Council Meeting Minutes - July 2015

July 6, 2015 Borough Council Meeting
The regular monthly meeting of the Stewartstown Borough Council was called to order at 7:00
p.m. In attendance were: Bill Gemmill, Roy Burkins, Polly Kreiss, Jerry Writer, Kenton Kurtz,
Michael Ellinger and Gordon Wisnom. Also in attendance were: Mayor Herzberger, Attorney
Craig Sharnetzka, Stacy Myers, Dennis Sarpen and Ira Walker.
Mr. Kurtz made a motion to approve the minutes from the June 1, 2015 Council meeting. Mr.
Burkins seconded and the motion was carried.
Ms. Kreiss made a motion to approve the general fund financial statements, including checks
dated May 30th through June 16th, 2015 totaling $40,765.37, seconded by Mr. Gemmill and the
motion was carried. Ms. Kreiss made a motion to approve the checks dated June 17th through
June 29th, 2015 totaling $2,988.61 seconded by Mr. Writer and the motion was carried.
Mr. Kurtz made a motion to approve the sewer fund financial statement, including checks dated
May 30th through June 16th, 2015 totaling $20,354.02 seconded by Mr. Burkins and the motion
was carried. Ms. Kreiss made a motion to approve the checks dated June 17th through June 29th,
2015 totaling $5,244.20 seconded by Mr. Ellinger and the motion was carried.
Mr. Kurtz made a motion to approve the water fund financial statement, including checks dated
May 30th through June 16th, 2015 totaling $32,947.24 seconded by Ms. Kreiss and the motion was
carried. Ms. Kreiss made a motion to approve the checks dated June 17th through June 29th, 2015
totaling $6,469.50 seconded by Mr. Burkins and the motion passed unanimously.
Council recognized Don Scarborough representing Mason Dixon Library. Ann Herzberger and
Regina Nizer were also present representing the Library. Mr. Scarborough asked for funds to
install automatic doors at the library. This request is not for a luxury item, but because there is a
real need. There are many seniors and young parents that have difficulty navigating the current
entrance. Due to state funding cuts, money received from fundraisers for the library go to items
such as insurance and salary increases and building maintenance. There are no additional funds
for items such as doors. The library services 14,000 residents, with 2000 of those located in the
Borough. The doors cost $7500, which if the Borough contributes 17% of the funds (for the
members serviced), Mr. Scarborough is asking for $1500 from Council. Mr. Ellinger made a
motion to approve a donation of $1500 to the Library for new automatic doors. Mr. Burkins
seconded and the motion was carried. East Hopewell, Hopewell and Cross Roads have already
agreed to make the donation. The Library will also have their Red, White and Brews fundraiser
September 12 from 6 pm to 9 pm. The funds obtained at this event are not earmarked for any
specific need, just to help keep the library open.
Mr. Walker was recognized by Council. The Eureka Fire Police will be in Red Lion at 7 pm
tomorrow (7/7/15) for a meeting. They will be sworn in to become Red Lion Fire Police in
addition to Eureka Fire Police. Red Lion would also like a Council member to attend, and Mr.
Wisnom volunteered. Mayor Herzberger also needs to swear in the Eureka Fire Police because
they were sworn in under the previous Mayor (Bonner Smith). Mayor Herzberger cannot make
tomorrow’s meeting, but he will reschedule with the members next week.
Attorney Sharnetzka stated that he reviewed the regulations regarding placing a restriction on
parking for 6 S. Main Street. An engineering and traffic study would be required. Mr. Ellinger
made a motion to request the study with the stipulation that the Business Owner requesting the
study pay the cost and the cost of the ordinance. Mr. Kurtz seconded and the motion was carried.
The Borough Office will call the Business Owner.
Attorney Sharnetzka stated that the bill for the Poplar Springs fence was paid.
Mr. Wisnom will be available by phone on July 21 for the mediation on the litigation issue.
Attorney Sharnetzka is working on the Tax Ordinance Amendment.
FEMA has approved the flood map, it will now be sent to DEP.
Council agreed to table the decision regarding York County resolution 205 regarding Medical
Marijuana until their August meeting.
Mr. Sarpen was recognized by Council. Street project work is beginning. Hickory Alley was
already approved and work will begin any day. There are two Change Orders for the Hill Street
project. The bids were requested and received as lump sum, but they need to be unit priced to be
approved. The first cost is for 10 square yards at a cost of $383.90 per square yard for a total of
$3,839 (original bid amount). The second is for the cost of $276.30 per square yard for 10
square yards for a total of $2,763 (original bid amount). Mr. Burkins made a motion to approve
the two Change Orders, Mr. Gemmill seconded and the motion was carried.
Discussion centered on the old storm sewer at the site for the Dollar General Store. A 20-foot
wide easement is requested. Future responsibility was discussed. Mr. Sarpen believes the Dollar
General will not contribute to the flow of the storm sewer but new development in the area will.
No decisions were made.
Mr. Walker presented his report for Council.
Mr. Gemmill made a motion to approve the cost not to exceed $400 for parts for the chemical
feeds pumps from LRM. Mr. Burkins seconded and the motion was carried.
Mr. Gemmill made a motion to approve the purchase of a meter to test new parameters per
requirements on the NPDES permit from DEP at that sewer plant for a cost of $2,204.96 from
Calgon. Ms. Kreiss seconded and the motion was carried.
Mr. Ellinger made a motion to approve the replacement of 4 tires for Truck #3 from Stewartstown
Service Center for a cost of $708. Mr. Kurtz seconded and the motion was carried.
Mayor Herzberger stated that he sent a letter to the Governor inviting him to the Eureka Parade,
to be held on July 18th. The Governor cannot attend the parade but hopefully will attend a future
Mayor Herzberger attended the Southern Regional Finance Committee Meeting. He learned a
lot. The Eureka Fire Relief Fund is set up for businesses to contribution money for the safety of
people that fight fires and protect the community.
Mr. Burkins made a motion to approve the July 3rd Fireworks Display. Ms. Kreiss seconded and
the motion was carried.
Mr. Kurtz made a motion to approve the current written list of requests for Fire Police assistance
in other municipalities. Mr. Ellinger seconded and the motion was carried. The Office will
contact the insurance agent to inquire about blanket requests.
The Cost of Living Adjustment for 2015 is 1.7%. Discussion will be tabled until the review of
the Personnel policy.
Council received the Shrewsbury Solicitation Ordinance for review. The old Ordinance is from
1993. A decision regarding drafting a new ordinance will be decided next month.
Ms. Kreiss discussed the issues with parking at the Post Office. She suggested painting the curb.
Mr. Walker states that this can be done. Mr. Burkins made a motion to spend up to $500 for sign
and posts additions to keep in stock for various areas around the Borough. Ms. Kreiss seconded
and the motion was carried.
Mr. Burkins attended a picnic at the York County Borough Association. He received a quote for
electric supply for the Borough including street lights, sewer plant and Borough buildings that is
significantly lower than what the Borough is currently paying. Mr. Ellinger made a motion to
approve the contract with Constellation Energy contingent upon Attorney Sharnetzka’ s
satisfactory review of the contract and the reference check is acceptable and there are no hidden
costs involved. Ms. Kreiss seconded and the motion was carried.
Mr. Burkins mentioned a CPA is interested in renting the old Police Office in the building
beginning August 1 for a monthly rate of $300 until January 1, 2016. She will be responsible for
renovations other than a handicapped bathroom that will be the Borough’s expense. Any
renovations she does, will have to be approved by Council. Mr. Burkins made a motion to
approve the rental agreement of $300 per month from August 1, 2015 to January 1, 2016, with the
Lessee paying all utilities and all Council approved renovations with the exception of the
handicap bathroom. After January 1, 2016, the rates will be $650 per month plus utilities. There
will also be 4 parking spaces allotted behind the building for her use. Ms. Kreiss seconded and
the motion was carried.
There being no further business, Mr. Kurtz made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Mr. Ellinger
and the Stewartstown Borough Council meeting adjourned at 8:38 pm.
Respectfully Submitted,
Cindy McCartin
Minute Taker/Transcriber