Baltimore City Public Schools 2011-12 Testing Calendar Date(s) Name of Test Grade(s) August 2, 2011 English HSA & Mod-HSA *(Paper & Online) Students completing English II August 3, 2011 Biology HSA & Mod-HSA *(Paper & Online) Students completing Biology I August 4, 2011 Algebra /DA HSA & Mod-HSA *(Paper & Online) Students completing Algebra I/DA August 5, 2011 HSA Make-up for all contents September 1, 2011 March 2, 2012 Alt-MSA (Alternate MSA) Portfolio Development Window Special Education Students Grades 3-8, and 10 September 6-16, 2011 Math Benchmark A Grades 1 - 8 September 6-16, 2011 Literacy Benchmark A Grades 4 & 5 September 6-16, 2011 STEM Benchmark Pre-Test Grades K - 5 September 10, 2011 ACT Assessment High School Juniors and Seniors September 28-Oct. 5, 2011 Biology, English I, English II, Algebra/Data Analysis Benchmark A (Semester- Long Courses: 1st Semester) High School (Semester- Long Courses: 1st Semester) October 1, 2011 SAT I and SAT II High School Juniors and Seniors October 3-14, 2011 HSA & Mod-HSA*Online Administration Students completing HSA* Courses October 3, 2011 English HSA & Mod-HSA *(Paper) Students completing English II October 4, 2011 Biology HSA & Mod-HSA *(Paper) Students completing Biology I October 5, 2011 Algebra /DA HSA & Mod-HSA *(Paper) Students completing Algebra I/DA October 6, 2011 HSA Make-up for all contents (Paper) October 12, 2011 PSAT/NMSQT (Preliminary SAT/National Merit Scholarship Qualifying Test ) Grades 9, 10, and 11 October 15, 2011 PSAT/NMSQT (Saturday Administration) Grades 9, 10, and 11 October 17-25, 2011 Science Benchmark A Grades 5 & 8 October 22, 2011 ACT Assessment High School Juniors and Seniors October 31- Nov.11, 2011 Math/Literacy Benchmark B Grades 1 - 8 October 31- Nov.11, 2011 Biology, English I, English II, Algebra/Data Analysis Benchmark A (Year- Long Courses) Biology, English I, English II, Algebra/Data Analysis Benchmark B (Semester-Long Courses: 1st Semester) High School (Year- Long Courses) English III & IV, Algebra I & II, Geometry, U.S. History, American Government, Modern World History, Science & Sustainability, Physics First, Environmental Science, Chemistry, French I & II, and Spanish I & II High School (Semester- Long Courses: 1st Semester) October 31- Nov. 7, 2011 October 31- Nov. 7, 2011 High School (Semester- Long Courses: 1st Semester ) Midterms – (Semester-Long Courses: 1st Semester) page 1 of 4 Achievement & Accountability - August 29, 2011 Baltimore City Public Schools 2011-12 Testing Calendar Date(s) Name of Test Grade(s) November 5, 2011 SAT I and SAT II High School Juniors and Seniors December 3, 2011 SAT I and SAT II High School Juniors and Seniors December 10, 2011 ACT Assessment High School Juniors and Seniors December 14-22, 2011 Biology, English I, English II, Algebra/Data Analysis Benchmark C (Semester- Long Courses: 1st Semester) High School (Semester- Long Courses: 1st Semester) January 9-20, 2012 HSA & Mod-HSA*Online Administration Students completing HSA* Courses January 9, 2012 English HSA & Mod-HSA *(Paper) Students completing English II January 10, 2012 Biology HSA & Mod-HSA *(Paper) Students completing Biology I January 11, 2012 Algebra /DA HSA & Mod-HSA *(Paper) Students completing Algebra I/DA January 17-20, 2012 Science Benchmark B Grades 5 & 8 January 17-20, 2012 Science Midterm Grades 6 & 7 January 17-20, 2012 Biology, English I, English II, Algebra/Data Analysis Benchmark B High School (Year Long-Courses) January 17-20, 2012 English III & IV, Algebra I & II, Geometry, U.S. History, American Government, Modern World History, Science & Sustainability, Physics First, Environmental Science, Chemistry, French I & II, and Spanish I & II High School (Year Long-Courses) Midterms High School (Semester- Long Courses: 1st Semester) January 17-20, 2012 Biology, English I, English II, Algebra/Data Analysis End of Course (Semester- Long Courses: 1st Semester) Health Education End of Course January 17, 2012 English HSA & Mod-HSA Make-up (Paper) Students completing English II January 18, 2012 Biology HSA & Mod-HSA Make-up (Paper) Students completing Biology I January 19, 2012 Algebra /DA HSA & Mod-HSA Make-up (Paper) Students completing Algebra I/DA January 28, 2012 SAT I and SAT II High School Juniors and Seniors January 30 February 10, 2012 Math/Literacy Benchmark C Grades 1-8 February 6 March 23, 2012 ELPT Administration Window English Language Learners (ELL) February 11, 2012 ACT Assessment High School Juniors and Seniors February 23-Mar. 1, 2012 Biology, English I, English II, Algebra/Data Analysis Benchmark A (Semester- Long Courses: 2nd Semester) High School (Semester- Long Courses: 2nd Semester) March 10, 2012 SAT I High School Juniors and Seniors January 17-20, 2012 High School page 2 of 4 Achievement & Accountability - August 29, 2011 Baltimore City Public Schools 2011-12 Testing Calendar Date(s) Name of Test Grade(s) March 12-21, 2012 Maryland School Assessment (MSA & Mod-MSA) Administration - Reading and Math Grades 3-8 March 22-27, 2012 Maryland School Assessment (MSA & Mod-MSA) Make-up Testing - Reading and Math Grades 3-8 Biology, English I, English II, Algebra/Data Analysis Benchmark B (Semester- Long Courses: 2nd Semester) High School (Semester- Long Courses: 2nd Semester) English III & IV, Algebra I & II, Geometry, U.S. History, American Government, Modern World History, Science & Sustainability, Physics First, Environmental Science, Chemistry, French I & II, and Spanish I & II High School (Semester- Long Courses: 2nd Semester) March 26-30, 2012 March 26-30, 2012 Midterms – (Semester- Long Courses: 2nd Semester) April 11-19, 2012 Biology, English I, English II, Algebra/Data Analysis Benchmark C (Year- Long Courses) High School (Year- Long Courses) April 14, 2012 ACT Assessment High School Juniors and Seniors April 16-20, 2012 Stanford 10 Achievement Testing Window Grades 1 and 2 April 16 - May 4, 2012 MSA Science Administration Window Grades 5 and 8 April 16-20, 2012 HSA & Mod-HSA*Online Senior Administration High School Seniors April 16, 2012 English HSA & Mod-HSA * Seniors (Paper) High School Seniors April 17, 2012 Biology HSA & Mod-HSA * Seniors (Paper) High School Seniors April 18, 2012 Algebra /DA HSA & Mod-HSA * Seniors (Paper) High School Seniors April 19, 2012 HSA Make-up for all contents High School Seniors May 5, 2012 SAT I and SAT II High School Juniors and Seniors May 7-11, 2012 Advance Placement Examinations (AP) High School students enrolled in AP courses May 9-16, 2012 Biology, English I, English II, Algebra/Data Analysis Benchmark C (Semester- Long Courses: 2nd Semester) High School (Semester- Long Courses: 2nd Semester) May 14-18, 2012 Advance Placement Examinations (AP) High School students enrolled in AP courses May 14-25, 2012 Math Benchmark D Grades 1-8 May 14-25, 2012 Literacy Benchmark D Grades 4 & 5 May 14-25, 2012 STEM Benchmark Post-Test Grades K-5 May 14-25, 2012 Science End of Course Grades 6 & 7 May 21-June 6, 2012 HSA & Mod-HSA*Online Administration Students completing HSA* Courses May 21 2012 English HSA & Mod-HSA *(Paper) Students completing English II page 3 of 4 Achievement & Accountability - August 29, 2011 Baltimore City Public Schools 2011-12 Testing Calendar Date(s) Name of Test Grade(s) May 22, 2012 Biology HSA & Mod-HSA *(Paper) Students completing Biology I May 23, 2012 Algebra /DA HSA & Mod-HSA *(Paper) Students completing Algebra I/DA May 29, 2012 English HSA & Mod-HSA *Make-up (Paper) Students completing English II May 29-June 8, 2012 Biology, English I, English II, Algebra/Data Analysis End of Course High School (Year and Semester- Long Courses: 2nd Semester) May 29-June 8, 2012 English III & IV, Algebra I & II, Geometry, U.S. History, American Government, Modern World History, Science & Sustainability, Physics First, Environmental Science, Chemistry, French I & II, and Spanish I & I, Heath Ed. High School (Year and Semester- Long Courses: 2nd Semester) End of Course May 30, 2012 Biology HSA & Mod-HSA *Make-up (Paper) Students completing Biology I May 31 2012 Algebra/DA HSA & Mod-HSA *Make-up (Paper) Students completing Algebra I/DA June 2, 2012 SAT I and SAT II High School Juniors and Seniors June 4, 2012 English HSA & Mod-HSA *Make-up (Paper) Students completing English II June 5, 2012 Biology HSA & Mod-HSA *Make-up (Paper) Students completing Biology I June 6, 2012 Algebra /DA HSA & Mod-HSA *Make-up (Paper) Students completing Algebra I/DA June 9, 2012 ACT Assessment High School Juniors and Seniors *Note Algebra/Data Analysis, Biology, and English II, are part of both the High School Assessment program and the Maryland School Assessment Education accountability program. page 4 of 4 Achievement & Accountability - August 29, 2011