Page 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. INTRODUCTION SYSTEM OVERVIEW A. Photostimulable phosphors and photostimulated luminescence B. PSP characteristics and image formation properties C. The readout process D. Characteristic curve response PROCESSING THE RAW PSP IMAGE A. Readout parameters B. Image grayscale processing C. Display processing IMAGE DEMOGRAPHICS AND EXPOSURE INDICATORS A. Image acquisition and processing parameters B. Exposure indicators C. Exposure concerns of PSP systems PSP SYSTEM IMAGE CHARACTERISTICS A. Spatial resolution B. Contrast resolution C. Detective Quantum Efficiency D. Image display SYSTEM CONFIGURATIONS AND DIGITAL SOFT-COPY INTERFACES GENERIC FUNCTIONAL SPECIFICATIONS OF PSP SYSTEMS A. Phosphor plates and cassettes B. Plate throughput C. Spatial resolution D. Contrast sensitivity E. Dynamic range F. Miscellaneous considerations for bid specifications G. Clinical implementation issues ACCEPTANCE TESTING A. Preliminary communication with vendor engineer/specialist B. Component inventory C. Initial adjustments D. Specific testing procedures ARTIFACTS A. Image artifacts B. Software artifacts C. Object artifacts D. Film artifacts QUALITY CONTROL AND PERIODIC MAINTENANCE A. Daily (technologist) B. Weekly (technologist) C. Monthly (technologist) D. Semi-Annually / Annually (physicist) CONCLUSIONS REFERENCES Draft Document: AAPM Task Group 10 October 1997; version 3.1 Page 2 Acceptance Testing and Quality Control of Photo Stimulable Phosphor Imaging Systems Report of Task Group #10 American Association of Physicists in Medicine 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 Task Group #10 Members: J. Anthony Seibert (Chair), Terri Bogucki, Ted Ciona, Jon Dugan, Walter Huda, Andrew Karellas, John Mercier, Ehsan Samei, Jeff Shepard, Brent Stewart, Orhan Suleiman, Doug Tucker, Robert A. Uzenoff, John Weiser, Chuck Willis Table of Contents Page # Abstract . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . System overview Photostimulable phosphors and photostimulated luminescence PSP characteristics and image formation properties The readout process Characteristic Curve Response Processing the raw PSP image Readout parameters Image grayscale processing Display processing Image demographics and exposure indicators Image acquisition and processing parameters Exposure indicators Exposure concerns of PSP systems PSP system image characteristics Spatial resolution Contrast resolution Detective Quantum Efficiency Image display System configurations and digital soft-copy interfaces Generic Functional Specifications of PSP systems Phosphor plates and cassettes Plate throughput Spatial resolution Contrast sensitivity Dynamic range Miscellaneous considerations for bid specifications Clinical implementation issues Acceptance Testing Preliminary communication with vendor engineer and specialist Initial adjustments, tools and equipment Component inventory Specific testing procedures -- tools and equipment Artifacts Quality Control and Periodic Maintenance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Draft Document: AAPM Task Group 10 October 1997; version 3.1 Page 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Conclusions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . References. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bibliography. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Appendices. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Manufacturers: addresses, contact information Specific system details and testing procedures: Fuji Photo Film, Inc. and related PSP systems Specific system details and testing procedures: Eastman Kodak Digital Science Specific system details and testing procedures: Agfa Sample acceptance testing and quality control forms Draft Document: AAPM Task Group 10 October 1997; version 3.1 Page 4 1 ABSTRACT 2 3 Photostimulable phosphor (PSP) imaging employs reusable imaging plates and associated hardware and software to 4 acquire and display digital projection radiographs. This is a recent addition to diagnostic imaging technology. 5 Procedures are needed to guide the diagnostic radiological physicist in the evaluation and continuous quality 6 improvement of PSP imaging practice. This document includes overview material, generic functional specifications, 7 testing methodology, and a bibliography. We describe generic, non-invasive tests that are applicable to a variety of 8 PSP units. Manufacturers’ appendices describe specifications, machine-specific attributes, and tests. 9 10 INTRODUCTION 11 12 The primary purpose of this document is to guide the clinical medical physicist in the acceptance testing of 13 photostimulable phosphor (PSP) imaging systems. PSP imaging devices are known by a number of names including, 14 computed radiography (CR), storage phosphor imaging, digital storage phosphor imaging, and digital luminescence 15 radiography. In the digital form, PSP images are readily integrated into a Picture Archiving and Communications 16 System (PACS). The tests we describe are appropriate for PSP systems in either integrated or stand-alone 17 applications. Digital imaging technology is rapidly evolving: this guide represents the state of technology as of its 18 writing. Proper application of this guide involves supplementing with current literature and specific manufacturer’s 19 technical data. A secondary purpose is to provide a consolidated source of information regarding device 20 functionality, testing, and clinical practice of PSP imaging. This document provides the physicist with a means to 21 conduct initial acceptance testing, interpret results, and establish baseline performance. A subset of these tests can 22 be extended to routine quality control. 23 24 25 SYSTEM OVERVIEW 26 In order to test an imaging device, an understanding of its basic operating principles is necessary. The following text 27 provides a basic discussion of those principles. 28 29 PSP Image acquisition 30 The photo-stimulable phosphor (PSP) stores absorbed x-ray energy in crystal structure “traps”, and is sometimes 31 referred to as a "storage" phosphor. This trapped energy can be released if stimulated by additional light energy of 32 the proper wavelength by the process of photostimulated luminescence (PSL). Acquisition and display of the PSP 33 image can be considered in five generalized steps illustrated in Figure 1 below. 34 35 Draft Document: AAPM Task Group 10 October 1997; version 3.1 Page 5 P S P I m a g e a c q u i s i t i o n X r a y s y s t e m 1 . 5 . C o m p u t e d u n e x p o s e d R a d i o g r a p h 2 . P S P d e t e c t o r I m a g e R e a d e r 3 . I m a g e S c a l i n g 4 . I m a g e R e c o r d e r P a t i e n t e x p o s e d 1 2 Figure 1. PSP Image acquisition and processing. 3 4 5 The unexposed PSP detector, placed in a cassette, replaces the screen-film receptor. Using x-ray imaging techniques 6 similar to screen-film imaging, an “electronic” latent image, in the form of trapped electrons is imprinted on the PSP 7 receptor by absorption of the photons transmitted through the object. At this point, the unobservable latent image is 8 “processed” by placing the PSP cassette into an image reader, where the image receptor is extracted from the cassette 9 and raster-scanned with a highly focused laser light of low energy. A higher energy photostimulated luminescence 10 (PSL) signal is emitted, the intensity of which is proportional to the number of x-ray photons that were absorbed in 11 the local area of the receptor. The PSL signal is channeled to a photomultiplier tube, converted to a voltage, digitized 12 with an analog to digital converter, and stored in a digital image matrix. After PSP detector is totally scanned, 13 analysis of the raw digital data locates the pertinent areas of the useful image. Scaling of the data with well-defined 14 computer algorithms creates a grayscale image that mimics the analog film image. Finally, the image is recorded on 15 film, or viewed on a digital image monitor. In terms of acquisition, the PSP system closely emulates the conventional 16 screen-film detector paradigm. As this report will detail, however, there are also several important differences and 17 issues that the user must understand and be aware of to take full advantage of PSP imaging capabilities. 18 19 20 PSP characteristics and image formation properties PSP devices are based on the principle of photostimulated luminescence [Takahashi, et al. 1983; Takahashi, 1984, deLeeuw et 21 al, 1987, and vonSeggern, et al, 1988] 22 three different physical processes. Fluorescence is the prompt release of energy in the form of light. This process is 23 the basis of conventional radiographic intensification screens. PSP imaging plates also emit fluorescence in 24 sufficient quantity to expose conventional radiographic film [Chotas, 91, Mc Mahon 91], however this is not the intended 25 method of imaging. PSP materials store some of the deposited energy in defects in their crystal structure, thus they 26 are sometimes called storage phosphors. This stored energy constitutes the latent image. Over time, the latent 27 image fades spontaneously by the process of phosphorescence. If stimulated to light of the proper wavelength, the . When an x-ray photon deposits energy in the PSP material, the energy can be released by Draft Document: AAPM Task Group 10 October 1997; version 3.1 Page 6 1 process of stimulated luminescence can release the trapped energy. The emitted light constitutes the signal for 2 creating the digital image [Sonoda 83]. 3 4 PSP receptor characteristics. Many compounds possess the property of PSL [REF]. Few of these materials 5 have characteristics desirable for radiography, i.e. a stimulation-absorption peak at a wavelength produced by 6 common lasers, a stimulated emission peak readily absorbed by common photomultiplier tube input phosphors, and 7 retention of the latent image without significant signal loss due to phosphorescence [Luckey, 1975]. The compounds that 8 most closely meet these requirements are alkali-earth halides. Commercial products have been introduced based on 9 RbCl, BaFBr:Eu2+, BaF(BrI):Eu2+, BaSrFBr:Eu2+. A cross-section of the PSP receptor is illustrated in Figure __ 10 [Willis, in press] 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Figure ___. Cross sectional views of the Fuji (left) and Kodak (right) PSP receptors are shown, indicating the various structures comprising the receptor and cassette holder, and exemplifying differences that exist from each manufacturer. Adapted from Willis[]. 26 properties. The trace impurity is also called an activator. Eu2+ replaces the alkali earth in the crystal, forming a 27 luminescence center. Doping. Trace amounts of impurities, such as Eu2+, are added the PSP to alter its structure and physical 28 29 Absorption Process. Ionization by absorption of x-rays (or UV radiation) forms electron/hole pairs in the 30 PSP crystal. An electron/hole pair raises Eu2+ to an excited state, Eu3+. Eu3+ produces visible light when it returns 31 to the ground state, Eu2+. Stored energy (in the form of trapped electrons) forms the latent image. There are currently 32 two major theories for the PSP mechanism – a bimolecular recombination model [Takahashi 83], and a photostimulable 33 luminescence complex (PSLC) model [vonSeggern, 87] to explain the energy absorption process and subsequent formation 34 of luminescence centers. Physical processes occurring in BaFBr:Eu2+ using the latter theory appears to closely 35 approximate the experimental findings. In this model, the PSLC is a metastable complex at higher energy (“F- 36 center”) in close proximity to an Eu3+-Eu2+ recombination center. X-rays absorbed in the PSP induce the formation 37 of “holes” and “electrons”, which either activate an “inactive PSLC” by being captured by an F-center, or form an 38 active PSLC via formation and recombination of “exitons” explained by “F-center physics” [vonSeggern, 87]. In either Draft Document: AAPM Task Group 10 October 1997; version 3.1 Page 7 1 situation, the number of active PSLC’s created (number of electrons trapped in the metastable site) are proportional 2 to the x-ray dose to the phosphor, critical to the success of the phosphor as an image receptor. 3 P h o t o s t i m u l a t e d L u m i n e s c e n c e : P h o t o s t i m u l a b l e L u m i n e s c e n c e C o m p l e x ( P S L C ) 2 + 2 + B a F B r : E u B a F B r : E u C o n d u c t i o n b a n d C o n d u c t i o n b a n d t u n n e l i n g p h o n o n 2 e V e c o m b i n a t i o n r e l a xr s t i m u l a t i o n e n e r g y 6 4 f 5 d P S L 3 . 0 e V > 6 e V L a s e r 8 . 3 e V s t i m u l a t i o n 2 . 0 e V / + F F E u + F F 3 e V 7 4 f / 8 . 3 e V e x c i t a t i o n e n e r g y P S L e n e r g y 3 + 2 + E u E u 2 + E u e 3 + E u V a l e n c e b a n d V a l e n c e b a n d E l e c t r o n s f i l l P S L C c o m p l e x e s ( F c e n t e r s ) i n i n c i d e n t u m b e r s p r o p o r t i o n a l t o i n c i d e n t x r a y x r a y s n E x c i t a t i o n p r o c e s s i n t e n s i t y P S L p r o c e s s 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Figure --. An energy diagram of the excitation and photo-stimulated luminescence processes in a BaFBr:Eu2+ phosphor. On the left is the representation of the interactions proposed by von Seggern, etal []. On the right is the proposed energy diagram of Takahashi, etal [] Incident x-rays form an “electron” latent image in a meta-stable “F” center site that can be processed with a low energy laser beam, producing the desired luminescent signals. is the decay constant of the indicated process above. X-ray absorption efficiency of BaFBr:Eu is compared to Gd 2O2S:Tb (rare-earth screens) for typical 12 thicknesses of material encountered, as shown by attenuation curves illustrated in Figure --. Between ~35 to ~50 13 keV, the BaFBr phosphor is actually a better x-ray attenuator due to the lower K-edge absorption of barium; 14 however, below and above this range, the gadolinium rare-earth phosphor is superior. A typical beam spectrum 15 incident on the PSP phosphor often requires greater exposure to achieve similar quantum statistics compared to a 16 400 speed rare-earth receptor. In addition, high absorption probability of x-rays below the k-edge of the PSP 17 receptor, where a significant fraction of lower energy scattered x-ray distribution occurs, causes a greater sensitivity 18 to scatter (thus reference to the PSP as a “scatter sponge” in this context). 19 X r a y A b s o r p t i o n E f f i c i e n c y 1 B a F B r , 1 0 0 m g / c m ² 0 . 8 G d O S , 1 2 0 m g / c m ² 2 2 0 . 6 Photnabsorptinfraction 0 . 4 0 . 2 B a F B r , 5 0 m g / c m ² 0 0 20 2 0 4 0 6 0 8 0 1 0 01 2 01 4 0 E n e r g y ( k e V ) Draft Document: AAPM Task Group 10 October 1997; version 3.1 Page 8 1 2 3 Figure--. This plot compares the absorption efficiency of PSP and rare-earth x-ray phosphors as a function of energy. The thicknesses are representative of a standard 400 speed conventional screen, a “standard resolution” PSP phosphor plate (100 mg/cm2), and a “high resolution” PSP phosphor plate (50 mg/cm2). 4 5 Fading. Fading of the trapped signal will occur exponentially over time, through spontaneous 6 phosphorescence. A typical imaging plate will lose about 25% of the stored signal between 10 minutes to 8 hours 7 after an exposure, and more slowly afterwards [Kato, 94]. Fading introduces uncertainties in output signal that can be 8 controlled by introducing a fixed delay between exposure and readout [ref??] to allow decay of the “prompt” 9 phosphorescence of the stored signal. 10 11 Stimulation and Emission. The “electronic” latent image imprinted on the exposed BaFBr:Eu phosphor 12 corresponds to the activated PLSC’s (F-centers), whose local population of electrons is directly proportional to the 13 incident x-ray flux for a wide range of exposures, typically exceeding 10,000 to 1 (four orders of exposure 14 magnitude). Stimulation of the Eu3+- F-center complex and release of the stored electrons requires a minimum 15 energy of ~2eV, most easily deposited by a highly focused laser light source of a given wavelength. Lasers produced 16 by HeNe (=633 nm) and “diode” (680 nm) sources are most often used. The incident laser energy excites 17 electrons in the local F-center sites of the phosphor. According to von Seggern 18 pathways within the phosphor matrix are possible—to return to the F-center site without escape, or to “tunnel” to an 19 adjacent Eu3+ complex. The latter event is more probable, where the electron cascades to an intermediate energy 20 state with the release of a non-light emitting “phonon”. A light photon of 3 eV energy immediately follows as the 21 electron continues to drop through the electron orbitals of the Eu 3+ complex to the more stable Eu2+ energy level. 22 Figure ___ shows a plot of the energy spectra of the laser-induced electron stimulation and subsequent light 23 emission. Note that different phosphor formulations will impact the stimulation energies; thus it is important for 24 optimal results that the PSP receptors be matched with the energy of the stimulating laser source. [vonSeggern, 87] , two subsequent energy 25 S t i m u l a t i o n a n d E m i s s i o n S p e c t r a t i m u l a t i o n +S a F ( B r , I ) : E u ² 1 . 0B E m i s s i o n + B a F B r : E u ² Relativentsity 0 . 5 26 D i o d e H e N e L a s e r L a s e r 6 8 0 n m6 3 3 n m 0 . 0 8 0 0 7 0 0 1 . 5 1 . 7 5 6 0 0 2 5 0 0 2 . 5 4 0 0 3 0 0 , n m 3 E n e r g y , e V 4 27 Draft Document: AAPM Task Group 10 October 1997; version 3.1 Page 9 1 2 3 4 5 Figure __. Stimulation and emission spectra for BaFBr:Eu 2+ and BaFBr0.85I0.15:Eu 2+ storage phosphors demonstrate the energy sensitivity of different phosphor formulations and the energy separation of the excitation and emission events. Selective optical filtration isolates the light emission intensity from the incident laser intensity. In absolute terms, intensity of the emitted light is significantly lower. (Figure adapted from reference [ vonSeggern, 87]) 6 The readout process 7 Laser Scanning. Produced by either a HeNe or diode laser source, the laser beam is routed through several 8 optical components prior to scanning the phosphor plate. First, a beam splitter uses a portion of the laser output to 9 monitor and compensate for intensity fluctuations through the use of a reference detector. This is important, as the 10 intensity of the stimulated light is dependent on the power of the stimulating laser [Bogucki, 95]. The major portion of 11 the laser energy reflects off scanning mirror (rotating polygonal or oscillating flat reflector), through an optical filter, 12 shutter, and lens assembly, providing a synchronized scanning beam. To maintain a constant focus and linear 13 sweeping velocity across the PSP plate, the beam passes through an f- lens to a stationary mirror (typically a 14 cylindrical and flat mirror combination). The laser spot distribution on the phosphor is adjusted to have a gaussian 15 profile with a 1/e2 diameter of approximately 100 m in most reader systems. Simplified system architecture of the 16 PSP reader components is illustrated in Figure ___. 17 18 19 20 21 Figure ___. Major components of a PSP reader include the stimulating laser source, a beam splitter, oscillating beam deflector, f- lens, cylindrical reflecting mirror, light collection guide, and photomultiplier tube (PMT). The plate is translated in a continuous motion through the laser beam scan by pinch rollers. All component functions are orchestrated by digital computer. In some readers, multiple PMT’s are used for capturing the signal. 22 23 The speed of the laser beam across the phosphor plate is adjusted according to the luminescent signal decay 24 time constant (~0.8 s for BaFBr:Eu2+) following excitation, which is the major factor limiting the readout time. Draft Document: AAPM Task Group 10 October 1997; version 3.1 Page 10 1 Laser beam power determines the fraction of the stored energy released, and impacts the scan time, phosphorescent 2 lag effects, and residual signal. Higher laser power can release more of the trapped electrons, but the tradeoff is a 3 loss of spatial resolution caused by increased depth of the laser beam and increased spread of the stimulated light in 4 the phosphor layer. 5 At the end of the scanned line, the laser beam is retraced to the start. Since the phosphor plate is 6 simultaneously moving, the translation speed is adjusted such that the next sweep of the laser beam initiates another 7 scan line with spacing equal to the effective sampling pitch along the fast sweep direction. This ensures that sample 8 dimensions are equal in the x and y directions. Scanning and translation of the plate continues in a raster fashion over 9 the total phosphor area. Scan direction, laser scan direction, or fast-scan direction is the terminology that refers to 10 the direction along the path of the laser beam deflection. Slow scan, plate scan, or sub-scan direction refers to the 11 phosphor plate travel direction. Phosphor plate translation speed is selected for a given-sized plate in order to 12 advance the plate incrementally with a single pass of the laser so that the effective sample size is equal in the scan 13 and sub-scan dimensions. The 1/e2 diameter of the laser spot at the surface of the imaging plate is fixed in all present 14 commercial systems, and imposes an upper limit to spatial resolution in both dimensions [REF] . The intensity of PSL 15 as the laser passes across the plate is proportional to the x-ray energy absorbed by that area of the plate. 16 Characteristics of the plate readout geometry are shown in Figure ___. 17 Sub-scan Direction 18 Scan Direction 19 20 21 Figure --. A diagram of the raster-scan of the phosphor detector indicates the fast scan (laser scan) direction and the sub-scan (plate scan) direction. Note the slightly skewed angle of the readout lines relative to the edge of the phosphor plate, due to the simultaneous laser beam scanning and linear plate translation. 22 23 Residual latent image signals are contained on the phosphor plate after readout. Erasure of the plate using a 24 high intensity light source is accomplished prior to return to the inventory. Unless an extreme overexposure occurs, 25 essentially all of the residual trapped electrons are effectively removed during the erase cycle. On some systems, the 26 erasure of the plate is a function of the overall exposure, whereby longer exposures require a longer erasure cycle. A 27 summary of the PSP receptor cycle is illustrated in Figure --. Draft Document: AAPM Task Group 10 October 1997; version 3.1 Page 11 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Figure --. The phosphor plate cycle is depicted above. An unexposed plate is comprised of the PSP material layered on a base support and protected by a thin, transparent coating. Exposure to x-rays creates latent image centers of electrons semi-stable energy traps in the crystal structure. Latent image processing is accomplished with a rasterscanned low power laser beam (e.g., 20-milliwatt HeNe laser @633 nm). Trapped electrons are released from the luminescent centers and produce light that is collected by a light guide assembly and directed to a photomultiplier tube. Residual trapped electrons are removed with a high intensity light source, and the plate is returned to the inventory for reuse. 10 11 Detection and conversion of the PSL signal. PSL is emitted in all directions from the phosphor screen. An 12 optical collection system (mirror cavity or acrylic light collecting guide positioned at the laser – phosphor interface 13 along the scan direction) captures a portion of the emitted light, and channels it to the photocathode of the PMT (or 14 PMT’s) of the reader assembly. Detection sensitivity of the photocathode material is matched to the wavelength of 15 the PSL (e.g., ~400 nm). Photoelectrons emitted from the photocathode are accelerated and amplified through a 16 series of dynodes within the PMT. Gain (and thus detector speed) is varied by adjustment of the voltage placed on 17 the dynodes, so that a useful output current is obtained for a given (clinical) exposure for proper image quality. 18 Dynamic range of the PMT output signal is much greater than that of the phosphor plate, allowing high signal gain 19 over a wide range of exposures. Light intensity variations correspond to incident radiation exposure variations 20 linearly over a range of 1-10,000 or “four orders of magnitude”. Digitization of the output signal requires the 21 determination of a minimum and maximum signal range, as most clinically relevant transmitted exposure variations 22 occur over about a dynamic range of 100-400. In some PSP readers, a low energy laser pre-scan coarsely samples 23 the exposed PSP receptor and determines the useful exposure range. The gain of the PMT is then adjusted (increased 24 or decreased) to optimally digitize the PSL resulting from the subsequent high-energy laser scan. In most systems, 25 the PMT amplifier is pre-adjusted to be sensitive to the PSL resulting from an exposure range corresponding from 26 2.5810 –9 C/kg (0.01 mR) to 2.5810 –5 C/kg (100 mR). 27 Most PSP reader systems then compress the PMT output signal with an analog logarithmic amplifier or a 28 “square root” amplifier. Logarithmic conversion provides a linear relationship of incident exposure to output signal 29 amplitude; square-root amplification provides a linear relationship with the quantum noise associated with the Draft Document: AAPM Task Group 10 October 1997; version 3.1 Page 12 1 exposure. In either case, the total dynamic range of signal is compressed to preserve digitization accuracy over a 2 limited number of discrete graylevels. 3 4 Digitization. Digitization is a two step process of converting an analog signal into a discrete digital value. 5 The signal must be sampled and quantized. Sampling determines the location and size of the PSL signal from a 6 specific area of the PSP receptor, and quantizing determines the average value of the signal amplitude within the 7 sample area. The output of the PMT is measured at a specific temporal frequency coordinated with the laser scan 8 rate, and quantized to a discrete integer value dependent on the amplitude of the signal and the total number of 9 possible digital values. An Analog to Digital Converter (ADC) converts the PMT signals at a rate much faster than 10 the fast scan rate of the laser (on the order of 2000 times faster, corresponding to the number of pixels in the scan 11 direction). A pixel clock coordinates the time at which a particular signal is encoded to a physical position on the 12 scan line. Therefore, the ratio between the ADC sampling rate and the fast scan (line) rate determines the pixel 13 dimension in the scan direction. The translation speed of the phosphor plate in the sub scan direction coordinates 14 with the fast scan pixel dimension so that the width of the line is equal to the length of the pixel (i.e., the pixels are 15 “square”). The pixel size is typically between 100 and 200 m, dependent on the dimensions of the phosphor 16 receptor. 17 Although the analog output from the PMT has an infinite range of possible values between a minimum and 18 maximum voltage, the ADC breaks the signal into a series of discrete integer values (analog to digital units) for 19 encoding of the signal amplitude. The number of bits used to approximate the analog signal, or “pixel depth” 20 determines the number of integer values. PSP systems typically have 10, 12 or 16 bit ADCs, so there are 2 10 = 1024, 21 to 212= 4096, to 216=65536 possible values for a given analog signal amplitude. One manufacturer (Kodak) uses a 22 16-bit digitization to implement a digital logarithmic transformation to the final 12-bit/pixel image. Other system 23 manufacturers use an analog logarithmic amplifier (Fuji), or a square-root amplifier (Agfa) on the pre-digitized 24 signal. Analog amplification avoids quantization errors in the signal estimate when the number of ADC bits 25 (quantization levels) is limited [Seibert, 95]. 26 27 Characteristic Curve Response 28 Draft Document: AAPM Task Group 10 October 1997; version 3.1 Page 13 P S P p l a t e 1 0 , 0 0 0 4 F i l m s c r e e n ( 4 0 0 s p e e d ) 1 , 0 0 0 3 O v e r e x p o s e d 1 0 0 RelativentesityofPSL 1 0 FilmOpticalDensity 2 C o r r e c t l y e x p o s e d 1 U n d e r e x p o s e d 1 0 . 0 1 1 0 0 . 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 I n c i d e n t e x p o s u r e , m R 2 3 4 5 Figure__ The characteristic curve of rare-earth screen-film (400 speed) and the PSP receptor are compared. Exposure ranges superimposed on the PSP curve roughly indicate the exposure range for screen film response of a 200 speed system. 6 7 Figure ___ illustrates the characteristic curve response of a typical PSP receptor to a 400-speed screen-film 8 system. A linear, wide latitude response to variations in incident exposure is characteristic of the phosphor plate, 9 while film is optimally sensitive to a restricted range of exposures. For screen-film detectors, which serve as both the 10 acquisition and display medium, it is necessary to tune the detector (film) contrast and radiographic speed to a 11 narrow exposure range to achieve images with optimal contrast and minimal noise characteristics. PSP receptors are 12 not constrained by the same requirements because the acquisition and display events occur separately so that 13 compensation for under- and over-exposures is possible by the algorithms applied to the digital data. However, 14 identification of useful signal range must be accomplished prior to the autoranging and contrast enhancement of the 15 output image. In addition, since under- or overexposed images can be “masked” by the system, a method to track 16 exposures on an image by image basis is necessary to recognize those situations that exceed the “proper” exposure 17 range so that appropriate action can be taken to resolve any problems. 18 ROCESSING THE RAW PSP IMAGE 19 Readout Parameters 20 Wanted vs. Unwanted Image Signals. In conventional screen-film radiography, the x-ray technologist 21 adjusts the exposure technique to put the desired range of image signals on the linear portion of the H&D curve. The 22 unwanted image signals from unattenuated x-rays fall into the shoulder (high exposure range) of the curve, and the 23 unwanted image signals beyond the edges of the collimators fall into the toe (low exposure range). The PSP system 24 must similarly encode the useful image signal, to provide maximum contrast sensitivity through look-up-table Draft Document: AAPM Task Group 10 October 1997; version 3.1 Page 14 1 adjustments of the digital values. Just as the radiographic technique and the image receptor are selected for the 2 specific anatomic view, the PSP readout algorithms make adjustments to the digital image specific to the anatomy. 3 Partitioned pattern recognition. The first task for some PSP systems is to determine the number and 4 orientation of views in the raw digital data on the exposed receptor. Each view can then be analyzed independently. 5 While multiple views on a single cassette are good practice in conventional radiography, it can be a possible 6 complication for PSP radiography. 7 Exposure field recognition. Within an exposure field, it is important for the PSP reader to distinguish the 8 useful region of the image by locating the edges of collimation. Some PSP systems further segment the image by 9 defining of the edges of the anatomic region. Once the useful image is correctly located, the PSP system can 10 11 disregard the image information beyond the collimator boundaries when performing further analysis. Histogram analysis. The method for determining the “useful signal” range for most PSP systems requires 12 the construction of a gray-scale histogram of the image, a graph of pixel value on the x-axis and frequency of 13 occurrence on the y-axis (i.e., a spectrum of pixel values). Figure ___ shows an example of noiseless histograms. 14 U n i f o r m u n e x p o s e d f i l m m i n m a x m i n m a x m i n m a x Frequncy(#evnts) U n i f o r m e x p o s e d f i l m L i n e a r l y e x p o s e d f i l m 15 16 17 18 19 Figure --. This simple example of image histograms depicts the outcome of an unexposed, uniformly exposed, and linearly exposed PSP receptor without any additive noise. 20 The general shape of a histogram is dependent on the anatomy and the radiographic techniques employed 21 for the image acquisition. All PSP readers employ an analysis algorithm to identify and classify the components of 22 the histogram that correspond to bone, soft tissue, skin, contrast media, collimation, unattenuated x-rays and other 23 signals. This allows the discrimination of the useful and unimportant areas of the image so that the image grayscale 24 range can be properly rendered. An example of a chest-specific histogram is shown in Figure __. Draft Document: AAPM Task Group 10 October 1997; version 3.1 Page 15 1 H i s t o g r a m L o w a t t e n u a t i o n ( e . g . , l u n g s ) H i g h a t t e n u a t i o n ( e . g . , m e d i a s t i n u m ) 1 2 , 0 0 0 1 0 , 0 0 0 8 , 0 0 0 Frequncy 6 , 0 0 0 4 , 0 0 0 2 , 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 04 0 06 0 08 0 01 , 0 0 0 2 D i g i t a l n u m b e r 3 4 5 6 Figure ___. A chest histogram illustrates the various components of the frequency distribution of pixel values within the active area of the image, corresponding to anatomical variations. 7 speed, contrast, and latitude determined by the digital number analysis. Rescaling and contrast enhancements are 8 optimized for the specific patient examination to render the appropriate grayscale characteristics of the final output 9 image. Each manufacturer implements a specific method for this normalization procedure. With some systems, the The result of histogram analysis allows the normalization of raw image data for standard conditions of 10 latent image information is identified initially and resampled to a smaller range of digital values to minimize 11 quantization errors. Any errors in identification of the exposure range can be irreversible and require re-acquisition 12 of the image. Other systems digitize the full dynamic range of the PSL signal and then apply non-destructive 13 algorithms to the digital data. Whichever methods are used, the pertinent image information on the phosphor plate 14 must be identified for subsequent display grayscale and/or frequency processing, as the shape and information 15 content of the histogram affects the processing of the image. An example of “finding” and linearly processing the 16 image signal, also known as autoranging, is described in Figure __ for two exposure scenarios (typical of the 17 processing by Fuji PSP systems). In each case, the proper range of digital values is obtained from the PSL produced 18 by the incident radiation on the phosphor plate. Draft Document: AAPM Task Group 10 October 1997; version 3.1 Page 16 T y p i c a l e x p o s u r e : 2 1 0 G r a y s c a l e t r a n s f o r m a t i o n : I n p u t d i g i t a l n u m b e r t r a n s f o r m e d t o m i m i c f i l m r e s p o n s e . 1 1 0 RelativePSL 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 2 3 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 00 5 1 1 1 0 2 3 E x p o s u r e i n p u t R a w D i g i t a l O u t p u t H i s t o g r a m m i n 1 , 0 0 0 8 0 0 m a x 6 0 0 O v e r e x p o s u r e : Outpdigtalnumber 4 0 0 2 1 0 2 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 2 0 0 4 0 0 6 0 0 8 0 0 1 , 0 0 0 R a w I n p u t d i g i t a l n u m b e r RelativePSL 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 2 3 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 00 5 1 1 1 0 2 3 E x p o s u r e i n p u t R a w D i g i t a l O u t p u t H i s t o g r a m m i n 1 m a x 2 3 4 5 6 7 Figure --. Autoranging of incident exposure into a corresponding digital number range is accomplished by analyzing the image histogram. (A) Minimum and maximum values of the histogram are “mapped” to minimum and maximum digital values (10 bit range in this case.) (B) Overexposure results in higher PSL signals that shift the histogram distribution to a higher digital number range, but the system compensates by adjusting the amplitude gain (digital or analog) to compensate. A grayscale transformation of the linear signals into a non-linear relationship by a digital transformation table occurs as depicted on the right hand side of the figure. 8 9 Display Processing. 10 PSP images are matrices of digital pixel values that are readily manipulated to produce alternative image 11 presentations. Three broad categories of processing include image contrast variation, spatial frequency content 12 modification, or special image algorithm implementation. 13 PSP systems manufacturers provide sophisticated computer hardware and software to process images. 14 Some OEMs and third party vendors provide similar functionality for remote processing of image data. No 15 comprehensive source of information about manufacture specific algorithms and implementation exists. This is due 16 in part to the immature nature of the PSP marketplace and digital image processing in the practice of radiology. 17 Significant misunderstanding exists, both inside and outside the manufacturer community, about the proper use of 18 image processing software. Selection and optimization of processing parameters is a non-trivial task that potentially 19 requires “many thousands of man-hours by highly skilled staff” [Vuylsteke, 97 AAPM Summer School]. A common problem is 20 that the range of processing parameters far exceeds clinically useful values and leads to gross over-processing 21 artifacts. Modification of processing parameters should not be undertaken lightly. 22 Contrast Processing. Because of small differences in attenuation of the human body, the PSP data has very 23 little inherent contrast. To increase the visibility of anatomic detail, manufacturers provide contrast-processing 24 software. The purpose of contrast processing is to create an image data set with contrast similar to conventional Draft Document: AAPM Task Group 10 October 1997; version 3.1 Page 17 1 screen-film images, or to enhance the conspicuity of desirable features. This type of processing is also referred to as 2 Gradation Processing, Tone Scaling and Contrast Enhancement by various vendors. 3 There are two different methods implemented for contrast processing. The most common technique 4 employs remapping individual pixel values according to user controlled look-up tables (LUTs). Both Fuji and 5 Kodak’s default contrast processing alters local image contrast using this technique. Fuji uses four different 6 parameters (GA, GC, GT and GS) to control this processing [Gingold 94 paper on factors], and Kodak uses two (average 7 density and LUT start) [Kodak/Bogucki]. The Fuji processing provides selection of the basic curve shape (GT) that mimic 8 commercially available screen-film systems, the ability to increase or decrease gradient (GC and GA), and overall 9 brightness (GS). Kodak provides for the selection of one of several pre-defined LUTs. A second type of contrast 10 processing implemented by Fuji is known as dynamic range control (DRC). DRC attempts to alter the image’s 11 global contrast without significantly altering local contrast. This is used to enhance contrast in low signal regions 12 (mediastinum and sub-diaphragm) or high signal regions (air contrast, skin margins) [Kobayashi, SPIE paper, early 1990s]. DRC 13 processing is optional, and controlled by three user-selectable parameters for each anatomical menu selection: the 14 kernel size, curve type and boost factor. Agfa’s image processing relies upon a MUlti Scale Image Contrast 15 Amplification (MUSICA). This processing represents the image as a set of coefficients corresponding to image 16 features at different levels of decomposition. In MUSICA the image is decomposed according to the Laplacian 17 pyramid transform [Burt PJ, Adelson EH: The Laplacian pyramid as a compact image code. 18 enhancement is achieved by modifying the coefficients of the Laplacian pyramid. Two software-controlled 19 parameters are typically used to modify coefficients. 20 IEEE Trans on Comm 1983; 31(4):532-540] . Contrast Frequency Processing. One purpose of digital image processing is to enhance the conspicuity of features 21 within the data. Frequency processing enhances features within the image that can be characterized by their specific 22 spatial frequency. Several techniques exist in the literature to accomplish this goal, including Fourier filters [] and 23 blurred-mask subtraction [], and wavelet filtering []. Early users of PSP systems routinely printed each image twice on 24 a single film using different presentations, one presentation designed to mimic the appearance of a conventional 25 screen-film combination, the other with significant amounts of “edge-enhancement.” This practice is not routinely 26 followed in the U.S. because of user preference for larger image size and a more traditional appearance of the image. 27 Both Fuji and Kodak implement blurred-mask subtraction techniques []. In this technique, the original image 28 is blurred by convolution with a uniform kernel of a selected size. The blurred image is then subtracted from the 29 original image, resulting in an image contains predominantly high frequency information. Multiplying each pixel by 30 a user-defined enhancement factor modulates the high frequency information. Adding the resultant image to the 31 original image and normalizing the data set creates the frequency-enhanced image. User selectable parameters 32 include kernel size (RN for Fuji, mask size for Kodak), and enhancement factors (RE for Fuji, boost for Kodak). In 33 addition, both manufacturers provide the capability of spatially localizing enhancement base on gray-scale value in 34 the original image. The RT parameter specifies a function whose input is pixel value and output ranges from 0 to 1. 35 The output of the function is multiplied by the RE value to determine the final amount of pixel enhancement. 36 Likewise, Kodak provides for the selection of density localized boost functions. Figure __ summarizes the 37 enhancement technique. Draft Document: AAPM Task Group 10 October 1997; version 3.1 Page 18 1 S o l i d : o r i g i n a l r e s p o n s eD i f f e r e n c e : E d g e E n h a n c e d : D a s h : l o w p a s s f i l t e r e dO r i g i n a l f i l t e r e d D i f f e r e n c e + O r i g i n a l Respon S u m l o w 2 3 4 5 6 7 h i g hl o w h i g h l o w S p a t i a l f r e q u e n c y h i g h Figure__. The steps required for edge enhancement: Left: an original image frequency response (solid line) is blurred by a convolution filter to eliminate high frequency signals (dashed line). Middle: subtracting the blurred image from the original creates a difference signal with frequency components dependent on the amount of blurring. Right: the difference signal is added back to the original image and normalized to provide a mid- to high frequency boost in the filtered image. 8 9 Agfa’s method for frequency enhancing images closely follows that of their contrast processing. Frequency 10 enhancement of the image is achieved by selective modification of coefficients of the decomposed image. The 11 enhancement of the image becomes apparent upon reconstitution of the image. Two parameters are used to control 12 the modification of the decomposed image coefficients. 13 Generalized image grayscale enhancement and frequency processing examples of a PSP chest image are illustrated in 14 Figure ___ 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 Figure __. Example chest images demonstrating the flexibility of PSP systems and variable contrast enhancement available. Left: original “raw” chest image without contrast enhancement. Left center: contrast enhancement applied. Right center: “black-bone” or reversed contrast—often helpful in identifying tube placement. Right: edgeenhanced image. Other Image Processing. Manufacturers have developed special processing software to address limited 22 applications for PSP. These include Dual Energy Subtraction, Tomographic Artifact Suppression and Dynamic 23 Range Control (DRC) supplied by Fuji [], and Noise Suppression supplied by Agfa[]. 24 Draft Document: AAPM Task Group 10 October 1997; version 3.1 Page 19 1 IMAGE DEMOGRAPHICS AND EXPOSURE INDICATORS 2 Demographics 3 It is very important to understand and be able to decode the information available on the hard copy film or 4 the soft-copy image, independent of the PSP system installed. Review of the specific manufacturer’s user manual 5 will contain all of the pertinent information. A summary of the information should be posted at all reading areas and 6 the PSP equipment. In addition to the standard institution and patient demographic information, several important 7 image processing parameters are listed, including image magnification/reduction factors, type of LUT’s used for 8 processing, frequency enhancement settings, latitude of the image data, and incident exposure information, among 9 other vendor-specific factors. Even though a PSP system is manufactured by a specific company, re-sellers will 10 “brand” their own demographics, notations, and positions on the image, or limit features, e.g. mark reprinted film 11 with different parameters not the same as the original manufacturer. The user must be aware of these changes, and 12 not assume that the information is presented in an identical way or provide identical results. One must refer to the 13 specific user/application manual for the PSP equipment to be used or tested for these details. 14 15 16 Exposure indicators The PSP system can provide proper optical density or image luminance for under or over exposures because 17 of a wide latitude response and ability to scale the signal. Potential problems with inappropriate techniques can 18 therefore be masked. As a result, it is important to have an indicator of the average incident exposure on the imaging 19 plate to verify proper radiological techniques. Each PSP manufacturer has a specific method for providing this 20 information. In the case of Fuji, a sensitivity number is provided, which is an indication of the amount of 21 amplification necessary to adjust the image information to the correct digital range, and is inversely related to the 22 incident exposure. In the case of Kodak, an Exposure Indicator provides a value directly proportional to an average 23 exposure, while Agfa provides a relative exposure value, lgm, based upon a history of previous exposures. A 24 calibration of the system is necessary for reporting accurate results, and is described in the acceptance testing 25 procedures. 26 Fuji PSP systems utilize a sensitivity number to provide an estimate of the incident exposure on the plate 27 transmitted through the object (if any) for the automatic and semi-automatic modes of operation. Under normal 28 processing conditions for the standard resolution (ST) plates, the system sensitivity number for an unattenuated 80 29 kVp beam is given as [Fuji tech rv#3, 93]: 30 S 200 exposure (mR) 31 32 A low incident exposure on the phosphor receptor creates fewer activated luminescence centers, and results in a 33 lower PSL signal. Amplification of the signal is required to obtain the optimal analog signal range for digitization. 34 The amount of amplification (or de-amplification when an overexposure occurs) is indicated by the system 35 sensitivity value. As opposed to screen-film systems, PSP systems offer flexibility in exposure level choices. When Draft Document: AAPM Task Group 10 October 1997; version 3.1 Page 20 1 the system sensitivity number is equal to 200 with the “semi-automatic” or “automatic” mode, an average 2 photostimulated luminescence within the area sensed by the reader is estimated as 1 mR (80 kVp, no object, no 3 added x-ray tube filtration other than inherent). This corresponds to a digital value of 511 (the central value of the 4 10 bit grayscale range), and to roughly the speed of a 200 speed screen-film combination. (A 400-speed screen/film 5 combination requires approximately half of the incident exposure). For the fixed sensitivity mode available with the 6 Fuji PSP system, the sensitivity number is set by the user, making the system perform similar to a screen-film 7 detector. Calibration of the system sensitivity response is part of the acceptance test procedures. Since the energy of 8 the x-ray beam determines the relative absorption by the PSP receptor, the system sensitivity response varies with 9 kVp and beam filtration. Fuji does not harden the x-ray beam used to “calibrate” the system, which limits the 10 11 12 usefulness of “S” as an estimate of the incident exposure on the detector for clinical applications. Kodak PSP systems utilize an exposure index, a value reported by the reader that is directly proportional to the average log incident exposure on the plate, and is calculated as [Bogucki, 95]: 13 14 EI 1000 log(exposure in mR) + 2000 15 16 An exposure of 1 mR (80 kVp, 0.5 mm Cu, 1 mm Al filtration) results in an exposure index of 2000. An exposure of 17 10 mR leads to an exposure index of 3000, and an exposure of 0.1 mR will result in a value of 1000 for a calibrated 18 system. Doubling the screen exposure results in an increase of 300 in the exposure index value. When using high- 19 resolution PSP receptors, the exposure index has different ranges (see Kodak appendix). 20 Agfa PSP systems have a dose-monitoring tool that uses a relative exposure paradigm, available as an 21 option to their systems (and highly recommended to be installed)[Agfa literature]. A dose value, called “lgm”, is 22 calculated for each scanned image in a similar fashion to the above-described methods, and logged into a lgm 23 database. After ~100 images of the same examination, the lgm mean value and standard deviation are stored as the 24 reference value (unless continued compilation is requested by the user). Exposure level comparisons of future images 25 are made with the reference value, and a graphical indicator is displayed in the text fields of each image. If a given 26 exposure exceeds a pre-determined threshold limit, a black warning bar is printed and warning messages are logged 27 into a database file. The lgm database and calculated data for all exams can be listed at user request[Agfa literature]. 28 29 Exposure concerns when using PSP systems 30 The exposure indicator estimate of the incident exposure to the PSP receptor is sensitive to segmentation 31 algorithms, effective energy of the beam (kVp, filtration), delay between exposure and readout, positioning of the 32 patient relative to the phosphor, and the source-image distance, among other factors. Because the PSP system 33 provides a nearly optimal display of the anatomical information independent of exposure, this number is a very 34 important aspect of quality assurance, patient care, and training issues. Recent publications [Seibert etal, 96; Huda etal 96] 35 indicate the optimal exposure range for most clinical imaging procedures requires an x-ray technique corresponding 36 to a ~200 speed screen-film detector system, based upon the empirical analysis of images and characteristics of the Draft Document: AAPM Task Group 10 October 1997; version 3.1 Page 21 1 PSP image acquisition process. PSP receptors that are underexposed can be identified by increased quantum mottle 2 caused by an insufficient x-ray flux, resulting in a reduced signal to noise ratio and loss of contrast detectability. For 3 certain studies with detection tasks not requiring a high signal to noise ratio (e.g., naso-gastric tube placement), 4 exposures can be reduced significantly. On the other hand, overexposures are not as easily identified by appearance 5 only and usually do not impact the usefulness of the image, but represent a disservice to patient care and proper 6 radiation safety regulations. It is important to make the manufacturer aware of the need to provide the exposure 7 information in a retrievable database, and also provide visual cues on each printed film or digital soft-copy that will 8 alert the radiologists and technologists that the exposures are outside “normal” limits. Technologists are advised to 9 adjust their techniques similar to screen-film imaging, particularly for grid and no-grid examinations. This will keep 10 the visible noise reasonably consistent from image to image. 11 12 PSP IMAGE CHARACTERISTICS 13 Spatial Resolution 14 High contrast (limiting) resolution in PSP is determined by several factors. Physical limits imposed by the 15 composition and thickness of the phosphor plate, the size of the laser spot, temporal lag of the PSL, and light 16 scattering within the phosphor contributes to the modulation and loss of the “pre-sampled” signal. The finite 17 diameter of the laser spot incident on the phosphor layer and the spread of PSL, particularly at depth, contribute to 18 unsharpness, as shown in Figure __. Digital image pixel size is between 100 and 200 m, and determines the 19 maximum spatial resolution of the system, up to physical limits imposed by the composition of the imaging plate and 20 the size of the laser spot. Digital sampling confines the maximum spatial frequencies contained in the output image 21 to a maximum determined by the Nyquist frequency, equal to the inverse of twice the pixel dimension, (2x)-1. 22 Unlike conventional cassettes, smaller phosphor plates will often provide better limiting resolution than larger plates, 23 because the pixel size is related to the plate dimension. Resolution sharpness can be increased with the use of a 24 thinner phosphor layer using high-resolution PSP receptors (see Figure __); however, the classical tradeoff of 25 detection efficiency and higher radiation dose must be considered. Phosphorescence lag causes the spatial resolution 26 in the fast scan direction to be slightly less than that in the sub-scan direction as depicted by the MTF curves in 27 Figure __, although one might expect more precision from an electro-optical motion than from a mechanical motion. 28 Draft Document: AAPM Task Group 10 October 1997; version 3.1 Page 22 I n c i d e n t L a s e r B e a m L i g h t g u i d e a s s e m b l y a n d P M T P r o t e c t i v e L a y e r P h o t o s t i m u l a t e d L u m i n e s c e n c e L i g h t S c a t t e r i n g P h o s p h o r L a y e r L a s e r L i g h t S p r e a d 1 2 3 4 " E f f e c t i v e " r e a d o u t d i a m e t e r B a s e S u p p o r t Figure __. The effective area of the phosphor simultaneously stimulated by the laser is determined by the incident laser diameter, laser light spread within the phosphor, and the distribution of the PSL collected by the light guide assembly. This spread reduces the modulation of higher frequency signals. Adapted from Kato [Kato, 94]. 5 P r e s a m p l e d M T F C u r v e s S t a n d a r d a n d H i g h R e s o l u t i o n P h o s p h o r P l a t e s 1 S c a n 0 . 8 S u b s c a n MTF 0 . 6 0 . 4 0 . 2 0 024681 0 6 7 8 9 S p a t i a l F r e q u e n c y ( l p / m m ) Figure __. Typical results for pre-sampled MTF curves with PSP receptors are illustrated. The curve pair on the left are for standard resolution (thick phosphor) and on the right for high resolution (thin phosphor). Solid and dashed lines distinguish the scan and subscan MTF’s, respectively. Adapted from Dobbins [Dobbins, etal 95]. . 10 11 Aliasing (pre-sampled high frequency signals beyond the Nyquist frequency reflected back into the image at 12 lower spatial frequencies), can negatively affect the PSP image. This artifactual signal is caused by inadequate 13 sampling, which in turn is limited by the size of the pixel and the digital image matrix. For instance, if the intrinsic 14 resolution limit of the phosphor plate is 5 lp/mm, and the pixel sampling rate is 5 pixels/mm, or 2.5 lp/mm, the 15 spatial frequencies in the signal spectrum beyond 2.5 lp/mm will be reflected back into the image below 2.5 lp/mm. 16 Aliasing can be controlled in the (fast) scan direction by application of a low-pass filter to reduce or eliminate these 17 high frequency signals. This is not possible, however, in the subscan direction. Aliasing will potentially be greater 18 with high-resolution phosphor plates due to improved frequency response beyond the Nyquist limit (particularly for 19 200 m pixel sampling with Nyquist frequency = 2.5 lp/mm), as shown in with the pre-sampled MTF curves in 20 Figure __. The impact of aliasing on image quality is scene dependent, enhances image noise, and reduces the 21 detective quantum efficiency of the PSP receptor. A notable example is the aliased signals caused by anti-scatter Draft Document: AAPM Task Group 10 October 1997; version 3.1 Page 23 1 grids with lead strip frequencies beyond the Nyquist frequency. On the other hand, significant signal modulation still 2 remaining at the Nyquist frequency provides the appearance of high spatial resolution due to the enhanced contrast 3 response of small objects in the image. 4 5 6 7 8 Figure __ Image demonstrating the visible effects of aliasing caused by a low frequency anti-scatter grid. 9 10 11 Contrast Resolution The minimum difference in a “noiseless” signal that can be represented between digital pixels in the image 12 depends on the total number of possible code values (quantization levels), as well as the target signal amplitude 13 relative to the background. In most PSP systems, pixel values change with the logarithm of photostimulated 14 luminescence, or equally with the logarithm of radiation dose to the plate, so the numerical difference between pixel 15 values is the contrast. Contrast sensitivity or detectability of a PSP system depends not only on the number of bits 16 used to represent each pixel, but also by the gain of the system (e.g., # electrons/x-ray photon, # x-ray photons per 17 analog to digital unit) and overall noise amplitude relative to the contrast difference. The ability to differentiate a 18 signal in the image is strongly dependent on the inherent subject contrast (kVp, scatter acceptance), amount of noise 19 (x-ray, luminance, electronic, fixed pattern noise sources), image viewing conditions, and the limitations of the 20 observer to discern regions of low contrast with respect to size. 21 Contrast detectability that is provided by the PSP image is, in general, similar to the screen-film image. As 22 a digital detector, the PSP device permits the separation of latent image acquisition and display processing steps. 23 This allows the ability to vary the radiographic contrast of the displayed image with the application of examination 24 specific gradation, tonescale, or other image manipulations. Without digital enhancement, the visible (radiographic) 25 contrast of the resultant image would be extremely low (see the characteristic curve response in Figure __). Unlike 26 screen-film detectors which are contrast limited at a particular radiographic speed (the classic tradeoff between 27 detector latitude and film contrast) the PSP image contrast is noise limited. There are several noise sources that 28 contribute to the overall noise in the image. The random variation of absorbed x-rays in the PSP receptor determines 29 the quantum noise component. Stimulated luminance variations during the readout process contribute significant 30 variations in the output signal. Quantization noise adds inaccuracies in the determination of the discrete digital signal 31 amplitude values (this is dependent upon the bit depth of the ADC, typically 10 to 12 bits in current systems). 32 Electronic noise sources cause a further variation in the output signal. To approximate the typical image noise in a 33 400-speed film (and thus achieve similar contrast detectability), the PSP receptor (using standard resolution plates) 34 requires a higher x-ray photon flux by about a factor of 2 times [Seibert etal 96]. This is chiefly associated with the lower 35 detection efficiency of the phosphor plate. 36 37 Detective Quantum Efficiency Draft Document: AAPM Task Group 10 October 1997; version 3.1 Page 24 1 The Detective Quantum Efficiency describes the efficiency of information detection with respect to spatial 2 frequency. It is dependent on the quantum detection efficiency of the screen and the noise associated with each 3 process involved in creating the final image. This includes the number of trapped electrons per absorbed x-ray 4 photon, noise in the stimulation and emission of the latent image, noise in the conversion to an electronic signal, 5 noise associated with the digitization, and noise occurring in the final output image presentation. The large area, 6 zero frequency DQE of a storage phosphor has been described as [Barnes, 93, Lubinsky 87]: DQE PSP 7 8 9 X abs [1 + CV(E)][1 + CV(el)][1 + CV(S)] + < g > -1 where: Xabs = fraction of incident x-ray photons absorbed in the phosphor layer CV(E) = coefficient of variation of the x-ray energy absorbed in the phosphor layer 10 CV(el) = coefficient of variation in the number of trapped electrons for a given absorbed energy 11 CV(S) = coefficient of variation of the light signal emerging from the phosphor for a given number of 12 trapped electrons 13 <g> = the average number of photoelectrons detected at the photomultiplier per absorbed x-ray (the large- 14 area response function) 15 Xabs is energy dependent as plotted in Figure ___. CV(E) depends on the overlap of the spectrum with the k-edge of 16 barium and the fraction of K characteristic x-ray escape. For an 80 kVp x-ray beam transmitted through the patient, 17 a value of ~0.15 has been estimated, similar to the CsI phosphor used in image intensifiers [Barnes, 93]. Hundreds of 18 electrons are trapped in the phosphor F-centers per absorbed x-ray photon, making CV(el) relatively small (<0.05). 19 On the other hand, the variation of stimulating laser light with depth in the phosphor and a similar variation of 20 emission light with depth makes the luminance noise value CV(S) quite high, estimated to be on the order of 0.8 21 Large-area gain in the phosphor, <g>, is ~ 10, and results in the value in the denominator of the DQE expression 2. 22 Thus, the DQE(0) can be estimated as approximately 1/2 Xabs. At 80 kVp with a typical transmitted x-ray spectrum 23 through a patient, DQE (0) 0.25 for standard resolution and DQE(0) 0.13 for high resolution phosphor plates. 24 These values approximate the published findings of Dobbins[Dobbins etal 95] and Hillen[Hillen etal 87]. Values of DQE(f) has 25 been thoroughly investigated for several generations of storage phosphor imaging plates [Dobbins etal 95]. A steady 26 improvement in the development of phosphor plate technology and subsequent detection efficiency as a function of 27 spatial frequency has been demonstrated. Comparisons of the latest generation PSP phosphor plates to screen-film 28 detectors is very favorable in terms of overall response and image quality. 29 Image Display 30 [24] . Laser Film Printers convert the digital images to film images to mimic the conventional screen-film 31 radiography paradigm, where the film is trans-illuminated for viewing. With some PSP systems, the image size must 32 be reduced (de-magnified) by a variable amount, depending upon the phosphor plate size and output film format. 33 Hard copy presentation of the PSP image commits the user to a single rendering, obviating a major advantage of 34 convenient display processing. In order to provide two different grayscale/edge enhancement renderings, the image Draft Document: AAPM Task Group 10 October 1997; version 3.1 Page 25 1 size may be further reduced to accommodate two images on a single film. This two-on-one format requires a 2 reduction to 50% of the 35 43 cm (14 17 inch) field of view on small format PSP films (~26 36 cm). Size 3 reductions complicate direct measurements, comparison to historical studies on film/screen, and inter-comparison of 4 views where the size reduction may be different. Full field of view printing is available on 35 43 cm format film, 5 with large sampling matrices up to approximately 4000 4000 pixels (~3500 4300 by one manufacturer) to 6 provide high spatial resolution on the order of 5 lp/mm over the full field of view. 7 CRT Monitors are used for “soft-copy” display. Digital images from the PSP reader are displayed on CRT 8 monitors for a variety of purposes, including verification of correct patient positioning, Quality Control review and 9 image modification, primary diagnosis, and clinical reference. The capabilities of the monitors, the image processing 10 toolkits available in their associated workstations, and the criticality of their display properties vary according to 11 their function. CRT monitors provide for simultaneous viewing of images throughout the hospital and for real-time 12 modification of image appearance by the observer. CRT monitors share a number of characteristics, including lower 13 luminance levels than a standard lightbox or film alternator, an image produced by fluorescence emission rather than 14 by trans-illumination, an inherently nonlinear display transfer function, potential for fading, geometric distortion, and 15 defocusing. If the monitor is linked to production of hard copy images, matching the appearance of the image on the 16 monitor with the film is an important consideration. The adverse effect of high ambient light levels on the 17 appearance of the image is more problematic with a CRT than with a trans-illuminator because of the lower CRT 18 luminance. In addition, CRT phosphors produce different colors and have difference phosphorescence lag when 19 changing images. An increased emphasis on the acceptance testing and quality control of display monitors and 20 viewing conditions is necessary to ensure optimal image rendition. 21 22 23 SYSTEM CONFIGURATIONS AND DIGITAL SOFT-COPY INTERFACES The diagnostic radiological physicist is likely to encounter PSP devices manufactured by any of several 24 vendors. These devices often represent different generations of technology and exist in different functional 25 configurations. The specific system configuration significantly affects how the physicist conducts acceptance tests. 26 The display media, display processing and content of the digital image data file varies depending on system 27 configuration. 28 Many PSP devices operate as general-purpose devices inside or outside the radiology department. In this 29 application, an imaging plate is inserted into the device and a dedicated laser camera produces a film. Other PSP 30 devices are dedicated to acquisition of upright examinations of the Thorax (Konica, Fuji, and Kodak) and may be 31 integrated into the x-ray generator. Some PSP devices are constructed into a radiographic table (Fuji FCR 7502, 32 FCR 9502). In some hospitals, PSP devices are operated independently with dedicated laser printer. In other 33 hospitals, PSP devices are used to acquire digital data for a sophisticated image and information management system 34 (IMACS). 35 36 Two decades of research and development, combined with advances in computer technology, have resulted in major improvements in PSP devices [Kato, 94, Fuji Tech Rev#2]. The integration of PSP devices and the development of Draft Document: AAPM Task Group 10 October 1997; version 3.1 Page 26 1 commercial PSP devices have followed a parallel path. A PSP device is a system that must provide the user with 2 several functions to be clinically useful. In addition to acquiring digital data representing the projected x-ray beam, 3 the integrated system must provide a facility to process, store and render the resulting image data for display. This 4 section reviews possible configurations of devices available at this time. 5 Early Clinical PSP Devices. The first PSP imaging devices were developed in the early to mid 1980’s. 6 The first devices in the U.S. were clinically implemented by Philips Medical Systems in 1983, the Fuji Computed 7 Radiography (FCR) 101 and FCR 201 [ CBMerritt chest imaging summer school]. These devices were termed the central 8 processing type [Fuji Technical Review #2]. These early devices, now obsolete, were large enough to fill an average size x- 9 ray room, expensive to obtain and operate, and slow to process plates. Image data could only be printed on a 10 dedicated laser camera. No convenient mechanism was provided to move image data outside of the manufacturer’s 11 domain. These early systems were not commercially successful, however, they did establish the data processing 12 model to be used for the next generation of PSP devices. 13 Independent PSP reader with dedicated laser printer. The second commercially available generation of 14 PSP devices developed by Fuji was the 7000 series, termed the distributed processing type [Fuji Technical Review #2]. The 15 system was marketed in the U.S. by Fuji through OEM relationships as a replacement for screen-film imaging. Most 16 of these systems were standalone, providing all of the necessary data processing support in a single functional unit. 17 Film output to a dedicated laser camera remained the standard method of rendering images, and no method for 18 storing or reprocessing image data was initially provided. Laser printers that could accept multiple PSP device inputs 19 provided some economy of scale. 20 Independent PSP Reader with Optional Digital Output. The OEMs, most notably Philips Medical 21 Systems, realized the potential of integrating output from PSP devices into other information management systems. 22 In conjunction with AT&T Bell Labs, Philips developed the “Easy Vision” Radiographic Workstation that included 23 a proprietary hardware and software interface to the FCR 7000. Early attempts to develop remote data processing 24 and display workstations were limited by the state of the PSP device interfaces and computer technology. It was clear 25 at that time that significant benefits to the practice of radiology could be gained by separating the acquisition, 26 storage, transport and display of medical images [ref. U Arizona]. 27 The first commercially successful PSP device was the AC family developed by Fuji. By this time, the size 28 and cost of the device had been significantly reduced. Processing throughput was markedly improved over earlier 29 versions. The device was no longer marketed as a departmental replacement for screen-film systems, but rather as a 30 method to provide imaging solutions for the emergency room and intensive care units. The AC-1 was a standalone 31 system with an attached film processor. The same laser that scanned the imaging plate was used to expose the laser 32 printer film. No capability for storing or reprocessing of digital data was provided. 33 As PSP systems evolved, so did the radiology department’s ability to provide digital image storage, 34 transport and rendering of digital images. Shortly after the introduction of the AC-1 system, Fuji introduced the AC- 35 1+ and AC-2 systems. These systems provided optional access to digital data from the proprietary Data 36 Management System (DMS) via a Small Computer Systems Interface (SCSI) adapter. The Fuji Digital Laser Reader 37 - Digital Acquisition System Manager (FDLR-DASM) was supplied by a third-party vendor (Analogics, Inc. Draft Document: AAPM Task Group 10 October 1997; version 3.1 Page 27 1 Maynard, MA). The AC-2 did not have an attached film processor, but had an option to print laser film to a 2 magazine. The FLDR-DASM was also an option for the FCR 7000 series scanners. Siemens Gammasonics 3 (Chicago, IL), another OEM, developed a Macintosh-based Computed Radiography Acquisition Workstation using 4 the DASM, and transmitted data via a proprietary network protocol. For the first time, digital image data could be 5 moved from the PSP device to a remote computer system. 6 Independent PSP Reader with Quality Control (QC) Workstation. The data available through the FDLR- 7 DASM, however, was not fully processed by the PSP device, and required additional image processing to match the 8 appearance of the film output. Early use of these interfaces was largely limited to academic institutions [Templeton, et al. 9 1992, Journal of Digital Imaging] . Fuji subsequently introduced the HIC-654 computer workstation to interface to the AC-1+ 10 and AC-2 via the proprietary DMS interface. The HIC-654 provided the capability to temporarily store data onto a 11 local disk drive, reprocess image data stored on disk, print the reprocessed data and provided processed through a 12 FDLR-DASM. 13 Independent PSP Reader with QC Workstation and Networked Laser Printer. Kodak introduced its first 14 PSP device, the Kodak Ektascan Storage Phosphor Reader (KESPR) 3000 series in 1992. This was the first PSP 15 system that was designed as a data acquisition node for output to a network for image storage, hard copy recording, 16 and diagnostic soft-copy display. The KESPR consisted of the PSP reader device interfaced to a dedicated computer 17 workstation that provided image storage and reprocessing capabilities. Fully processed images could be moved from 18 the computer workstation to remote computer systems and shared laser printers in accordance with the ACR-NEMA 19 Version 2.0 standard for medical image communications. 20 Networked PSP reader with Networked QC Workstation and Networked Laser Printer. CEMAX 21 (Milpitas, CA), a third party vendor, introduced the first commercially available network interface adapter (NIA) for 22 a PSP device. The NIA relied on the FLDR-DASM and connected to a standard Ethernet network. Another third 23 party vendor, DeJarnette Research (Towson, MD) introduced a similar NIA that conformed to the ACR-NEMA 24 DICOM 3.0 standard. Analogics has recently developed the SD100 “SuperDASM” that fulfills the same function. 25 GE (Milwaukee, WI) has also developed a combined QC workstation and NIA for Fuji PSP devices. At this writing, 26 Fuji, Kodak and Agfa produce PSP readers. All manufacturers have the capability to transfer data processed data to 27 attached laser cameras and to remote computer systems and laser printers via networks using the DICOM3 28 communications protocol. At this writing, Agfa is the only PSP manufacturer whose PSP reader communicates 29 directly to the network according to DICOM3 conventions. 30 Non-standard Access to Digital PSP Data. In the quest for access to digital PSP data, a number of ersatz 31 methods were developed, including “screen dumps” of the video driver of a workstation to its local hard drive and 32 down-sampling of full-resolution PSP data. It is important to recognize that data captured by these methods did not 33 include display processing and did not include the full gray-scale resolution or pixel matrix of the original PSP image 34 file. 35 Acquisition and Association of Patient Demographic and Exam Information. Early PSP devices required 36 the operator to manually enter patient demographic and exam information associated with each PSP image. As PSP 37 devices became integrated into radiology operations, more efficient methods were developed to acquire this data Draft Document: AAPM Task Group 10 October 1997; version 3.1 Page 28 1 including creation of magnetic cards, bar codes, and ultimately, functional interfaces with the Radiology Information 2 System. In order to perform acceptance tests on integrated PSP systems, the physicist may have to create phantom 3 patients in the RIS corresponding to the planned test exposures. 4 Variations in the Size, Header, and Content of the PSP Image Data File. 5 Questions to direct the completion of this section: 6 Is image processing applied to pixel data? 7 Are image processing instructions contained in the header? Are they applied later for display? 8 What is the pixel transfer function of the PSP device? 9 What is the matrix size of the image? 10 How many bits per pixel? 11 Depends on vendor, configuration, conventions. 12 13 14 15 6. GENERIC FUNCTIONAL SPECIFICATIONS OF PSP SYSTEMS Functional specifications related to “typical” capabilities/specifications are listed based upon a recent 16 review of vendor literature. It is highly recommended to communicate with marketing specialists and system 17 engineers to determine the up-to-date capabilities/specifications of a particular PSP system prior to purchase, 18 installation and testing. 19 Phosphor plate and cassettes of several sizes are available for PSP systems. The most popular sizes include 20 35 cm 43 cm (14” 17”), 35 cm 35 cm (14” 14”), 24 cm 30 cm (10” 12”), 24 cm 24 cm (10” 10”) and 21 18 cm 24 cm (8” 10”). Specialized cassettes (e.g., 20 cm 20 cm) are also available as options from certain 22 manufacturers. The time required reading the phosphor plate is dependent on the plate size. Larger sizes usually 23 take longer to read, and decrease overall system throughput. Spatial resolution is also affected by phosphor plate 24 size. In general, the larger the plate size, the poorer the limiting resolution. Plate inventory should be sufficient to 25 eliminate delays due to accessibility of plates, and not by the throughput of the PSP reader. Related to the second 26 item, it is highly recommended to purchase at least two PSP systems in busy work environments so that backup 27 capability is available in the event of system malfunctions. Regarding types of phosphor plates, standard resolution 28 and high-resolution versions are offered, and must be considered with respect to the imaging applications. A 29 tradeoff of detection efficiency occurs with high resolution plates, requiring on the order of three times more 30 exposure to achieve similar signal to noise ratio. 31 Plate throughput maximum of ~30 plates per hour up to ~110 plates per hour are specified by the various 32 manufacturers, depending on the equipment and options purchased. PSL decay time is the major limit to the 33 throughput speed, although in some systems, plate handling and erasure requirements can add substantial time for the 34 transit of a plate through the reader. Some PSP systems have internal stackers or external automatic handling 35 capabilities to allow the user to leave or very quickly retrieve an unexposed plate without having to wait for the total 36 readout process. Draft Document: AAPM Task Group 10 October 1997; version 3.1 Page 29 1 Spatial resolution specifications are dependent on the reading and recording laser sampling rates over a 2 given field of view (phosphor plate size), and therefore effective pixel size. Almost all PSP systems utilize a laser 3 beam with an effective 100 m diameter spot size on the phosphor. The output sample size is determined by the 4 number of pixels across the imaging plate, and in most cases is larger for the larger plate sizes. Imaging plate 5 characteristics such as phosphor coating thickness (e.g., standard versus high resolution IP), protective coating layer 6 thickness, finite laser beam dimensions (spot size), light scatter in the phosphor, and frequency response of electrical 7 circuits will degrade the limiting resolution. A range of specifications exist, dependent on the size of the imaging 8 plate, the type of PSP reader, memory options, and image output options, among others. In general, intrinsic spatial 9 resolution typically ranges between 2.5 to 5 lp/mm (0.2 mm to 0.1 mm object detail), somewhat inferior to a 400 10 speed screen film intrinsic resolution capability of about 7 lp/mm (0.07 mm object detail). 11 There are several generations of IP types available from the manufacturers, and plates with different 12 characteristics. “Standard resolution” and “high resolution” plates are often used in the same PSP reader. The 13 former is typically used for all applications in general radiography; while the latter is used for extremities and 14 mammography applications. The thickness of the standard resolution plates is approximately 2 times greater than 15 that of the high-resolution plates. This provides lower spatial resolution, but higher detection efficiency and better 16 contrast resolution. Discussion of resolution factors, MTF measurements and detective quantum efficiency issues are 17 found in the literature [Kato,94;Dobbins etal 95]. CRT (soft copy) displays also influence spatial resolution, and will likely be 18 the limiting factor for displaying image matrix sizes that exceed the bandwidth and number of TV lines of the 19 monitor. However, by displaying a portion of the image by geometric zooming to the intrinsic resolution limit 20 (without pixel replication or interpolation), the monitor does not limit the spatial resolution, but only the display field 21 of view. 22 Contrast sensitivity, for an optimally tuned PSP system, the contrast sensitivity is chiefly a function of the 23 image acquisition techniques (kVp, antiscatter grid, geometry, etc.) However, a major equipment issue is the bit 24 depth of the pixel. Ten bits has been shown to be sufficient for film recording [Kato, 94]. There is a potential to lose 25 image information if the scaling algorithms or histogram analysis is improperly applied, despite subsequent image 26 processing. Twelve-bit pixel accuracy is preferred when (user) image processing is performed. The total 27 information contained on the plate is encoded in the digital image. Even if inappropriate processing is applied, 28 reprocessing is still possible in order to display the pertinent information. 29 Dynamic range and incident exposure sensitivity of the PSP receptor extends from approximately 0.01 mR 30 up to 100 mR (a range of 10,000 or 10 4). In some systems, a “high gain” setting can reduce the lowest detectable 31 exposure to 0.001 mR, but this also reduces the high end to 10 mR maximum. A logarithmic amplification linearizes 32 the exposure-luminance response curve. (Note: in Agfa systems, a “square-root” amplification is used in lieu of log 33 amplification.) Intrinsic detector and subject contrasts are typically very low, and not clinically optimal. (“Four 34 decades” of dynamic range is attributed because of this tremendous exposure response – however, rarely are four 35 decades of dynamic range required or desired for diagnostic radiology applications.) The range of exposures 36 containing the useful image information is identified with image analysis of the digital distribution on the raw image, 37 usually by histogram analysis. Examination specific algorithms evaluate the distribution and shape of the resultant Draft Document: AAPM Task Group 10 October 1997; version 3.1 Page 30 1 histogram, followed by linear/non-linear contrast stretching and enhancement to mimic screen-film presentations 2 and/or radiologist preference. 3 4 Desirable Specifications and Features. 5 Phosphor plates, cassettes, grids, identification terminals 6 Enough phosphor plates and corresponding cassettes should be ordered to meet 1.5 times the peak demand for 7 imaging services. Be sure to consider the different sizes of phosphor plates, and the number of plates that can be 8 stored in an internal stacker, if any. Stationary, low frequency grids can be problematic with digitally sampled 9 images as found with PSP systems. High frequency grids (e.g., >140 lines/inch, >55 lines/cm) are available and can 10 alleviate problems with aliasing and moiré patterns, and should be considered in conjunction with the PSP system 11 purchase. Identification terminals provide the gateway to the PSP reader. Correlation of the exposed phosphor plate 12 to the patient and to the examination type is performed. Be sure to include sufficient numbers of ID terminals placed 13 in convenient, strategic locations to avoid bottleneck and throughput problems for processing the PSP receptors. 14 Image characteristics 15 Output image formats of 1:1 magnification on printed laser film is a consideration, for example adult chest 16 imaging and other procedures that require 35 43 cm areas. Some PSP systems print out reduced size images only 17 (e.g., 2/3 size of the original), depending on the digital sampling matrix. Most large-size images are reduced by up 18 to 5%, or 95% of “true” size that would be achieved on a screen-film detector. Thus, a statement regarding distance 19 accuracy and distance calibration marks on the side of the films should be considered. Shading of the image due to 20 inherent variability of the signal processing of the PSP reader should be implemented. Factors that relate to image 21 uniformity, dark noise, and signal to noise ratio should be mentioned in the bid specification document. Many of 22 these issues and items are discussed as part of the acceptance test procedures in the next section of this article. 23 Incident exposure estimation; other data fields 24 Incident exposure estimates for PSP image acquisitions are extremely important, and must be included on the 25 image demographics as a requirement and preferably tracked in a database for long-term analysis of trends. In 26 addition, other performance indices and database functions should be considered. These include immediate warning 27 of extremely high or low exposures, the number of times a phosphor plate has been put through the system (to track 28 longevity), and types of processing (with parameters) applied to the image, among other data fields. 29 Image processing functionality 30 Specific image processing capabilities should be listed. These include simple window/level adjustments, non- 31 linear adjustments to mimic screen-film response, reverse contrast mapping, edge enhancement, dynamic range 32 control, and fill-in of unexposed areas (e.g., to fill in the unexposed areas of the resultant image with dark or opaque 33 boundaries – crucial for pediatric newborn studies and small objects). The ability to implement user-defined 34 functions in addition to the built-in functions is desirable. 35 Patient demographics and film marker positioning 36 37 Systems should have the flexibility of allowing specific institutional, patient, phosphor plate, and technologist identification, with the ability to place the information as desired by the institution, with a user-defined font type. Draft Document: AAPM Task Group 10 October 1997; version 3.1 Page 31 1 Image processing parameters, exposure index, image magnification or minification, image reversal, and positioning 2 markers should be visible on each image. 3 PSP system interfaces to RIS, HIS, Imaging Networks and PACS 4 Interface of the PSP system(s) to Radiology and Hospital information computers is necessary. Specific details 5 regarding the in-house RIS/HIS vendor must be explained. In return, the PSP vendor should be expected to provide 6 a standard interface (e.g., Health Level-7 [HL-7]) or other non-standard interfaces along with specific demographic 7 information to be transferred. Automatic downloading and uploading of patient demographics, examination type, 8 and scheduling times should be requested. A DICOM-3 conformance statement for interface to existing or future 9 PACS infrastructure is also essential. Interfaces to existing dedicated and network-based laser printers should be 10 included in the bid. Ask the vendor to describe the interfaces (e.g., are the interfaces implemented in the system 11 design, or is extra peripheral hardware required in close proximity to the PSP reader?). As there are several capable 12 third-party vendors that provide interfacing functionality of the types described above, request the vendor to indicate 13 an “approved” third-party vendor list, and consider these alternatives. The assistance of knowledgeable experts is 14 helpful for these complicated issues. 15 Quality control phantom set; quality control workstation/software 16 The vendor should provide a quality control phantom with the system to periodically test spatial resolution, 17 contrast detectability, exposure uniformity, exposure linearity, and distance measurement accuracy –aspect ratio (see 18 acceptance tests). Ideally, a third-party phantom, specifically designed for “generic” PSP image performance, should 19 be specified in addition to the system-specific phantom. Many PSP systems come with a quality control image 20 workstation, which assists in measuring the performance of the system as well as providing a capability for the 21 technologist to verify patient positioning and image orientation. Automated quantitative measures such as objective 22 assessment of contrast to noise and maximum signal to noise ratios for QC image tests should also be available. 23 Results cataloged in a database and plotted versus time (daily, weekly, monthly) can reveal trends and performance 24 indices to objectively determine compliance failures, and can indicate the need for preventative maintenance prior to 25 a problem being manifested. 26 Service contracts, preventive maintenance, warranty and siting requirements 27 These items have been included for completeness. Contracts for hardware and software upgrades, in 28 addition to maintenance, should be considered. Longevity of phosphor plates, cassettes, and warranty should be 29 discussed. Approved third-party service or in-house radiological engineering support/training should also be 30 included as options. Siting requirements, required power, air-conditioning/filtering, equipment footprint, 31 configuration of the PSP readers, preliminary schematic drawings, etc., are all components of the specifications 32 document for consideration. 33 Application training for technologists, radiologists, physicists, clinical engineers 34 Specific reference to applications training should be indicated, even though the vendor typically has a 35 standard level of applications training that goes with the sale of the equipment. A minimum of one-week on-site 36 training is recommended for the technologists (include work shift specifications if necessary). This should be 37 followed by a subsequent week of refresher assistance approximately one to two months after the initial training has Draft Document: AAPM Task Group 10 October 1997; version 3.1 Page 32 1 taken place. Radiologists should also interact with the application specialist during the initial start-up of the system, 2 so that specific image processing algorithms can be implemented according to their preference. Physicists should be 3 aware of the processing algorithm function and be instructed on how to adjust image appearance and create user 4 examination algorithms. Hospital engineering staff should be trained for simple preventative maintenance tasks and 5 error recovery issues at the minimum. 6 Clinical implementation issues. 7 The benefits anticipated by the introduction of PSP systems into clinical practice depend on the intended 8 role. When PSP radiography is introduced as a replacement for screen-film as a receptor, the user expects to benefit 9 from the improved consistency and decreased repeat rate when compared to conventional radiography. When PSP 10 radiography is introduced to provide flexibility in the presentation of the image, the user expects to benefit from the 11 ability to reprocess the digital image. When PSP radiography is introduced in order to replace film with a digital 12 archive, the user expects to benefit from the convenience of storing images in electronic form. When PSP 13 radiography is introduced to replace film with a digital image distribution and display system, the user expects to rely 14 on PSP images exclusively for acquisition of ordinary radiographic examinations. 15 The clinical acceptance of PSP radiography depends in part on perceptions of comparisons with 16 conventional screen-film for similar tasks. As a digital receptor, the PSP receptor and reader system has inherent 17 spatial resolution limitations when compared to an analog system such as screen-film. On the other hand, while 18 screen-film contrast sensitivity is fixed for a given radiographic technique, PSP systems can modify display contrast 19 independently of subject contrast, and thus should be able to provide better contrast sensitivity. Current PSP systems 20 tend to require more radiation to produce images of equivalent quality compared to 400 speed rare earth screen-film 21 systems in common use today. PSP systems are much more tolerant of inappropriate technique than screen-film, and 22 are capable of producing a diagnostic quality image under conditions of under- and over-exposure that would 23 necessitate a repeated examination using screen-film. In other words, in the hands of an experienced user, PSP 24 imaging allows the choice of exposure. 25 Tolerance of inappropriate exposure factors with PSP radiography is a double-edged sword: under- and 26 over-exposure are not obvious from the appearance of the normalized PSP image. Instead of a light or dark film, we 27 must rely on derived indices of exposure that are based on the results of the normalization process in order to 28 monitor patient radiation exposure. These indices and the way they are calculated differ among manufacturers, and 29 are greatly affected by readout and display processing characteristics of the PSP device. There should be a thorough 30 understanding of the exposure indicators and how they relate to receptor speed and estimates of patient dose (similar 31 to the way estimates for screen-film detectors are determined). From a radiation management prospective, it is 32 critical to insure that the index is reported along with the image in any clinical practice of PSP radiography. In 33 addition, it is prudent to consider a method for periodic monitoring of the incident exposure indicator to identify 34 undesirable trends of inappropriate technique (particularly the over-exposures, which are more difficult to identify by 35 visual inspection of the image). 36 37 In most clinical situations, the primary method of exposure factor control is the phototimer. Traditionally, phototimers have been designed to provide constant optical densities for a variety of kV and attenuation Draft Document: AAPM Task Group 10 October 1997; version 3.1 Page 33 1 combinations. This requires that the exposure to the image receptor be controlled in a manner that is appropriate for 2 the energy response of the receptor in use. It is important to recognize that the response of a PSP receptor is 3 different from most conventional screen-film receptors. When setting up a phototimer station for use with a PSP 4 device, the goal should be to produce a constant pixel value for a variety of kV and attenuation combinations. To 5 accomplish this, the autoranging feature must be disabled during phototimer calibration. Under these conditions, the 6 PSP response (pixel value) can be related to the receptor absorbed dose. Calibration of the phototimer can then 7 proceed in a manner identical to screen-film systems using pixel value (or hard copy optical density) as the output 8 variable to be controlled instead of film optical density. Alternatively, as in the case where autoranging cannot be 9 disabled, patient (phantom) exit exposure can be used as the output variable to be controlled. 10 A benefit of PSP radiography over screen-film is the ability to modify the appearance of the digital image 11 by Display Processing to enhance conspicuity of clinical features. It is important to recognize that there is no 12 universal agreement on the optimal set of processing values for an examination. The effects of display processing 13 depend on radiographic technique, and too much “processing” can generate undesirable results. The ability for a 14 knowledgeable operator to modify processing defaults introduces a configuration management problem: for 15 consistency, it is important to assure that the same processing defaults are loaded in all PSP machines. Differences 16 in processing methods between manufacturers mean that PSP images produced by identical radiographic technique 17 with the same subject may not have the same appearance with PSP systems of different vendors. Also, for clinical 18 diagnosis, a comparison of a set of examinations over time requires the same image processing parameters to be used 19 for consistency. 20 Because the first step in processing the PSP image is to locate the exposure field and ignore signals outside 21 the field, patient positioning, x-ray beam collimation, and convergence of the light field and x-ray field are more 22 critical than in screen-film imaging. Generally, the anatomy of interest should be centered on the imaging plate, 23 collimation should be used to reduce the amount of beam that is unattenuated by the subject, and collimation should 24 be symmetric and parallel to the edges of the cassette. Today there are PSP systems that are tolerant for such cases. 25 Additionally, it is prudent to acquire only one image per phosphor plate. 26 When PSP radiography is introduced into a conventional radiography operation, initial technologist 27 retraining is imperative. The technologist must understand the importance of selecting the proper examination, must 28 learn to recognize a new set of artifacts, and must have some idea how to correct for inferior images. Appropriate 29 actions with PSP systems are often anti-intuitive to technologists well versed in screen-film radiography. As 30 personnel changes occur, provisions for repeated training should be made, because most personnel will come from a 31 film-based experience. 32 Unlike screen-film radiography, the size of the cassette selected has a pronounced influence on the 33 characteristics of the image. Approximately the same number of pixels are used to represent each PSP image, that is, 34 about 2K 2K, with the exception of the Fuji “HQ” option (this provides approximately 3500 4300 pixels for a 35 35 cm 43 cm (14” 17”) imaging plate. A smaller the phosphor receptor has a smaller pixel dimension. Thus, the 36 smaller receptor size can have better spatial resolution than larger receptors, although the thickness of the phosphor Draft Document: AAPM Task Group 10 October 1997; version 3.1 Page 34 1 also has a significant impact. There is another effect for hard-copy films, depending on the format of the laser 2 printer: the images acquired with the smaller cassettes may be presented at 100% magnification, while those from the 3 largest cassette may be presented in reduced size. 4 When one considers the potential for confusing the PSP reader with multiple images per plate, and a 5 somewhat better spatial resolution for smaller cassettes, it makes sense to project a single view on the smallest 6 cassette possible, especially for extremity exams emphasizing bone rather than soft tissue. If the digital image is to 7 be viewed on a CRT, views on separate receptors can be manipulated independently, unlike multiple views on a 8 single receptor. If multiple views are to be used, it is helpful to place only similar views on a given receptor: the PSP 9 reader algorithms may be able to segregate the views for histogram analysis, but appropriate display processing can 10 11 only be selected for one view, but is applied to all. At this writing, we are at the sixth manufacturing generation of Fuji photostimulable phosphor image 12 receptors, and at least the second Kodak generation. Agfa has introduced an image receptor with a different 13 phosphor composition. These generations differ in their x-ray capture and light generating characteristics, and thus 14 the PSP scanner should be calibrated specifically for the generation of plate in use. Some receptors may not be 15 appropriate for a particular PSP scanner model. It is important to recognize that, while the manufacturer may only 16 be supplying the current generation, there are many plates of other generations in circulation. Clinical operation with 17 mixed generations of receptors should be avoided unless it can be shown that variability in the outcome image 18 quality is essentially unaffected. 19 The lower k-edge of the PSP receptor using BaFBr(Eu) (k-edge of Ba at 37 keV) may confer a greater 20 sensitivity to scatter than screen-film. Early versions of PSP cassettes did not have adequate backscatter control that 21 caused artifacts. Apprehension about scatter has caused some practitioners to recommend scatter reduction grids for 22 all bedside exams without regard to patient thickness. 23 The selection of an appropriate fixed grid for the PSP receptor is problematic. There is no universal 24 agreement about what grid type, focused, parallel, or crosshatch, what grid ratio, intersperse material, or grid 25 frequency to use. The general purpose 103 line per inch grid presents a periodic signal of about 2 lines pairs per 26 mm, which is close enough to the sampling frequency for 35cm43cm image receptors to cause aliasing artifacts, i.e. 27 accentuated grid lines and moiré patterns. When the PSP image is displayed on a CRT, unfortunate selections of 28 zoom factor can also generate moiré artifacts with 85 line per inch grids. Some manufacturers are recommending 29 152 line per inch grids, which are more expensive and more difficult to use clinically. There is an indication that 30 histogram analysis yields different results with and without grids. Specific menu selections (or processing 31 algorithms) are needed for grid and non-grid exams to produce optimal results on hardcopy films. 32 There are several factors adversely affecting radiologist acceptance of PSP radiography relative to screen-film 33 imaging. Radiologists are trained to discern clinical features on film, the ACR teaching file is composed entirely of 34 screen-film images, and for ABR boards they must demonstrate proficiency at examining screen-film images. PSP 35 images have a different appearance from screen-film. The chief complaints of radiologists conform to several 36 categories, namely: 37 1) A lack of confidence at the detection of low contrast, high liability features, such as pulmonary nodules. Draft Document: AAPM Task Group 10 October 1997; version 3.1 Page 35 1 2) Accentuation of some features, such as lung markings, that may cause overcalling of interstitial lung 2 disease. 3 3) Discomfort with the finite limits of spatial resolution. 4 4) Dissatisfaction with less-than-life-size presentation either on small format laser prints or CRT displays. 5 5) Dissatisfaction with the additional radiation exposure required in certain applications. 6 6) Additional time required per study when viewed on a CRT because of the potential (or need) to manipulate 7 the digital image. 8 To date, PSP system technology represents the current state-of-the-art in direct digital acquisition, manipulation and 9 storage of two-dimensional projection radiographs, despite some of the above-mentioned limitations. When 10 optimally adjusted, these systems provide image quality equivalent to optimal screen-film technology, and also give 11 the ability to directly interface into a digital image network/PACS environment. To ensure optimal adjustments and 12 image quality, acceptance testing and periodic quality control should be implemented. Issues related to these topics 13 follow. 14 ACCEPTANCE TESTING 15 Acceptance tests of the PSP system are a first and crucial step towards clinical implementation. 16 Verification of proper function, adherence to functional specifications as published by the manufacturer, 17 documentation of reports, demonstration of personnel training, and establishing a standard for subsequent quality 18 control tests comprise the rationale for these procedures. Several good references on acceptance testing are available 19 in the literature [Seibert, 94; Willis 94; Willis 95; Huda, 95; Jafroudi, 95; Cowen, 93; Willis, 96], and should be reviewed along with the 20 following information. 21 Preliminary Communication with vendor engineer/specialist 22 Prior to initiating the acceptance test procedures, an outline of the specific tests to be accomplished should 23 be provided to the service engineer during installation. Perusal of applications manuals and other documentation that 24 provides information about the PSP system, instructions for use and system specifications are extremely important. 25 An itemized list of the components, peripherals, and options delivered with the system should be available. 26 Communication with the service engineer, applications personnel, and sales representative is extremely helpful in 27 getting knowledge about the system, its capabilities, and options. 28 29 Component Inventory 30 Imaging plates, cassettes, hardware, and associated documentation delivered with the system should be 31 inventoried and inspected. Items to inspect include the proper installation of the main unit, the processor, power 32 lines, exhaust ducts, water supply, developer/fixer replenishment tanks, hose connections, and environmental air 33 conditioning. All findings are included in the final acceptance test report. The phosphor plates are particularly 34 vulnerable to mishandling. A careful, visual inspection of each plate is necessary. Surface defects or scratches are 35 noted as found, and logged on the inventory checklist with the corresponding serial number. Each cassette should 36 also be examined for loose or protruding screws/fasteners. Draft Document: AAPM Task Group 10 October 1997; version 3.1 Page 36 1 2 Tools and equipment required for acceptance evaluation (minimum list) 3 copper and aluminum plates/filters 4 film densitometer and sensitometer (if a hard copy display is to be used) 5 a steel ruler (at least 14" long, 1" wide) 6 10X magnification loupe with 0.1 mm graticule 7 exposure dosimeter – calibrated ionization chamber 8 high contrast square wave resolution test pattern (i.e., bar pattern) of minimal lead thickness and with a 9 range spanning 0.5 to ~10 lp/mm (two or more are preferable) 10 low contrast sensitivity/detectability phantom, e.g., Leeds test object[35], UAB contrast phantom[36] 11 aluminum step wedge phantom for simple characteristic curve analysis 12 anthropomorphic phantoms (chest, skull, foot, etc.) 13 screen contact (wire mesh) test tool 14 a repeatable x-ray source – 50 to 120 kVp and several 0.5 mm thick copper filters for tube filtration 15 a flashlight 16 a timer or stopwatch 17 a measuring tape 18 masking tape 19 an anti-scatter grid (if the x-ray system does not have one) 20 Preparations for Acceptance Test Measurements 21 There are a number of adjustments and calibrations that must occur on the PSP system prior to acceptance tests and 22 clinical service [Willis, 94]. These adjustments are typically vendor specific, and should be accomplished in concert with 23 the service engineer at the beginning of the acceptance testing procedures 24 Customization of Alphanumeric Data Recording 25 Demographic information to be listed on each printed film or displayed image should be reviewed and checked for 26 accuracy. Information includes but is not limited to hospital name, machine identification, display processing 27 parameters, system sensitivity information, date, and time. 28 Adjustment of the hardcopy recording device 29 As most primary diagnosis is currently made with hard-copy laser films generated from the acquired digital data, 30 the following steps must be checked to ensure proper operation. 31 (1) The film image is properly positioned on the film. 32 (2) Shading variations caused by non-uniformities in the laser-light intensity across the film are minimal. 33 (3) Processor chemistry is maintained at an optimal level. 34 (4) Internal laser calibration is within tolerance limits specified by the vendor. 35 There will typically be system-generated test scans available to assist in the verification of these parameters. Draft Document: AAPM Task Group 10 October 1997; version 3.1 Page 37 1 Film Processor and Laser Printer Tests 2 A film processor audit requires the verification of proper chemistry activity, replenishment levels, developer 3 temperature, and lack of processor generated artifacts. The film processor should be evaluated according to the 4 manufacturer's quality assurance recommendations as well as methods outlined in the literature [Wagner, LK 94]. The film 5 processor chemistry and the developer temperature influence the optical density values of the printed films. It is 6 advisable to independently test processor performance with sensitometric strip methods on a daily to weekly basis, 7 depending on system use. This will allow any potential problems with the film processor to be uniquely identified 8 and separated from those caused by the PSP system hardware and calibration mis-adjustment. 9 10 Laser printer calibration/Sensitometry 11 Laser-generated sensitometric strips should be printed to determine the proper laser performance and function, 12 and to calibrate the printer when out of tolerance. Each test point of the laser-generated pattern is measured with a 13 calibrated densitometer. The optical density values should fall within the tolerance limits indicated by the vendor 14 documentation. Should the values fall outside the recommended density range, a correction (calibration) algorithm 15 should be invoked (often under the guidance of the service engineer) and the test repeated. For a second failure, a 16 request for repair should be initiated prior to doing other acceptance tests. In certain situations, the PSP system laser 17 writer can compensate for variations of film processor chemistry or malfunction that can ultimately lead to a 18 catastrophic failure. It is important, therefore, to understand and determine the degree of compensation effected by 19 the laser subsystem. 20 Image workstation display monitor calibration/resolution tests 21 In a soft-copy environment, display workstations are a critical link in the overall image quality verification of a PSP 22 system. A short list of items that should be evaluated initially and frequently via quality control tests are: 23 Adjustment of brightness/contrast via SMPTE test pattern or equivalent[Joel Gray manuscript] 24 Determination of high contrast spatial resolution, both centrally and peripherally 25 Determination of geometric distortion, particularly in the periphery of the image 26 Evaluation of luminance output with a luminance meter 27 Evaluation of room lighting conditions with illuminance meter 28 Hardware and software tools to perform these tests should be specified in the original purchase agreement to be 29 delivered with the system. This is an area critically important to image display and evaluation of the PSP system, 30 where further work is necessary to describe and implement acceptance tests and quality control procedures. 31 Calibration and Characterization of the X-ray Beam 32 X-ray beam characterization of a calibrated x-ray system is important for achieving reproducibility in PSP 33 system tests of sensitivity, linearity, and uniformity. A beam produced by a high frequency generator system that is 34 likely to be available to the physicist for future QC testing is preferred. For general-purpose PSP systems, a standard 35 80 kVp beam with 3.0 to 3.5 mm aluminum equivalent HVL should be characterized. An identical beam, or nearly 36 identical beam, should be used in subsequent QC testing and performance monitoring of the PSP system. Also, at Draft Document: AAPM Task Group 10 October 1997; version 3.1 Page 38 1 the time of acceptance testing, identification of several image receptors to be set aside and safeguarded for the 2 physicist’s sole use in subsequent QC testing is highly recommended. For specialty PSP systems, more appropriate 3 beams should be characterized and used (e.g., 120 kVp for a dedicated chest PSP system). 4 Sensitivity and linearity tests should challenge PSP system response under conditions representative of the 5 clinical environment. To ensure reproducibility of results, a simple phantom of 1 mm copper and 1 mm aluminum is 6 recommended. The phantom should be placed at the collimator with the copper side facing the x-ray tube. 7 Uniformity tests may be conducted with or without the phantom. 8 9 Specific Testing Procedures 10 Once familiarized with the system parameters of the particular PSP system to be tested, proper function and 11 adherence to specifications can be determined with the tests recommended in this section. Assessment of initial 12 operating characteristics and measurements of all testable components is essential to determine baseline 13 performance, and to ensure continued optimal functionality and image quality throughout the system's lifetime during 14 periodic quality control testing and preventative maintenance service. 15 16 Phosphor plate/cassette throughput 17 For systems with autoloaders, a total of 10 loaded cassettes of a specific size should be loaded and read-out, 18 with the elapsed time begun with the initiation of the readout cycle, and ended with the film (or digital image) 19 appearing for image distribution. Extrapolation of the throughput per hour is straightforward. For systems with 20 internal stackers and manual feed, ten cassettes should be fed into the reader as fast as possible, and the elapsed time 21 recorded as above. Throughput should be within 10% of the published specifications (unless other exceptions are 22 made in the purchase agreement). For complete evaluation, each cassette size should be tested, as the readout time is 23 dependent on the phosphor plate size. 24 25 Phosphor Plate Dark Noise 26 All imaging plates in the inventory must first be erased with the full erasure cycle to ensure removal of all 27 residual signals from background radiation or other sources. The erasure unit subsystem is comprised of a high- 28 pressure sodium or fluorescent lamp (this depends on the manufacturer and model number). After erasure, several 29 plates (e.g., 3 to 5) should be scanned using an automatic scaling algorithm or fixed scaling algorithm to drive the 30 gain of the system to maximum. (Note: some newer systems, when detecting a “dark-current” situation, 31 automatically adjust the readout technique to a wide latitude, nominal exposure value; in this case, use a fixed 32 manual technique and drive the system to a high amplification signal). The resultant film (or soft-copy image) for 33 each plate should demonstrate a clear, uniform, artifact-free image. Exposure indicators for automatic processing 34 should indicate no incident exposure. Obvious artifacts, density shading, or uniformities present on any output 35 image should be evaluated further. If more than two plates of the test set have a problem, all of the plates in the 36 inventory should be tested. Reproducible artifacts on a number of films, such as a uniform shading response, Draft Document: AAPM Task Group 10 October 1997; version 3.1 Page 39 1 indicates the laser subsystem, light collection guide, memory board, erasure unit, or fogged film are potential 2 problems. Corrective action is required before proceeding to other tests. 3 4 System Linearity, Auto-ranging and Exposure Response 5 This test determines the response of the detector and readout systems to at least three decades of exposure 6 variation (1000 times difference). Use the manufacturer specified beam energy and tube filtration (if any) to verify 7 proper calibration of the exposure value (sensitivity number, exposure index, or lgm). Suggested techniques are 80 8 kVp, 180 cm SID and copper filtration to simulate the attenuation characteristics of a patient (e.g., 0.5 mm Cu), with 9 the beam collimated to the whole plate. Exposures of approximately 0.1 mR, 1.0 mR and 10 mR are suggested, on 10 three individual PSP cassettes. Actual incident exposure should be measured with a calibrated ionization chamber 11 free in air (no backscatter) and calculated to the surface of the PSP. Using a readout algorithm specified by the 12 manufacturer for exposure value calibration, verify that the system properly determines the incident exposure for 13 each receptor. Indicated incident exposure values should be within 20% of the actual incident exposure. 14 Qualitative image noise characteristics in the resultant images should be inversely related to incident exposure. 15 Quantitative evaluation of the noise properties on a computer workstation should verify the expected decrease in 16 noise with increased exposure, and a slope of 0.5 of a plot of the log exposure versus output digital number (quantum 17 limited operational range of the detector). Resultant optical density of each film should be within +/- 0.1 OD of the 18 programmed value. Note: variation in imaging plate response can occur with changes in beam quality caused by 19 added tube filtration and/or patient attenuation, even with the same incident exposure [Huda, 95]. While it is suggested 20 that the manufacturer recommended protocols be followed, the recommendations for added filtration made above 21 would be contrary to the manufacturer protocol for Fuji systems. In the event that filtration is used, the 22 recommended accuracy of the sensitivity value will likely not be met. Verification of accuracy without filtration, 23 followed by re-calibration of the system with filtration is a recommended plan of action in this instance. 24 25 26 Exposure indicator reproducibility and density uniformity Intrinsic and receptor to receptor uniformity are expected to be homogeneous and consistent. Estimates of the 27 incident exposure on the receptor should also be accurate within 10%. The tests in this section require the use of a 28 calibrated radiographic x-ray tube with reproducible output. Each cassette/phosphor plate in the inventory is 29 centered to the x-ray beam and uniformly exposed over the entire plate at a long SID (~180 cm, to minimize heel 30 effect variations and x-ray field shading) using 80 kVp and approximately 1 mR incident exposure. A reproducible 31 geometry and plate orientation must be maintained. The incident exposure (simultaneously measured with a 32 calibrated ionization chamber and calculated to the exposure incident on the plate) is used to verify the exposure 33 calibration and reproducibility of the exposure value. Consistent time delay between the exposure and readout (e.g., 34 10 minutes) is important to reduce variation in fading effect not attributed to the equipment. A longer waiting time 35 will result in fewer fluctuations in response, but will obviously extend the time of the tests. Draft Document: AAPM Task Group 10 October 1997; version 3.1 Page 40 1 For film output, optical densities are measured in the center of each quadrant of the film and in the center 2 position to determine absolute density and spatial uniformity. Central film density is acceptable if within +/-0.10 OD 3 of the programmed optical density value (usually 1.20). Spatial uniformity is acceptable when all measured OD 4 values are within 10% of the average (or programmed) OD. For soft-copy evaluation of the images on a workstation, 5 the average digital value of each region of interest (ROI) should be within 10% of the global average. Standard 6 deviation should also be similar in each of the 5 ROI’s. Estimated incident exposure should be within +/-10% 7 (normalized for any measured exposure variation) for all phosphor plates in the inventory. (Note those specific setup 8 requirements (including kVp and added filtration) are vendor specific.) All images should be examined for banding, 9 black or white spots, and streaks. “Unique” artifacts are usually traced to the imaging plate in question, while 10 artifacts appearing consistently on several or all images are likely due to the equipment (reader or writer components 11 of the system). For artifacts identified to a specific imaging plate, initiate plate cleaning followed by primary 12 erasure, and then retest. If the problem(s) still exist(s), the IP should be removed from service. In the case of a 13 consistent variation in OD shading across the film, exposure of the same plate in 180 orientations will cancel any 14 possible variations due to the x-ray tube heel effect. If the shading variation still persists after this action, the service 15 engineer should implement a shading correction calibration. 16 For soft-copy image workstations, average digital number values using an analysis tool and region of interest 17 (ROI) positioning across the active image area can be used in lieu of optical density measurements. Criteria should 18 be the same as explained above. Without image analysis tools, a subjective analysis of a contrast and brightness 19 enhanced image should demonstrate a relatively uniform response. 20 21 Laser beam function 22 Laser beam scan line integrity, beam jitter, signal dropout, and focus are evaluated in this test. Use a 23 radiographic technique of ~80 kVp, 180 cm SID and mAs to deliver an incident exposure of ~5 mR. Place the steel 24 ruler on a 3543 cm (14" x 17") centered on the cassette and roughly (but not) perpendicular to the laser beam scan 25 lines. Laser beam jitter is evaluated by examining the edge of the ruler on the image. Ruler edges should be straight 26 and continuous over the full length of the film. Under- or overshoot of the scan lines in light to dark transitions 27 along the ruler edge indicates a timing error, or laser beam modulation problem. View the image scan lines with a 28 10X (or greater magnification) loupe in various areas across the film to check for uniform spacing. Scan line 29 dropout is detectable as a lucent straight line in the open field and likely represents dust/dirt particles on the pickup 30 light guide, a fairly common artifact. Image artifacts indicate sub-optimal performance and necessitate corrective 31 action by service personnel. 32 33 Spatial Resolution 34 Spatial resolution tests include measurement of the central and peripheral limiting resolution of each image, for 35 each plate size and plate type (standard and high resolution). Place the resolution test phantom(s) (e.g., lead bar 36 square-wave test pattern) parallel and perpendicular to both the x (row) and y (column) directions in central and Draft Document: AAPM Task Group 10 October 1997; version 3.1 Page 41 1 peripheral areas of each cassette (receptor) size. Expose the cassette to a relatively low beam energy (~60 kVp), 180 2 cm SID, and mAs to deliver ~5 mR (quantum mottle should be low). Use a readout/processing algorithm to enhance 3 radiographic contrast without significant edge enhancement. For a CRT, zoom the digital image to the intrinsic 4 resolution limit, and adjust window/level for best visualization of the object. Both central and peripheral resolution 5 should indicate a response close to the maximum theoretical resolution. (Theoretical image reader spatial resolution 6 limits are equal to 1/2 the maximum sampling rate in pixels per mm. For a reader that scans and prints at 10 pixels 7 per mm, the maximum resolution achievable is 5 lp/mm. Actual spatial resolution is also influenced by the phosphor 8 plate type in use.) If the spatial resolution is more than 10% less than that indicated in the manufacturer's 9 specifications for either the vertical or horizontal directions, corrective action should be initiated. On the other hand, 10 it is important to recognize “spurious resolution”, where higher frequency patterns are visualized beyond a lower 11 frequency bar pattern group which is blurred out, as a consequence of frequency aliasing. Measured resolution can 12 exceed the theoretical sampled resolution limit if the test pattern is positioned at a diagonal to the x-y matrix. In this 13 case, the “effective” sampling (pixel) pitch of the resolution pattern is made smaller by the sine of the angle (e.g., 14 0.707 for 45 angle), overestimating the actual limiting vertical or horizontal resolution. These tests are subjective 15 and prone to error, but are usually sufficient for verification of appropriate spatial resolution response. A pre- 16 sampled MTF analysis can be undertaken with the use of an edge or a slit pattern, a film microdensitometer or direct 17 evaluation of the digital image, and Fourier analysis [Dobbins, 95; Fujita, 89]. 18 19 Wire mesh test and resolution uniformity across the receptor 20 This test utilizes a screen-film contact test tool to verify focus over the total field of view of the phosphor 21 receptor. One cassette of each size should be tested. Place the wire mesh test tool in direct contact with the PSP 22 cassette, and expose the IP to a relatively low beam energy (~60 kVp), 180 cm SID, and mAs to deliver ~5 mR 23 (quantum mottle should be low). Use a readout/processing algorithm that enhances radiographic contrast. The 24 resultant image should be distortion free and sharp over the whole field of view. Distortions of the mesh pattern or 25 areas of unsharpness that are unique to the individual phosphor plate indicate a PSP receptor that should be cleaned 26 or removed from service. Repeatable distortions or unsharpness on images of different PSP receptors indicates an 27 equipment malfunction. 28 29 Low Contrast Resolution 30 Contrast resolution should be limited by quantum statistics (x-rays absorbed in the imaging plate) in a well- 31 designed system. This test verifies the x-ray photon statistical limitations (quantum sink) over the exposure range 32 commonly used for clinical x-ray imaging. Other noise sources, such as electronic, digitization, luminance, or fixed 33 pattern noise should not limit the detection of a low contrast signal within the clinically used exposure range. A 34 calibrated low contrast test object such as the Leeds phantom designed for computed radiography [McArdle, Leeds; Cowen, 93] 35 or the UAB low contrast phantom [Wagner, 91]. The phantom should be imaged at the recommended beam energy using 36 various incident exposures within the typical clinical range. For the Leeds phantom, 70 or 75 kVp is the calibration 37 energy. With the UAB phantom, a range of peak operating potentials can be used, and the absolute contrast Draft Document: AAPM Task Group 10 October 1997; version 3.1 Page 42 1 determined from a calibration chart dependent on the selected kVp and added copper filtration. In either situation, a 2 standard clinical acquisition protocol should be used (e.g., contact imaging with a grid; PSP cassette placed in a table 3 bucky, etc.). Three individual images are acquired with incident exposures of ~0.1 mR, ~1.0 mR and ~10 mR to the 4 phosphor plate. Specific algorithms for contrast resolution should be used to process the plates. Contrast sensitivity 5 should improve with increased exposure, related to reduced quantum noise. If not, other sources of noise and factors 6 should be considered, such as reduced detection efficiency (e.g., standard versus high resolution imaging plates), 7 fixed point noise (artifacts), excessive luminance or amplification noise, or x-ray/light scatter influence on the 8 subject contrast, among other factors. The PSP system should deliver contrast sensitivity nearly equivalent to a 9 screen-film detector with the same acquisition techniques (geometry, x-ray factors, grid, etc.). Request assistance of 10 the service engineer to correct any significant problems that might arise. Once completed, the contrast sensitivity 11 levels can serve as a basis for periodic QC tests and performance standards. 12 For systems with digital image analysis capabilities, a quantitative determination of the signal to noise ratio via 13 region of interest (ROI) analysis (average signal divided by the rms noise within a selected ROI) as a function of 14 incident exposure should be considered. Contrast to noise ratio between low contrast objects in a contrast phantom 15 (difference of average values divided by the rms noise within the background ROI) provides a quantitative 16 benchmark of PSP image receptor performance for a standardized acquisition technique. Establishment of baseline 17 values allows an objective assessment of system performance by comparison of current and historical data. 18 19 Distance accuracy measurements and aspect ratio test 20 Distance accuracy is easily determined from a known sized object, the image reduction factor, and the measured 21 distance on the film. For an image display workstation, pixel calibration should initially be performed for each 22 IP/image matrix. The resolution test phantom image can be used to measure distance accuracy in either the 23 horizontal, vertical, or any oblique direction. For reduced size film images, the actual distance is the product of the 24 measured distance and the image reduction factor. Comparison of the true distance to the actual measured distance 25 should be within measurement error (1 to 3 percent) in both directions. 26 The aspect ratio test measures possible image distortion as the scanning galvanometer or polygonal mirror 27 "ramps up" at the start of the line scan and stops at the end. Place several known square objects of high contrast 28 (e.g., aluminum or copper filters) around the periphery of an IP. Using a standard radiographic technique, expose 29 the plate to ~1 mR and process with a standard contrast sensitivity algorithm. Measure the resultant “squareness” of 30 the imaged objects on the film and/or with the digital calipers (if available) on the display workstation. For the latter, 31 ensure that the pixel size is properly calibrated for a specific image receptor size. Verify that the x and y distances 32 are within 1 to 3% of the absolute distance, and that the aspect ratio is equal to unity in the peripheral and central 33 areas of the image without any spatially dependent variation. 34 35 Accuracy/thoroughness of erasure cycle 36 The PSP plates, if improperly or insufficiently erased, can potentially give rise to image artifacts that can mimic 37 disease processes on subsequent image acquisitions. In particular, a receptor that is extremely overexposed might Draft Document: AAPM Task Group 10 October 1997; version 3.1 Page 43 1 require several “erasures” before the residual latent image information is totally removed. To test the erasure 2 capability, expose an imaging plate to an incident exposure of approximately 100 mR with a centrally placed high 3 contrast test object (e.g., resolution bar pattern). (Note that in some systems, if the exposure exceeds 500 mR, the 4 plate will be recognized as “overexposed” and prohibited for immediate use or returned with a warning message). 5 Process the plate using a standard clinical algorithm, and request return of the specific plate. Re-expose the plate to 6 a uniform incident exposure of about 1 mR (e.g., 50 kVp, 5 mAs @ 180 cm) with a slightly smaller collimated area, 7 and process using the same readout algorithm. Verify a lack of residual signal from the previous high exposure by 8 looking for a ghost image of the resolution test pattern, and determine the accuracy of the incident exposure indicator 9 from the known incident exposure on the receptor. 10 11 Image processing: LUT transforms and frequency enhancement 12 The intent of these tests are to verify the proper functioning of the various algorithms provided by the 13 manufacturers regarding specific image processing algorithms and user selected adjustments for clinical applications. 14 Specific changes to the parameters that determine the transformation of an acquired image from “raw” data to image 15 data and verification of the outcome is tested. On film-only systems, this requires the acquisition of several identical 16 images on phosphor plates, which are then processed with specific changes (or specific exam selections) in the 17 contrast levels, target optical densities, specific LUT curves, and frequency enhancement among others. This testing 18 is simplified on systems that have a image display workstation and software that allows user selectable changes on a 19 single image. Images of the low contrast phantom, an aluminum step wedge, and high resolution test phantom can 20 provide a variety of image objects that clearly demonstrates the effects of the image parameters and their impact on 21 image quality. 22 Review of clinical images is also suggested, and collaboration with the radiologists reading the images to tune 23 the image display characteristics to their liking is extremely important. PSP system specialists should be available 24 after completion of the equipment installation to assist in the optimization of examination algorithms, and to train 25 technologists, physicists and radiologists in the operation of the PSP system. It is highly recommended that 26 sufficient training be acquired to allow minor algorithm changes and adjustments by the physicist or QC 27 technologist. 28 29 ARTIFACTS 30 Image artifacts 31 Artifacts on images can originate from the hardware (e.g., x-ray system, grid, PSP reader, PSP receptor), 32 software (e.g., glitches, algorithms), or the object (e.g., positioning, motion, etc.) [Oestmann, 91; Solomon, 91]. Hardware 33 artifacts arise from the image plate, the image reader, the hardcopy printer or the processor. Most common are IP 34 defects that are temporary, and are likely due to dust, dirt, or phantom (non-erased) images. These artifacts can be 35 easily corrected by screen cleaning and/or plate erasure. Permanent IP artifacts can be traced to scratches or screen 36 aging -- replacement will likely be necessary. The image reader can malfunction causing skipped scan lines, and/or Draft Document: AAPM Task Group 10 October 1997; version 3.1 Page 44 1 distorted images. Laser power will diminish over time to a point beyond correction (lifetime is estimated to be years, 2 depending on daily use), necessitating replacement of the laser subsystem. Dust particles on the galvanometer 3 deflection mirror or on light collection device can be manifested as image dropout artifacts. Laser hardcopy printer 4 misalignment and/or film conveyor malfunction can cause an uneven scan line distribution, image distortion, or 5 shading, among a myriad of potential problems. Film processor artifacts should be considered as well. 6 7 8 9 Software artifacts Improper selection of processing menus resulting in incorrect histogram normalization, dynamic range scaling, and output film density are the major causes of this type of artifact. The histogram analysis function may 10 incorrectly identify the pixel values of interest in the image. Causes include mis-positioning of the object, 11 collimation detection errors that can occur in high scatter situations, and unusual anatomic variations that confuse the 12 algorithms that identify the useful image information on the receptor. 13 14 15 Object artifacts These artifacts usually arise due to object mis-positioning as described above, scan line interference 16 patterns with the grid resulting in obvious moiré patterns, random drop-outs, or high pass frequency processing. If 17 not properly adjusted, a "halo" effect could appear around the edges of objects by the unsharp masking technique. 18 Backscatter can contribute significantly to contrast degradation when a substantial scattering volume is behind the 19 cassette, possibly introducing phantom images such as the “tombstone” artifact [Tucker, 93] . 20 21 Film artifacts 22 Fogging, pressure marks, static electricity discharge, improper processing caused by inadequate or 23 contaminated chemistry or inappropriate temperature levels of the developer/fixer, putting the film in upside down in 24 the laser printer and other similar errors will result in the manifestation of artifacts attributed to film. 25 QUALITY CONTROL AND PERIODIC MAINTENANCE 26 Periodic quality control testing is necessary for checking system performance and maintaining optimum 27 image quality. Daily, weekly, monthly and annual procedures are recommended as part of an ongoing QC program. 28 In most cases, except for major problems and yearly tests, an assigned technologist can perform most of the tasks. A 29 quality control phantom specifically designed for computed radiography is recommended as part of the purchase 30 price of the system. In addition, automated QC methods for system evaluation, monitor maintenance/setup, and 31 adjustments are becoming available, and should be requested from the manufacturers. Database management tools 32 and spreadsheets are very powerful quantitative and graphical analyzers of pertinent system performance. 33 Daily (Technologist): 34 1) Inspect system; remove paper/trash that falls into cassette slot area. 35 2) Check chemical levels of film processor Draft Document: AAPM Task Group 10 October 1997; version 3.1 Page 45 1 2 3 4 3) Create laser-generated sensitometry strip and measure film densities (and/or digital values on soft copy via image workstation) 4) Create flash sensitometry strip for the processor (if possible), and measure film densities to independently verify film processor performance 5 5) Check film supply 6 6) Check chemical levels, chemical holding tanks and replenishment carriers on processor; add as needed 7 7) Erase cassettes before use if unsure of status 8 8) Verify correct operation of digital network interface and image display on remote workstations (if 9 applicable) 10 Weekly (Technologist): 11 1) Clean air filters and vents on system and processor 12 2) Ensure erasure of all receptors (particularly those that might not have been used for a period of time) 13 3) Calibrate soft-copy review workstations (SMPTE pattern, contrast/brightness settings) 14 4) Acquire test phantom images and catalog results in computer database; check performance and take 15 16 action when outside of pre-determined limits Monthly (Technologist): 17 1) Do processor maintenance, including chemistry replacement and full cleaning of tanks and racks. 18 2) Inspect cassettes and imaging plates. Clean as necessary according to the manufacturers instructions; 19 20 21 remove cassettes or plates that produce noticeable artifacts 3) Perform qualitative and quantitative QC phantom analysis (e.g., low contrast, spatial resolution, signal to noise ratio “spot-checks” 22 4) Review film retake rate, determine causes of unacceptable images 23 5) Review QC database; determine cause of problems and implement corrective action 24 Semi-Annually -- Annually (Physicist): 25 1) Perform linearity/sensitivity tests of imaging plate inventory. 26 2) Inspect/evaluate image quality; spot check image processing algorithms for appropriateness. 27 3) Undertake acceptance test procedures to verify and/or re-establish baseline values 28 4) Review retake activity, patient exposure trends, QC records and service history of the equipment. 29 30 The designated QC technologist, physicist, and service personnel should participate in the preventive 31 maintenance and quality control program. Invasive adjustments or corrections of the PSP system should be done 32 only with “vendor-approved personnel, and with the knowledge of the technologists, physicist, and other service 33 personnel responsible for quality control. In addition to the periodic testing, all inspections should be done on an “as 34 needed” basis, particularly for hardware/software changes and significant repairs/changes to the equipment. Draft Document: AAPM Task Group 10 October 1997; version 3.1 Page 46 1 CONCLUSIONS 2 Computed radiography using PSP receptors is the current state-of-the-art technology for digital image 3 acquisition of projection images. This technology is becoming more widespread and clinically important, as it 4 begins to replace the 100 year-old screen-film mainstay. While the paradigm of cassette-based x-ray imaging in 5 terms of general radiographic technique and detector use is still intact, the considerable differences compared to 6 screen-film imaging must be recognized. A large number of set-up parameters, inappropriate use of exposure menus, 7 system hardware or software malfunctions, plate damage, excessive quantum mottle, and patient positioning details 8 are among a host of potential issues that differ from screen-film experiences. Technologist training which addresses 9 initial orientation as well as continuing education on the technology of PSP radiography, including the unique 10 attributes and image acquisition rules (collimation, auto-ranging, image processing) is extremely important. As 11 proliferation of system types and manufacturers occur, specific system characteristics, controls and testing 12 procedures must be considered, in addition to the “generic” operational aspects of photostimulable phosphors and 13 photostimulated luminescence. The acceptance test and quality control procedures of a computed radiography 14 system are reasonably straightforward and relatively easy to evaluate. A greater widespread use of such systems is 15 anticipated in the near future, particularly in conjunction with imaging networks and digital image archiving. The 16 technology continues to evolve, and with this evolution so must the acceptance test and QC procedures, to ensure 17 and maintain optimal image quality. 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 REFERENCES 1. Takahashi K, Kohda K, Miyahara J, Kanemitsu Y, Amitani K, Shionoya S. “Mechanism of Photostimulated Luminescence in BaFX:Eu 2+ (X=Cl, Br) Phosphors. Journal of Luminescence 1984; 31/32: 266-268. 2. Takahashi K, Miyahara J, Shibahara Y. J Electrochem Soc 132 (1984)1492. 3. DeLeeuw DM, Kovats T, Herko SP. J. Electrochem Soc. 132 (1987), 491- . 4. von Seggern H, Voigt T, Knupfer W, Lange G. “Physical Model of Photostimulated Luminescence of x-ray Irradiated BaFBr:Eu2+.” J Appl. Phys 1988; 64(3): 1405-1412. 5. 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