American Imperialism: 1880 – 1914 and Winston Churchill

American Imperialism: 1880 – 1914 and Winston Churchill
This lesson plan is for American History students in grades 11 – 12. Depending on the
ability of the students and the teacher’s desire for in-depth coverage of the material, the
plan would be used for 2 class periods during a unit on American Imperialism: 1880 –
Students will be discussing and analyzing documents individually, in small groups and
with teacher direction.
Guiding Question
As students have studied American History concepts such as individual rights vs. group
safety, liberty vs. order, liberalism, progressive history and American exceptionalism will
have been discussed. Building on these concepts, the unit on imperialism (and
Progressivism) leads to an overarching question, “Are empire and democracy
compatible?” or “Is a democracy elevated or degraded by having an empire?”
Learning Objectives
Upon completion of this lesson, students should be able to:
A. explain the reasons for American imperialism
B. explain the reasons against American imperialism
C. explain Winston Churchill’s beliefs on British imperialism
D. explain how Churchill’s views on imperialism may be used to support either proor anti-imperialism in American history from 1880 – 1918
E. explain the common principles of Anglo-American society that were later stressed
by Churchill from 1920 – 1955.
F. Define “empire building” and explain the tension that exists when a democracy or
republic engages in “empire building”
NEH Summer 2006 Institute “Churchill and America”
The Churchill Centre
Ashbrook Center for Public Affairs and
Background Information
A. American History
Teachers should be aware that the Spanish-American War caused a great debate in the US
about imperialism. The pro-imperialists believed that America’s industrial revolution and
“city upon the hill” heritage allowed her to be a world player along with Britain, France,
Russia, Germany, Belgium, Japan, the Netherlands and others. Economic expansion,
national/military security, national prestige, the spread of American values of individual
liberty, rule of law, free market economy and Christianity all were cited as reasons to
compete in a world influenced by Social Darwinism and the belief of superior races and ways
of life. The betterment of mankind by a WASP society was based n a Progressive view of
history that stressed a new world order based on science, rule of law, optimism, etc.
The anti-imperialists also believed in progressivism and Social Darwinism but came to
different conclusions. They claimed imperialism was a step backward and a violation of the
Declaration of Independence. Some believed that by helping “lesser races” we perpetuate
weakness or allow these races to “water down” American stock. Others believed the
American time, talent, treasure, and effort could be better used to continue reform
B. The selections from the British point of view, mainly from Winston Churchill, are from
both primary and secondary sources. The passage from the historian Thomas B. Macaulay
was typical of British imperialism and would have influenced the Victorian Age, a time when
the British empire was at its height as the “civilizing agent of the world.” Some of these
thoughts can also be seen in Churchill’s comments on the debate to allow India to attain
dominion status. Two selections are also taken from his speeches in 1938 as WWII
approaches and he teaches the Western world why they must defend themselves against
Nazism. A few excerpts are taken from Churchill’s The Great Republic describing his belief
in the “spirit of union” among the English-speaking people. Finally, a couple of thoughts
come from a scholarly work Winston Churchill on Empire by Kirk Emmert to demonstrate a
more theoretical foundation of his thoughts on empire and democracy.
Procedures and Activities
A. Depending on class size and student abilities the teacher may:
conduct a seminar with the entire class where all of the students have read all of
the documents in order to discuss the pros and cons of American imperialism in
the first class and then examine Churchill’s thoughts on empire and civilization
in the second class for similarities and differences
divide the class into three groups of American pro-imperialists, American antiimperialists, and Churchillian imperialists so that a debate among the three
NEH Summer 2006 Institute “Churchill and America”
The Churchill Centre
Ashbrook Center for Public Affairs and
groups may be led by the teacher; since each group only reads the documents for
its point of view, time must be saved in the second class for the teacher to
summarize the points of the debate
divide the class into groups of three (or multiples of three) in order to have
several mini-debates based on the three groupings listed above in #2; the teacher
walks around to spot check the various discussions and leaves time at the end to
summarize the main points of the learning experience
B. The following hard copy documents should be brought to class by the students for
class discussions. The students should have highlighted or taken notes on key points
in each document.
1. American pro-imperialist
- “America’s Destiny” (1900) by Senator Albert Beveridge
- “The Anglo-Saxon People” from Our Country, 1885 by Josiah
- “Commerce Follows the Flag” (March, 1895) by Senator Henry
C. Lodge
- “A President’s Decision” speech by President McKinley,
November, 1899
- “Alfred T. Mahan Defines Security in Terms of Sea Power,”
- “Frederick J. Turner Articulates the Frontier Thesis,” 1893
2. American anti-imperialist
- “Platform of the American Anti-Imperialist League,” October 17, 1899
- “William Graham Sumner” excerpt from Main Problems in American
History, Howard Quint, Editor 1988
- “Herbert Croley” excerpt from Main Problems in American History,
Howard Quint, Editor 1988
- “Bryan’s Solution to the Philippine Problem, 1900” speech in Indianapolis,
August 8, 1900
3. Churchill’s imperialism
- “Thomas B. Macauley on Empire and Education” from Modern History
- Winston Churchill speech to Indian Empire Society, December 11, 1930
from Indian Round Table Conferences, 1931-33
- Winston Churchill, “Arm, and Stand by the Covenant” speech in
Manchester, May 9, 1938
NEH Summer 2006 Institute “Churchill and America”
The Churchill Centre
Ashbrook Center for Public Affairs and
- Winston Churchill, “Civilisation” speech at University of Bristol, July 2,
1938 SEE PAGE 5 below
- Winston Churchill “The Atlantic Charter,” August 24, 1941. The Great
Republic, p. 329, 335 or in in Never Give In! The Best of
Winston Churchill’s Speeches, selected by His Grandson , pg. 297
- Winston Churchill “America’s English Heritage” from The Great Republic
pp. 412-413, 414, 421, 423-4
- excerpts from Winston Churchill on Empire by Kirk Emmert, pps. Xii –xv,
1, 17, 25, 30, 31, 40, 66-7
Assessment and Extension
A. The teacher may determine the level of students’ mastery of the material and concepts by
1. observing the level of debate
2. a question and answer session following the seminar/debate
3. a written quiz on the key points of the economic, social and political factors of each of
the three viewpoints
4. a take-home or in-class essay asking the students to evaluate or make a judgment of
American imperialism 1880-1914 based on the discussion of the last two class periods
B. Suggestions for further study would include
1. reexamining Manifest Destiny before the Civil War
2. prediction on American foreign policy after WWII/in the Cold War
3. the War in Iraq/Afghanistan/on Terror
NEH Summer 2006 Institute “Churchill and America”
The Churchill Centre
Ashbrook Center for Public Affairs and
July 2, 1938
Winston S. Churchill
Chancellor's Address, University of Bristol
Copyright Mr. Winston S. Churchill
There are few words which are used more loosely than the word "Civilisation."
What does it mean? It means a society based upon the opinion of civilians. It
means that violence, the rule of warriors and despotic chiefs, the conditions of
camps and warfare, of riot and tyranny, give place to parliaments where laws
are made, and independent courts of justice in which over long periods those
laws are maintained.
That is Civilisation--and in its soil grow continually freedom, comfort and
culture. When Civilisation reigns, in any country, a wider and less harassed life
is afforded to the masses of the people. The traditions of the past are
cherished, and the inheritance bequeathed to us by former wise or valiant men
becomes a rich estate to be enjoyed and used by all.
The central principle of Civilisation is the subordination of the ruling authority to
the settled customs of the people and to their will as expressed through the
Constitution. In this Island we have today achieved in a high degree the
blessings of Civilisation. There is freedom: there is law; there is love of
country; there is a great measure of good will between classes: there is a
widening prosperity. There are unmeasured opportunities of correcting abuses
and making further progress.
In this very week we have seen a Prime Minister at the head of a large and
loyal majority bow with good grace to the customs of Parliament, and we have
heard Socialist Members speaking with pride of the precedents of the early
seventeenth century, and the principles of the Petition of Right. (Editor's Note:
A reference to the Report of the Committee of Privileges which inquired into the
dispute between Mr. Hore-Belisha and Mr. Duncan Sandys.J
In this respect for law and sense of continuity lies one of the glories of England.
And more than that, there also lies in it an important part of her strength and
safety. Such episodes are astonishing, but also educative, to countries where
dictatorships prevail, and where no one dares to raise his hand against arbitrary
power. They stir and cheer the minds of men in many lands.
NEH Summer 2006 Institute “Churchill and America”
The Churchill Centre
Ashbrook Center for Public Affairs and
Copyright Mr. Winston S. Churchill
We have, however, to face the problem of the turbulent, formidable world
outside our shores. Why should not the same principles which have shaped the
free, ordered, tolerant Civilisation of the British Isles and British Empire be
found serviceable in the organization of this anxious world? Why should not
nations link themselves together in a larger system and establish a rule of law
for the benefit of all? That surely is the supreme hope by which we should be
inspired and the goal towards which we should march with resolute step.
But it is vain to imagine that the mere perception or declaration of right
principles, whether in one country or in many countries, will be of any value
unless they are supported by those qualities of civic virtue and manly courage aye - and by those instruments and agencies of force and science which in the
last resort must be the defense of right and reason.
Civilisation will not last, freedom will not survive, peace will not be kept, unless
a very large majority of mankind unite together to defend them and show
themselves possessed of a constabulary power before which barbaric and
atavistic forces will stand in awe.
Here, then, we see the task which should command the exertions of the rising
generation which tills this spacious hall, and which may bring to the life of
Britain the surge of a new impulse towards the organization of world peace, and
across the gulf of these eventful years prepare and bring nearer the
Brotherhood of Man.
NEH Summer 2006 Institute “Churchill and America”
The Churchill Centre
Ashbrook Center for Public Affairs and