Alexander Central School District Athletic Code of Conduct

Alexander Central School District
Athletic Code of Conduct
Participation on an Alexander Central School athletic team is a privilege which
should elicit great pride in the athlete, his/her family and the entire school
community. A willingness to abide by training regulations and behave as a good citizen is necessary for the success
of the student, the team and the entire athletic program.
Every student athlete and his/her parent or guardian is required to sign this agreement attesting to their personal
commitment to the athletic program. Your signature communicates your understanding of the policy, your
willingness to set a positive example, adhere to basic concepts of good citizenship and to follow proper training
Violation of the ACS Student Code of Conduct is cause for restricting athletic participation. The ACS Code of
Conduct is located in the student agenda provided to each student at the beginning of the school year.
Any student athlete suspended either in or out of school, will not be allowed to participate in athletic practices or
contests for the duration of the suspension. In addition the student will meet with his/her coach to determine
additional consequences based on the Athletic Code of Conduct.
The Athletic Code of Conduct regulations are in effect from the signing date until the conclusion of the school
year during which the agreement was signed. In all situations the administration reserves the right to act promptly
and with the best interest of the athlete and the District in mind.
Students who are in violation of the Athletic Code of Conduct will be subject to the following consequences:
Class A violations of the Athletic Code of Conduct include but are not limited to:
 Repeated violations of the ACS Student Code of Conduct
 Disregard for team rules
 Use of profanity
 Unsportsmanlike conduct
 Late to practice or missing practice
FIRST OFFENSE: The coach in conjunction with the Athletic Director will determine the appropriate
consequence; minimally the consequence will be a verbal reprimand. The maximum penalty will be that the athlete
is allowed to practice with the team however he/she will be suspended from competition for 25% - 50% of the
next contest.
SECOND OFFENSE: The athlete will be allowed to practice with the team but will be suspended from
competition for 50%-100% of the next contest.
THIRD OFFENSE: The athlete will be allowed to practice with the team but will be suspended from
competition for 100% of the next 1 or 2 contests.
Mar. 2011
Class B violations of the Athletic Code of Conduct include but are not limited to:
 Violations of the ACS Student Code of Conduct
 Theft of property
 Vandalism or destruction of property
 Use of alcohol or tobacco
 Inappropriate use of electronic equipment
FIRST OFFENSE: Beginning the date of the offense the athlete will be placed on probation and will continue
until such time that the athlete either graduates or withdraws from Alexander Central Schools. The athlete will be
allowed to practice with the team but will be suspended from competition for 25% of the regular season. In the
event that the season ends prior to completion of the sanction, the consequence will carryover into the next sport
season in which the athlete participates.
SECOND OFFENSE: If a second offense occurs during the probationary period, the athlete will be allowed to
practice with the team but will be suspended from competition for 50% of the regular season. In the event that
the season ends prior to completion of the sanction, it will carryover into the next sport season in which the
athlete participates.
THIRD OFFENSE: If a third offense occurs during the probationary period, the athlete will be suspended from
interscholastic athletics for one year beginning with the date of the third offense. A conference will be held with
the athlete, his/her parent or guardian and the Athletic Director before the athlete is reinstated into the athletic
program at ACS.
Class C violations of the Athletic Code of Conduct include but are not limited to:
 Possession and/or use of illegal drugs
 Conduct that results in criminal charges being lodged against the athlete
FIRST OFFENSE: If a first offense occurs during the probationary period, the athlete will be suspended from
practice and competition for 50% of the season. In the event that the season ends prior to completion of the
sanction, it will carry over into the next sport season in which the athlete participates.
SECOND OFFENSE: If a second offense occurs during the probationary period, the athlete will be suspended
from interscholastic athletics for one year beginning with the date of the second offense. A conference will be
held with the athlete, his/her parent or guardian and the Athletic Director before the athlete is reinstated into the
athletic program at ACS.
In signing this form I acknowledge that I have read and understand the responsibilities of being a student athlete
at the Alexander Central School District.
Athletes Signature: ___________________________________
Date: _______________
Parent/Guardian Signature: ______________________________
Date: _______________
Mar. 2011