HWSC Research grant application 2013

Call for Applications
Summer Research Grant in Western Studies
Summer 2013
Proposals due TUESDAY, MAY 28, at 5 pm
Download application forms from http://english.boisestate.edu/hwsc/home/
The Hemingway Western Studies Center will award summer research stipends up to $750 to enable
enrolled BSU graduate students to conduct research in the study of the North American West during
Summer 2013. Awards may be granted in any discipline that supports a graduate program at Boise
State University.
Who is eligible? What areas encompass “the West”?
 A current BSU graduate student enrolled for both Spring 2013 and Fall 2013
 A student engaged in research relating to the North American West ~ any area of the US,
Canada, or Mexico that is understood to be “western” in the time of the study, or any portion of
today’s Great Plains/prairie, Rocky Mountain, and Pacific states and provinces. Regions of
interest may include, for example, the trans-Appalachian frontier of the US at the turn into the
nineteenth-century, the Canadian prairie, areas of Mexico north of the Rio Grande prior to
1836, or contemporary US regions west of the Mississippi River, among other possibilities.
How may funds be used?
 Provide living expenses to allow time for research and writing
 Provide for the purchase of books, software, or other materials
 Support travel expenses necessary to conduct research
 Other uses may be possible – Please inquire
What is expected of grant recipients?
 Submit a Summer Research Grant Report by August 27, 2013
 Arrange to present research results publicly at BSU in Fall 2013, acknowledging support of the
Hemingway Western Studies Center and notifying director in advance of your presentation
 Submit a copy of any writing you completed during the grant period to the Hemingway
Western Studies Center director, with permission-to-archive form
 Acknowledge the Hemingway Western Studies Center Summer Research Grant in any
publications or presentations that result from the grant
How to apply?
 Submit a Summer Research Grant Application by May 28, 2013, at 5 pm
When will funds be available?
 June 2013 – Recipients will be notified by June 7
Hemingway Western Studies Center
Summer Research Grant Application
for Graduate Research in any field of Western Studies
Summer 2013
Proposals due TUESDAY, MAY 28, at 5 pm
The Hemingway Western Studies Center will award summer research stipends up to $750 to enable
enrolled BSU graduate students to conduct research in the study of the North American West during
Summer 2013. Awards may be granted in any discipline that supports a graduate program at Boise
State University.
Name of applicant
Address, Phone, & Email
Degree program & date degree expected+
(Degree must be expected in Dec 2013 or later) +Attach unofficial transcript
Project title
(Name of thesis or article / subject of research)
Faculty advisor (print)
Please address the following questions in a narrative that you print and attach:
1. Description of Project (150 words)
2. What is “western” about this project? or, How does this project relate to the North American West?
(100-150 words) – Be specific about the geographical reach of the project and the amount of your
work that relates to the West. See Call for Applications.
3. Please indicate briefly but specifically how you expect to use the funds.
If you expect the stipend to purchase books or materials or to support travel, please be specific about
the materials or destination and the cost. What is the purpose of these materials or this travel for your
project? If stipend provides living expenses, will you reduce hours to make time for research? How
many hours or weeks?
4. Anticipated Outcomes
Please specify any written work that you expect to produce and its timetable, as well as a proposed
date and manner of presentation (i.e., gallery installation, oral presentation, slideshow, film and
discussion, etc) at BSU in Fall 2013. All projects must include a public presentation in Fall 2013.
Faculty sponsor*
Department or Program chair
* Faculty sponsor is familiar with you and your project and certifies that to the best of her/his
knowledge you are a current BSU graduate student planning to enroll for BSU graduate credit in Fall
2013. If the faculty advisor is also your program director or department chair, the same person may
sign on two lines. A faculty member may sponsor more than one student for this grant.
Application Checklist
1. This 2-page Summer Research Grant Application, signed and dated;
2. A copy of your unofficial Broncoweb transcript showing your name, graduate credits to date, and
Fall 2013 enrollment status;
3. Printed narrative application addressing 4 questions above (including projected use of funds)
Deliver by 5 pm May 28 to:
Prof Tara Penry, English Department
Director, Hemingway Western Studies Center
Hand deliver to LA 208 mailroom, email to tpenry@boisestate.edu, or mail to
1910 University Drive, MS 1525
Boise State University
Boise, ID, 83725-1525
Applications that arrive after May 28 may be considered on a rolling basis as long as funds are
available. Grant recipients will receive awards up to $750; actual amount may be less depending on the
applicant’s budget and the number of qualified applications received.
Prof Tara Penry, English Department
Director, Hemingway Western Studies Center