communicate, rejuvenate, celebrate

The 24th Annual QRCA Conference
Wednesday, October 7, to Friday, October 9, 2009
Palm Springs, CA
Thank you for submitting your application to speak at the 2009 QRCA Conference. Please complete
the entire form and email to by March 20, 2009.
Please provide all the information requested so your proposal can be evaluated on its potential for
contributing to the educational content of the conference.
Session title
(Should intrigue & inform; even better if it relates to the COMMUNICATE, REJUVENATE, COMMUNICATE
theme or a conference track)
“Tell us like it is!”
Extending your online marketing research skills
into the HR Department
Description of session content
(This is the description members will read in order to decide whether to attend your
presentation. It is very important that the actual presentation indeed fits this description)
Case Study demonstrating Shell International’s
usage of Global Online Bulletin Boards
in an often neglected area - Employee Research
Shell International Limited is a leading global corporation with long-term
involvement in the energy business.
Their HR Department was undertaking a significant initiative to enhance
their recruitment & retention of experienced professional staff, a key issue
for future expansion plans given the global competition for well qualified
and experienced personnel.
From prior qualitative research they had developed a draft Employer
Positioning, which required assessment and fine tuning.
Problem: How to cost-effectively access employees globally whilst
allowing them to communicate openly but confidentially
Solution: Online Bulletin Boards conducted on a world-wide basis
This session will:
Evaluate the benefits of extending this online method to address HR
Discuss the practicalities of online Bulletin Boards for:
* Employee research – esp. for senior level staff
* Conducting research across continents (China, Malaysia, India,
Netherlands, UK, USA, Canada)
Review the feedback we received both from the client (Shell) and
from participants regarding how the process worked for them
Open the floor to share experiences and ideas so that all participants
will leave with a clear idea as to how to expand their business!
Learn from the experiences of ourselves and of other attendees for
practical ideas on extending your business reach in these testing times!
How would you describe the interactive portion of your presentation?
Whilst the first part of this session will be a classic presentation, we will
then open the floor to delegates to share their experiences and learning, so
that attendees will leave with clear, practical ideas on how to go about
extending their business into this often neglected area.
The exact format of this process will be either in the form of a panel if we
can find a number of suitably experienced QRCs in this area, or an open
mike session – we will further explore the optimum format if this paper is
Benefit Statement (Please summarize what attendees can expect to gain from your session)
We encourage QRC’s to consider extending their reach into client
companies by offering the use of online Bulletin Boards to applications in
current and new clients’ HR Departments.
This offer the appealing potential for a new revenue stream at a time when
Marketing budgets on Research are under great pressure!
Have you presented or published this material previously? If yes, please specify the venue
and date.
Is there any other information you feel will support the selection of your idea?
I am sure that we can make this session a lively one with the right persons
primed to support the main speaker!
Please provide a brief biographical sketch for all speakers, including qualitative research
and speaking experience. (If you are chosen to present, this bio will be used for
Julia Gartside-Spink
Managing Director, Lumina Business Solutions Ltd., UK
Julia’s experience has included responsibility for commissioning and
conducting UK and multinational qualitative studies across a wide range of
business sectors over many years. She was a client researcher at Glaxo
SmithKline and Gillette, working closely on a pan-European and then global
basis at the latter company. She was MD of Frank Small International
research agency in Indonesia, and has also lived in the Netherlands.
In the 1990’s Julia developed Pegram Walters International into a
respected UK-based operation, working with a broad portfolio of major
global companies. During this time she won the ‘Best Presented Paper’ at
ESOMAR Congress.
Julia set up Lumina Business Solutions in 1999 to provide qualitative
research consultancy to UK and international research buyers.
Over the past two years prompted by the development of online research
in North America, Julia has become involved in applying her international
qualitative research skills to online research, including developing a
network of globally spread colleagues who have adopted this methodology
into their toolbox.
Information about your session (please mark your selections with “X”)
Conference track (select 1)
Communicate information
Rejuvenate your passion
Celebrate the future of
qualitative research
QRC skill level most appropriate for
% of time lecture
% of time hands-on interaction
Preferred room arrangement
Facility needs
LCD projector
If workshop, please write in:
Time requirements
90 minutes
60 minutes
120 minutes
(select as many as apply)
1-3 years experience
3-7 years experience
7+ years experience
Round tables
Other, specify:
Easel & flipchart
Internet access
Other, specify:
Complete contact information for all speakers
Full name of primary contact
Julia Gartside-Spink
Email address
Mailing/shipping address
Field House, Moor Road, Great Longstone, Bakewell DE45 1A, UK
Phone (including area/country code)
+44 1629 640 103
Fax (including area/country code)
Full name of additional speaker
Email address
Mailing/shipping address
Phone (including area/country code)
Fax (including area/country code)
Full name of additional speaker
Email address
Mailing/shipping address
Phone (including area/country code)
Fax (including area/country code)
If there are more speakers, please provide full contact information (as requested above) on an
additional page.
The deadline for all applications is MARCH 20, 2009
Please email your completed application form to
Or apply online at
Or fax your completed application form to 651-290-2266, ATTN: DARRIN