


Detective Sergeant Malcolm Ainslie (Tom Berenger, “Platoon,” “The Big Chill) is best known on the force for his persistence, insight and thorough investigations. That’s not all he’s known for – he also used to be a

Priest, until a tragic accident made him question his faith, motivating him to turn his back on religion. So when Ainslie is summoned to hear the confession of a serial killer he helped put away, he anxiously drives through the night to the prison to meet with him in person. With only a few hours remaining before being executed, the condemned man is compelled to inform Ainslie that he was not responsible for one of the double killings that he was suspected of committing. This shocking new revelation leaves Ainslie in an uncompromising position, and despite objections from the force, he feels he has no choice but to reopen the case.

With a killer still on the loose, and unsure of where to look, a distraught Ainslie is unable to find solace at home, since his personal life is also in shambles. After separating from his wife, Karen (Cybill Shepherd,

“Martha Inc; The Story of Martha Stewart,” “Cybill”), and abandoning the family, his eight-year old son will barely talk to him. At Karen’s urging, he reluctantly agrees to join her for Marriage Counseling, with the hope that they can patch up their broken marriage. Making things even more complicated, one of the many issues they are dealing with is his affair with his partner, Detective Cynthia Ernst (Annabeth Gish,

“The X Files,” “Mystic Pizza”). A driven woman herself, Cynthia is facing her own demons as she has something to prove on her own right due to the constant interference from her controlling father, the City

Council President Max Ernst (Charles Durning, “The Sting,” “Dog Day Afternoon”).

As the pressure builds, leading him to unsuspected places, Ainslie is tested as never before, both as a cop and as a man, as he tries to solve both the crime and his life.

Arthur Hailey’s acclaimed novel, Detective, comes to life in this made-for-television miniseries.

Detective (currently in production in Los Angeles) is a ????????Hallmark Entertainment production??????, being directed by David Cass ( ??????

) and produced by Lincoln Lageson (“The Dead Hollywood Mom’s

Society”) and Randy Pope (“A Christmas Carol, 2003). Robert Halmi, Jr. ????????serves as executive producer on the project.

Press Contacts:

Hallmark Entertainment

Beth R. Nussbaum

Vice President, Public Relations

