Lab 5 – Single-Cycle Microprocessor Design (Using SMOK and Cebollita) 25 possible points Due Wednesday, Nov 9th by midnight Credit for this lab goes in part to: John Zahorjan Department of Computer Science & Engineering University of Washington Goal: The purpose of this assignment is to familiarize you with the workings of an actual microprocessor. Up to this point in the class, you’ve been exposed to various aspects of computer architecture. These were basic skills necessary to be able to delve further into the specifics of an actual engineering design. It is essential that you understand these concept fully to be able to continue further. Please contact me if you still have any questions about any of these topics: Base conversion:Binary,hex,decimal Negative numbers: 1’s complement /2’s complement /signedmagnitude Bitwise operations (AND/OR/XOR/NOT/NAND/NOR/XNOR) Procedure Calls (JSR/JSRR/RET) Stack Operations-Push/Pop Queue Operations-Enqueue/Dequeue Array indexing operations Memory Modes (direct,indirect,register, indexed etc) In this lab, we will build an actual microprocessor! – sort of. We will leave the design of a real microprocessor implementation (in a programmable logic device or otherwise) to the real hardware designers for the moment. However, we will still be able to design our own simple, single-cycle microprocessor and see it run in a simulator. In following the serious of steps outlined in this lab, you will gain a new appreciation of the steps involved in the creation of a microprocessor in some HDL (Hardware Description Language) like Verilog or VHDL. Further, this lab will solidify your understanding of the various parts of a simple CPU. In the end, you will see a simple program run on your own microprocessor! Note: Although not required, it will be very useful to have some background in C for the next several assignments. Your Tutor/TA would be happy to provide a simple tutorial. At its most basic, C is an extremely easy language to understand and write. For the programs that we will be writing, a twentyminute tutorial will be more than adequate for even those of you who have no programming background prior to this class. Problem: You are doing to design a single-cycle implementation of a small portion of the Cebollita ISA (You can find the full documentation here). You will be given a skeleton datapath. It will be your responsibility to build the different portions of the actual control. Specifically, you will be designing the main control for the datapath, ALU controls, and Branch Control. The Cebollita ISA Subset Arithmetic ADD, ADDI, SUB, MULT*, DIV*, SLT Logic OR, ORI, AND, XOR, SLL, SRAV, SLLV Memory LW, SW, LB, SB Control J, JAL, JSR, BEQ, BNE, HALT *Our multiply and divide instructions will be R-type instructions. That is, we will never have an instruction MUL R0, R0, 10, it will always be MUL R0, R0, R1, where R1 equals 10. With this subset, we will be able to use the cebollita compiler to build some real benchmarking/test programs. How to get started: Before we actually get into the creation of the microprocessor, we are going to create a simple calculator. That’s right. This will be a fully working calculator – known as a “Stack Machine”. The machine has 6.5 instructions: add, sub, mult, div, pop, push, and stop, with 8bit opcodes 0x00, 0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x04, 0x05, and 0x08 respectively. All instructions other than push are 8-bits long, and consist of just the opcode. A push instruction is 32-bits long: an 8-bit opcode followed by 24-bits of immediate data. Here is the way the machine works, if we want to calculate A+B, we say: Push A Push B Add This will push the value A and B onto the stack, then Add will pop the two previous values, add them, and store the result. Thus, the stack state will be the following (SP refers to stack pointer). Note that each value is 16-bits wide: SP=0 PUSH A ; push A to memory location [0], increment SP by 1 SP=1 PUSH B ; push B to memory location [1], increment SP by 1 SP=2 ADD ; get the data from memory locations [0] and [1] ; add them, store to memory location SP-2=[0] ; set the SP to SP-1=[1] A Sample Program One way to express programs for this machine is as a postfix expression. For instance, 12*3*4*$ computes 4!. (The '$' means stop.) The program that we write is listed next. The data on the left is the hexadecimal number that corresponds to each instruction. Notice the Opcodes correspond to those listed above (0x05 at the beginning of the push command is equal to the opcode 0x05 of the push instruction as shown above). The machine code is: 05000001 05000002 02 05000003 02 05000004 02 08 # # # # # # # # push push mult push mult push mult stop 0x000001 0x000002 0x000003 0x000004 Describe in your README what the code for the following programs would be. Also describe the steps involved in its calculation (and the resulting value of course). Describe in detail the state of the stack pointer after each iteration. Provide a visual representation of the state of the stack after each operation (much like we do in lab with the representation of the state of main memory). There are three instructions that have errors. Indicate which instructions these are. Proggie 1: 1 2 3 4 5 + - * / $ Proggie 2: 2 3 4 + 4 - / 55 - $ Proggie 3: 1 5 10 5 POP + + $ Proggie 4: 10 10 10 10 10 + + $ Proggie 5: 5 2 1 + + / $ Proggie 6: 5 6 1 + + + $ Next, please read the information about PLAs (Programmable Logic Arrays). These will be used in the creation of our machine. We begin with a skeleton SMOK model that has the majority of the componenets needed for the datapath. Included, you will also find many of the connections between the components. In it’s current form, the skeleton control included has implemented the HALT instruction. Note that this will cause the machine to halt the minute that a SYSCALL or BREAK instruction is encountered. Part 1: The Datapath Part 2: ALU Control Part 3: Main Control Unit Part 4: Notes: Non-alphabetic characters such as numbers (1,2,3), punctuation (,.?!), and other weird stuff (&#$[}\|, etc) should not be altered before output. That is to say, if I enter '@', I should get '@' back. To get some test input go to Search the internet for ROT-13 jokes to share with each other. If you like store some by default in your program and let the graders have some fun. Requirements You are required to use a 2D array structure using either Row Major or Column Major ordering covered in class. Be sure to put this in your README. Collaboration: You are not allowed to discuss this lab with other students. You are allowed to work in a pair on this assignment. Figure it out on your own and ask for help from the TA/tutor if needed. The tutors and TAs will help the instructor check for possible cheating in all labs. Example of possible output: Hello, Welcome to my ROT-13 conversion program Commands begin with a “:”. :c :r # is 0 to 3 clear the list apply rot-13 to an element of the list, where # :p print the list :x quit :? show this menu again or, just enter text (not starting with a :) to store a line. > Hello World! Entered into position 1. > Fpubby vf sha!! Entered into position 2. > :p 1) Hello World! 2) Fpubby vf sha!! > :r 2 Row 2 ROT-13’ed > :p 1) Hello World! 2) School is fun!! > :r 1 Row 1 ROT-13’ed > :p 1) Uryyb Jbeyq! 2) School is fun!! > :c All cleared > :p Nothing stored > :x Good-bye Files to Submit: Lab7.asm README Check-off: You must demonstrate this lab to the TA/tutor, either before submission or after submission. To be considered on time you must have submitted everything by the due date. Grading: Check out grd_template_lab7.txt to see the break down of how things will be graded. If this link does not work check back later.