexico Medical
Society Award for Excellence in Medical Writing; and awards in Newspaper, Radio, Television and Publicity
Campaign categories for National Presswomen and the New Mexico Presswomen.
2001-present Articles for Association of Fundraising Professionals chapters
“How to START Raising Money for Your Organization – Board Training 101” Mendocino Art Council, July 26-28
Monthly articles for FUNDamentals publication of NSFRE chapter, i.e.
“Planned Giving in a Small Shop” July, 1998
“Introduction to Planned Giving,” Rio Vista CARE Center publication
“How to ‘Do’ a Capital Campaign.” La Sierra Community Center Newsletter
“Writing the Case Statement: What it is, What’s in it, How to use it –
Why Should Anyone Give YOU Money?,” Nonprofit Resource Center
and also for 1994 Academy of Fundraising publication
“Uncovering Major Donor Motivation,” Nonprofit Resource Center
“How to Measure the Cost of Raising a Dollar,” Golden Gate NSFRE chapter
"Selecting Fundraising Software" Prentice-Hall, Inc. in the series
Charitable Giving and Solicitation
"Coordinating the Fund Raising, Public Relations and Alumni Efforts Within an
Organization," chapter printed by Prentice-Hall, Inc.
More than 30 publications on fundraising, health research and college administration.
Topics List available upon request.
International Visiting Nurse Association conference, San Francisco,
“Cost Analysis: Is Raising Money Making Money?” April 2002
“Using the Internet for Fundraising,” Development Executives Network, Monterey
“Board Training 101” Mendocino Arts Council
Blackbaud International Conference on Fund Raising, Charleston SC
“Cost Analysis: Is Raising Money Making Money?” 11/12-15/00
National Society of Fund Raising Executives, Monterey Bay Chapter
“Are You Ready for a Capital Campaign?” 4/12/00
Community Foundation for Monterey County
“Soliciting Small Businesses and Corporations” 4/28/99
“The Skill and Art of Major Gift Fundraising” and also “Soliciting Small Businesses and
Corporations” - NSFRE Academy of Fund Raising, Yosemite Chapter, Modesto, CA, 10/29
CASE District VII Conference, San Francisco:
"The Case Statement: Why Should Anyone Give You Money?"
NSFRE Capital Chapter: "Why Are We in This Crazy Business?: Rewards and Challenges"
California State University, Sacramento Department Chairs and Affiliates:
"State of the University: Heading Toward the Gold"
NSFRE Survey Course, "Case Statement" segment,
Sacramento, CA (for prospective CFRE's)
Non-Profit Resource Center, Sacramento: "Uncovering Major Donor Motivation"
NSFRE Golden Gate Chapter, San Francisco: "Case Statement" & "Cost to Raise a Dollar".
CASE District VII Conference: "From Suspect to Prospect to Gift:
Uncovering Major Donor Motivation"
Non Profit Resource Center, Sacramento: "How to Measure the Cost of Raising a Dollar"
NSFRE California's Capital Chapter senior roundtable: "Cause-Related Marketing"
NSFRE Nevada District Conference, Reno: "The Annual Fund: Where It All Begins"
Sacramento Opera Assn.: "The Board’s Role in Fund Raising"
Sacramento Planned Giving Forum: "Opening Professional Doors:
Working with a Donor's Advisors"
Planned Giving Forum: "Building the Development Team"
NSFRE International Conference: Track dean
CASE Long-Range Planning Committee