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Tape Script for Review Unit I Version A
Question 1 refers to the following dialog.
: I don’t think I can finish the paper on time. The topic is rather difficult.
Woman : Don’t give up. Believe in yourself that you can do it. Don’t worry, I’ll help you.
: Promise?
Woman : Yes!
1. What does the woman promise?
Question 2 refers to the following dialog.
Girl : Rafi, you ate my muffin last night, didn’t you?
Boy : Er . . . sorry. I ate it.
2. What did the boy eat?
Question 3 refers to the following dialog.
Boy : Look at the living room! It’s a real mess.
Girl : Sorry. It’s my fault.
Boy : How come?
Girl : Well . . ., I was looking for my English textbook.
3. What is the dialog about?
Questions 4 and 5 refer to the following monolog.
There was a blind girl who hated herself because she was blind. She hated everyone, except her loving
boyfriend. He was always there for her. She said that, if she could only see the world, she would marry her
One day, someone donated a pair of eyes to her and then she could see everything, including her boyfriend.
Her boyfriend asked her, “Now that you can see the world, will you marry me?”
The girl was shocked when she saw that her boyfriend was blind too and refused to marry him. Her
boyfriend walked away in tears and later wrote a letter to her saying, “Just take care of my eyes, dear. I’ll always
love you.”
Adopted from: (March 15, 2011)
4. What would the blind girl do if she could see the world?
5. What happened to the blind girl’s boyfriend?
Lampiran 3
Review Unit I
Version A
Mata Pelajaran :
Bahasa Inggris
Semester : 1 (satu)
: 1 (satu)
: ....
Nomor Induk
Tanda Tangan
Choose A, B, C, D or E for the correct
Listening Section
1. A.
To finish the paper soon.
To help the man finish his paper.
To hand in the paper on time.
To get a topic for the man’s paper.
The help the man type his paper.
2. A.
A cake.
Ice cream.
Fried chicken.
done after school today at 2 p.m. It is very important
so I would like everyone to attend this meeting. As we
all know, the English Night activity is going to be held
next Saturday, August 31 at 7 p.m. We have to ensure
that everything is prepared and well arranged. Please
come on time. Thank you.
6. What is the announcement about?
A. The delay of a meeting.
B. The English Night activity.
C. An invitation to have a meeting.
D. The English Night activity committee.
E. Advices and directions of the principal.
B. To plan the English Night activity.
C. To prepare for and arrange the English Night
D. To evaluate the English Night activity which
had been done.
E. To receive advice and directions from the
3. A.
A girl who admitted her mistake for messing
the living room.
B. A boy who was looking for his English book.
C. A girl who wanted to tidy up the living room.
D. A girl who helped the boy tidy up the living
E. A boy and girl who messed up the living
4. A.
She would travel around the world.
She would like to see her boyfriend.
She would help others who were blind too.
She would like to see everything in the world.
She would marry her boyfriend.
5. A.
He married the girl.
He became blind.
He became an oculist.
He left the girl with happiness.
He lived happily with another girl.
What is the agenda of the meeting?
A. To prepare for the English Night activity.
The following text is for questions 8 to 10.
To: All the teachers and staff of SMA Perdana
A one-day meeting will be held next week:
Date/Time : Tuesday, August 13, 2013 at
10 a.m. to 3 p.m.
Location : Room 101
: National Examination Preparation
Due to the importance of the meeting, please be
punctual. Bring your ideas and suggestions, to
help our students be successful in the
This is the end of the listening section.
Widya Purnamasari
The Head of the National Examination Committee
8. What is the meeting for?
A. To inform about the national examination.
B. To give solutions to the examination problem.
C. To discuss about the national examination
B. Reading Section
The following text is for questions 6 and 7.
May I have your attention, please?
I would like the committee of the English Night
activity to assemble in the school hall to receive some
advice and directions from the principal. This will be
D. To ask teachers to face the national
E. To talk about the preparation for the
national examination.
11. What is the story about?
A. Some travelers.
B. A man and his son.
C. A man and his ass.
D. A man, his son and an ass.
E. A man, his son and a couple they met.
9. From the text above we can conclude that
A. the national examination has already been
B. all students have been successful in the
national examination
C. the meeting is held before the national
D. the teacher must be pleased with the result
of the national examination
E. the participants should review whether they
have done the exam well
12. Why did one of the travelers say that the man and
his son were cruel to the ass?
A. Because both of them got onto the ass.
B. Because both carried the ass on their
C. Because the man let his son walk while he
was sitting on the ass.
D. Because both of them were walking when
they had an ass to ride.
E. Because the boy let his father walk while he
was sitting on the ass.
10. Who invites all the teachers and staff of SMA
A. The students.
B. The teachers.
C. The principal of SMA Perdana.
D. The head of the national examination
E. The staffs of SMA Perdana.
13. What moral value can you learn from the story?
A. We should work hard.
B. We cannot please everyone.
C. We cannot underestimate others.
D. We should respect other’s opinions.
E. We should obey our parents.
14. Mom : Why are you so gloomy?
Ryan : I lost my purse, Mom.
Mom : You ________ dropped it on the way
home from school.
Ryan : I think so.
A. could not have
B. must have
C. should have
D. would have
E. might not have
The following text is for questions 11 to 13.
One day a man was going to market with his son
and his ass. They met a couple on the way. “Why
walk when you have an ass to ride?” called out the
husband, “Sit the boy on the ass.”
“I would like that,” said the boy, “help me up,
And the father did that willingly.
Soon they met another couple. “How shameful of
you!” cried the woman, “Let your father ride. Won’t he
be tired?”
So, the boy got down and the father rode the ass.
Again they marched on.
“Poor boy,” said the next person they met, “why
should the lazy father ride while his son is walking?”
So, the boy got onto the ass too. As they went
on, they met some travelers. “How cruel they are!
They are ready to kill the poor ass,” cried one of the
Hearing this, the father and son got down. Now
they decided to carry the ass on their shoulders.
15. Jerry : Can you drive a car?
Irfan : No, I can’t. Actually I wish (that)
________, but my father doesn’t allow
A. I can drive it
B. I could drive it
C. I could have driven it
D. I cannot drive it
E. I couldn’t drive it
The following text is for questions 16 to 20.
This is Good
An old story is told about a king in Africa who had
a close friend with whom he grew up. The friend had
a habit of looking at every situation that occurred in his
life (positive or negative) and remarked, “This is good!”
One day the king and his friend were out on
a hunting expedition. The friend would load and
prepare the guns for the king. The friend had
apparently done something wrong when preparing one
of the guns, for after taking the gun from his friend, the
king fired it and his thumb was blown off. Examining
the situation the friend remarked as usual, “This is
As they did so, the travelers broke into laughter.
Unfortunately, the laughter frightened the ass. It broke
free and galloped away.
Adopted from:
_please_everyone.htm (March 12, 2011)
good!” To which the king replied, “No, this is not
good!” and proceeded to send his friend to jail.
About a year later, the king was hunting in
an area that he should have known to stay clear of.
Cannibals captured him and took him to their village.
They tied his hands, stacked some wood, set up
a stake and bound him to the stake. As they came
near to set fire to the wood, they noticed that the king
was missing a thumb. Being superstitious, they never
ate anyone that was less than whole. So untying the
king, they sent him on his way.
As he returned home, he was reminded of the
event that had taken his thumb and felt remorse for
the treatment of his friend. He went immediately to the
jail to speak with his friend. “You were right,” he said,
“it was good that my thumb was blown off.” He
proceeded to tell the friend all that had just
happened. “So I am very sorry for sending you to jail
for so long. It was bad for me to do this.”
“No,” his friend replied, “This is good!”
“What do you mean, ‘This is good’? How could it
be good that I sent my friend to jail for a year?”
“If I had not been in jail, I would have been with
E. disappointment
18. Why didn’t the cannibals eat the king? Because
A. he could beat them in a fight
B. he could hide himself
C. he had lost his thumb
D. he had lost his foot
E. he was sick
19. What would have happened if the king’s friend
had not been in jail?
A. He would have died.
B. He would have been sick.
C. He would have lost his thumb.
D. He would have hunted many animals.
E. He would have lost his friend, the king.
20. Which of the statements is NOT TRUE?
the king visited him.
A. The text is about an African king.
B. The cannibals would eat the king by burning
C. The king’s thumb was blown off when he
went hunting.
D. The king went to the jail to express his regret
to his friend.
E. The king friend’s had been in jail for two
years when
Adopted from: (March 3, 2010)
16. Why did the king send his friend to the jail?
A. Because of his positive remark when the
king lost his thumb.
B. Because he hadn’t joined the king to hunt in
the forest.
C. Because he had tried to kill the king.
D. Because he had betrayed the king.
E. Because he had fired the king.
17. “. . . and felt remorse for the treatment of his
friend.” (Paragraph 4)
The word ‘remorse’ is best replaced by
A. pity
B. pain
C. regret
D. dissatisfaction
Create an announcement.
You may choose your own topic.
Lampiran 4
Kunci Review Unit I
Version A
Pilihan Ganda
Listening Section
1. B. Berdasarkan kalimat wanita tersebut, ”Don’t
worry. I’ll help you.” yang artinya ”Jangan
khawatir. Saya akan membantumu.”,
disimpulkan bahwa wanita tersebut berjanji
akan membantu laki-laki tersebut
menyelesaikan makalahnya. Pilihan jawaban
(B) benar.
2. A. Jawaban disimpulkan dari kalimat anak
perempuan itu, ”Rafi, you ate my muffin last
night, didn’t you?”, dan ucapan anak laki-laki
itu, yaitu ”Er . . . sorry. I ate it.”. Jadi, anak
laki-laki itu memakan muffin, sejenis kue.
Pilihan jawaban (A) benar.
3. A. Percakapan tersebut mengenai anak
perempuan yang mengakui kesalahannya
karena membuat ruang tamu berantakan.
Ia sedang mencari buku pelajaran Bahasa
Inggrisnya yang hilang. Jadi, pilihan jawaban
yang sesuai dengan isi percakap-an adalah
(A) yang artinya anak perempu-an yang
mengakui kesalahannya karena membuat
ruang tamu berantakan.
4. E. Pilihan jawaban (E) sesuai dengan kalimat
”She said that, if she could only see the
world, she would marry her boyfriend.” yang
artinya ”Ia berkata bahwa jika ia dapat
melihat dunia, ia akan menikah dengan lakilaki tersebut.”.
5. B. Jawaban disimpulkan dari kalimat ”The girl
was shocked when she saw that her
boyfriend was blind too and refused to marry
him.” yang artinya ”Gadis itu terkejut ketika ia
melihat bahwa teman laki-lakinya juga buta
dan menolak menikah dengan-nya.”. Jadi,
yang terjadi pada laki-laki itu adalah ia
menjadi buta, sesuai dengan pilihan jawaban
B. Reading Section
6. C. Jawaban disimpulkan dari kalimat ”It is very
important so I would like everyone to attend
this meeting.” yang artinya ”Ini sangat
penting sehingga saya minta setiap orang
menghadiri pertemuan ini.”. Jadi, pengumuman itu bersifat undangan. Pilihan
jawaban (C) benar.
8. E.
9. C.
10. D.
11. D.
12. A.
13. B.
Jawaban disimpulkan dari kalimat-kalimat
”I would like the committee of the English
Night activity to assemble in the school hall
to receive some advice and directions from
the principal.” yang artinya ”Saya minta
panitia kegiatan English Night untuk
berkumpul di aula sekolah untuk mendapat-
kan nasihat dan pengarahan dari kepala
sekolah.”. Jadi, agenda pertemuan itu adalah
pilihan jawaban (E) yang artinya untuk
mendapatkan nasihat dan pengarah-an dari
kepala sekolah.
Jawaban disimpulkan dari keterangan ”Topic:
National Examination Preparation” yang
artinya ”Topik: Persiapan Ujian Nasional”.
Jadi, pertemuan tersebut untuk
membicarakan persiapan ujian nasional.
Pilihan jawaban (E) benar.
Topik yang akan dibahas pada pertemuan
tersebut adalah persiapan ujian nasional.
Jadi, dapat disimpulkan bahwa pertemuan
dilakukan sebelum ujian nasional. Pilihan
jawaban (C) benar.
Informasi mengenai orang yang mengundang
dapat ditemukan di bagian akhir undangan,
yaitu ”Head of the National Examination
Committee”. Pilihan jawaban (D) benar.
Cerita tersebut tentang seorang laki-laki,
anaknya, dan keledainya yang hendak pergi
ke pasar. Hal ini sesuai dengan kalimat awal
teks tersebut, yaitu ”One day
a man was going to market with his son and
his ass.”. Pilihan jawaban (D) benar. Pilihan
jawaban yang lain salah karena tokoh
pelancong dan sepasang suami isteri adalah
tokoh pendukung, bukan tokoh utama dalam
cerita tersebut.
Pilihan jawaban (A) sesuai dengan kalimatkalimat ”So, the boy got onto the ass too.
As they went on, they met some travelers.
’How cruel they are! They are ready to kill the
poor ass,’ cried one of the travelers.” yang
artinya ”jadi, anak laki-laki tersebut juga naik
ke atas keledai. Ketika mereka berjalan,
mereka bertemu beberapa pelancong.
’Betapa jahatnya mereka! Mereka akan
membunuh keledai malang itu,’ teriak salah
seorang pelancong.”.
Dalam cerita tersebut dikisahkan laki-laki dan
anaknya harus naik ke dan turun dari
punggung keledainya setelah mendengar
komentar orang-orang yang mereka temui
dalam perjalanan ke pasar hingga laki-laki itu
dan anaknya memutuskan menggotong
keledainya. Namun, pada akhirnya keledai itu
lari. Jadi, dapat disimpulkan bahwa karena
hanya ingin menyenangkan orang-orang
tersebut, laki-laki itu malah kehilang-an
keledainya. Dengan demikian, nilai yang
dapat kita peroleh dari cerita tersebut adalah
(B) yang artinya kita tidak bisa
menyenangkan setiap orang.
14. B. Ryan memberi tahu ibunya bahwa dompetnya hilang. Ibunya menduga dompet itu pasti
jatuh dalam perjalanan pulang ke rumah.
Jadi, modal perfect yang paling tepat untuk
melengkapi kalimat ibu Ryan adalah must
have. Pilihan jawaban (B) benar.
15. B. Dari percakapan tersebut diketahui bahwa
Irfan tidak dapat mengendarai mobil. Kalimat
tersebut mengimplikasikan negatif dan
future. Jadi, conditional dengan ’wish’ yang
tepat untuk melengkapi kalimat Irfan adalah
dalam bentuk positif dan past, yaitu I could
drive it. Pilihan jawaban (B) benar.
16. A. Pilihan jawaban (A) benar karena sesuai
dengan kalimat dalam paragraf dua,
”Examining the situation the friend
remarked as usual, ’This is good!’ To which
the king replied, ’No, this is not good!’ and
proceeded to send his friend to jail.” yang
artinya ”Sambil memperhatikan situasi,
temannya memberi komentar sebagaimana
biasa, ’Ini bagus!’ yang ditanggapi sang raja
dengan mengatakan, ’Tidak, ini tidak bagus!’
dan melanjutkannya dengan memasukkan
temannya ke penjara.”. Jadi, sang raja
mengirim temannya ke penjara karena
komentar positif yang diberikannya.
17. C. Kata ’remorse’ artinya ’penyesalan yang
dalam’. Kata ini artinya sama dengan
’regret’. Pilihan jawaban yang lain artinya
berbeda; (A) artinya kasihan, (B) artinya
perasaan sakit, (D) artinya perasaan tidak
puas, dan (E) artinya kekecewaan.
18. C. Jawaban disimpulkan dari kalimat dalam
paragraf tiga, ”As they came near to set fire
to the wood, they noticed that the king was
missing a thumb. Being superstitious, they
never ate anyone that was less than whole.
So untying the king, they sent him on his
way.” yang artinya ”Ketika mereka mendekat
untuk menyalakan api pada kayu, mereka
memperhatikan bahwa raja tersebut
kehilangan ibu jarinya. Menurut keyakinan
mereka, mereka tidak pernah makan
seseorang yang tidak utuh. Jadi, sambil
membuka kembali ikatan raja, mereka
mengirim raja kembali.”. Dengan demikian
orang-orang kanibal tidak memakan raja
karena ia tidak memiliki ibu jari, sesuai
dengan pilihan jawaban (C).
19. A. Pada bagian akhir teks, teman sang raja itu
mengatakan, ”If I had not been in jail,
I would have been with you.” yang artinya
”Kalau saya tidak dipenjara, saya saat itu
akan bersama kamu.”. Paragraf sebelum-
20. E.
nya menjelaskan bahwa ia adalah teman
dekat sang raja. Sebagai teman dekatnya,
tentu saja pada waktu raja tertangkap oleh
orang-orang kanibal, ia akan bersamanya.
Karena teman tersebut mempunyai anggota
badan yang lengkap, dapat dipasti-kan ia
mati dimakan oleh orang-orang kanibal itu.
Jadi, pilihan jawaban (A) benar.
Pilihan jawaban (E) benar untuk soal tentang
pernyataan yang salah karena tidak sesuai
dengan isi teks, yaitu kalimat akhir paragraf
dua dan kalimat-kalimat ”. . . and proceeded
to send his friend to jail. About a year later,
the king was hunting in an area . . . . He went
immediately to the jail to speak with his friend
. . . .” yang artinya ”. . . dan memasukkan
temannya ke penjara. Sekitar setahun
kemudian, raja berburu di daerah . . . Ia
segera pergi ke penjara untuk berbicara
dengan temannya . . . .”. Jadi, raja itu
mengunjungi sahabatnya ketika sahabatnya
itu telah dipenjara selama kurang lebih satu
II. Uraian
Contoh jawaban:
Pay attention, guys!
Our school shop needs an additional shop
assistant. The school shop assistant will work after
school hours. Applicants should have a good
academic background. Literate in computer
programs, preferably MS. Office.