Life Processes 2 Humans as Organisms 2.2 The Heart & Circulation Sc 2: Life Processes 2 Humans as Organisms 2.2 The Heart & Circulation P.O.S. Key Stage 2 Sc 2: 2c, 2d Key Stage 3 Sc 2: 2i, 2j, 2l Life Processes 2 Humans as Organisms 2.2 The Heart & Circulation LEARNING OBJECTIVES To be able to locate the position of the heart. To know that the heart can beat faster. To know that that heart pumps blood round the body and to the lungs. To be able to locate the position of the lungs. To know that arteries carry blood away from the heart and veins to it. To know that blood is carried around the body in tubes called blood vessels To know that blood is carried round the body in veins and arteries. To know that blood carries food and oxygen to all parts of the body and waste away. To develop the skills of measuring and recording. To be able to find and count the pulse rate. To know that a pulse is caused by heart beat. To be able to describe the effect of exercise and rest on pulse rate. To understand, simply, why the pulse goes up with exercise. ICT LINKS CD Roms about human body Digital pulse counter PE ACTIVITIES Discuss with the pupils what they already know about where the heart is and how it works. Draw the position of the heart on a body outline and where they think the blood flows. Obtain a heart from a butcher to look at (SAFETY SYMBOL) Let the pupils observe different types of pump in action. Examine valves in arm bands, rubber rings to show how they allow flow in one direction. Listen to the heart and feel the pulse. Make a home-made stethoscope from the top part of a washing-up bottle and a piece of plastic tubing. Discuss the effect of poor diet/lack of exercise on the heart. Discuss how blood is carried round the body and that it is a one-way system. Arteries take blood Away from the heart. Think about what happens when they cut themselves. Use a simple diagram to show how blood circulates. Link this to work on the heart – left side pumps blood with lots of oxygen through arteries and right side pumps blood with less oxygen (more carbon dioxide) through veins. VOCABULARY Heart, heart rate, pulse, pulse rate, pump, valve, circulate, artery, vein, circulation, oxygen, waste, food, blood, exercise, air, lungs, chest, breathe RESOURCES Heart, gloves, disinfectant, bag for disposal Bicycle pump, syringe, dropper, foot pump for air bed, squeezy bottle, balloon, fish tank pump. Plastic tubing Washing-up liquid bottles ‘Heart’ leaflets and health information Simple circulation diagram POINTS TO NOTE Detailed structure of the heart is not required until KS3. Details on double circulation are not required at Key Stage 2 Many pupils will draw the heart as a ‘Valentine’type heart. Some pupils might think of the body as filled with blood Details on the structure of arteries and veins is not needed. Life Processes 2 Humans as Organisms 2.2 The Heart & Circulation ACTIVITIES (cont) Write a story about blood’s journey round the body. Talk about the effect of poor diet and lack of exercise on blood vessels. Use Drama/PE to act out circulation. Discuss and find out what pupils know about breathing. Introduce the idea that they breathe in and out for a reason. Feel rib-cage as they breathe, exercise and feel again. This could be counted. Measure breathing rate with a tissue stuck on the end of the nose. Find pulses in wrist and neck. Anywhere else? What does exercise do to pulse rate; breathing rate? What other changes are there e.g. hotter, red in face, sweaty. Design a poster to promote a healthy lifestyle, exercise, heart etc Count the pulse rate lying down, sitting up, walking, running etc and time how long it takes to return to normal. Discuss how this will indicate fitness. Use diagrams, and actual specimens, to look at location and structure of the lungs. Compare breathed-in and breathed-out air in lime water for Carbon Dioxide; breathe on mirror for water content; breathe on thermometer for temperature. Can burn candles in both breathed in and breathed out air. RESOURCES Cont) Health education posters or leaflets Tissues Timers or stop clocks, strip thermometers Pulse counter Limewater, mirror, thermometer, cobalt chloride paper Candles, gas jars, trough, rubber tubing, timer POINTS TO NOTE (Cont) A simple explanation of why pulse rate increases is all that is needed e.g. blood takes food and oxygen to the muscles to do more work. It is important that pupils have understood the link between heart beat and pulse rate. Be aware of pupils with heart defects OWN ACTIVITIES POSSIBLE INVESTIGATIONS Does everybody’s heart beat at the same rate? Resources: timers or stop clocks, stethoscopes Use pieces of rubber tube to represent arteries and veins. (Thick walled tube=artery; thin walled tube=vein). Different tubing could be used for heart artery, leg artery, heart vein, leg vein. Which is the strongest? Stretchiest? (SAFETY SYMBOL) Resources: rubber tubing, Newton meters, slotted masses or tubs + masses. What makes a difference to pulse rate, e.g. age, sex, fitness, type of exercise, length of exercise etc. Are all lungs the same size? Pupils devise ways to measure this e.g. measure chest expansion, blowing up balloons, displacing water from a container, lung bags. Resources: Tape measures, balloons to blow into, 5 litre plastic container, bowl and tube, disinfectant, lung bags. Life Processes 2 Humans as Organisms 2.2 The Heart & Circulation Name: Date Record Began: Outcomes: NC Level 1 NC Level 4 1 1+ 2 2+ 3 3+ Uses appropriate vocabulary. Records in a table drawn by teacher e.g. to show heart rate in different situations. Can describe how they feel after exercise Know that the heart is a pump. Knows that the heart can beat faster. Knows that we use our lungs to breathe. Can approximately point out the location of the lungs on own body Knows that blood goes round the body in blood vessels. Can show two pulse points on the body. Can indicate simple circulation on a diagram. Knows that arteries take blood away from the heart and veins to the heart Knows that blood carries food and oxygen to all parts of the body and picks up waste. Can explain simple circulation linked to the heart. Can show you the correct position of the heart on a diagram. Can describe other changes to the body during exercise. Knows that pulse rate increases during exercise. Knows that pulse rate returns to normal after exercise and this is a measure of fitness. Knows that the lungs transfer oxygen to the bloodstream Can count their own pulse with help Life Processes 2 Humans as Organisms 2.2 The Heart & Circulation 4 Knows simply why the pulse rate increases during exercise. Can describe circulation of the blood Further Comments