Reporting missing or absconding children to the Department of

Reporting missing or absconding children to the
Department of Communities,
Child Safety and Disability Services:
A guide for non-government organisations
This guide supports service providers to appropriately report a missing child or young person
to Child Safety. This guide has been developed for all service providers in receipt of
Placement Services grant funding or Transitional Placement (TP) funding from the
Service providers should consider the information provided in this guide as reference
material and interpret these guidelines in the context of their own environment when
developing specific reporting processes.
Missing child
A missing child is one where their location is unknown and there are concerns for their safety
and/or wellbeing due to their vulnerability, or where their location has been unknown for more
than 24 hours.
Absconding child
An absconding child is one who has left the placement without permission, however their
location is known or they display patterns of behaviour of leaving the placement without
permission but always return within a certain timeframe.
What to do when a child is missing or has absconded from the placement
Responding appropriately when a child is missing or has absconded is vital, as even short
periods away from a placement can lead to increased risk of harm. Action must always be
taken by the carer, staff member, licensed care service, service provider and Child Safety to
ensure the safety of children.
Risk of harm to a child associated with a missing or absconding child must be immediately
reported to the Chief Executive in accordance with section 148 Child Protection Act 1999 and
section 11 Child Protection Regulation 2011.
When a child is missing or has absconded from their placement, staff and carers should
respond like a reasonable parent by deciding on an appropriate response and action required
based on the identified risks to the child.
Responses to missing children may include:
 taking all practical steps to establish the child’s location and arrange for their return within
a reasonable and agreed timeframe, such as contacting friends and relatives who may
know of the child’s whereabouts
 checking places where the child frequently attends (i.e. shops, park, friends homes,
 contacting the Queensland Police Service (QPS) and Child Safety Service Centre
(CSSC) or Child Safety After Hours Service Centre (CSAHSC) for advice and support; or
contacting QPS and CSSC/CSAHSC to make a missing person report.
Identifying Risks
Judgment must be applied in determining the potential risk and an appropriate response,
taking into account factors such as the child’s age, developmental level, and vulnerability.
When unsure about the appropriate response, the carer or staff member should contact their
line supervisor or on-call supervisor to discuss.
Reporting a child who is missing or has absconded
Reporting to the department
Advise Child Safety immediately about a child who is missing or has absconded when:
 the child is particularly vulnerable due to their age, disability, suicide risk, medical needs
 there are concerns that the child may be at risk of harm.
In all other circumstances, advise Child Safety as soon as practicable.
Other factors to consider in determining whether immediate reporting is required:
 is the child’s location known? Is this place safe?
 does the child regularly abscond and return within a certain timeframe?
 is the child refusing to return to their placement?
 has contact been made with known friends, family other people who may know where the
child is?
 if the location of the child is known, have they been encouraged to return to the
 if it is after hours, has consultation occurred with the supervisor or on-call worker to
determine whether the incident/matter warrants immediately reporting or support from the
 is it appropriate for the matter or incident to be raised with the child’s Child Safety Officer
(CSO) the next business day?
How to report to Child Safety?
Immediate reporting must be made via telephone to the relevant CSSC or, if after hours, to
CSAHSC. Non-immediate reporting must be made to the CSSC by no later than the next
working day in accordance with local communication protocols e.g. by email , fax or
telephone to the designated contact position/person.
For CSSC contact details call 13QGOV, visit or for CSAHSC
telephone 1800 177135 or (07) 3235 9901.
What is the role of Child Safety After Hours Service Centre (CSAHSC)?
The CSAHSC primarily provides a statutory response to critical and immediate child
protection issues across the state. A significant component of after hours work relates to the
management of children subject to child protection orders or ongoing intervention, where an
immediate response is required.
The CSAHSC is available for advice and support during significant events, and will be the
point of contact for reporting significant incidents that occur after hours.
If it is after hours and an immediate report is required to be made to CSAHSC, it is not
necessary to regularly advise Child Safety that the child has not yet returned (unless
specifically directed to do so by the CSAHSC CSO).
Reporting a child as missing to Queensland Police Service (QPS)
Advise QPS when a child is missing and there are concerns for their safety and/or welfare
due to their vulnerability, or where the child has been missing for more than 24 hours. In
lodging a missing person’s report, QPS will require a face-to-face report to be made either by
attending a police station or by providing the report to an attending police officer. The missing
person’s report will be logged on a state-wide database.
Information required by Queensland Police Service (QPS) for a missing persons report
In addition to providing verbal information to QPS, complete the missing person report form
and provide a copy to QPS at the time of lodging a face-to-face missing person’s report, or
as soon as practicable, and to Child Safety (the relevant CSSC, and if after hours, to the
It will assist the QPS if the person making the missing persons report is able to give as much
of this information at the time of making the report.
Responding when a child returns to the placement
It is important to advise Child Safety (either the CSSC or CSAHSC) and QPS when a child
returns to the placement or is located so that any records can be updated.
Ensure that adequate plans are in place which assist and support the young person in
returning to their placement, such as transport arrangements.
For further information please contact your regional Community Support Team
member. For contact details call 13QGOV or visit
Missing person report
1. Details of missing child
First name:
Including aliases:
Age / DOB:
Mobile number:
Department of Communities involvement
Child Safety Intervention (details of
CPO or care agreement):
Youth Justice Intervention (details
of orders/intervention):
Placement type:
Contact person:
Phone number:
2. Description (if possible, provide a current photo)
Colour of eyes
Hair colour / length / style
Distinguishing features
(eg. Tattoos, scars,
abnormalities, teeth,
Aboriginal or Torres
Strait Islander (please
Cultural and Linguistically
Diverse background
(please specify, including
language, religion etc)
3. Circumstance of disappearance
Where the child was last seen:
Clothing / personal items
Information about the last person to see the child:
Missing person report
Phone numbers:
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Reason for disappearance (e.g notes/letters left by child, did the child leave willingly or were they taken? any
family or relationship issues or conflict, including domestic violence, that may have influenced the disappearance?)
Details of inquiries/actions made to locate the child prior to contacting Queensland Police Service.
4. Concerns / risks / vulnerability for the child
History or absconding or disappearing? Give details (e.g out of character, circumstance of previous
Is there any indication that the child is likely to self harm or attempt suicide? Give details (eg. previous suicide
attempts of other forms of self harm):
Any special/complex physical or mental health needs (including communicable and infectious diseases)?
Medication/prescribed treatment
(do they have medication/
treatment on them)?
Consequences if medication/
treatment not taken:
Any special/complex behavioural or emotional needs (e.g violence/aggression, possession of weapons)?
History of alcohol or drug misuse? Give details:
Any other additional factors? (e.g experiencing bullying or harassment)
5. Additional information
Additional information which may assist in locating the child:
Places frequented:
Friends or associates:
Facebook, email or other social
media details
Name and contact details of any
person who may be likely to
assist (relatives, friends etc):
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School or employment (include key contact, address
and phone number)
Are they receiving Centrelink benefits? (Details)
Bank details:
Name of Bank:
Name of account:
Account number:
Passport details:
6. Actions after child is located
Where child is to be returned to?
Phone number
Additional information:
7. Child Safety
Name of CSO
Child Safety Services
Phone number
8. Person who reported child missing to QPS
Name of worker /
Child Safety
Phone number
QPS station / unit
Date & time
9. Person/agency completing the form
Name / position
Workplace &
phone number
Where to send:
 Fax this form to the Queensland Police Station where a child was reported missing by telephone
– all reports must be followed up by a face-to face report to the Queensland Police Service.
 where the form is being completed by non Child Safety staff please provide a copy to the local Child
Safety Service Centre (if after hours, send to Child Safety After Hours Service Centre, fax number:
(07) 3235 9898)
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