A GAP ANALYSIS OF MICHIGAN 2004 Michigan Final Report A GEOGRAPHIC APPROACH TO PLANNING FOR BIOLOGICAL DIVERSITY DRAFT 02/01/05 THE MICHIGAN GAP ANALYSIS PROJECT FINAL REPORT November 2004 Michael L. Donovan (PI and State Coordinator), Michigan DNR Genevieve M. Nesslage (PI, Wildlife Modeling), Michigan State University Jennifer J. Skillen (PI, Wildlife Modeling) Michigan State University Brian A. Maurer (PI, Wildlife Modeling) Michigan State University Contract Administered Through: Wildlife Division Michigan Department of Natural Resources Submitted by: Michael L. Donovan Research Performed Under: Cooperative Agreement No. 99HQAG0185 Recommended citation for this report: Donovan, M. L., G.M. Nesslage, J. J. Skillen, and B. A. Maurer. 2004. The Michigan Gap Analysis Project Final Report. Wildlife Division, Michigan Department of Natural Resources, Lansing. i DRAFT 02/01/05 TABLE OF CONTENTS TABLE OF CONTENTS .................................................................................................... ii LIST OF FIGURES............................................................................................................ iv LIST OF TABLES ............................................................................................................. vi LIST OF APPENDICIES .................................................................................................. vii EXECUTIVE SUMMARY................................................................................................. 1 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ................................................................................................ 4 INTRODUCTION............................................................................................................... 6 How This Report is Organized ........................................................................................ 6 The Gap Analysis Program Mission ................................................................................ 6 State Objectives for GAP ............................................................................................ 7 The Gap Analysis Concept .............................................................................................. 7 General Limitations ......................................................................................................... 9 The Study Area ................................................................................................................ 9 A Brief Description of Michigan ................................................................................ 9 LAND COVER CLASSIFICATION AND MAPPING ................................................... 13 Introduction.................................................................................................................... 13 Land Cover Classification ............................................................................................. 13 Methods ......................................................................................................................... 14 Land Cover Map Development ................................................................................. 15 Results ........................................................................................................................... 17 Accuracy Assessment .................................................................................................... 20 Introduction ............................................................................................................... 20 Methods..................................................................................................................... 20 Results ....................................................................................................................... 21 Limitations and Discussion ........................................................................................... 21 PREDICTED ANIMAL SPECIES DISTRIBUTIONS AND SPECIES RICHNESS ...... 24 Introduction.................................................................................................................... 24 Methods ......................................................................................................................... 25 Mapping Standards and Data Sources ...................................................................... 25 Mapping Range Extent ............................................................................................. 27 Wildlife Habitat Relationships .................................................................................. 29 Distribution Modeling............................................................................................... 29 Results ........................................................................................................................... 33 Mammals................................................................................................................... 33 Birds .......................................................................................................................... 34 Reptiles and Amphibians .......................................................................................... 35 Species Richness ....................................................................................................... 36 Accuracy Assessment .................................................................................................... 44 Limitations and Discussion ........................................................................................... 45 Data layers................................................................................................................. 45 Model Limitations ..................................................................................................... 46 Amphibians and Reptiles .......................................................................................... 46 Mammals................................................................................................................... 46 ii DRAFT 02/01/05 Birds .......................................................................................................................... 46 LAND STEWARDSHIP................................................................................................... 48 Introduction.................................................................................................................... 48 Mapping Standards ........................................................................................................ 49 Methods ......................................................................................................................... 49 Stewardship Mapping ............................................................................................... 49 Management Status Categorization .......................................................................... 50 Results ........................................................................................................................... 51 Limitations and Discussion ........................................................................................... 54 ANALYSIS BASED ON STEWARDSHIP AND MANAGEMENT STATUS.............. 55 Introduction.................................................................................................................... 55 Methods ......................................................................................................................... 56 Results ........................................................................................................................... 56 Land Cover Analysis ................................................................................................. 56 Limitations and Discussion for Land Cover Analysis .............................................. 58 Predicted Animal Species Distributions Analysis .................................................... 58 Analysis of State Endemics....................................................................................... 64 Eco-Regional Analysis .............................................................................................. 64 Limitations and Discussion ....................................................................................... 65 CONCLUSIONS AND MANAGEMENT IMPLICATIONS .......................................... 70 PRODUCT USE AND AVAILABILITY ......................................................................... 72 How to Obtain the Products........................................................................................... 72 Disclaimer ...................................................................................................................... 72 Appropriate and Inappropriate Use of These Data ........................................................ 73 Scale .......................................................................................................................... 73 Appropriate Uses ...................................................................................................... 73 Inappropriate Uses .................................................................................................... 74 LITERATURE CITED ..................................................................................................... 75 GLOSSARY ..................................................................................................................... 79 GLOSSARY OF ACRONYMS ........................................................................................ 83 APPENDICES .................................................................................................................. 86 iii DRAFT 02/01/05 LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1. Regional Landscape Ecosystems Sections ....................................................... 11 Figure 2. Michigan land cover. ........................................................................................ 18 Figure 3. A preliminary county-level range map (left) converted to an EMAP hexagon range map (right). ...................................................................................................... 29 Figure 4. Range and predicted habitat map editing process............................................. 30 Figure 5. Sample MIWildHab logical decision rule for the common gray fox (Urocyon cinereoargenteus). ..................................................................................................... 32 Figure 6. AML file for the Copper-bellied water snake (Nerodia erythrogaster). ........... 33 Figure 7. Predicted suitable habitat for the Southern flying squirrel (Glaucomys volans). ................................................................................................................................... 34 Figure 8. Predicted suitable habitat for the Black-capped chickadee (Poecile atricapillus). .............................................................................................................. 35 Figure 9. Predicted suitable habitat for the Blue-spotted salamander (Ambystoma laterale). .................................................................................................................... 36 Figure 10. Hyper-coverage depicting the total number of amphibian species whose ranges overlap in each EMAP hexagon contained within Michigan. ....................... 37 Figure 11. Hyper-coverage depicting the total number of reptile species whose ranges overlap in each EMAP hexagon contained within Michigan. .................................. 38 Figure 12. Hyper-coverage depicting the total number of mammal species whose ranges overlap in each EMAP hexagon contained within Michigan. .................................. 39 Figure 13. Hyper-coverage depicting the total number of bird species whose ranges overlap in each EMAP hexagon contained within Michigan. .................................. 40 Figure 14. Amphibian species richness - the total number of amphibian species that are predicted to have suitable habitat in each 90 m pixel. .............................................. 41 Figure 15. Reptile species richness - the total number of reptile species that are predicted to have suitable habitat in each 90 m pixel. .............................................................. 42 Figure 16. Mammal species richness - the total number of mammal species that are predicted to have suitable habitat in each 90 m pixel. .............................................. 43 Figure 17. Bird species richness - the total number of bird species that are predicted to have suitable habitat in each 90 m pixel. .................................................................. 44 Figure 18. Map of GAP land stewards. ............................................................................ 52 Figure 19. Map of stewardship status. ............................................................................. 53 Figure 20. A comparison of the number of birds that fall into each category of biodiversity protection when status 3 lands are considered equivalent to status 1 and 2 lands for the protection of biodiversity. ................................................................. 66 Figure 21. A comparison of the number of mammals that fall into each category of biodiversity protection when status 3 lands are considered equivalent to status 1 and 2 lands for the protection of biodiversity. ................................................................. 67 Figure 22. A comparison of the number of amphibians that fall into each category of biodiversity protection when status 3 lands are considered equivalent to status 1 and 2 lands for the protection of biodiversity. ................................................................. 68 iv DRAFT 02/01/05 Figure 23. A comparison of the number of reptiles that fall into each category of biodiversity protection when status 3 lands are considered equivalent to status 1 and 2 lands for the protection of biodiversity. ................................................................. 69 v DRAFT 02/01/05 LIST OF TABLES Table 1. Michigan expert reviewers. .................................................................................. 5 Table 2. Michigan GAP Land Cover Classification System............................................ 16 Table 3. Square kilometers of the land cover types mapped and the percentage of the state's total area represented by the mapped type. ..................................................... 19 Table 4. Primary information sources. ............................................................................. 26 Table 5. GIS data layers used in the vertebrate modeling process. .................................. 27 Table 6. References used to check range maps. ............................................................... 28 Table 7. Area in square kilometers (sq. km) for lands in each GAP status level, listed by steward.. .................................................................................................................... 51 Table 8. Land areas in Michigan with GAP status levels of 1 or 2.................................. 54 Table 9. Land cover types and stewardship status ........................................................... 57 Table 10. Species with 0-<1% of predicted distribution in status 1 and 2....................... 59 Table 11. Species with 1-<10% of predicted distribution in status 1 and 2..................... 60 Table 12. Species with >10% of predicted distribution in status 1 and 2. ....................... 64 vi DRAFT 02/01/05 LIST OF APPENDICIES Appendix A. Cross-walk of the National Vegetation Classification System (NVCS) to the IFMAP/Gap land cover classification system. .................................................... 87 Appendix B. List of terrestrial vertebrate species modeled for MI-GAP, including MIGAP species codes and TNC element codes. ........................................................... 96 Appendix C. Subsets and other intermediate products created from the four main data layers (Table 5) to speed the MI-GAP vertebrate modeling process. All files are 30 m rasters. ................................................................................................................. 103 Appendix D. List of species subject to expert review and reviewers’ names and affiliations. Expert reviewers were asked to comment on draft range maps, logical decision rules, and habitat maps. Reviewer comments are documented in the AML comment lines for each species. .............................................................................. 106 Appendix E. Cross-walk of the MIWILD-HAB habitat classes to the IFMAP/GAP habitat classes. Attribute values for the IFMAP land cover are also provided. ..... 114 Appendix F. Table of land cover and stewardship analysis. The area in square kilometers (multiply by 100 for hectares, 247 for acres) of the land cover mapped by management status and land steward, and the percent of the land cover total in each category. .................................................................................................................. 116 Appendix G. Table of amphibian and reptile species distribution and stewardship analysis. The area in square kilometers (multiply by 100 for hectares, 247 for acres) of the species' mapped distribution by management status and land steward, and the percent of the species' total distribution in each category. ...................................... 123 Appendix H. Table of mammal species distribution and stewardship analysis. The area in square kilometers (multiply by 100 for hectares, 247 for acres) of the species' mapped distribution by management status and land steward, and the percent of the species' total distribution in each category. ............................................................. 133 Appendix I. Table of bird species distribution and stewardship analysis. The area in square kilometers (multiply by 100 for hectares, 247 for acres) of the species' mapped distribution by management status and land steward, and the percent of the species' total distribution in each category. ............................................................. 144 Appendix J. List of Example GAP Applications ........................................................... 181 vii DRAFT 02/01/05 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The Michigan Gap Analysis Project started in 1994 as part of the Upper Midwest Gap Analysis Project (UMGAP). The Upper Midwest GAP Project includes the States of Minnesota, Wisconsin, Illinois, and Michigan and is coordinated through the United States Geological Survey’s (USGS) Upper Midwest Environmental Sciences Center (UMESC). In Michigan, the State project is coordinated by the Michigan Department of Natural Resources (DNR). Major cooperators are Michigan State University Department of Fisheries and Wildlife and the Michigan Natural Features Inventory (MNFI), Michigan State University Extension. Michigan contains some of the most biologically diverse and valuable habitat for many threatened, endangered, and candidate species in the Upper Midwest. Significant habitat diversity exists here, including oak savanna, jack pine and oak barren, boreal forest, northern hardwood forests, and dune ecosystems. Michigan has 6 federally threatened and endangered terrestrial vertebrate species and 1 candidate species for Federal threatened and endangered status. There are 21 globally imperiled and rare animal species in Michigan (MNFI 1999). Information produced by the Michigan GAP Project provides an overview of the distribution and management status of Michigan’s terrestrial vertebrates and land cover biodiversity. Gap analysis seeks to identify vegetation types and wildlife species that are not adequately represented in the current network of conservation areas. These are the “gaps” in the present-day overall mix of conservation lands and conservation activities. This information can be used by decision makers for land management planning so that fewer species become endangered and the number of future conflicts in natural resource management is reduced. Gap analysis produces 3 core data layers that are necessary for the assessment of biodiversity protection. The 3 layers are statewide land cover, land stewardship, and vertebrate species distributions. The Michigan GAP land cover layer was derived from the classification of Landsat satellite imagery. It required 19 scenes to cover all the land area of Michigan. Three dates of imagery (spring, summer, and fall) were acquired for each scene. Image dates ranged from 1997 through 2001. Both supervised and unsupervised classification techniques were used in conjunction with multiple ancillary data sources to produce 32 categories of land cover. An accuracy assessment of the final land cover layer determined it to be 87 % accurate at level II in the hierarchical classification scheme. At the finest level of classification detail (level III) class accuracies range from of 36% to 87%. The Michigan GAP stewardship layer classified conservation lands in Michigan based upon the existence of an identified management direction for the protection of biodiversity. This layer was derived through acquisition and analysis of Federal, State, 1 DRAFT 02/01/05 and some land conservancies’ ownership and management records. This data layer classified land by ownership (Federal, State, Conservancy, and Private) and biodiversity protection status. Approximately 1.5 percent of Michigan’s land area is classified as a stewardship level 1 or 2 (highest biodiversity protection status). nineteen point four percent of the State is classified as stewardship level 3 (some biodiversity protection) and 79.1 percent of the Michigan land area is classified as a level 4 (no plan for the protection of biodiversity, or unknown). The Michigan GAP vertebrate species modeling effort produced predicted range and predicted habitat maps for 22 amphibians, 30 reptiles, 61 mammals, and 214 birds. Range maps were produced by summarizing the existing literature on the range for each species to produce a draft range map. The draft range maps were reviewed by experts who had the opportunity to update the range map based upon the most recent occurrence data and their expert knowledge. Habitat maps were produced by developing a wildlife habitat relationship model for each species. Each model relates the life requisites of the species to GAP land cover classes and other ancillary datasets. The predicted habitat map for each species was clipped by the predicted range to produce a spatially explicit model of the location of habitat for a species within its range. Species richness measured by the number of species present varied geographically for each of the 4 major taxonomic groups. Amphibian species richness was highest in the southwest Lower Peninsula. Reptile species richness was highest in the entire southern Lower Peninsula and the lowest in the Upper Peninsula. Mammal species richness was highest in the western Upper Peninsula and portions of the northern Lower Peninsula. Bird species richness was highest in the eastern Upper Peninsula. For birds and mammals the areas of highest species richness in the state also had relatively large amounts of public land in stewardship categories 1-3. The species rich areas of the state for reptiles and amphibians contained very little land in stewardship categories 1, 2, or 3. Geographic Information System (GIS) analysis of stewardship status for terrestrial vertebrates showed 60 of 214 (28%) birds, 19 of 61 (31%) mammals, 21 of 30 (70%) reptiles, and 7 of 22 (32%) amphibians have less than 1% of their predicted distribution in status 1 or 2 lands. One hundred forty seven of 214 (69%) birds, 42 of 61 (69%) mammals, 9 of 30 (30%) reptiles, and 15 of 22 (68%) amphibians have between than 1 and 10% of their predicted distribution in status 1 or 2 lands. Only 7 of 214 (3%) birds, 0 mammals, 0 reptiles, and 0 amphibians have over 10% of their predicted distribution in status 1 or 2 lands. These 7 species all have limited predicted distributions and are associated with wetlands or Great Lakes coastal environments. Status 1 national wildlife refuges in Michigan are principally wetland dominated environments while status 1 and 2, national lakeshores protect coastal environments. It is very clear from the analysis of stewardship status for terrestrial vertebrates that status 1 and status 2 lands (1.5% of Michigan’s landscape) do not afford adequate protection for 2 DRAFT 02/01/05 the complete range of biodiversity elements in Michigan. Status 3 lands (19.4% of Michigan’s landscape) offer the best opportunity for protecting biodiversity on a public land base. The Michigan DNR manages 2/3 of Michigan’s status 3 lands and the U.S. Forest Service manages almost all of the remaining 1/3. If status 3 lands are considered as offering an equivalent measure of biodiversity protection to status 1 and 2 lands, the outlook for the conservation of biodiversity in Michigan improves dramatically. Hence, the challenge for the Michigan DNR and the U. S. Forest Service in Michigan is to manage their extensive status 3 land base for the protection of the full range of biodiversity elements. Gap analysis is a "bottom-up" approach with national guidelines that allow for creativity and collaboration at the state and local level, where most land management decisions are made. Common data standards, however, are of enormous importance if ecologically meaningful information, useful at bioregional and national levels, is to be produced. Merging Michigan GAP products into a regionally consistent UMGAP data set will allow for the analysis of wildlife and vegetation relationships across the entire upper Midwest region. These analyses will provide natural resource managers with the information necessary to develop ecologically sound conservation strategies at both the local and regional scale. 3 DRAFT 02/01/05 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS A project of this magnitude could not have been completed without the assistance of many individuals and groups. We Thank Amos Eno and the staff of the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation, who funded the early development of the GAP concept and to the originators including J. Michael Scott, Blair Csuti, and Jack Estes and the pioneering scientists who forged the way. Thanks to John Mosesso and Doyle Frederick of the USGS Biological Resource Division (BRD) Office of Inventory and Monitoring, for their support of the national Gap Analysis Program, especially during its transition from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service to the National Biological Service and then to the USGS BRD. Thanks to Reid Goforth and the staff at the USGS BRD Cooperative Research Units for administering GAP's research and development phase from headquarters. Without those mentioned above, there could not have been a Gap Analysis Program. Thanks also to the staffs of the National Gap Analysis Program, Center for Biological Informatics, and Biological Resources Division headquarters. We acknowledge contributions to this report by Chris Cogan, Patrick Crist, Blair Csuti, Tom Edwards, Michael Jennings, and J. Michael Scott; as well as the previous GAP projects. We would also thank the members of the other state Gap projects that are part of the Upper Midwest Regional GAP group. We also acknowledge the assistance of Daniel Fitzpatrick and Pete Joria, of the Upper Midwest Environmental Science Center, for their coordination of the Regional GAP effort. Former staff of the Michigan Department of Natural Resources who were major contributors to the organization and ultimate success of the GAP Project include Dale Rabe and Alex Weinhagen. Former Michigan Natural Features Inventory staff who contributed greatly to the project includes Mary Rabe and Lori Peltz-Lewis. Special thanks to all those involved in the production of the land cover layer. This includes numerous individuals from Space Imaging Corporation, DNR Forest, Mineral, and Fire Management Division and the DNR Wildlife Division. Brett Nelson and Lori Prange-Gregory of the DNR’s Forest, Mineral and Fire Management Division deserve special thanks for their work on the production of the stewardship layer. We acknowledge Robert Doepker, Linda Thomasma, and Scott Thomasma for their ground breaking work with the development of the MIWildHab wildlife species-habitat relationship database. MIWildHab information was used as the starting point for almost all of the species habitat relationship models. 4 DRAFT 02/01/05 We thank Helen Enander, and Kraig Korrock of the Michigan Natural Features Inventory, Helen developed the initial range maps and provided assistance with Arc Macro Language (AML) programming, Kraig provided programming for the automation of some of the analysis. We also thank Yali Li and Marshall Strong, of the DNR Wildlife Division, for development assistance with AML programming to automate habitat modeling efforts. Special thanks are due to the expert reviewers (Table 1.) for the wildlife range mapping and habitat modeling efforts. They volunteered their expert knowledge and insights to greatly improve the final GAP products. Any user of Michigan GAP range maps or habitat maps should read their comments that are incorporated into the AML for each species. Table 1. Michigan expert reviewers. Reviewer Name Reviewer Affiliation(s) Ms. Yu Man Lee Ms. Lori Sargent Mr. James Harding Dr. Allen Kurta Mr. Tim Reis Dr. Dean Beyer Dr. Barbara Lundrigan Mr. Robert Skillen Dr. Philip Myers Michigan Natural Features Inventory Michigan DNR, Wildlife Division Michigan State Univ. Museum & Dept. of Zoology Eastern Michigan Univ. Dept. of Biology Michigan DNR, Wildlife Division Michigan DNR, Wildlife Division Michigan State Univ. Museum & Dept. of Zoology Michigan State Univ. Dept. of Zoology Univ. of Michigan Museum of Zoology & Dept. of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology Michigan DNR, Wildlife Division Michigan Natural Features Inventory Central Michigan Univ. Dept. of Biology Michigan Natural Features Inventory Michigan State Univ. Dept. of Fisheries & Wildlife Michigan DNR, Wildlife Division Michigan State Univ. Dept. of Fisheries & Wildlife Michigan DNR, Wildlife Division The Nature Conservancy, Michigan Field Office Mr. Brent Rudolph Mr. David Cuthrell Dr. Michael Hamas Mr. Michael Monfils Dr. Kelly Millenbah Mr. Al Stewart Ms. Nicole Lamp Mr. Greg Soulliere Dr. Dave Ewert We would like to thank Ree Brannon, of the Gap National Office, for helping us through the process of delivering final products and producing a final report. We also thank Mark Sargent, Kerry Fitzpatrick, and Matt Herbert of the Michigan DNR, and John Paskus of the MNFI for reviewing the final report. 5 DRAFT 02/01/05 INTRODUCTION How This Report is Organized This report is a summation of a scientific project. While we endeavor to make it understandable for as general an audience as practicable, it reflects the complexity of the project it describes. A glossary of terms is provided to aid the reader. For those seeking a detailed understanding of the subjects, the cited literature should be helpful. The organization of this report follows the general chronology of project development, beginning with the production of the individual data layers and concluding with analysis of the data. It diverges from standard scientific reporting by embedding results and discussion sections within individual chapters. This was done to allow the individual data products to stand on their own as testable hypotheses and provide data users with a concise and complete report for each data and analysis product. We begin with an overview of the Gap Analysis Program mission, concept, and limitations. We then present a synopsis of how the current biodiversity condition of the project area came to be, followed by land cover mapping, animal species distribution prediction, species richness, and land stewardship mapping and categorization. Data development leads to the Analysis section, which reports on the status of the elements of biodiversity (natural communities and animal species) for Michigan. Finally, we describe the management implications of the analysis results and provide information on how to acquire and use the data. The Gap Analysis Program Mission The mission of the Gap Analysis Program is to prevent conservation crises by providing conservation assessments of biotic elements (plant communities and native animal species) and to facilitate the application of this information to land management activities. This is accomplished through the following five objectives. 1) Map actual land cover as closely as possible to the alliance level (FGDC 1997). 2) Map the predicted distribution of those terrestrial vertebrates and selected other taxa that spend any important part of their life history in the project area and for which adequate distributional habitats, associations, and mapped habitat variables are available. 3) Document the representation of natural vegetation communities and animal species in areas managed for the long-term maintenance of biodiversity. 4) Make all GAP project information available to the public and those charged with land use research, policy, planning, and management. 5) Build institutional cooperation in the application of this information to state and regional management activities. To meet these objectives, it is necessary that GAP be operated at the state or regional levels but maintain consistency with national standards. Within the state, participation by 6 DRAFT 02/01/05 a wide variety of cooperators is necessary and desirable to ensure understanding and acceptance of the data and forge relationships that will lead to cooperative conservation planning. State Objectives for GAP The Michigan DNR’s Wildlife Division coordinated the GAP Project and as much as possible incorporated the development of GAP data layers into the operations of existing DNR programs. By incorporating GAP into existing DNR programs we hoped there would be better acceptance of GAP data products by DNR resource managers. Hence, the stewardship layer was developed by the DNR’s Resource Mapping and Aerial Photography Section. The land cover was developed as part of the DNR’s Integrated Forest Monitoring, Assessment, and Prescription (IFMAP) project. The vertebrate species modeling effort was carried out by the DNR Wildlife Division’s Research Section and Michigan State University. The Gap Analysis Concept The Gap Analysis Program brings together the problem-solving capabilities of federal, state, and private scientists to tackle the difficult issues of land cover mapping, animal habitat characterization, and biodiversity conservation assessment at the state, regional, and national levels. The program seeks to facilitate cooperative development and use of information. Throughout this report we use the terms "GAP" to describe the national program, "GAP Project" to refer to an individual state or regional project, and "gap analysis" to refer to the gap analysis process or methodology. Much of the following discussion was taken verbatim from Edwards et al. (1995), Scott et al. (1993), and Davis et al. (1995). The gap analysis process provides an overview of the distribution and conservation status of several components of biodiversity. It uses the distribution of actual vegetation and predicted distribution of terrestrial vertebrates and, when available, invertebrate taxa. Digital map overlays in a GIS are used to identify individual species, species-rich areas, and vegetation types that are unrepresented or underrepresented in existing management areas. It functions as a preliminary step to the more detailed studies needed to establish actual boundaries for planning and management of biological resources on the ground. These data and results are then made available to the public so that institutions as well as individual landowners and managers may become more effective stewards through more complete knowledge of the management status of these elements of biodiversity. GAP, by focusing on higher levels of biological organization, is likely to be both cheaper and more likely to succeed than conservation programs focused on single species or populations (Scott et al.1993). Biodiversity inventories can be visualized as "filters" designed to capture elements of biodiversity at various levels of organization. The filter concept has been applied by The Nature Conservancy, which established Natural Heritage Programs in all 50 states. The 7 DRAFT 02/01/05 Nature Conservancy employs a fine filter of rare species inventory and protection and a coarse filter of community inventory and protection (Jenkins 1985, Noss 1987). It is postulated that 85-90% of species can be protected by the coarse filter without having to inventory or plan reserves for those species individually. A fine filter is then applied to the remaining 15-10% of species to ensure their protection. Gap analysis is a coarse-filter method because it can be used to quickly and cheaply assess the other 85-90% of species. GAP is not designed to identify and aid protection of elements that are rare or of very restricted distribution; rather it is designed to help "keep common species common" by identifying risk far in advance of actual population decline. These concepts are further developed below. The intuitively appealing idea of conserving most biodiversity by maintaining examples of all natural community types has never been applied, although numerous approaches to the spatial identification of biodiversity have been described (Kirkpatrick 1983, Margules et al. 1988, Pressey and Nicholls 1989, Nicholls and Margules 1993). Furthermore, the spatial scale at which organisms use the environment differs tremendously among species and depends on body size, food habits, mobility, and other factors. Hence, no coarse filter will be a complete assessment of biodiversity protection status and needs. However, species that fall through the pores of the coarse filter, such as narrow endemics and wideranging mammals, can be captured by the safety net of the fine filter. Community-level (coarse-filter) protection is a complement to, not a substitute for, protection of individual rare species. Gap analysis is essentially an expanded coarse-filter approach (Noss 1987) to biodiversity protection. The land cover types mapped in GAP serve directly as a coarse filter, the goal being to assure adequate representation of all native vegetation community types in biodiversity management areas. Landscapes with great vegetation diversity often are those with high edaphic variety or topographic relief. When elevational diversity is very great, a nearly complete spectrum of vegetation types known from a biological region may occur within a relatively small area. Such areas provide habitat for many species, including those that depend on multiple habitat types to meet life history needs (Diamond 1986, Noss 1987). By using landscape-sized samples (Forman and Godron 1986) as an expanded coarse filter, gap analysis searches for and identifies biological regions where unprotected or underrepresented vegetation types and animal species occur. More detailed analyses were not part of this project, but are areas of research that GAP as a national program is pursuing. For example, a second filter could combine species distribution information to identify a set of areas in which all, or nearly all, mapped species are represented. There is a major difference between identifying the richest areas in a region (many of which are likely to be neighbors and share essentially the same list of species) and identifying areas in which all species are represented. The latter task is most efficiently accomplished by selecting areas whose species lists are most different or complementary. Areas with different environments tend to also have the most different species lists for a variety of taxa. As a result, a set of areas with complementary sets of species for one higher taxon (e.g., mammals) often will also do a good job representing 8 DRAFT 02/01/05 most species of other higher taxa (e.g., trees, butterflies). Species with large home ranges, such as large carnivores, or species with very local distributions may require individual attention. Additional data layers can be used for a more holistic conservation evaluation. These include indicators of stress or risk (e.g., human population growth, road density, rate of habitat fragmentation, distribution of pollutants) and the locations of habitat corridors between wildlands that allow for natural movement of wide-ranging animals and the migration of species in response to climate change. General Limitations Limitations must be recognized so that additional studies can be implemented to supplement GAP. The following are general project limitations; specific limitations for the data are described in the respective sections: 1. GAP data are derived from remote sensing and modeling to make general assessments about conservation status. Any decisions based on the data must be supported by groundverification and more detailed analyses. 2. GAP is not a substitute for threatened and endangered species listing and recovery efforts. A primary argument in favor of gap analysis is that it seeks to recognize and manage sites of high biodiversity value for the long-term maintenance of populations of native species and communities before they become critically rare. Thus, it should help to reduce the rate at which species require listing as threatened or endangered. Those species that are already greatly imperiled, however, still require individual efforts to assure their recovery. 3. GAP data products and assessments represent a snapshot in time generally representing the date of the satellite imagery. Users of the data must be aware of the static nature of the products. 4. GAP is not a substitute for a thorough national biological inventory. As a response to rapid habitat loss, gap analysis provides a quick assessment of the distribution of vegetation and associated species before they are lost, and provides focus and direction for local, regional, and national efforts to maintain biodiversity. The process of improving knowledge in systematics, taxonomy, and species distributions is lengthy and expensive. That process must be continued and expedited, however, in order to provide the detailed information needed for a comprehensive assessment of our nation's biodiversity. Vegetation and species distribution maps developed for GAP can be used to make such surveys more cost-effective by stratifying sampling areas according to expected variation in biological attributes. The Study Area A Brief Description of Michigan 9 DRAFT 02/01/05 Michigan’s landscape is the product of extensive glacial action during the last Ice Age 10,000 to 15,000 years ago. As the glaciers retreated, bedrock was exposed in some areas and buried under sand, gravel, clay, and silt in others. The climate modifying effects of the newly-formed Great Lakes had significant influence on the re-vegetation of the two peninsulas. Michigan’s pre-European settlement landscape (Comer et al 1995) was 69% upland forest, 19% forested swamp, 3.5 % non-forested wetland, 6 % savanna and grassland, 2 % inland water, and 0.7 % dune and bedrock. Although, relatively small in area compared to the rest of the State, the Great Lakes Coasts and Dunes are a globally unique environment. Michigan’s major forest types are generally separated along a latitudinal gradient. Oak Hickory forest are more common in southern Michigan, the Northern Hardwoods and Conifer forest are more common in the north with the extreme northern portions of Michigan supporting some boreal forest types. The most recent land cover inventory developed by the DNR’s IFMAP project identified 35% of the State in upland forest, 13% in lowland forest, 6.5 % in non-forested wetlands, 25% in agriculture, 10% in upland open land, 5.2% in urban land, 3.2% water, and 1.4% in bare and sparsely vegetated land. Although the land cover estimates for Michigan’s pre-European landscape are not directly comparable on a class-by-class basis because of major differences in how they were derived (satellite image classification versus interpolation of land surveyor notes), the major changes in land cover are evident. The State of Michigan was 90% forested preEuropean settlement and is about 50% forested today. Michigan’s changing landscapes from European settlement to today are better discussed in the context of Michigan’s Regional Landscape Ecosystems (Albert, 1995) Figure 1. Most of the following discussion on pre-European settlement and current land cover is summarized or paraphrased from Albert’s 1995 publication, Regional Landscape Ecosystems of Michigan, Minnesota, and Wisconsin: A Working Map and Classification. For a much more detailed description of Michigan’s landscapes, readers should refer to Albert’s 1995 publication. 10 DRAFT 02/01/05 Figure 1. Michigan’s Regional Landscape Ecosystems Sections (Albert, 1995). Southern Lower Michigan, Albert’s Section VI, soils are mostly calcareous and loamy. Southern Michigan’s pre-European settlement landscape consisted primarily of oak savanna, oak-hickory, and beech-sugar maple forest. This section of Michigan also supported large areas of tallgrass prairie with wet prairie on the lake plains. Today, this area of Michigan is farmed heavily for row crops and also contains the most intense urban, industrial and residential development (Albert, 1995). About 3.5 % of this section is publicly owned. 11 DRAFT 02/01/05 Northern Lower Michigan, Albert’s Section VII, soils are mostly sands. Pre-European settlement forest types supported on these soils were northern hardwoods, jack pine barren, white and red pine forest, and hardwood-conifer and conifer swamp. Following intensive logging in the late 19th and early 20th century, agriculture was attempted throughout the section but generally failed on the sandy soils. Today, this section is mostly forested, with some agriculture. Orchards and vineyards are found along the Lake Michigan shoreline. This section is a popular vacation destination and has a large number of second homes. This section is 29 % publicly owned. The soils of the eastern Upper Peninsula of Michigan, Albert’ Section VIII, are either poorly-drained sand and clay lake plain supporting extensive areas of peatlands and swamp forest, or excessively-drained sandy outwash plains. These soils supported a diverse forest of northern hardwood, jack pine barrens, white pine-red pine forest, hardwood-conifer swamp, conifer swamp, and muskeg and bogs. After intensive logging, most of the area returned to forest except the clay lake plains, which are used for pasture and forage crops. This section is characterized by a low human population density with 47% of the land publicly owned. There are also large areas of private forest land in this section. The diversity of landforms in the western Upper Peninsula of Michigan accounts for the diversity of soils and vegetation. This area is part of Albert’s Section IX, which also includes parts of Wisconsin and Minnesota. Exposed bedrock knobs, ground and endmoraines, glacial lake plains, and outwash plains are found in this part of Michigan. PreEuropean settlement northern hardwoods were dominated by sugar maple, eastern hemlock, basswood, and yellow birch, with some white pine. The clay lake plain supported diverse hardwood-conifer forest of white pine, eastern hemlock, balsam fir, northern white cedar, trembling aspen, balsam poplar, and paper birch. Forestry is the principle land use still today. Forests in this region are now much younger with more early successional types and lack some of the mesic conifer components found in PreEuropean settlement times. This part of Michigan is a popular vacation destination and consists of large blocks of public (33%) and private forest lands. 12 DRAFT 02/01/05 LAND COVER CLASSIFICATION AND MAPPING Introduction Mapping natural land cover requires a higher level of effort than the development of data for animal species, agency ownership, or land management, yet it is no more important for gap analysis than any other data layer. Generally, the mapping of land cover is done by adopting or developing a land cover classification system, delineating areas of relative homogeneity (basic cartographic "objects"), then labeling these areas using categories defined by the classification system. More detailed attributes of the individual areas are added as more information becomes available, and a process of validating both spatial pattern and labels is applied for editing and revising the map. This is done in an iterative fashion, with the results from one step causing re-evaluation of results from another step. Finally, an assessment of the overall accuracy of the data is conducted. The final assessment of accuracy will show where improvements should be made in the next update (Stoms, 1994). In its "coarse filter" approach to conservation biology (e.g., Jenkins 1985, Noss 1987), gap analysis relies on maps of dominant natural land cover types as the most fundamental spatial component of the analysis (Scott et al. 1993) for terrestrial environments. For the purposes of GAP, most of the land surface of interest (natural) can be characterized by its dominant vegetation. Vegetation patterns are an integrated reflection of the physical and chemical factors that shape the environment of a given land area (Whittaker 1965). They also are determinants for overall biological diversity patterns (Franklin 1993, Levin 1981, Noss 1990), and they can be used as a currency for habitat types in conservation evaluations (Specht 1975, Austin 1991). As such, dominant vegetation types need to be recognized over their entire ranges of distribution (Bourgeron et al. 1994) for beta-scale analysis (sensu Whittaker 1960, 1977). These patterns cannot be acceptably mapped from any single source of remotely sensed imagery, therefore, ancillary data, previous maps, and field surveys are used. The central concept is that the physiognomic and floristic characteristics of vegetation (and, in the absence of vegetation, other physical structures) across the land surface can be used to define biologically meaningful biogeographic patterns. There may be considerable variation in the floristics of subcanopy vegetation layers (community association) that are not resolved when mapping at the level of dominant canopy vegetation types (alliance), and there is a need to address this part of the diversity of nature. As information accumulates from field studies on patterns of variation in understory layers, it can be attributed to the mapped units of alliances. Land Cover Classification 13 DRAFT 02/01/05 Land cover classifications must rely on specified attributes, such as the structural features of plants, their floristic composition, or environmental conditions, to consistently differentiate categories (Küchler and Zonneveld 1988). The criteria for a land cover classification system for GAP are: an ability to distinguish areas of different actual dominant vegetation; a utility for modeling animal species habitats; a suitability for use within and among biogeographic regions; an applicability to Landsat Thematic Mapper (TM) imagery for both rendering a base map and from which to extract basic land cover patterns (GAP relies on a wide array of information sources, TM offers a convenient meso-scale base map in addition to being one source of actual land cover information); a framework that can interface with classification systems used by other organizations and nations to the greatest extent possible; and a capability to fit, both categorically and spatially, with classifications of other themes such as agricultural and urban environments. For GAP, the system that fits best is referred to as the National Vegetation Classification System (NVCS) (FGDC 1997). The origin of this system was referred to as the UNESCO/TNC system (Lins and Kleckner 1996) because it is based on the structural characteristics of vegetation derived by Mueller-Dombois and Ellenberg (1974), adopted by the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO 1973) and later modified for application to the United States by Driscoll et al. (1983, 1984). The Nature Conservancy and the Natural Heritage Network (Grossman et al. 1994) have been improving upon this system in recent years with partial funding supplied by GAP. The basic assumptions and definitions for this system have been described by Jennings (1993). Michigan Gap Analysis Project started before the NVCS was available. The first land cover mapping effort associated with Michigan GAP was based upon 1993 MRLC imagery and used the “WISCLAND/Upper Midwest GAP Analysis Image Processing Protocol”(GAP Protocol), Version 1.5, dated June 18, 1995 (Lillesand et al. 1998) and a classification system developed by the Michigan DNR. Budget limitations only allowed the processing of the northern Lower Peninsula. The land cover mapping component of the Michigan Project was combined in 1998 with a Michigan DNR’s IFMAP project that had similar land cover mapping goals. This later land cover mapping effort produced the IFMAP/GAP statewide land cover layer. The classification system for the IFMAP/GAP land cover map was developed by the Michigan DNR in a series of meetings held around the State. This system is similar to the NVCS and has been cross-walked to the NVCS alliance level by Shannon Menard from NATURESERVE (See Appendix A). The remainder of the final report will only discuss the IFMAP/GAP land cover mapping effort. Methods 14 DRAFT 02/01/05 The Michigan IFMAP/GAP land cover layer was produced under contract with Space Imaging Corporation. The field data collection component of the project required the participation of DNR field staff. Toward the end of the processing timeline for the land cover layer, the opportunity arose to cooperate with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) on their Coastal Change Analysis Program (CCAP). The IFMAP/GAP land cover data products received additional image processing steps by Space Imaging Corporation to produce a separate NOAA C-CAP land cover layer. The following section summarizes the development of the land cover layer. A complete description of the methods used to develop the land cover layer can be found in the Space Imaging Report “Review of Remote Sensing Technologies used in the IFMAP Project” (Space Imaging. 2004) available from the Michigan DNR Wildlife Division. Land Cover Map Development The land cover map was derived from the classification of Landsat Thematic Mapper (TM) 5 and 7 imagery. Image dates ranged from 1999 – 2001. In a few small areas, it was necessary to rely on earlier dates to fill in cloud cover, especially in Michigan’s Upper Peninsula. Nineteen images are required to cover the entire state. Three dates of imagery (spring, summer, and fall) were used for each TM scene. In some small areas it took more than three scenes to fill in areas of cloud cover. The majority of these images were purchased through the MRLC. The land cover classification system used to label the map was developed by the DNR and Space Imaging Corporation. A series of meetings were held around the State with Michigan DNR field staff. Regional descriptions of the land cover classes provided by field staff were compared to classes used in past classification efforts such as the MIRIS system (MDNR 1999), the NVCS and the WISCLAND system. The resulting classification system contained 32 land cover classes (Table 2). 15 DRAFT 02/01/05 Table 2. Michigan GAP Land Cover Classification System Grid Code 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 Class Name Low Intensity Urban High Intensity Urban Airports Roads/Parking Lots Non-vegetated Farmland Row Crops Forage Crops N/A Orchards/Vineyards/Nursery Herbaceous Open Land N/A Upland Shrub and Low Density Trees Parks and Golf Courses Northern Hardwood Oaks Types Aspen Types Other Upland Deciduous Mixed Upland Deciduous Pine Types Other Upland Conifer Mixed Upland Conifer Upland Mixed Forest Water Lowland Deciduous Forest Lowland Coniferous Forest Lowland Mixed Forest Floating Aquatic Wetland Shrub Wetland Emergent Wetland Mixed Non-forest Wetland Sand/Soil Exposed Rock Mud Flats N/A Other Bare/Sparsely Vegetated *Note: The grid code values used in Gap will vary from the final values mentioned in the Space Imaging Report “Review of Remote Sensing Technologies used in the IFMAP Project.” The class names have remained consistent other than the removal of the Other Upland Deciduous class. Training set development for the classification effort utilized 1997 -1999, 1:15840 scale leaf on aerial photography and USGS 1992 and 1998 Digital Orthophoto Quarter Quadrangles (DOQQ). This imagery was interpreted by DNR field staff and Space Imaging staff to develop training site polygons. These polygons were then visited by DNR field staff to determine the land cover class label. The image analysis techniques used in production of the map were a combination of supervised classification and statistical cluster analysis, combined with a modeling 16 DRAFT 02/01/05 approach using existing data sets such as National Wetlands Inventory (NWI) and MIRIS 1978 land cover. Modeling with ancillary data was limited by the quality and vintage of that data. Models applied to the map included a lowland probability grid designed to weight areas towards upland or lowland cover types based on NWI and Pre-European settlement vegetation data, and roads data to model roads into the classification. The three image dates were used to take advantage of the seasonal differences in vegetation and land cover. For example, the spring leaf-off image helped delineate wetlands and separate conifers from broadleaf species. The summer imagery provided a growing season view of the landscape. The fall imagery was useful for discrimination of individual broadleaf species. Multiple Landsat images were combined and tonally balanced to create seasonal image maps of the State of Michigan. These mosaics were used to perform the majority of the image classification, especially to level II. To discriminate some of the species associations at level III, unbalanced individual TM scenes were used, as valuable discriminatory data may have been lost in the image balancing process. There is a tremendous amount of heterogeneity in Michigan’s land cover, especially within the forested land cover types. TM image classification efforts in Michigan result in cover type maps with a lot of speckle (changes in class from one pixel to the next at a frequency greater than the actual change in land cover types). To minimize speckle in the final land cover map, a 3x3 smoothing filter was applied to the map. The smoothing filter only operated within level II cover type categories. For example, one filter used operated only on upland deciduous types (northern hardwoods, aspen, oak, and mixed upland hardwoods). Three other filters were used for upland conifers, lowland forest, and lowland non-forest. Results 17 DRAFT 02/01/05 Figure 2. Michigan land cover. 18 DRAFT 02/01/05 Table 3. Square kilometers of the land cover types mapped and the percentage of the state's total area represented by the mapped type. Water type does not include Great Lakes. Land Cover Type Urban Types (Total) Low Intensity Urban High Intensity Urban Airports Roads/Parking Lots Agricultural Types (Total) Non-vegetated Farmland Row Crops Forage Crops Orchards/Vineyards/Nursery Open Land Types (Total) Herbaceous Open Land Upland Shrub and Low Density Trees Parks and Golf Courses Upland Forest (Total) Northern Hardwood Oaks Types Aspen Types Other Upland Deciduous Mixed Upland Deciduous Pine Types Other Upland Conifer Mixed Upland Conifer Upland Mixed Forest Water Lowland Forest (Total) Lowland Deciduous Forest Lowland Coniferous Forest Lowland Mixed Forest Non-Forested Wetlands (Total) Floating Aquatic Wetland Shrub Wetland Emergent Wetland Mixed Non-forest Wetland Non-Vegetated Types (Total) Sand/Soil Exposed Rock Mud Flats Other Bare/Sparsely Vegetated Total Area Sq. Km 7,857 2,184 1,405 37 4,232 38,420 237 16,125 21,322 736 15,277 11,033 3,928 315 56,798 17,287 6,270 10,274 163 4,318 8,363 1,491 817 7,814 3,512 17,139 7,314 9,301 523 10,908 445 6,269 1,084 3,110 630 420 22 0 188 150,540 % Total Area of MI 5.22 1.45 0.93 0.02 2.81 25.52 0.16 10.71 14.16 0.49 10.15 7.33 2.61 0.21 37.73 11.48 4.17 6.83 0.11 2.87 5.56 0.99 0.54 5.19 2.33 11.38 4.86 6.18 0.35 7.25 0.30 4.16 0.72 2.07 0.42 0.28 0.01 0.00 0.12 100.00 Thirty two land cover classes were mapped. Upland forest types cover about 38 percent of the State. Agricultural types cover about 26% of the State. Lowland forests cover 11% of the State and non-forested wetlands cover about 7%. Land cover types are not 19 DRAFT 02/01/05 evenly distributed throughout the state. Forested types dominate the northern Michigan Landscape while agriculture is the most prevalent land cover type in southern Michigan. Accuracy Assessment Introduction GAP land cover maps are primarily compiled to answer the fundamental question in gap analysis: what is the current distribution and management status of the nation's major natural land cover types and wildlife habitats? Besides giving a measure of overall reliability of the land cover map for Gap Analysis, the assessment also identifies which general classes or which regions of the map do not meet the accuracy objectives for the Gap Analysis Program. Thus the assessment identifies where additional effort will be required when the map is updated. We report the results of the accuracy assessment, believing that the map is the best map currently available for the project area. The purpose of accuracy assessment is to allow a potential user to determine the map's "fitness for use" for their application. It is impossible for the original cartographer to anticipate all future applications of a land cover map, so the assessment should provide enough information for the user to evaluate fitness for their unique purpose. This can be described as the degree to which the data quality characteristics collectively suit an intended application. The information reported includes details on the database's spatial, thematic, and temporal characteristics and their accuracy. Even though we have reached an endpoint in the mapping process where products are made available to others, the gap analysis process should be considered dynamic. We envision that maps will be refined and updated on a regular schedule. The assessment data will be used to refine GAP maps iteratively by identifying where the land cover map is inaccurate and where more effort is required to bring the maps up to accuracy standards. In addition, the field sampling may identify new classes that were not identified during the initial mapping process. Methods Accuracy assessment of the land cover types did not involve field visits to verify the actual land cover. Accuracy assessment efforts utilized existing sources of information or aerial photo interpretation to determine the field land cover call. Forested land cover types were assessed using the Forest Inventory and Analysis (FIA) data collected by the U. S. Forest Service. FIA field crews in Michigan have been trained to collect tree canopy information on FIA plots in the same manner as canopy information was collected on the land cover training sites. Because FIA plots locations are placed on a fixed grid, the plot locations did not necessarily correspond to a group of homogeneous land cover pixels. To adjust for the 20 DRAFT 02/01/05 problems caused by using a pre-determined grid, a 3x3 pixel window was centered on all FIA plots that had land cover information determined from the canopy calls. If 8 or 9 pixels of the 3x3 window were of a single land cover class in the land cover layer, then the FIA plot was considered adequate to use for the accuracy assessment. The implementation of this rule resulted in 789 plots used in the forested land cover type accuracy assessment. Accuracy for non-forested land cover types was assessed through the interpretation of aerial imagery. 1998 color infra-red, and in some cases, 1992 black and white panchromatic USGS Digital Orthophoto Quadrangles (DOQQ) were used as the source of photography. Non-forested land cover accuracy assessment points were selected at random in proportion to their area coverage in the land cover layer. A minimum number of 50 points were selected per land cover class. The accuracy assessment point had to have a 3x3 window of homogeneous land cover in order for it to be an acceptable accuracy assessment point. A 3x3 pixel window results in an area of 2.4 acres on the ground. Within this area, there can be more than one cover type. Also, a reliance on aerial imagery interpretation alone means that it is sometimes impossible to make an exclusive (can only be one land cover class) interpretation. For example, the difference between two wetland categories may be very difficult to determine from the photography, especially when their species composition may only vary by a few percent. Because of these issues, the accuracy assessment for non-forested types employed a fuzzy assessment methodology (Congalton and Green, 1999). Fuzzy assessments allow for more than one correct class to be determined from the ground truth data. When DOQQ interpretations were ambiguous, fuzzy interpretations were allowed (i.e. more than 1 land cover class could be considered a correct classification). Sixty five percent of the interpretations or 1,587 out of 2,433 accuracy assessment points for the non-forest types had fuzzy interpretations. Results An accuracy assessment of the final land cover layer determined it to be 87 % accurate at level II in the hierarchical classification scheme. At the finest level of classification detail (level III, i.e. the class names from Table 2) class accuracies range from of 36% to 87%. Overall accuracy for the non-forested types is 80.7 percent. Overall accuracy for the forested types is 67.9 percent. See the Space Imaging Report “Review of Remote Sensing Technologies used in the IFMAP Project” (Space Imaging. 2004) for a complete discussion of the accuracy assessment and the accuracy assessment tables. Limitations and Discussion Michigan’s current land cover is not only the result of past “natural factors”, such as glaciers and climate, but also 200 years of “very active management” by humans. This history has resulted in a landscape with both seemly very discrete, and infinitely continuous, land cover boundaries. Our land cover mapping efforts required that we put 21 DRAFT 02/01/05 discrete boundaries over the entire landscape. The land cover classification system that enforces these discrete boundaries was developed by a large group of natural resource professionals to be useful in the management of Michigan’s natural landscapes. The limitations of the technology and the sources of error associated with this process are discussed below. Congalton and Green (1999), identify all sources of error in the classification process into one of four categories. These categories are: 1. Errors in the reference data; 2. Sensitivity of the classification scheme to observer variability; 3. Inappropriate technology for mapping specific land cover classes; and 4. Mapping error. The Michigan land cover mapping effort relied on many sources of reference data. Collection of training site data and accuracy assessment points involved a large numbers of individual observers, hence these efforts were prone to an unknown level of human error. Also, the land cover classification system relied heavily on human interpretation, especially in the natural land cover types such as the forested types. Mis-interpretation of percent canopy composition by tree species probably represented one of our larger sources of error as it affects both training the image classifier and assessing the accuracy of the final map. Michigan forests are a continuous mosaic of tree species in varying composition, size, and density. The development of the classification system had as a principle goal to categorize the land cover into meaningful classes for management. Past experience with the ability of the TM sensor to detect spectral differences among classes was considered, but was not the primary driver in development of the classification system. The TM sensor may be an inappropriate technology to separate some of the classes in the classification system. Hence, inappropriate technology combined with variation in human interpretations were likely reasons the ability to separate deciduous forest classes from one another was not very good. Incorporating other mapped information into the project, such as NWI and previous land cover mapping efforts helped identify gross inconsistencies in the map, and was an attempt to minimize mapping error associated with human interpretations, limitations of the TM sensor, and misapplication of the image classification process. Unfortunately, most of the additional reference information used had its accuracy assessed. The authors feel the use of these layers improves the final land cover map, but it is often difficult to assess their overall impact. To support wildlife habitat relationship modeling for vertebrates in the State, the authors feel that the land cover layer represents the best land cover layer available. Users should consult the accuracy assessment tables in Space Imaging (2004) and the land cover metadata to help determine how their use of the data will be affected by the accuracy of the map and the process used to develop the map. In general, the map is appropriate for 22 DRAFT 02/01/05 use in natural resource planning at the large-landscape level. Uses of the map to define precise boundaries, or the land cover composition of small areas, are more likely to be negatively affected by the limitations of the technology and the land cover classification process. The IFMAP/GAP land cover layer and ancillary data products were used to develop the NOAA C-CAP land cover layer. This process resulted in the identification of some improvements that could be made to the original IFMAP/GAP land cover layer. These improvements were incorporated into the IFMAP/GAP land cover layer after the completion of all the vertebrate models and the analysis of land cover and stewardship. These improvements are relatively insignificant on a statewide scale and are summarized here. Land cover class 17 (other upland deciduous) was recoded to class 18 (mixed upland deciduous). Class 17 contained a relatively small number of pixels and only occurred in the southern Lower Peninsula. Some spatial edits were made on the initial land cover map that in most cases changed some lowland types to other lowland types. Users who download data from the Michigan Geographic Data Library (http://www.michigan.gov/cgi) will be downloading the most recent version. For a complete discussion on the methods used to construct and assess the land cover layer refer to Space Imaging (2004). 23 DRAFT 02/01/05 PREDICTED ANIMAL SPECIES DISTRIBUTIONS AND SPECIES RICHNESS Introduction All species range maps are predictions regarding the occurrence of those species within a particular area (Csuti 1994). Traditionally, the predicted occurrences of most species begin with samples from collections made at individual point locations. Most species range maps are small-scale (e.g., >1:10,000,000) and derived primarily from point data to construct field guides that are suitable, at best, for approximating distribution at the regional level or counties for example. The purpose of the GAP vertebrate species maps is to provide more precise information about the current predicted distribution of individual native species according to actual habitat characteristics within their general ranges and to allow calculation of predicted area of distributions and associations to specific habitat characteristics. GAP maps are produced at a nominal scale of 1:100,000 or better and are intended for applications at the landscape or "gamma" scale (heterogeneous areas generally covering 1,000 to 1,000,000 hectares and made up of more than one kind of natural community). Applications of these data to site- or stand-level analyses (site--a microhabitat, generally 10 to 100 square meters; stand--a single habitat type, generally 0.1 to 1,000 ha; Whittaker 1977, see also Stoms and Estes 1993) will likely reveal the limitations of this process. For some species, it may be necessary to incorporate differences in habitat quality (e.g., understory condition) or microhabitat features such as standing dead trees. Gap analysis uses the predicted distributions of animal species to evaluate their conservation status relative to existing land management (Scott et al. 1993). However, the maps of species distributions may be used to answer a wide variety of management, planning, and research questions relating to individual species or groups of species. In addition to the maps, great utility may be found in the consolidated specimen collection records and literature that are assembled into databases used to produce the maps. Perhaps most importantly, as a first effort in developing such detailed distributions, they should be viewed as testable hypotheses to be confirmed or refuted in the field. We encourage biologists and naturalists to conduct such tests and report their findings in the appropriate literature and to the Gap Analysis Program such that new data may improve future iterations. Previous to this effort there were no maps available, digital or otherwise, showing the likely present-day distribution of species by habitat type across their ranges. Because of this, ordinary species (i.e., those not threatened with extinction or not managed as game animals) are generally not given sufficient consideration in land-use decisions in the context of large geographic regions or in relation to their actual habitats. Their decline, 24 DRAFT 02/01/05 because of incremental habitat loss can, and does, result in one threatened or endangered species "surprise" after another. Frequently, the records that do exist for an ordinary species are truncated by state boundaries. Simply creating a consistent spatial framework for storing, retrieving, manipulating, analyzing, and updating the totality of our knowledge about the status of each animal species is one of the most necessary and basic elements for preventing further erosion of biological resources. Begun in the fall of 2000, MI-GAP terrestrial vertebrate modeling efforts were undertaken by Michigan State University in cooperation with the Michigan Department of Natural Resources and Michigan Natural Features Inventory. To predict species distributions, known ranges were delineated and potential habitat was modeled for all terrestrial vertebrates known to breed regularly in the state. The objective of MI-GAP vertebrate modeling was to identify all potentially suitable habitat within a species’ known range in Michigan. MI-GAP products ultimately will be incorporated into MDNR’s decision-making by state wildlife biologists, foresters, and land managers. Methods The terrestrial vertebrate species list generated for MI-GAP was limited to those native species and non-native game species considered to regularly breed within Michigan. Species that occur only sporadically in Michigan, or only during the migratory or winter seasons were not included. In most cases where multiple subspecies are found within the state, the habitat requirements and ranges of all subspecies were combined and modeled at the species level; exceptions are noted below (Results). The final species list included 22 amphibians, 29 reptiles, 214 birds, and 60 mammals (Appendix B). The species list was developed based on the literature cited under each taxonomic group below (Table 4), the Michigan Natural Features Inventory County Element database, and information provided by expert reviewers. Mapping Standards and Data Sources A statewide 30 m raster of predicted habitat was created for each species on the final species list (Appendix B). Each pixel contained a value of “1” if our model predicted potentially suitable habitat within the pixel or “No Data” if it did not. All potentially suitable habitat was restricted to the current known range of the species within Michigan (see Mapping Range Extent). These 30 m resolution grids were resampled to 90 m grids using the nearest neighbor method. 25 DRAFT 02/01/05 Table 4. Primary information sources. Amphibians Harding, J.H. and J.A. Holman. 1999. Michigan frogs, toads, and salamanders. Michigan State University Extension Bulletin E-2350. Reptiles Harding, J.H. and J.A. Holman. 1997. Michigan turtles and lizards. Michigan State University Extension Bulletin E-2234. Holman, J.A., J.H. Harding, M.M. Hensley, and G.R. Dudderar. 1999. Michigan snakes. Michigan State University Extension Bulletin E2000. Birds Brewer, R., G.A. McPeek, and R.J. Adams, Jr. 1991. The atlas of breeding birds of Michigan. Michigan State University Press. Mammals Kurta, A. 1995. Mammals of the Great Lakes region. University of Michigan Press. Predicted habitat was modeled using four main data layers (Table 5). These data layers are available from the Michigan Geographic Data Library (http://www.michigan.gov/cgi/). The primary source of habitat information for most species was the IFMAP/GAP land cover classification map. This map was derived from 30 m resolution LANDSAT satellite imagery and included 32 land cover classes (see Land Cover Classification and Mapping above). Many models also utilized one or more of the ancillary data layers described below. Our primary source of information on wetlands and seasonally wet lowland forests was the National Wetlands Inventory maps for the state of Michigan. These maps were digitized by the Michigan Department of Natural Resources and converted from county level vector coverages to 30 m grids. County level maps were then merged into a statewide wetlands map (files created by Laurie Prange-Gregory, Michigan Department of Natural Resources, and Helen Enander, Michigan Natural Features Inventory). To speed up model computation, several map subsets were created that included only one or a few wetland classes in each map (e.g., individual statewide maps of all bogs, lowland conifers, or marshes). All model subsets are described in Appendix C. Additional hydrological features were modeled using Digital Line Graph (DLG) hydrography files from the U.S. Geological Survey’s 1:100,000 scale 30- by 60-minute quadrangle maps. MI-GAP used two DLG coverages: 1) a polygon coverage depicting lakes/ponds, rapids, islands, reservoirs, sewage disposal ponds, tailings ponds, and large streams (a.k.a. rivers), and 2) a polyline coverage depicting dams/weirs, ditches/canals, falls, and streams. These coverages were converted to 30 m resolution ESRI grids and merged, retaining only the streams, lakes/ponds, and reservoir features (other features had minimal representation). For species with more specific hydrological habitat 26 DRAFT 02/01/05 requirements, additional subsets of the original hydrology coverages were created. All model subsets are described in Appendix C. Some shorebirds and other waterbirds required shoreline habitat that was best modeled using the Michigan Resource Information System (MIRIS) statewide land cover classification (MDNR 1999). The MIRIS land cover classification map was derived from 1978 color-infrared aerial photographs and depicts 52 categories of urban, agricultural, wooded, wetland, and other land cover types. Initial maps were created at the county level then merged into a statewide file and converted to a 30 m grid. Table 5. GIS data layers used in the vertebrate modeling process. Data Layer Name Source Description IFMAP/GAP land Michigan Department of Natural 32 land cover types. cover Resources Derived from LANDSAT satellite imagery at 30 m resolution. 2001. National Wetlands Inventory U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service National Wetlands Inventory; digitized by Michigan Department of Natural Resources A classified map of wetland habitats in Michigan. DLG hydrology U.S. Geological Survey A DLG of major hydrological features. Derived from U.S. Geological Survey 1:100,000 scale maps. Michigan Resource Information System land cover (MIRIS) Michigan Department of Natural Resources 52 land cover types. Derived from colorinfrared aerial photographs. 1978. Mapping Range Extent Prior to creating maps of predicted species distributions, the range of each species within Michigan was delineated by county. The main source of information on species’ ranges was a database created by Scott Thomasma of Two by Two Wildlife Consulting (Grand Rapids, MI). This database was developed with distributional information from The Nature Conservancy (TNC) website. Using this database, a coverage was created for each species. Each county included within a species’ range was given an attribute value of “1”, while counties outside a species’ range were assigned an attribute value of “0”. These range maps were checked against the relevant literature (Table 6) and edited when discrepancies occurred. 27 DRAFT 02/01/05 Table 6. References used to check range maps. Amphibians Harding, J.H. 1997. Amphibians and reptiles of the Great Lakes region. University of Michigan Press. Harding, J.H. and J.A. Holman. 1992. Michigan frogs, toads, and salamanders. Michigan State University Extension. Reptiles Harding, J.H. 1997. Amphibians and reptiles of the Great Lakes region. University of Michigan Press. Holman, A.J. 1990. Michigan turtles and lizards. Michigan State University Extension. Holman, A.J., J.H. Harding, M.M. Hensley, and G.R. Dudderar. 1989. Michigan snakes. Michigan State University Extension. Birds Brewer, R., G.A. McPeek, and R.J. Adams, Jr. 1991. The atlas of breeding birds of Michigan. Michigan State University Press. Mammals Baker, R.H. 1983. Michigan mammals. Michigan State University Press. Hall, R.E. and K.R. Kelson. 1959. The mammals of North America, Volumes I and II. The Ronald Press Company. Kurta, A. 1995. Mammals of the Great Lakes region. University of Michigan Press. Next, each range map was converted to a coverage composed of equal area (635 km2) Environmental Monitoring and Assessment Program (EMAP) hexagons (White et al. 1992). Hexagons were assigned an attribute value of “1” if any part of the hexagon intersected a county within which the species was present; otherwise the hexagon was assigned an attribute value of “0” (i.e. species absent; Figure 3). Many range maps were subject to expert review (Appendix D) and modified accordingly (Figure 4A). Final range maps were named with a 4-5 letter species code followed by “_hex” (Appendix B). 28 DRAFT 02/01/05 Figure 3. A preliminary county-level range map (left) converted to an EMAP hexagon range map (right). Wildlife Habitat Relationships A database of wildlife habitat relationships for Michigan’s terrestrial vertebrates was created as part of the MIWildHab software program (Doepker et al. 2001). This database contains information on wildlife distributions by county, a detailed description of wildlife habitat requirements, a habitat use matrix, a logical habitat decision rule for querying and modeling, and citations for literature used to create the database. Habitat classes used in MIWildHab are based on those found in the Michigan Operation Inventory classification system (MDNR 1995). Other classes, such as row crops, bottomland hardwoods, and field/pasture were added to better describe wildlife habitats. The logical decision rule summarizes one or more suitable combinations of habitat classes and landscape features that constitute required habitat for the species (Figure 5). These rules reflect different uses of the habitat (e.g., breeding or foraging); however, the decision rules contain no assessment of the relative quality of the habitat combinations. Distribution Modeling MIWildHab logical decision rules were used to model predicted habitat. When necessary, the NatureServe database (http://www.natureserve.org) was consulted for additional information on species habitat requirements. Logical decision rules for many species were subject to expert review and modified accordingly (Appendix D). For some species, one habitat alternative was selected as the most likely habitat type found throughout Michigan; for others, all habitat alternatives were combined into one model. Microhabitat features included in logical decision rules were not incorporated into current MI-GAP models due to a lack of suitable data layers. The MIWildHab habitat classes described in the logical decision rules were cross-walked to the IFMAP/GAP habitat classes used in the modeling process (see Appendix E). 29 DRAFT 02/01/05 A B B C Figure 4. Once a range map was reviewed by experts, adjustments were made accordingly (A). Next, the final range map was overlaid on the draft habitat map (B). Habitat pixels located outside the known range were clipped to produce the final predicted habitat map (C). 30 DRAFT 02/01/05 Some models were fairly simple to produce because they were based solely on the presence of particular vegetation types. However, the habitat requirements of many species were more complex, requiring the selection of complicated landscape features (e.g., forest edge or upland habitat adjacent to water). If conditional habitat requirements such as adjacency were required, we buffered one or more habitat types using the distance(s) indicated in the logical decision rule. The minimum buffer distance was 30 m, the pixel size of all data layers. For some species the exact distance requirement was unknown, so we approximated distances using published estimates of either average movement distances or the diameter of the species’ home range. After all draft habitat and range maps were created, the maps and the logical decision rules used to create them were distributed to experts for review and comment (Appendix D). Some species were not reviewed while others received multiple reviews. Reviewer comments are documented for each model. After reviews were returned, hexagons were added or subtracted from species’ ranges based on reviewer comments (Figure 4A). Logical decision rules were also edited, if necessary, and new habitat maps were created. In the final stage of the modeling process, statewide potential habitat maps were clipped with the EMAP hexagon range coverage to produce a map of predicted suitable habitat within the known range for each species within Michigan (Figure 4). Final habitat maps were resampled to 90 m coverages using the nearest neighbor method and named with the species’ unique TNC element code (Appendix B). 31 DRAFT 02/01/05 Common Gray Fox (Urocyon cinereoargenteus) Rule: Mixed Forested/Nonforested Landscapes Habitat Requirements may be distributed across the NEIGHBORHOOD 1st alternative: Savanna containing: (Mast and Living Cavity Trees and Dead Down Woody Debris) 2nd alternative: (Oak (Sm Saw or Lg Saw or Uneven)) or (Assorted Hardwoods (Sm Saw or Lg Saw or Uneven)) or (Northern Hardwoods (Sm Saw or Lg Saw or Uneven)) or (Mixed Upland Hardwoods (Sm Saw or Lg Saw or Uneven)) or (Mixed Northern Hardwoods (Sm Saw or Lg Saw or Uneven)) or (Swamp Hardwoods (Sm Saw or Lg Saw or Uneven)) or (Bottomland Hardwoods (Sm Saw or Lg Saw or Uneven)) or (Mixed Lowland Hardwoods (Sm Saw or Lg Saw or Uneven)) containing: Figure 5. Sample MIWildHab logical decision rule for the common gray fox (Urocyon (Mast and Living Cavity Trees and Dead Down Woody Debris) cinereoargenteus). neighboring: (Grass or Any Cropland) Metadata were created for each of the 4 main taxonomic groups (amphibians, reptiles, and Upland Brush mammals, and birds). In addition, an ARC Macro Language (AML) file (Figure 6) was created for each species and named with its unique TNC element code (Appendix B). AML files contain the original model program written for ARC/INFO Version 8.2 (UNIX). Comment lines at the top of each AML file include species names (common and scientific) and TNC code, expert reviewer names and comments, and any additional comments from the modelers. All data layers used to create the habitat map are documented in the AML for each species. 32 /*Copper-bellied water snake /*Nerodia erythrogaster DRAFT 02/01/05 /*ARADB22020 /*MIWILD RULE: /*Bottomland Hardwoods /*containing Dead Down Woody Debris /*adjacent to Pond or River /*REVIEWER'S COMMENTS: /*Yu Man Lee, Michigan Natural Features Inventory /*in MI use shrub swamps, ponds, lakes, oxbow sloughs, fens, and slow-moving streams; migrate to permanent waters using wooded or grassy areas (Harding 1997) /*not sure dead down woody debris as important as wetland density and diversity /*note sure Kentucky study applies to MI /*John Roe (2002) MS Thesis "Comparative ecology of two semi-aquatic snakes, Nerodia sipedon and the imperiled Nerodia erythrogaster neglecta reported 67% of copperbellies in study (n=15) used 4 or more wetlands and 47% used 5 or more wetlands; often used small wetlands (<1 ha); overland distance between wetland shifts >95m; some individuals moved 225-1013m between wetlands but such movements were rare; copperbellies used upland habitats (forested, open) extensively and hibernated in the uplands primarily (mean of 53.5m to nearest wetland); at his study site, a buffer zone of 125m from wetlands (not necessary shoreline of lake or river) would capture 95% of all copperbelly locations; copperbellies often used ephemeral wetlands /*suggested changes to range based on known occurrences in MNFI's database as of 9/30/03 (based on counties with known occurrences) /*NOTES AND COMMENTS ON FINAL MODEL: /*Supplemented IFMAP imagery with NWI data /*as suggested by reviewer, selected all marshes and upland habitats (forested, open) within 125m of marshes /*MODEL CODE: workspace /data/auk/map grid temp1 = ifmaplp IN {29,30} temp2 = merge(temp1,lpmarsh_g) temp3 = con(temp2 > 0,1,0) temp4 = ifmaplp IN {10,12,14,15,16,17,18,22,24,25,26} temp5 = con(temp4 > 0,1,0) /*calc distances from marsh and select forested/open areas within <125m of marsh temp6 = eucdistance(temp3) temp7 = select(temp6,'value > 0 and value < 125') temp8 = con(temp7 > 0,1,0) /*add together temp9 = temp5 + temp8 temp10 = select(temp9,'value = 2') temp11 = merge(temp10,temp3) /data/auk/models/snakes/aradb22020 = con(temp11 > 0,1,0) quit &return Figure 6. AML file for the Copper-bellied water snake (Nerodia erythrogaster). Results Mammals 33 DRAFT 02/01/05 Habitat mapping for most mammals was straightforward (see Figure 7 for sample map). However, bats proved difficult to model due to dependence on roosting sites. Unless otherwise mentioned in the species text files, only foraging habitat was modeled for bats. Note that two separate habitat and range maps were created for the deer mouse (Peromyscus maniculatus) at the suggestion of expert reviewers due to the distinct habitat requirements of its subspecies. One set of maps (TNC code: AMAFF03040b; range code: “pemab”) depicts the habitat and range of the subspecies P. m. bairdii. The second set of maps (TNC code: AMAFF03040g; range code: “pemag”) depicts the combined habitat and range of the two subspecies P. m. gracilis and P. m. maniculatus (found on Isle Royale). More details are available in the AML files associated with each species. N Figure 7. Predicted suitable habitat for the Southern flying squirrel (Glaucomys volans). Birds The habitat requirements and known distributions of birds were perhaps the best documented of all the MI-GAP taxonomic groups (see Figure 8 for sample map). Note that the IFMAP/GAP land cover did not contain shoreline or dune land cover classes; 34 DRAFT 02/01/05 therefore, many shore and waterbirds were modeled using the MIRIS land cover map. MIRIS included several beach, sand, or dune classes derived from classified aerial photographs. N Figure 8. Predicted suitable habitat for the Black-capped chickadee (Poecile atricapillus). Reptiles and Amphibians Habitat modeling for reptiles and amphibians was difficult (see Figure 9 for sample map). Only limited distribution information was available for many species. Also, many landscape features required by herpetofauna could not be modeled with the available data layers (e.g., water depth, temperature, or vernal pool locations). Reptiles and amphibians depend on microhabitat features that cannot be easily mapped statewide such as downed logs or suitable hibernacula. Note that two separate habitat and range maps were created for the eastern fox snake (Elaphe vulpina gloydi; TNC code: ARADB13061; range code: “elvue”) and the western fox snake (Elaphe vulpina vulpina; TNC code: ARADB13062; range code: “elvuw”) due to their disjunct distributions. 35 DRAFT 02/01/05 N Figure 9. Predicted suitable habitat for the Blue-spotted salamander (Ambystoma laterale). Species Richness GAP has often been associated with the mapping of species-rich areas or "hotspots." Richness maps identify where the same numbers of elements co-occur in the same geographic locations. (In the case of our data, where numbers of animal species are mapped for the same grid cells.) These are color coded or shaded in intensity from the highest numbers of co-occurrence (richness), to the lowest. While we continue to perform this useful pattern analysis, it is only one of many that may be conducted using the data. Richest areas may or may not indicate best conservation opportunities. They may occur in already protected areas or may represent mostly already protected species or those not at risk. Still, they are often a useful starting point to examine conservation opportunities in combination with other analyses described in this report's Introduction and in the Analysis section. We also feel they may be useful for other rewarding applications such as identifying places of interest for wildlife observation and study. Two representations of species richness were created for each of the four main taxonomic groups. The first was a hyper-coverage depicting the total number of species in each taxon whose ranges overlap in each EMAP hexagon (Figures 10-13). 36 DRAFT 02/01/05 11 13 15 17 19 - 12 - 14 - 16 - 18 - 20 N Figure 10. Hyper-coverage depicting the total number of amphibian species whose ranges overlap in each EMAP hexagon contained within Michigan. 37 DRAFT 02/01/05 3-7 8 - 12 13 - 16 17 - 21 22 - 26 N Figure 11. Hyper-coverage depicting the total number of reptile species whose ranges overlap in each EMAP hexagon contained within Michigan. 38 DRAFT 02/01/05 22 29 35 42 48 - 28 - 34 - 41 - 47 - 54 N Figure 12. Hyper-coverage depicting the total number of mammal species whose ranges overlap in each EMAP hexagon contained within Michigan. 39 DRAFT 02/01/05 100 - 114 115 - 129 130 - 143 144 - 158 159 - 173 N Figure 13. Hyper-coverage depicting the total number of bird species whose ranges overlap in each EMAP hexagon contained within Michigan. 40 DRAFT 02/01/05 The second representation of species richness was a set of raster coverages depicting the number of species that are predicted to have suitable habitat within each 90 m pixel (Figures 14-17) using the species richness protocol developed by National GAP (ftp://www.gap.uidaho.edu/scripts/Sprich.zip) and modified for use with coverages populated by “1” and “No Data” values. 0 1-3 4-7 8 - 10 11 - 14 15 - 18 N Figure 14. Amphibian species richness - the total number of amphibian species that are predicted to have suitable habitat in each 90 m pixel. 41 DRAFT 02/01/05 0 1510 15 20 4 9 - 14 - 19 - 24 N Figure 15. Reptile species richness - the total number of reptile species that are predicted to have suitable habitat in each 90 m pixel. 42 DRAFT 02/01/05 0 1-8 9 - 17 18 - 25 26 - 34 35 - 43 N Figure 16. Mammal species richness - the total number of mammal species that are predicted to have suitable habitat in each 90 m pixel. 43 DRAFT 02/01/05 0 1 - 19 20 - 38 39 - 57 58 - 76 77 - 96 N Figure 17. Bird species richness - the total number of bird species that are predicted to have suitable habitat in each 90 m pixel. Accuracy Assessment Assessing the accuracy of the predicted vertebrate distributions is subject to many of the same problems as assessing land cover maps, as well as a host of more serious challenges related to both the behavioral aspects of species and the logistics of detecting them. These are described further in the Background section of the GAP Handbook on the national GAP home page. It is, however, necessary to provide some measure of confidence in the results of the gap analysis for species collectively, if not individually or by taxonomic group (comparison to stewardship and management status), and to allow users to judge the suitability of the distribution maps for their own uses. We, therefore, feel it is important to provide users with a statement about the accuracy of GAP-predicted vertebrate distributions within the limitations of available resources and practicalities of such an endeavor. We acknowledge that distribution maps are never finished products but are continually updated as new information is gathered. This reflects not only an improvement over the modeling process, but also the opportunity to map true changes in 44 DRAFT 02/01/05 species distributions over time. However, we feel that assessing the accuracy of the current maps provides useful information about their reliability to potential users. Our goal was to produce maps that predict distributions of terrestrial vertebrates and from that, total species richness and species content with an accuracy of 80% or higher. Failure to achieve this accuracy indicates the need to refine the data sets and models used for predicting distribution. There is a conscious effort in the GAP process, however, to err on the side of commission. In other words, to attribute species as possibly present when they are not. Few species have systematic, unbiased known ranges and we believe science is best served by identifying a greater potential for sampling and investigation than a conservative approach that may miss such opportunities. Accuracy assessment has not been performed at this time. Field surveys of birds and small mammals are currently being conducted (summer 2004) on some state lands to provide limited error-checking information. This information may be used to further refine bird and small mammal MI-GAP models in the future. Limitations and Discussion Before using MI-GAP data, users should note the limitations of these databases, maps, and models. MI-GAP range and predicted habitat maps are hypotheses about species distributions that have not been assessed for accuracy. The range and predicted habitat maps for some species did not go through the expert review process described above when appropriate experts were not available. We advise users never to substitute MI-GAP range maps or predicted habitat maps for real environmental survey data. However, we hope that MI-GAP products will be used to further explore wildlife habitat relationships and guide the development of large-scale wildlife and land management practices. Data layers Our species distribution models were limited by the accuracy and resolution of available data layers (e.g., land cover/hydrology/wetlands). The IFMAP/GAP land cover map only distinguished vegetation types, not size or age classes. For many species that require or prefer only certain size or age classes of vegetation, this likely resulted in our models over estimating the amount of potential habitat. The inclusive “pines” category of the IFMAP/GAP land cover map severely limited our ability to model a variety of mammal and bird species that may require particular species of pines or that may not be found in pine plantations. Also, agriculture and open land categories are extremely dynamic classes that can change dramatically from season to season. Due to the large scale at which this analysis was conducted, microhabitat features such as snags, caves, or percent cover could not be reasonably mapped. Such microhabitat features may be limiting factors determining the presence or absence of many species. The accuracy of range maps may also have limited the predictive ability of our habitat models. When habitat maps were clipped to the current known range, we assumed that 45 DRAFT 02/01/05 our range maps were as accurate as possible at the scale of the EMAP hexagon. However, many of our experts acknowledged that surveys for certain species (especially amphibians and reptiles) have not been conducted uniformly across the state, particularly on the Lake Michigan islands. Additionally, the range maps may not be accurate representations of the current range of species. For many species there are no recent statewide surveys; it is likely that some species have been extirpated from portions of their depicted range by agriculture and/or urbanization. Model Limitations Throughout the vertebrate modeling process, we attempted to err on the side of commission errors in an effort to identify as much potential habitat as possible. Predicted habitat maps identify potentially suitable habitat within the known range of the species in Michigan and may be subject to many caveats such as those stated in each individual species metadata file. Also, our predicted habitat maps provide no indication of degree of habitat quality. Habitat maps indicate only whether a pixel is potentially suitable or unsuitable. For some species both breeding and foraging habitat were combined into one model, while for others only one of the two types of habitat was selected (see the individual species AML files). Most habitat models were not restricted to a certain habitat patch size due to the lack of detailed information about wildlife habitat requirements. Also, patch connectivity (a dispersal limitation for some species) was not considered. For more complicated models that required the use of buffers, arbitrary or best guess distances were often used (and noted in species AML files) when appropriate literature was unavailable. Amphibians and Reptiles The dependence of many amphibians and reptiles on narrow bands of riparian vegetation and shallow near-shore habitats made their predicted suitable habitat difficult to accurately depict with the 30 m (and resampled 90 m) resolution coverages. Mammals Although a soils data layer was available and could be useful in delineating suitable habitat for many small mammals, we did not have adequate information linking specific soil classes to individual species. Bats were a difficult group to adequately model and the identified suitable habitat is undoubtedly overestimated. Most of the potential habitat identified for bats is only suitable if appropriate roosting habitat (e.g., roosting trees, caves, man-made structures) is also available. Without additional site-specific information on such microhabitat features, the location of suitable bat habitat in Michigan cannot be reliably identified. Birds 46 DRAFT 02/01/05 Although birds are generally a well-known and surveyed group, there are some limitations to the adequacy of the MI-GAP bird models. First, as described above, the available data layers did not include stand age or size information, which is critical in correctly identifying suitable habitat for many bird species. Many bird species also require the juxtaposition of several habitats – “edge” – which was not incorporated into our models. Finally, we modeled only summer breeding season habitat. Some species may utilize different wintering or non-breeding habitat within Michigan. 47 DRAFT 02/01/05 LAND STEWARDSHIP Introduction To fulfill the analytical mission of GAP, it is necessary to compare the mapped distribution of biodiversity elements with their representation in different categories of land ownership and management. As will be explained in the Analysis section, these comparisons do not measure viability, but are a start to assessing the likelihood of future threat to a biotic element through habitat conversion--the primary cause of biodiversity decline. We use the term "stewardship" in place of "ownership" in recognition that legal ownership does not necessarily equate to the entity charged with management of the resource, and that the mix of ownership and managing entities is a complex and rapidly changing condition not suitably mapped by GAP. At the same time, it is necessary to distinguish between stewardship and management status in that a single category of land stewardship such as a national forest may contain several degrees of management for biodiversity. The purpose of comparing biotic distribution with stewardship is to provide a method by which land stewards can assess their relative amount of responsibility for the management of a species or plant community and identify other stewards sharing that responsibility. This information can reveal opportunities for cooperative management of that resource, which directly supports the primary mission of GAP to provide objective, scientific information to decision makers and managers to make informed decisions regarding biodiversity. It also is not unlikely that a steward that has previously borne the major responsibility for managing a species may, through such analyses, identify a more equitable distribution of that responsibility. We emphasize, however, that GAP only identifies private land as a homogeneous category and does not differentiate individual tracts or owners, unless the information was provided voluntarily to recognize a longterm commitment to biodiversity maintenance. After comparison to stewardship, it is also necessary to compare biotic occurrence to categories of management status. The purpose of this comparison is to identify the need for change in management status for the distribution of individual elements or areas containing high degrees of diversity. Such changes can be accomplished in many ways that do not affect the stewardship status. While it will eventually be desirable to identify specific management practices for each tract, and whether they are beneficial or harmful to each element, GAP currently uses a scale of 1 to 4 to denote relative degree of maintenance of biodiversity for each tract. A status of "1" denotes the highest, most permanent level of maintenance, and "4" represents the lowest level of biodiversity management, or unknown status. This is a highly subjective area, and we recognize a variety of limitations in our approach, although we maintain certain principles in assigning the status level. Our first principle is that land ownership is not the primary determinant in assigning status. The second principle is that while data are imperfect, and all land is subject to changes in ownership and management, we can use the intent of a land steward as evidenced by legal and institutional factors to assign status. In other 48 DRAFT 02/01/05 words, if a land steward institutes a program backed by legal and institutional arrangements that are intended for permanent biodiversity maintenance, we use that as the guide for assigning status. The characteristics used to determine status are as follows: Permanence of protection from conversion of natural land cover to unnatural (humaninduced barren, exotic-dominated, arrested succession); Relative amount of the tract managed for natural cover; Inclusiveness of the management, i.e. single feature or species versus all biota; and Type of management and degree that it is mandated through legal and institutional arrangements. The four status categories can generally be defined as follows (after Scott et al. 1993, Edwards et al. 1995, Crist et al. 1995): Status 1: An area having permanent protection from conversion of natural land cover and a mandated management plan in operation to maintain a natural state within which disturbance events (of natural type, frequency, and intensity) are allowed to proceed without interference or are mimicked through management. Status 2: An area having permanent protection from conversion of natural land cover and a mandated management plan in operation to maintain a primarily natural state, but which may receive use or management practices that degrade the quality of existing natural communities. Status 3: An area having permanent protection from conversion of natural land cover for the majority of the area, but subject to extractive uses of either a broad, low-intensity type or localized intense type. It also confers protection to federally listed endangered and threatened species throughout the area. Status 4: Lack of irrevocable easement or mandate to prevent conversion of natural habitat types to anthropogenic habitat types. Allows for intensive use throughout the tract. Also includes those tracts for which the existence of such restrictions or sufficient information to establish a higher status is unknown. Mapping Standards The Michigan GAP Stewardship layer was developed by the Resource Mapping and Aerial Photography Section of the Forest, Mineral, and Fire Management Division of the DNR. Information to compile the layer was obtained from the Federal land management agencies within the State, the Michigan DNR, and the Nature Conservancy. Methods Stewardship Mapping 49 DRAFT 02/01/05 The minimum mapping unit (mmu) used to develop this layer was 40 acres or the quarter quarter section of the Public Land Survey System (PLSS). This mmu was chosen because most of the land ownership records used to delineate DNR ownership boundaries were recorded by PLSS quarter quarter sections. Michigan DNR land ownership was mapped by downloading ownership records from the DNR’s Realestate Information System (REIS). REIS provided tabular information on DNR ownership. The PLSS Town, Range, Section, and Quarter Quarter fields from REIS were used to link the tabular DNR ownership information to a GIS coverage of the PLSS for the State of Michigan. This process created a GIS coverage of DNR ownership. The determination of the land stewards for DNR ownership occurred through an overlay of the DNR’s Facilities Coverage that identifies the type of DNR facility (State Forest, State Park, State Game Area, etc.). Michigan has three national forests, the Ottawa National Forest, the Hiawatha National Forest, and the Huron-Manistee National Forest. The Ottawa and Hiawatha provided GIS coverages of their ownership boundaries. The Huron-Manistee National Forest provided a GIS coverage of the Huron side of the Forest. At the time of the Stewardship Layer compilation, the Manistee Forest did not have a GIS coverage of their boundary. The DNR compiled the Manistee side of the Huron-Manistee Forest ownership boundary by analyzing Rockford Plat Maps (Rockford Map Publishers, 1999) and attributing the PLSS quarter quarter sections within the Forest. National wildlife refuge boundaries were provided by the US Fish and Wildlife Service for all refuges in Michigan except the Wyndotte Refuge (a new and extremely small refuge). The National Park Service provided boundaries for the two national lakeshores in Michigan: Sleeping Bear Dunes National Lake Shore, and Pictured Rocks National Lakeshore. Isle Royal National Park Boundary was delineated by the DNR using information from existing DNR GIS coverages. The Nature Conservancy provided boundaries for all of their preserves. Although land owned by other State and Federal agencies, land conservancies, and local units of government would have been desirable to include in the GAP Stewardship layer, it was determined that the usefulness of this information was not worth the additional cost. We estimate that the GAP Stewardship layer accounts for over 98% of public ownership in the State. Management Status Categorization Management status categorization of status 1 and status 2 areas occurred through analysis of records and personal communication with managers responsible for the stewardship of 50 DRAFT 02/01/05 the areas (Table 8). Status 3 areas were determined from existing management plans and/or the mission of the managing agencies. Most of the National Forest and State Forest are classified as status 3 areas. We did not map the boundaries of status 4 areas. Those areas of Michigan not mapped as status 1, 2, or 3 are considered status 4 areas because we lack information to make a management status determination. Results The following tables present summary statistics of stewardship and management categories in the state. We begin by comparing representation of various stewardship categories in management status categories. Table 7 provides information on the proportional make-up of management status categories by steward and vice-versa, so that land stewards can see the degree their lands generally contribute to biodiversity maintenance. Steward U.S. Forest Service U.S. National Park Service U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Michigan DNR State of Michigan The Nature Conservancy Other Total Status 1 0 Status 2 0 Status 4 0 0 Status 3 11483.6 7.6% 153.1 0.1% 38.1 0.0% 17226.6 11.4% 303.0 0.2% 0 570.6 0.4% 380.8 0.3% 314.6 0.2% 0 374.6 0.2% 0 61.7 0.0% 0 0 0 888.3 0.6% 29204.4 19.4% 117790 78.2% 119129.9 79.1% 1327.7 0.9% 513.7 0.3% 0 0 0 17 1322.9 0.9% 0 Total 11483.6 7.6% 1098.3 0.7% 418.9 0.3% 18071.9 12.0% 1625.9 1.1% 61.7 0.0% 117790 78.2% 150550.3 100.0% Table 7. Area in square kilometers (sq. km) for lands in each GAP status level, listed by steward. Percentages for each category and steward are based upon total land area in the State. 51 DRAFT 02/01/05 Figure 18. Map of GAP land stewards. 52 DRAFT 02/01/05 Figure 19. Map of stewardship status. 53 DRAFT 02/01/05 Table 8. Land areas in Michigan with GAP status levels of 1 or 2. Name of Status 1&2 Areas / Size (sq. km) Michigan State Parks / 828.3 Isle Royale National Park / 570.6 Pictured Rocks National Lakeshore / 121.8 Sleeping Bear Dunes National Lakeshore / 253.1 Seney (and Islands) National Wildlife Refuges / 380.7 The Nature Conservancy Preserves / 61.7 Established Mar. 1931 1966 Oct. 1970 1935 Steward MI DNR U.S. NPS U.S. NPS U.S. NPS U.S. FWS The Nat. Cons. Limitations and Discussion This map is a compilation of ownership maps provided by a variety of sources that are individually responsible for their accuracy. It was created solely for the purpose of conducting the analyses described in this report and is not suitable for locating boundaries on the ground or determining precise area measurements of individual tracts. The categorization of GAP status level 2 on National Forest and State Forest is an underestimate because of the lack of available information at the time of data compilation on the boundaries of relatively small areas that have formal dedication as Wilderness or Natural Areas. The impact of this underestimate on the analysis of biodiversity protection across the entire State is, in the opinion of the authors, miniscule. 54 DRAFT 02/01/05 ANALYSIS BASED ON STEWARDSHIP AND MANAGEMENT STATUS Introduction This chapter describes the method and results of the gap analysis as used by the Gap Analysis Program. As described in the general introduction to this report, the primary objective of GAP is to provide information on the distribution and status of several elements of biological diversity. Although GAP "seeks to identify habitat types and species not adequately represented in the current network of biodiversity management areas" (Gap Analysis Program, 2000), it is unrealistic to create a standard definition of "adequate representation" for either land cover types or individual species (Noss et al. 1995). A practical solution to this problem is to report both percentages and absolute area of each element in biodiversity management areas and allow the user to determine which types are adequately represented in natural areas. There are many other factors that should be considered in such determinations such as: historic loss or gain in distribution; nature of the spatial distribution; immediate versus long term risk; and degree of local adaptation among populations of the biotic elements that are worthy of individual conservation consideration. Such analyses are beyond the scope of this project, but we encourage their application coupled with field confirmation of the mapped distributions. Currently, land cover types and terrestrial vertebrates are the primary focus of GAP's mapping efforts, however, other components of biodiversity, such as aquatic organisms or selected groups of invertebrates may be incorporated into GAP distributional data sets. Where appropriate, GAP data may also be analyzed to identify the location of a set of areas in which most or all land cover types or species are predicted to be represented. The use of "complementarity" analysis, that is, an approach that additively identifies a selection of locations that may represent biodiversity rather than "hot spots of species richness" may prove most effective for guiding biodiversity maintenance efforts. Several quantitative techniques have been developed recently that facilitate this process (see Pressey et al. 1993, Williams et al. 1996, Csuti et al. 1997, for details). These areas become candidates for field validation and may be incorporated into a system of areas managed for the long-term maintenance of biological diversity. The network of Conservation Data Centers (CDCs) and Natural Heritage Programs (NHPs) established cooperatively by The Nature Conservancy and various state agencies maintain detailed databases on the locations of rare elements of biodiversity. GAP cooperatively uses these data to develop predicted distributions of potentially suitable 55 DRAFT 02/01/05 habitat for these elements, which may be valuable for identifying research needs and preliminary considerations for restoration or reintroduction. Conservation of such elements, however, is best accomplished through the fine-filter approach of the above organizations as described in the introduction. It is not the role of GAP to duplicate or disseminate Heritage Program or CDC Element Occurrence Records. Users interested in more specific information about the location, status, and ecology of populations of such species are directed to their state Heritage Program or CDC. Methods The gap analysis is accomplished by first producing: maps of land cover (see Figure 2), predicted distributions for selected animal species (see Figure 7), and land stewardship and management status (see Figure 19). The intersection of the land stewardship map with the maps of the elements of biodiversity (land cover and vertebrates) produces tables summarizing the distribution of each element in different land stewardship and management categories. The summarization of stewardship for each of the elements of biodiversity was accomplished with the use of the Summary command in ERDAS Imagine. Results of the Summary command were exported to Microsoft Excel to create tables. All summaries used 90m versions of the vertebrate distribution, land cover, and stewardship grids. Results The data are provided in a format that allows users to carry out inquiries about the representation of each element in different land stewardship and management categories as appropriate to their own management objectives. This forms the basis of GAP's mission to provide land owners and managers with the information necessary to conduct informed policy development, planning, and management for biodiversity maintenance. As a coarse indicator of the status of the elements, we provide a breakdown along five levels of representation (0-<1%, 1-<10%, 10-<20%, and 20-<50%; >=50%). The <1% level indicates those elements with essentially none of their distribution in a protected status while levels of 10%, 20%, and 50% have been recommended in the literature as necessary amounts of conservation (Noss and Cooperrider 1994; Noss 1991; Odum and Odum 1972; Specht et al. 1974; Ride 1975; Miller 1994). Land Cover Analysis Table 9 summarizes land cover type by stewardship status. Appendix F is a complete table of land cover type by land steward and stewardship status. For example, Appendix F reveals that 2.26% of Northern Hardwood forests are classified as status 1 and 2, and 25% are classified as status 3. The management responsibility for status 3 Northern 56 DRAFT 02/01/05 Hardwoods is split about equally between the U.S. Forest Service and the Michigan DNR. Table 9. Land cover types and stewardship status. Land Cover Type Urban Types (Total) Low Intensity Urban High Intensity Urban Airports Roads/Parking Lots Agricultural Types (Total) Non-vegetated Farmland Row Crops Forage Crops Orchards/Vineyards/Nursery Open Land Types (Total) Herbaceous Open Land Upland Shrub and Low Density Trees Parks and Golf Courses Upland Forest (Total) Northern Hardwood Oaks Types Aspen Types Other Upland Deciduous Mixed Upland Deciduous Pine Types Other Upland Conifer Mixed Upland Conifer Upland Mixed Forest Water Lowland Forest (Total) Lowland Deciduous Forest Lowland Coniferous Forest Lowland Mixed Forest Non-Forested Wetlands (Total) Floating Aquatic Wetland Shrub Wetland Emergent Wetland Mixed Non-forest Wetland Non-Vegetated Types (Total) Sand/Soil Exposed Rock Mud Flats Other Bare/Sparsely Vegetated Total Status 1 ha % 177 0.02 23 0.01 12 0.01 0 0.00 142 0.03 272 0.01 0 0.00 113 0.01 159 0.01 0 0.00 3,580 0.23 1,016 0.09 2,564 0.65 0 0.00 70,750 1.25 17,226 1.00 1,442 0.23 28,509 2.77 2 0.01 302 0.07 6,726 0.80 6,519 4.37 386 0.47 9,637 1.23 6,804 1.94 15,580 0.91 651 0.09 12,882 1.38 2,046 3.91 34,924 3.20 954 2.14 13,154 2.10 2,067 1.91 18,748 6.03 482 0.76 101 0.24 332 15.25 0 0.00 49 0.26 132,569 0.88 Stewardship (ha) Status 3 ha % 27,195 3.46 4,519 2.07 731 0.52 153 4.17 21,792 5.15 20,335 0.53 200 0.85 7,368 0.46 12,133 0.57 634 0.86 254,658 16.67 151,663 13.75 102,905 26.20 91 0.29 1,721,129 30.30 433,525 25.08 169,484 27.03 323,493 31.49 1,469 9.01 48,169 11.16 400,518 47.89 55,786 37.41 32,357 39.58 256,327 32.80 28,490 8.11 524,196 30.59 135,388 18.51 371,469 39.94 17,339 33.13 340,407 31.21 9,649 21.66 184,975 29.51 16,333 15.07 129,450 41.62 4,004 6.35 2,829 6.73 15 0.71 17 91.30 1,142 6.07 2,920,414 19.40 Status 2 ha % 2,959 0.38 743 0.34 346 0.25 15 0.42 1,855 0.44 3,686 0.10 21 0.09 751 0.05 2,798 0.13 116 0.16 7,853 0.51 6,101 0.55 1,726 0.44 26 0.08 44,091 0.78 21,889 1.27 2,965 0.47 5,879 0.57 45 0.27 2,022 0.47 5,385 0.64 319 0.21 889 1.09 4,698 0.60 5,482 1.56 11,946 0.70 3,655 0.50 7,793 0.84 498 0.95 7,750 0.71 315 0.71 4,100 0.65 644 0.59 2,691 0.87 5,014 7.96 4,577 10.89 24 1.12 0 0.00 412 2.19 88,780 0.59 Status 4 ha 755,391 213,071 139,388 3,502 399,430 3,817,675 23,450 1,604,248 2,117,122 72,855 1,261,583 944,529 285,622 31,432 3,843,790 1,256,095 453,147 669,558 14,782 381,266 423,623 86,495 48,116 510,707 310,437 1,162,130 591,692 537,983 32,455 707,706 33,630 424,647 89,322 160,107 53,522 34,513 1,805 2 17,201 11,912,234 % 96.14 97.58 99.23 95.41 94.38 99.37 99.07 99.49 99.29 98.98 82.58 85.61 72.71 99.63 67.68 72.66 72.27 65.17 90.70 88.31 50.66 58.00 58.86 65.36 88.39 67.81 80.90 57.84 62.01 64.88 75.49 67.74 82.43 51.48 84.93 82.13 82.92 8.70 91.48 79.13 Status 1 and 2 Total Hectares ha % 3,136 0.40 785,722 765 0.35 218,355 358 0.25 140,477 15 0.42 3,671 1,997 0.47 423,219 3,958 0.10 3,841,968 21 0.09 23,671 864 0.05 1,612,480 2,957 0.14 2,132,212 116 0.16 73,606 11,433 0.75 1,527,675 7,117 0.65 1,103,308 4,291 1.09 392,818 26 0.08 31,549 114,841 2.02 5,679,760 39,116 2.26 1,728,736 4,407 0.70 627,039 34,388 3.35 1,027,439 47 0.29 16,297 2,324 0.54 431,759 12,111 1.45 836,252 6,838 4.59 149,119 1,275 1.56 81,748 14,335 1.83 781,370 12,286 3.50 351,213 27,525 1.61 1,713,852 4,306 0.59 731,386 20,675 2.22 930,128 2,544 4.86 52,338 42,674 3.91 1,090,787 1,269 2.85 44,548 17,255 2.75 626,876 2,711 2.50 108,366 21,439 6.89 310,996 5,496 8.72 63,021 4,679 11.13 42,021 356 16.37 2,177 0 0.00 19 461 2.45 18,804 221,349 1.47 15,053,997 As explained above, we provide results according to thresholds of representation advocated in the literature to conserve biodiversity. The values in the table will allow users to set any desirable threshold to identify elements requiring more protection according to their criteria. The following summaries highlight potential gaps and conservation needs; Appendix F provides figures of stewardship representation for all land cover types by land steward and management status. Land Cover with 0 - <1% representation in GAP status 1 and 2: The urban and agricultural types fall into this category as expected. With only one and a half percent of Michigan in status 1 and 2, some of the more natural land cover types also fall into this category. Most significant to biodiversity conservation is the fact that open land cover types have less than one percent representation in status 1 and 2. Most status 1 and status 2 lands in Michigan are in the Upper Peninsula. The Upper Peninsula of Michigan is mostly forested. Land Cover with 1% - <10% representation in GAP status 1 and 2: 57 DRAFT 02/01/05 Most other natural land cover types fall into this category. As a group, the upland forest, lowland forest, non-forested wetlands, and non-vegetated groups are all in this category. Looking within the non-vegetated group it is interesting to note that the Sand/Soil class and Exposed Rock class both exceed 10 percent representation. Land Cover with l0% - <20% representation in GAP status 1 and 2: The Sand/Soil class and Exposed Rock class fall into this category. These cover types represent habitat unique to the Michigan Great Lakes shoreline. Past recognition of their global importance resulted in a larger percent of these cover types set aside as protected areas. Land Cover with 20% - <50% representation in GAP status 1 and 2: There are no land cover types in this category Land Cover with at least 50% representation in GAP status 1 and 2: There are no land cover types in this category. Limitations and Discussion for Land Cover Analysis Assessing the conservation status of natural land cover is limited by several confounding factors. GAP has typically found the accuracy of the mapped distributions of natural communities at the floristic (e.g., alliance) level to be substantially lower and more variable than that of animal distributions. Any aggregation of biotic units (e.g., above species) is a surrogate for species or lower levels of biotic organization and will underrepresent conservation need (Pressey and Logan 1995). Also, we cannot distinguish the degree of natural condition or value of the mapped units due to management manipulation, exotic invasion, or spatial configuration. Considering an aggregation of species (i.e. a land cover type) to be sufficiently represented in existing conservation areas cannot be determined solely by the percentage of the type represented because the land cover type has unmapped variation in species composition that we could not measure. Until individual plant species distributions can be mapped, it is not possible to assure that the full range of vegetation biodiversity is represented, and surrogates must be used. Predicted Animal Species Distributions Analysis A summary table is not provided due to the large number of species analyzed, but some generalizations and examples of species results by the various thresholds are provided below. The complete Animal Species Distributions Analysis Tables found in Appendix G (reptiles and amphibians), Appendix H (mammals), and Appendix I (birds), provides the area in square kilometers (multiply by 100 for hectares, 247 for acres) of the species' mapped distribution by management status and land steward, and the percent of the species' total distribution in each category. For example, a typical entry may indicate that 58 DRAFT 02/01/05 Cooper’s hawk has 12,293 km2 of potential habitat in Michigan DNR lands that are ranked status 3, representing 16.7% of that species' total distribution. Species with 0 - <1% of predicted distribution in status 1 or 2: Table 10 shows 60 of 214 (28%) birds, 19 of 61 (31%) mammals, 21 of 30 (70%) reptiles, and 7 of 22 (32%) amphibians have less than 1% of their predicted distribution in status 1 or 2 lands. Table 10. Species with 0-<1% of predicted distribution in status 1 and 2. Birds % Mammals % Reptiles and Amphibians % Sharp-tailed grouse 0.00 Smoky shrew 0.00 Six-lined racerunner 0.00 Peregrine falcon 0.04 Elk 0.03 Western lesser siren 0.15 Cattle egret 0.06 Least shrew 0.16 Blue racer 0.30 Purple martin 0.12 Prairie vole 0.22 Fowler's toad 0.32 Northern rough-winged swallow 0.12 Indiana bat 0.28 Blanchard's cricket frog 0.36 Cliff swallow 0.13 Least weasel 0.30 Butler's garter snake 0.37 Bobolink 0.14 American badger 0.31 Smallmouth salamander 0.38 Eastern meadowlark 0.14 Star-nosed mole 0.32 Kirtland's snake 0.40 Northern bobwhite 0.15 Thirteen-lined ground squirrel 0.34 Western chorus frog 0.41 Western meadowlark 0.15 Eastern fox squirrel 0.40 Eastern hog-nosed snake 0.45 Horned lark 0.20 Meadow vole 0.42 Black rat snake 0.46 Northern mockingbird 0.22 Eastern mole 0.55 Eastern massasauga rattlesnake 0.47 Ring-necked pheasant 0.22 Eastern cottontail 0.56 Copper-bellied water snake 0.48 Vesper sparrow 0.23 Deer mouse (bairdii) 0.64 Northern ribbon snake 0.51 Killdeer 0.26 Southern flying squirrel 0.69 Brown snake 0.59 Chimney swift 0.28 Striped skunk 0.74 Eastern box turtle 0.61 Loggerhead shrike 0.29 Woodchuck 0.84 Spotted turtle 0.65 House finch 0.30 Virginia opossum 0.86 Queen snake 0.66 Grasshopper sparrow 0.31 Woodland vole 0.87 Spiny softshell 0.67 Henslow's sparrow 0.31 Five-lined skink 0.69 Sedge wren 0.32 Red-eared slider 0.75 Upland sandpiper 0.34 Common musk turtle 0.77 Wild turkey 0.35 Marbled salamander 0.77 Kirtland's warbler 0.35 Eastern milk snake 0.80 Long-eared owl 0.35 Eastern fox snake 0.81 Ring-billed gull 0.37 Common map turtle 0.86 Yellow-breasted chat 0.38 Eastern tiger salamander 0.86 Eastern bluebird 0.40 Smooth green snake 0.86 Worm-eating warbler 0.42 Willow flycatcher 0.45 Carolina wren 0.46 Hooded warbler 0.47 Acadian flycatcher 0.48 White-eyed vireo 0.49 Blue-winged warbler 0.49 Prothonotary warbler 0.51 Great egret 0.51 59 DRAFT 02/01/05 Louisiana waterthrush 0.53 Cerulean warbler 0.53 Eastern screech-owl 0.63 Common moorhen 0.68 Common nighthawk 0.68 Barn swallow 0.69 Orchard oriole 0.71 Song sparrow 0.72 Yellow-throated warbler 0.73 Clay-colored sparrow 0.74 Dickcissel 0.76 American goldfinch 0.77 Eastern towhee 0.77 Short-eared owl 0.82 Tufted titmouse 0.82 Field sparrow 0.89 American coot 0.89 Bank swallow 0.91 Blue-gray gnatcatcher 0.91 Whip-poor-will 0.93 Mallard 0.96 Sandhill crane 0.97 Tree swallow 0.98 Species with 1% - <10% of predicted distribution in status 1 or 2: Table 11 shows 147 of 214 (69%) birds, 42 of 61 (69%) mammals, 9 of 30 (30%) reptiles, and 15 of 22 (68%) amphibians have between than 1 and 10% of their predicted distribution in status 1 or 2 lands. Table 11. Species with 1-<10% of predicted distribution in status 1 and 2. Birds % Mammals % Reptiles and Amphibians % Red-bellied woodpecker 1.04 Coyote 1.05 Green frog 1.31 American woodcock 1.07 White-tailed deer 1.05 American toad 1.34 Yellow-throated vireo 1.09 Northern short-tailed shrew 1.05 Spotted salamander 1.37 Northern harrier 1.11 Red fox 1.06 Bullfrog 1.38 Turkey vulture 1.13 Common gray fox 1.09 Westen fox snake 1.48 Rusty blackbird 1.16 American beaver 1.12 Wood turtle 1.53 Northern cardinal 1.20 White-footed mouse 1.16 Northern red-bellied snake 1.60 American crow 1.20 Common raccoon 1.18 Four-toed salamander 1.67 Savannah sparrow 1.21 Meadow jumping mouse 1.22 Blanding's turtle 1.69 American robin 1.25 Black bear 1.27 Redback salamander 1.72 American kestrel 1.27 Eastern gray squirrel 1.33 Northern ring-necked snake 1.77 Baltimore oriole 1.30 Southern bog lemming 1.40 Mudpuppy 1.84 Golden-winged warbler 1.38 American marten 1.41 Eastern garter snake 1.91 Red-headed woodpecker 1.38 Bobcat 1.44 Blue-spotted salamander 2.01 Red-eyed vireo 1.38 Least chipmunk 1.50 Gray treefrog 2.02 Northern pintail 1.39 Masked shrew 1.50 Northern water snake 2.07 60 DRAFT 02/01/05 Brown-headed cowbird 1.39 Northern flying squirrel 1.52 Eastern newt 2.10 Red-winged blackbird 1.40 Woodland jumping mouse 1.56 Wood frog 2.31 Wilson's phalarope 1.41 Eastern pipistrelle 1.58 Northern spring peeper 2.37 Eastern kingbird 1.41 Eastern chipmunk 1.63 Pickerel frog 2.68 Black-crowned night-heron 1.41 Red squirrel 1.67 Northern leopard frog 2.85 Chipping sparrow 1.48 Water shrew 1.78 Painted turtle 3.44 Yellow warbler 1.48 Long-tailed weasel 1.85 Snapping turtle 3.80 Eastern phoebe 1.49 Little brown bat 1.89 Mink frog 7.73 Pine warbler 1.49 Big brown bat 1.89 Wood thrush 1.51 Eastern red bat 1.90 Red-tailed hawk 1.56 Silver-haired bat 1.92 Warbling vireo 1.57 Northern myotis 1.94 Mourning dove 1.59 Hoary bat 1.94 Dark-eyed junco 1.59 Ermine 1.98 Cedar waxwing 1.60 Pygmy shrew 2.02 Chestnut-sided warbler 1.63 Fisher 2.06 Ruby-throated hummingbird 1.63 Common porcupine 2.10 House wren 1.63 Southern red-backed vole 2.34 Pileated woodpecker 1.64 Snowshoe hare 2.35 Barred owl 1.65 Deer mouse (gracilis) 2.81 Eastern wood-pewee 1.67 Gray wolf 3.04 White-breasted nuthatch 1.71 Arctic shrew 3.15 Scarlet tanager 1.71 Mink 3.21 Rose-breasted grosbeak 1.71 Northern river otter 3.97 Great crested flycatcher 1.72 Muskrat 5.68 Northern waterthrush 1.74 Moose 6.84 Brown thrasher 1.76 Blue jay 1.76 Northern flicker 1.77 Belted kingfisher 1.80 Red-shouldered hawk 1.84 Downy woodpecker 1.84 Indigo bunting 1.85 Prairie warbler 1.86 Cooper's hawk 1.90 Great horned owl 1.90 Hairy woodpecker 1.90 Blue-headed vireo 1.92 Yellow-billed cuckoo 1.92 Hooded merganser 1.92 American redstart 1.93 Blackburnian warbler 1.94 Black-capped chickadee 1.94 Brown creeper 1.96 Evening grosbeak 1.96 Veery 1.97 Ovenbird 1.98 Mourning warbler 1.98 Hermit thrush 1.98 61 DRAFT 02/01/05 Brewer's blackbird 2.05 Nashville warbler 2.07 Least flycatcher 2.08 Black-throated green warbler 2.09 Broad-winged hawk 2.09 Pine siskin 2.10 Black-billed cuckoo 2.11 Purple finch 2.12 Sharp-shinned hawk 2.12 Bald eagle 2.14 Northern shoveler 2.14 Double-crested cormorant 2.15 Red-breasted nuthatch 2.16 Golden-crowned kinglet 2.16 Gray catbird 2.17 Ruby-crowned kinglet 2.17 Black-and-white warbler 2.18 Tennessee warbler 2.19 Canada warbler 2.20 Yellow-bellied sapsucker 2.21 Northern saw-whet owl 2.22 White-throated sparrow 2.22 Wood duck 2.24 Northern goshawk 2.24 Common merganser 2.27 Osprey 2.28 Olive-sided flycatcher 2.29 Swainson's thrush 2.32 American black duck 2.34 Cape May warbler 2.35 Yellow-rumped warbler 2.40 Black-throated blue warbler 2.41 Forster's tern 2.43 Winter wren 2.45 Magnolia warbler 2.46 Green heron 2.48 Great blue heron 2.51 Yellow-bellied flycatcher 2.51 Pied-billed grebe 2.52 Red crossbill 2.52 Red-breasted merganser 2.62 Common raven 2.63 Northern parula 2.67 Common loon 2.72 Blue-winged teal 2.72 Canada goose 2.85 Spruce grouse 2.87 Common snipe 2.91 Gray jay 2.94 62 DRAFT 02/01/05 Lincoln's sparrow 2.95 Common grackle 2.96 Palm warbler 3.05 Philadelphia vireo 3.06 Bay-breasted warbler 3.07 White-winged crossbill 3.08 Great gray owl 3.09 Ruffed grouse 3.14 Boreal chickadee 3.18 Common goldeneye 3.22 Herring gull 3.22 Ruddy duck 3.25 Alder flycatcher 3.33 Swamp sparrow 3.42 Black-backed woodpecker 3.45 Common tern 3.65 Merlin 3.78 Common yellowthroat 3.79 Green-winged teal 3.90 Connecticut warbler 3.96 American bittern 4.12 Caspian tern 4.34 Ring-necked duck 4.72 Gadwall 5.05 Sora 5.08 Trumpeter swan 5.17 Wilson's warbler 5.33 Red-necked grebe 5.55 Marsh wren 6.21 American wigeon 6.71 Black tern 7.28 Virginia rail 7.34 Le Conte's sparrow 8.49 Species with l0% - <20% of predicted distribution in status 1 or 2: Table 12 shows 5 of 214 (2%) birds, 0 mammals, 0 reptiles, and 0 amphibians have between than 10 and 20% of their predicted distribution in status 1 or 2 lands. These 5 species all have limited predicted distributions and are associated with wetland or Great Lakes coastal environments. Status 1 national wildlife refuges in Michigan are principally wetland dominated environments while status 1 and 2, national lakeshores protect coastal environments. 63 DRAFT 02/01/05 Table 12. Species with >10% of predicted distribution in status 1 and 2. Birds % Least bittern 11.06 King rail 11.76 Yellow-headed blackbird 11.82 Spotted sandpiper 15.70 Redhead 18.63 Yellow rail 27.36 Piping plover 30.73 Mammals % Reptiles and Amphibians % Species with 20% - <50% of predicted distribution in status 1 or 2: Table 12 shows 2 of 214 (1%) birds, 0 mammals, 0 reptiles, and 0 amphibians have between than 20 and 50% of their predicted distribution in status 1 or 2 lands. The Yellow rail has a small (70,525 ha) predicted distribution that significantly overlaps the Seney National Wildlife Refuge. The Piping plover’s extremely small predicted distribution (7,735 ha) overlaps significantly with the Sleeping Bear Dunes and Pictured Rocks National Lakeshores and coastal Michigan DNR State Parks. Species with at least 50% representation in GAP status 1 and 2: There are no species in this category Analysis of State Endemics There are two State endemic birds, the Great Lakes Piping plover which is discussed above, and the Kirtland’s warbler. The Kirtland’s warbler is associated with young, dense jackpine stands. The primary range of the Kirtland’s warbler is the central portion of Michigan’s northern Lower Peninsula. Most currently occupied Kirtland’s warbler habitat is intensively managed by either the Michigan DNR or the United States Forest Service. Less than 1% of warbler habitat is in status 1 and 2 areas. The current predicted distribution is 70% status 3 lands. Eco-Regional Analysis The majority (72%) of Michigan’s status 1 and 2 lands are located in Michigan’s Upper Peninsula (Albert’s Section VIII and IX, see Figure 19). Michigan’s status 3 lands are well distributed across the Upper Peninsula and the northern Lower Peninsula (Albert’s Section VII) and comprise most of the public land base in these forest dominated landscapes. The southern Lower Peninsula (Albert’s Section VI) is 97% status 4 land in a primarily agricultural and urban landscape. Species with predicted distributions in the northern part of Michigan generally have more of their predicted distribution in status 1 and 2 lands. Reptiles, as a taxonomic group, 64 DRAFT 02/01/05 have more species in southern Michigan (Figure 3.9) which helps explain why 70% of reptiles have less than 1% of their predicted distribution in status 1 and 2 lands. Limitations and Discussion When applying the results of our analyses, it is critical that the following limitations are considered: 1) the limitations described for each of the component parts (land cover mapping, animal species mapping, stewardship mapping) of the analyses; 2) the spatial and thematic map accuracy of the components; and 3) the suitability of the results for the intended application (see Appropriate and Inappropriate Use below). One point is very clear in the stewardship analysis. Status 1 and status 2 lands in Michigan comprise 1.5% of Michigan’s landscape and do not afford adequate protection for the complete range of biodiversity elements in Michigan. Status 3 land comprises 19.4% of Michigan’s landscape, and offers the best opportunity for protecting biodiversity on a public land base. The Michigan DNR manages 2/3 of Michigan’s status 3 lands and the U.S. Forest Service manages almost all of the remaining 1/3. If status 3 lands are considered as offering an equivalent measure of biodiversity protection to status 1 and 2 lands and add the percentage of predicted distribution in status 3 lands to the previous analysis of vertebrate biodiversity, the outlook for the conservation of biodiversity in Michigan improves dramatically. Figures 20, 21, 22, and 23 depict the potential impact of status 3 lands on the protection of vertebrate biodiversity in Michigan. 65 DRAFT 02/01/05 Birds 160 140 number of species 120 100 Status 1-2 Status 1-3 80 60 40 20 0 0-1 1-10 10-20 20-30 30-40 40-50 >50 % of predicted distribution Figure 20. A comparison of the number of birds that fall into each category of biodiversity protection when status 3 lands are considered equivalent to status 1 and 2 lands for the protection of biodiversity. 66 DRAFT 02/01/05 Mammals 45 40 35 number of species 30 25 Status 1-2 Status 1-3 20 15 10 5 0 0-1 1-10 10-20 20-30 30-40 40-50 >50 % of predicted distribution Figure 21. A comparison of the number of mammals that fall into each category of biodiversity protection when status 3 lands are considered equivalent to status 1 and 2 lands for the protection of biodiversity. 67 DRAFT 02/01/05 Amphibians 16 14 number of species 12 10 Status 1-2 Status 1-3 8 6 4 2 0 0-1 1-10 10-20 20-30 30-40 40-50 >50 % of predicted distribution Figure 22. A comparison of the number of amphibians that fall into each category of biodiversity protection when status 3 lands are considered equivalent to status 1 and 2 lands for the protection of biodiversity. 68 DRAFT 02/01/05 Reptiles 25 number of species 20 15 Status 1-2 Status 1-3 10 5 0 0-1 1-10 10-20 20-30 30-40 40-50 >50 % of predicted distribution Figure 23. A comparison of the number of reptiles that fall into each category of biodiversity protection when status 3 lands are considered equivalent to status 1 and 2 lands for the protection of biodiversity. Status 4 lands in Michigan also provide significant habitat for a diversity of wildlife and contribute to the conservation picture in Michigan. Michigan has 8,963 sq. km of Commercial Forest Act (CFA) lands. Ninety eight percent of CFA lands are located in the Upper Peninsula. Private land habitat programs associated with the 2002 Farm Bill impact over 139,600 hectares primarily in southern Michigan (M. Sargent, personal communication). 69 DRAFT 02/01/05 CONCLUSIONS AND MANAGEMENT IMPLICATIONS Before settlement by Europeans, Michigan was a state dominated by vast forests, wetlands and grasslands. Massive deforestion, followed by extensive drainage, agriculture and urban development, and in some regions, eventual reforestation has given modern Michigan three distinctive regional characters. Deforestion, wetland drainage, and the plowing of grasslands in the Southern Lower Peninsula created valuable agriculture lands. This landscape is still dominated by agriculture and the cities that grew to support agriculture and industry. There is very little public ownership in this part of the State, making private land habitat management programs critical to the protection of southern Michigan biodiversity. Most of the public land base is administered by the Michigan DNR in the form of State Game Areas, State Parks, and State Recreation Areas. Management of the public land is important as these State Game and Recreation Areas are the only relatively large blocks of forested habitat in the southern Michigan landscape. Land use planning emphasizing the conservation and restoration of large blocks of natural landscapes will be important for the long term protection of biodiversity in this region. Massive deforestation in the northern Lower Peninsula and Upper Peninsula was followed by catastrophic fires that depleted soil nutrients over much of this region. Early efforts at developing a strong agricultural presence in this part of Michigan failed because of the predominance of nutrient-poor sandy soils. The repeating pattern of failed agriculture and tax reversion in the late 1800s and early 1900s resulted in the “land that nobody wanted” (Titus 1945). Much of this land eventually became part of Michigan’s current public land base. The large public land base and the numerous lakes and streams, combined with the relative close proximity to the large urban centers, quickly made the northern Lower Peninsula a prime recreation destination in Michigan. This area of the State has seen rapid population growth over the last few decades. There are great demands on the public land base in the northern Lower Peninsula for timber, oil and gas, and recreation. With 30% of the land base in public ownership (mostly status 3), the greatest public land management challenge will be maintaining the full suite of biodiversity on these status 3 lands while still satisfying the intense demands for multiple resource values. One of the biggest challenges facing private land management is habitat fragmentation caused by a long-term trend towards smaller ownership parcels. The Upper Peninsula remains a land of vast forest and wetlands with limited agricultural activities. The mining industry that developed in this region after European settlement is 70 DRAFT 02/01/05 mostly gone. Relatively small urban centers are found along the Great Lakes shoreline. This region of the State has the largest public land base (40%). It also contains large amounts of industrial forest land. With a low human population density this area is home to a recovering wolf population. The Upper Peninsula contains most of the status 1 and 2 lands in Michigan, but these lands comprise only 3.5% of the regional landscape. The management of status 3 lands (State and National Forest) for the full range of biodiversity is a critical conservation challenge in this region. Conservation partnerships like EUPPEM (Eastern Upper Peninsula Partners in Ecosystem Management) provide the opportunity to improve the management of both public and private lands, especially commercial forest lands, in this relatively undeveloped region of the State. The Michigan Gap Analysis Project quantifies much of what we suspected are the biodiversity conservation challenges and opportunities in Michigan. The data layers and models are the first step at looking at the full range of biodiversity conservation in Michigan. As information on species/habitat relationships improves, combined with an ever increasing capability to describe the vegetative and structural composition of the landscape, the models that form the basis of GAP will improve. The regional and statewide approaches to biodiversity conservation as represented in the Michigan DNR by regional ecosystem management teams, the EUPPEM group, the LIP program, the Wildlife Conservation Strategy, the Old Growth and Biodiversity Stewardship Committee, and the Biodiversity Atlas Project will be best served by the current GAP products. 71 DRAFT 02/01/05 PRODUCT USE AND AVAILABILITY How to Obtain the Products It is the goal of the Gap Analysis Program and the USGS Biological Resources Division (BRD) to make the data and associated information as widely available as possible. Use of the data requires specialized software called Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and substantial computing power. Additional information on how to use the data or obtain GIS services is provided below and on the GAP home page (URL below). While a CD-ROM of the data will be the most convenient way to obtain the data, it may also be downloaded via the Internet from the national GAP home page at: http://www.gap.uidaho.edu/ The home page will also provide, over the long term, the status of our state's project, future updates, data availability, and contacts. Within a few months of this project's completion, CD-ROMs of the final report and data should be available at a nominal cost. See the above home page for ordering information. Michigan Gap Analysis Project information can be obtained by visiting the following website: http://www.fw.msu.edu/labs/gap/home.htm Disclaimer Following is the official Biological Resources Division (BRD) disclaimer as of 29 January 1996, followed by additional disclaimers from GAP. Prior to using the data, you should consult the GAP home page (see How to Obtain the Data, above) for the current disclaimer. Although these data have been processed successfully on a computer system at the BRD, no warranty expressed or implied is made regarding the accuracy or utility of the data on any other system or for general or scientific purposes, nor shall the act of distribution constitute any such warranty. This disclaimer applies both to individual use of the data and aggregate use with other data. It is strongly recommended that these data are directly acquired from a BRD server [see above for approved data providers] and not indirectly through other sources which may have changed the data in some way. It is also strongly recommended that careful attention be paid to the content of the metadata file associated with these data. The Biological Resources Division shall not be held liable for improper or incorrect use of the data described and/or contained herein. These data were compiled with regard to the following standards. Please be aware of the limitations of the data. These data are meant to be used at a scale of 1:100,000 or smaller (such as 1:250,000 or 1:500,000) for the purpose of assessing the conservation status of animals and vegetation types over large geographic regions. The data may or may not 72 DRAFT 02/01/05 have been assessed for statistical accuracy. Data evaluation and improvement may be ongoing. The Biological Resources Division makes no claim as to the data's suitability for other purposes. This is writable data which may have been altered from the original product if not obtained from a designated data distributor identified above. Appropriate and Inappropriate Use of These Data All information is created with a specific end use or uses in mind. This is especially true for GIS data, which is expensive to produce and must be directed to meet the immediate program needs. For GAP, minimum standards were set (see A Handbook for Gap Analysis, Scott et al. 1993) to meet program objectives. Recognizing, however, that GAP would be the first, and for many years likely the only, source of statewide biological GIS maps, the data were created with the expectation that they would be used for other applications. Therefore, we list below both appropriate and inappropriate uses. This list is in no way exhaustive but should serve as a guide to assess whether a proposed use can or cannot be supported by GAP data. For most uses, it is unlikely that GAP will provide the only data needed, and for uses with a regulatory outcome, field surveys should verify the result. In the end, it will be the responsibility of each data user to determine if GAP data can answer the question being asked, and if they are the best tool to answer that question. Scale First we must address the issue of appropriate scale to which these data may be applied. The data were produced with an intended application at the eco-region level, that is, geographic areas from several hundred thousand to millions of hectares in size. The data provide a coarse-filter approach to analysis, meaning that not every occurrence of every plant community or animal species habitat is mapped; only larger, more generalized distributions were mapped. The data are also based on the USGS 1:100,000 scale of mapping in both detail and precision. When determining whether to apply GAP data to a particular use, there are two primary questions: do you want to use the data as a map for the particular geographic area, or do you wish to use the data to provide context for a particular area? The distinction can be made with the following example: You could use GAP land cover to determine the approximate amount of oak woodland occurring in a county, or you could map oak woodland with aerial photography to determine the exact amount. You then could use GAP data to determine the approximate percentage of all oak woodland in the region or state that occurs in the county, and thus gain a sense of how important the county's distribution is to maintaining that plant community. Appropriate Uses The above example illustrates two appropriate uses of the data: as a coarse map for a large area such as a county, and to provide context for finer-level maps. Specific casestudy examples are provided in Appendix J, but following is a general list of applications: 73 DRAFT 02/01/05 Statewide biodiversity planning; Regional (Councils of Government) planning; Regional habitat conservation planning; County comprehensive planning; Large-area resource management planning; Coarse-filter evaluation of potential impacts or benefits of major projects or plan initiatives on biodiversity, such as utility or transportation corridors, wilderness proposals, regional open space and recreation proposals, etc.; Determining relative amounts of management responsibility for specific biological resources among land stewards to facilitate cooperative management and planning; Basic research on regional distributions of plants and animals and to help target both specific species and geographic areas for needed research; Environmental impact assessment for large projects or military activities; Estimation of potential economic impacts from loss of biological resource-based activities; and Education at all levels and for both students and citizens. Inappropriate Uses It is far easier to identify appropriate uses than inappropriate ones, however, there is a "fuzzy line" that is eventually crossed when the differences in resolution of the data, size of geographic area being analyzed, and precision of the answer required for the question are no longer compatible. Examples include: Using the data to map small areas (less than thousands of hectares), typically requiring mapping resolution at 1:24,000 scale and using aerial photographs or ground surveys; Combining GAP data with other data finer than 1:100,000 scale to produce new hybrid maps or answer queries; Generating specific area measurements from the data finer than the nearest thousand hectares (minimum mapping unit size and accuracy affect this precision); Establishing exact boundaries for regulation or acquisition; Establishing definite occurrence or non-occurrence of any feature for an exact geographic area (for land cover, the percent accuracy will provide a measure of probability); Determining abundance, health, or condition of any feature; Establishing a measure of accuracy of any other data by comparison with GAP data; Altering the data in any way and redistributing them as a GAP data product; and Using the data without acquiring and reviewing the metadata and this report. 74 DRAFT 02/01/05 LITERATURE CITED Albert, D. 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Evolutionary Biology 10:167. 78 DRAFT 02/01/05 GLOSSARY aerial videography - video images of the land surface taken from an airplane algorithm - a procedure to solve a problem or model a solution (In GAP typically refers to a GIS procedure used to model animal distributions.) alliance level - a land unit made up of an "alliance" of natural communities that have the same dominant or co-dominant plant species or, in the absence of vegetation, by the dominant land cover typically described according to the Anderson land cover classification (see "Natural Community Alliance" in Grossman et al. 1995) alpha diversity - a single within-habitat measure of species diversity regardless of internal pattern, generally over an area of 0.1 to 1,000 hectares (see Whittaker 1960, 1977) Anderson Level II - the second hierarchical level in the Anderson land cover classification system (see Anderson et al. 1976) anthropogenic - caused by man assemblages - a group of ecologically interrelated plant and animal species band, spectral - a segment of the electromagnetic spectrum defined by a range of wavelengths (e.g. blue, green, red, near infrared, far infrared) that comprise the Landsat TM imagery beta diversity - the change in species diversity among different natural communities of a landscape; an index of between-habitat diversity (see Whittaker 1960, 1977) biodiversity - generally, the variety of life and its interrelated processes biogeographic - relating to the geographical distribution of plants and animals biological diversity - see biodiversity cartographic - pertaining to the art or technique of making maps or charts classify - to assign objects, features, or areas on an image to spectral classes based upon their appearance as opposed to ‘classification’ referring to a scheme for describing the hierarchies of vegetation or animal species for an area coarse filter - the general conservation activities that conserve the common elements of the landscape matrix, as opposed to the "fine filter" conservation activities that are aimed at special cases such as rare elements (see Jenkins 1985) community - a group of interacting plants and animals cover type - a non-technical higher-level floristic and structural description of vegetation cover cross-walking - matching equivalent land cover categories between two or more classification systems delineate - identifying the boundaries between more or less homogenous areas on remotely sensed images as visible from differences in tone and texture delta diversity - the change in species diversity between landscapes along major climatic or physiographic gradients (see Whittaker 1977) digitization - entering spatial data digitally into a Geographic Information System ecoregion - a large region, usually spanning several million hectares, characterized by having similar biota, climate, and physiography (topography, hydrology, etc). 79 DRAFT 02/01/05 ecosystem - a biological community (ranging in scale from a single cave to millions of hectares), its physical environment, and the processes through which matter and energy are transferred among thecomponents edge-matching - the process of connecting polygons at the boundary between two independently created maps, either between TM scenes or between state GAP data sets element - a plant community or animal species mapped by GAP. May also be referred to as "element of biodiversity". error of commission - the occurrence of a species (or other map category) is erroneously predicted in an area where it is in fact absent error of omission - when a model fails to predict the occurrence of a species that is actually present in an area exact set coverage - a basic optimization problem to determine the best method for identifying general areas that, when selected sequentially, would have the greatest positive cumulative impact on attaining adequate representation of any or all biotic elements of interest extinction - disappearance of a species throughout its entire range extirpation - disappearance of a species from part of its range fine filter - see "coarse filter" floristic - pertaining to the plant species that make up the vegetation of a given area. formation level - the level of land cover categorization between Group and Alliance describing the structural attributes of a land unit, for example, "Evergreen Coniferous Woodlands with Rounded Crowns" (see Jennings 1993b) gamma diversity - the species diversity of a landscape, generally covering 1,000 to 1,000,000 hectares, made up of more than one kind of natural community (see Whittaker 1977) gap analysis - a comparison of the distribution of elements of biodiversity with that of areas managed for their long-term viability to identify elements with inadequate representation geographic information systems - computer hardware and software for storing, retrieving, manipulating, and analyzing spatial data Global Positioning System (GPS) - an instrument that utilizes satellite signals to pinpoint its location on the earth's surface greedy heuristic - an algorithm for exact set cover analysis (see Kiester et al., in press) ground truthing - verifying maps by checking the actual occurrence of plant and animal species in the field at representative sample locations habitat - the physical structure, vegetational composition, and physiognomy of an area, the characteristics of which determine its suitability for particular animal or plant species hectare - a metric unit of area of 10,000 square meters and equal to 2.47 acres hex/hexagon - typically refers to the EPA EMAP hexagonal grid of 635 square kilometer units hyperclustering - a efficient, interactive method for accurately analyzing and classifying remotely-sensed data that reduces data size and computational requirements while retaining the integrity of the originaldata 80 DRAFT 02/01/05 lotic - flowing, e.g., water in a stream or river metadata - information about data, e.g., their source, lineage, content, structure, and availability minimum mapping unit - the smallest area that is depicted on a map neotropics - the zoo-geographic region stretching southward from the tropic of Cancer and including southern Mexico, Central and South America, and the West Indies phenology - the study of periodic biological phenomena, such as flowering, breeding, and migration, especially as related to climate phenotype - the environmentally and genetically determined observable appearance of an organism, especially as considered with respect to all possible genetically influenced expressions of one specific character physiognomic - based on physical features physiographic province - a region having a pattern of relief features or land forms that differ significantly from that of adjacent regions pixel - the smallest spatial unit in a raster data structure polygon - an area enclosed by lines in a vector-based Geographic Information System data layer or a region of contiguous homogeneous pixels in a raster system preprocessing - those operations that prepare data for subsequent analysis, usually by attempts to correct or compensate for systematic, radiometric, and geometric errors pro-active - acting in anticipation of an event as opposed to reacting after the fact range - the geographic limit of the species range unit - a spatial, geographic unit to record and display species geographic range. reach - a stream or river segment between inflowing tributaries registration, spatial - matching different images to each other by finding points on the images that can be matched to known points on the ground remote sensing - deriving information about the earth's surface from images acquired at a distance, usually relying on measurement of electromagnetic radiation reflected or emitted from the feature of interest resolution - the ability of a remote sensing system to record and display fine detail in a distinguishable manner or: the smallest feature that can be distinguished or resolved on a map or image, such as a TM pixel scale, map - the ratio of distance on a map to distance in the real word, expressed as a fraction; the smaller the denominator, the larger the scale, e.g. 1:24,000 is larger than 1:100,000 sensitivity analysis - the consideration of a number of factors involved in the mathematical modeling of an ecosystem and its components. These include feedback and control, and the stability and sensitivity of the system as a whole to changes in some part of the system. Predictions can be made from the analysis. simulated annealing - an algorithm used for set coverage analysis (see Kiester et al., in press) species richness - the number of species of a particular interest group found in a given area spectral cluster - a group of adjacent pixels that are uniform with respect to their brightness values 81 DRAFT 02/01/05 supervised classification - the process of classifying TM pixels of unknown identity by using samples of known identity (i.e., pixels already assigned to informational classes by ground truthing or registration with known land cover) as training data synoptic - constituting a brief statement or outline of a subject; presenting a summary tessellation - the division of a map into areas of equal and uniform shape such as the EPA- EMAP hexagon Thematic Mapper - a sensor on LANDSAT 4 and 5 satellites that records information in seven spectral bands, has a spatial resolution of about 30 m x 30 m, and represents digital values in 256 levels of brightness per band transect - a transversely cut line along which physical and biological observations are made trophic structure - the various levels in a food chain, such as producers (plants), primary consumers (herbivores), and secondary consumers (carnivores) Universal Transverse Mercator - one of several map projections or systems of transformations that enables locations on the spherical earth to be represented systematically on a flat map Universal Transverse Mercator grid - a geographic reference system used as the basis for worldwide locational coding of information in a GIS or on a map unsupervised classification - the definition, identification, labeling, and mapping of natural groups, or classes, of spectral values within a scene. These spectral classes are reasonably uniform in brightness in several spectral channels. vector format - a data structure that uses polygons, arcs (lines), and points as fundamental units for analysis and manipulation in a Geographic Information System virtual reality - a computer-generated simulation of reality with which users can interact using specialized peripherals such as data gloves and head-mounted computer graphic displays wildlife habitat relationship model - a method of linking patterns of known habitat use by animal species with maps of existing vegetation, thereby identifying the spatial extent of important habitat features for use in conservation and management. 82 DRAFT 02/01/05 GLOSSARY OF ACRONYMS ACSM American Congress on Surveying and Mapping ADAMAS Aquatic Database Management System ADEM Alabama Department of Environmental Management AML ARC/INFO Macro Language ASPRS American Society for Photogrammetry & Remote Sensing AVHRR Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer (satellite system) BEST Biomonitoring of Environmental Status and Trends BLM Bureau of Land Management CAFF Conservation of Arctic Flora and Fauna C-CAP Coastwatch Change Analysis Program (NOAA) CDC Conservation Data Center CEC Council on Environmental Cooperation CENR Committee on Environment and Natural Resources CERES California Environmental Resources Evaluation System CIESIN Consortium for Internat'l Earth Science Information Network CODA Conservation Options and Decision Analysis (software) CRMP Coordinated Resource Management Plan CRT Cathode ray tube CRUC Cooperative Research Unit Center DLG-E Digital line graph – enhanced DNR Department of Natural Resources DOI Department of the Interior EDC EROS Data Center ECOMAP The National Hierarchical Framework of Ecological Units mapping project of the USDA Forest Service EMAP Environmental Monitoring & Assessment Program EMAP-LC EMAP-Landscape Characterization (USEPA) EMSL Environmental Monitoring & Systems Laboratory (USEPA) EMTC Environmental Management Technical Center (NBS) EOS Earth Observing System EOSAT Earth Observation Satellite Company (the commercial operator of the Landsat satellite system) EOSDIS EOS Data & Information System ERL Environmental Research Laboratory, Corvallis (USEPA) EROS Earth Resources Observation Systems (USGS) ESRI Environmental Systems Research Institute ETM+ Enhanced Thematic Mapper plus FGDC Federal Geographic Data Committee FTP file transfer protocol FY Fiscal Year GAO General Accounting Office (Congress) GAP Gap Analysis Program 83 DRAFT 02/01/05 GCDIS Global Change Data and Information System GLIS Global Land Information System (USGS) GLOBE Global Learning and Observations to Benefit the Environment GPS Global Positioning System GRASS Geographic Resources Analysis Support System GRIS Geographic Resource Information Systems HRMSI High Resolution Multispectral Stereo Imager IALE International Association of Landscape Ecology IDRISI A GIS developed by Clark University IFMAP Integrated Forest Monitoring Assessment and Prescription program of the Michigan Department of Natural Resources LAPS Land Acquisition Priority System LC/LU Land Cover/Land Use (USGS) MIPS Map and Image Processing System MOU Memorandum of Understanding MMU Minimum mapping unit MRLC Multi-Resolution Land Characteristics Consortium MSS Multi-Spectral Scanner MTPE Mission to Planet Earth NAFTA North American Free Trade Agreement NALC North American Landscape Characterization (USEPA, USGS) NAWQA National Water Quality Assessment (USGS) NBII National Biological Information Infrastructure NBS National Biological Service NCCP Natural Communities Conservation Planning program (in CA) NDCDB National Digital Cartographic Data Base NERC National Ecology Research Center (Ft. Collins, CO) NMD National Mapping Division NPS National Park Service NSDI National Spatial Data Infrastructure NSTC National Science and Technology Council NWI National Wetlands Inventory (USFWS) OMB Office of Management and Budget (Administration) OSIS Oregon Species Information System PARC Public Access Resource Center PI Principal Investigator SAB Science Advisory Board (USEPA) SCICOLL Scientific Collections Permit Database SDTS Spatial Data Transfer Standard SGID State Geographic Information Database SNEP Sierra Nevada Ecosystem Project SOFIA Southern Forest Inventory and Analysis SPOT Système Pour l'Observation de la Terre RMSE Root mean square error 84 DRAFT 02/01/05 TIGER Topologically Integrated Geographic Encoding and Referencing system (used for U.S. census) TM Thematic Mapper TNC The Nature Conservancy UNESCO United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization URISA Urban and Regional Information Systems Association. URL Universal Resource Locator USFS US Forest Service USFWS US Fish & Wildlife Service UTM Universal Transverse Mercator UVM University of Vermont WHRM Wildlife/habitat relationship model WISCLAND Wisconsin Initiative for Statewide Cooperation on Landscape Analysis and Data 85 DRAFT 02/01/05 APPENDICES 86 DRAFT 02/01/05 Appendix A. Cross-walk of the National Vegetation Classification System (NVCS) to the IFMAP/Gap land cover classification system. Formation Num MI Level 3 Code MI Level 4 Code Key Alliance Name 310 3103 MI Level 5 Code III.B.2.N.b 3 A.931 RUBUS PARVIFLORUS SHRUBLAND ALLIANCE IV.A.1.N.b 9 A.1080 JUNIPERUS HORIZONTALIS DWARFSHRUBLAND ALLIANCE 310 3102 A.1191 ANDROPOGON GERARDII (CALAMAGROSTIS CANADENSIS, PANICUM VIRGATUM) HERBACEOUS ALLIANCE 310 3102 31021 A.1192 ANDROPOGON GERARDII (SORGHASTRUM NUTANS) HERBACEOUS ALLIANCE 310 3102 31021 A.1198 SCHIZACHYRIUM SCOPARIUM SORGHASTRUM NUTANS HERBACEOUS ALLIANCE 310 3102 31021 A.1224 SCHIZACHYRIUM SCOPARIUM (SPOROBOLUS CRYPTANDRUS) HERBACEOUS ALLIANCE 310 3102 31021 SPOROBOLUS HETEROLEPIS (DESCHAMPSIA CAESPITOSA, SCHIZACHYRIUM SCOPARIUM) HERBACEOUS ALLIANCE 310 3102 31021 310 3102 310 3102 V.A.5.N.a V.A.5.N.a V.A.5.N.a V.A.5.N.c 1 2 8 19 V.A.5.N.c 41 A.1402 V.A.5.N.c 2 A.1207 V.A.5.N.c 104 A.1195 AMMOPHILA BREVILIGULATA HERBACEOUS ALLIANCE PHLEUM PRATENSE HERBACEOUS ALLIANCE 87 31022 Comments thimbleberry-probably only in UP Alvar, limestone pavements and dunes but at least 25% vegetated and has quite a bit of grasses Found throughout state, but probably more common in central and southern LP. Found throughout state, but probably more common in central and southern LP. Found throughout state, but probably more common in central and southern LP. Found throughout state, but probably more common in central and southern LP. Found throughout state, but probably more common in central and southern LP. Beach grass dune community Semi natural DRAFT 02/01/05 V.A.5.N.e 8 A.1281 DANTHONIA SPICATA HERBACEOUS ALLIANCE 310 3102 V.B.2.N.a 3 A.1599 PTERIDIUM AQUILINUM - BROMUS KALMII HERBACEOUS ALLIANCE 310 3103 III.A.3.N.a 2 A.808 JUNIPERUS COMMUNIS SHRUBLAND ALLIANCE 320 3205 III.B.2.N.a 400 A.3508 ACER SPICATUM SHRUBLAND ALLIANCE 320 3205 III.B.2.N.a 5 A.898 CORYLUS CORNUTA - AMELANCHIER SPP. SHRUBLAND ALLIANCE 320 3204 III.B.2.N.a 19 A.912 PRUNUS PUMILA SHRUBLAND ALLIANCE 320 3204 III.C.2.N.a 400 A.3560 TAXUS CANADENSIS - MIXED DECIDUOUS SHRUBLAND ALLIANCE 320 3205 A.1491 QUERCUS MACROCARPA - (QUERCUS ALBA) WOODED HERBACEOUS ALLIANCE 330 3301 A.1492 QUERCUS VELUTINA - (QUERCUS ELLIPSOIDALIS) WOODED HERBACEOUS ALLIANCE 330 3301 A.1499 PINUS BANKSIANA - (PINUS RESINOSA) WOODED HERBACEOUS ALLIANCE 330 3303 330 3303 330 3302 V.A.6.N.c V.A.6.N.c V.A.6.N.f 2 3 5 V.A.6.N.f 2 A.1496 PINUS STROBUS - QUERCUS (ALBA, RUBRA) WOODED HERBACEOUS ALLIANCE V.A.6.N.f 402 A.3533 THUJA OCCIDENTALIS WOODED HERBACEOUS ALLIANCE 88 Glade and alvar type dominated by bracken fern--mostly Northern LP and UP (Bailey province 212) Northern LP and UP (Bailey province 212)--mostly alvar shrublands This type is only known for Isle Royale Found mostly in UP shrub dune community along Lake Michigan This type is only known for Isle Royale, but could be in northern UP Found throughout state, but more common in central and southern LP. Would probably not be in UP Found throughout state, but more common in central and southern LP. Would probably not be in UP Northern LP and UP (Bailey province 212) Northern LP and UP (Bailey province 212) Northern LP and UP (Bailey province 212)--alvar DRAFT 02/01/05 type I.B.2.N.a I.B.2.N.a 4 5 A.216 ACER SACCHARUM - BETULA ALLEGHANIENSIS - (FAGUS GRANDIFOLIA) FOREST ALLIANCE 411 4110 A.217 ACER SACCHARUM - FRAXINUS AMERICANA - TILIA AMERICANA FOREST ALLIANCE 411 4111 411 4112 I.B.2.N.a 15 A.227 FAGUS GRANDIFOLIA - ACER SACCHARUM - (LIRIODENDRON TULIPIFERA) FOREST ALLIANCE I.B.2.N.a 18 A.230 FAGUS GRANDIFOLIA - QUERCUS SPP. - ACER SPP. FOREST ALLIANCE 411 4119 I.B.2.N.a 27 A.239 QUERCUS ALBA - (QUERCUS RUBRA, CARYA SPP.) FOREST ALLIANCE 412 4120 I.B.2.N.a 101 A.1912 QUERCUS MUEHLENBERGII - (ACER SACCHARUM) FOREST ALLIANCE 412 4129 I.B.2.N.a 39 A.251 QUERCUS RUBRA - (ACER SACCHARUM) FOREST ALLIANCE 412 4123 412 4126 I.B.2.N.a 100 A.1911 QUERCUS VELUTINA - QUERCUS ALBA - (QUERCUS COCCINEA) FOREST ALLIANCE II.B.2.N.a 12 A.612 QUERCUS ALBA - (QUERCUS VELUTINA) WOODLAND ALLIANCE 412 4126 II.B.2.N.a 21 A.621 QUERCUS MUEHLENBERGII WOODLAND ALLIANCE 412 4129 I.B.2.N.b 5 A.269 POPULUS TREMULOIDES - BETULA PAPYRIFERA FOREST ALLIANCE 413 4137 II.B.2.N.a 10 A.610 POPULUS TREMULOIDES WOODLAND ALLIANCE 413 4130 89 Found throughout state, but more common in UP and northern LP Found throughout state, but may be more common in LP Mostly in LP (Bailey province 222) Mostly in LP (Bailey province 222) Found throughout state Mostly in LP (Bailey province 222) Found throughout state Found throughout state, but may be more common in LP Found throughout state, but mostly in central and southern LP Found throughout state, but mostly in central and southern LP on bluffs along major rivers Northern LP and UP (Bailey province 212) Northern LP and UP (Bailey province 212) DRAFT 02/01/05 I.B.2.N.b 3 A.267 BETULA PAPYRIFERA FOREST ALLIANCE 414 I.A.8.C.x 8 A.98 PINUS STROBUS PLANTED FOREST ALLIANCE 421 42100 I.A.8.N.b 2 A.116 PINUS BANKSIANA FOREST ALLIANCE 422 42220 I.A.8.N.b 12 A.126 PINUS RESINOSA FOREST ALLIANCE 422 42210 I.A.8.N.b 13 A.127 PINUS STROBUS - TSUGA CANADENSIS FOREST ALLIANCE 422 42200 I.A.8.N.b 14 A.128 PINUS STROBUS FOREST ALLIANCE 422 42200 A.391 PINUS BANKSIANA - QUERCUS (ELLIPSOIDALIS, VELUTINA) FOREST ALLIANCE 422 42250 422 42260 I.C.3.N.a 11 4141? I.C.3.N.a 20 A.400 PINUS STROBUS - (PINUS RESINOSA) - POPULUS TREMULOIDES FOREST ALLIANCE I.C.3.N.a 300 A.3012 PINUS STROBUS - ACER SACCHARUM FOREST ALLIANCE 422 42201 I.C.3.N.a 21 A.401 PINUS STROBUS - QUERCUS (ALBA, RUBRA, VELUTINA) FOREST ALLIANCE 422 42250 II.A.4.N.a 9 A.507 PINUS (BANKSIANA, RESINOSA) WOODLAND ALLIANCE 422 42290 VI.B.1.N.c 1 A.1828 PINUS BANKSIANA / CLADINA SPP. NONVASCULAR ALLIANCE 422 42220 I.A.8.N.c 13 A.148 PICEA GLAUCA - ABIES BALSAMEA FOREST ALLIANCE 423 42340 90 Northern LP and UP (Bailey province 212); birch >60% This is the only planted conifer forest type we have in the USNVC for the northern MW Found throughout state in Bailey province 212 Northern LP and UP (Bailey province 212) Northern LP and UP (Bailey province 212) Found throughout state Northern LP and UP (Bailey province 212) Northern LP and UP (Bailey province 212) Northern LP and UP (Bailey province 212) Found throughout state from central LP and north Northern LP and UP (Bailey province 212) Northern LP and UP (Bailey province 212) Northern LP and UP (Bailey province 212) DRAFT 02/01/05 I.A.8.N.c 7 A.142 THUJA OCCIDENTALIS FOREST ALLIANCE 423 42360 I.A.8.N.c 8 A.143 TSUGA CANADENSIS FOREST ALLIANCE 423 42350 I.C.3.N.a 38 A.418 PICEA GLAUCA - ABIES BALSAMEA POPULUS SPP. FOREST ALLIANCE 423 42390 II.A.4.N.b 8 A.551 PICEA GLAUCA WOODLAND ALLIANCE 423 42320 II.A.4.N.b 1 A.544 THUJA OCCIDENTALIS WOODLAND ALLIANCE 423 42360 I.C.3.N.a 32 A.412 TSUGA CANADENSIS - BETULA ALLEGHANIENSIS FOREST ALLIANCE 431 4312 I.B.2.N.d 4 A.279 ACER SACCHARINUM TEMPORARILY FLOODED FOREST ALLIANCE 611 6113 A.286 FRAXINUS PENNSYLVANICA - ULMUS AMERICANA - CELTIS (OCCIDENTALIS, LAEVIGATA) TEMPORARILY FLOODED FOREST ALLIANCE 611 6119 A.300 POPULUS TREMULOIDES TEMPORARILY FLOODED FOREST ALLIANCE 611 6112 A.300 POPULUS TREMULOIDES TEMPORARILY FLOODED FOREST ALLIANCE 611 6111 A.300 POPULUS TREMULOIDES TEMPORARILY FLOODED FOREST ALLIANCE 611 6116 A.316 ACER RUBRUM - FRAXINUS PENNSYLVANICA SEASONALLY FLOODED FOREST ALLIANCE 611 6113 611 6114 611 6115 I.B.2.N.d I.B.2.N.d I.B.2.N.d I.B.2.N.d I.B.2.N.e 11 25 25 25 1 I.B.2.N.e 14 A.329 QUERCUS PALUSTRIS - (QUERCUS BICOLOR) SEASONALLY FLOODED FOREST ALLIANCE I.B.2.N.g 1 A.347 FRAXINUS NIGRA - ACER RUBRUM SATURATED FOREST ALLIANCE 91 Northern LP and UP (Bailey province 212) Found throughout state Northern LP and UP (Bailey province 212) Northern LP and UP (Bailey province 212)-primarily in UP Found throughout state Found throughout state Found throughout state--mostly riparian or levee sites Found throughout state Northern LP and UP (Bailey province 212)--mostly riparian Northern LP and UP (Bailey province 212)--mostly riparian Northern LP and UP (Bailey province 212)--mostly riparian Found throughout state-bottomland hardwoods Found throughout state-flatwoods Found throughout state, but more common in UP and DRAFT 02/01/05 northern LP V.A.7.N.p 5 A.1562 DASIPHORA FRUTICOSA SSP. FLORIBUNDA - MYRICA GALE - (CAREX LASIOCARPA) SATURATED SHRUBLAND ALLIANCE DASIPHORA FRUTICOSA SSP. FLORIBUNDA / CAREX (FLAVA, INTERIOR, LASIOCARPA, STERILIS) SATURATED SHRUB HERBACEOUS ALLIANCE I.A.8.N.g 3 A.197 I.A.8.N.g 6 III.B.2.N.g I.B.2.N.g 4 3 A.1017 611 6221 611 6221 PICEA MARIANA SATURATED FOREST ALLIANCE 612 6122 A.200 THUJA OCCIDENTALIS SATURATED FOREST ALLIANCE 612 6120 A.349 LARIX LARICINA SATURATED FOREST ALLIANCE 612 6121 621 621 Found throughout state 3 A.443 PINUS STROBUS - (ACER RUBRUM) SATURATED FOREST ALLIANCE 612 6127 I.A.8.N.g 7 A.201 TSUGA CANADENSIS SATURATED FOREST ALLIANCE 613 6131 I.C.3.N.a 37 A.417 THUJA OCCIDENTALIS - BETULA ALLEGHANIENSIS FOREST ALLIANCE 613 6132 A.446 THUJA OCCIDENTALIS - ACER RUBRUM SATURATED FOREST ALLIANCE 613 6132 6 V.A.5.N.l 14 A.1441 V.C.2.N.a 100 A.1671 ZIZANIA (AQUATICA, PALUSTRIS) SEMIPERMANENTLY FLOODED HERBACEOUS ALLIANCE NELUMBO LUTEA PERMANENTLY FLOODED TEMPERATE HERBACEOUS ALLIANCE V.C.2.N.a 14 A.1754 NYMPHAEA ODORATA - NUPHAR SPP. PERMANENTLY FLOODED TEMPERATE HERBACEOUS ALLIANCE POTAMOGETON SPP. CERATOPHYLLUM SPP. - ELODEA SPP. PERMANENTLY FLOODED HERBACEOUS ALLIANCE III.B.2.N.e 1 A.986 ALNUS INCANA SEASONALLY FLOODED SHRUBLAND ALLIANCE V.C.2.N.a 102 A.1984 92 Found throughout state Northern LP and UP (Bailey province 212) Found throughout state, but rare in southern LP Northern LP and UP (Bailey province 212) Found throughout state, but rare in southern LP Northern LP and UP (Bailey province 212) Northern LP and UP (Bailey province 212) Northern LP and UP (Bailey province 212) Found throughout state I.C.3.N.d I.C.3.N.d Northern LP and UP (Bailey province 212) 621 621 622 6220 Found throughout state Found throughout state DRAFT 02/01/05 III.B.2.N.e 4 A.989 CORNUS SERICEA - SALIX SPP. SEASONALLY FLOODED SHRUBLAND ALLIANCE 622 6223 622 6221 III.B.2.N.f 1 A.1011 CEPHALANTHUS OCCIDENTALIS SEMIPERMANENTLY FLOODED SHRUBLAND ALLIANCE III.B.2.N.g 8 A.1021 BETULA PUMILA - (SALIX SPP.) SATURATED SHRUBLAND ALLIANCE 622 6221 622 6221 622 6225 622 6225 622 6224 622 6229 III.B.2.N.g 3 A.1016 CORNUS SERICEA - PHOTINIA MELANOCARPA - TOXICODENDRON VERNIX SATURATED SHRUBLAND ALLIANCE III.B.2.N.g 5 A.1018 VACCINIUM CORYMBOSUM SATURATED SHRUBLAND ALLIANCE IV.A.1.N.f 2 A.1091 IV.A.1.N.g 1 A.1092 IV.A.1.N.g 2 A.1092 CHAMAEDAPHNE CALYCULATA (KALMIA ANGUSTIFOLIA) SEASONALLY FLOODED DWARFSHRUBLAND ALLIANCE CHAMAEDAPHNE CALYCULATA SATURATED DWARF-SHRUBLAND ALLIANCE CHAMAEDAPHNE CALYCULATA SATURATED DWARF-SHRUBLAND ALLIANCE V.A.5.N.j 11 A.1347 SPARTINA PECTINATA TEMPORARILY FLOODED HERBACEOUS ALLIANCE 623 6233 V.A.5.N.j 11 A.1347 SPARTINA PECTINATA TEMPORARILY FLOODED HERBACEOUS ALLIANCE 623 6232 A.1400 CALAMAGROSTIS CANADENSIS SEASONALLY FLOODED HERBACEOUS ALLIANCE 623 6233 623 6233 V.A.5.N.k 39 V.A.5.N.k 42 A.1403 CAREX (ROSTRATA, UTRICULATA) SEASONALLY FLOODED HERBACEOUS ALLIANCE V.A.5.N.k 43 A.1404 CAREX AQUATILIS SEASONALLY FLOODED HERBACEOUS ALLIANCE 623 6233 V.A.5.N.k 36 A.1397 CAREX STRICTA SEASONALLY FLOODED HERBACEOUS ALLIANCE 623 6233 93 Found throughout state, but more common in central and southern LP Found throughout state Found throughout state, but more common in UP and northern LP Found throughout state, but mostly in central and southern LP Found throughout state Northern LP and UP (Bailey province 212) Found throughout state Found throughout state Found throughout state Found throughout state Found throughout state Found throughout state, but more common in UP and northern LP Not common in MI and probably does not need to be included Found throughout state DRAFT 02/01/05 V.A.5.N.k 23 A.1384 RHYNCHOSPORA SPP. - PANICUM (RIGIDULUM, VERRUCOSUM) - RHEXIA VIRGINICA SEASONALLY FLOODED HERBACEOUS ALLIANCE 623 6230 623 6232 623 6239 Found throughout state, but more common in central and southern LP-associated with Lake Michigan coastal plain. Would probably not be in UP. V.A.5.N.k 33 A.1394 TYPHA SPP. - (SCHOENOPLECTUS SPP., JUNCUS SPP.) SEASONALLY FLOODED HERBACEOUS ALLIANCE V.A.5.N.k 7 A.1368 CLADIUM MARISCOIDES SEASONALLY FLOODED HERBACEOUS ALLIANCE A.1431 PHRAGMITES AUSTRALIS SEMIPERMANENTLY FLOODED HERBACEOUS ALLIANCE 623 6231 A.1444 SCHOENOPLECTUS MARITIMUS SEMIPERMANENTLY FLOODED HERBACEOUS ALLIANCE 623 6233 A.1436 TYPHA (ANGUSTIFOLIA, LATIFOLIA) (SCHOENOPLECTUS SPP.) SEMIPERMANENTLY FLOODED HERBACEOUS ALLIANCE 623 6230 623 6233 623 6233 Found throughout state Northern LP and UP (Bailey province 212) along Lake Superior and northern Lake Michigan coasts Found throughout state 6233 Found throughout state V.A.5.N.l V.A.5.N.l V.A.5.N.l 4 17 9 V.A.5.N.m 400 A.3525 CALAMAGROSTIS CANADENSIS CAREX VIRIDULA - CLADIUM MARISCOIDES - LOBELIA KALMII SATURATED HERBACEOUS ALLIANCE V.A.5.N.m 7 A.1453 CAREX LASIOCARPA SATURATED HERBACEOUS ALLIANCE A.1467 CAREX OLIGOSPERMA - CAREX LASIOCARPA SATURATED HERBACEOUS ALLIANCE 623 710 V.A.5.N.m 21 V.B.2.N.f 13 A.1694 SYMPLOCARPUS FOETIDUS - CALTHA PALUSTRIS SATURATED HERBACEOUS ALLIANCE VII.B.2.N.b 1 A.1850 COBBLE/GRAVEL SHORE SPARSELY VEGETATED ALLIANCE 94 623 6239 Found throughout state Found throughout state, but more common in central and southern LP. Would probably not be in UP Found throughout state Found throughout state, but very rare Found throughout state Found throughout state--Great Lakes shore type DRAFT 02/01/05 VII.C.2.N.a 3 A.1862 INLAND STRAND BEACH SPARSELY VEGETATED ALLIANCE 710 VII.A.1.N.a 6 A.1836 OPEN CLIFF SPARSELY VEGETATED ALLIANCE 720 VII.C.3.N.b 4 A.1872 SMALL ERODING BLUFFS SPARSELY VEGETATED ALLIANCE 720 730 VII.C.4.N.c 1 A.1878 NON-TIDAL MUD FLAT SEASONALLY/TEMPORARILY FLOODED SPARSELY VEGETATED ALLIANCE VII.A.2.N.a 4 A.1843 OPEN PAVEMENT SPARSELY VEGETATED ALLIANCE 790 VII.B.1.N.a 1 A.1847 LOWLAND TALUS SPARSELY VEGETATED ALLIANCE 790 VII.C.2.N.a 2 A.1861 CAKILE EDENTULA SPARSELY VEGETATED ALLIANCE 790 VII.C.3.N.b 3 A.1871 CLAY SLOPES SPARSELY VEGETATED ALLIANCE 790 95 Found throughout state--Great Lakes shore type Found throughout state Found throughout state, but probably more common in central and southern LP. Probably not in UP Found throughout state along lakes and rivers Northern LP and UP (Bailey province 212)--mostly along lakeshores and/or are alvar types Found throughout state Found throughout state--Great Lakes shore type Northern LP and UP (Bailey province 212) DRAFT 02/01/05 Appendix B. List of terrestrial vertebrate species modeled for MI-GAP, including MIGAP species codes and TNC element codes. Scientific Name Common Name Species Element Code Code Blue-spotted salamander Spotted salamander Marbled salamander Smallmouth salamander Eastern tiger salamander Four-toed salamander Redback salamander Mudpuppy Eastern newt Western lesser siren American toad Fowler's toad Blanchard's cricket frog Gray treefrog Western chorus frog Northern spring peeper Bullfrog Green frog Pickerel frog Northern leopard frog Mink frog Wood frog amla amma amop amte amti hesc plci nema novi siin buam bufo accr hyve pstr pscr raca racl rapa rapi rase rasy AAAAA01060 AAAAA01090 AAAAA01100 AAAAA01130 AAAAA01140 AAAAD08010 AAAAD12020 AAAAE01040 AAAAF01030 AAAAG02010 AAABB01020 AAABB01210 AAABC01010 AAABC02130 AAABC05070 AAABC05090 AAABH01070 AAABH01090 AAABH01160 AAABH01170 AAABH01190 AAABH01200 Five-lined skink Six-lined racerunner Kirtland's snake Blue racer Northern ring-necked snake Black rat snake Eastern fox snake Westen fox snake Eastern hog-nosed snake Eastern milk snake Copper-bellied water snake Northern water snake Queen snake Brown snake eufa cnse clki coco dipu elob elvue elvuw hepl latr neer nesi rese stde ARACH01050 ARACJ02110 ARADB06010 ARADB07010 ARADB10010 ARADB13030 ARADB13061 ARADB13062 ARADB17020 ARADB19050 ARADB22020 ARADB22060 ARADB27040 ARADB34010 Northern red-bellied snake Butler's garter snake Northern ribbon snake Eastern garter snake Smooth green snake stoc thbu thsa thsi live ARADB34030 ARADB36020 ARADB36120 ARADB36130 ARADB47010 Amphibians Ambystoma laterale Ambystoma maculatum Ambystoma opacum Ambystoma texanum Ambystoma tigrinum tigrinum Hemidactylium scutatum Plethodon cinereus Necturus maculosus Notophthalmus viridescens Siren intermedia nettingi Bufo americanus Bufo fowleri Acris crepitans blanchardi Hyla versicolor Pseudacris triseriata Pseudacris crucifer crucifer Rana catesbeiana Rana clamitans Rana palustris Rana pipiens Rana septentrionalis Rana sylvatica Reptiles Eumeces fasciatus Cnemidophorus sexlineatus Clonophis kirtlandii Coluber constrictor foxii Diadophis punctatus edwardsi Elaphe obsoleta obsoleta Elaphe vulpina gloydi Elaphe vulpina vulpina Heterodon platirhinos Lampropeltis triangulum triangulum Nerodia erythrogaster neglecta Nerodia sipedon sipedon Regina septemvittata Storeria dekayi Storeria occipitomaculata occipitomaculata Thamnophis butleri Thamnophis sauritus septentrionalis Thamnophis sirtalis sirtalis Liochlorophis vernalis 96 DRAFT 02/01/05 Sistrurus catenatus catenatus Chelydra serpentina Chrysemys picta Clemmys guttata Glyptemys insculpta Emydoidea blandingii Graptemys geographica Terrapene carolina carolina Trachemys scripta elegans Sternotherus odoratus Apalone spinifera Mammals Myotis lucifugus Myotis sodalis Myotis septentrionalis Lasionycteris noctivagans Pipistrellus subflavus Eptesicus fuscus Lasiurus borealis Lasiurus cinereus Canis latrans Canis lupus Vulpes vulpes Urocyon cinereoargenteus Ursus americanus Procyon lotor Martes americana Martes pennanti Mustela erminea Mustela nivalis Mustela frenata Mustela vison Taxidea taxus Mephitis mephitis Lutra canadensis Lynx rufus Didelphis virginiana Sylvilagus floridanus Lepus americanus Tamias minimus Tamias striatus Marmota monax Spermophilus tridecemlineatus Sciurus carolinensis Sciurus niger Tamiasciurus hudsonicus Glaucomys volans Glaucomys sabrinus Castor canadensis Eastern massasauga rattlesnake Snapping turtle Painted turtle Spotted turtle Wood turtle Blanding's turtle Common map turtle Eastern box turtle Red-eared slider Common musk turtle Spiny softshell sicat chse chpi clgu glin embl grge teca trsc stod apsp ARADE03010 ARAAB01010 ARAAD01010 ARAAD02010 ARAAD02020 ARAAD04010 ARAAD05040 ARAAD08010 ARAAD09010 ARAAE02040 ARAAG01030 Little brown bat Indiana bat Northern myotis Silver-haired bat Eastern pipistrelle Big brown bat Eastern red bat Hoary bat Coyote Gray wolf Red fox Common gray fox Black bear Common raccoon American marten Fisher Ermine Least weasel Long-tailed weasel Mink American badger Striped skunk Northern river otter Bobcat Virginia opossum Eastern cottontail Snowshoe hare Least chipmunk Eastern chipmunk Woodchuck Thirteen-lined ground squirrel Eastern gray squirrel Eastern fox squirrel Red squirrel Southern flying squirrel Northern flying squirrel American beaver mylu myso myse lano pisu epfu labo laci cala calu vuvu urci uram prlo maam mape muer muni mufr muvi tata meme luca lyru divi syfl leam tami tast mamo sptr scca scni tahu glvo glsa caca AMACC01010 AMACC01100 AMACC01150 AMACC02010 AMACC03020 AMACC04010 AMACC05010 AMACC05030 AMAJA01010 AMAJA01030 AMAJA03010 AMAJA04010 AMAJB01010 AMAJE02010 AMAJF01010 AMAJF01020 AMAJF02010 AMAJF02020 AMAJF02030 AMAJF02050 AMAJF04010 AMAJF06010 AMAJF08010 AMAJH03020 AMAAA01010 AMAEB01040 AMAEB03010 AMAFB02020 AMAFB02230 AMAFB03010 AMAFB05090 AMAFB07010 AMAFB07040 AMAFB08010 AMAFB09010 AMAFB09020 AMAFE01010 97 DRAFT 02/01/05 Peromyscus maniculatus bairdii Peromyscus maniculatus gracilis Peromyscus leucopus Clethrionomys gapperi Microtus pennsylvanicus Microtus ochrogaster Microtus pinetorum Ondatra zibethicus Synaptomys cooperi Zapus hudsonius Napaeozapus insignis Erethizon dorsatum Sorex cinereus Sorex palustris Sorex fumeus Sorex arcticus Sorex hoyi Blarina brevicauda Cryptotis parva Scalopus aquaticus Condylura cristata Cervus elaphus Odocoileus virginianus Alces alces Birds Cathartes aura Pandion haliaetus Haliaeetus leucocephalus Circus cyaneus Accipiter striatus Accipiter cooperii Accipiter gentilis Buteo lineatus Buteo platypterus Buteo jamaicensis Falco sparverius Falco columbarius Falco peregrinus Botaurus lentiginosus Ixobrychus exilis Ardea herodias Ardea alba Bubulcus ibis Butorides virescens Nycticorax nycticorax Dolichonyx oryzivorus Agelaius phoeniceus Sturnella magna Sturnella neglecta Xanthocephalus xanthocephalus Deer mouse (bairdii) Deer mouse (gracilis) White-footed mouse Southern red-backed vole Meadow vole Prairie vole Woodland vole Muskrat Southern bog lemming Meadow jumping mouse Woodland jumping mouse Common porcupine Masked shrew Water shrew Smoky shrew Arctic shrew Pygmy shrew Northern short-tailed shrew Least shrew Eastern mole Star-nosed mole Elk White-tailed deer Moose pemab pemag pele clga mipe mioc mipi onzi syco zahu nain erdo soci sopa sofu soar soho blbr crpa scaq cocr ceel odvi alal AMAFF03040b AMAFF03040g AMAFF03070 AMAFF09020 AMAFF11010 AMAFF11140 AMAFF11150 AMAFF15010 AMAFF17010 AMAFH01010 AMAFH02010 AMAFJ01010 AMABA01010 AMABA01150 AMABA01180 AMABA01190 AMABA01250 AMABA03010 AMABA04010 AMABB04010 AMABB05010 AMALC01010 AMALC02020 AMALC03010 Turkey vulture Osprey Bald eagle Northern harrier Sharp-shinned hawk Cooper's hawk Northern goshawk Red-shouldered hawk Broad-winged hawk Red-tailed hawk American kestrel Merlin Peregrine falcon American bittern Least bittern Great blue heron Great egret Cattle egret Green heron Black-crowned night-heron Bobolink Red-winged blackbird Eastern meadowlark Western meadowlark Yellow-headed blackbird caau paha hale cicy acst acco acge buli bupl buja fasp faco fape bole ixex arhe aral buib buvi nyny door agph stma stne xaxa ABNKA02010 ABNKC01010 ABNKC10010 ABNKC11010 ABNKC12020 ABNKC12040 ABNKC12060 ABNKC19030 ABNKC19050 ABNKC19110 ABNKD06020 ABNKD06030 ABNKD06070 ABNGA01020 ABNGA02010 ABNGA04010 ABNGA04040 ABNGA07010 ABNGA08010 ABNGA11010 ABPBXA9010 ABPBXB0010 ABPBXB2020 ABPBXB2030 ABPBXB3010 98 DRAFT 02/01/05 Euphagus carolinus Euphagus cyanocephalus Quiscalus quiscula Molothrus ater Cardinalis cardinalis Pheucticus ludovicianus Passerina cyanea Spiza americana Poecile atricapillus Poecile hudsonicus Baeolophus bicolor Sitta canadensis Sitta carolinensis Certhia americana Phalacrocorax auritus Grus canadensis Coccyzus erythropthalmus Coccyzus americanus Zenaida macroura Carpodacus purpureus Carpodacus mexicanus Loxia curvirostra Loxia leucoptera Carduelis pinus Carduelis tristis Coccothraustes vespertinus Contopus cooperi Contopus virens Empidonax flaviventris Empidonax virescens Empidonax alnorum Empidonax traillii Empidonax minimus Sayornis phoebe Myiarchus crinitus Tyrannus tyrannus Chordeiles minor Caprimulgus vociferus Larus delawarensis Larus argentatus Sterna caspia Sterna hirundo Sterna forsteri Chlidonias niger Archilochus colubris Perisoreus canadensis Cyanocitta cristata Corvus brachyrhynchos Corvus corax Ceryle alcyon Rusty blackbird Brewer's blackbird Common grackle Brown-headed cowbird Northern cardinal Rose-breasted grosbeak Indigo bunting Dickcissel Black-capped chickadee Boreal chickadee Tufted titmouse Red-breasted nuthatch White-breasted nuthatch Brown creeper Double-crested cormorant Sandhill crane Black-billed cuckoo Yellow-billed cuckoo Mourning dove Purple finch House finch Red crossbill White-winged crossbill Pine siskin American goldfinch Evening grosbeak Olive-sided flycatcher Eastern wood-pewee Yellow-bellied flycatcher Acadian flycatcher Alder flycatcher Willow flycatcher Least flycatcher Eastern phoebe Great crested flycatcher Eastern kingbird Common nighthawk Whip-poor-will Ring-billed gull Herring gull Caspian tern Common tern Forster's tern Black tern Ruby-throated hummingbird Gray jay Blue jay American crow Common raven Belted kingfisher 99 euca eucy ququ moat caca phlu pacy spam poat pohu babi scan sica ceam phau grca coer coam zema capu came locu lole capi catr cove ccoo covi emfl emvi emal emtr emmi saph mycr tyty chmi cavo lade laar stca sthi stfo chni arco peca cycr cobr coco ceal ABPBXB5010 ABPBXB5020 ABPBXB6070 ABPBXB7030 ABPBX60010 ABPBX61030 ABPBX64030 ABPBX65010 ABPAW01010 ABPAW01060 ABPAW01110 ABPAZ01010 ABPAZ01020 ABPBA01010 ABNFD01020 ABNMK01010 ABNRB02010 ABNRB02020 ABNPB04040 ABPBY04020 ABPBY04040 ABPBY05010 ABPBY05020 ABPBY06030 ABPBY06110 ABPBY09020 ABPAE32010 ABPAE32060 ABPAE33010 ABPAE33020 ABPAE33030 ABPAE33040 ABPAE33070 ABPAE35020 ABPAE43070 ABPAE52060 ABNTA02020 ABNTA07070 ABNNM03100 ABNNM03120 ABNNM08020 ABNNM08070 ABNNM08090 ABNNM10020 ABNUC45010 ABPAV01010 ABPAV02020 ABPAV10010 ABPAV10110 ABNXD01020 DRAFT 02/01/05 Regulus satrapa Regulus calendula Polioptila caerulea Eremophila alpestris Gavia immer Podilymbus podiceps Podiceps grisegena Dumetella carolinensis Mimus polyglottos Toxostoma rufum Icterus spurius Icterus galbula Otus asio Bubo virginianus Strix varia Strix nebulosa Asio otus Asio flammeus Aegolius acadicus Phasianus colchicus Falcipennis canadensis Bonasa umbellus Tympanuchus phasianellus Meleagris gallopavo Colinus virginianus Charadrius melodus Charadrius vociferus Coturnicops noveboracensis Rallus elegans Rallus limicola Porzana carolina Gallinula chloropus Fulica americana Actitis macularia Bartramia longicauda Gallinago gallinago Scolopax minor Phalaropus tricolor Lanius ludovicianus Pipilo erythrophthalmus Spizella passerina Spizella pallida Spizella pusilla Pooecetes gramineus Passerculus sandwichensis Ammodramus savannarum Ammodramus henslowii Ammodramus leconteii Melospiza melodia Melospiza lincolnii Golden-crowned kinglet Ruby-crowned kinglet Blue-gray gnatcatcher Horned lark Common loon Pied-billed grebe Red-necked grebe Gray catbird Northern mockingbird Brown thrasher Orchard oriole Baltimore oriole Eastern screech-owl Great horned owl Barred owl Great gray owl Long-eared owl Short-eared owl Northern saw-whet owl Ring-necked pheasant Spruce grouse Ruffed grouse Sharp-tailed grouse Wild turkey Northern bobwhite Piping plover Killdeer Yellow rail King rail Virginia rail Sora Common moorhen American coot Spotted sandpiper Upland sandpiper Common snipe American woodcock Wilson's phalarope Loggerhead shrike Eastern towhee Chipping sparrow Clay-colored sparrow Field sparrow Vesper sparrow Savannah sparrow Grasshopper sparrow Henslow's sparrow Le Conte's sparrow Song sparrow Lincoln's sparrow 100 resa reca pcae eral gaim popo pogri duca mipo toru icsp icga otas bvir stva stneb asot asfl aeac phco faca boum typh mega cvir chme chvo cono rael rali poca gach fuam acma balo gaga scmi phtr lalu pier sppa spal sppu pogr pasa amsa amhe amle mmel meli ABPBJ05010 ABPBJ05020 ABPBJ08010 ABPAT02010 ABNBA01030 ABNCA02010 ABNCA03020 ABPBK01010 ABPBK03010 ABPBK06010 ABPBXB9070 ABPBXB9190 ABNSB01030 ABNSB05010 ABNSB12020 ABNSB12040 ABNSB13010 ABNSB13040 ABNSB15020 ABNLC07010 ABNLC09010 ABNLC11010 ABNLC13030 ABNLC14010 ABNLC21020 ABNNB03070 ABNNB03090 ABNME01010 ABNME05020 ABNME05030 ABNME08020 ABNME13010 ABNME14020 ABNNF04020 ABNNF06010 ABNNF18010 ABNNF19020 ABNNF20010 ABPBR01030 ABPBX74030 ABPBX94020 ABPBX94030 ABPBX94050 ABPBX95010 ABPBX99010 ABPBXA0020 ABPBXA0030 ABPBXA0040 ABPBXA3010 ABPBXA3020 DRAFT 02/01/05 Melospiza georgiana Zonotrichia albicollis Junco hyemalis Progne subis Tachycineta bicolor Stelgidopteryx serripennis Riparia riparia Petrochelidon pyrrhonota Hirundo rustica Cygnus buccinator Branta canadensis Aix sponsa Anas crecca Anas rubripes Anas platyrhynchos Anas acuta Anas discors Anas clypeata Anas strepera Anas americana Aythya americana Aythya collaris Bucephala clangula Lophodytes cucullatus Mergus merganser Mergus serrator Oxyura jamaicensis Chaetura pelagica Piranga olivacea Sialia sialis Catharus fuscescens Catharus ustulatus Catharus guttatus Hylocichla mustelina Turdus migratorius Vireo griseus Vireo solitarius Vireo flavifrons Vireo gilvus Vireo philadelphicus Vireo olivaceus Vermivora pinus Vermivora chrysoptera Vermivora peregrina Vermivora ruficapilla Parula americana Dendroica petechia Dendroica pensylvanica Dendroica magnolia Swamp sparrow White-throated sparrow Dark-eyed junco Purple martin Tree swallow Northern rough-winged swallow Bank swallow Cliff swallow Barn swallow Trumpeter swan Canada goose Wood duck Green-winged teal American black duck Mallard Northern pintail Blue-winged teal Northern shoveler Gadwall American wigeon Redhead Ring-necked duck Common goldeneye Hooded merganser Common merganser Red-breasted merganser Ruddy duck Chimney swift Scarlet tanager Eastern bluebird Veery Swainson's thrush Hermit thrush Wood thrush American robin White-eyed vireo Blue-headed vireo Yellow-throated vireo Warbling vireo Philadelphia vireo Red-eyed vireo Blue-winged warbler Golden-winged warbler Tennessee warbler Nashville warbler Northern parula Yellow warbler Chestnut-sided warbler Magnolia warbler 101 mege zoal juhy prsu tabi ABPBXA3030 ABPBXA4020 ABPBXA5020 ABPAU01010 ABPAU03010 stse riri pepy hiru cybu brca aisp ancr anru anpl anac andi ancl anst anam ayam ayco bucl lcuc meme mese oxja chpe piol sisi cafu caus cagu hymu tumi vigr viso vifl vigi viph viol vepi vech vepe veru paam depe dpen dema ABPAU07010 ABPAU08010 ABPAU09010 ABPAU09030 ABNJB02030 ABNJB05030 ABNJB09010 ABNJB10010 ABNJB10040 ABNJB10060 ABNJB10110 ABNJB10130 ABNJB10150 ABNJB10160 ABNJB10180 ABNJB11030 ABNJB11040 ABNJB18010 ABNJB20010 ABNJB21010 ABNJB21020 ABNJB22010 ABNUA03010 ABPBX45040 ABPBJ15010 ABPBJ18080 ABPBJ18100 ABPBJ18110 ABPBJ19010 ABPBJ20170 ABPBW01020 ABPBW01160 ABPBW01170 ABPBW01210 ABPBW01230 ABPBW01240 ABPBX01020 ABPBX01030 ABPBX01040 ABPBX01060 ABPBX02010 ABPBX03010 ABPBX03020 ABPBX03030 DRAFT 02/01/05 Dendroica tigrina Dendroica caerulescens Dendroica coronata Dendroica virens Dendroica fusca Dendroica dominica Dendroica pinus Dendroica kirtlandii Dendroica discolor Dendroica palmarum Dendroica castanea Dendroica cerulea Mniotilta varia Setophaga ruticilla Protonotaria citrea Helmitheros vermivorus Seiurus aurocapillus Seiurus noveboracensis Seiurus motacilla Oporornis agilis Oporornis philadelphia Geothlypis trichas Wilsonia citrina Wilsonia pusilla Wilsonia canadensis Icteria virens Bombycilla cedrorum Melanerpes erythrocephalus Melanerpes carolinus Sphyrapicus varius Picoides pubescens Picoides villosus Picoides arcticus Colaptes auratus Dryocopus pileatus Thryothorus ludovicianus Troglodytes aedon Troglodytes troglodytes Cistothorus platensis Cistothorus palustris Cape May warbler Black-throated blue warbler Yellow-rumped warbler Black-throated green warbler Blackburnian warbler Yellow-throated warbler Pine warbler Kirtland's warbler Prairie warbler Palm warbler Bay-breasted warbler Cerulean warbler Black-and-white warbler American redstart Prothonotary warbler Worm-eating warbler Ovenbird Northern waterthrush Louisiana waterthrush Connecticut warbler Mourning warbler Common yellowthroat Hooded warbler Wilson's warbler Canada warbler Yellow-breasted chat Cedar waxwing Red-headed woodpecker Red-bellied woodpecker Yellow-bellied sapsucker Downy woodpecker Hairy woodpecker Black-backed woodpecker Northern flicker Pileated woodpecker Carolina wren House wren Winter wren Sedge wren Marsh wren 102 deti dcae deco devi defu dedo depi deki dedi depa deca dece mnva seru prci heve seau seno semo opag opph getr wici wipu wica icvi boce meer meca spva pipu pivi piar coau drpi thlu trae trtr cipl cipa ABPBX03040 ABPBX03050 ABPBX03060 ABPBX03100 ABPBX03120 ABPBX03130 ABPBX03170 ABPBX03180 ABPBX03190 ABPBX03210 ABPBX03220 ABPBX03240 ABPBX05010 ABPBX06010 ABPBX07010 ABPBX08010 ABPBX10010 ABPBX10020 ABPBX10030 ABPBX11020 ABPBX11030 ABPBX12010 ABPBX16010 ABPBX16020 ABPBX16030 ABPBX24010 ABPBN01020 ABNYF04040 ABNYF04170 ABNYF05010 ABNYF07030 ABNYF07040 ABNYF07090 ABNYF10020 ABNYF12020 ABPBG06130 ABPBG09010 ABPBG09050 ABPBG10010 ABPBG10020 DRAFT 02/01/05 Appendix C. Subsets and other intermediate products created from the four main data layers (Table 5) to speed the MI-GAP vertebrate modeling process. All files are 30 m rasters. Name ifmaplp ifmapup ifmapall sandmud_g lpshore_g Source image IFMAP/GAP land cover IFMAP/GAP land cover IFMAP/GAP land cover IFMAP/GAP land cover IFMAP/GAP land cover Modifications made_____________ only Lower Peninsula (LP) selected only Upper Peninsula (UP) selected both peninsulas selected all sand/soil and mudflats selected all sand/soil and mudflats within 500m buffer of LP shoreline upshore_g IFMAP/GAP land cover allshore_g shore_mir lplowfor_g IFMAP/GAP land cover MIRIS land cover National Wetlands Inventory uplowfor_g National Wetlands Inventory lppfo1_g National Wetlands Inventory uppfo1_g National Wetlands Inventory lpmarsh_g National Wetlands Inventory upmarsh_g National Wetlands Inventory lplowcon_g National Wetlands Inventory uplowcon_g National Wetlands Inventory lptreebog_g National Wetlands Inventory uptreebog_g National Wetlands Inventory lpbogs_g National Wetlands Inventory upbogs_g National Wetlands Inventory lpallbogs_g upallbogs_g lpsedge_g National Wetlands Inventory National Wetlands Inventory National Wetlands Inventory selected all sand/soil and mudflats within 500m buffer of UP shoreline merged lpshore_g with upshore_g beach and sand dunes selected all PFO (palustrine forest) in LP selected and converted to raster all PFO (palustrine forest) in UP selected and converted to raster all PFO1 (palustrine broad-lvd decid forest) in LP selected and converted to raster all PFO1 (palustrine broad-lvd decid forest) in UP selected and converted to raster all PEM, REM, and L2EM (palustrine, riverine, and lacustrine/littoral emergent wetlands) in LP selected and converted to raster all PEM, REM, and L2EM (palustrine, riverine, and lacustrine/littoral emergent wetlands) in UP selected and converted to raster all PFO2 and PFO4 (palustrine coniferous) in LP selected and converted to raster all PFO2 and PFO4 (palustrine coniferous) in LP selected and converted to raster all PFO2, PFO4, PFO5, PFO7 (treed bogs) in LP selected and converted to raster all PFO2, PFO4, PFO5, PFO7 (treed bogs) in LP selected and converted to raster all PML and PEM (non-forested wetland/bogs) in LP selected and converted to raster all PML and PEM (non-forested wetland/bogs) in UP selected and converted to raster merged lptreebog_g with lpbogs_g merged uptreebog_g with upbogs_g all PEM (emergent wetlands/sedge meadows) in LP selected and converted to raster 103 DRAFT 02/01/05 upsedge_g National Wetlands Inventory lpshrub_g National Wetlands Inventory upshrub_g National Wetlands Inventory lppss_g National Wetlands Inventory uppss_g National Wetlands Inventory hydlp_g Michigan hydrology hydup_g Michigan hydrology euchydrolp euchydroup lprlp_g Michigan hydrology Michigan hydrology Michigan hydrology lprup_g Michigan hydrology euclprlp_g euclprup_g lakepondlp_g Michigan hydrology Michigan hydrology Michigan hydrology lakepondup_g Michigan hydrology euclakepondlp Michigan hydrology euclakepondup Michigan hydrology lpsewreslp_g Michigan hydrology lpsewresup_g Michigan hydrology euclpsewreslp Michigan hydrology euclpsewresup Michigan hydrology lprz_lp Michigan hydrology lprz_up Michigan hydrology all PEM (emergent wetlands/sedge meadows) in LP selected and converted to raster all PSS (palustrine scrub-shrub) in LP selected and converted to raster all PSS (palustrine scrub-shrub) in UP selected and converted to raster all PSS1C and PSS1F (palustrine decid. scrub-shrub) in LP selected and converted to raster all PSS1C and PSS1F (palustrine decid. scrub-shrub) in UP selected and converted to raster merged line and polygon hydrology coverages for LP and converted to raster merged line and polygon hydrology coverages for UP and converted to raster euclidean distance raster for hydlp_g euclidean distance raster for hydlp_g all lakes/ponds and rivers from LP polygon hydrology coverage selected and converted to raster all lakes/ponds, and rivers from UP polygon hydrology coverage selected and converted to raster euclidean distance raster for lprlp_g euclidean distance raster for lprup_g all lakes/ponds from LP polygon hydrology coverage selected and converted to raster all lakes/ponds from UP polygon hydrology coverage selected and converted to raster euclidean distance raster for lakepondlp_g euclidean distance raster for lakepondup_g all lakes/ponds, sewage lagoons/farm ponds, and resevoirs from LP polygon hydrology coverage selected and converted to raster all lakes/ponds, sewage lagoons/farm ponds, and resevoirs from UP polygon hydrology coverage selected and converted to raster euclidean distance raster for lpsewreslp_g euclidean distance raster for lpsewresup_g all lakes/ponds, rivers, sewage lagoons/farm ponds, and resevoirs from LP polygon hydrology coverage selected and converted to raster all lakes/ponds, rivers, sewage 104 DRAFT 02/01/05 rivstrlp_g Michigan hydrology rivstrup_g Michigan hydrology 2halp_g Michigan hydrology 2haup_g Michigan hydrology isl_lp isl_up Michigan hydrology Michigan hydrology lagoons/farm ponds, and resevoirs from UP polygon hydrology coverage selected and converted to raster all rivers and streams from LP polygon and line coverages selected and converted to raster all rivers and streams from UP polygon and line coverages selected and converted to raster all lakes/ponds in LP greater than 2 ha in area selected and converted to raster all lakes/ponds in LP greater than 2 ha in area selected and converted to raster all islands in LP-area lakes selected all islands in UP-area lakes selected 105 DRAFT 02/01/05 Appendix D. List of species subject to expert review and reviewers’ names and affiliations. Expert reviewers were asked to comment on draft range maps, logical decision rules, and habitat maps. Reviewer comments are documented in the AML comment lines for each species. Scientific Name Reviewers' Name(s) Reviewers' Affiliation(s) Amphibians Ambystoma laterale Ambystoma maculatum Ambystoma opacum Ambystoma texanum Ambystoma tigrinum tigrinum Hemidactylium scutatum Plethodon cinereus Necturus maculosus Notophthalmus viridescens Siren intermedia nettingi Bufo americanus Bufo fowleri Acris crepitans blanchardi Hyla versicolor Pseudacris triseriata Pseudacris crucifer crucifer Rana catesbeiana Rana clamitans Rana palustris Rana pipiens Rana septentrionalis Rana sylvatica Reptiles Ms. Yu Man Lee Ms. Yu Man Lee Ms. Yu Man Lee Ms. Yu Man Lee Ms. Yu Man Lee Ms. Yu Man Lee Ms. Yu Man Lee Ms. Yu Man Lee Ms. Yu Man Lee Ms. Yu Man Lee Ms. Lori Sargent Ms. Lori Sargent Ms. Lori Sargent Ms. Lori Sargent Ms. Lori Sargent Ms. Lori Sargent Ms. Lori Sargent Ms. Lori Sargent Ms. Lori Sargent Ms. Lori Sargent Ms. Lori Sargent Ms. Lori Sargent Michigan Natural Features Inventory Michigan Natural Features Inventory Michigan Natural Features Inventory Michigan Natural Features Inventory Michigan Natural Features Inventory Michigan Natural Features Inventory Michigan Natural Features Inventory Michigan Natural Features Inventory Michigan Natural Features Inventory Michigan Natural Features Inventory Michigan DNR, Wildlife Division Michigan DNR, Wildlife Division Michigan DNR, Wildlife Division Michigan DNR, Wildlife Division Michigan DNR, Wildlife Division Michigan DNR, Wildlife Division Michigan DNR, Wildlife Division Michigan DNR, Wildlife Division Michigan DNR, Wildlife Division Michigan DNR, Wildlife Division Michigan DNR, Wildlife Division Michigan DNR, Wildlife Division Eumeces fasciatus Mr. James Harding Cnemidophorus sexlineatus Clonophis kirtlandii Coluber constrictor foxii Diadophis punctatus edwardsi Elaphe obsoleta obsoleta Elaphe vulpina gloydi Elaphe vulpina vulpina Heterodon platirhinos Lampropeltis triangulum triangulum Nerodia erythrogaster neglecta Nerodia sipedon sipedon Regina septemvittata Mr. James Harding Ms. Yu Man Lee Ms. Yu Man Lee Ms. Yu Man Lee Ms. Yu Man Lee Ms. Yu Man Lee Ms. Yu Man Lee Ms. Yu Man Lee Michigan State Univ. Museum & Dept. of Zoology Michigan State Univ. Museum & Dept. of Zoology Michigan Natural Features Inventory Michigan Natural Features Inventory Michigan Natural Features Inventory Michigan Natural Features Inventory Michigan Natural Features Inventory Michigan Natural Features Inventory Michigan Natural Features Inventory Ms. Yu Man Lee Ms. Yu Man Lee Ms. Yu Man Lee Ms. Yu Man Lee Michigan Natural Features Inventory Michigan Natural Features Inventory Michigan Natural Features Inventory Michigan Natural Features Inventory 106 DRAFT 02/01/05 Storeria dekayi Storeria occipitomaculata occipitomaculata Thamnophis butleri Thamnophis sauritus septentrionalis Thamnophis sirtalis sirtalis Liochlorophis vernalis Sistrurus catenatus catenatus Ms. Yu Man Lee Michigan Natural Features Inventory Ms. Yu Man Lee Ms. Yu Man Lee Michigan Natural Features Inventory Michigan Natural Features Inventory Ms. Yu Man Lee Ms. Yu Man Lee Ms. Yu Man Lee Ms. Yu Man Lee Chelydra serpentina Mr. James Harding Chrysemys picta Mr. James Harding Clemmys guttata Mr. James Harding Glyptemys insculpta Mr. James Harding Emydoidea blandingii Mr. James Harding Graptemys geographica Mr. James Harding Terrapene carolina carolina Mr. James Harding Sternotherus odoratus Mr. James Harding Apalone spinifera Mammals Myotis lucifugus Myotis sodalis Myotis septentrionalis Lasionycteris noctivagans Pipistrellus subflavus Eptesicus fuscus Lasiurus borealis Lasiurus cinereus Canis latrans Canis lupus Vulpes vulpes Urocyon cinereoargenteus Ursus americanus Procyon lotor Martes americana Martes pennanti Mustela erminea Mustela nivalis Mustela frenata Mustela vison Taxidea taxus Mephitis mephitis Mr. James Harding Michigan Natural Features Inventory Michigan Natural Features Inventory Michigan Natural Features Inventory Michigan Natural Features Inventory Michigan State Univ. Museum & Dept. of Zoology Michigan State Univ. Museum & Dept. of Zoology Michigan State Univ. Museum & Dept. of Zoology Michigan State Univ. Museum & Dept. of Zoology Michigan State Univ. Museum & Dept. of Zoology Michigan State Univ. Museum & Dept. of Zoology Michigan State Univ. Museum & Dept. of Zoology Michigan State Univ. Museum & Dept. of Zoology Michigan State Univ. Museum & Dept. of Zoology Dr. Allen Kurta Dr. Allen Kurta Dr. Allen Kurta Dr. Allen Kurta Dr. Allen Kurta Dr. Allen Kurta Dr. Allen Kurta Dr. Allen Kurta Mr. Tim Reis Dr. Dean Beyer Mr. Tim Reis Mr. Tim Reis Mr. Tim Reis Mr. Tim Reis Mr. Tim Reis Mr. Tim Reis Mr. Tim Reis Mr. Tim Reis Mr. Tim Reis Mr. Tim Reis Mr. Tim Reis Mr. Tim Reis Eastern Michigan Univ. Dept. of Biology Eastern Michigan Univ. Dept. of Biology Eastern Michigan Univ. Dept. of Biology Eastern Michigan Univ. Dept. of Biology Eastern Michigan Univ. Dept. of Biology Eastern Michigan Univ. Dept. of Biology Eastern Michigan Univ. Dept. of Biology Eastern Michigan Univ. Dept. of Biology Michigan DNR, Wildlife Division Michigan DNR, Wildlife Division Michigan DNR, Wildlife Division Michigan DNR, Wildlife Division Michigan DNR, Wildlife Division Michigan DNR, Wildlife Division Michigan DNR, Wildlife Division Michigan DNR, Wildlife Division Michigan DNR, Wildlife Division Michigan DNR, Wildlife Division Michigan DNR, Wildlife Division Michigan DNR, Wildlife Division Michigan DNR, Wildlife Division Michigan DNR, Wildlife Division 107 DRAFT 02/01/05 Lutra canadensis Lynx rufus Mr. Tim Reis Mr. Tim Reis Didelphis virginiana Dr. Barbara Lundrigan Dr. Philip Myers Sylvilagus floridanus Dr. Barbara Lundrigan Dr. Philip Myers Lepus americanus Dr. Barbara Lundrigan Dr. Philip Myers Tamias minimus Dr. Barbara Lundrigan Dr. Philip Myers Tamias striatus Dr. Barbara Lundrigan Dr. Philip Myers Marmota monax Dr. Barbara Lundrigan Dr. Philip Myers Spermophilus tridecemlineatus Dr. Barbara Lundrigan Dr. Philip Myers Sciurus carolinensis Dr. Barbara Lundrigan Dr. Philip Myers Sciurus niger Dr. Barbara Lundrigan Dr. Philip Myers Tamiasciurus hudsonicus Dr. Barbara Lundrigan Dr. Philip Myers 108 Michigan DNR, Wildlife Division Michigan DNR, Wildlife Division Michigan State Univ. Museum & Dept. of Zoology Univ. of Michigan Museum of Zoology & Dept. of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology Michigan State Univ. Museum & Dept. of Zoology Univ. of Michigan Museum of Zoology & Dept. of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology Michigan State Univ. Museum & Dept. of Zoology Univ. of Michigan Museum of Zoology & Dept. of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology Michigan State Univ. Museum & Dept. of Zoology Univ. of Michigan Museum of Zoology & Dept. of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology Michigan State Univ. Museum & Dept. of Zoology Univ. of Michigan Museum of Zoology & Dept. of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology Michigan State Univ. Museum & Dept. of Zoology Univ. of Michigan Museum of Zoology & Dept. of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology Michigan State Univ. Museum & Dept. of Zoology Univ. of Michigan Museum of Zoology & Dept. of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology Michigan State Univ. Museum & Dept. of Zoology Univ. of Michigan Museum of Zoology & Dept. of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology Michigan State Univ. Museum & Dept. of Zoology Univ. of Michigan Museum of Zoology & Dept. of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology Michigan State Univ. Museum & Dept. of Zoology Univ. of Michigan Museum of Zoology & Dept. of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology DRAFT 02/01/05 Glaucomys volans Glaucomys sabrinus Mr. Robert Skillen Mr. Robert Skillen Castor canadensis Dr. Barbara Lundrigan Dr. Philip Myers Peromyscus maniculatus bairdii Dr. Barbara Lundrigan Dr. Philip Myers Peromyscus maniculatus gracilis Dr. Barbara Lundrigan Dr. Philip Myers Peromyscus leucopus Dr. Barbara Lundrigan Dr. Philip Myers Clethrionomys gapperi Dr. Barbara Lundrigan Dr. Philip Myers Microtus pennsylvanicus Dr. Barbara Lundrigan Dr. Philip Myers Microtus ochrogaster Dr. Barbara Lundrigan Dr. Philip Myers Microtus pinetorum Dr. Barbara Lundrigan Dr. Philip Myers Ondatra zibethicus Dr. Barbara Lundrigan Dr. Philip Myers Synaptomys cooperi Dr. Barbara Lundrigan Dr. Philip Myers 109 Michigan State Univ. Dept. of Zoology Michigan State Univ. Dept. of Zoology Michigan State Univ. Museum & Dept. of Zoology Univ. of Michigan Museum of Zoology & Dept. of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology Michigan State Univ. Museum & Dept. of Zoology Univ. of Michigan Museum of Zoology & Dept. of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology Michigan State Univ. Museum & Dept. of Zoology Univ. of Michigan Museum of Zoology & Dept. of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology Michigan State Univ. Museum & Dept. of Zoology Univ. of Michigan Museum of Zoology & Dept. of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology Michigan State Univ. Museum & Dept. of Zoology Univ. of Michigan Museum of Zoology & Dept. of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology Michigan State Univ. Museum & Dept. of Zoology Univ. of Michigan Museum of Zoology & Dept. of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology Michigan State Univ. Museum & Dept. of Zoology Univ. of Michigan Museum of Zoology & Dept. of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology Michigan State Univ. Museum & Dept. of Zoology Univ. of Michigan Museum of Zoology & Dept. of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology Michigan State Univ. Museum & Dept. of Zoology Univ. of Michigan Museum of Zoology & Dept. of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology Michigan State Univ. Museum & Dept. of Zoology Univ. of Michigan Museum of Zoology & Dept. of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology DRAFT 02/01/05 Zapus hudsonius Napaeozapus insignis Erethizon dorsatum Sorex cinereus Sorex palustris Sorex fumeus Sorex arcticus Sorex hoyi Blarina brevicauda Cryptotis parva Scalopus aquaticus Michigan State Univ. Museum & Dept. Dr. Barbara Lundrigan of Zoology Dr. Philip Myers Univ. of Michigan Museum of Zoology & Dept. of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology Michigan State Univ. Museum & Dept. Dr. Barbara Lundrigan of Zoology Dr. Philip Myers Univ. of Michigan Museum of Zoology & Dept. of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology Michigan State Univ. Museum & Dept. Dr. Barbara Lundrigan of Zoology Dr. Philip Myers Univ. of Michigan Museum of Zoology & Dept. of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology Michigan State Univ. Museum & Dept. Dr. Barbara Lundrigan of Zoology Dr. Philip Myers Univ. of Michigan Museum of Zoology & Dept. of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology Michigan State Univ. Museum & Dept. Dr. Barbara Lundrigan of Zoology Dr. Philip Myers Univ. of Michigan Museum of Zoology & Dept. of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology Michigan State Univ. Museum & Dept. Dr. Barbara Lundrigan of Zoology Dr. Philip Myers Univ. of Michigan Museum of Zoology & Dept. of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology Michigan State Univ. Museum & Dept. Dr. Barbara Lundrigan of Zoology Dr. Philip Myers Univ. of Michigan Museum of Zoology & Dept. of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology Michigan State Univ. Museum & Dept. Dr. Barbara Lundrigan of Zoology Dr. Philip Myers Univ. of Michigan Museum of Zoology & Dept. of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology Michigan State Univ. Museum & Dept. Dr. Barbara Lundrigan of Zoology Dr. Philip Myers Univ. of Michigan Museum of Zoology & Dept. of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology Michigan State Univ. Museum & Dept. Dr. Barbara Lundrigan of Zoology Dr. Philip Myers Univ. of Michigan Museum of Zoology & Dept. of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology Michigan State Univ. Museum & Dept. Dr. Barbara Lundrigan of Zoology 110 DRAFT 02/01/05 Dr. Philip Myers Condylura cristata Cervus elaphus Odocoileus virginianus Alces alces Birds Cathartes aura Pandion haliaetus Univ. of Michigan Museum of Zoology & Dept. of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology Michigan State Univ. Museum & Dept. Dr. Barbara Lundrigan of Zoology Dr. Philip Myers Univ. of Michigan Museum of Zoology & Dept. of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology Dr. Dean Beyer Michigan DNR, Wildlife Division Mr. Brent Rudolph Michigan DNR, Wildlife Division Dr. Dean Beyer Michigan DNR, Wildlife Division Mr. David Cuthrell Mr. David Cuthrell Ms. Lori Sargent Haliaeetus leucocephalus Mr. David Cuthrell Circus cyaneus Mr. David Cuthrell Accipiter striatus Mr. David Cuthrell Accipiter cooperii Mr. David Cuthrell Accipiter gentilis Mr. David Cuthrell Buteo lineatus Mr. David Cuthrell Buteo platypterus Mr. David Cuthrell Buteo jamaicensis Mr. David Cuthrell Falco sparverius Mr. David Cuthrell Falco columbarius Dr. Michael Hamas Mr. David Cuthrell Falco peregrinus Mr. David Cuthrell Ms. Lori Sargent Botaurus lentiginosus Mr. Michael Monfils Ixobrychus exilis Mr. Michael Monfils Ardea herodias Mr. Michael Monfils Nycticorax nycticorax Mr. Michael Monfils Sturnella neglecta Mr. Michael Monfils Xanthocephalus xanthocephalus Mr. Michael Monfils Poecile hudsonicus Dr. Michael Hamas Baeolophus bicolor Dr. Michael Hamas Sitta carolinensis Dr. Michael Hamas Contopus cooperi Dr. Michael Hamas Empidonax virescens Dr. Michael Hamas Empidonax traillii Dr. Michael Hamas Larus delawarensis Dr. Kelly Millenbah Larus argentatus Sterna caspia Dr. Kelly Millenbah Dr. Michael Hamas Dr. Kelly Millenbah Sterna hirundo Dr. Kelly Millenbah 111 Michigan Natural Features Inventory Michigan Natural Features Inventory Michigan DNR, Wildlife Division Michigan Natural Features Inventory Michigan Natural Features Inventory Michigan Natural Features Inventory Michigan Natural Features Inventory Michigan Natural Features Inventory Michigan Natural Features Inventory Michigan Natural Features Inventory Michigan Natural Features Inventory Michigan Natural Features Inventory Central Michigan Univ. Dept. of Biology Michigan Natural Features Inventory Michigan Natural Features Inventory Michigan DNR, Wildlife Division Michigan Natural Features Inventory Michigan Natural Features Inventory Michigan Natural Features Inventory Michigan Natural Features Inventory Michigan Natural Features Inventory Michigan Natural Features Inventory Central Michigan Univ. Dept. of Biology Central Michigan Univ. Dept. of Biology Central Michigan Univ. Dept. of Biology Central Michigan Univ. Dept. of Biology Central Michigan Univ. Dept. of Biology Central Michigan Univ. Dept. of Biology Michigan State Univ. Dept. of Fisheries & Wildlife Michigan State Univ. Dept. of Fisheries & Wildlife Central Michigan Univ. Dept. of Biology Michigan State Univ. Dept. of Fisheries & Wildlife Michigan State Univ. Dept. of Fisheries & Wildlife DRAFT 02/01/05 Sterna forsteri Dr. Kelly Millenbah Chlidonias niger Perisoreus canadensis Regulus satrapa Regulus calendula Polioptila caerulea Gavia immer Dr. Kelly Millenbah Dr. Michael Hamas Dr. Michael Hamas Dr. Michael Hamas Dr. Michael Hamas Dr. Michael Hamas Mr. Michael Monfils Dr. Michael Hamas Mr. David Cuthrell Mr. David Cuthrell Mr. David Cuthrell Mr. David Cuthrell Mr. David Cuthrell Mr. David Cuthrell Mr. David Cuthrell Mr. Al Stewart Mr. Michael Monfils Dr. Michael Hamas Mr. Al Stewart Mr. Al Stewart Dr. Michael Hamas Mr. Al Stewart Mr. Al Stewart Mr. Al Stewart Dr. Michael Hamas Otus asio Bubo virginianus Strix varia Strix nebulosa Asio otus Asio flammeus Aegolius acadicus Phasianus colchicus Falcipennis canadensis Bonasa umbellus Tympanuchus phasianellus Meleagris gallopavo Colinus virginianus Charadrius melodus Dr. Kelly Millenbah Coturnicops noveboracensis Rallus elegans Rallus limicola Porzana carolina Gallinula chloropus Fulica americana Phalaropus tricolor Ammodramus savannarum Ammodramus henslowii Ammodramus leconteii Cygnus buccinator Branta canadensis Aix sponsa Anas crecca Anas rubripes Ms. Nicole Lamp Mr. Michael Monfils Mr. Michael Monfils Mr. Michael Monfils Mr. Michael Monfils Mr. Michael Monfils Mr. Michael Monfils Dr. Michael Hamas Mr. Michael Monfils Mr. Michael Monfils Mr. Michael Monfils Mr. Michael Monfils Mr. Greg Soulliere Mr. Greg Soulliere Mr. Greg Soulliere Mr. Greg Soulliere Mr. Greg Soulliere 112 Michigan State Univ. Dept. of Fisheries & Wildlife Michigan State Univ. Dept. of Fisheries & Wildlife Central Michigan Univ. Dept. of Biology Central Michigan Univ. Dept. of Biology Central Michigan Univ. Dept. of Biology Central Michigan Univ. Dept. of Biology Central Michigan Univ. Dept. of Biology Michigan Natural Features Inventory Central Michigan Univ. Dept. of Biology Michigan Natural Features Inventory Michigan Natural Features Inventory Michigan Natural Features Inventory Michigan Natural Features Inventory Michigan Natural Features Inventory Michigan Natural Features Inventory Michigan Natural Features Inventory Michigan DNR, Wildlife Division Michigan Natural Features Inventory Central Michigan Univ. Dept. of Biology Michigan DNR, Wildlife Division Michigan DNR, Wildlife Division Central Michigan Univ. Dept. of Biology Michigan DNR, Wildlife Division Michigan DNR, Wildlife Division Michigan DNR, Wildlife Division Central Michigan Univ. Dept. of Biology Michigan State Univ. Dept. of Fisheries & Wildlife Michigan State Univ. Dept. of Fisheries & Wildlife Michigan Natural Features Inventory Michigan Natural Features Inventory Michigan Natural Features Inventory Michigan Natural Features Inventory Michigan Natural Features Inventory Michigan Natural Features Inventory Central Michigan Univ. Dept. of Biology Michigan Natural Features Inventory Michigan Natural Features Inventory Michigan Natural Features Inventory Michigan Natural Features Inventory Michigan DNR, Wildlife Division Michigan DNR, Wildlife Division Michigan DNR, Wildlife Division Michigan DNR, Wildlife Division Michigan DNR, Wildlife Division DRAFT 02/01/05 Anas platyrhynchos Anas acuta Anas discors Anas clypeata Anas strepera Anas americana Aythya americana Aythya collaris Bucephala clangula Lophodytes cucullatus Mergus merganser Mergus serrator Oxyura jamaicensis Catharus ustulatus Vireo flavifrons Parula americana Mr. Greg Soulliere Mr. Greg Soulliere Mr. Greg Soulliere Mr. Greg Soulliere Mr. Greg Soulliere Mr. Greg Soulliere Mr. Greg Soulliere Mr. Greg Soulliere Mr. Greg Soulliere Mr. Greg Soulliere Mr. Greg Soulliere Mr. Greg Soulliere Mr. Greg Soulliere Dr. Michael Hamas Dr. Michael Hamas Dr. Michael Hamas Dendroica magnolia Dr. Dave Ewert Dendroica caerulescens Dendroica coronata Dendroica virens Dendroica kirtlandii Dendroica discolor Dendroica cerulea Protonotaria citrea Seiurus motacilla Wilsonia citrina Dr. Dave Ewert Dr. Michael Hamas Dr. Michael Hamas Mr. Michael Monfils Dr. Michael Hamas Mr. Michael Monfils Mr. Michael Monfils Dr. Michael Hamas Mr. Michael Monfils Mr. Michael Monfils Wilsonia canadensis Melanerpes carolinus Picoides arcticus Thryothorus ludovicianus Troglodytes troglodytes Cistothorus platensis Cistothorus palustris Dr. Dave Ewert Dr. Michael Hamas Mr. Michael Monfils Dr. Michael Hamas Dr. Michael Hamas Mr. Michael Monfils Mr. Michael Monfils 113 Michigan DNR, Wildlife Division Michigan DNR, Wildlife Division Michigan DNR, Wildlife Division Michigan DNR, Wildlife Division Michigan DNR, Wildlife Division Michigan DNR, Wildlife Division Michigan DNR, Wildlife Division Michigan DNR, Wildlife Division Michigan DNR, Wildlife Division Michigan DNR, Wildlife Division Michigan DNR, Wildlife Division Michigan DNR, Wildlife Division Michigan DNR, Wildlife Division Central Michigan Univ. Dept. of Biology Central Michigan Univ. Dept. of Biology Central Michigan Univ. Dept. of Biology The Nature Conservancy, Michigan Field Office The Nature Conservancy, Michigan Field Office Central Michigan Univ. Dept. of Biology Central Michigan Univ. Dept. of Biology Michigan Natural Features Inventory Central Michigan Univ. Dept. of Biology Michigan Natural Features Inventory Michigan Natural Features Inventory Central Michigan Univ. Dept. of Biology Michigan Natural Features Inventory Michigan Natural Features Inventory The Nature Conservancy, Michigan Field Office Central Michigan Univ. Dept. of Biology Michigan Natural Features Inventory Central Michigan Univ. Dept. of Biology Central Michigan Univ. Dept. of Biology Michigan Natural Features Inventory Michigan Natural Features Inventory DRAFT 02/01/05 Appendix E. Cross-walk of the MIWILD-HAB habitat classes to the IFMAP/GAP habitat classes. Attribute values for the IFMAP land cover are also provided. MI-WILD Habitat Class Savanna Upland Brush Grass Row Crops Small Grains/Forage Crops Fields/Pastures Rock Bluffs Lake Dunes Residential IFMAP Habitat Class IFMAP Value Herbaceous Openland 10 Upland Shrub/Low Density Trees 12 Herbaceous Openland 10 Row Crops 6 Forage Crops/Non-tilled herb.ag. 7 Forage Crops/Non-tilled herb.ag. 7 Exposed Rock 32 Sand, Soil 31 Low Intensity Urban 1 High Intensity Urban 2 Parks/Golf Courses 13 Open Water Water 23 Emergent Wetlands (Marsh 1 and 2) Emergent Wetland 29 Mixed Non-forest Wetland 30 Floating Aquatic 27 Sedge Meadow Mixed Non-forest Wetland 30 Emergent Wetland 29 Lowland Brush Lowland Shrub 28 Bog Emergent Wetland 29 Mixed Non-forest Wetland 30 Shorelines & Mudflats Sand, Soil 31 Mudflats 33 Treed Bog Lowland Coniferous Forest 25 Aspen Aspen Association 16 Paper Birch Other Upland Deciduous 17 Oak Oak Association 15 Assorted Hardwoods Mixed Upland Deciduous 18 Northern Hardwoods Northern Hardwood Association 14 Spruce/Fir Other Upland Conifers 20 Hemlock Other Upland Conifers 20 Jack Pine Pines 19 Red Pine Pines 19 White Pine Pines 19 Conifer Plantations Pines 19 Mixed Upland Hardwoods Mixed Upland Deciduous 18 Mixed Northern Hardwoods Northern Hardwood Association 14 Upland Mixed Forest 22 Mixed Upland Conifer Mixed Upland Conifers 21 Upland Mixed Forest 22 Mixed Pine Pines 19 Upland Mixed Forest 22 Swamp Hardwoods Lowland Deciduous Forest 24 Balsam Poplar & Swamp Aspen & Swamp Birch Lowland Deciduous Forest 24 114 DRAFT 02/01/05 Bottomland Hardwoods Tamarack Northern White Cedar Black Spruce Mixed Lowland Conifer Mixed Lowland Hardwoods Lowland Deciduous Forest Lowland Coniferous Forest Lowland Coniferous Forest Lowland Coniferous Forest Lowland Coniferous Forest Lowland Mixed Forest Lowland Deciduous Forest Lowland Mixed Forest 115 24 25 25 25 25 26 24 26 DRAFT 02/01/05 Appendix F. Table of land cover and stewardship analysis. The area in square kilometers (multiply by 100 for hectares, 247 for acres) of the land cover mapped by management status and land steward, and the percent of the land cover total in each category. 116 DRAFT 02/01/05 Airports MiDNR Status 1 0.00 0.00 Status 2 0.15 0.42 Status 3 0.79 2.14 Status 4 0.00 0.00 Total 0.94 2.56 MiMilitary MiOther Nature Conservancy 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.02 0.04 0.02 0.04 Other (Mostly Private Land) USFS 0.00 0.75 0.00 0.00 35.01 95.37 35.01 95.37 2.03 USFWS USNPS 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.15 0.42 0.00 0.00 1.53 4.17 0.00 0.00 0.00 Total 35.02 95.41 0.75 2.03 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 36.71 100.00 Aspen Types MiDNR Status 1 59.29 0.58 Status 2 35.11 0.34 Status 3 1971.99 19.19 Status 4 Total 3.45 0.03 2069.85 20.15 MiMilitary MiOther Nature Conservancy 2.28 30.89 0.30 30.89 0.30 0.13 0.00 100.95 0.98 101.08 0.98 2.28 Other (Mostly Private Land) USFS USFWS 0.02 0.02 5.88 6591.18 64.15 6591.18 64.15 0.06 USNPS Total 217.64 2.12 285.09 2.77 23.68 0.23 58.79 0.57 0.06 1225.37 11.93 0.49 0.00 6.06 1225.37 11.93 6.37 0.06 247.37 3234.93 31.49 6695.58 65.17 2.41 10274.39 100.00 Emergent Wetland MiDNR Status 1 0.27 0.02 Status 2 5.48 0.51 Status 3 116.67 10.77 Status 4 Total 0.01 0.00 122.43 11.30 MiMilitary MiOther Nature Conservancy 1.07 0.04 0.00 0.04 0.00 0.02 0.00 15.36 1.42 15.38 1.42 1.07 Other (Mostly Private Land) USFS USFWS 0.10 0.10 4.45 877.85 81.01 877.85 81.01 0.41 USNPS Total 14.89 1.37 20.67 1.91 0.96 0.09 6.44 0.59 0.00 43.84 4.05 2.71 0.25 0.04 43.84 4.05 7.16 0.66 15.88 163.33 15.07 893.22 82.43 1.47 1083.66 100.00 Exposed Rock MiDNR Status 1 0.00 0.00 Status 2 0.00 0.00 Status 3 0.08 0.37 Status 4 0.00 0.00 Total 0.08 0.37 MiMilitary MiOther Nature Conservancy 0.01 0.05 0.05 0.22 0.22 0.00 0.00 0.02 0.07 0.02 0.07 Other (Mostly Private Land) USFS 0.04 0.02 0.01 0.04 18.04 82.85 18.04 82.85 0.11 USFWS USNPS 0.00 3.31 15.22 3.32 15.25 0.24 1.12 0.24 1.12 0.00 0.00 0.15 0.71 0.00 0.00 0.00 Total 18.05 82.92 0.02 0.11 0.00 0.00 3.56 16.33 21.77 100.00 USFWS USNPS Total 7.56 0.12 0.03 9.54 2.14 0.45 0.10 3.15 0.71 Floating Aquatic Wetland MiDNR Status 1 0.57 0.13 Status 2 2.71 0.61 Status 3 81.24 18.24 Status 4 Total 0.01 0.00 84.52 18.97 MiMilitary MiOther Nature Conservancy 1.30 0.02 0.01 0.02 0.01 0.00 0.00 8.21 1.84 8.21 1.84 1.30 Other (Mostly Private Land) USFS 0.29 0.29 328.08 73.65 328.08 73.65 1.70 14.00 3.14 1.13 0.25 0.08 0.02 96.49 21.66 14.00 3.14 8.69 1.95 0.65 0.15 445.48 100.00 336.30 75.49 Forage Crops MiDNR Status 1 0.00 0.00 Status 2 26.19 0.12 Status 3 104.72 0.49 Status 4 0.80 0.00 131.71 0.62 Total MiMilitary MiOther Nature Conservancy 1.24 0.30 0.30 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 89.84 0.42 89.84 0.42 Other (Mostly Private Land) USFS 0.01 11.96 1.24 0.01 21080.58 98.87 21080.58 98.87 117 0.06 USFWS USNPS 0.35 0.00 0.00 1.59 0.01 1.79 0.01 27.98 0.13 0.00 0.00 121.33 0.57 4.35 0.00 0.02 Total 21171.22 99.29 11.96 0.06 4.70 0.02 1.79 0.01 21322.12 100.00 DRAFT 02/01/05 Herbaceous Open Land MiDNR Status 1 1.10 0.01 Status 2 37.94 0.34 Status 3 1064.18 9.65 Status 4 Total 0.68 0.01 1103.90 10.01 MiMilitary MiOther Nature Conservancy 1.85 77.56 0.70 77.56 0.70 0.06 0.00 110.93 1.01 110.99 1.01 1.85 Other (Mostly Private Land) USFS 0.02 0.02 9333.68 84.60 9333.68 84.60 USFWS USNPS Total 5.68 1.52 0.01 10.16 0.09 23.07 0.21 61.01 0.55 0.01 0.05 372.23 3.37 1.79 0.02 0.82 372.23 3.37 7.47 0.07 25.41 1516.63 13.75 9445.29 85.61 0.23 11033.08 100.00 High Intensity Urban MiDNR Status 1 0.00 0.00 Status 2 3.42 0.24 Status 3 6.39 0.45 Status 4 0.00 0.00 Total 9.81 0.70 MiMilitary MiOther Nature Conservancy 0.07 0.15 0.15 0.01 0.01 0.00 0.00 11.49 0.82 11.49 0.82 Other (Mostly Private Land) USFS 0.01 0.52 0.07 0.01 1382.39 98.41 1382.39 98.41 0.04 USFWS USNPS 0.00 0.05 0.00 0.12 0.01 0.04 0.00 3.46 0.25 0.02 0.00 7.31 0.52 0.23 0.00 0.02 Total 1393.88 99.23 0.52 0.04 0.23 0.02 0.11 0.01 1404.77 100.00 Low Intensity Urban MiDNR Status 1 0.02 0.00 Status 2 6.78 0.31 Status 3 31.35 1.44 Status 4 0.11 0.01 38.26 1.75 Total MiMilitary MiOther Nature Conservancy 0.17 0.77 0.77 0.04 0.04 0.00 0.00 27.68 1.27 27.68 1.27 Other (Mostly Private Land) USFS 0.01 12.30 0.17 0.01 2102.91 96.31 2102.91 96.31 0.56 USFWS USNPS 0.03 0.00 0.00 0.23 0.01 0.65 0.03 7.43 0.34 0.02 0.00 45.19 2.07 0.75 0.00 0.03 Total 2130.71 97.58 12.30 0.56 0.79 0.04 0.66 0.03 2183.55 100.00 Lowland Coniferous Forest MiDNR Status 1 20.61 0.22 Status 2 61.92 0.67 Status 3 2336.10 25.12 Status 4 Total 3.30 0.04 2421.95 26.04 MiMilitary MiOther Nature Conservancy 14.02 9.44 0.10 9.44 0.10 1.85 0.02 101.04 1.09 102.89 1.11 14.02 Other (Mostly Private Land) USFS USFWS 0.15 0.15 20.95 5275.49 56.72 5275.49 56.72 0.23 USNPS Total 73.23 0.79 128.82 1.38 16.01 0.17 77.93 0.84 0.10 1358.05 14.60 0.15 0.00 9.09 1358.05 14.60 21.10 0.23 98.33 3714.69 39.94 5379.83 57.84 1.06 9301.28 100.00 Lowland Deciduous Forest MiDNR Status 1 0.66 0.01 Status 2 28.57 0.39 Status 3 1048.72 14.34 Status 4 Total 0.53 0.01 1078.47 14.75 MiMilitary MiOther Nature Conservancy 5.60 3.86 0.05 3.86 0.05 0.33 0.00 87.09 1.19 87.42 1.20 5.60 Other (Mostly Private Land) USFS 0.08 0.08 5829.29 79.70 5829.29 79.70 USFWS USNPS 0.26 0.00 0.00 6.51 0.09 7.98 0.11 36.55 0.50 0.07 0.00 289.86 3.96 6.11 0.08 5.01 289.86 3.96 6.37 0.09 12.98 Total 1353.88 18.51 5916.92 80.90 0.18 7313.86 100.00 Lowland Mixed Forest MiDNR Status 1 0.69 0.13 Status 2 3.63 0.69 Status 3 107.28 20.50 Status 4 Total 0.09 0.02 111.68 21.34 MiMilitary MiOther Nature Conservancy 0.58 0.55 0.11 0.55 0.11 0.02 0.00 5.03 0.96 5.05 0.96 0.58 Other (Mostly Private Land) USFS 0.11 0.11 USFWS 1.01 319.43 61.03 319.43 61.03 118 0.19 USNPS Total 18.18 3.47 20.46 3.91 1.35 0.26 4.98 0.95 65.16 12.45 0.00 0.00 0.39 0.07 173.39 33.13 65.16 12.45 1.01 0.19 19.93 3.81 523.38 100.00 324.55 62.01 DRAFT 02/01/05 Mixed Non-forest Wetland MiDNR Status 1 14.94 0.48 Status 2 24.41 0.79 Status 3 959.15 30.84 Status 4 Total 0.86 0.03 999.36 32.13 MiMilitary MiOther Nature Conservancy 4.58 3.75 0.12 3.75 0.12 0.08 0.00 35.40 1.14 35.48 1.14 4.58 Other (Mostly Private Land) USFS USFWS 0.15 0.15 167.95 1564.81 50.32 1564.81 50.32 5.40 USNPS Total 0.02 0.00 187.48 6.03 2.49 0.08 26.91 0.87 328.92 10.58 1.35 0.04 1.26 0.04 1294.50 41.62 328.92 10.58 169.30 5.44 3.77 0.12 3109.96 100.00 1601.07 51.48 Mixed Upland Conifer MiDNR Status 1 1.80 0.22 Status 2 4.80 0.59 Status 3 187.52 22.94 Status 4 Total 0.24 0.03 194.36 23.78 MiMilitary MiOther Nature Conservancy 0.83 0.55 0.07 0.55 0.07 0.00 0.00 10.66 1.30 10.66 1.30 0.83 Other (Mostly Private Land) USFS 0.10 0.10 470.26 57.53 470.26 57.53 USFWS USNPS 1.23 0.00 0.00 3.86 0.47 4.09 0.50 8.89 1.09 0.15 Total 131.51 16.09 0.00 0.00 3.99 0.49 323.57 39.58 131.51 16.09 1.23 0.15 8.08 0.99 817.48 100.00 481.16 58.86 Mixed Upland Deciduous MiDNR Status 1 0.11 0.00 Status 2 15.13 0.35 Status 3 342.89 7.94 0.23 0.01 358.37 8.30 Status 4 Total MiMilitary MiOther Nature Conservancy 1.33 2.11 0.05 2.11 0.05 0.02 0.00 29.99 0.69 30.00 0.69 1.33 Other (Mostly Private Land) USFS 0.03 0.03 3782.44 87.61 3782.44 87.61 USFWS USNPS 0.91 0.67 0.02 3.02 0.07 5.09 0.12 20.22 0.47 0.02 Total 131.19 3.04 4.11 0.10 1.39 0.03 481.69 11.16 131.19 3.04 5.01 0.12 7.14 0.17 4317.59 100.00 3812.66 88.31 Mud Flats MiDNR Status 1 0.00 0.00 Status 2 0.00 0.00 Status 3 0.00 0.00 Status 4 0.00 0.00 Total 0.00 0.00 MiMilitary MiOther Nature Conservancy 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Other (Mostly Private Land) USFS 0.00 0.00 0.02 8.70 0.02 8.70 USFWS USNPS 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Total 0.17 91.30 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.17 91.30 0.17 91.30 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.19 100.00 0.02 8.70 Non-vegetated Farmland MiDNR Status 1 0.00 0.00 Status 2 0.21 0.09 Status 3 1.67 0.70 Status 4 0.00 0.00 Total 1.88 0.79 MiMilitary MiOther Nature Conservancy 0.00 0.05 0.05 0.02 0.02 0.00 0.00 3.43 1.45 3.43 1.45 Other (Mostly Private Land) USFS 0.00 0.22 0.00 0.00 231.06 97.61 231.06 97.61 0.09 USFWS USNPS 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.21 0.09 0.00 0.00 2.00 0.85 0.06 0.00 0.03 Total 234.50 99.07 0.22 0.09 0.06 0.03 0.00 0.00 236.71 100.00 Northern Hardwood MiDNR Status 1 127.81 0.74 Status 2 49.49 0.29 Status 3 2028.76 11.74 Status 4 Total 0.87 0.01 2206.93 12.77 MiMilitary MiOther Nature Conservancy 4.69 13.58 0.08 13.58 0.08 0.38 0.00 125.83 0.73 126.21 0.73 4.69 Other (Mostly Private Land) USFS 0.03 0.03 USFWS 3.82 12434.25 71.93 12434.25 71.93 119 0.02 USNPS Total 35.95 0.21 172.26 1.00 169.40 0.98 218.89 1.27 0.53 2199.01 12.72 1.84 0.01 91.68 2199.01 12.72 5.65 0.03 297.03 4335.25 25.08 12560.95 72.66 1.72 17287.36 100.00 DRAFT 02/01/05 Oaks Types MiDNR Status 1 2.64 0.04 Status 2 29.46 0.47 Status 3 967.46 15.43 Status 4 Total 2.27 0.04 1001.83 15.98 MiMilitary MiOther Nature Conservancy 0.27 57.96 0.92 57.96 0.92 0.04 0.00 57.39 0.92 57.43 0.92 0.27 Other (Mostly Private Land) USFS USFWS 0.00 0.00 0.04 4471.82 71.32 4471.82 71.32 0.00 USNPS Total 11.47 0.18 14.42 0.23 0.19 0.00 29.65 0.47 0.01 668.14 10.66 0.62 0.01 0.62 668.14 10.66 0.66 0.01 12.28 1694.84 27.03 4531.47 72.27 0.20 6270.39 100.00 Orchards/Vineyards/Nursery MiDNR Status 1 0.00 0.00 Status 2 0.93 0.13 Status 3 6.34 0.86 Status 4 0.00 0.00 Total 7.27 0.99 MiMilitary MiOther Nature Conservancy 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 3.61 0.49 3.61 0.49 Other (Mostly Private Land) USFS 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 724.94 98.49 724.94 98.49 0.00 USFWS USNPS 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.23 0.03 1.16 0.16 0.00 0.00 6.34 0.86 0.00 0.00 0.00 Total 728.55 98.98 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.23 0.03 736.06 100.00 Other Bare/Sparsely Vegetated MiDNR Status 1 0.27 0.14 Status 2 1.84 0.98 Status 3 5.88 3.13 Status 4 0.00 0.00 Total 7.99 4.25 MiMilitary MiOther Nature Conservancy 0.22 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 3.01 1.60 3.01 1.60 Other (Mostly Private Land) USFS 0.12 5.52 0.22 0.12 169.01 89.88 169.01 89.88 2.94 USFWS USNPS 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.49 0.26 2.28 1.21 4.12 2.19 0.01 0.00 11.42 6.07 0.01 0.00 0.00 Total 172.01 91.48 5.52 2.94 0.01 0.00 2.29 1.22 188.04 100.00 Other Upland Conifer MiDNR Status 1 6.93 0.46 Status 2 2.79 0.19 Status 3 186.19 12.49 Status 4 Total 0.01 0.00 195.92 13.14 MiMilitary MiOther Nature Conservancy 3.05 0.02 0.00 0.02 0.00 0.07 0.00 24.84 1.67 24.92 1.67 3.05 Other (Mostly Private Land) USFS USFWS 0.20 0.20 0.19 840.10 56.34 840.10 56.34 0.01 USNPS Total 55.02 3.69 65.19 4.37 0.40 0.03 3.19 0.21 0.07 370.47 24.84 0.02 0.00 1.09 370.47 24.84 0.22 0.01 56.50 557.86 37.41 864.95 58.00 3.79 1491.19 100.00 Other Upland Deciduous MiDNR Status 1 0.00 0.00 Status 2 0.45 0.27 Status 3 14.26 8.75 Status 4 0.00 0.00 14.70 9.02 Total MiMilitary MiOther Nature Conservancy 0.02 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.88 0.54 0.88 0.54 Other (Mostly Private Land) USFS 0.01 0.03 0.02 0.01 146.93 90.16 146.93 90.16 0.02 USFWS USNPS 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.02 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.45 0.27 0.00 0.00 14.69 9.01 0.40 0.00 0.24 Total 147.82 90.70 0.03 0.02 0.40 0.24 0.00 0.00 162.97 100.00 Parks and Golf Courses MiDNR Status 1 0.00 0.00 Status 2 0.26 0.08 Status 3 0.79 0.25 Status 4 0.00 0.00 Total 1.05 0.33 MiMilitary MiOther Nature Conservancy 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.20 0.38 1.20 0.38 Other (Mostly Private Land) USFS 0.00 0.06 0.00 0.00 313.12 99.25 313.12 99.25 120 0.02 USFWS USNPS 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.26 0.08 0.01 0.00 0.91 0.29 0.04 0.00 0.01 Total 314.32 99.63 0.06 0.02 0.04 0.01 0.01 0.00 315.49 100.00 DRAFT 02/01/05 Pine Types MiDNR Status 1 9.42 0.11 Status 2 37.29 0.45 Status 3 1985.59 23.74 Status 4 Total 1.34 0.02 2033.63 24.32 MiMilitary MiOther Nature Conservancy 7.27 39.80 0.48 39.80 0.48 0.09 0.00 89.69 1.07 89.78 1.07 7.27 Other (Mostly Private Land) USFS USFWS 0.09 0.09 39.79 4145.20 49.57 4145.20 49.57 0.48 USNPS Total 10.79 0.13 67.26 0.80 16.56 0.20 53.85 0.64 1966.54 23.52 0.65 0.01 12.51 0.15 4005.18 47.89 1966.54 23.52 40.44 0.48 39.86 0.48 8362.52 100.00 4236.23 50.66 Roads/Parking Lots MiDNR Status 1 0.96 0.02 Status 2 16.12 0.38 Status 3 131.70 3.11 Status 4 0.24 0.01 149.02 3.52 Total MiMilitary MiOther Nature Conservancy 0.40 3.02 3.02 0.07 0.07 0.07 0.00 47.37 1.12 47.44 1.12 Other (Mostly Private Land) USFS 0.01 82.27 0.40 0.01 3946.69 93.25 3946.69 93.25 1.94 USFWS USNPS 0.06 0.00 0.00 1.42 0.03 2.43 0.06 18.55 0.44 0.72 0.02 217.92 5.15 0.14 0.00 0.00 Total 3994.30 94.38 82.27 1.94 0.19 0.00 3.15 0.07 4232.19 100.00 Row Crops MiDNR Status 1 0.00 0.00 Status 2 7.48 0.05 Status 3 67.83 0.42 Status 4 0.24 0.00 75.55 0.47 Total MiMilitary MiOther Nature Conservancy 1.13 0.28 0.28 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 43.50 0.27 43.50 0.27 Other (Mostly Private Land) USFS 0.01 1.61 1.13 0.01 15998.74 99.22 15998.74 99.22 0.01 USFWS USNPS 0.01 0.00 0.00 1.13 0.01 0.03 0.00 7.51 0.05 0.00 0.00 73.68 0.46 3.96 0.00 0.02 Total 16042.48 99.49 1.61 0.01 3.97 0.02 0.03 0.00 16124.80 100.00 Sand/Soil MiDNR Status 1 0.03 0.01 Status 2 21.64 5.15 Status 3 16.17 3.85 Status 4 0.07 0.02 37.92 9.02 Total MiMilitary MiOther Nature Conservancy 0.64 2.62 2.62 0.62 0.62 0.00 0.00 8.94 2.13 8.94 2.13 Other (Mostly Private Land) USFS 0.15 9.46 0.64 0.15 336.12 79.99 336.12 79.99 2.25 USFWS USNPS 0.34 0.00 0.00 24.13 5.74 0.04 0.01 0.01 0.08 0.00 Total 1.01 0.24 45.77 10.89 28.29 6.73 345.13 82.13 9.46 2.25 0.35 0.08 24.17 5.75 420.21 100.00 Shrub Wetland MiDNR Status 1 30.22 0.48 Status 2 34.39 0.55 Status 3 1299.98 20.74 Status 4 Total 1.28 0.02 1365.87 21.79 MiMilitary MiOther Nature Conservancy 4.08 4.14 0.07 4.14 0.07 0.14 0.00 78.30 1.25 78.44 1.25 4.08 Other (Mostly Private Land) USFS USFWS 0.07 0.07 92.68 4166.88 66.47 4166.88 66.47 1.48 USNPS Total 4.56 0.07 131.54 2.10 6.61 0.11 41.00 0.65 0.10 535.73 8.55 3.70 0.06 6.06 535.73 8.55 96.38 1.54 17.23 1849.75 29.51 4246.47 67.74 0.27 6268.76 100.00 Upland Mixed Forest MiDNR Status 1 29.43 0.38 Status 2 28.32 0.36 Status 3 1175.16 15.04 Status 4 Total 0.80 0.01 1233.71 15.79 MiMilitary MiOther Nature Conservancy 2.75 27.14 0.35 27.14 0.35 0.16 0.00 95.74 1.23 95.90 1.23 2.75 Other (Mostly Private Land) USFS 0.04 0.04 USFWS 1.68 5010.53 64.12 5010.53 64.12 121 0.02 USNPS Total 62.52 0.80 96.37 1.23 18.66 0.24 46.98 0.60 0.04 1357.53 17.37 0.14 0.00 3.14 1357.53 17.37 1.82 0.02 84.32 2563.27 32.80 5107.07 65.36 1.08 7813.70 100.00 DRAFT 02/01/05 Upland Shrub and Low Density Trees MiDNR Status 1 1.05 0.03 Status 2 9.95 0.25 Status 3 790.41 20.12 Status 4 Total 0.29 0.01 801.71 20.41 MiMilitary MiOther Nature Conservancy 0.57 19.07 0.49 19.07 0.49 0.03 0.00 39.88 1.02 39.91 1.02 0.57 Other (Mostly Private Land) USFS USFWS 0.01 0.01 5.53 2816.05 71.69 2816.05 71.69 0.14 USNPS Total 18.49 0.47 25.64 0.65 7.31 0.19 17.26 0.44 0.21 211.09 5.37 0.14 0.00 8.30 211.09 5.37 5.67 0.14 34.10 1029.05 26.20 2856.22 72.71 0.87 3928.18 100.00 Water MiDNR Status 1 5.78 0.16 Status 2 16.64 0.47 Status 3 189.11 5.38 Status 4 0.23 0.01 211.76 6.03 Total MiMilitary MiOther Nature Conservancy 1.73 1.65 1.65 0.05 0.05 0.07 0.00 65.55 1.87 65.62 1.87 Other (Mostly Private Land) USFS 18.33 90.02 1.73 USFWS 0.05 0.05 3038.59 86.52 3038.59 86.52 122 2.56 3.21 0.52 0.09 USNPS Total 42.20 1.20 68.04 1.94 38.18 1.09 54.82 1.56 0.83 0.02 284.90 8.11 3104.37 88.39 90.02 2.56 21.54 0.61 81.22 2.31 3512.13 100.00 DRAFT 02/01/05 Appendix G. Table of amphibian and reptile species distribution and stewardship analysis. The area in square kilometers (multiply by 100 for hectares, 247 for acres) of the species' mapped distribution by management status and land steward, and the percent of the species' total distribution in each category. aaaaa01060 Blue-spotted salamander MiDNR Status 1 197.78 0.39 Status 2 210.44 0.42 Status 3 8337.21 16.53 Status 4 Total 7.35 0.01 8752.78 17.35 aaaaa01090 Status 1 221.42 0.48 Status 2 158.88 0.35 Status 3 6502.13 14.20 Total 7.76 0.02 6890.19 15.05 aaaaa01100 Nature Conservancy 36.24 59.74 0.12 59.74 0.12 2.86 0.01 522.87 1.04 525.73 1.04 36.24 Other (Mostly Private Land) USFS USFWS 0.07 0.07 75.54 34082.26 67.56 34082.26 67.56 USNPS Total 0.15 262.58 0.52 572.14 1.13 230.06 0.46 440.50 0.87 6288.67 12.47 9.84 0.02 120.35 0.24 14818.67 29.38 6288.67 12.47 85.38 0.17 612.99 1.22 50443.79 100.00 34612.48 68.62 MiMilitary MiOther Nature Conservancy 11.95 133.01 0.29 133.01 0.29 0.79 0.00 411.63 0.90 412.42 0.90 11.95 Other (Mostly Private Land) USFS USFWS 0.03 0.03 12.55 32411.02 70.80 32411.02 70.80 0.03 USNPS Total 0.00 0.00 245.92 0.54 221.11 0.48 379.99 0.83 5579.18 12.19 7.72 0.02 102.27 0.22 12325.10 26.92 5579.18 12.19 20.27 0.04 323.38 0.71 45781.42 100.00 32830.41 71.71 Marbled salamander MiDNR Status 1 0.00 0.00 Status 2 8.63 0.49 Status 3 142.90 8.09 Status 4 0.00 0.00 151.53 8.58 Total MiOther Spotted salamander MiDNR Status 4 MiMilitary MiMilitary MiOther Nature Conservancy 5.06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 23.70 1.34 23.70 1.34 Other (Mostly Private Land) USFS 0.29 0.00 5.06 0.29 1586.77 89.80 1586.77 89.80 123 0.00 USFWS USNPS 0.00 0.00 0.00 5.06 0.29 0.00 0.00 8.63 0.49 0.00 0.00 142.90 8.09 0.00 0.00 0.00 Total 1610.47 91.14 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1767.06 100.00 DRAFT 02/01/05 aaaaa01130 Smallmouth salamander MiDNR Status 1 0.00 0.00 Status 2 0.36 0.05 Status 3 41.71 5.50 Status 4 0.00 0.00 42.07 5.55 Total aaaaa01140 Status 1 0.00 0.00 Status 2 200.35 0.35 Status 3 5464.32 9.59 8.54 0.01 5673.21 9.96 Total aaaad08010 Status 1 184.33 0.47 Status 2 163.50 0.42 Status 3 6635.22 17.04 Total 5.77 0.01 6988.82 17.94 aaaad12020 Status 1 167.31 0.61 Status 2 85.30 0.31 Status 3 3576.39 13.13 Total 2.13 0.01 3831.13 14.06 aaaae01040 Status 1 5.70 0.18 Status 2 16.64 0.52 Status 3 178.02 5.59 Status 4 0.19 0.01 200.55 6.29 aaaaf01030 Status 1 284.20 0.33 Status 2 360.79 0.43 Status 3 14284.82 16.84 Total 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 3.47 0.46 3.47 0.46 0.00 2.49 0.33 710.57 93.67 710.57 93.67 0.00 USFWS USNPS 0.00 0.00 0.00 2.49 0.33 0.00 0.00 0.36 0.05 0.00 0.00 41.71 5.50 0.00 0.00 0.00 Total 714.04 94.13 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 758.60 100.00 MiMilitary MiOther Nature Conservancy 18.69 239.53 0.42 239.53 0.42 0.27 0.00 445.12 0.78 445.39 0.78 18.69 Other (Mostly Private Land) USFS 0.03 0.03 47695.63 83.71 47695.63 83.71 USFWS USNPS 0.96 0.00 0.00 19.65 0.03 268.24 0.47 468.59 0.82 0.00 Total 2491.60 4.37 26.31 0.05 118.53 0.21 8340.56 14.64 2491.60 4.37 27.27 0.05 386.77 0.68 56978.09 100.00 48149.29 84.50 MiMilitary MiOther Nature Conservancy 28.50 57.67 0.15 57.67 0.15 2.40 0.01 380.52 0.98 382.92 0.98 28.50 Other (Mostly Private Land) USFS USFWS 0.07 0.07 59.59 25818.56 66.29 25818.56 66.29 0.15 USNPS Total 0.00 0.00 272.42 0.70 213.63 0.55 377.13 0.97 5279.18 13.56 8.84 0.02 108.56 0.28 12091.87 31.05 5279.18 13.56 68.43 0.18 322.19 0.83 38946.27 100.00 26204.85 67.28 MiMilitary MiOther Nature Conservancy 11.74 42.25 0.16 42.25 0.16 0.64 0.00 257.66 0.95 258.30 0.95 11.74 Other (Mostly Private Land) USFS 0.04 0.04 18740.67 68.78 18740.67 68.78 USFWS USNPS 7.40 0.00 0.00 186.45 0.68 196.38 0.72 281.68 1.03 0.03 Total 4056.44 14.89 1.98 0.01 99.53 0.37 7777.23 28.54 4056.44 14.89 9.38 0.03 295.91 1.09 27245.82 100.00 19000.46 69.74 MiMilitary MiOther Nature Conservancy 2.75 1.70 1.70 0.05 0.05 0.02 0.00 64.13 2.01 64.15 2.01 Other (Mostly Private Land) USFS 22.37 82.25 2.75 USFWS 0.09 0.09 2796.29 87.77 2796.29 87.77 2.58 3.95 0.70 0.12 USNPS Total 0.00 0.00 30.82 0.97 11.14 0.35 27.78 0.87 0.93 0.03 266.87 8.38 2860.61 89.78 82.25 2.58 26.32 0.83 12.07 0.38 3186.08 100.00 Eastern newt MiDNR Status 4 0.00 USFS 0.33 Mudpuppy MiDNR Total 2.49 Other (Mostly Private Land) Redback salamander MiDNR Status 4 Nature Conservancy Four-toed salamander MiDNR Status 4 MiOther Eastern tiger salamander MiDNR Status 4 MiMilitary 15.06 0.02 14944.87 17.61 MiMilitary MiOther Nature Conservancy 53.27 193.72 0.23 193.72 0.23 3.29 0.00 889.77 1.05 893.06 1.05 Other (Mostly Private Land) USFS 0.06 10496.29 53.27 0.06 USFWS 290.38 57020.27 67.20 57020.27 67.20 10496.29 124 USNPS Total 0.34 504.64 0.59 1132.49 1.33 287.34 0.34 648.13 0.76 23.66 0.03 141.29 0.17 25143.07 29.63 12.37 314.04 0.37 933.27 1.10 84848.79 100.00 12.37 57925.10 68.27 DRAFT 02/01/05 aaaag02010 Western lesser siren MiDNR Status 1 0.00 0.00 Status 2 0.28 0.09 Status 3 12.03 3.71 Status 4 0.00 0.00 12.31 3.80 Total aaabb01020 Status 1 242.60 0.23 Status 2 317.92 0.31 Status 3 12012.04 11.62 Total 11.92 0.01 12584.48 12.17 aaabb01210 Status 1 0.00 0.00 Status 2 33.89 0.28 Status 3 379.62 3.14 Status 4 0.00 0.00 413.51 3.42 aaabc01010 Status 1 0.00 0.00 Status 2 2.24 0.30 Status 3 18.06 2.42 Status 4 0.00 0.00 20.30 2.72 aaabc02130 Status 1 192.12 0.42 Status 2 189.97 0.41 Status 3 7562.11 16.42 Total 6.21 0.01 7950.41 17.27 aaabc05070 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 7.73 2.38 7.73 2.38 0.00 0.22 0.07 304.03 93.75 304.03 93.75 0.00 USFWS USNPS 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.22 0.07 0.00 0.00 0.28 0.09 0.00 0.00 12.03 3.71 0.00 0.00 0.00 Total 311.76 96.14 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 324.29 100.00 MiMilitary MiOther Nature Conservancy 32.97 274.85 0.27 274.85 0.27 1.43 0.00 895.97 0.87 897.40 0.87 32.97 Other (Mostly Private Land) USFS USFWS 0.03 0.03 66.22 79623.57 77.03 79623.57 77.03 USNPS Total 0.06 435.80 0.42 777.59 0.75 285.68 0.28 603.60 0.58 9013.07 8.72 21.72 0.02 134.81 0.13 21457.92 20.76 9013.07 8.72 87.94 0.09 856.29 0.83 103370.57 100.00 80531.46 77.91 MiMilitary MiOther Nature Conservancy 4.37 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 91.44 0.76 91.44 0.76 Other (Mostly Private Land) USFS 0.04 19.56 4.37 0.04 11549.26 95.62 11549.26 95.62 0.16 USFWS USNPS 0.00 0.00 0.00 4.37 0.04 0.00 0.00 33.89 0.28 0.00 0.00 399.18 3.30 0.00 0.00 0.00 Total 11640.70 96.38 19.56 0.16 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 12078.14 100.00 MiMilitary MiOther Nature Conservancy 0.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 10.98 1.47 10.98 1.47 Other (Mostly Private Land) USFS 0.06 0.38 0.43 0.06 714.86 95.70 714.86 95.70 0.05 USFWS USNPS 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.43 0.06 0.00 0.00 2.24 0.30 0.00 0.00 18.44 2.47 0.00 0.00 0.00 Total 725.84 97.17 0.38 0.05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 746.95 100.00 MiMilitary MiOther Nature Conservancy 33.70 58.43 0.13 58.43 0.13 2.75 0.01 465.27 1.01 468.02 1.02 33.70 Other (Mostly Private Land) USFS USFWS 0.07 0.07 40.07 30947.44 67.21 30947.44 67.21 USNPS Total 0.09 250.88 0.54 516.77 1.12 225.16 0.49 415.13 0.90 5947.43 12.92 8.29 0.02 117.78 0.26 13696.79 29.74 5947.43 12.92 48.36 0.11 593.82 1.29 46047.61 100.00 31418.92 68.23 Western chorus frog MiDNR Status 1 2.36 0.01 Status 2 120.24 0.27 Status 3 2763.41 6.17 Status 4 2.70 0.01 2888.71 6.45 Total 0.00 USFS 0.07 Gray treefrog MiDNR Status 4 0.22 Other (Mostly Private Land) Blanchard's cricket frog MiDNR Total Nature Conservancy Fowler's toad MiDNR Total MiOther American toad MiDNR Status 4 MiMilitary MiMilitary MiOther Nature Conservancy 11.45 88.16 88.16 0.20 0.20 0.55 0.00 354.04 0.79 354.59 0.79 Other (Mostly Private Land) USFS 0.43 737.76 11.45 USFWS 0.03 0.03 40631.14 90.74 40631.14 90.74 125 1.65 19.46 0.00 0.04 USNPS Total 15.72 0.04 29.96 0.07 31.40 0.07 151.64 0.34 0.00 0.00 3609.34 8.06 40987.88 91.53 737.76 1.65 19.89 0.04 47.12 0.11 44778.82 100.00 DRAFT 02/01/05 aaabc05090 Northern spring peeper MiDNR Status 1 234.49 0.42 Status 2 247.97 0.44 Status 3 9637.04 17.15 Status 4 Total 8.31 0.01 10127.81 18.03 aaabh01070 Status 1 12.59 0.17 Status 2 32.26 0.43 Status 3 592.85 7.88 0.80 0.01 638.50 8.49 Total aaabh01090 Status 1 11.71 0.19 Status 2 24.09 0.39 Status 3 416.33 6.74 0.70 0.01 452.83 7.33 Total aaabh01160 Status 1 27.41 0.23 Status 2 61.91 0.51 Status 3 1732.69 14.23 Total 1.68 0.01 1823.69 14.98 aaabh01170 Status 1 27.41 0.22 Status 2 61.91 0.51 Status 3 1732.69 14.21 Total 1.68 0.01 1823.69 14.95 aaabh01190 Status 1 27.45 0.71 Status 2 26.47 0.69 Status 3 954.06 24.77 Total 0.11 64.49 0.11 2.98 0.01 595.74 1.06 598.72 1.07 43.26 USFWS 0.08 303.55 37661.28 67.04 37661.28 67.04 USNPS Total 0.54 271.66 0.48 852.96 1.52 233.00 0.41 480.97 0.86 6734.51 11.99 19.58 0.03 121.68 0.22 16580.28 29.51 6734.51 11.99 323.13 0.58 626.34 1.11 56179.54 100.00 38265.33 68.11 MiMilitary MiOther Nature Conservancy 5.69 2.98 0.04 2.98 0.04 0.15 0.00 125.78 1.67 125.93 1.67 5.69 Other (Mostly Private Land) USFS USFWS 0.08 0.08 38.58 6375.49 84.74 6375.49 84.74 0.51 USNPS Total 0.00 0.00 56.86 0.76 14.64 0.19 46.90 0.62 309.66 4.12 9.31 0.12 2.59 0.03 917.54 12.20 309.66 4.12 47.89 0.64 17.23 0.23 7523.37 100.00 6502.07 86.42 MiMilitary MiOther Nature Conservancy 3.53 3.09 0.05 3.09 0.05 0.12 0.00 103.85 1.68 103.97 1.68 3.53 Other (Mostly Private Land) USFS USFWS 0.06 0.06 27.94 5299.32 85.82 5299.32 85.82 0.45 USNPS Total 0.00 0.00 43.18 0.70 13.69 0.22 37.78 0.61 261.69 4.24 6.70 0.11 2.42 0.04 690.35 11.18 261.69 4.24 34.64 0.56 16.11 0.26 6175.18 100.00 5403.87 87.51 MiMilitary MiOther Nature Conservancy 12.68 7.28 0.06 7.28 0.06 0.28 0.00 176.22 1.45 176.50 1.45 12.68 Other (Mostly Private Land) USFS USFWS 0.10 0.10 207.49 9226.49 75.79 9226.49 75.79 1.70 USNPS Total 0.00 0.00 247.58 2.03 17.30 0.14 79.21 0.65 685.38 5.63 13.24 0.11 4.21 0.03 2443.08 20.07 685.38 5.63 220.73 1.81 21.51 0.18 12174.26 100.00 9404.39 77.25 MiMilitary MiOther Nature Conservancy 12.68 7.28 0.06 7.28 0.06 0.28 0.00 176.22 1.45 176.50 1.45 12.68 Other (Mostly Private Land) USFS USFWS 0.10 0.10 207.49 9226.57 75.66 9226.57 75.66 1.70 USNPS Total 20.48 0.17 268.06 2.20 17.30 0.14 79.21 0.65 685.38 5.62 13.24 0.11 4.21 0.03 2443.08 20.03 685.38 5.62 220.73 1.81 41.99 0.34 12194.82 100.00 9404.47 77.12 Mink frog MiDNR Status 4 64.49 USFS 0.08 Northern leopard frog MiDNR Status 4 43.26 Other (Mostly Private Land) Pickerel frog MiDNR Status 4 Nature Conservancy Green frog MiDNR Status 4 MiOther Bullfrog MiDNR Status 4 MiMilitary 0.64 0.02 1008.62 26.19 MiMilitary MiOther Nature Conservancy 5.57 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.15 0.00 50.15 1.30 50.30 1.31 5.57 Other (Mostly Private Land) USFS 0.14 0.14 USFWS 207.22 2019.99 52.44 2019.99 52.44 126 5.38 USNPS Total 21.17 0.55 261.41 6.79 10.00 0.26 36.47 0.95 524.86 13.63 0.00 0.00 4.15 0.11 1483.22 38.51 524.86 13.63 207.22 5.38 35.32 0.92 3851.88 100.00 2070.78 53.76 DRAFT 02/01/05 aaabh01200 Wood frog MiDNR Status 1 205.85 0.40 Status 2 221.66 0.43 Status 3 8660.30 16.91 Status 4 Total 7.03 0.01 9094.84 17.75 araab01010 Status 1 20.51 0.27 Status 2 47.75 0.63 Status 3 1305.71 17.15 Total 1.04 0.01 1375.01 18.06 araad01010 Status 1 21.34 0.22 Status 2 55.21 0.58 Status 3 1547.98 16.22 Total 1.24 0.01 1625.77 17.03 araad02010 Status 1 0.00 0.00 Status 2 19.86 0.42 Status 3 391.24 8.29 0.01 0.00 411.11 8.71 Total araad02020 Status 1 7.57 0.49 Status 2 8.71 0.56 Status 3 210.40 13.49 Total 0.40 0.03 227.08 14.56 araad04010 0.12 61.88 0.12 2.86 0.01 531.63 1.04 534.49 1.04 40.49 USFWS 0.08 220.18 34338.70 67.03 34338.70 67.03 USNPS Total 0.43 267.46 0.52 733.98 1.43 228.41 0.45 450.07 0.88 6306.38 12.31 16.39 0.03 118.80 0.23 15166.61 29.61 6306.38 12.31 236.57 0.46 614.67 1.20 51228.02 100.00 34877.36 68.08 MiMilitary MiOther Nature Conservancy 8.97 5.27 0.07 5.27 0.07 0.13 0.00 118.41 1.56 118.54 1.56 8.97 Other (Mostly Private Land) USFS USFWS 0.12 0.12 197.14 5416.92 71.16 5416.92 71.16 2.59 USNPS Total 0.00 0.00 226.62 2.98 14.68 0.19 62.43 0.82 464.69 6.10 8.34 0.11 2.28 0.03 1786.42 23.47 464.69 6.10 205.48 2.70 16.96 0.22 7611.84 100.00 5536.37 72.73 MiMilitary MiOther Nature Conservancy 12.03 6.38 0.07 6.38 0.07 0.17 0.00 141.57 1.48 141.74 1.48 12.03 Other (Mostly Private Land) USFS USFWS 0.13 0.13 204.29 6972.25 73.04 6972.25 73.04 2.14 USNPS Total 20.48 0.21 258.14 2.70 15.24 0.16 70.45 0.74 532.34 5.58 12.33 0.13 2.75 0.03 2101.95 22.02 532.34 5.58 216.62 2.27 38.47 0.40 9545.60 100.00 7115.06 74.54 MiMilitary MiOther Nature Conservancy 5.53 6.03 0.13 6.03 0.13 0.04 0.00 68.50 1.45 68.54 1.45 5.53 Other (Mostly Private Land) USFS 0.12 0.12 4144.90 87.80 4144.90 87.80 USFWS USNPS 0.00 0.00 0.00 5.53 0.12 5.10 0.11 24.96 0.53 0.00 Total 69.94 1.48 9.55 0.20 0.00 0.00 476.80 10.10 69.94 1.48 9.55 0.20 5.10 0.11 4720.70 100.00 4213.41 89.25 MiMilitary MiOther Nature Conservancy 0.17 1.22 0.08 1.22 0.08 0.11 0.01 30.51 1.96 30.62 1.96 0.17 Other (Mostly Private Land) USFS 0.01 0.01 1127.63 72.28 1127.63 72.28 USFWS USNPS Total 5.62 0.00 0.00 13.36 0.86 1.76 0.11 10.47 0.67 0.36 164.59 10.55 0.00 0.00 1.35 0.09 377.67 24.21 164.59 10.55 5.62 0.36 3.11 0.20 1560.04 100.00 1158.54 74.26 Blanding's turtle MiDNR Status 1 0.00 0.00 Status 2 13.97 0.49 Status 3 143.42 5.00 Status 4 0.21 0.01 157.60 5.49 Total 61.88 USFS 0.08 Wood turtle MiDNR Status 4 40.49 Other (Mostly Private Land) Spotted turtle MiDNR Status 4 Nature Conservancy Painted turtle MiDNR Status 4 MiOther Snapping turtle MiDNR Status 4 MiMilitary MiMilitary MiOther Nature Conservancy 2.54 1.68 1.68 0.06 0.06 0.01 0.00 58.47 2.04 58.48 2.04 Other (Mostly Private Land) USFS 22.38 60.81 2.54 USFWS 0.09 0.09 2553.69 88.95 2553.69 88.95 127 2.12 3.96 0.78 0.14 USNPS Total 0.00 0.00 24.92 0.87 9.57 0.33 23.54 0.82 0.36 0.01 210.24 7.32 2612.37 90.99 60.81 2.12 26.34 0.92 9.93 0.35 2871.07 100.00 DRAFT 02/01/05 araad05040 Common map turtle MiDNR Status 1 0.00 0.00 Status 2 8.29 0.54 Status 3 74.74 4.90 Status 4 0.00 0.00 83.03 5.45 Total araad08010 Status 1 0.00 0.00 Status 2 106.63 0.35 Status 3 1325.02 4.34 Status 4 0.61 0.00 1432.26 4.69 araad09010 Status 1 0.00 0.00 Status 2 3.52 0.71 Status 3 41.29 8.29 Status 4 0.00 0.00 44.81 8.99 araae02040 Status 1 0.00 0.00 Status 2 5.86 0.55 Status 3 56.88 5.36 Status 4 0.18 0.02 62.92 5.93 araag01030 Status 1 0.00 0.00 Status 2 8.00 0.52 Status 3 78.88 5.13 Status 4 0.18 0.01 87.06 5.66 arach01050 Status 1 0.00 0.00 Status 2 107.72 0.36 Status 3 3656.23 12.34 Total 1.06 0.07 0.07 0.00 0.00 33.49 2.20 33.49 2.20 13.19 2.26 0.15 1384.82 90.85 1384.82 90.85 0.87 USFWS USNPS 0.00 0.00 0.00 2.26 0.15 2.51 0.16 10.80 0.71 0.00 0.00 92.94 6.10 3.95 0.00 0.26 Total 1418.31 93.05 13.19 0.87 3.95 0.26 2.51 0.16 1524.31 100.00 MiMilitary MiOther Nature Conservancy 5.57 0.41 0.41 0.00 0.00 0.09 0.00 197.70 0.65 197.79 0.65 Other (Mostly Private Land) USFS 0.02 841.38 5.57 0.02 27977.58 91.64 27977.58 91.64 2.76 USFWS USNPS 0.00 0.00 0.00 5.57 0.02 75.04 0.25 181.67 0.60 0.00 0.00 2166.90 7.10 0.00 0.00 0.00 Total 28175.89 92.29 841.38 2.76 0.00 0.00 75.04 0.25 30530.03 100.00 MiMilitary MiOther Nature Conservancy 0.21 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 9.97 2.00 9.97 2.00 Other (Mostly Private Land) USFS 0.04 3.39 0.21 0.04 439.90 88.28 439.90 88.28 0.68 USFWS USNPS 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.21 0.04 0.00 0.00 3.52 0.71 0.00 0.00 44.68 8.97 0.00 0.00 0.00 Total 449.87 90.28 3.39 0.68 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 498.28 100.00 MiMilitary MiOther Nature Conservancy 2.26 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 31.34 2.95 31.34 2.95 Other (Mostly Private Land) USFS 0.21 3.70 2.26 0.21 957.26 90.19 957.26 90.19 0.35 USFWS USNPS 0.00 0.00 0.00 2.26 0.21 0.00 0.00 5.86 0.55 0.00 0.00 64.53 6.08 3.95 0.00 0.37 Total 988.78 93.16 3.70 0.35 3.95 0.37 0.00 0.00 1061.43 100.00 MiMilitary MiOther Nature Conservancy 2.26 1.70 1.70 0.11 0.11 0.00 0.00 34.94 2.27 34.94 2.27 Other (Mostly Private Land) USFS 0.15 15.49 2.26 0.15 1392.16 90.54 1392.16 90.54 1.01 USFWS USNPS 0.00 0.00 0.00 2.26 0.15 0.00 0.00 8.00 0.52 0.00 0.00 100.02 6.51 3.95 0.00 0.26 Total 1427.28 92.83 15.49 1.01 3.95 0.26 0.00 0.00 1537.56 100.00 Five-lined skink MiDNR Status 4 1.06 USFS 0.15 Spiny softshell MiDNR Total 2.26 Other (Mostly Private Land) Common musk turtle MiDNR Total Nature Conservancy Red-eared slider MiDNR Total MiOther Eastern box turtle MiDNR Total MiMilitary 2.41 0.01 3766.36 12.71 MiMilitary MiOther Nature Conservancy 9.01 121.19 0.41 121.19 0.41 0.51 0.00 253.76 0.86 254.27 0.86 9.01 Other (Mostly Private Land) USFS 0.03 0.03 23943.96 80.78 23943.96 80.78 128 USFWS USNPS 0.12 0.00 0.00 9.13 0.03 87.47 0.30 195.19 0.66 0.00 Total 1445.50 4.88 7.84 0.03 4.87 0.02 5236.14 17.67 1445.50 4.88 7.96 0.03 92.34 0.31 29640.59 100.00 24200.13 81.65 DRAFT 02/01/05 aracj02110 Six-lined racerunner MiDNR Status 1 0.00 0.00 Status 2 0.00 0.00 Status 3 24.71 1.22 Status 4 0.00 0.00 24.71 1.22 Total aradb06010 Status 1 0.00 0.00 Status 2 5.34 0.15 Status 3 155.67 4.33 Status 4 0.00 0.00 161.01 4.48 aradb07010 Status 1 0.00 0.00 Status 2 66.02 0.23 Status 3 867.39 3.00 Status 4 0.76 0.00 934.17 3.23 aradb10010 Status 1 160.87 0.62 Status 2 82.78 0.32 Status 3 3386.70 13.14 Total 2.11 0.01 3632.46 14.10 aradb13030 Status 1 0.00 0.00 Status 2 68.62 0.41 Status 3 789.56 4.70 Status 4 0.00 0.00 858.18 5.11 aradb13061 Status 1 0.00 0.00 Status 2 2.85 0.49 Status 3 97.80 16.94 Total 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 7.18 0.36 7.18 0.36 0.00 0.00 0.00 1989.10 98.42 1989.10 98.42 0.00 USFWS USNPS 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 24.71 1.22 0.00 0.00 0.00 Total 1996.28 98.78 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2020.99 100.00 MiMilitary MiOther Nature Conservancy 9.10 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 37.35 1.04 37.35 1.04 Other (Mostly Private Land) USFS 0.25 18.27 9.10 0.25 3370.70 93.72 3370.70 93.72 0.51 USFWS USNPS 0.00 0.00 0.00 9.10 0.25 0.00 0.00 5.34 0.15 0.00 0.00 173.94 4.84 0.00 0.00 0.00 Total 3408.05 94.76 18.27 0.51 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 3596.43 100.00 MiMilitary MiOther Nature Conservancy 2.84 86.61 86.61 0.30 0.30 0.15 0.00 158.33 0.55 158.48 0.55 Other (Mostly Private Land) USFS 0.01 152.51 2.84 0.01 27589.18 95.31 27589.18 95.31 0.53 USFWS USNPS 0.00 0.00 0.00 2.84 0.01 16.65 0.06 82.67 0.29 0.00 0.00 1112.87 3.84 6.21 0.00 0.02 Total 27748.27 95.86 152.51 0.53 6.21 0.02 16.65 0.06 28946.65 100.00 MiMilitary MiOther Nature Conservancy 8.73 42.25 0.16 42.25 0.16 0.55 0.00 232.65 0.90 233.20 0.90 8.73 Other (Mostly Private Land) USFS 0.03 0.03 17861.91 69.32 17861.91 69.32 USFWS USNPS 7.14 0.00 0.00 176.74 0.69 195.93 0.76 278.71 1.08 0.03 Total 3686.50 14.31 1.96 0.01 98.37 0.38 7216.33 28.00 3686.50 14.31 9.10 0.04 294.30 1.14 25768.45 100.00 18096.67 70.23 MiMilitary MiOther Nature Conservancy 9.44 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 172.22 1.02 172.22 1.02 Other (Mostly Private Land) USFS 0.06 432.86 9.44 0.06 15321.27 91.15 15321.27 91.15 2.58 USFWS USNPS 0.00 0.00 0.00 9.44 0.06 0.00 0.00 68.62 0.41 0.00 0.00 1237.05 7.36 14.63 0.00 0.09 Total 15493.49 92.18 432.86 2.58 14.63 0.09 0.00 0.00 16808.60 100.00 Eastern fox snake MiDNR Status 4 0.00 USFS 0.00 Black rat snake MiDNR Total 0.00 Other (Mostly Private Land) Northern ring-necked snake MiDNR Status 4 Nature Conservancy Blue racer MiDNR Total MiOther Kirtland's snake MiDNR Total MiMilitary 0.00 0.00 100.65 17.44 MiMilitary MiOther Nature Conservancy 1.81 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 13.40 2.32 13.40 2.32 1.81 Other (Mostly Private Land) USFS 0.31 0.31 452.39 78.37 452.39 78.37 129 USFWS USNPS 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.81 0.31 0.00 0.00 2.85 0.49 0.00 Total 0.00 0.00 9.01 1.56 0.00 0.00 106.81 18.50 0.00 0.00 9.01 1.56 0.00 0.00 577.26 100.00 465.79 80.69 DRAFT 02/01/05 aradb13062 Westen fox snake MiDNR Status 1 38.27 0.46 Status 2 10.87 0.13 Status 3 1213.70 14.54 Status 4 Total 0.23 0.00 1263.07 15.13 aradb17020 Status 1 0.00 0.00 Status 2 149.03 0.32 Status 3 3299.93 7.18 4.08 0.01 3453.04 7.52 Total aradb19050 Status 1 0.00 0.00 Status 2 309.64 0.43 Status 3 12268.71 17.09 Total 14.04 0.02 12592.39 17.54 aradb22020 Status 1 0.00 0.00 Status 2 12.38 0.42 Status 3 87.33 2.96 Status 4 0.00 0.00 99.71 3.38 aradb22060 Status 1 1.40 0.11 Status 2 7.43 0.56 Status 3 238.15 17.94 Total 0.62 0.05 247.60 18.66 aradb27040 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.36 0.00 113.55 1.36 113.91 1.36 2.58 USFWS 0.03 47.49 5285.89 63.31 5285.89 63.31 0.57 USNPS Total 0.00 0.00 88.34 1.06 24.32 0.29 35.19 0.42 1589.71 19.04 0.00 0.00 21.81 0.26 2825.58 33.84 1589.71 19.04 47.49 0.57 46.13 0.55 8348.78 100.00 5399.67 64.68 MiMilitary MiOther Nature Conservancy 6.40 180.60 0.39 180.60 0.39 0.22 0.00 322.15 0.70 322.37 0.70 6.40 Other (Mostly Private Land) USFS 0.01 0.01 39909.96 86.86 39909.96 86.86 USFWS USNPS 0.32 0.00 0.00 6.72 0.01 51.90 0.11 200.93 0.44 0.00 Total 2011.51 4.38 11.57 0.03 0.00 0.00 5503.83 11.98 2011.51 4.38 11.89 0.03 51.90 0.11 45947.67 100.00 40236.19 87.57 MiMilitary MiOther Nature Conservancy 30.09 290.44 0.40 290.44 0.40 0.29 0.00 699.99 0.98 700.28 0.98 30.09 Other (Mostly Private Land) USFS USFWS 0.04 0.04 35.06 52806.48 73.56 52806.48 73.56 0.05 USNPS Total 0.00 0.00 65.15 0.09 200.74 0.28 510.38 0.71 5103.45 7.11 24.51 0.03 0.00 0.00 17687.40 24.64 5103.45 7.11 59.57 0.08 200.74 0.28 71783.44 100.00 53520.51 74.56 MiMilitary MiOther Nature Conservancy 1.62 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 25.92 0.88 25.92 0.88 Other (Mostly Private Land) USFS 0.05 0.00 1.62 0.05 2819.19 95.68 2819.19 95.68 0.00 USFWS USNPS 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.62 0.05 0.00 0.00 12.38 0.42 0.00 0.00 87.33 2.96 0.00 0.00 0.00 Total 2845.11 96.56 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2946.44 100.00 MiMilitary MiOther Nature Conservancy 1.68 1.53 0.12 1.53 0.12 0.07 0.01 22.24 1.68 22.31 1.68 1.68 Other (Mostly Private Land) USFS USFWS 0.13 0.13 14.56 940.22 70.84 940.22 70.84 1.10 USNPS Total 0.00 0.00 17.64 1.33 2.35 0.18 9.78 0.74 93.91 7.08 1.22 0.09 1.79 0.13 336.67 25.37 93.91 7.08 15.78 1.19 4.14 0.31 1327.17 100.00 963.08 72.57 Queen snake MiDNR Status 1 0.00 0.00 Status 2 1.55 0.51 Status 3 17.86 5.83 Status 4 0.00 0.00 19.41 6.34 Total 0.00 USFS 0.03 Northern water snake MiDNR Status 4 2.58 Other (Mostly Private Land) Copper-bellied water snake MiDNR Total Nature Conservancy Eastern milk snake MiDNR Status 4 MiOther Eastern hog-nosed snake MiDNR Status 4 MiMilitary MiMilitary MiOther Nature Conservancy 0.24 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 4.41 1.44 4.41 1.44 Other (Mostly Private Land) USFS 0.08 5.20 0.24 0.08 276.87 90.38 276.87 90.38 130 1.70 USFWS USNPS 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.24 0.08 0.22 0.07 1.77 0.58 0.00 0.00 23.06 7.53 0.00 0.00 0.00 Total 281.28 91.82 5.20 1.70 0.00 0.00 0.22 0.07 306.35 100.00 DRAFT 02/01/05 aradb34010 Brown snake MiDNR Status 1 0.00 0.00 Status 2 297.43 0.34 Status 3 10169.86 11.62 Status 4 Total 13.51 0.02 10480.80 11.97 aradb34030 Status 1 254.99 0.27 Status 2 298.42 0.31 Status 3 11678.54 12.24 Total 11.64 0.01 12243.59 12.84 aradb36020 Status 1 0.00 0.00 Status 2 12.30 0.29 Status 3 414.38 9.72 Total 0.58 0.01 427.26 10.02 aradb36120 Status 1 0.00 0.00 Status 2 27.71 0.38 Status 3 685.92 9.47 0.68 0.01 714.31 9.87 Total aradb36130 Status 1 287.44 0.31 Status 2 356.08 0.38 Status 3 14283.01 15.44 Total 13.21 0.01 14939.74 16.15 aradb47010 Status 1 17.93 0.04 Status 2 118.31 0.27 Status 3 3289.27 7.48 2.93 0.01 3428.44 7.79 Total 0.33 287.62 0.33 3.27 0.00 741.81 0.85 745.08 0.85 21.98 0.03 70462.99 80.49 70462.99 80.49 USFWS USNPS 0.96 0.00 0.00 22.94 0.03 199.62 0.23 497.05 0.57 0.00 Total 5319.81 6.08 25.95 0.03 0.00 0.00 15806.51 18.06 5319.81 6.08 26.91 0.03 199.62 0.23 87544.81 100.00 71218.31 81.35 MiMilitary MiOther Nature Conservancy 31.23 272.87 0.29 272.87 0.29 1.09 0.00 816.05 0.86 817.14 0.86 31.23 Other (Mostly Private Land) USFS USFWS 0.03 0.03 237.44 72041.82 75.53 72041.82 75.53 USNPS Total 0.25 429.44 0.45 953.10 1.00 275.56 0.29 573.98 0.60 8885.34 9.32 18.22 0.02 126.38 0.13 20982.44 22.00 8885.34 9.32 255.66 0.27 831.38 0.87 95379.03 100.00 72869.51 76.40 MiMilitary MiOther Nature Conservancy 3.14 0.37 0.01 0.37 0.01 0.00 0.00 40.45 0.95 40.45 0.95 3.14 Other (Mostly Private Land) USFS 0.07 0.07 3736.04 87.61 3736.04 87.61 USFWS USNPS 0.19 0.00 0.00 3.33 0.08 0.00 0.00 12.30 0.29 0.00 Total 47.21 1.11 9.83 0.23 0.00 0.00 471.79 11.06 47.21 1.11 10.02 0.23 0.00 0.00 4264.49 100.00 3777.07 88.57 MiMilitary MiOther Nature Conservancy 5.51 7.08 0.10 7.08 0.10 0.04 0.00 79.10 1.09 79.14 1.09 5.51 Other (Mostly Private Land) USFS 0.08 0.08 6309.58 87.14 6309.58 87.14 USFWS USNPS 0.21 0.00 0.00 5.72 0.08 3.66 0.05 31.37 0.43 0.00 Total 110.70 1.53 10.18 0.14 0.00 0.00 813.92 11.24 110.70 1.53 10.39 0.14 3.66 0.05 7240.37 100.00 6389.36 88.25 MiMilitary MiOther Nature Conservancy 41.63 282.24 0.31 282.24 0.31 1.71 0.00 939.02 1.01 940.73 1.02 41.63 Other (Mostly Private Land) USFS USFWS 0.04 0.04 331.38 65165.82 70.42 65165.82 70.42 USNPS Total 0.36 454.22 0.49 1114.67 1.20 293.79 0.32 649.87 0.70 9915.08 10.72 25.29 0.03 142.44 0.15 24649.77 26.64 9915.08 10.72 356.67 0.39 890.45 0.96 92532.36 100.00 66118.05 71.45 Smooth green snake MiDNR Status 4 287.62 USFS 0.03 Eastern garter snake MiDNR Status 4 21.98 Other (Mostly Private Land) Northern ribbon snake MiDNR Status 4 Nature Conservancy Butler's garter snake MiDNR Status 4 MiOther Northern red-bellied snake MiDNR Status 4 MiMilitary MiMilitary MiOther Nature Conservancy 10.43 101.98 0.23 101.98 0.23 0.25 0.00 339.92 0.77 340.17 0.77 10.43 Other (Mostly Private Land) USFS USFWS 0.02 0.02 195.86 38809.22 88.20 38809.22 88.20 131 0.45 USNPS Total 0.00 0.00 224.22 0.51 37.52 0.09 155.83 0.35 1049.87 2.39 15.37 0.03 11.24 0.03 4467.98 10.15 1049.87 2.39 211.23 0.48 48.76 0.11 44000.10 100.00 39152.07 88.98 DRAFT 02/01/05 arade03010 Eastern massasauga rattlesnake MiDNR Status 1 0.00 0.00 Status 2 56.41 0.40 Status 3 1534.01 10.83 Status 4 Total 1.04 0.01 1591.46 11.23 MiMilitary MiOther Nature Conservancy 5.05 83.49 0.59 83.49 0.59 0.04 0.00 159.10 1.12 159.14 1.12 5.05 Other (Mostly Private Land) USFS 0.04 0.04 12003.92 84.74 12003.92 84.74 132 USFWS USNPS 0.19 0.00 0.00 5.24 0.04 5.14 0.04 61.55 0.43 0.00 Total 305.20 2.15 12.65 0.09 0.00 0.00 1935.39 13.66 305.20 2.15 12.84 0.09 5.14 0.04 14166.24 100.00 12164.06 85.87 DRAFT 02/01/05 Appendix H. Table of mammal species distribution and stewardship analysis. The area in square kilometers (multiply by 100 for hectares, 247 for acres) of the species' mapped distribution by management status and land steward, and the percent of the species' total distribution in each category. amaaa01010 Virginia opossum MiDNR Status 1 220.34 0.23 Status 2 271.09 0.28 Status 3 10122.52 10.64 Status 4 Total 9.39 0.01 10623.34 11.16 amaba01010 Status 1 306.21 0.36 Status 2 365.43 0.43 Status 3 14824.15 17.51 Total 15.26 0.02 15511.05 18.32 amaba01150 Status 1 20.65 0.51 Status 2 17.97 0.44 Status 3 640.82 15.79 Total Nature Conservancy 23.35 239.82 0.25 239.82 0.25 1.24 0.00 833.76 0.88 835.00 0.88 23.35 Other (Mostly Private Land) USFS USFWS 0.02 0.02 115.92 76520.31 80.41 76520.31 80.41 0.12 USNPS Total 0.00 0.00 359.61 0.38 184.91 0.19 456.00 0.48 6466.34 6.80 25.59 0.03 123.60 0.13 16979.11 17.84 6466.34 6.80 141.51 0.15 308.51 0.32 95158.18 100.00 77363.46 81.30 MiMilitary MiOther Nature Conservancy 54.25 194.79 0.23 194.79 0.23 3.35 0.00 867.99 1.03 871.34 1.03 Other (Mostly Private Land) USFS 0.06 10698.53 54.25 0.06 USFWS 346.87 56618.19 66.87 56618.19 66.87 10698.53 USNPS Total 0.00 0.00 707.33 0.84 201.20 0.24 566.63 0.67 25.98 0.03 141.92 0.17 25888.72 30.58 12.64 372.85 0.44 343.12 0.41 84664.12 100.00 12.64 0.41 57501.44 67.92 Water shrew MiDNR Status 4 MiOther Masked shrew MiDNR Status 4 MiMilitary 1.63 0.04 681.07 16.78 MiMilitary MiOther Nature Conservancy 0.98 4.21 0.10 4.21 0.10 0.30 0.01 76.34 1.88 76.64 1.89 0.98 Other (Mostly Private Land) USFS 0.02 0.02 USFWS 23.34 2730.41 67.27 2730.41 67.27 133 0.58 USNPS Total 0.00 0.00 44.97 1.11 9.28 0.23 27.25 0.67 528.12 13.01 0.00 0.00 4.63 0.11 1178.08 29.03 528.12 13.01 23.34 0.58 13.91 0.34 4058.68 100.00 2808.38 69.19 DRAFT 02/01/05 amaba01180 Smoky shrew MiDNR Status 1 0.00 0.00 Status 2 0.00 0.00 Status 3 4.52 5.00 Status 4 0.02 0.02 Total 4.54 5.02 amaba01190 Status 1 37.24 0.37 Status 2 51.86 0.52 Status 3 2728.37 27.14 Total 1.84 0.02 2819.31 28.05 amaba01250 Status 1 245.65 0.56 Status 2 176.58 0.40 Status 3 9986.94 22.69 Total 9.38 0.02 10418.55 23.67 amaba03010 Status 1 278.57 0.24 Status 2 415.04 0.35 Status 3 15496.90 13.24 Total 15.87 0.01 16206.38 13.84 amaba04010 Status 1 0.00 0.00 Status 2 14.64 0.13 Status 3 144.55 1.29 Status 4 0.00 0.00 159.19 1.43 amabb04010 Status 1 0.00 0.00 Status 2 212.20 0.32 Status 3 6657.39 9.93 Total 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.13 1.25 1.13 1.25 0.00 0.00 0.00 84.77 93.73 84.77 93.73 0.00 USFWS USNPS 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 4.52 5.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Total 85.92 95.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 90.44 100.00 MiMilitary MiOther Nature Conservancy 15.12 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2.03 0.02 93.40 0.93 95.43 0.95 15.12 Other (Mostly Private Land) USFS USFWS 0.15 0.15 200.20 5188.67 51.62 5188.67 51.62 1.99 USNPS Total 0.00 0.00 252.56 2.51 12.69 0.13 64.55 0.64 1705.13 16.96 0.00 0.00 14.97 0.15 4450.50 44.28 1705.13 16.96 200.20 1.99 27.66 0.28 10051.52 100.00 5283.91 52.57 MiMilitary MiOther Nature Conservancy 25.05 201.75 0.46 201.75 0.46 2.72 0.01 493.57 1.12 496.29 1.13 25.05 Other (Mostly Private Land) USFS USFWS 0.06 0.06 342.69 25569.35 58.10 25569.35 58.10 0.78 USNPS Total 0.00 0.00 613.39 1.39 100.60 0.23 277.18 0.63 6711.72 15.25 0.00 0.00 144.93 0.33 17048.06 38.74 6711.72 15.25 342.69 0.78 245.53 0.56 44010.93 100.00 26072.30 59.24 MiMilitary MiOther Nature Conservancy 53.58 288.14 0.25 3.20 0.00 288.14 1054.26 0.90 0.25 1057.46 0.90 Other (Mostly Private Land) USFS 269.90 10777.50 53.58 USFWS 0.05 0.05 88026.59 75.19 88026.59 75.19 10777.50 USNPS Total 0.00 0.00 602.05 0.51 217.80 0.19 632.84 0.54 29.20 0.02 145.04 0.12 9.21 299.10 0.26 362.84 0.31 117071.59 100.00 9.21 0.23 26739.98 22.84 89096.72 76.10 MiMilitary MiOther Nature Conservancy 2.76 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 44.95 0.40 44.95 0.40 Other (Mostly Private Land) USFS 0.02 0.00 2.76 0.02 10960.41 98.15 10960.41 98.15 0.00 USFWS USNPS 0.00 0.00 0.00 2.76 0.02 0.00 0.00 14.64 0.13 0.00 0.00 144.55 1.29 0.00 0.00 0.00 Total 11005.36 98.55 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 11167.31 100.00 Eastern mole MiDNR Status 4 0.00 USFS 0.00 Least shrew MiDNR Total 0.00 Other (Mostly Private Land) Northern short-tailed shrew MiDNR Status 4 Nature Conservancy Pygmy shrew MiDNR Status 4 MiOther Arctic shrew MiDNR Status 4 MiMilitary 9.24 0.01 6878.83 10.26 MiMilitary MiOther Nature Conservancy 9.57 270.28 0.40 270.28 0.40 0.20 0.00 510.75 0.76 510.95 0.76 9.57 Other (Mostly Private Land) USFS 0.01 0.01 55817.70 83.29 55817.70 83.29 134 USFWS USNPS 0.00 0.00 0.00 9.57 0.01 144.77 0.22 356.97 0.53 0.00 Total 3366.82 5.02 15.42 0.02 0.00 0.00 10310.11 15.38 3366.82 5.02 15.42 0.02 144.77 0.22 67014.34 100.00 56337.69 84.07 DRAFT 02/01/05 amabb05010 Star-nosed mole MiDNR Status 1 2.22 0.01 Status 2 82.39 0.21 Status 3 1981.50 5.12 Status 4 1.90 0.00 2068.01 5.35 Total amacc01010 Status 1 260.95 0.34 Status 2 304.65 0.40 Status 3 12393.52 16.22 Total 13.19 0.02 12972.31 16.98 amacc01100 Status 1 0.00 0.00 Status 2 34.25 0.21 Status 3 445.74 2.77 Status 4 0.00 0.00 479.99 2.98 amacc01150 Status 1 260.92 0.35 Status 2 297.96 0.40 Status 3 12361.20 16.72 Total 13.07 0.02 12933.15 17.50 amacc02010 Status 1 243.31 0.38 Status 2 258.96 0.40 Status 3 10188.28 15.72 Total 11.59 0.02 10702.14 16.51 amacc03020 Status 1 228.75 1.33 Status 2 38.95 0.23 Status 3 2068.25 12.02 Total 97.39 0.25 0.25 0.09 0.00 265.03 0.69 265.12 0.69 601.27 3.88 USFWS 11.06 0.01 35593.65 92.02 35593.65 92.02 1.55 7.14 0.03 0.02 USNPS Total 0.00 0.00 17.16 0.04 22.61 0.06 105.00 0.27 9.42 0.02 2696.81 6.97 35860.58 92.71 601.27 1.55 18.20 0.05 32.03 0.08 38679.55 100.00 MiMilitary MiOther Nature Conservancy 42.96 187.28 0.25 187.28 0.25 3.00 0.00 757.50 0.99 760.50 1.00 42.96 Other (Mostly Private Land) USFS USFWS 0.06 0.06 75.82 51685.06 67.64 51685.06 67.64 USNPS Total 0.10 489.42 0.64 869.15 1.14 269.43 0.35 574.08 0.75 9777.59 12.80 15.41 0.02 134.15 0.18 22510.95 29.46 9777.59 12.80 91.23 0.12 893.00 1.17 76409.93 100.00 52455.75 68.65 MiMilitary MiOther Nature Conservancy 10.31 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 74.72 0.46 74.72 0.46 Other (Mostly Private Land) USFS 0.06 0.00 10.31 0.06 15521.83 96.49 15521.83 96.49 0.00 USFWS USNPS Total 0.00 0.00 0.00 10.31 0.06 0.00 0.00 34.25 0.21 0.00 0.00 445.74 2.77 0.00 0.00 0.00 15596.55 96.95 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 16086.85 100.00 MiMilitary MiOther Nature Conservancy 42.82 186.55 0.25 186.55 0.25 3.00 0.00 729.26 0.99 732.26 0.99 42.82 Other (Mostly Private Land) USFS 0.06 0.06 USFWS 75.81 49273.43 66.66 49273.43 66.66 USNPS Total 0.10 489.42 0.66 868.97 1.18 268.56 0.36 566.52 0.77 9765.24 13.21 14.69 0.02 134.10 0.18 22464.78 30.39 9765.24 13.21 90.50 0.12 892.08 1.21 73916.03 100.00 50015.76 67.67 MiMilitary MiOther Nature Conservancy 33.07 147.51 0.23 147.51 0.23 2.80 0.00 626.97 0.97 629.77 0.97 33.07 Other (Mostly Private Land) USFS 0.05 0.05 USFWS 35.75 45128.65 69.63 45128.65 69.63 USNPS Total 0.06 423.65 0.65 735.78 1.14 247.77 0.38 506.73 0.78 7331.16 11.31 15.56 0.02 116.66 0.18 17801.97 27.47 7331.16 11.31 51.31 0.08 788.08 1.22 64811.69 100.00 45767.21 70.62 Eastern pipistrelle MiDNR Status 4 97.39 USFS 0.01 Silver-haired bat MiDNR Status 4 3.88 Other (Mostly Private Land) Northern myotis MiDNR Status 4 Nature Conservancy Indiana bat MiDNR Total MiOther Little brown bat MiDNR Status 4 MiMilitary 0.00 0.00 2335.95 13.58 MiMilitary MiOther Nature Conservancy 4.36 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.23 0.00 232.45 1.35 232.68 1.35 4.36 Other (Mostly Private Land) USFS 0.03 0.03 11061.11 64.30 11061.11 64.30 135 USFWS USNPS 0.00 0.00 0.00 233.11 1.36 0.00 0.00 38.95 0.23 0.00 Total 3568.13 20.74 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 5636.61 32.77 3568.13 20.74 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 17202.23 100.00 11293.56 65.65 DRAFT 02/01/05 amacc04010 Big brown bat MiDNR Status 1 260.95 0.34 Status 2 304.65 0.40 Status 3 12393.52 16.22 Status 4 Total 13.19 0.02 12972.31 16.98 amacc05010 Status 1 222.77 0.41 Status 2 190.98 0.35 Status 3 7668.09 14.21 Total 8.50 0.02 8090.34 14.99 amacc05030 Status 1 260.92 0.35 Status 2 297.96 0.40 Status 3 12361.20 16.72 Total 13.07 0.02 12933.15 17.50 amaeb01040 Status 1 0.00 0.00 Status 2 244.31 0.30 Status 3 9168.46 11.34 Total 9.71 0.01 9422.48 11.66 amaeb03010 Status 1 260.81 0.45 Status 2 233.41 0.40 Status 3 11135.93 19.27 Total 11.19 0.02 11641.34 20.14 amafb02020 Status 1 70.15 0.40 Status 2 65.28 0.38 Status 3 3615.12 20.77 Total 0.25 187.28 0.25 3.00 0.00 757.50 0.99 760.50 1.00 42.96 USFWS 0.06 75.82 51685.06 67.64 51685.06 67.64 USNPS Total 0.10 489.42 0.64 869.15 1.14 269.43 0.35 574.08 0.75 9777.59 12.80 15.41 0.02 134.15 0.18 22510.95 29.46 9777.59 12.80 91.23 0.12 893.00 1.17 76409.93 100.00 52455.75 68.65 MiMilitary MiOther Nature Conservancy 18.20 137.40 0.25 137.40 0.25 1.12 0.00 504.48 0.93 505.60 0.94 18.20 Other (Mostly Private Land) USFS USFWS 0.03 0.03 13.92 38554.41 71.46 38554.41 71.46 USNPS Total 0.03 350.03 0.65 604.92 1.12 231.04 0.43 422.02 0.78 5932.80 11.00 13.91 0.03 107.88 0.20 13861.20 25.69 5932.80 11.00 27.83 0.05 688.95 1.28 53955.53 100.00 39067.39 72.41 MiMilitary MiOther Nature Conservancy 42.82 186.55 0.25 186.55 0.25 3.00 0.00 729.26 0.99 732.26 0.99 42.82 Other (Mostly Private Land) USFS USFWS 0.06 0.06 75.81 49273.43 66.66 49273.43 66.66 USNPS Total 0.10 489.42 0.66 868.97 1.18 268.56 0.36 566.52 0.77 9765.24 13.21 14.69 0.02 134.10 0.18 22464.78 30.39 9765.24 13.21 90.50 0.12 892.08 1.21 73916.03 100.00 50015.76 67.67 MiMilitary MiOther Nature Conservancy 15.97 270.28 0.33 270.28 0.33 0.89 0.00 639.31 0.79 640.20 0.79 15.97 Other (Mostly Private Land) USFS 0.02 0.02 65081.73 80.53 65081.73 80.53 USFWS USNPS 0.20 0.00 0.00 16.17 0.02 189.23 0.23 433.54 0.54 0.00 Total 5051.78 6.25 15.42 0.02 129.10 0.16 14635.93 18.11 5051.78 6.25 15.62 0.02 318.33 0.39 80816.39 100.00 65730.75 81.33 MiMilitary MiOther Nature Conservancy 34.87 130.13 0.23 130.13 0.23 3.18 0.01 607.87 1.05 611.05 1.06 34.87 Other (Mostly Private Land) USFS 0.06 0.06 USFWS 83.70 35160.18 60.84 35160.18 60.84 USNPS Total 0.14 478.50 0.83 857.88 1.48 269.28 0.47 502.69 0.87 9242.88 15.99 0.00 0.00 137.81 0.24 20649.93 35.73 9242.88 15.99 83.70 0.14 885.59 1.53 57789.74 100.00 35779.24 61.91 Least chipmunk MiDNR Status 4 187.28 USFS 0.06 Snowshoe hare MiDNR Status 4 42.96 Other (Mostly Private Land) Eastern cottontail MiDNR Status 4 Nature Conservancy Hoary bat MiDNR Status 4 MiOther Eastern red bat MiDNR Status 4 MiMilitary 1.73 0.01 3752.28 21.56 MiMilitary MiOther Nature Conservancy 24.18 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2.12 0.01 198.25 1.14 200.37 1.15 24.18 Other (Mostly Private Land) USFS 0.14 0.14 USFWS 69.56 9623.40 55.29 9623.40 55.29 136 0.40 USNPS Total 0.00 0.00 163.89 0.94 31.21 0.18 96.49 0.55 3673.42 21.11 0.00 0.00 30.57 0.18 7321.23 42.06 3673.42 21.11 69.56 0.40 61.78 0.35 17404.99 100.00 9823.38 56.44 DRAFT 02/01/05 amafb02230 Eastern chipmunk MiDNR Status 1 180.76 0.34 Status 2 184.83 0.35 Status 3 7691.03 14.57 Status 4 Total 6.00 0.01 8062.62 15.28 amafb03010 Status 1 194.10 0.26 Status 2 207.46 0.28 Status 3 7286.22 9.68 Total 8.67 0.01 7696.45 10.23 amafb05090 Status 1 4.70 0.01 Status 2 104.49 0.25 Status 3 2719.72 6.41 Status 4 2.95 0.01 2831.86 6.68 amafb07010 Status 1 162.15 0.43 Status 2 130.55 0.34 Status 3 4543.76 11.94 Total 4.22 0.01 4840.68 12.72 amafb07040 Status 1 1.22 0.00 Status 2 74.08 0.30 Status 3 1357.10 5.43 Status 4 0.81 0.00 1433.21 5.74 amafb08010 Status 1 201.62 0.32 Status 2 262.93 0.42 Status 3 10309.26 16.28 Total 0.31 161.73 0.31 0.84 0.00 501.39 0.95 502.23 0.95 21.25 USFWS 0.04 52.97 36359.10 68.90 36359.10 68.90 USNPS Total 0.10 196.06 0.37 451.04 0.85 226.92 0.43 411.75 0.78 7057.01 13.37 8.29 0.02 122.01 0.23 15040.91 28.50 7057.01 13.37 61.26 0.12 544.99 1.03 52770.19 100.00 36866.49 69.86 MiMilitary MiOther Nature Conservancy 12.81 201.79 0.27 201.79 0.27 0.62 0.00 558.41 0.74 559.03 0.74 12.81 Other (Mostly Private Land) USFS USFWS 0.02 0.02 22.01 61640.12 81.89 61640.12 81.89 0.03 USNPS Total 0.00 0.00 228.92 0.30 196.88 0.26 404.34 0.54 4816.58 6.40 14.02 0.02 108.98 0.14 12428.21 16.51 4816.58 6.40 36.03 0.05 305.86 0.41 75268.67 100.00 62207.20 82.65 MiMilitary MiOther Nature Conservancy 3.70 154.47 154.47 0.36 0.36 0.11 0.00 291.75 0.69 291.86 0.69 Other (Mostly Private Land) USFS 0.01 1149.45 3.70 0.01 37926.45 89.44 37926.45 89.44 2.71 USFWS USNPS 0.01 0.00 0.00 8.41 0.02 31.65 0.07 136.14 0.32 9.96 0.02 4040.72 9.53 7.01 0.00 0.02 Total 38221.15 90.13 1149.45 2.71 7.02 0.02 41.61 0.10 42406.42 100.00 MiMilitary MiOther Nature Conservancy 9.72 102.17 0.27 102.17 0.27 0.59 0.00 336.87 0.88 337.46 0.89 9.72 Other (Mostly Private Land) USFS 0.03 0.03 28097.71 73.81 28097.71 73.81 USFWS USNPS 6.51 0.00 0.00 178.38 0.47 198.00 0.52 328.55 0.86 96.28 0.25 9119.92 23.96 0.04 294.28 0.77 38065.65 100.00 4369.68 11.48 7.44 4369.68 11.48 13.95 0.02 0.02 Total 28438.80 74.71 MiMilitary MiOther Nature Conservancy 6.38 80.43 80.43 0.32 0.32 0.17 0.00 224.11 0.90 224.28 0.90 Other (Mostly Private Land) USFS 0.03 364.50 6.38 0.03 22841.84 91.45 22841.84 91.45 1.46 USFWS USNPS 1.76 0.00 0.00 9.36 0.04 15.75 0.06 89.83 0.36 0.00 0.00 1811.30 7.25 9.10 0.01 0.04 Total 23066.76 92.35 364.50 1.46 10.86 0.04 15.75 0.06 24977.25 100.00 Red squirrel MiDNR Status 4 161.73 USFS 0.04 Eastern fox squirrel MiDNR Total 21.25 Other (Mostly Private Land) Eastern gray squirrel MiDNR Status 4 Nature Conservancy Thirteen-lined ground squirrel MiDNR Total MiOther Woodchuck MiDNR Status 4 MiMilitary 9.43 0.01 10783.24 17.03 MiMilitary MiOther Nature Conservancy 40.44 154.98 0.24 154.98 0.24 2.80 0.00 625.41 0.99 628.21 0.99 40.44 Other (Mostly Private Land) USFS 0.06 0.06 USFWS 69.17 42485.97 67.09 42485.97 67.09 137 USNPS Total 0.11 269.00 0.42 580.23 0.92 211.94 0.33 474.87 0.75 8543.39 13.49 13.70 0.02 128.05 0.20 19152.18 30.24 8543.39 13.49 82.87 0.13 608.99 0.96 63328.09 100.00 43120.81 68.09 DRAFT 02/01/05 amafb09010 Southern flying squirrel MiDNR Status 1 32.60 0.13 Status 2 100.65 0.40 Status 3 3462.70 13.76 Status 4 Total 3.73 0.01 3599.68 14.30 amafb09020 Status 1 28.56 0.09 Status 2 142.56 0.46 Status 3 7424.84 24.08 Total 6.91 0.02 7602.87 24.66 amafe01010 Status 1 11.80 0.28 Status 2 16.44 0.39 Status 3 480.88 11.43 Total 0.87 0.02 509.99 12.12 amaff03040b Status 1 1.19 0.01 Status 2 39.59 0.35 Status 3 1060.49 9.42 0.66 0.01 1101.93 9.78 Total amaff03040g Status 1 205.73 0.74 Status 2 86.11 0.31 Status 3 5311.95 19.15 Total 8.50 0.03 5612.29 20.24 amaff03070 Status 1 227.87 0.37 Status 2 204.99 0.33 Status 3 9493.52 15.23 Total 0.36 91.42 0.36 0.53 0.00 260.42 1.03 260.95 1.04 9.20 0.04 18741.02 74.47 18741.02 74.47 USFWS USNPS 0.11 0.00 0.00 41.91 0.17 31.49 0.13 132.14 0.53 0.00 Total 2409.36 9.57 11.60 0.05 9.96 0.04 5985.57 23.79 2409.36 9.57 11.71 0.05 41.45 0.16 25164.79 100.00 19005.17 75.52 MiMilitary MiOther Nature Conservancy 26.96 93.20 0.30 93.20 0.30 2.35 0.01 278.05 0.90 280.40 0.91 26.96 Other (Mostly Private Land) USFS USFWS 0.09 0.09 68.65 17978.96 58.32 17978.96 58.32 0.22 USNPS Total 0.00 0.00 124.17 0.40 201.88 0.65 344.44 1.12 4454.63 14.45 0.00 0.00 122.70 0.40 12097.72 39.24 4454.63 14.45 68.65 0.22 324.58 1.05 30830.25 100.00 18263.92 59.24 MiMilitary MiOther Nature Conservancy 2.54 2.17 0.05 2.17 0.05 0.17 0.00 65.50 1.56 65.67 1.56 2.54 Other (Mostly Private Land) USFS USFWS 0.06 0.06 12.05 3352.84 79.66 3352.84 79.66 0.29 USNPS Total 0.00 0.00 26.39 0.63 4.16 0.10 20.60 0.49 254.63 6.05 2.58 0.06 2.19 0.05 742.62 17.64 254.63 6.05 14.63 0.35 6.35 0.15 4208.82 100.00 3419.21 81.24 MiMilitary MiOther Nature Conservancy 1.98 76.86 0.68 76.86 0.68 0.03 0.00 114.26 1.01 114.29 1.01 1.98 Other (Mostly Private Land) USFS 0.02 0.02 9566.95 84.94 9566.95 84.94 USFWS USNPS 5.39 1.40 0.01 9.96 0.09 23.08 0.20 62.67 0.56 0.05 Total 368.79 3.27 1.98 0.02 1.14 0.01 1509.29 13.40 368.79 3.27 7.37 0.07 25.62 0.23 11263.79 100.00 9681.87 85.96 MiMilitary MiOther Nature Conservancy 18.15 1.52 0.01 1.52 0.01 1.94 0.01 251.59 0.91 253.53 0.91 18.15 Other (Mostly Private Land) USFS 0.07 0.07 USFWS 27.23 17631.04 63.57 17631.04 63.57 USNPS Total 0.10 293.19 1.06 544.30 1.96 149.45 0.54 235.56 0.85 3634.49 13.10 0.00 0.00 114.41 0.41 9064.31 32.68 3634.49 13.10 27.23 0.10 557.05 2.01 27735.30 100.00 17891.13 64.51 White-footed mouse MiDNR Status 4 91.42 USFS 0.04 Deer mouse (gracilis) MiDNR Status 4 9.20 Other (Mostly Private Land) Deer mouse (bairdii) MiDNR Status 4 Nature Conservancy American beaver MiDNR Status 4 MiOther Northern flying squirrel MiDNR Status 4 MiMilitary 9.44 0.02 9935.82 15.94 MiMilitary MiOther Nature Conservancy 17.32 196.47 0.32 196.47 0.32 1.20 0.00 607.87 0.98 609.07 0.98 17.32 Other (Mostly Private Land) USFS 0.03 0.03 USFWS 55.03 43402.09 69.62 43402.09 69.62 138 0.09 USNPS Total 0.00 0.00 300.22 0.48 221.03 0.35 426.02 0.68 7757.16 12.44 14.77 0.02 133.19 0.21 17596.31 28.23 7757.16 12.44 69.80 0.11 354.22 0.57 62341.95 100.00 44019.40 70.61 DRAFT 02/01/05 amaff09020 Southern red-backed vole MiDNR Status 1 294.39 0.43 Status 2 260.59 0.38 Status 3 13952.05 20.46 Status 4 Total 15.27 0.02 14522.30 21.29 amaff11010 Status 1 3.43 0.01 Status 2 85.93 0.22 Status 3 2327.98 6.07 Status 4 2.06 0.01 2419.40 6.30 amaff11140 Status 1 0.00 0.00 Status 2 4.50 0.17 Status 3 14.35 0.54 Status 4 0.00 0.00 18.85 0.71 amaff11150 Status 1 0.00 0.00 Status 2 112.95 0.43 Status 3 3603.60 13.69 Total 4.58 0.02 3721.13 14.14 amaff15010 Status 1 14.73 0.35 Status 2 30.25 0.71 Status 3 1081.09 25.46 Total 0.84 0.02 1126.91 26.54 amaff17010 Status 1 215.84 0.28 Status 2 318.61 0.41 Status 3 12505.04 16.05 Total 0.42 286.95 0.42 3.09 0.00 712.66 1.04 715.75 1.05 10219.81 37.66 USFWS 198.22 0.06 41274.64 60.52 41274.64 60.52 10219.81 USNPS Total 0.29 505.26 0.74 1035.53 1.52 297.45 0.44 558.04 0.82 0.00 0.00 146.48 0.21 24608.38 36.08 14.98 198.22 0.29 949.19 1.39 68204.52 100.00 14.98 42002.57 61.58 MiMilitary MiOther Nature Conservancy 7.42 98.25 98.25 0.26 0.26 0.14 0.00 270.86 0.71 271.00 0.71 Other (Mostly Private Land) USFS 32.84 687.54 7.42 USFWS 0.02 0.02 34807.98 90.70 34807.98 90.70 1.79 12.56 0.09 0.03 USNPS Total 0.00 0.00 43.69 0.11 31.94 0.08 117.87 0.31 10.04 0.03 3136.51 8.17 35080.90 91.41 687.54 1.79 45.40 0.12 41.98 0.11 38378.97 100.00 MiMilitary MiOther Nature Conservancy 1.41 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 16.61 0.62 16.61 0.62 Other (Mostly Private Land) USFS 0.05 0.00 1.41 0.05 2624.91 98.61 2624.91 98.61 0.00 USFWS USNPS 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.41 0.05 0.00 0.00 4.50 0.17 0.00 0.00 14.35 0.54 0.00 0.00 0.00 Total 2641.52 99.24 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2661.78 100.00 MiMilitary MiOther Nature Conservancy 9.05 105.32 0.40 105.32 0.40 0.15 0.00 240.34 0.91 240.49 0.91 9.05 Other (Mostly Private Land) USFS 0.03 0.03 20480.99 77.83 20480.99 77.83 USFWS USNPS 0.00 0.00 0.00 9.05 0.03 105.95 0.40 218.90 0.83 0.00 Total 1638.05 6.23 12.91 0.05 0.00 0.00 5360.03 20.37 1638.05 6.23 12.91 0.05 105.95 0.40 26313.89 100.00 20725.91 78.76 MiMilitary MiOther Nature Conservancy 5.61 3.68 0.09 3.68 0.09 0.11 0.00 52.66 1.24 52.77 1.24 5.61 Other (Mostly Private Land) USFS USFWS 0.13 0.13 173.30 2483.46 58.49 2483.46 58.49 4.08 USNPS Total 13.86 0.33 207.50 4.89 3.53 0.08 33.78 0.80 377.27 8.89 3.96 0.09 1.36 0.03 1467.47 34.56 377.27 8.89 177.26 4.18 18.75 0.44 4245.71 100.00 2536.96 59.75 Southern bog lemming MiDNR Status 4 286.95 USFS 0.06 Muskrat MiDNR Status 4 37.66 Other (Mostly Private Land) Woodland vole MiDNR Status 4 Nature Conservancy Prairie vole MiDNR Total MiOther Meadow vole MiDNR Total MiMilitary 9.07 0.01 13048.56 16.75 MiMilitary MiOther Nature Conservancy 49.94 198.51 0.25 198.51 0.25 3.05 0.00 790.09 1.01 793.14 1.02 49.94 Other (Mostly Private Land) USFS 0.06 0.06 USFWS 266.05 54330.75 69.73 54330.75 69.73 139 0.34 USNPS Total 0.00 0.00 531.83 0.68 242.94 0.31 561.55 0.72 8823.71 11.32 22.88 0.03 137.47 0.18 21690.66 27.84 8823.71 11.32 288.93 0.37 380.41 0.49 77913.95 100.00 55129.91 70.76 DRAFT 02/01/05 amafh01010 Meadow jumping mouse MiMilitary MiDNR Status 1 32.52 0.15 Status 2 86.31 0.40 Status 3 3209.08 14.79 Status 4 Total 2.30 0.01 3330.21 15.35 amafh02010 101.04 0.47 101.04 0.47 187.07 0.51 Status 2 142.09 0.39 Status 3 6641.33 18.15 5.93 0.02 6976.42 19.07 amafj01010 MiMilitary 196.42 0.42 Status 2 190.47 0.41 Status 3 8789.16 18.72 7.28 0.02 9183.33 19.56 amaja01010 Status 1 273.41 0.23 Status 2 423.88 0.36 Status 3 16198.81 13.68 Total 16.66 0.01 16912.76 14.28 amaja01030 Status 1 267.61 0.72 Status 2 123.97 0.33 Status 3 6376.93 17.17 Total 3.64 0.01 6772.15 18.23 amaja03010 Status 1 156.55 0.15 Status 2 269.84 0.25 Status 3 10519.19 9.83 Total 7.42 0.03 16732.02 77.10 16732.02 77.10 USNPS Total 0.00 0.00 142.84 0.66 36.24 0.17 122.55 0.56 1131.52 5.21 6.12 0.03 15.65 0.07 4463.66 20.57 1131.52 5.21 109.02 0.50 51.89 0.24 21700.63 100.00 16971.58 78.21 MiOther Nature Conservancy 58.14 0.16 58.14 0.16 2.79 0.01 380.82 1.04 383.61 1.05 23.81 Other (Mostly Private Land) USFS USFWS 0.07 0.07 29.13 23207.08 63.42 23207.08 63.42 0.08 USNPS Total 0.00 0.00 240.01 0.66 190.29 0.52 332.38 0.91 5611.37 15.34 0.00 0.00 111.93 0.31 12425.56 33.96 5611.37 15.34 29.13 0.08 302.22 0.83 36591.78 100.00 23593.83 64.48 MiMilitary MiOther Nature Conservancy 30.32 97.70 0.21 97.70 0.21 2.89 0.01 502.62 1.07 505.51 1.08 30.32 Other (Mostly Private Land) USFS USFWS 0.06 0.06 68.92 28653.43 61.03 28653.43 61.03 USNPS Total 0.15 258.82 0.55 554.48 1.18 239.18 0.51 429.65 0.92 7787.60 16.59 0.00 0.00 124.21 0.26 16801.56 35.79 7787.60 16.59 68.92 0.15 622.21 1.33 46949.02 100.00 29163.33 62.12 MiMilitary MiOther Nature Conservancy 54.58 289.54 0.24 3.39 0.00 289.54 1087.72 0.92 0.24 1091.11 0.92 Other (Mostly Private Land) USFS 214.42 10977.37 54.58 USFWS 0.05 0.05 88419.75 74.68 88419.75 74.68 10977.37 USNPS Total 0.00 0.00 542.41 0.46 275.99 0.23 699.87 0.59 30.10 0.03 134.85 0.11 9.27 244.52 0.21 410.84 0.35 118400.47 100.00 9.27 0.18 27634.06 23.34 89524.13 75.61 MiMilitary MiOther Nature Conservancy 31.36 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2.83 0.01 373.64 1.01 376.47 1.01 31.36 Other (Mostly Private Land) USFS USFWS 0.08 0.08 103.28 22344.20 60.15 22344.20 60.15 USNPS Total 0.28 497.63 1.34 899.88 2.42 104.74 0.28 228.71 0.62 6773.29 18.23 0.00 0.00 143.95 0.39 13297.00 35.80 6773.29 18.23 103.28 0.28 746.32 2.01 37147.07 100.00 22721.48 61.17 Red fox MiDNR Status 4 1.09 0.47 Gray wolf MiDNR Status 4 1.09 237.51 USFWS 102.90 Coyote MiDNR Status 4 237.26 USFS 0.03 Common porcupine Status 1 Total 0.00 23.81 MiDNR Status 4 0.25 Other (Mostly Private Land) Woodland jumping mouse Status 1 Total Nature Conservancy 7.42 MiDNR Status 4 MiOther 11.28 0.01 10956.86 10.24 MiMilitary MiOther Nature Conservancy 19.94 269.58 0.25 269.58 0.25 1.10 0.00 809.58 0.76 810.68 0.76 19.94 Other (Mostly Private Land) USFS USFWS 0.02 0.02 56.73 86004.28 80.41 86004.28 80.41 140 USNPS Total 0.05 412.01 0.39 645.23 0.60 219.78 0.21 489.62 0.46 87.84 0.08 8101.00 7.57 18.51 0.02 8101.00 7.57 75.24 0.07 719.63 18997.22 17.76 86825.14 81.18 0.67 106957.21 100.00 DRAFT 02/01/05 amaja04010 Common gray fox MiDNR Status 1 165.65 0.27 Status 2 211.57 0.35 Status 3 7767.70 12.89 Status 4 Total 5.81 0.01 8150.73 13.53 amajb01010 Status 1 271.55 0.32 Status 2 331.66 0.39 Status 3 14340.66 16.99 Total 16.47 0.02 14960.34 17.72 amaje02010 Status 1 287.56 0.25 Status 2 383.28 0.34 Status 3 14418.40 12.70 Total 14.08 0.01 15103.32 13.30 amajf01010 Status 1 41.93 0.20 Status 2 110.44 0.54 Status 3 5269.71 25.61 Total 5.16 0.03 5427.24 26.38 amajf01020 Status 1 216.55 0.80 Status 2 93.81 0.35 Status 3 4664.19 17.26 Total 2.74 0.01 4977.29 18.42 amajf02010 Status 1 296.27 0.35 Status 2 351.40 0.41 Status 3 14904.40 17.50 Total 0.34 203.39 0.34 1.01 0.00 578.32 0.96 579.33 0.96 19.57 USFWS 0.03 19.80 45518.12 75.56 45518.12 75.56 0.03 USNPS Total 0.00 0.00 205.02 0.34 238.45 0.40 450.02 0.75 5382.08 8.93 16.56 0.03 111.29 0.18 13482.03 22.38 5382.08 8.93 36.36 0.06 349.74 0.58 60239.32 100.00 46102.25 76.53 MiMilitary MiOther Nature Conservancy 37.07 286.48 0.34 286.48 0.34 3.39 0.00 867.34 1.03 870.73 1.03 Other (Mostly Private Land) USFS 125.29 10817.19 37.07 USFWS 0.04 0.04 56872.12 67.36 56872.12 67.36 10817.19 USNPS Total 0.00 0.00 433.91 0.51 307.05 0.36 638.71 0.76 0.00 0.00 150.18 0.18 25597.90 30.32 12.81 125.29 0.15 457.23 0.54 84426.45 100.00 12.81 0.15 57755.93 68.41 MiMilitary MiOther Nature Conservancy 42.78 282.67 0.25 1.74 0.00 282.67 1029.76 0.91 0.25 1031.50 0.91 42.78 Other (Mostly Private Land) USFS USFWS 0.04 0.04 331.95 86354.00 76.04 86354.00 76.04 0.29 USNPS Total 0.00 0.00 662.29 0.58 295.62 0.26 678.90 0.60 9953.78 8.76 29.65 0.03 142.46 0.13 24828.70 21.86 9953.78 8.76 361.60 0.32 438.08 0.39 113567.73 100.00 87397.84 76.96 MiMilitary MiOther Nature Conservancy 26.05 54.15 0.26 54.15 0.26 2.19 0.01 233.11 1.13 235.30 1.14 26.05 Other (Mostly Private Land) USFS 0.13 0.13 USFWS 70.32 10675.30 51.89 10675.30 51.89 0.34 USNPS Total 0.00 0.00 138.30 0.67 40.95 0.20 151.39 0.74 4013.96 19.51 0.00 0.00 31.47 0.15 9371.48 45.55 4013.96 19.51 70.32 0.34 72.42 0.35 20574.74 100.00 10913.57 53.04 MiMilitary MiOther Nature Conservancy 23.81 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2.51 0.01 265.41 0.98 267.92 0.99 23.81 Other (Mostly Private Land) USFS 0.09 0.09 USFWS 138.81 16341.10 60.47 16341.10 60.47 0.51 USNPS Total 0.00 0.00 379.17 1.40 82.79 0.31 176.60 0.65 5073.26 18.77 0.00 0.00 120.00 0.44 9859.96 36.48 5073.26 18.77 138.81 0.51 202.79 0.75 27024.98 100.00 16609.25 61.46 Ermine MiDNR Status 4 203.39 USFS 0.03 Fisher MiDNR Status 4 19.57 Other (Mostly Private Land) American marten MiDNR Status 4 Nature Conservancy Common raccoon MiDNR Status 4 MiOther Black bear MiDNR Status 4 MiMilitary 15.15 0.02 15567.22 18.28 MiMilitary MiOther Nature Conservancy 48.01 211.39 0.25 211.39 0.25 3.35 0.00 872.06 1.02 875.41 1.03 Other (Mostly Private Land) USFS 0.06 10702.08 48.01 0.06 USFWS 194.29 56610.43 66.46 56610.43 66.46 10702.08 141 USNPS Total 0.23 515.22 0.60 1053.79 1.24 283.86 0.33 635.26 0.75 19.31 0.02 149.91 0.18 25990.44 30.51 12.56 213.60 0.25 948.99 1.11 85177.13 100.00 12.56 57497.64 67.50 DRAFT 02/01/05 amajf02020 Least weasel MiDNR Status 1 1.68 0.01 Status 2 63.89 0.21 Status 3 967.23 3.22 Status 4 0.06 0.00 1032.86 3.43 Total amajf02030 Status 1 297.80 0.30 Status 2 414.74 0.42 Status 3 15988.44 16.35 Total 15.79 0.02 16716.77 17.10 amajf02050 Status 1 22.87 0.29 Status 2 46.33 0.59 Status 3 1558.31 19.72 Total 1.70 0.02 1629.21 20.61 amajf04010 Status 1 1.19 0.00 Status 2 65.96 0.20 Status 3 1160.71 3.59 Status 4 1.53 0.00 1229.39 3.80 amajf06010 Status 1 241.25 0.22 Status 2 293.30 0.26 Status 3 10863.31 9.81 Total 11.39 0.01 11409.25 10.31 amajf08010 Status 1 20.51 0.27 Status 2 47.75 0.63 Status 3 1305.71 17.12 Total 12.97 0.04 0.04 0.17 0.00 184.33 0.61 184.50 0.61 291.41 3.34 0.01 28521.92 94.83 28521.92 94.83 0.97 USFWS USNPS 0.00 0.00 0.00 5.02 0.02 22.15 0.07 86.04 0.29 0.00 0.00 1279.41 4.25 7.63 0.00 0.03 Total 28706.31 95.44 291.41 0.97 7.63 0.03 22.15 0.07 30076.78 100.00 MiMilitary MiOther Nature Conservancy 52.76 291.51 0.30 291.51 0.30 3.36 0.00 994.86 1.02 998.22 1.02 Other (Mostly Private Land) USFS 199.44 11079.74 52.76 USFWS 0.05 0.05 67401.99 68.95 67401.99 68.95 11079.74 USNPS Total 0.20 516.17 0.53 1066.17 1.09 330.89 0.34 745.63 0.76 21.31 0.02 150.65 0.15 27535.01 28.17 11.33 220.75 0.23 997.71 1.02 97759.45 100.00 11.33 68412.64 69.98 MiMilitary MiOther Nature Conservancy 6.56 5.18 0.07 5.18 0.07 0.27 0.00 106.60 1.35 106.87 1.35 6.56 Other (Mostly Private Land) USFS USFWS 0.08 0.08 171.32 5359.53 67.81 5359.53 67.81 2.17 USNPS Total 0.00 0.00 200.75 2.54 6.94 0.09 53.27 0.67 605.65 7.66 6.93 0.09 5.59 0.07 2181.93 27.61 605.65 7.66 178.25 2.26 12.53 0.16 7903.78 100.00 5467.83 69.18 MiMilitary MiOther Nature Conservancy 3.09 77.15 77.15 0.24 0.24 0.06 0.00 198.67 0.61 198.73 0.61 Other (Mostly Private Land) USFS 0.01 380.59 3.09 0.01 30391.91 94.04 30391.91 94.04 1.18 USFWS USNPS Total 5.82 0.00 0.00 10.10 0.03 22.86 0.07 88.82 0.27 1.14 0.00 1625.89 5.03 6.24 0.02 0.02 30592.11 94.66 380.59 1.18 12.06 0.04 24.00 0.07 32316.92 100.00 MiMilitary MiOther Nature Conservancy 27.82 270.65 0.24 270.65 0.24 1.10 0.00 839.42 0.76 840.52 0.76 27.82 Other (Mostly Private Land) USFS USFWS 0.03 0.03 64.14 89079.73 80.48 89079.73 80.48 0.06 USNPS Total 0.00 0.00 333.21 0.30 190.04 0.17 483.34 0.44 8661.22 7.82 19.22 0.02 129.18 0.12 19944.68 18.02 8661.22 7.82 83.36 0.08 319.22 0.29 110691.77 100.00 89930.54 81.24 Northern river otter MiDNR Status 4 12.97 USFS 0.01 Striped skunk MiDNR Status 4 3.34 Other (Mostly Private Land) American badger MiDNR Total Nature Conservancy Mink MiDNR Status 4 MiOther Long-tailed weasel MiDNR Status 4 MiMilitary 1.04 0.01 1375.01 18.03 MiMilitary MiOther Nature Conservancy 8.97 5.27 0.07 5.27 0.07 0.13 0.00 118.41 1.55 118.54 1.55 8.97 Other (Mostly Private Land) USFS USFWS 0.12 0.12 197.14 5417.00 71.03 5417.00 71.03 142 2.59 USNPS Total 13.95 0.18 240.57 3.15 14.68 0.19 62.43 0.82 464.69 6.09 8.34 0.11 2.28 0.03 1786.42 23.43 464.69 6.09 205.48 2.69 30.91 0.41 7625.87 100.00 5536.45 72.60 DRAFT 02/01/05 amajh03020 Bobcat MiMilitary MiDNR Status 1 293.11 0.40 Status 2 310.67 0.42 Status 3 13609.80 18.58 Status 4 Total 14.55 0.02 14228.13 19.42 amalc01010 209.09 0.29 209.09 0.29 0.00 0.00 Status 2 2.05 0.03 Status 3 2169.26 35.00 10.06 0.16 2181.37 35.20 amalc02020 MiMilitary 270.65 0.26 Status 2 366.73 0.35 Status 3 14382.98 13.79 15.45 0.01 15035.81 14.42 amalc03010 Status 1 43.71 0.33 Status 2 91.80 0.70 Status 3 2824.46 21.42 Total 1.03 754.15 1.03 10343.98 37.50 USFWS 178.09 0.05 47123.08 64.31 47123.08 64.31 10343.98 USNPS Total 0.00 0.00 508.70 0.69 237.84 0.32 548.51 0.75 12.18 0.02 145.38 0.20 24323.44 33.20 14.12 190.27 0.26 383.22 0.52 73269.42 100.00 14.12 0.24 47888.77 65.36 MiOther Nature Conservancy 2.40 0.04 2.40 0.04 0.00 0.00 63.00 1.02 63.00 1.02 0.00 Other (Mostly Private Land) USFS 0.00 0.00 3943.87 63.64 3943.87 63.64 USFWS USNPS 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2.05 0.03 0.00 Total 6.37 0.10 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2178.03 35.15 6.37 0.10 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 6197.01 100.00 4016.93 64.82 MiMilitary MiOther Nature Conservancy 49.83 209.68 0.20 209.68 0.20 3.29 0.00 931.05 0.89 934.34 0.90 Other (Mostly Private Land) USFS 0.05 10471.87 49.83 0.05 USFWS 123.42 76997.67 73.84 76997.67 73.84 10471.87 USNPS Total 0.00 0.00 443.90 0.43 285.49 0.27 652.22 0.63 23.13 0.02 148.79 0.14 10.04 146.55 0.14 434.28 0.42 104280.03 100.00 10.04 0.12 25239.74 24.20 77944.17 74.75 Moose MiDNR Status 4 751.14 USFS 0.05 White-tailed deer Status 1 Total 0.00 0.00 MiDNR Status 4 3.01 Other (Mostly Private Land) Elk Status 1 Total Nature Conservancy 37.50 MiDNR Status 4 MiOther 0.22 0.00 2960.19 22.45 MiMilitary MiOther Nature Conservancy 11.11 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 71.52 0.54 71.52 0.54 11.11 Other (Mostly Private Land) USFS 0.08 0.08 USFWS 197.58 7385.37 56.01 7385.37 56.01 143 USNPS Total 1.50 470.50 3.57 722.90 5.48 86.81 0.66 178.61 1.35 1883.09 14.28 0.00 0.00 120.74 0.92 4828.29 36.61 1883.09 14.28 197.58 1.50 678.05 5.14 13186.91 100.00 7457.11 56.55 DRAFT 02/01/05 Appendix I. Table of bird species distribution and stewardship analysis. The area in square kilometers (multiply by 100 for hectares, 247 for acres) of the species' mapped distribution by management status and land steward, and the percent of the species' total distribution in each category. abnba01030 Common loon MiDNR Status 1 4.26 0.19 Status 2 8.24 0.37 Status 3 112.33 5.04 Status 4 0.19 0.01 125.02 5.61 Total abnca02010 Status 1 8.25 0.22 Status 2 23.32 0.62 Status 3 290.89 7.75 0.35 0.01 322.81 8.60 Total abnca03020 Status 1 6.54 2.26 Status 2 5.49 1.89 Status 3 66.26 22.86 Total Nature Conservancy 0.38 1.50 1.50 0.07 0.07 0.00 0.00 32.90 1.48 32.90 1.48 Other (Mostly Private Land) USFS 21.95 63.77 0.38 USFWS 0.02 0.02 1957.71 87.82 1957.71 87.82 2.86 0.00 0.98 0.00 USNPS Total 14.94 0.67 41.53 1.86 10.76 0.48 19.00 0.85 0.36 0.02 177.96 7.98 1990.80 89.30 63.77 2.86 21.95 0.98 26.06 1.17 2229.29 100.00 MiMilitary MiOther Nature Conservancy 3.99 2.27 0.06 2.27 0.06 0.02 0.00 78.69 2.10 78.71 2.10 3.99 Other (Mostly Private Land) USFS USFWS 0.11 0.11 46.89 3165.88 84.32 3165.88 84.32 1.25 USNPS Total 0.00 0.00 59.13 1.57 12.06 0.32 35.38 0.94 115.14 3.07 5.48 0.15 1.19 0.03 414.99 11.05 115.14 3.07 52.37 1.39 13.25 0.35 3754.42 100.00 3244.92 86.43 Red-necked grebe MiDNR Status 4 MiOther Pied-billed grebe MiDNR Status 4 MiMilitary 0.00 0.00 78.29 27.01 MiMilitary MiOther Nature Conservancy 0.85 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 3.50 1.21 3.50 1.21 0.85 Other (Mostly Private Land) USFS 0.29 0.29 180.94 62.43 180.94 62.43 144 USFWS USNPS Total 3.22 0.00 0.00 10.61 3.66 0.00 0.00 5.49 1.89 1.11 23.03 7.95 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 89.29 30.81 23.03 7.95 3.22 1.11 0.00 0.00 289.83 100.00 184.44 63.64 DRAFT 02/01/05 abnfd01020 Double-crested cormorant MiDNR Status 1 35.24 0.23 Status 2 90.64 0.58 Status 3 3224.71 20.78 Status 4 Total 2.57 0.02 3353.16 21.61 abnga01020 Status 1 45.03 0.44 Status 2 62.39 0.61 Status 3 2258.54 21.93 Total 2.26 0.02 2368.22 22.99 abnga02010 0.00 6.87 0.42 Status 3 414.43 25.27 Total 0.13 0.01 421.43 25.70 abnga04010 Status 1 45.98 0.19 Status 2 117.02 0.49 Status 3 4569.42 19.33 Total 3.77 0.02 4736.19 20.03 abnga04040 Status 1 0.00 0.00 Status 2 20.26 0.38 Status 3 492.10 9.21 Status 4 0.00 0.00 512.36 9.59 abnga07010 0.00 0.00 1.18 0.01 201.13 1.30 202.31 1.30 22.30 USFWS 0.14 11.83 9977.94 64.30 9977.94 64.30 USNPS Total 0.08 130.00 0.84 199.37 1.28 44.23 0.29 134.87 0.87 1737.65 11.20 15.84 0.10 21.41 0.14 5000.79 32.23 1737.65 11.20 27.67 0.18 195.64 1.26 15516.67 100.00 10181.64 65.62 MiMilitary MiOther Nature Conservancy 9.83 9.06 0.09 9.06 0.09 0.28 0.00 134.45 1.31 134.73 1.31 9.83 Other (Mostly Private Land) USFS USFWS 0.10 0.10 271.77 6527.93 63.37 6527.93 63.37 2.64 USNPS Total 26.18 0.25 352.81 3.42 8.89 0.09 71.28 0.69 924.77 8.98 11.73 0.11 8.01 0.08 3212.39 31.18 924.77 8.98 283.50 2.75 43.08 0.42 10301.12 100.00 6664.64 64.70 MiMilitary MiOther Nature Conservancy 0.86 0.21 0.01 0.21 0.01 0.06 0.00 23.73 1.45 23.79 1.45 0.86 Other (Mostly Private Land) USFS USFWS 0.05 0.05 937.78 57.18 937.78 57.18 172.04 10.49 USNPS 0.00 0.00 Total 172.90 10.54 1.60 0.10 78.26 4.77 4.14 0.25 0.00 0.00 497.10 30.31 8.47 0.52 78.26 4.77 176.18 10.74 1.60 0.10 1640.11 100.00 961.64 58.63 MiMilitary MiOther Nature Conservancy 27.57 9.54 0.04 9.54 0.04 2.41 0.01 285.66 1.21 288.07 1.22 27.57 Other (Mostly Private Land) USFS USFWS 0.12 0.12 243.97 15838.22 66.99 15838.22 66.99 2309.71 9.77 14.45 2309.71 9.77 258.42 USNPS Total 1.03 127.43 0.54 444.95 1.88 30.66 0.13 147.68 0.62 18.50 0.08 6924.03 29.28 1.09 176.59 0.75 23644.31 100.00 0.06 16127.65 68.21 MiMilitary MiOther Nature Conservancy 6.82 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 72.48 1.36 72.48 1.36 Other (Mostly Private Land) USFS 0.13 17.95 6.82 0.13 4719.34 88.35 4719.34 88.35 0.34 USFWS USNPS 0.00 0.00 0.00 6.82 0.13 0.00 0.00 20.26 0.38 0.00 0.00 522.68 9.79 12.63 0.00 0.24 Total 4791.82 89.71 17.95 0.34 12.63 0.24 0.00 0.00 5341.58 100.00 Cattle egret MiDNR Status 1 0.00 0.00 Status 2 2.11 0.06 Status 3 174.39 5.29 Status 4 0.00 0.00 176.50 5.35 Total 0.00 USFS 0.14 Great egret MiDNR Total 0.00 Other (Mostly Private Land) Great blue heron MiDNR Status 4 22.30 0.00 Status 2 Status 4 Nature Conservancy Least bittern MiDNR Status 1 MiOther American bittern MiDNR Status 4 MiMilitary MiMilitary MiOther Nature Conservancy 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 10.63 0.32 10.63 0.32 Other (Mostly Private Land) USFS 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 3112.51 94.33 3112.51 94.33 145 0.00 USFWS USNPS 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2.11 0.06 0.00 0.00 174.39 5.29 0.00 0.00 0.00 Total 3123.14 94.65 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 3299.64 100.00 DRAFT 02/01/05 abnga08010 Green heron MiDNR Status 1 46.83 0.23 Status 2 104.33 0.52 Status 3 3757.22 18.70 Status 4 Total 2.98 0.01 3911.36 19.47 abnga11010 Status 1 0.00 0.00 Status 2 1.09 0.50 Status 3 32.95 15.02 Total 0.00 0.00 34.04 15.52 abnjb02030 Status 1 1.82 0.09 Status 2 11.36 0.58 Status 3 135.68 6.98 0.40 0.02 149.26 7.68 Total abnjb05030 Status 1 2.58 0.19 Status 2 9.06 0.65 Status 3 127.26 9.18 Total 0.23 0.02 139.13 10.04 abnjb09010 Status 1 268.25 0.41 Status 2 259.54 0.40 Status 3 10131.80 15.60 Total 10.70 0.02 10670.29 16.42 abnjb10010 Status 1 3.05 0.33 Status 2 5.14 0.56 Status 3 129.67 14.06 Total 0.06 12.96 0.06 0.66 0.00 248.83 1.24 249.49 1.24 17.46 USFWS 0.09 274.33 14251.92 70.93 14251.92 70.93 1.37 USNPS Total 36.47 0.18 375.09 1.87 19.47 0.10 123.80 0.62 1293.29 6.44 15.51 0.08 11.93 0.06 5091.57 25.34 1293.29 6.44 289.84 1.44 67.87 0.34 20094.19 100.00 14503.73 72.18 MiMilitary MiOther Nature Conservancy 0.87 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.02 0.01 8.91 4.06 8.93 4.07 0.87 Other (Mostly Private Land) USFS 0.40 0.40 165.01 75.22 165.01 75.22 USFWS USNPS 1.14 0.00 0.00 2.01 0.92 0.00 0.00 1.09 0.50 0.52 Total 7.35 3.35 2.02 0.92 0.00 0.00 42.34 19.30 7.35 3.35 3.16 1.44 0.00 0.00 219.36 100.00 173.92 79.29 MiMilitary MiOther Nature Conservancy 0.15 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 37.64 1.94 37.64 1.94 0.15 Other (Mostly Private Land) USFS USFWS 0.01 0.01 80.15 1560.91 80.33 1560.91 80.33 4.12 USNPS Total 0.00 0.00 82.12 4.23 6.97 0.36 18.33 0.94 107.55 5.53 0.00 0.00 0.49 0.03 243.72 12.54 107.55 5.53 80.15 4.12 7.46 0.38 1943.12 100.00 1598.95 82.29 MiMilitary MiOther Nature Conservancy 1.90 1.30 0.09 1.30 0.09 0.02 0.00 35.01 2.53 35.03 2.53 1.90 Other (Mostly Private Land) USFS USFWS 0.14 0.14 18.82 1133.04 81.73 1133.04 81.73 1.36 USNPS Total 3.19 0.23 26.49 1.91 3.90 0.28 12.96 0.93 48.44 3.49 0.80 0.06 0.84 0.06 178.66 12.89 48.44 3.49 19.62 1.42 7.93 0.57 1386.39 100.00 1168.28 84.27 MiMilitary MiOther Nature Conservancy 29.60 145.02 0.22 145.02 0.22 1.43 0.00 646.49 1.00 647.92 1.00 29.60 Other (Mostly Private Land) USFS USFWS 0.05 0.05 286.58 45582.89 70.16 45582.89 70.16 USNPS Total 0.44 368.53 0.57 952.96 1.47 240.87 0.37 500.41 0.77 6859.14 10.56 23.00 0.04 113.42 0.17 17273.81 26.59 6859.14 10.56 309.58 0.48 722.82 1.11 64967.26 100.00 46240.08 71.17 Green-winged teal MiDNR Status 4 12.96 USFS 0.09 Wood duck MiDNR Status 4 17.46 Other (Mostly Private Land) Canada goose MiDNR Status 4 Nature Conservancy Trumpeter swan MiDNR Status 4 MiOther Black-crowned night-heron MiDNR Status 4 MiMilitary 0.17 0.02 138.03 14.97 MiMilitary MiOther Nature Conservancy 2.01 1.30 0.14 1.30 0.14 0.06 0.01 18.51 2.01 18.57 2.01 2.01 Other (Mostly Private Land) USFS USFWS 0.22 0.22 24.12 680.42 73.80 680.42 73.80 146 2.62 USNPS Total 0.00 0.00 29.18 3.16 1.64 0.18 6.78 0.74 54.95 5.96 0.75 0.08 0.23 0.02 186.96 20.28 54.95 5.96 24.87 2.70 1.87 0.20 922.02 100.00 699.10 75.82 DRAFT 02/01/05 abnjb10040 American black duck MiDNR Status 1 10.83 0.22 Status 2 32.63 0.67 Status 3 450.33 9.31 Status 4 Total 0.64 0.01 494.43 10.22 abnjb10060 Status 1 36.77 0.09 Status 2 128.47 0.30 Status 3 3027.33 7.05 Status 4 4.13 0.01 3196.70 7.44 abnjb10110 Status 1 0.00 0.00 Status 2 6.85 0.99 Status 3 124.60 18.02 Total 0.11 0.02 131.56 19.02 abnjb10130 Status 1 5.61 0.20 Status 2 18.02 0.64 Status 3 268.57 9.57 Total 0.45 0.02 292.65 10.43 abnjb10150 Status 1 0.72 0.22 Status 2 4.20 1.28 Status 3 16.12 4.91 0.00 0.00 21.04 6.40 Total abnjb10160 Status 1 5.82 2.46 Status 2 2.84 1.20 Status 3 48.56 20.55 Total 0.07 3.18 0.07 0.16 0.00 111.59 2.31 111.75 2.31 5.73 USFWS 0.12 47.98 3946.82 81.60 3946.82 81.60 0.99 USNPS Total 0.00 0.00 64.54 1.33 15.88 0.33 48.51 1.00 202.18 4.18 7.21 0.15 1.65 0.03 664.71 13.74 202.18 4.18 55.19 1.14 17.53 0.36 4836.81 100.00 4059.05 83.92 MiMilitary MiOther Nature Conservancy 13.89 32.01 32.01 0.07 0.07 0.53 0.00 425.66 0.99 426.19 0.99 Other (Mostly Private Land) USFS 205.11 1176.69 13.89 USFWS 0.03 0.03 37838.10 88.10 37838.10 88.10 2.74 21.26 0.48 0.05 USNPS Total 0.00 0.00 255.77 0.60 29.88 0.07 158.35 0.37 10.65 0.02 4268.47 9.94 38267.89 89.10 1176.69 2.74 226.37 0.53 40.53 0.09 42950.48 100.00 MiMilitary MiOther Nature Conservancy 2.75 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.02 0.00 15.08 2.18 15.10 2.18 2.75 Other (Mostly Private Land) USFS 0.40 0.40 465.43 67.29 465.43 67.29 USFWS USNPS 0.00 0.00 0.00 2.75 0.40 0.00 0.00 6.85 0.99 0.00 Total 66.66 9.64 10.13 1.46 0.00 0.00 201.41 29.12 66.66 9.64 10.13 1.46 0.00 0.00 691.63 100.00 480.62 69.49 MiMilitary MiOther Nature Conservancy 3.86 3.03 0.11 3.03 0.11 0.11 0.00 65.26 2.33 65.37 2.33 3.86 Other (Mostly Private Land) USFS USFWS 0.14 0.14 32.68 2280.91 81.28 2280.91 81.28 1.16 USNPS Total 7.97 0.28 50.12 1.79 8.14 0.29 26.16 0.93 108.78 3.88 1.68 0.06 1.21 0.04 383.38 13.66 108.78 3.88 34.36 1.22 17.32 0.62 2806.28 100.00 2346.62 83.62 MiMilitary MiOther Nature Conservancy 2.11 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 13.16 4.01 13.16 4.01 2.11 Other (Mostly Private Land) USFS 0.64 0.64 263.45 80.19 263.45 80.19 USFWS USNPS 0.00 0.00 0.00 2.83 0.86 0.00 0.00 4.20 1.28 0.00 Total 27.81 8.46 0.97 0.30 0.00 0.00 44.90 13.67 27.81 8.46 0.97 0.30 0.00 0.00 328.54 100.00 276.61 84.19 Gadwall MiDNR Status 4 3.18 USFS 0.12 Northern shoveler MiDNR Status 4 5.73 Other (Mostly Private Land) Blue-winged teal MiDNR Status 4 Nature Conservancy Northern pintail MiDNR Status 4 MiOther Mallard MiDNR Total MiMilitary 0.01 0.00 57.23 24.22 MiMilitary MiOther Nature Conservancy 3.28 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.71 0.72 1.71 0.72 3.28 Other (Mostly Private Land) USFS 1.39 1.39 148.55 62.86 148.55 62.86 147 USFWS USNPS 0.00 0.00 0.00 9.10 3.85 0.00 0.00 2.84 1.20 0.00 Total 25.56 10.82 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 74.12 31.36 25.56 10.82 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 236.33 100.00 150.27 63.58 DRAFT 02/01/05 abnjb10180 American wigeon MiDNR Status 1 4.84 0.65 Status 2 6.49 0.87 Status 3 113.16 15.19 Status 4 Total 0.00 0.00 124.49 16.71 abnjb11030 Status 1 0.00 0.00 Status 2 0.11 0.33 Status 3 3.38 10.01 Status 4 0.00 0.00 Total 3.49 10.34 abnjb11040 Status 1 2.67 0.58 Status 2 4.58 1.00 Status 3 58.97 12.92 0.14 0.03 66.36 14.53 abnjb18010 Status 1 6.96 0.44 Status 2 11.22 0.71 Status 3 139.79 8.81 0.00 0.00 157.97 9.96 Total abnjb20010 Status 1 5.66 0.19 Status 2 16.79 0.57 Status 3 175.88 5.97 Status 4 0.19 0.01 198.52 6.74 abnjb21010 0.07 0.55 0.07 0.00 0.00 20.42 2.74 20.42 2.74 3.49 USFWS 0.47 32.02 504.43 67.70 504.43 67.70 4.30 USNPS Total 0.00 0.00 40.35 5.42 3.14 0.42 9.63 1.29 54.53 7.32 1.66 0.22 0.38 0.05 170.28 22.85 54.53 7.32 33.68 4.52 3.52 0.47 745.11 100.00 524.85 70.44 MiMilitary MiOther Nature Conservancy 0.75 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.43 1.27 0.43 1.27 0.75 Other (Mostly Private Land) USFS 2.22 2.22 21.81 64.60 21.81 64.60 USFWS USNPS 5.31 0.00 0.00 6.06 17.95 0.12 0.36 0.23 15.73 Total 0.68 1.68 4.98 0.17 0.50 0.00 0.00 5.23 15.49 1.68 4.98 5.48 16.23 0.12 0.36 33.76 100.00 22.24 65.88 MiMilitary MiOther Nature Conservancy 0.27 0.65 0.14 0.65 0.14 0.02 0.00 11.13 2.44 11.15 2.44 0.27 Other (Mostly Private Land) USFS USFWS 0.06 0.06 10.71 336.14 73.62 336.14 73.62 2.35 USNPS Total 0.00 0.00 13.65 2.99 3.33 0.73 7.91 1.73 27.32 5.98 0.00 0.00 0.65 0.14 87.61 19.19 27.32 5.98 10.71 2.35 3.98 0.87 456.58 100.00 347.41 76.09 MiMilitary MiOther Nature Conservancy 0.95 0.82 0.05 0.82 0.05 0.04 0.00 25.02 1.58 25.06 1.58 0.95 Other (Mostly Private Land) USFS USFWS 0.06 0.06 24.15 1263.27 79.61 1263.27 79.61 1.52 USNPS Total 0.00 0.00 32.06 2.02 7.74 0.49 18.96 1.19 105.69 6.66 0.00 0.00 1.14 0.07 247.48 15.60 105.69 6.66 24.15 1.52 8.88 0.56 1586.79 100.00 1288.29 81.19 MiMilitary MiOther Nature Conservancy 0.54 1.39 1.39 0.05 0.05 0.02 0.00 61.06 2.07 61.08 2.07 Other (Mostly Private Land) USFS 22.25 83.67 0.54 USFWS 0.02 0.02 2562.12 86.97 2562.12 86.97 2.84 4.23 0.76 0.14 USNPS Total 0.00 0.00 28.45 0.97 11.36 0.39 28.15 0.96 0.93 0.03 266.12 9.03 2623.37 89.05 83.67 2.84 26.48 0.90 12.29 0.42 2946.09 100.00 Common merganser MiDNR Status 1 5.65 0.27 Status 2 8.16 0.38 Status 3 129.94 6.13 Status 4 0.19 0.01 143.94 6.79 Total 0.55 USFS 0.47 Hooded merganser MiDNR Total 3.49 Other (Mostly Private Land) Common goldeneye MiDNR Status 4 Nature Conservancy Ring-necked duck MiDNR Total MiOther Redhead MiDNR Status 4 MiMilitary MiMilitary MiOther Nature Conservancy 0.53 1.80 1.80 0.08 0.08 0.02 0.00 33.40 1.58 33.42 1.58 Other (Mostly Private Land) USFS 22.27 77.82 0.53 USFWS 0.03 0.03 1827.44 86.22 1827.44 86.22 148 3.67 0.00 1.05 0.00 USNPS Total 0.00 0.00 28.45 1.34 11.40 0.54 19.56 0.92 0.98 0.05 210.56 9.93 1861.03 87.80 77.82 3.67 22.27 1.05 12.38 0.58 2119.60 100.00 DRAFT 02/01/05 abnjb21020 Red-breasted merganser MiDNR Status 1 5.65 0.30 Status 2 9.40 0.50 Status 3 103.01 5.48 Status 4 0.02 0.00 118.08 6.28 Total abnjb22010 Status 1 0.00 0.00 Status 2 0.06 0.59 Status 3 0.54 5.33 Status 4 0.00 0.00 Total 0.60 5.92 abnka02010 Status 1 224.95 0.33 Status 2 240.02 0.35 Status 3 9517.94 13.88 9.42 0.01 9992.33 14.58 abnkc01010 Status 1 24.36 0.20 Status 2 76.64 0.64 Status 3 3101.19 26.01 Total 3.72 0.03 3205.91 26.89 abnkc10010 Status 1 269.07 0.40 Status 2 281.64 0.42 Status 3 12749.28 19.01 Total 14.47 0.02 13314.46 19.85 abnkc11010 Status 1 47.49 0.10 Status 2 144.50 0.30 Status 3 4477.68 9.37 4.09 0.01 4673.76 9.78 Total 0.70 0.04 0.04 0.02 0.00 30.08 1.60 30.10 1.60 68.01 0.53 USFWS 22.27 0.03 1628.55 86.60 1628.55 86.60 3.62 0.00 1.18 0.00 USNPS Total 0.00 0.00 28.45 1.51 11.40 0.61 20.80 1.11 0.98 0.05 172.72 9.18 1658.65 88.20 68.01 3.62 22.27 1.18 12.38 0.66 1880.62 100.00 MiMilitary MiOther Nature Conservancy 0.27 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.40 3.94 0.40 3.94 Other (Mostly Private Land) USFS 2.66 0.13 0.27 2.66 8.54 84.22 8.54 84.22 1.28 USFWS USNPS 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.27 2.66 0.00 0.00 0.06 0.59 0.00 0.00 0.87 8.58 0.20 0.00 1.97 Total 8.94 88.17 0.13 1.28 0.20 1.97 0.00 0.00 10.14 100.00 MiMilitary MiOther Nature Conservancy 20.83 233.78 0.34 233.78 0.34 1.17 0.00 654.74 0.96 655.91 0.96 20.83 Other (Mostly Private Land) USFS USFWS 0.03 0.03 24.73 50721.07 73.99 50721.07 73.99 0.04 USNPS Total 0.00 0.00 270.51 0.39 262.04 0.38 502.06 0.73 6509.74 9.50 16.01 0.02 117.25 0.17 16395.89 23.92 6509.74 9.50 40.74 0.06 379.29 0.55 68553.69 100.00 51385.23 74.96 MiMilitary MiOther Nature Conservancy 16.40 14.43 0.12 14.43 0.12 1.99 0.02 123.37 1.03 125.36 1.05 16.40 Other (Mostly Private Land) USFS USFWS 0.14 0.14 32.67 6770.68 56.79 6770.68 56.79 1620.68 13.59 0.00 1620.68 13.59 32.67 USNPS Total 0.27 100.28 0.84 173.71 1.46 21.04 0.18 97.68 0.82 14.14 0.12 4752.43 39.86 0.27 135.46 1.14 11921.59 100.00 0.00 6897.77 57.86 MiMilitary MiOther Nature Conservancy 40.64 188.87 0.28 188.87 0.28 3.27 0.00 727.45 1.08 730.72 1.09 Other (Mostly Private Land) USFS 113.16 10231.09 40.64 USFWS 0.06 0.06 41571.65 61.98 41571.65 61.98 10231.09 USNPS Total 0.17 492.58 0.73 915.45 1.36 237.48 0.35 519.12 0.77 16.43 0.02 141.01 0.21 23329.95 34.78 15.25 129.59 0.19 871.07 1.30 67078.09 100.00 15.25 42313.57 63.08 Northern harrier MiDNR Status 4 0.70 USFS 0.03 Bald eagle MiDNR Status 4 0.53 Other (Mostly Private Land) Osprey MiDNR Status 4 Nature Conservancy Turkey vulture MiDNR Total MiOther Ruddy duck MiDNR Status 4 MiMilitary MiMilitary MiOther Nature Conservancy 15.51 104.85 0.22 104.85 0.22 0.45 0.00 385.03 0.81 385.48 0.81 15.51 Other (Mostly Private Land) USFS USFWS 0.03 0.03 282.64 40720.17 85.17 40720.17 85.17 149 0.59 USNPS Total 0.00 0.00 345.64 0.72 42.82 0.09 187.32 0.39 1547.93 3.24 17.93 0.04 17.32 0.04 6166.16 12.90 1547.93 3.24 300.57 0.63 60.14 0.13 47808.41 100.00 41109.29 85.99 DRAFT 02/01/05 abnkc12020 Sharp-shinned hawk MiDNR Status 1 238.44 0.44 Status 2 198.09 0.37 Status 3 8794.57 16.23 Status 4 Total 9.39 0.02 9240.49 17.05 abnkc12040 Status 1 260.92 0.35 Status 2 297.96 0.40 Status 3 12293.84 16.67 Total 13.07 0.02 12865.79 17.45 abnkc12060 Status 1 238.44 0.48 Status 2 173.11 0.35 Status 3 8487.41 16.98 Total 9.39 0.02 8908.35 17.83 abnkc19030 Status 1 189.88 0.36 Status 2 222.14 0.42 Status 3 8370.33 15.77 Total 7.37 0.01 8789.72 16.56 abnkc19050 Status 1 245.28 0.43 Status 2 233.84 0.41 Status 3 9504.49 16.49 Total 11.25 0.02 9994.86 17.34 abnkc19110 Status 1 246.77 0.27 Status 2 292.36 0.32 Status 3 10723.09 11.78 Total 0.32 171.94 0.32 0.92 0.00 523.28 0.97 524.20 0.97 21.30 USFWS 0.04 53.14 35361.32 65.25 35361.32 65.25 USNPS Total 0.10 396.94 0.73 709.82 1.31 241.21 0.45 439.30 0.81 8053.47 14.86 8.40 0.02 120.05 0.22 17149.35 31.65 8053.47 14.86 61.54 0.11 758.20 1.40 54192.46 100.00 35893.99 66.23 MiMilitary MiOther Nature Conservancy 42.82 186.55 0.25 186.55 0.25 3.00 0.00 728.31 0.99 731.31 0.99 42.82 Other (Mostly Private Land) USFS USFWS 0.06 0.06 75.05 49203.68 66.73 49203.68 66.73 USNPS Total 0.10 489.42 0.66 868.21 1.18 231.49 0.31 529.45 0.72 9765.24 13.24 14.69 0.02 134.10 0.18 22397.42 30.37 9765.24 13.24 89.74 0.12 855.01 1.16 73740.14 100.00 49945.06 67.73 MiMilitary MiOther Nature Conservancy 18.84 171.94 0.34 171.94 0.34 0.92 0.00 497.70 1.00 498.62 1.00 18.84 Other (Mostly Private Land) USFS USFWS 0.04 0.04 53.14 31510.12 63.05 31510.12 63.05 USNPS Total 0.11 396.94 0.79 707.36 1.42 241.21 0.48 414.32 0.83 8053.47 16.12 0.00 0.00 120.05 0.24 16833.79 33.69 8053.47 16.12 53.14 0.11 758.20 1.52 49972.68 100.00 32017.21 64.07 MiMilitary MiOther Nature Conservancy 34.66 61.17 0.12 61.17 0.12 2.79 0.01 527.71 0.99 530.50 1.00 34.66 Other (Mostly Private Land) USFS USFWS 0.07 0.07 78.41 37065.24 69.83 37065.24 69.83 USNPS Total 0.15 222.11 0.42 525.06 0.99 231.02 0.44 453.16 0.85 5937.37 11.19 16.37 0.03 116.48 0.22 14504.51 27.32 5937.37 11.19 94.78 0.18 569.61 1.07 53083.05 100.00 37600.32 70.83 MiMilitary MiOther Nature Conservancy 28.55 146.83 0.25 146.83 0.25 2.62 0.00 531.49 0.92 534.11 0.93 28.55 Other (Mostly Private Land) USFS USFWS 0.05 0.05 44.13 38940.52 67.55 38940.52 67.55 USNPS Total 0.08 413.16 0.72 731.12 1.27 240.91 0.42 474.75 0.82 7176.44 12.45 7.84 0.01 116.12 0.20 16954.34 29.41 7176.44 12.45 51.97 0.09 770.19 1.34 57643.47 100.00 39483.26 68.50 Red-tailed hawk MiDNR Status 4 171.94 USFS 0.04 Broad-winged hawk MiDNR Status 4 21.30 Other (Mostly Private Land) Red-shouldered hawk MiDNR Status 4 Nature Conservancy Northern goshawk MiDNR Status 4 MiOther Cooper's hawk MiDNR Status 4 MiMilitary 11.36 0.01 11273.58 12.39 MiMilitary MiOther Nature Conservancy 27.65 253.44 0.28 253.44 0.28 1.09 0.00 751.29 0.83 752.38 0.83 27.65 Other (Mostly Private Land) USFS USFWS 0.03 0.03 231.08 69383.28 76.25 69383.28 76.25 150 USNPS Total 0.25 358.88 0.39 864.38 0.95 266.27 0.29 558.63 0.61 8312.50 9.14 18.53 0.02 116.87 0.13 19425.52 21.35 8312.50 9.14 249.61 0.27 742.02 0.82 90994.46 100.00 70145.93 77.09 DRAFT 02/01/05 abnkd06020 American kestrel MiMilitary MiDNR Status 1 193.14 0.27 Status 2 202.93 0.28 Status 3 6523.22 8.96 8.52 0.01 6927.81 9.51 Status 4 Total abnkd06030 Status 1 68.14 0.52 Status 2 84.64 0.64 Status 3 3092.25 23.47 Total 1.88 0.01 3246.91 24.65 abnkd06070 Status 1 0.00 0.00 Status 2 0.00 0.00 Status 3 0.61 0.13 Status 4 0.00 0.00 Total 0.61 0.13 Status 1 0.00 0.00 Status 2 50.15 0.20 Status 3 351.02 1.41 Status 4 0.00 0.00 401.17 1.62 abnlc09010 Status 1 40.02 0.30 Status 2 75.38 0.56 Status 3 3507.17 26.17 Total 4.66 0.03 3627.23 27.06 abnlc11010 Status 1 89.41 0.54 Status 2 69.17 0.42 Status 3 3276.78 19.86 Total 183.01 0.25 0.60 0.00 541.09 0.74 541.69 0.74 12.32 0.02 59899.00 82.26 59899.00 82.26 USNPS Total 0.02 269.63 0.37 491.69 0.68 227.51 0.31 430.44 0.59 4620.51 6.35 14.54 0.02 100.78 0.14 11442.66 15.72 4620.51 6.35 31.14 0.04 597.92 0.82 72813.40 100.00 60448.61 83.02 MiMilitary MiOther Nature Conservancy 25.74 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2.18 0.02 140.96 1.07 143.14 1.09 25.74 Other (Mostly Private Land) USFS USFWS 0.20 0.20 63.47 7386.11 56.07 7386.11 56.07 2021.53 15.35 0.00 2021.53 15.35 63.47 USNPS Total 0.48 218.80 1.66 376.15 2.86 37.38 0.28 122.02 0.93 29.64 0.23 5145.60 39.06 0.48 285.82 2.17 13172.72 100.00 0.00 7528.95 57.16 MiMilitary MiOther Nature Conservancy 0.02 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2.62 0.56 2.62 0.56 Other (Mostly Private Land) USFS 0.00 0.05 0.02 0.00 466.28 99.26 466.28 99.26 0.01 USFWS USNPS 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.02 0.00 0.19 0.04 0.19 0.04 0.00 0.00 0.66 0.14 0.00 0.00 0.00 Total 468.90 99.81 0.05 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.19 0.04 469.77 100.00 MiMilitary MiOther Nature Conservancy 2.67 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.09 0.00 125.83 0.51 125.92 0.51 Other (Mostly Private Land) USFS 0.01 45.25 2.67 0.01 24246.38 97.65 24246.38 97.65 0.18 USFWS USNPS 0.00 0.00 0.00 2.67 0.01 1.98 0.01 52.13 0.21 0.00 0.00 402.39 1.62 6.03 0.00 0.02 Total 24372.21 98.16 45.25 0.18 6.03 0.02 1.98 0.01 24829.40 100.00 MiMilitary MiOther Nature Conservancy 24.78 37.58 0.28 37.58 0.28 0.15 0.00 146.01 1.09 146.16 1.09 24.78 Other (Mostly Private Land) USFS 0.18 0.18 USFWS 68.54 6308.05 47.06 6308.05 47.06 2987.51 22.29 0.00 2987.51 22.29 68.54 USNPS Total 0.51 152.64 1.14 285.98 2.13 22.97 0.17 98.35 0.73 27.51 0.21 6559.92 48.94 0.51 203.12 1.52 13402.97 100.00 0.00 6458.72 48.19 Ruffed grouse MiDNR Status 4 0.25 USFWS 16.60 Spruce grouse MiDNR Status 4 183.01 USFS 0.02 Ring-necked pheasant MiDNR Total 12.32 Other (Mostly Private Land) Peregrine falcon MiDNR abnlc07010 Nature Conservancy Merlin MiDNR Status 4 MiOther 4.98 0.03 3440.34 20.85 MiMilitary MiOther Nature Conservancy 6.25 35.63 0.22 35.63 0.22 0.39 0.00 181.98 1.10 182.37 1.11 6.25 Other (Mostly Private Land) USFS 0.04 0.04 USFWS 98.34 10707.38 64.88 10707.38 64.88 151 1759.72 10.66 4.46 1759.72 10.66 102.80 USNPS Total 0.60 224.97 1.36 418.97 2.54 30.33 0.18 99.50 0.60 12.31 0.07 5089.29 30.84 0.62 267.61 1.62 16502.10 100.00 0.03 10894.34 66.02 DRAFT 02/01/05 abnlc13030 Sharp-tailed grouse MiDNR Status 1 0.00 0.00 Status 2 0.00 0.00 Status 3 163.51 23.85 Status 4 Total 0.72 0.11 164.23 23.96 abnlc14010 Status 1 0.00 0.00 Status 2 106.47 0.26 Status 3 2350.49 5.75 Status 4 3.99 0.01 2460.95 6.02 abnlc21020 Status 1 0.00 0.00 Status 2 25.22 0.14 Status 3 189.14 1.02 Status 4 0.00 0.00 214.36 1.16 abnme01010 0.00 0.00 0.00 Status 3 370.95 52.60 Total 0.00 0.00 370.95 52.60 abnme05020 0.00 4.51 0.21 Status 3 398.86 18.40 Total 0.09 0.00 403.46 18.61 abnme05030 Status 1 0.83 0.03 Status 2 14.29 0.52 Status 3 700.00 25.33 Total 6.06 0.00 4.65 0.68 4.65 0.68 0.00 0.00 424.63 61.95 424.63 61.95 USFWS USNPS 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Total 50.41 7.35 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.00 255.47 37.27 50.41 7.35 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.00 685.47 100.00 430.00 62.73 MiMilitary MiOther Nature Conservancy 4.27 138.19 138.19 0.34 0.34 0.15 0.00 265.74 0.65 265.89 0.65 Other (Mostly Private Land) USFS 0.01 1083.78 4.27 0.01 36855.52 90.22 36855.52 90.22 2.65 USFWS USNPS 5.76 0.00 0.00 10.03 0.02 24.97 0.06 131.44 0.32 0.00 0.00 3583.57 8.77 10.96 0.01 0.03 Total 37125.25 90.88 1083.78 2.65 16.72 0.04 24.97 0.06 40850.29 100.00 MiMilitary MiOther Nature Conservancy 1.78 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 62.26 0.34 62.26 0.34 Other (Mostly Private Land) USFS 0.01 2.18 1.78 0.01 18246.20 98.45 18246.20 98.45 0.01 USFWS USNPS 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.78 0.01 0.00 0.00 25.22 0.14 0.00 0.00 197.35 1.06 6.03 0.00 0.03 Total 18308.46 98.79 2.18 0.01 6.03 0.03 0.00 0.00 18532.81 100.00 MiMilitary MiOther Nature Conservancy 2.17 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 3.00 0.43 3.00 0.43 2.17 Other (Mostly Private Land) USFS USFWS 0.31 0.31 138.34 19.62 138.34 19.62 190.79 27.05 USNPS 0.00 0.00 Total 192.96 27.36 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 370.95 52.60 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 190.79 27.05 0.00 0.00 705.25 100.00 141.34 20.04 MiMilitary MiOther Nature Conservancy 1.60 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 20.68 0.95 20.68 0.95 1.60 Other (Mostly Private Land) USFS USFWS 0.07 0.07 1422.95 65.64 1422.95 65.64 248.91 11.48 USNPS 0.00 0.00 Total 250.51 11.56 0.00 0.00 70.25 3.24 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 469.11 21.64 4.51 0.21 70.25 3.24 248.91 11.48 0.00 0.00 2167.85 100.00 1443.72 66.60 Virginia rail MiDNR Status 4 41.54 0.00 0.00 Status 2 Status 4 6.06 USFS 0.00 King rail MiDNR Status 1 41.54 0.00 Status 2 Status 4 0.00 Other (Mostly Private Land) Yellow rail MiDNR Status 1 Nature Conservancy Northern bobwhite MiDNR Total MiOther Wild turkey MiDNR Total MiMilitary 0.67 0.02 715.79 25.90 MiMilitary MiOther Nature Conservancy 4.11 3.06 0.11 3.06 0.11 0.00 0.00 35.06 1.27 35.06 1.27 4.11 Other (Mostly Private Land) USFS USFWS 0.15 0.15 172.14 1601.78 57.96 1601.78 57.96 152 6.23 USNPS Total 11.07 0.40 188.15 6.81 0.35 0.01 14.64 0.53 216.12 7.82 4.14 0.15 0.00 0.00 923.32 33.41 216.12 7.82 176.28 6.38 11.42 0.41 2763.62 100.00 1637.51 59.25 DRAFT 02/01/05 abnme08020 Sora MiDNR Status 1 15.77 0.33 Status 2 24.88 0.52 Status 3 993.32 20.76 Status 4 Total 0.82 0.02 1034.79 21.63 abnme13010 Status 1 0.00 0.00 Status 2 6.41 0.50 Status 3 193.22 15.21 Total 0.00 0.00 199.63 15.72 abnme14020 Status 1 0.00 0.00 Status 2 15.70 0.36 Status 3 963.79 22.09 Total 2.65 0.06 982.14 22.51 abnmk01010 Status 1 37.73 0.07 Status 2 148.20 0.26 Status 3 4577.34 8.03 5.96 0.01 4769.23 8.37 Total abnnb03070 Status 1 0.00 0.00 Status 2 6.84 8.84 Status 3 3.06 3.96 Status 4 0.00 0.00 Total 9.90 12.80 0.10 4.70 0.10 0.11 0.00 65.32 1.37 65.43 1.37 3.98 USFWS 0.08 184.49 3277.28 68.51 3277.28 68.51 3.86 USNPS Total 11.44 0.24 215.68 4.51 2.33 0.05 27.21 0.57 190.71 3.99 8.75 0.18 0.00 0.00 1197.59 25.03 190.71 3.99 193.24 4.04 13.77 0.29 4783.90 100.00 3343.42 69.89 MiMilitary MiOther Nature Conservancy 0.86 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 21.04 1.66 21.04 1.66 0.86 Other (Mostly Private Land) USFS 0.07 0.07 1021.13 80.40 1021.13 80.40 USFWS USNPS 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.86 0.07 1.35 0.11 7.76 0.61 0.00 Total 20.88 1.64 5.13 0.40 0.00 0.00 219.23 17.26 20.88 1.64 5.13 0.40 1.35 0.11 1270.02 100.00 1042.17 82.06 MiMilitary MiOther Nature Conservancy 3.64 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.34 0.01 55.32 1.27 55.66 1.28 3.64 Other (Mostly Private Land) USFS USFWS 0.08 0.08 15.71 3029.91 69.45 3029.91 69.45 0.36 USNPS Total 0.00 0.00 19.35 0.44 3.64 0.08 19.34 0.44 262.38 6.01 9.64 0.22 0.00 0.00 1236.15 28.33 262.38 6.01 25.35 0.58 3.64 0.08 4362.72 100.00 3087.88 70.78 MiMilitary MiOther Nature Conservancy 24.53 11.37 0.02 11.37 0.02 2.00 0.00 372.42 0.65 374.42 0.66 24.53 Other (Mostly Private Land) USFS USFWS 0.04 0.04 216.33 49341.33 86.58 49341.33 86.58 2113.37 3.71 0.00 2113.37 3.71 216.33 0.38 USNPS Total 94.54 0.17 373.13 0.65 33.74 0.06 181.94 0.32 11.30 0.02 6715.38 11.78 0.38 139.58 0.24 56990.16 100.00 0.00 49719.71 87.24 MiMilitary MiOther Nature Conservancy 0.33 Other (Mostly Private Land) USFS 0.43 USFWS USNPS 0.06 0.00 0.08 0.00 16.54 21.38 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 3.29 4.25 3.29 4.25 2.54 0.33 0.43 44.69 57.78 44.69 57.78 3.28 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Total 0.39 0.50 23.38 30.23 5.60 7.24 47.98 62.03 2.54 3.28 0.06 0.08 16.54 21.38 77.35 100.00 Killdeer MiDNR Status 1 0.03 0.00 Status 2 41.86 0.17 Status 3 146.01 0.61 Status 4 1.00 0.00 188.90 0.79 Total 4.70 USFS 0.08 Piping plover MiDNR abnnb03090 3.98 Other (Mostly Private Land) Sandhill crane MiDNR Status 4 Nature Conservancy American coot MiDNR Status 4 MiOther Common moorhen MiDNR Status 4 MiMilitary MiMilitary MiOther Nature Conservancy 1.85 1.07 1.07 0.00 0.00 0.03 0.00 120.54 0.50 120.57 0.50 Other (Mostly Private Land) USFS 0.01 27.77 1.85 0.01 23577.13 98.48 23577.13 98.48 153 0.12 USFWS USNPS 0.83 0.00 0.00 2.71 0.01 18.37 0.08 60.23 0.25 0.06 0.00 179.99 0.75 5.05 0.00 0.02 Total 23698.67 98.99 27.77 0.12 5.88 0.02 18.43 0.08 23941.60 100.00 DRAFT 02/01/05 abnnf04020 Spotted sandpiper MiDNR Status 1 0.01 0.01 Status 2 11.17 6.21 Status 3 9.14 5.08 Status 4 0.02 0.01 20.34 11.31 Total abnnf06010 Status 1 1.19 0.00 Status 2 66.00 0.22 Status 3 1155.13 3.88 Status 4 1.53 0.01 1223.85 4.11 abnnf18010 Status 1 66.19 0.30 Status 2 131.94 0.60 Status 3 5165.53 23.52 Total 5.79 0.03 5369.45 24.45 abnnf19020 Status 1 30.11 0.09 Status 2 137.13 0.41 Status 3 5332.82 15.88 Total 7.70 0.02 5507.76 16.41 abnnf20010 0.60 0.60 0.33 0.33 0.00 0.00 5.07 2.82 5.07 2.82 USFS 0.33 3.82 0.59 0.33 132.98 73.92 132.98 73.92 2.12 USFWS USNPS 0.38 0.00 0.00 16.10 8.95 0.01 0.01 0.00 0.21 0.00 Total 0.98 0.54 27.27 15.16 13.57 7.54 138.07 76.75 3.82 2.12 0.38 0.21 16.11 8.96 179.89 100.00 MiMilitary MiOther Nature Conservancy 2.76 77.15 77.15 0.26 0.26 0.06 0.00 189.99 0.64 190.05 0.64 Other (Mostly Private Land) USFS 0.01 381.72 2.76 0.01 27868.02 93.59 27868.02 93.59 1.28 USFWS USNPS 5.82 0.00 0.00 9.77 0.03 24.84 0.08 90.84 0.31 1.14 0.00 1615.20 5.42 0.00 0.02 0.00 Total 28059.54 94.24 381.72 1.28 5.82 0.02 25.98 0.09 29775.35 100.00 MiMilitary MiOther Nature Conservancy 25.22 20.81 0.09 20.81 0.09 2.07 0.01 254.06 1.16 256.13 1.17 25.22 Other (Mostly Private Land) USFS USFWS 0.11 0.11 290.93 13459.51 61.29 13459.51 61.29 2382.64 10.85 10.86 2382.64 10.85 301.79 1.32 USNPS Total 97.80 0.45 480.14 2.19 27.69 0.13 159.63 0.73 17.78 0.08 7599.69 34.61 1.37 143.27 0.65 21958.82 100.00 0.05 13719.36 62.48 MiMilitary MiOther Nature Conservancy 8.56 146.90 0.44 146.90 0.44 0.36 0.00 321.90 0.96 322.26 0.96 8.56 Other (Mostly Private Land) USFS USFWS 0.03 0.03 92.82 25362.51 75.54 25362.51 75.54 0.28 USNPS Total 4.55 0.01 136.04 0.41 85.58 0.25 222.71 0.66 2025.11 6.03 11.16 0.03 6.27 0.02 7522.62 22.41 2025.11 6.03 103.98 0.31 96.40 0.29 33573.48 100.00 25692.11 76.53 Wilson's phalarope MiDNR Status 1 0.00 0.00 Status 2 0.34 1.41 Status 3 0.70 2.90 Status 4 0.00 0.00 Total 1.04 4.32 abnnm03100 MiMilitary MiOther Nature Conservancy 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.95 3.94 0.95 3.94 Other (Mostly Private Land) USFS 0.00 0.32 0.00 0.00 21.24 88.13 21.24 88.13 1.33 USFWS USNPS 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.34 1.41 0.00 0.00 1.57 6.51 0.55 0.00 2.28 Total 22.19 92.07 0.32 1.33 0.55 2.28 0.00 0.00 24.10 100.00 Ring-billed gull MiDNR Status 1 5.30 0.01 Status 2 59.19 0.16 Status 3 311.80 0.85 Status 4 1.18 0.00 377.47 1.03 Total 0.59 Other (Mostly Private Land) American woodcock MiDNR Status 4 Nature Conservancy Common snipe MiDNR Status 4 MiOther Upland sandpiper MiDNR Total MiMilitary MiMilitary MiOther Nature Conservancy 5.56 2.19 2.19 0.01 0.01 0.05 0.00 177.00 0.48 177.05 0.48 Other (Mostly Private Land) USFS 23.24 81.31 5.56 USFWS 0.02 0.02 35863.50 98.06 35863.50 98.06 154 0.22 0.00 0.06 0.00 USNPS Total 0.00 0.00 34.10 0.09 42.62 0.12 101.81 0.28 0.97 0.00 396.32 1.08 36041.68 98.54 81.31 0.22 23.24 0.06 43.59 0.12 36573.91 100.00 DRAFT 02/01/05 abnnm03120 Herring gull MiDNR Status 1 5.38 0.20 Status 2 33.62 1.28 Status 3 138.44 5.26 Status 4 0.08 0.00 177.52 6.74 Total abnnm08020 Status 1 0.00 0.00 Status 2 2.48 3.96 Status 3 5.19 8.29 Status 4 0.00 0.00 Total 7.67 12.25 Status 1 0.00 0.00 Status 2 2.92 2.05 Status 3 9.84 6.89 Status 4 0.07 0.05 12.83 8.99 abnnm08090 Status 1 0.00 0.00 Status 2 1.51 0.79 Status 3 56.46 29.54 Total 0.03 0.02 58.00 30.35 abnnm10020 Status 1 15.24 0.49 Status 2 25.06 0.81 Status 3 835.36 26.86 Total 0.52 0.02 876.18 28.17 abnpb04040 Status 1 17.64 0.13 Status 2 51.24 0.39 Status 3 2388.54 18.15 Total 2.19 0.08 0.08 0.02 0.00 52.07 1.98 52.09 1.98 85.41 3.46 0.13 2265.06 86.03 2265.06 86.03 3.24 USFWS USNPS Total 1.48 0.00 0.00 10.32 0.39 40.77 1.55 74.39 2.83 0.95 0.04 230.97 8.77 3.96 0.06 0.15 2317.21 88.01 85.41 3.24 5.44 0.21 41.72 1.58 2632.89 100.00 MiMilitary MiOther Nature Conservancy 0.15 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.79 1.26 0.79 1.26 Other (Mostly Private Land) USFS 0.24 0.43 0.15 0.24 53.48 85.42 53.48 85.42 0.69 USFWS USNPS 0.09 0.00 0.00 0.24 0.38 0.00 0.00 2.48 3.96 0.00 0.00 5.62 8.98 0.00 0.14 0.00 Total 54.27 86.68 0.43 0.69 0.09 0.14 0.00 0.00 62.61 100.00 MiMilitary MiOther Nature Conservancy 0.28 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2.69 1.88 2.69 1.88 Other (Mostly Private Land) USFS 0.20 3.19 0.28 0.20 121.77 85.29 121.77 85.29 2.23 USFWS USNPS 0.23 0.00 0.00 0.51 0.36 1.78 1.25 4.70 3.29 0.00 0.00 13.03 9.13 0.00 0.16 0.00 Total 124.53 87.22 3.19 2.23 0.23 0.16 1.78 1.25 142.77 100.00 MiMilitary MiOther Nature Conservancy 1.73 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 3.61 1.89 3.61 1.89 1.73 Other (Mostly Private Land) USFS 0.91 0.91 92.78 48.55 92.78 48.55 USFWS USNPS 1.41 0.00 0.00 3.14 1.64 0.00 0.00 1.51 0.79 0.74 Total 33.57 17.57 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 90.03 47.11 33.57 17.57 1.41 0.74 0.00 0.00 191.10 100.00 96.42 50.46 MiMilitary MiOther Nature Conservancy 5.65 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.09 0.00 43.20 1.39 43.29 1.39 5.65 Other (Mostly Private Land) USFS 0.18 0.18 USFWS 180.51 1684.14 54.14 1684.14 54.14 5.80 USNPS Total 0.00 0.00 201.40 6.47 0.02 0.00 25.08 0.81 315.60 10.15 5.13 0.16 0.01 0.00 1156.19 37.17 315.60 10.15 185.64 5.97 0.03 0.00 3110.53 100.00 1727.86 55.55 Mourning dove MiDNR Status 4 2.19 USFS 0.13 Black tern MiDNR Status 4 3.46 Other (Mostly Private Land) Forster's tern MiDNR Status 4 Nature Conservancy Common tern MiDNR Total MiOther Caspian tern MiDNR abnnm08070 MiMilitary 1.63 0.01 2459.05 18.68 MiMilitary MiOther Nature Conservancy 11.03 40.79 0.31 40.79 0.31 0.23 0.00 153.20 1.16 153.43 1.17 11.03 Other (Mostly Private Land) USFS 0.08 0.08 USFWS 41.06 7859.23 59.71 7859.23 59.71 155 2491.36 18.93 1.38 2491.36 18.93 42.44 0.31 USNPS Total 65.77 0.50 135.50 1.03 22.12 0.17 73.36 0.56 17.56 0.13 4939.86 37.53 0.32 105.45 0.80 13162.78 100.00 0.01 8014.06 60.88 DRAFT 02/01/05 abnrb02010 Black-billed cuckoo MiDNR Status 1 31.10 0.30 Status 2 44.35 0.43 Status 3 2093.45 20.52 Status 4 Total 1.59 0.02 2170.49 21.28 abnrb02020 Status 1 223.66 0.40 Status 2 203.08 0.36 Status 3 8479.70 15.19 Total 9.08 0.02 8915.52 15.97 abnsb01030 Status 1 0.00 0.00 Status 2 161.13 0.40 Status 3 5323.85 13.37 Total 8.09 0.02 5493.07 13.80 abnsb05010 Status 1 240.38 0.37 Status 2 235.53 0.36 Status 3 10024.32 15.51 Total 10.01 0.02 10510.24 16.26 abnsb12020 Status 1 193.43 0.32 Status 2 255.70 0.42 Status 3 9996.69 16.34 Total 9.16 0.01 10454.98 17.09 abnsb12040 Status 1 24.35 1.20 Status 2 33.67 1.66 Status 3 428.56 21.12 Total 0.23 23.56 0.23 0.22 0.00 119.43 1.17 119.65 1.17 4.83 USFWS 0.05 97.71 6981.83 68.45 6981.83 68.45 0.96 USNPS Total 23.15 0.23 156.79 1.54 14.02 0.14 58.37 0.57 746.19 7.32 4.17 0.04 14.49 0.14 2882.08 28.26 746.19 7.32 101.88 1.00 51.66 0.51 10200.09 100.00 7102.85 69.64 MiMilitary MiOther Nature Conservancy 19.71 132.58 0.24 132.58 0.24 1.07 0.00 522.36 0.94 523.43 0.94 19.71 Other (Mostly Private Land) USFS USFWS 0.04 0.04 108.72 40212.04 72.03 40212.04 72.03 USNPS Total 0.19 291.38 0.52 643.47 1.15 224.32 0.40 427.40 0.77 5264.35 9.43 17.95 0.03 119.28 0.21 14014.93 25.10 5264.35 9.43 126.67 0.23 634.98 1.14 55829.28 100.00 40743.48 72.98 MiMilitary MiOther Nature Conservancy 9.93 213.70 0.54 213.70 0.54 0.23 0.00 353.09 0.89 353.32 0.89 9.93 Other (Mostly Private Land) USFS 0.02 0.02 31384.75 78.82 31384.75 78.82 USFWS USNPS 0.00 0.00 0.00 9.93 0.02 79.17 0.20 240.30 0.60 0.00 Total 2267.47 5.69 15.20 0.04 0.00 0.00 7820.45 19.64 2267.47 5.69 15.20 0.04 79.17 0.20 39816.61 100.00 31745.93 79.73 MiMilitary MiOther Nature Conservancy 29.09 177.46 0.27 177.46 0.27 1.34 0.00 629.43 0.97 630.77 0.98 29.09 Other (Mostly Private Land) USFS 0.05 0.05 USFWS 54.96 44002.01 68.09 44002.01 68.09 USNPS Total 0.09 415.81 0.64 740.24 1.15 252.28 0.39 487.81 0.75 8411.80 13.02 14.57 0.02 125.39 0.19 18754.88 29.02 8411.80 13.02 69.53 0.11 793.48 1.23 64624.38 100.00 44641.45 69.08 MiMilitary MiOther Nature Conservancy 36.57 154.52 0.25 154.52 0.25 2.71 0.00 591.00 0.97 593.71 0.97 36.57 Other (Mostly Private Land) USFS 0.06 0.06 USFWS 68.13 41242.20 67.41 41242.20 67.41 USNPS Total 0.11 214.74 0.35 512.87 0.84 240.12 0.39 495.82 0.81 8040.95 13.14 13.68 0.02 122.65 0.20 18331.20 29.96 8040.95 13.14 81.81 0.13 577.51 0.94 61182.25 100.00 41842.36 68.39 Great gray owl MiDNR Status 4 23.56 USFS 0.05 Barred owl MiDNR Status 4 4.83 Other (Mostly Private Land) Great horned owl MiDNR Status 4 Nature Conservancy Eastern screech-owl MiDNR Status 4 MiOther Yellow-billed cuckoo MiDNR Status 4 MiMilitary 0.40 0.02 486.98 24.00 MiMilitary MiOther Nature Conservancy 4.65 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 24.36 1.20 24.36 1.20 4.65 Other (Mostly Private Land) USFS 0.23 0.23 854.53 42.11 854.53 42.11 156 USFWS USNPS Total 0.00 0.00 0.00 29.00 1.43 0.00 0.00 33.67 1.66 0.00 658.67 32.46 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1087.23 53.58 658.67 32.46 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2029.19 100.00 879.29 43.33 DRAFT 02/01/05 abnsb13010 Long-eared owl MiDNR Status 1 0.00 0.00 Status 2 10.18 0.32 Status 3 382.16 11.95 Status 4 Total 0.00 0.00 392.34 12.27 abnsb13040 Status 1 14.75 0.18 Status 2 36.39 0.45 Status 3 485.08 6.04 Status 4 1.23 0.02 537.45 6.69 abnsb15020 Status 1 68.48 0.27 Status 2 121.85 0.48 Status 3 5775.81 22.82 Total 5.76 0.02 5971.90 23.59 abnta02020 Status 1 11.63 0.03 Status 2 135.51 0.29 Status 3 3960.69 8.53 3.11 0.01 4110.94 8.85 Total abnta07070 Status 1 223.61 0.28 Status 2 227.48 0.28 Status 3 8435.14 10.54 Total 9.55 0.01 8895.78 11.11 abnua03010 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.96 0.06 42.50 1.33 44.46 1.39 1.04 0.03 2540.51 79.47 2540.51 79.47 USFWS USNPS 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.04 0.03 0.00 0.00 10.18 0.32 0.00 Total 218.39 6.83 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 602.51 18.85 218.39 6.83 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 3196.74 100.00 2583.01 80.80 MiMilitary MiOther Nature Conservancy 0.96 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 45.16 0.56 45.16 0.56 Other (Mostly Private Land) USFS 13.38 199.92 0.96 USFWS 0.01 0.01 7232.81 90.08 7232.81 90.08 2.49 0.00 0.17 0.00 USNPS Total 0.00 0.00 29.09 0.36 0.00 0.00 36.39 0.45 0.00 0.00 685.00 8.53 7279.20 90.65 199.92 2.49 13.38 0.17 0.00 0.00 8029.68 100.00 MiMilitary MiOther Nature Conservancy 26.14 77.26 0.31 77.26 0.31 2.24 0.01 297.12 1.17 299.36 1.18 26.14 Other (Mostly Private Land) USFS USFWS 0.10 0.10 64.55 13497.76 53.33 13497.76 53.33 5063.74 20.01 0.00 5063.74 20.01 64.55 USNPS Total 0.26 222.34 0.88 381.51 1.51 58.02 0.23 179.87 0.71 29.96 0.12 10949.01 43.26 0.26 310.32 1.23 25311.03 100.00 0.00 13800.64 54.52 MiMilitary MiOther Nature Conservancy 11.45 139.09 0.30 139.09 0.30 0.22 0.00 347.52 0.75 347.74 0.75 11.45 Other (Mostly Private Land) USFS USFWS 0.02 0.02 51.07 39076.63 84.13 39076.63 84.13 2575.53 5.54 7.28 2575.53 5.54 58.35 0.11 USNPS Total 35.30 0.08 109.45 0.24 72.18 0.16 207.69 0.45 21.52 0.05 6704.33 14.43 0.13 129.00 0.28 46448.73 100.00 0.02 39427.26 84.88 MiMilitary MiOther Nature Conservancy 13.78 229.67 0.29 229.67 0.29 0.77 0.00 644.23 0.80 645.00 0.81 13.78 Other (Mostly Private Land) USFS USFWS 0.02 0.02 23.79 63697.61 79.57 63697.61 79.57 0.03 USNPS Total 0.00 0.00 261.18 0.33 253.63 0.32 481.11 0.60 6168.10 7.71 14.15 0.02 111.63 0.14 14959.46 18.69 6168.10 7.71 37.94 0.05 365.26 0.46 80053.14 100.00 64351.39 80.39 Chimney swift MiDNR Status 1 0.03 0.00 Status 2 10.27 0.25 Status 3 40.03 0.97 Status 4 0.11 0.00 50.44 1.22 Total 0.00 USFS 0.03 Whip-poor-will MiDNR Status 4 1.04 Other (Mostly Private Land) Common nighthawk MiDNR Status 4 Nature Conservancy Northern saw-whet owl MiDNR Status 4 MiOther Short-eared owl MiDNR Total MiMilitary MiMilitary MiOther Nature Conservancy 0.22 0.88 0.88 0.02 0.02 0.00 0.00 42.67 1.03 42.67 1.03 Other (Mostly Private Land) USFS 0.01 13.13 0.22 0.01 4020.47 97.35 4020.47 97.35 157 0.32 USFWS USNPS 0.02 0.06 0.00 0.33 0.01 0.92 0.02 11.19 0.27 0.08 0.00 55.10 1.33 0.98 0.00 0.02 Total 4063.25 98.39 13.13 0.32 1.00 0.02 1.06 0.03 4129.87 100.00 DRAFT 02/01/05 abnuc45010 Ruby-throated hummingbird MiDNR Status 1 183.19 0.32 Status 2 221.63 0.39 Status 3 8555.19 14.96 Status 4 Total 6.59 0.01 8966.60 15.68 abnxd01020 Status 1 5.61 0.17 Status 2 16.65 0.51 Status 3 180.07 5.57 Status 4 0.20 0.01 202.53 6.26 abnyf04040 Status 1 133.80 0.34 Status 2 134.80 0.35 Status 3 4395.57 11.30 Total 3.90 0.01 4668.07 12.00 abnyf04170 Status 1 0.00 0.00 Status 2 50.31 0.36 Status 3 1765.21 12.66 Total 1.41 0.01 1816.93 13.03 abnyf05010 Status 1 220.46 0.52 Status 2 140.47 0.33 Status 3 6357.37 15.03 Total 7.75 0.02 6726.05 15.90 abnyf07030 Status 1 222.80 0.40 Status 2 197.43 0.35 Status 3 7699.43 13.72 Total 0.27 151.58 0.27 2.58 0.00 565.40 0.99 567.98 0.99 30.46 USFWS 0.05 38.80 40998.96 71.70 40998.96 71.70 USNPS Total 0.07 211.11 0.37 463.56 0.81 248.89 0.44 470.52 0.82 5837.96 10.21 10.37 0.02 117.81 0.21 14675.49 25.67 5837.96 10.21 49.17 0.09 577.81 1.01 57180.52 100.00 41570.95 72.70 MiMilitary MiOther Nature Conservancy 2.72 1.67 1.67 0.05 0.05 0.02 0.00 71.48 2.21 71.50 2.21 Other (Mostly Private Land) USFS 22.28 80.34 2.72 USFWS 0.08 0.08 2836.92 87.68 2836.92 87.68 2.48 5.69 0.69 0.18 USNPS Total 0.00 0.00 30.61 0.95 11.11 0.34 27.76 0.86 0.92 0.03 268.71 8.30 2908.60 89.89 80.34 2.48 27.97 0.86 12.03 0.37 3235.68 100.00 MiMilitary MiOther Nature Conservancy 8.68 150.37 0.39 150.37 0.39 0.37 0.00 323.00 0.83 323.37 0.83 8.68 Other (Mostly Private Land) USFS USFWS 0.02 0.02 10.11 30015.21 77.15 30015.21 77.15 3374.34 8.67 8.50 3374.34 8.67 18.61 0.03 USNPS Total 49.22 0.13 201.81 0.52 200.89 0.52 335.69 0.86 94.70 0.24 8023.85 20.63 0.05 344.81 0.89 38903.46 100.00 0.02 30342.11 77.99 MiMilitary MiOther Nature Conservancy 7.62 18.92 0.14 18.92 0.14 0.11 0.00 140.80 1.01 140.91 1.01 7.62 Other (Mostly Private Land) USFS 0.05 0.05 11408.92 81.81 11408.92 81.81 USFWS USNPS 0.00 0.00 0.00 7.62 0.05 87.04 0.62 137.35 0.98 0.00 Total 455.68 3.27 9.52 0.07 0.00 0.00 2249.44 16.13 455.68 3.27 9.52 0.07 87.04 0.62 13945.54 100.00 11551.13 82.83 MiMilitary MiOther Nature Conservancy 10.04 131.84 0.31 131.84 0.31 0.73 0.00 388.15 0.92 388.88 0.92 10.04 Other (Mostly Private Land) USFS 0.02 0.02 USFWS 12.31 28799.91 68.07 28799.91 68.07 USNPS Total 0.03 330.70 0.78 573.51 1.36 220.18 0.52 360.65 0.85 5577.32 13.18 7.81 0.02 102.48 0.24 12177.55 28.78 5577.32 13.18 20.12 0.05 653.36 1.54 42307.52 100.00 29195.81 69.01 Downy woodpecker MiDNR Status 4 151.58 USFS 0.05 Yellow-bellied sapsucker MiDNR Status 4 30.46 Other (Mostly Private Land) Red-bellied woodpecker MiDNR Status 4 Nature Conservancy Red-headed woodpecker MiDNR Status 4 MiOther Belted kingfisher MiDNR Total MiMilitary 8.61 0.02 8128.27 14.48 MiMilitary MiOther Nature Conservancy 18.35 138.13 0.25 138.13 0.25 1.12 0.00 531.54 0.95 532.66 0.95 18.35 Other (Mostly Private Land) USFS 0.03 0.03 USFWS 13.93 40652.87 72.42 40652.87 72.42 158 USNPS Total 0.02 350.03 0.62 605.11 1.08 231.91 0.41 429.34 0.76 5945.10 10.59 14.62 0.03 107.92 0.19 13906.32 24.77 5945.10 10.59 28.55 0.05 689.86 1.23 56133.79 100.00 41193.02 73.38 DRAFT 02/01/05 abnyf07040 Hairy woodpecker MiDNR Status 1 222.77 0.41 Status 2 190.98 0.35 Status 3 7668.09 14.21 Status 4 Total 8.50 0.02 8090.34 14.99 abnyf07090 Status 1 27.34 0.21 Status 2 89.68 0.68 Status 3 3295.97 25.01 Total 0.49 0.00 3413.48 25.90 abnyf10020 Status 1 240.25 0.34 Status 2 249.18 0.36 Status 3 9948.42 14.21 Total 10.05 0.01 10447.90 14.93 abnyf12020 Status 1 159.89 0.43 Status 2 122.06 0.33 Status 3 4822.76 12.95 Total 2.75 0.01 5107.46 13.71 abpae32010 Status 1 40.02 0.23 Status 2 80.79 0.47 Status 3 4368.66 25.56 Total 4.66 0.03 4494.13 26.29 abpae32060 Status 1 132.61 0.48 Status 2 95.50 0.34 Status 3 3336.83 11.97 Total 0.25 137.40 0.25 1.12 0.00 504.48 0.93 505.60 0.94 18.20 0.03 USFWS 13.92 38554.41 71.46 38554.41 71.46 USNPS Total 0.03 350.03 0.65 604.92 1.12 231.04 0.43 422.02 0.78 5932.80 11.00 13.91 0.03 107.88 0.20 13861.20 25.69 5932.80 11.00 27.83 0.05 688.95 1.28 53955.53 100.00 39067.39 72.41 MiMilitary MiOther Nature Conservancy 21.78 78.25 0.59 78.25 0.59 0.00 0.00 144.80 1.10 144.80 1.10 21.78 Other (Mostly Private Land) USFS 0.17 0.17 USFWS 71.64 6223.48 47.23 6223.48 47.23 2966.56 22.51 0.00 2966.56 22.51 71.64 USNPS Total 0.54 226.61 1.72 347.37 2.64 17.37 0.13 107.05 0.81 13.68 0.10 6354.46 48.22 0.54 257.66 1.96 13177.65 100.00 0.00 6368.77 48.33 MiMilitary MiOther Nature Conservancy 24.96 250.61 0.36 250.61 0.36 1.04 0.00 674.38 0.96 675.42 0.97 24.96 Other (Mostly Private Land) USFS 0.04 0.04 USFWS 59.00 49293.23 70.43 49293.23 70.43 USNPS Total 0.08 399.28 0.57 723.49 1.03 266.30 0.38 515.48 0.74 8439.07 12.06 11.00 0.02 120.96 0.17 18771.10 26.82 8439.07 12.06 70.00 0.10 786.54 1.12 69987.73 100.00 49977.66 71.41 MiMilitary MiOther Nature Conservancy 13.32 48.92 0.13 48.92 0.13 0.92 0.00 356.97 0.96 357.89 0.96 13.32 Other (Mostly Private Land) USFS 0.04 0.04 USFWS 7.83 27212.95 73.07 27212.95 73.07 USNPS Total 0.02 100.16 0.27 281.20 0.76 206.18 0.55 328.24 0.88 4084.72 10.97 0.00 0.00 100.92 0.27 9058.24 24.32 4084.72 10.97 7.83 0.02 407.26 1.09 37240.35 100.00 27572.67 74.04 MiMilitary MiOther Nature Conservancy 25.26 40.33 0.24 40.33 0.24 2.16 0.01 193.87 1.13 196.03 1.15 25.26 Other (Mostly Private Land) USFS 0.15 0.15 USFWS 68.94 8581.76 50.21 8581.76 50.21 3482.18 20.37 0.00 3482.18 20.37 68.94 USNPS Total 0.40 152.64 0.89 286.86 1.68 22.97 0.13 103.76 0.61 27.51 0.16 7920.84 46.34 0.40 203.12 1.19 17091.75 100.00 0.00 8780.29 51.37 Eastern wood-pewee MiDNR Status 4 137.40 USFS 0.03 Olive-sided flycatcher MiDNR Status 4 18.20 Other (Mostly Private Land) Pileated woodpecker MiDNR Status 4 Nature Conservancy Northern flicker MiDNR Status 4 MiOther Black-backed woodpecker MiDNR Status 4 MiMilitary 3.23 0.01 3568.17 12.80 MiMilitary MiOther Nature Conservancy 6.71 73.56 0.26 73.56 0.26 0.34 0.00 212.28 0.76 212.62 0.76 6.71 Other (Mostly Private Land) USFS 0.02 0.02 USFWS 4.71 20679.26 74.18 20679.26 74.18 159 3005.76 10.78 6.59 3005.76 10.78 11.30 0.02 USNPS Total 47.81 0.17 191.84 0.69 177.81 0.64 273.31 0.98 93.56 0.34 6516.64 23.38 0.04 319.18 1.14 27876.56 100.00 0.02 20894.77 74.95 DRAFT 02/01/05 abpae33010 Yellow-bellied flycatcher MiDNR Status 1 23.94 0.28 Status 2 45.07 0.53 Status 3 2193.67 25.59 Status 4 Total 1.40 0.02 2264.08 26.41 abpae33020 Status 1 0.00 0.00 Status 2 30.49 0.39 Status 3 455.06 5.77 Status 4 0.00 0.00 485.55 6.16 abpae33030 Status 1 16.95 0.42 Status 2 25.34 0.63 Status 3 854.59 21.38 Total 0.70 0.02 897.58 22.46 abpae33040 Status 1 0.00 0.00 Status 2 50.54 0.41 Status 3 823.54 6.70 Status 4 0.00 0.00 874.08 7.11 abpae33070 Status 1 221.42 0.48 Status 2 158.88 0.34 Status 3 6502.13 14.10 Total 7.76 0.02 6890.19 14.94 abpae35020 Status 1 161.68 0.35 Status 2 156.16 0.34 Status 3 5459.57 11.75 Total 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.98 0.02 78.50 0.92 80.48 0.94 15.61 USFWS 0.18 31.37 4640.44 54.13 4640.44 54.13 1427.15 16.65 0.00 1427.15 16.65 31.37 0.37 USNPS Total 87.50 1.02 158.42 1.85 11.79 0.14 56.86 0.66 13.91 0.16 3636.71 42.42 0.37 113.20 1.32 8572.33 100.00 0.00 4720.34 55.06 MiMilitary MiOther Nature Conservancy 7.07 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 77.61 0.98 77.61 0.98 Other (Mostly Private Land) USFS 0.09 38.98 7.07 0.09 7263.37 92.15 7263.37 92.15 0.49 USFWS USNPS 0.00 0.00 0.00 7.07 0.09 0.00 0.00 30.49 0.39 0.00 0.00 503.80 6.39 9.76 0.00 0.12 Total 7340.98 93.13 38.98 0.49 9.76 0.12 0.00 0.00 7882.34 100.00 MiMilitary MiOther Nature Conservancy 2.73 3.01 0.08 3.01 0.08 0.15 0.00 55.88 1.40 56.03 1.40 2.73 Other (Mostly Private Land) USFS USFWS 0.07 0.07 80.97 2601.14 65.09 2601.14 65.09 2.03 USNPS Total 3.35 0.08 104.00 2.60 3.65 0.09 28.99 0.73 343.33 8.59 3.24 0.08 1.47 0.04 1205.79 30.17 343.33 8.59 84.21 2.11 8.47 0.21 3996.50 100.00 2657.72 66.50 MiMilitary MiOther Nature Conservancy 5.21 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 130.79 1.06 130.79 1.06 Other (Mostly Private Land) USFS 0.04 196.98 5.21 0.04 11073.91 90.10 11073.91 90.10 1.60 USFWS USNPS 0.00 0.00 0.00 5.21 0.04 0.00 0.00 50.54 0.41 0.00 0.00 1030.28 8.38 9.76 0.00 0.08 Total 11204.70 91.16 196.98 1.60 9.76 0.08 0.00 0.00 12290.73 100.00 MiMilitary MiOther Nature Conservancy 11.95 133.01 0.29 133.01 0.29 0.79 0.00 411.65 0.89 412.44 0.89 11.95 Other (Mostly Private Land) USFS USFWS 0.03 0.03 12.55 32411.23 70.29 32411.23 70.29 USNPS Total 0.03 332.11 0.72 578.03 1.25 221.11 0.48 379.99 0.82 5579.18 12.10 7.72 0.02 102.27 0.22 12325.10 26.73 5579.18 12.10 20.27 0.04 655.49 1.42 46113.76 100.00 32830.64 71.19 Eastern phoebe MiDNR Status 4 0.00 USFS 0.18 Least flycatcher MiDNR Status 4 15.61 Other (Mostly Private Land) Willow flycatcher MiDNR Total Nature Conservancy Alder flycatcher MiDNR Status 4 MiOther Acadian flycatcher MiDNR Total MiMilitary 3.38 0.01 5780.79 12.44 MiMilitary MiOther Nature Conservancy 16.24 123.72 0.27 123.72 0.27 0.91 0.00 454.25 0.98 455.16 0.98 16.24 Other (Mostly Private Land) USFS USFWS 0.03 0.03 12.55 35325.46 76.04 35325.46 76.04 160 USNPS Total 0.03 118.90 0.26 309.37 0.67 225.81 0.49 381.97 0.82 4288.55 9.23 10.76 0.02 100.94 0.22 9984.45 21.49 4288.55 9.23 23.31 0.05 445.65 0.96 46458.88 100.00 35783.09 77.02 DRAFT 02/01/05 abpae43070 Great crested flycatcher MiDNR Status 1 159.76 0.46 Status 2 113.90 0.33 Status 3 4543.99 13.09 Status 4 Total 2.51 0.01 4820.16 13.89 abpae52060 Status 1 31.30 0.18 Status 2 73.91 0.43 Status 3 2361.13 13.65 Total 1.99 0.01 2468.33 14.27 abpat02010 Status 1 0.28 0.00 Status 2 73.11 0.15 Status 3 1157.49 2.40 Status 4 1.85 0.00 1232.73 2.55 abpau01010 Status 1 0.01 0.00 Status 2 2.94 0.12 Status 3 11.97 0.48 Status 4 0.07 0.00 14.99 0.60 abpau03010 Status 1 16.90 0.04 Status 2 103.70 0.27 Status 3 2500.91 6.53 Status 4 2.56 0.01 2624.07 6.85 abpau07010 0.14 47.08 0.14 0.89 0.00 340.52 0.98 341.41 0.98 14.94 USFWS 0.04 7.15 25116.68 72.36 25116.68 72.36 3953.50 11.39 9.76 3953.50 11.39 16.91 0.02 USNPS Total 99.62 0.29 281.47 0.81 201.20 0.58 315.10 0.91 99.40 0.29 8654.62 24.93 0.05 400.22 1.15 34710.90 100.00 0.03 25459.71 73.35 MiMilitary MiOther Nature Conservancy 6.16 80.87 0.47 80.87 0.47 0.23 0.00 190.59 1.10 190.82 1.10 6.16 Other (Mostly Private Land) USFS USFWS 0.04 0.04 97.69 13504.07 78.04 13504.07 78.04 0.56 USNPS Total 5.95 0.03 141.10 0.82 29.42 0.17 103.33 0.60 906.45 5.24 5.88 0.03 7.41 0.04 3361.97 19.43 906.45 5.24 103.57 0.60 42.78 0.25 17303.05 100.00 13696.65 79.16 MiMilitary MiOther Nature Conservancy 4.11 78.70 78.70 0.16 0.16 0.11 0.00 228.39 0.47 228.50 0.47 Other (Mostly Private Land) USFS 0.01 328.96 4.11 0.01 46347.92 96.05 46347.92 96.05 0.68 USFWS USNPS 0.28 0.00 0.00 4.67 0.01 21.07 0.04 94.18 0.20 0.00 0.00 1575.21 3.26 9.95 0.00 0.02 Total 46578.16 96.53 328.96 0.68 10.23 0.02 21.07 0.04 48252.22 100.00 MiMilitary MiOther Nature Conservancy 0.11 0.06 0.06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 15.67 0.62 15.67 0.62 Other (Mostly Private Land) USFS 0.00 1.56 0.11 0.00 2480.32 98.69 2480.32 98.69 0.06 USFWS USNPS 0.02 0.00 0.00 0.14 0.01 0.02 0.00 2.96 0.12 0.01 0.00 14.13 0.56 0.53 0.00 0.02 Total 2496.06 99.31 1.56 0.06 0.55 0.02 0.03 0.00 2513.29 100.00 MiMilitary MiOther Nature Conservancy 11.84 81.86 81.86 0.21 0.21 0.23 0.00 275.59 0.72 275.82 0.72 Other (Mostly Private Land) USFS 190.61 830.57 11.84 USFWS 0.03 0.03 34231.65 89.34 34231.65 89.34 2.17 14.59 0.50 0.04 USNPS Total 21.86 0.06 241.21 0.63 28.97 0.08 132.67 0.35 2.98 0.01 3431.14 8.96 34509.80 90.07 830.57 2.17 205.20 0.54 53.81 0.14 38314.82 100.00 Northern rough-winged swallow MiDNR Status 1 0.01 0.00 Status 2 2.94 0.12 Status 3 11.97 0.48 Status 4 0.07 0.00 14.99 0.60 Total 47.08 USFS 0.04 Tree swallow MiDNR Total 14.94 Other (Mostly Private Land) Purple martin MiDNR Total Nature Conservancy Horned lark MiDNR Total MiOther Eastern kingbird MiDNR Status 4 MiMilitary MiMilitary MiOther Nature Conservancy 0.11 0.06 0.06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 15.67 0.62 15.67 0.62 Other (Mostly Private Land) USFS 0.00 1.56 0.11 0.00 2480.32 98.69 2480.32 98.69 161 0.06 USFWS USNPS 0.02 0.00 0.00 0.14 0.01 0.02 0.00 2.96 0.12 0.01 0.00 14.13 0.56 0.53 0.00 0.02 Total 2496.06 99.31 1.56 0.06 0.55 0.02 0.03 0.00 2513.29 100.00 DRAFT 02/01/05 abpau08010 Bank swallow MiDNR Status 1 1.68 0.04 Status 2 11.02 0.29 Status 3 215.86 5.66 Status 4 0.35 0.01 228.91 6.00 Total abpau09010 Status 1 0.01 0.00 Status 2 2.94 0.12 Status 3 11.32 0.46 Status 4 0.07 0.00 14.34 0.58 abpau09030 Status 1 16.94 0.03 Status 2 117.87 0.21 Status 3 2593.99 4.58 Status 4 2.91 0.01 2731.71 4.82 abpav01010 Status 1 68.48 0.42 Status 2 67.69 0.42 Status 3 3431.29 21.18 Total 1.67 0.01 3569.13 22.04 abpav02020 Status 1 232.03 0.35 Status 2 235.50 0.36 Status 3 9543.27 14.57 Total 9.66 0.01 10020.46 15.30 abpav10010 Status 1 241.22 0.22 Status 2 286.85 0.26 Status 3 10880.31 9.97 Total 1.26 0.03 0.03 0.07 0.00 39.85 1.05 39.92 1.05 82.54 1.92 USFWS 18.51 0.05 3435.31 90.10 3435.31 90.10 2.16 2.36 0.49 0.06 USNPS Total 0.00 0.00 22.11 0.58 1.42 0.04 12.44 0.33 0.47 0.01 302.56 7.94 3475.51 91.16 82.54 2.16 20.87 0.55 1.89 0.05 3812.62 100.00 MiMilitary MiOther Nature Conservancy 0.11 0.06 0.06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 14.37 0.58 14.37 0.58 Other (Mostly Private Land) USFS 0.00 1.56 0.11 0.00 2438.39 98.77 2438.39 98.77 0.06 USFWS USNPS 0.02 0.00 0.00 0.14 0.01 0.02 0.00 2.96 0.12 0.01 0.00 12.95 0.52 0.00 0.00 0.00 Total 2452.83 99.35 1.56 0.06 0.02 0.00 0.03 0.00 2468.88 100.00 MiMilitary MiOther Nature Conservancy 12.94 82.77 82.77 0.15 0.15 0.23 0.00 345.78 0.61 346.01 0.61 Other (Mostly Private Land) USFS 190.63 844.66 12.94 USFWS 0.02 0.02 52390.46 92.45 52390.46 92.45 1.49 17.67 0.34 0.03 USNPS Total 21.86 0.04 242.37 0.43 29.89 0.05 147.76 0.26 3.04 0.01 3542.36 6.25 52739.15 93.06 844.66 1.49 208.30 0.37 54.79 0.10 56671.64 100.00 MiMilitary MiOther Nature Conservancy 25.49 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2.20 0.01 182.86 1.13 185.06 1.14 25.49 Other (Mostly Private Land) USFS USFWS 0.16 0.16 64.55 8589.69 53.03 8589.69 53.03 3484.05 21.51 0.00 3484.05 21.51 64.55 USNPS Total 0.40 222.34 1.37 380.86 2.35 27.24 0.17 94.93 0.59 29.96 0.18 6947.50 42.89 0.40 279.54 1.73 16197.51 100.00 0.00 8774.22 54.17 MiMilitary MiOther Nature Conservancy 20.94 249.42 0.38 249.42 0.38 0.95 0.00 612.08 0.93 613.03 0.94 20.94 Other (Mostly Private Land) USFS USFWS 0.03 0.03 57.36 45888.60 70.05 45888.60 70.05 USNPS Total 0.09 345.02 0.53 655.35 1.00 260.97 0.40 496.47 0.76 7924.34 12.10 10.27 0.02 115.51 0.18 17843.76 27.24 7924.34 12.10 67.63 0.10 721.50 1.10 65505.92 100.00 46510.34 71.00 American crow MiDNR Status 4 1.26 USFS 0.05 Blue jay MiDNR Status 4 1.92 Other (Mostly Private Land) Gray jay MiDNR Status 4 Nature Conservancy Barn swallow MiDNR Total MiOther Cliff swallow MiDNR Total MiMilitary 11.28 0.01 11419.66 10.46 MiMilitary MiOther Nature Conservancy 27.68 269.92 0.25 269.92 0.25 1.10 0.00 819.19 0.75 820.29 0.75 27.68 Other (Mostly Private Land) USFS USFWS 0.03 0.03 64.84 87068.48 79.76 87068.48 79.76 162 USNPS Total 0.06 417.88 0.38 751.62 0.69 274.91 0.25 561.76 0.51 8648.92 7.92 18.51 0.02 129.14 0.12 19947.90 18.27 8648.92 7.92 83.35 0.08 821.93 0.75 109160.23 100.00 87898.95 80.52 DRAFT 02/01/05 abpav10110 Common raven MiDNR Status 1 306.66 0.45 Status 2 283.01 0.41 Status 3 14125.01 20.53 Status 4 Total 15.65 0.02 14730.33 21.41 abpaw01010 Status 1 260.92 0.35 Status 2 297.96 0.40 Status 3 12361.20 16.72 Total 13.07 0.02 12933.15 17.50 abpaw01060 Status 1 42.19 0.35 Status 2 54.97 0.46 Status 3 3048.56 25.53 Total 1.60 0.01 3147.32 26.35 abpaw01110 Status 1 0.00 0.00 Status 2 142.89 0.43 Status 3 5109.65 15.43 Total 9.02 0.03 5261.56 15.89 abpaz01010 Status 1 191.62 0.45 Status 2 177.82 0.42 Status 3 6946.47 16.45 Total 5.98 0.01 7321.89 17.34 abpaz01020 Status 1 162.12 0.45 Status 2 123.86 0.35 Status 3 4511.43 12.64 Total 0.42 286.43 0.42 3.03 0.00 715.68 1.04 718.71 1.04 10678.04 39.34 USFWS 351.55 0.06 41030.87 59.63 41030.87 59.63 10678.04 USNPS Total 0.51 529.23 0.77 1226.78 1.78 299.91 0.44 582.92 0.85 0.00 0.00 146.17 0.21 25238.68 36.68 15.52 351.55 0.51 975.31 1.42 68810.58 100.00 15.52 41762.20 60.69 MiMilitary MiOther Nature Conservancy 42.82 186.55 0.25 186.55 0.25 3.00 0.00 729.26 0.99 732.26 0.99 42.82 Other (Mostly Private Land) USFS USFWS 0.06 0.06 75.81 49273.43 66.66 49273.43 66.66 USNPS Total 0.10 489.42 0.66 868.97 1.18 268.56 0.36 566.52 0.77 9765.24 13.21 14.69 0.02 134.10 0.18 22464.78 30.39 9765.24 13.21 90.50 0.12 892.08 1.21 73916.03 100.00 50015.76 67.67 MiMilitary MiOther Nature Conservancy 19.34 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.15 0.00 127.10 1.06 127.25 1.07 19.34 Other (Mostly Private Land) USFS USFWS 0.16 0.16 70.82 5973.36 50.02 5973.36 50.02 2381.44 19.94 0.00 2381.44 19.94 70.82 USNPS Total 0.59 165.44 1.39 297.79 2.49 26.45 0.22 81.42 0.68 31.70 0.27 5461.85 45.73 0.59 223.59 1.87 11943.12 100.00 0.00 6102.06 51.09 MiMilitary MiOther Nature Conservancy 8.90 144.93 0.44 144.93 0.44 0.21 0.00 310.33 0.94 310.54 0.94 8.90 Other (Mostly Private Land) USFS 0.03 0.03 25083.49 75.73 25083.49 75.73 USFWS USNPS 0.41 0.00 0.00 9.31 0.03 120.30 0.36 263.19 0.79 0.00 Total 2177.81 6.58 14.00 0.04 0.00 0.00 7446.60 22.48 2177.81 6.58 14.41 0.04 120.30 0.36 33121.94 100.00 25402.84 76.69 MiMilitary MiOther Nature Conservancy 28.97 58.30 0.14 58.30 0.14 2.50 0.01 410.31 0.97 412.81 0.98 28.97 Other (Mostly Private Land) USFS 0.07 0.07 USFWS 40.51 27941.36 66.16 27941.36 66.16 USNPS Total 0.10 251.42 0.60 512.52 1.21 222.44 0.53 400.26 0.95 5836.69 13.82 6.29 0.01 115.04 0.27 12965.29 30.70 5836.69 13.82 46.80 0.11 588.90 1.39 42235.72 100.00 28357.65 67.14 White-breasted nuthatch MiDNR Status 4 286.43 USFS 0.06 Red-breasted nuthatch MiDNR Status 4 39.34 Other (Mostly Private Land) Tufted titmouse MiDNR Status 4 Nature Conservancy Boreal chickadee MiDNR Status 4 MiOther Black-capped chickadee MiDNR Status 4 MiMilitary 4.11 0.01 4801.52 13.46 MiMilitary MiOther Nature Conservancy 9.57 101.44 0.28 101.44 0.28 0.59 0.00 308.63 0.86 309.22 0.87 9.57 Other (Mostly Private Land) USFS 0.03 0.03 USFWS 6.50 25686.17 71.98 25686.17 71.98 163 4357.33 12.21 6.72 4357.33 12.21 13.22 USNPS Total 0.02 111.69 0.31 289.88 0.81 197.12 0.55 320.98 0.90 96.23 0.27 9073.74 25.43 0.04 405.04 1.14 35683.51 100.00 0.02 25998.91 72.86 DRAFT 02/01/05 abpba01010 Brown creeper MiDNR Status 1 260.92 0.36 Status 2 297.96 0.41 Status 3 12348.02 16.84 Status 4 Total 13.07 0.02 12919.97 17.62 abpbg06130 Status 1 0.00 0.00 Status 2 33.40 0.36 Status 3 412.01 4.43 Status 4 0.00 0.00 445.41 4.79 abpbg09010 Status 1 31.36 0.22 Status 2 54.82 0.39 Status 3 2203.40 15.76 Total 1.76 0.01 2291.34 16.39 abpbg09050 Status 1 189.28 0.54 Status 2 142.54 0.41 Status 3 6286.14 17.93 Total 5.52 0.02 6623.48 18.89 abpbg10010 Status 1 0.92 0.00 Status 2 42.22 0.21 Status 3 647.74 3.25 Status 4 1.29 0.01 692.17 3.48 abpbg10020 Status 1 0.08 0.00 Status 2 19.46 0.57 Status 3 861.74 25.07 Total 0.25 186.55 0.25 3.00 0.00 728.01 0.99 731.01 1.00 41.75 USFWS 0.06 75.81 48695.60 66.41 48695.60 66.41 USNPS Total 0.10 489.42 0.67 867.90 1.18 268.56 0.37 566.52 0.77 9765.24 13.32 14.69 0.02 134.10 0.18 22451.60 30.62 9765.24 13.32 90.50 0.12 892.08 1.22 73322.70 100.00 49436.68 67.42 MiMilitary MiOther Nature Conservancy 9.13 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 73.19 0.79 73.19 0.79 Other (Mostly Private Land) USFS 0.10 8.76 9.13 0.10 8760.02 94.23 8760.02 94.23 0.09 USFWS USNPS 0.00 0.00 0.00 9.13 0.10 0.00 0.00 33.40 0.36 0.00 0.00 420.77 4.53 0.00 0.00 0.00 Total 8833.21 95.02 8.76 0.09 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 9296.51 100.00 MiMilitary MiOther Nature Conservancy 5.64 25.00 0.18 25.00 0.18 0.22 0.00 159.08 1.14 159.30 1.14 5.64 Other (Mostly Private Land) USFS USFWS 0.04 0.04 97.73 10565.12 75.59 10565.12 75.59 0.70 USNPS Total 23.15 0.17 157.88 1.13 15.71 0.11 70.53 0.50 774.53 5.54 4.88 0.03 14.56 0.10 3022.59 21.63 774.53 5.54 102.61 0.73 53.42 0.38 13976.96 100.00 10725.96 76.74 MiMilitary MiOther Nature Conservancy 25.23 55.20 0.16 55.20 0.16 2.57 0.01 348.61 0.99 351.18 1.00 25.23 Other (Mostly Private Land) USFS USFWS 0.07 0.07 38.21 21810.17 62.22 21810.17 62.22 USNPS Total 0.11 252.39 0.72 505.11 1.44 212.51 0.61 355.05 1.01 5577.18 15.91 0.00 0.00 109.82 0.31 12030.91 34.32 5577.18 15.91 38.21 0.11 574.72 1.64 35055.37 100.00 22164.30 63.23 MiMilitary MiOther Nature Conservancy 1.71 3.24 3.24 0.02 0.02 0.09 0.00 142.86 0.72 142.95 0.72 Other (Mostly Private Land) USFS 0.01 166.89 1.71 0.01 18870.15 94.82 18870.15 94.82 0.84 USFWS USNPS 5.71 1.02 0.01 9.36 0.05 11.66 0.06 53.88 0.27 0.00 0.00 822.86 4.13 4.90 0.03 0.02 Total 19014.30 95.55 166.89 0.84 10.61 0.05 12.68 0.06 19900.40 100.00 Marsh wren MiDNR Status 4 186.55 USFS 0.06 Sedge wren MiDNR Total 41.75 Other (Mostly Private Land) Winter wren MiDNR Status 4 Nature Conservancy House wren MiDNR Status 4 MiOther Carolina wren MiDNR Total MiMilitary 0.66 0.02 881.94 25.66 MiMilitary MiOther Nature Conservancy 5.95 2.94 0.09 2.94 0.09 0.04 0.00 44.52 1.30 44.56 1.30 5.95 Other (Mostly Private Land) USFS USFWS 0.17 0.17 180.98 2027.11 58.97 2027.11 58.97 164 5.26 USNPS Total 5.65 0.16 192.66 5.60 1.34 0.04 20.80 0.61 281.94 8.20 5.14 0.15 0.04 0.00 1151.84 33.51 281.94 8.20 186.12 5.41 7.03 0.20 3437.59 100.00 2072.29 60.28 DRAFT 02/01/05 abpbj05010 Golden-crowned kinglet MiDNR Status 1 69.54 0.26 Status 2 140.54 0.52 Status 3 6019.48 22.19 Status 4 Total 5.68 0.02 6235.24 22.98 abpbj05020 Status 1 16.59 0.26 Status 2 27.55 0.44 Status 3 1740.43 27.58 Total 0.04 0.00 1784.61 28.28 abpbj08010 Status 1 0.00 0.00 Status 2 94.99 0.42 Status 3 2631.30 11.50 Total 4.36 0.02 2730.65 11.94 abpbj15010 Status 1 2.19 0.01 Status 2 75.69 0.21 Status 3 1955.41 5.39 Status 4 1.79 0.00 2035.08 5.61 abpbj18080 Status 1 219.19 0.45 Status 2 163.48 0.33 Status 3 6832.58 13.93 Total 6.40 0.01 7221.65 14.72 abpbj18100 Status 1 24.36 0.23 Status 2 51.47 0.49 Status 3 2755.98 26.02 Total 0.30 81.50 0.30 2.30 0.01 319.09 1.18 321.39 1.18 29.41 USFWS 0.11 71.57 14771.01 54.44 14771.01 54.44 5316.26 19.59 0.00 5316.26 19.59 71.57 USNPS Total 0.26 226.77 0.84 397.29 1.46 48.89 0.18 189.43 0.70 29.92 0.11 11449.46 42.20 0.26 305.58 1.13 27131.96 100.00 0.00 15095.78 55.64 MiMilitary MiOther Nature Conservancy 13.02 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.59 0.03 50.82 0.81 52.41 0.83 13.02 Other (Mostly Private Land) USFS USFWS 0.21 0.21 17.79 3456.54 54.78 3456.54 54.78 0.28 USNPS Total 53.73 0.85 101.13 1.60 8.53 0.14 36.08 0.57 911.53 14.45 0.00 0.00 11.93 0.19 2665.48 42.24 911.53 14.45 17.79 0.28 74.19 1.18 6310.09 100.00 3507.40 55.58 MiMilitary MiOther Nature Conservancy 8.34 104.89 0.46 104.89 0.46 0.00 0.00 208.86 0.91 208.86 0.91 8.34 Other (Mostly Private Land) USFS 0.04 0.04 18153.43 79.37 18153.43 79.37 USFWS USNPS 0.00 0.00 0.00 8.34 0.04 105.57 0.46 200.56 0.88 0.00 Total 1547.78 6.77 13.13 0.06 0.00 0.00 4297.10 18.79 1547.78 6.77 13.13 0.06 105.57 0.46 22872.65 100.00 18366.65 80.30 MiMilitary MiOther Nature Conservancy 3.73 96.66 96.66 0.27 0.27 0.09 0.00 238.29 0.66 238.38 0.66 Other (Mostly Private Land) USFS 11.24 588.92 3.73 USFWS 0.01 0.01 33209.93 91.61 33209.93 91.61 1.62 6.43 0.03 0.02 USNPS Total 20.00 0.06 37.16 0.10 32.52 0.09 108.21 0.30 9.36 0.03 2656.87 7.33 33450.01 92.27 588.92 1.62 17.67 0.05 61.88 0.17 36252.25 100.00 MiMilitary MiOther Nature Conservancy 18.62 80.36 0.16 80.36 0.16 1.11 0.00 470.04 0.96 471.15 0.96 18.62 Other (Mostly Private Land) USFS 0.04 0.04 USFWS 13.88 35264.25 71.90 35264.25 71.90 USNPS Total 0.03 320.55 0.65 572.24 1.17 230.15 0.47 393.63 0.80 5302.83 10.81 14.40 0.03 106.96 0.22 12338.24 25.16 5302.83 10.81 28.28 0.06 657.66 1.34 49044.80 100.00 35740.69 72.87 Swainson's thrush MiDNR Status 4 81.50 USFS 0.11 Veery MiDNR Status 4 29.41 Other (Mostly Private Land) Eastern bluebird MiDNR Total Nature Conservancy Blue-gray gnatcatcher MiDNR Status 4 MiOther Ruby-crowned kinglet MiDNR Status 4 MiMilitary 3.60 0.03 2835.41 26.77 MiMilitary MiOther Nature Conservancy 16.18 14.43 0.14 14.43 0.14 1.99 0.02 110.74 1.05 112.73 1.06 16.18 Other (Mostly Private Land) USFS 0.15 0.15 USFWS 32.67 5891.83 55.62 5891.83 55.62 165 1553.43 14.67 0.00 1553.43 14.67 32.67 USNPS Total 0.31 100.28 0.95 173.49 1.64 21.10 0.20 72.57 0.69 14.14 0.13 4339.97 40.97 0.31 135.52 1.28 10592.20 100.00 0.00 6006.17 56.70 DRAFT 02/01/05 abpbj18110 Hermit thrush MiDNR Status 1 47.22 0.27 Status 2 69.86 0.40 Status 3 3479.54 20.11 Status 4 Total 2.51 0.01 3599.13 20.80 abpbj19010 Status 1 163.47 0.36 Status 2 162.87 0.36 Status 3 5934.47 13.02 Total 4.88 0.01 6265.69 13.74 abpbj20170 Status 1 224.99 0.24 Status 2 280.64 0.30 Status 3 9880.88 10.39 Total 10.43 0.01 10396.94 10.93 abpbk01010 Status 1 236.86 0.40 Status 2 221.29 0.37 Status 3 9249.81 15.64 Total 9.63 0.02 9717.59 16.43 abpbk03010 Status 1 0.01 0.00 Status 2 42.42 0.17 Status 3 677.51 2.70 Status 4 1.28 0.01 721.22 2.88 abpbk06010 Status 1 223.61 0.37 Status 2 207.92 0.34 Status 3 8351.91 13.68 Total 0.39 67.50 0.39 0.43 0.00 213.45 1.23 213.88 1.24 13.48 USFWS 0.08 42.47 9339.93 53.99 9339.93 53.99 3832.75 22.15 0.00 3832.75 22.15 42.47 USNPS Total 0.25 129.83 0.75 233.00 1.35 40.34 0.23 110.20 0.64 20.56 0.12 7400.78 42.78 0.25 190.73 1.10 17299.87 100.00 0.00 9555.89 55.24 MiMilitary MiOther Nature Conservancy 17.04 107.12 0.23 107.12 0.23 0.96 0.00 429.86 0.94 430.82 0.95 17.04 Other (Mostly Private Land) USFS USFWS 0.04 0.04 8.99 33495.98 73.48 33495.98 73.48 USNPS Total 0.02 129.65 0.28 319.15 0.70 207.73 0.46 370.60 0.81 4806.26 10.54 14.51 0.03 101.92 0.22 10965.24 24.05 4806.26 10.54 23.50 0.05 439.30 0.96 45585.71 100.00 33930.72 74.43 MiMilitary MiOther Nature Conservancy 23.17 235.90 0.25 235.90 0.25 1.24 0.00 798.58 0.84 799.82 0.84 23.17 Other (Mostly Private Land) USFS USFWS 0.02 0.02 26.30 76217.88 80.15 76217.88 80.15 USNPS Total 0.03 370.03 0.39 644.49 0.68 265.30 0.28 545.94 0.57 6624.46 6.97 22.57 0.02 117.39 0.12 16882.44 17.75 6624.46 6.97 48.87 0.05 752.72 0.79 95099.76 100.00 77026.89 81.00 MiMilitary MiOther Nature Conservancy 22.85 134.89 0.23 134.89 0.23 1.22 0.00 556.16 0.94 557.38 0.94 22.85 Other (Mostly Private Land) USFS USFWS 0.04 0.04 272.03 42210.26 71.36 42210.26 71.36 USNPS Total 0.46 304.36 0.51 836.10 1.41 226.61 0.38 447.90 0.76 5563.03 9.41 18.45 0.03 119.84 0.20 15087.24 25.51 5563.03 9.41 290.48 0.49 650.81 1.10 59147.29 100.00 42776.05 72.32 MiMilitary MiOther Nature Conservancy 1.97 17.74 17.74 0.07 0.07 0.07 0.00 125.86 0.50 125.93 0.50 Other (Mostly Private Land) USFS 0.01 158.40 1.97 0.01 24016.33 95.83 24016.33 95.83 0.63 USFWS USNPS 0.49 0.00 0.00 2.47 0.01 10.14 0.04 52.56 0.21 8.36 0.03 862.08 3.44 0.00 0.00 0.00 Total 24143.47 96.34 158.40 0.63 0.49 0.00 18.50 0.07 25060.58 100.00 Brown thrasher MiDNR Status 4 67.50 USFS 0.08 Northern mockingbird MiDNR Total 13.48 Other (Mostly Private Land) Gray catbird MiDNR Status 4 Nature Conservancy American robin MiDNR Status 4 MiOther Wood thrush MiDNR Status 4 MiMilitary 8.68 0.01 8792.12 14.40 MiMilitary MiOther Nature Conservancy 14.56 229.33 0.38 229.33 0.38 0.84 0.00 561.93 0.92 562.77 0.92 14.56 Other (Mostly Private Land) USFS 0.02 0.02 USFWS 23.36 44560.88 72.97 44560.88 72.97 166 USNPS Total 0.04 352.11 0.58 613.64 1.00 251.86 0.41 459.78 0.75 6156.09 10.08 9.82 0.02 111.63 0.18 14859.62 24.33 6156.09 10.08 33.18 0.05 715.60 1.17 61064.53 100.00 45131.49 73.91 DRAFT 02/01/05 abpbn01020 Cedar waxwing MiDNR Status 1 224.25 0.32 Status 2 242.81 0.35 Status 3 9638.90 13.73 Status 4 Total 9.33 0.01 10115.29 14.41 abpbr01030 Status 1 0.00 0.00 Status 2 11.35 0.13 Status 3 398.73 4.49 Status 4 0.12 0.00 410.20 4.62 abpbw01020 Status 1 0.00 0.00 Status 2 15.84 0.33 Status 3 213.67 4.46 Status 4 0.00 0.00 229.51 4.79 abpbw01160 Status 1 47.22 0.26 Status 2 71.67 0.40 Status 3 3521.98 19.56 Total 2.51 0.01 3643.38 20.23 abpbw01170 Status 1 127.60 0.36 Status 2 118.93 0.34 Status 3 4419.84 12.52 Total 3.82 0.01 4670.19 13.23 abpbw01210 Status 1 194.74 0.31 Status 2 214.71 0.34 Status 3 8469.12 13.56 Total 0.33 234.36 0.33 1.19 0.00 674.75 0.96 675.94 0.96 21.50 USFWS 0.03 24.75 51843.53 73.84 51843.53 73.84 USNPS Total 0.04 352.12 0.50 622.62 0.89 261.08 0.37 503.89 0.72 6548.40 9.33 17.56 0.03 116.91 0.17 16557.32 23.58 6548.40 9.33 42.31 0.06 730.11 1.04 70211.44 100.00 52527.61 74.81 MiMilitary MiOther Nature Conservancy 1.09 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 73.35 0.83 73.35 0.83 Other (Mostly Private Land) USFS 0.01 125.63 1.09 0.01 8259.95 92.98 8259.95 92.98 1.41 USFWS USNPS 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.09 0.01 13.60 0.15 24.95 0.28 0.00 0.00 524.36 5.90 0.00 0.00 0.00 Total 8333.42 93.80 125.63 1.41 0.00 0.00 13.60 0.15 8883.82 100.00 MiMilitary MiOther Nature Conservancy 7.48 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 51.34 1.07 51.34 1.07 Other (Mostly Private Land) USFS 0.16 93.30 7.48 0.16 4407.40 92.03 4407.40 92.03 1.95 USFWS USNPS 0.00 0.00 0.00 7.48 0.16 0.00 0.00 15.84 0.33 0.00 0.00 306.97 6.41 0.00 0.00 0.00 Total 4458.74 93.10 93.30 1.95 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 4789.03 100.00 MiMilitary MiOther Nature Conservancy 13.55 67.50 0.37 67.50 0.37 0.43 0.00 218.17 1.21 218.60 1.21 13.55 Other (Mostly Private Land) USFS USFWS 0.08 0.08 42.47 9999.94 55.53 9999.94 55.53 3832.75 21.28 0.00 3832.75 21.28 42.47 USNPS Total 0.24 129.83 0.72 233.07 1.29 40.34 0.22 112.01 0.62 20.56 0.11 7443.22 41.33 0.24 190.73 1.06 18008.92 100.00 0.00 10220.62 56.75 MiMilitary MiOther Nature Conservancy 13.07 78.80 0.22 78.80 0.22 0.68 0.00 324.66 0.92 325.34 0.92 13.07 Other (Mostly Private Land) USFS 0.04 0.04 26995.48 76.48 26995.48 76.48 USFWS USNPS 1.90 0.00 0.00 142.57 0.40 123.13 0.35 242.06 0.69 0.01 Total 3076.34 8.72 14.38 0.04 0.00 0.00 7590.04 21.50 3076.34 8.72 16.28 0.05 123.13 0.35 35298.63 100.00 27323.96 77.41 Warbling vireo MiDNR Status 4 234.36 USFS 0.03 Yellow-throated vireo MiDNR Status 4 21.50 Other (Mostly Private Land) Blue-headed vireo MiDNR Status 4 Nature Conservancy White-eyed vireo MiDNR Total MiOther Loggerhead shrike MiDNR Total MiMilitary 8.45 0.01 8887.02 14.23 MiMilitary MiOther Nature Conservancy 18.65 206.52 0.33 206.52 0.33 0.94 0.00 578.86 0.93 579.80 0.93 18.65 Other (Mostly Private Land) USFS USFWS 0.03 0.03 22.96 46867.33 75.06 46867.33 75.06 167 USNPS Total 0.04 288.25 0.46 524.60 0.84 241.83 0.39 456.54 0.73 5198.97 8.33 17.43 0.03 114.23 0.18 14007.21 22.43 5198.97 8.33 40.39 0.06 644.31 1.03 62442.99 100.00 47454.64 76.00 DRAFT 02/01/05 abpbw01230 Philadelphia vireo MiDNR Status 1 182.20 0.92 Status 2 54.26 0.27 Status 3 3270.57 16.51 Status 4 Total 0.72 0.00 3507.75 17.70 abpbw01240 Status 1 133.25 0.35 Status 2 131.52 0.35 Status 3 4680.52 12.47 Total 3.89 0.01 4949.18 13.18 abpbx01020 Status 1 0.00 0.00 Status 2 45.62 0.35 Status 3 1335.10 10.17 Total 0.79 0.01 1381.51 10.53 abpbx01030 Status 1 32.29 0.16 Status 2 83.49 0.40 Status 3 3149.19 15.12 Total 2.25 0.01 3267.22 15.68 abpbx01040 Status 1 24.67 0.24 Status 2 54.46 0.52 Status 3 2531.96 24.34 Total 3.86 0.04 2614.95 25.14 abpbx01060 Status 1 292.48 0.38 Status 2 318.20 0.41 Status 3 13590.26 17.69 Total 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.69 0.00 194.02 0.98 194.71 0.98 6.63 USFWS 0.03 17.08 12748.96 64.34 12748.96 64.34 USNPS Total 0.09 275.16 1.39 481.07 2.43 71.13 0.36 125.39 0.63 2879.96 14.54 0.00 0.00 112.46 0.57 6263.68 31.61 2879.96 14.54 17.08 0.09 458.75 2.32 19813.84 100.00 12943.70 65.33 MiMilitary MiOther Nature Conservancy 13.78 78.80 0.21 78.80 0.21 0.69 0.00 330.29 0.88 330.98 0.88 13.78 Other (Mostly Private Land) USFS USFWS 0.04 0.04 6.10 28404.15 75.67 28404.15 75.67 0.02 USNPS Total 47.86 0.13 200.99 0.54 187.14 0.50 318.66 0.85 3405.04 9.07 14.90 0.04 98.83 0.26 8278.78 22.06 3405.04 9.07 21.00 0.06 333.83 0.89 37536.76 100.00 28738.33 76.56 MiMilitary MiOther Nature Conservancy 3.75 12.04 0.09 12.04 0.09 0.00 0.00 141.30 1.08 141.30 1.08 3.75 Other (Mostly Private Land) USFS 0.03 0.03 11335.79 86.39 11335.79 86.39 USFWS USNPS 0.00 0.00 0.00 3.75 0.03 15.11 0.12 60.73 0.46 0.00 Total 226.22 1.72 6.08 0.05 0.00 0.00 1579.44 12.04 226.22 1.72 6.08 0.05 15.11 0.12 13121.80 100.00 11477.88 87.47 MiMilitary MiOther Nature Conservancy 6.39 100.38 0.48 100.38 0.48 0.25 0.00 228.20 1.10 228.45 1.10 6.39 Other (Mostly Private Land) USFS USFWS 0.03 0.03 103.10 15927.65 76.46 15927.65 76.46 0.49 USNPS Total 24.55 0.12 166.33 0.80 37.10 0.18 120.59 0.58 1114.77 5.35 6.08 0.03 15.63 0.08 4386.30 21.06 1114.77 5.35 109.18 0.52 77.28 0.37 20831.32 100.00 16158.10 77.57 MiMilitary MiOther Nature Conservancy 16.22 16.02 0.15 16.02 0.15 2.23 0.02 101.31 0.97 103.54 1.00 16.22 Other (Mostly Private Land) USFS 0.16 0.16 USFWS 31.37 5933.92 57.05 5933.92 57.05 1566.09 15.06 0.00 1566.09 15.06 31.37 0.30 USNPS Total 87.50 0.84 159.76 1.54 13.24 0.13 67.70 0.65 18.23 0.18 4134.53 39.75 0.30 118.97 1.14 10401.08 100.00 0.00 6039.09 58.06 Nashville warbler MiDNR Status 4 0.00 USFS 0.03 Tennessee warbler MiDNR Status 4 6.63 Other (Mostly Private Land) Golden-winged warbler MiDNR Status 4 Nature Conservancy Blue-winged warbler MiDNR Status 4 MiOther Red-eyed vireo MiDNR Status 4 MiMilitary 14.70 0.02 14215.64 18.50 MiMilitary MiOther Nature Conservancy 39.66 191.51 0.25 191.51 0.25 3.28 0.00 783.98 1.02 787.26 1.02 Other (Mostly Private Land) USFS 0.05 10382.14 39.66 0.05 USFWS 173.43 50125.40 65.24 50125.40 65.24 10382.14 168 USNPS Total 0.23 495.06 0.64 1000.63 1.30 274.88 0.36 593.08 0.77 0.00 0.00 141.52 0.18 24308.71 31.64 13.51 173.43 0.23 911.46 1.19 76826.50 100.00 13.51 50924.08 66.28 DRAFT 02/01/05 abpbx02010 Northern parula MiDNR Status 1 28.73 0.27 Status 2 64.99 0.62 Status 3 2581.63 24.44 Status 4 Total 3.33 0.03 2678.68 25.36 abpbx03010 Status 1 32.63 0.16 Status 2 82.99 0.42 Status 3 3474.70 17.52 Total 2.41 0.01 3592.73 18.11 abpbx03020 Status 1 224.95 0.32 Status 2 246.43 0.35 Status 3 9735.88 13.80 Total 9.45 0.01 10216.71 14.49 abpbx03030 Status 1 37.87 0.42 Status 2 30.87 0.34 Status 3 1499.23 16.75 Total 1.15 0.01 1569.12 17.53 abpbx03040 Status 1 62.23 0.33 Status 2 82.17 0.44 Status 3 4438.81 23.52 Total 4.87 0.03 4588.08 24.31 abpbx03050 Status 1 158.36 0.72 Status 2 64.75 0.29 Status 3 3150.70 14.28 Total 0.09 9.55 0.09 1.75 0.02 124.90 1.18 126.65 1.20 17.52 USFWS 0.17 22.48 5780.31 54.71 5780.31 54.71 1766.67 16.72 0.00 1766.67 16.72 22.48 USNPS Total 0.21 127.87 1.21 196.60 1.86 20.73 0.20 85.72 0.81 14.11 0.13 4373.71 41.40 0.21 162.71 1.54 10564.57 100.00 0.00 5908.54 55.93 MiMilitary MiOther Nature Conservancy 11.96 29.33 0.15 29.33 0.15 0.57 0.00 234.18 1.18 234.75 1.18 11.96 Other (Mostly Private Land) USFS USFWS 0.06 0.06 99.29 14588.95 73.55 14588.95 73.55 0.50 USNPS Total 41.12 0.21 185.00 0.93 24.92 0.13 107.91 0.54 1181.12 5.95 11.04 0.06 20.13 0.10 4716.89 23.78 1181.12 5.95 110.33 0.56 86.17 0.43 19835.34 100.00 14825.54 74.74 MiMilitary MiOther Nature Conservancy 20.83 234.84 0.33 234.84 0.33 1.21 0.00 679.16 0.96 680.37 0.96 20.83 Other (Mostly Private Land) USFS USFWS 0.03 0.03 25.86 51979.83 73.70 51979.83 73.70 USNPS Total 0.04 370.03 0.52 641.67 0.91 262.42 0.37 508.85 0.72 6600.19 9.36 17.56 0.02 117.33 0.17 16707.01 23.69 6600.19 9.36 43.42 0.06 749.78 1.06 70525.97 100.00 52668.44 74.68 MiMilitary MiOther Nature Conservancy 6.18 27.90 0.31 27.90 0.31 0.32 0.00 122.04 1.36 122.36 1.37 6.18 Other (Mostly Private Land) USFS 0.07 0.07 USFWS 3.23 5288.56 59.08 5288.56 59.08 USNPS Total 0.04 118.36 1.32 165.64 1.85 24.01 0.27 54.88 0.61 1782.94 19.92 0.00 0.00 8.28 0.09 3318.67 37.08 1782.94 19.92 3.23 0.04 150.65 1.68 8950.94 100.00 5411.75 60.46 MiMilitary MiOther Nature Conservancy 22.06 42.17 0.22 42.17 0.22 2.32 0.01 222.30 1.18 224.62 1.19 22.06 Other (Mostly Private Land) USFS 0.12 0.12 USFWS 35.90 10728.34 56.84 10728.34 56.84 2968.80 15.73 0.00 2968.80 15.73 35.90 USNPS Total 0.19 217.14 1.15 337.33 1.79 23.86 0.13 106.03 0.56 22.42 0.12 7474.52 39.60 0.19 263.42 1.40 18873.39 100.00 0.00 10955.51 58.05 Black-throated blue warbler MiDNR Status 4 9.55 USFS 0.17 Cape May warbler MiDNR Status 4 17.52 Other (Mostly Private Land) Magnolia warbler MiDNR Status 4 Nature Conservancy Chestnut-sided warbler MiDNR Status 4 MiOther Yellow warbler MiDNR Status 4 MiMilitary 2.04 0.01 3375.85 15.30 MiMilitary MiOther Nature Conservancy 5.93 43.12 0.20 43.12 0.20 0.51 0.00 201.52 0.91 202.03 0.92 5.93 Other (Mostly Private Land) USFS 0.03 0.03 USFWS 6.10 14431.99 65.43 14431.99 65.43 169 USNPS Total 0.03 100.04 0.45 270.43 1.23 196.10 0.89 260.85 1.18 3600.83 16.32 0.00 0.00 95.90 0.43 6891.06 31.24 3600.83 16.32 6.10 0.03 392.04 1.78 22057.89 100.00 14635.55 66.35 DRAFT 02/01/05 abpbx03060 Yellow-rumped warbler MiDNR Status 1 198.39 0.50 Status 2 159.18 0.40 Status 3 7927.96 20.07 Status 4 Total 6.94 0.02 8292.47 20.99 abpbx03100 Status 1 176.86 0.49 Status 2 127.92 0.35 Status 3 5628.90 15.56 Total 3.61 0.01 5937.29 16.41 abpbx03120 Status 1 47.12 0.27 Status 2 70.28 0.40 Status 3 3501.17 19.70 Total 2.39 0.01 3620.96 20.38 abpbx03130 Status 1 0.00 0.00 Status 2 2.80 0.47 Status 3 16.84 2.85 Status 4 0.00 0.00 19.64 3.32 abpbx03170 Status 1 9.42 0.12 Status 2 35.94 0.45 Status 3 1959.20 24.39 Total 1.24 0.02 2005.80 24.97 abpbx03180 Status 1 0.00 0.00 Status 2 9.65 0.35 Status 3 863.61 31.25 Total 0.24 96.63 0.24 2.70 0.01 395.48 1.00 398.18 1.01 31.20 USFWS 0.08 75.04 22983.77 58.18 22983.77 58.18 USNPS Total 0.19 251.11 0.64 555.74 1.41 232.62 0.59 391.80 0.99 7021.62 17.77 0.00 0.00 123.41 0.31 15172.32 38.41 7021.62 17.77 75.04 0.19 607.14 1.54 39506.05 100.00 23386.19 59.20 MiMilitary MiOther Nature Conservancy 19.44 83.69 0.23 83.69 0.23 0.79 0.00 358.65 0.99 359.44 0.99 19.44 Other (Mostly Private Land) USFS USFWS 0.05 0.05 47.49 23137.82 63.95 23137.82 63.95 USNPS Total 0.13 165.89 0.46 409.68 1.13 218.16 0.60 346.08 0.96 6100.56 16.86 0.00 0.00 113.15 0.31 11927.09 32.96 6100.56 16.86 47.49 0.13 497.20 1.37 36182.93 100.00 23500.08 64.95 MiMilitary MiOther Nature Conservancy 13.71 67.94 0.38 67.94 0.38 0.48 0.00 217.11 1.22 217.59 1.22 13.71 Other (Mostly Private Land) USFS USFWS 0.08 0.08 42.82 9784.42 55.07 9784.42 55.07 3830.58 21.56 0.00 3830.58 21.56 42.82 USNPS Total 0.24 129.65 0.73 233.30 1.31 40.56 0.23 110.84 0.62 20.18 0.11 7420.35 41.76 0.24 190.39 1.07 17768.41 100.00 0.00 10003.92 56.30 MiMilitary MiOther Nature Conservancy 1.54 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 4.58 0.77 4.58 0.77 Other (Mostly Private Land) USFS 0.26 0.00 1.54 0.26 565.49 95.64 565.49 95.64 0.00 USFWS USNPS 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.54 0.26 0.00 0.00 2.80 0.47 0.00 0.00 16.84 2.85 0.00 0.00 0.00 Total 570.07 96.42 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 591.25 100.00 MiMilitary MiOther Nature Conservancy 7.01 39.60 0.49 39.60 0.49 0.13 0.00 87.63 1.09 87.76 1.09 7.01 Other (Mostly Private Land) USFS 0.09 0.09 USFWS 39.41 3837.27 47.77 3837.27 47.77 0.49 USNPS Total 11.51 0.14 67.35 0.84 16.79 0.21 52.73 0.66 1976.04 24.60 0.00 0.00 12.10 0.15 3987.07 49.63 1976.04 24.60 39.41 0.49 40.40 0.50 8033.29 100.00 3926.14 48.87 Kirtland's warbler MiDNR Status 4 96.63 USFS 0.08 Pine warbler MiDNR Status 4 31.20 Other (Mostly Private Land) Yellow-throated warbler MiDNR Total Nature Conservancy Blackburnian warbler MiDNR Status 4 MiOther Black-throated green warbler MiDNR Status 4 MiMilitary 1.20 0.04 874.46 31.64 MiMilitary MiOther Nature Conservancy 0.00 39.74 1.44 39.74 1.44 0.01 0.00 28.17 1.02 28.18 1.02 0.00 Other (Mostly Private Land) USFS 0.00 0.00 783.59 28.35 783.59 28.35 170 USFWS USNPS 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 9.65 0.35 0.00 Total 1037.62 37.55 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1940.98 70.23 1037.62 37.55 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2763.59 100.00 812.96 29.42 DRAFT 02/01/05 abpbx03190 Prairie warbler MiDNR Status 1 0.00 0.00 Status 2 20.83 0.82 Status 3 375.62 14.72 Status 4 Total 1.22 0.05 397.67 15.58 abpbx03210 Status 1 25.00 0.33 Status 2 41.19 0.54 Status 3 1963.69 25.84 Total 1.40 0.02 2031.28 26.72 abpbx03220 Status 1 37.87 0.62 Status 2 14.98 0.25 Status 3 823.26 13.51 Total 0.11 0.00 876.22 14.38 abpbx03240 Status 1 0.00 0.00 Status 2 35.51 0.30 Status 3 1024.35 8.65 0.64 0.01 1060.50 8.95 Total abpbx05010 Status 1 194.38 0.50 Status 2 137.96 0.35 Status 3 5589.27 14.38 Total 7.25 0.02 5928.86 15.25 abpbx06010 Status 1 238.05 0.34 Status 2 263.11 0.37 Status 3 10418.98 14.80 Total 1.96 50.06 1.96 0.01 0.00 31.94 1.25 31.95 1.25 1.75 0.07 1173.77 45.99 1173.77 45.99 USFWS USNPS 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.75 0.07 24.96 0.98 45.79 1.79 0.00 Total 871.99 34.17 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1297.68 50.85 871.99 34.17 0.00 0.00 24.96 0.98 2552.15 100.00 1206.93 47.29 MiMilitary MiOther Nature Conservancy 12.80 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.25 0.02 69.16 0.91 70.41 0.93 12.80 Other (Mostly Private Land) USFS USFWS 0.17 0.17 52.12 3953.84 52.02 3953.84 52.02 1367.86 18.00 0.00 1367.86 18.00 52.12 0.69 USNPS Total 93.85 1.23 183.77 2.42 7.23 0.10 48.42 0.64 11.29 0.15 3344.09 44.00 0.69 112.37 1.48 7600.68 100.00 0.00 4024.40 52.95 MiMilitary MiOther Nature Conservancy 5.78 0.55 0.01 0.55 0.01 0.30 0.00 83.66 1.37 83.96 1.38 5.78 Other (Mostly Private Land) USFS USFWS 0.09 0.09 3.09 3560.20 58.41 3560.20 58.41 USNPS Total 0.05 118.36 1.94 165.10 2.71 6.82 0.11 21.80 0.36 1431.97 23.49 0.00 0.00 8.28 0.14 2264.36 37.15 1431.97 23.49 3.09 0.05 133.46 2.19 6095.23 100.00 3643.97 59.78 MiMilitary MiOther Nature Conservancy 10.92 4.00 0.03 4.00 0.03 0.00 0.00 109.66 0.93 109.66 0.93 10.92 Other (Mostly Private Land) USFS 0.09 0.09 10053.65 84.85 10053.65 84.85 USFWS USNPS Total 0.00 0.00 0.00 10.92 0.09 16.80 0.14 52.31 0.44 0.00 550.04 4.64 13.79 0.12 29.04 0.25 1621.22 13.68 550.04 4.64 13.79 0.12 45.84 0.39 11848.40 100.00 10163.95 85.78 MiMilitary MiOther Nature Conservancy 9.66 106.09 0.27 106.09 0.27 0.56 0.00 327.86 0.84 328.42 0.84 9.66 Other (Mostly Private Land) USFS USFWS 0.02 0.02 13.26 27461.68 70.64 27461.68 70.64 USNPS Total 0.03 286.16 0.74 503.46 1.30 207.22 0.53 345.18 0.89 4423.16 11.38 7.59 0.02 104.26 0.27 10230.93 26.32 4423.16 11.38 20.85 0.05 597.64 1.54 38876.36 100.00 27796.79 71.50 American redstart MiDNR Status 4 50.06 USFS 0.07 Black-and-white warbler MiDNR Status 4 1.75 Other (Mostly Private Land) Cerulean warbler MiDNR Status 4 Nature Conservancy Bay-breasted warbler MiDNR Status 4 MiOther Palm warbler MiDNR Status 4 MiMilitary 10.32 0.01 10930.46 15.53 MiMilitary MiOther Nature Conservancy 25.27 212.15 0.30 212.15 0.30 1.26 0.00 674.41 0.96 675.67 0.96 25.27 Other (Mostly Private Land) USFS USFWS 0.04 0.04 277.65 51550.17 73.25 51550.17 73.25 171 USNPS Total 0.39 305.74 0.43 846.71 1.20 249.93 0.36 513.04 0.73 6006.23 8.53 20.84 0.03 120.98 0.17 16780.44 23.84 6006.23 8.53 298.49 0.42 676.65 0.96 70375.09 100.00 52234.90 74.22 DRAFT 02/01/05 abpbx07010 Prothonotary warbler MiDNR Status 1 0.00 0.00 Status 2 7.06 0.36 Status 3 115.58 5.96 Status 4 0.00 0.00 122.64 6.32 Total abpbx08010 Status 1 0.00 0.00 Status 2 2.99 0.36 Status 3 23.01 2.81 Status 4 0.00 0.00 26.00 3.17 abpbx10010 Status 1 230.84 0.42 Status 2 196.20 0.36 Status 3 8484.53 15.57 Total 9.00 0.02 8920.57 16.37 abpbx10020 Status 1 8.03 0.17 Status 2 31.06 0.64 Status 3 1041.84 21.46 Total 2.61 0.05 1083.54 22.32 abpbx10030 Status 1 0.00 0.00 Status 2 16.27 0.46 Status 3 200.23 5.67 0.26 0.01 216.76 6.13 Total abpbx11020 Status 1 37.50 0.33 Status 2 80.97 0.71 Status 3 3185.67 27.92 Total 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 26.05 1.34 26.05 1.34 9.27 2.74 0.14 1775.39 91.53 1775.39 91.53 0.48 USFWS USNPS 0.00 0.00 0.00 2.74 0.14 0.00 0.00 7.06 0.36 0.00 0.00 128.54 6.63 3.69 0.00 0.19 Total 1801.44 92.87 9.27 0.48 3.69 0.19 0.00 0.00 1939.78 100.00 MiMilitary MiOther Nature Conservancy 0.48 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 11.97 1.46 11.97 1.46 Other (Mostly Private Land) USFS 0.06 0.04 0.48 0.06 781.18 95.30 781.18 95.30 0.00 USFWS USNPS 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.48 0.06 0.00 0.00 2.99 0.36 0.00 0.00 23.05 2.81 0.00 0.00 0.00 Total 793.15 96.76 0.04 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 819.67 100.00 MiMilitary MiOther Nature Conservancy 18.96 172.61 0.32 172.61 0.32 0.92 0.00 501.36 0.92 502.28 0.92 18.96 Other (Mostly Private Land) USFS USFWS 0.03 0.03 51.96 36552.65 67.09 36552.65 67.09 USNPS Total 0.10 343.62 0.63 645.38 1.18 237.90 0.44 434.10 0.80 7555.75 13.87 8.37 0.02 114.37 0.21 16336.55 29.99 7555.75 13.87 60.33 0.11 695.89 1.28 54479.04 100.00 37063.01 68.03 MiMilitary MiOther Nature Conservancy 2.33 4.57 0.09 4.57 0.09 0.41 0.01 83.02 1.71 83.43 1.72 2.33 Other (Mostly Private Land) USFS USFWS 0.05 0.05 33.94 3056.52 62.95 3056.52 62.95 0.70 USNPS Total 0.00 0.00 44.30 0.91 8.89 0.18 39.95 0.82 575.86 11.86 0.00 0.00 6.02 0.12 1628.70 33.55 575.86 11.86 33.94 0.70 14.91 0.31 4855.10 100.00 3142.15 64.72 MiMilitary MiOther Nature Conservancy 2.29 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 52.87 1.50 52.87 1.50 2.29 Other (Mostly Private Land) USFS 0.06 0.06 3038.46 85.99 3038.46 85.99 USFWS USNPS 0.00 0.00 0.00 2.29 0.06 0.00 0.00 16.27 0.46 0.00 Total 223.03 6.31 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 423.26 11.98 223.03 6.31 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 3533.41 100.00 3091.59 87.50 Connecticut warbler MiDNR Status 4 0.00 USFS 0.14 Louisiana waterthrush MiDNR Status 4 2.74 Other (Mostly Private Land) Northern waterthrush MiDNR Status 4 Nature Conservancy Ovenbird MiDNR Status 4 MiOther Worm-eating warbler MiDNR Total MiMilitary 4.43 0.04 3308.57 29.00 MiMilitary MiOther Nature Conservancy 20.46 7.76 0.07 7.76 0.07 1.91 0.02 112.79 0.99 114.70 1.01 20.46 Other (Mostly Private Land) USFS 0.18 0.18 USFWS 207.00 5936.63 52.03 5936.63 52.03 172 1693.63 14.84 0.00 1693.63 14.84 207.00 1.81 USNPS Total 93.60 0.82 358.56 3.14 12.73 0.11 93.70 0.82 14.90 0.13 4903.87 42.98 1.81 121.23 1.06 11409.98 100.00 0.00 6053.85 53.06 DRAFT 02/01/05 abpbx11030 Mourning warbler MiDNR Status 1 290.26 0.35 Status 2 335.79 0.41 Status 3 14211.29 17.26 Status 4 Total 14.41 0.02 14851.75 18.04 abpbx12010 Status 1 45.01 0.41 Status 2 67.31 0.61 Status 3 2441.85 22.19 Total 2.21 0.02 2556.38 23.23 abpbx16010 Status 1 0.00 0.00 Status 2 7.66 0.39 Status 3 130.20 6.56 Status 4 0.00 0.00 137.86 6.94 abpbx16020 Status 1 34.53 0.60 Status 2 42.23 0.73 Status 3 2182.62 37.84 Total 1.80 0.03 2261.18 39.21 abpbx16030 Status 1 159.25 0.64 Status 2 80.17 0.32 Status 3 3333.08 13.30 Total 2.10 0.01 3574.60 14.26 abpbx24010 0.25 209.65 0.25 3.21 0.00 834.41 1.01 837.62 1.02 10378.94 43.27 USFWS 172.15 0.05 54866.05 66.65 54866.05 66.65 10378.94 USNPS Total 0.21 512.57 0.62 1018.25 1.24 278.58 0.34 614.37 0.75 18.86 0.02 144.34 0.18 24966.29 30.33 12.61 191.01 0.23 935.49 1.14 82313.78 100.00 12.61 55714.87 67.69 MiMilitary MiOther Nature Conservancy 10.40 8.12 0.07 8.12 0.07 0.31 0.00 138.95 1.26 139.26 1.27 10.40 Other (Mostly Private Land) USFS USFWS 0.09 0.09 265.59 7051.88 64.09 7051.88 64.09 2.41 USNPS Total 18.41 0.17 339.41 3.08 10.39 0.09 77.70 0.71 927.68 8.43 7.94 0.07 7.65 0.07 3393.55 30.84 927.68 8.43 273.53 2.49 36.45 0.33 11003.70 100.00 7193.04 65.37 MiMilitary MiOther Nature Conservancy 1.11 1.61 1.61 0.08 0.08 0.00 0.00 14.30 0.72 14.30 0.72 Other (Mostly Private Land) USFS 0.06 5.21 1.11 0.06 1825.03 91.91 1825.03 91.91 0.26 USFWS USNPS 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.11 0.06 0.51 0.03 8.17 0.41 0.00 0.00 137.02 6.90 0.00 0.00 0.00 Total 1839.33 92.63 5.21 0.26 0.00 0.00 0.51 0.03 1985.63 100.00 MiMilitary MiOther Nature Conservancy 15.70 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 34.08 0.59 34.08 0.59 15.70 Other (Mostly Private Land) USFS USFWS 0.27 0.27 206.78 2361.84 40.95 2361.84 40.95 3.59 USNPS Total 0.00 0.00 257.01 4.46 7.87 0.14 50.10 0.87 868.14 15.05 0.00 0.00 11.69 0.20 3062.45 53.10 868.14 15.05 206.78 3.59 19.56 0.34 5767.28 100.00 2397.72 41.57 MiMilitary MiOther Nature Conservancy 7.98 43.63 0.17 43.63 0.17 0.57 0.00 231.21 0.92 231.78 0.92 7.98 Other (Mostly Private Land) USFS USFWS 0.03 0.03 6.45 17118.56 68.31 17118.56 68.31 USNPS Total 0.03 100.12 0.40 273.80 1.09 196.91 0.79 277.08 1.11 3685.48 14.71 0.00 0.00 95.64 0.38 7158.40 28.56 3685.48 14.71 6.45 0.03 392.67 1.57 25061.15 100.00 17351.87 69.24 Yellow-breasted chat MiDNR Status 1 0.00 0.00 Status 2 11.23 0.33 Status 3 229.18 6.67 Status 4 0.00 0.00 240.41 7.00 Total 209.65 USFS 0.05 Canada warbler MiDNR Status 4 43.27 Other (Mostly Private Land) Wilson's warbler MiDNR Status 4 Nature Conservancy Hooded warbler MiDNR Total MiOther Common yellowthroat MiDNR Status 4 MiMilitary MiMilitary MiOther Nature Conservancy 1.77 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 36.27 1.06 36.27 1.06 Other (Mostly Private Land) USFS 0.05 24.50 1.77 0.05 3131.47 91.18 3131.47 91.18 173 0.71 USFWS USNPS 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.77 0.05 0.00 0.00 11.23 0.33 0.00 0.00 253.68 7.39 0.00 0.00 0.00 Total 3167.74 92.24 24.50 0.71 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 3434.42 100.00 DRAFT 02/01/05 abpbx45040 Scarlet tanager MiDNR Status 1 162.12 0.45 Status 2 123.86 0.35 Status 3 4511.43 12.64 Status 4 Total 4.11 0.01 4801.52 13.46 abpbx60010 Status 1 253.46 0.37 Status 2 257.55 0.38 Status 3 11013.48 16.08 Total 11.29 0.02 11535.78 16.85 abpbx61030 Status 1 162.12 0.45 Status 2 123.86 0.35 Status 3 4511.43 12.64 Total 4.11 0.01 4801.52 13.46 abpbx64030 Status 1 223.76 0.39 Status 2 200.72 0.35 Status 3 8459.14 14.62 Total 8.76 0.02 8892.38 15.36 abpbx65010 Status 1 0.00 0.00 Status 2 172.85 0.37 Status 3 6865.60 14.89 Total 8.08 0.02 7046.53 15.28 abpbx74030 Status 1 14.61 0.04 Status 2 132.14 0.39 Status 3 5140.77 15.20 Total 0.28 101.44 0.28 0.59 0.00 308.63 0.86 309.22 0.87 9.57 USFWS 0.03 6.50 25686.17 71.98 25686.17 71.98 4357.33 12.21 6.72 4357.33 12.21 13.22 USNPS Total 0.02 111.69 0.31 289.88 0.81 197.12 0.55 320.98 0.90 96.23 0.27 9073.74 25.43 0.04 405.04 1.14 35683.51 100.00 0.02 25998.91 72.86 MiMilitary MiOther Nature Conservancy 27.96 199.89 0.29 199.89 0.29 1.17 0.00 667.50 0.97 668.67 0.98 27.96 Other (Mostly Private Land) USFS USFWS 0.04 0.04 18.78 47216.41 68.96 47216.41 68.96 0.03 USNPS Total 0.00 0.00 300.20 0.44 261.60 0.38 519.15 0.76 8389.87 12.25 19.46 0.03 135.06 0.20 19758.93 28.86 8389.87 12.25 38.24 0.06 396.66 0.58 68473.48 100.00 47895.20 69.95 MiMilitary MiOther Nature Conservancy 9.57 101.44 0.28 101.44 0.28 0.59 0.00 308.63 0.86 309.22 0.87 9.57 Other (Mostly Private Land) USFS USFWS 0.03 0.03 6.50 25686.17 71.98 25686.17 71.98 4357.33 12.21 6.72 4357.33 12.21 13.22 USNPS Total 0.02 111.69 0.31 289.88 0.81 197.12 0.55 320.98 0.90 96.23 0.27 9073.74 25.43 0.04 405.04 1.14 35683.51 100.00 0.02 25998.91 72.86 MiMilitary MiOther Nature Conservancy 18.84 156.91 0.27 156.91 0.27 1.14 0.00 544.04 0.94 545.18 0.94 18.84 Other (Mostly Private Land) USFS USFWS 0.03 0.03 19.33 41368.12 71.47 41368.12 71.47 USNPS Total 0.03 368.63 0.64 630.56 1.09 238.72 0.41 439.44 0.76 6141.12 10.61 14.10 0.02 116.11 0.20 14888.52 25.72 6141.12 10.61 33.43 0.06 723.46 1.25 57879.44 100.00 41920.92 72.43 MiMilitary MiOther Nature Conservancy 13.77 149.54 0.32 149.54 0.32 1.00 0.00 449.91 0.98 450.91 0.98 13.77 Other (Mostly Private Land) USFS 0.03 0.03 34519.29 74.84 34519.29 74.84 USFWS USNPS 0.87 0.00 0.00 14.64 0.03 161.81 0.35 334.66 0.73 0.00 Total 3765.80 8.16 14.18 0.03 0.00 0.00 10796.12 23.41 3765.80 8.16 15.05 0.03 161.81 0.35 46122.70 100.00 34977.28 75.84 Eastern towhee MiDNR Status 4 101.44 USFS 0.03 Dickcissel MiDNR Status 4 9.57 Other (Mostly Private Land) Indigo bunting MiDNR Status 4 Nature Conservancy Rose-breasted grosbeak MiDNR Status 4 MiOther Northern cardinal MiDNR Status 4 MiMilitary 4.43 0.01 5291.95 15.64 MiMilitary MiOther Nature Conservancy 11.19 195.57 0.58 195.57 0.58 0.23 0.00 325.64 0.96 325.87 0.96 11.19 Other (Mostly Private Land) USFS USFWS 0.03 0.03 50.96 24510.16 72.46 24510.16 72.46 174 0.15 USNPS Total 0.00 0.00 76.76 0.23 52.74 0.16 184.88 0.55 3356.80 9.92 7.51 0.02 23.56 0.07 8724.44 25.79 3356.80 9.92 58.47 0.17 76.30 0.23 33826.31 100.00 24840.23 73.43 DRAFT 02/01/05 abpbx94020 Chipping sparrow MiDNR Status 1 103.45 0.19 Status 2 202.22 0.37 Status 3 8338.68 15.26 Status 4 Total 9.06 0.02 8653.41 15.84 abpbx94030 Status 1 2.38 0.04 Status 2 20.63 0.31 Status 3 1255.11 18.59 Total 0.71 0.01 1278.83 18.94 abpbx94050 Status 1 11.61 0.05 Status 2 86.33 0.37 Status 3 3811.35 16.46 Total 2.17 0.01 3911.46 16.89 abpbx95010 Status 1 1.19 0.00 Status 2 74.93 0.15 Status 3 1238.04 2.50 Status 4 1.76 0.00 1315.92 2.66 abpbx99010 Status 1 14.95 0.06 Status 2 78.17 0.30 Status 3 1206.94 4.58 Status 4 1.81 0.01 1301.87 4.94 abpbxa0020 0.47 255.75 0.47 0.68 0.00 553.78 1.01 554.46 1.01 16.73 USFWS 0.03 58.81 38686.14 70.81 38686.14 70.81 5942.58 10.88 9.35 5942.58 10.88 68.16 USNPS Total 0.11 327.92 0.60 506.91 0.93 96.91 0.18 299.13 0.55 32.34 0.06 14579.38 26.69 0.12 457.17 0.84 54634.40 100.00 0.02 39248.98 71.84 MiMilitary MiOther Nature Conservancy 1.57 49.77 0.74 49.77 0.74 0.13 0.00 81.36 1.21 81.49 1.21 1.57 Other (Mostly Private Land) USFS USFWS 0.02 0.02 11.15 4596.34 68.08 4596.34 68.08 0.17 USNPS Total 1.76 0.03 16.86 0.25 12.74 0.19 33.37 0.49 713.70 10.57 0.00 0.00 3.56 0.05 2022.27 29.96 713.70 10.57 11.15 0.17 18.06 0.27 6750.91 100.00 4678.41 69.30 MiMilitary MiOther Nature Conservancy 9.44 135.92 0.59 135.92 0.59 0.19 0.00 237.00 1.02 237.19 1.02 9.44 Other (Mostly Private Land) USFS USFWS 0.04 0.04 50.23 16189.74 69.91 16189.74 69.91 0.22 USNPS Total 0.00 0.00 71.28 0.31 47.55 0.21 133.88 0.58 2553.48 11.03 2.75 0.01 21.46 0.09 6525.15 28.18 2553.48 11.03 52.98 0.23 69.01 0.30 23159.22 100.00 16428.91 70.94 MiMilitary MiOther Nature Conservancy 4.20 77.34 77.34 0.16 0.16 0.06 0.00 247.87 0.50 247.93 0.50 Other (Mostly Private Land) USFS 0.01 382.46 4.20 0.01 47433.05 95.82 47433.05 95.82 0.77 USFWS USNPS 5.83 1.40 0.00 12.62 0.03 25.12 0.05 100.05 0.20 1.16 0.00 1708.99 3.45 9.93 0.01 0.02 Total 47682.68 96.32 382.46 0.77 15.76 0.03 27.68 0.06 49504.34 100.00 MiMilitary MiOther Nature Conservancy 7.51 6.73 6.73 0.03 0.03 0.18 0.00 154.69 0.59 154.87 0.59 Other (Mostly Private Land) USFS 174.14 404.37 7.51 USFWS 0.03 0.03 24249.67 92.02 24249.67 92.02 1.53 8.38 0.66 0.03 USNPS Total 13.86 0.05 210.46 0.80 30.02 0.11 108.19 0.41 1.39 0.01 1627.99 6.18 24406.17 92.61 404.37 1.53 182.52 0.69 45.27 0.17 26352.81 100.00 Grasshopper sparrow MiDNR Status 1 0.00 0.00 Status 2 58.62 0.21 Status 3 940.24 3.32 Status 4 1.51 0.01 1000.37 3.53 Total 255.75 USFS 0.03 Savannah sparrow MiDNR Total 16.73 Other (Mostly Private Land) Vesper sparrow MiDNR Total Nature Conservancy Field sparrow MiDNR Status 4 MiOther Clay-colored sparrow MiDNR Status 4 MiMilitary MiMilitary MiOther Nature Conservancy 2.86 78.42 78.42 0.28 0.28 0.09 0.00 166.73 0.59 166.82 0.59 Other (Mostly Private Land) USFS 0.01 224.09 2.86 0.01 26844.37 94.72 26844.37 94.72 175 0.79 USFWS USNPS 4.08 0.00 0.00 6.94 0.02 21.02 0.07 79.64 0.28 0.00 0.00 1242.84 4.39 0.00 0.01 0.00 Total 27012.61 95.31 224.09 0.79 4.08 0.01 21.02 0.07 28342.03 100.00 DRAFT 02/01/05 abpbxa0030 Henslow's sparrow MiDNR Status 1 0.00 0.00 Status 2 48.98 0.23 Status 3 705.32 3.32 Status 4 0.00 0.00 754.30 3.55 Total abpbxa0040 Status 1 16.03 0.63 Status 2 15.59 0.62 Status 3 576.53 22.76 Total 1.23 0.05 609.38 24.06 abpbxa3010 Status 1 32.33 0.07 Status 2 117.00 0.26 Status 3 3290.12 7.31 3.23 0.01 3442.68 7.65 Total abpbxa3020 Status 1 47.00 0.23 Status 2 122.82 0.60 Status 3 5667.03 27.84 Total 5.61 0.03 5842.46 28.71 abpbxa3030 Status 1 49.24 0.34 Status 2 82.19 0.56 Status 3 3093.12 21.22 Total 2.68 0.02 3227.23 22.14 abpbxa4020 Status 1 99.84 0.28 Status 2 171.19 0.48 Status 3 8068.55 22.70 Total 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.15 0.00 134.09 0.63 134.24 0.63 170.57 3.29 0.02 20190.72 94.94 20190.72 94.94 0.80 USFWS USNPS 0.00 0.00 0.00 3.29 0.02 14.30 0.07 63.28 0.30 0.00 0.00 876.04 4.12 0.00 0.00 0.00 Total 20324.81 95.57 170.57 0.80 0.00 0.00 14.30 0.07 21267.42 100.00 MiMilitary MiOther Nature Conservancy 3.29 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 24.59 0.97 24.59 0.97 3.29 Other (Mostly Private Land) USFS USFWS 0.13 0.13 178.95 1498.43 59.16 1498.43 59.16 7.07 USNPS Total 0.00 0.00 198.27 7.83 1.11 0.04 16.70 0.66 216.93 8.57 0.00 0.00 0.06 0.00 793.52 31.33 216.93 8.57 178.95 7.07 1.17 0.05 2532.74 100.00 1524.25 60.18 MiMilitary MiOther Nature Conservancy 8.07 101.44 0.23 101.44 0.23 0.28 0.00 346.41 0.77 346.69 0.77 8.07 Other (Mostly Private Land) USFS USFWS 0.02 0.02 103.55 39789.68 88.38 39789.68 88.38 0.23 USNPS Total 24.55 0.05 168.50 0.37 39.74 0.09 156.74 0.35 1139.14 2.53 11.12 0.02 15.69 0.03 4557.79 10.12 1139.14 2.53 114.67 0.25 79.98 0.18 45022.35 100.00 40139.32 89.15 MiMilitary MiOther Nature Conservancy 26.28 57.49 0.28 57.49 0.28 2.17 0.01 226.25 1.11 228.42 1.12 26.28 Other (Mostly Private Land) USFS USFWS 0.13 0.13 246.98 10158.90 49.91 10158.90 49.91 3607.98 17.73 0.00 3607.98 17.73 246.98 USNPS Total 1.21 117.09 0.58 437.35 2.15 39.85 0.20 162.67 0.80 27.23 0.13 9361.90 46.00 1.21 184.17 0.90 20352.68 100.00 0.00 10390.76 51.05 MiMilitary MiOther Nature Conservancy 15.11 10.59 0.07 10.59 0.07 0.52 0.00 186.75 1.28 187.27 1.28 15.11 Other (Mostly Private Land) USFS USFWS 0.10 0.10 296.48 9580.42 65.73 9580.42 65.73 2.03 USNPS Total 42.00 0.29 402.83 2.76 13.08 0.09 95.27 0.65 1183.05 8.12 12.60 0.09 8.47 0.06 4308.35 29.56 1183.05 8.12 309.08 2.12 63.55 0.44 14576.30 100.00 9769.85 67.03 White-throated sparrow MiDNR Status 4 0.00 USFS 0.02 Swamp sparrow MiDNR Status 4 3.29 Other (Mostly Private Land) Lincoln's sparrow MiDNR Status 4 Nature Conservancy Song sparrow MiDNR Status 4 MiOther Le Conte's sparrow MiDNR Status 4 MiMilitary 7.45 0.02 8347.03 23.48 MiMilitary MiOther Nature Conservancy 32.34 103.73 0.29 103.73 0.29 2.52 0.01 417.47 1.17 419.99 1.18 32.34 Other (Mostly Private Land) USFS 0.09 0.09 USFWS 166.61 20128.22 56.62 20128.22 56.62 176 5988.50 16.85 0.00 5988.50 16.85 166.61 USNPS Total 0.47 251.38 0.71 550.17 1.55 69.28 0.19 240.47 0.68 41.92 0.12 14205.22 39.96 0.47 362.58 1.02 35549.00 100.00 0.00 20553.14 57.82 DRAFT 02/01/05 abpbxa5020 Dark-eyed junco MiDNR Status 1 47.80 0.18 Status 2 89.42 0.34 Status 3 4968.17 18.88 Status 4 Total 3.19 0.01 5108.58 19.42 abpbxa9010 Status 1 0.00 0.00 Status 2 26.66 0.13 Status 3 105.62 0.50 Status 4 0.87 0.00 133.15 0.63 abpbxb0010 Status 1 45.30 0.14 Status 2 96.02 0.29 Status 3 2640.84 7.98 3.18 0.01 2785.34 8.42 Total abpbxb2020 Status 1 0.00 0.00 Status 2 26.66 0.13 Status 3 105.62 0.50 Status 4 0.87 0.00 133.15 0.63 abpbxb2030 Status 1 0.02 0.00 Status 2 19.97 0.10 Status 3 596.80 3.01 Status 4 0.90 0.00 617.69 3.12 abpbxb3010 Status 1 0.00 0.00 Status 2 0.45 0.33 Status 3 27.16 19.76 Total 0.62 164.25 0.62 0.54 0.00 316.56 1.20 317.10 1.21 12.44 USFWS 0.05 52.12 16179.40 61.49 16179.40 61.49 4234.04 16.09 0.00 4234.04 16.09 52.12 USNPS Total 0.20 150.04 0.57 262.40 1.00 66.95 0.25 156.37 0.59 25.81 0.10 9392.81 35.70 0.20 242.80 0.92 26310.73 100.00 0.00 16499.15 62.71 MiMilitary MiOther Nature Conservancy 1.12 0.34 0.34 0.00 0.00 0.03 0.00 88.01 0.41 88.04 0.41 Other (Mostly Private Land) USFS 0.01 12.01 1.12 0.01 21060.28 98.87 21060.28 98.87 0.06 USFWS USNPS 0.43 0.00 0.00 1.55 0.01 1.77 0.01 28.43 0.13 0.00 0.00 122.33 0.57 4.33 0.00 0.02 Total 21149.16 99.28 12.01 0.06 4.76 0.02 1.77 0.01 21301.47 100.00 MiMilitary MiOther Nature Conservancy 13.48 8.78 0.03 8.78 0.03 0.39 0.00 237.02 0.72 237.41 0.72 13.48 Other (Mostly Private Land) USFS USFWS 0.04 0.04 271.84 28729.37 86.85 28729.37 86.85 0.82 USNPS Total 24.78 0.07 355.40 1.07 12.10 0.04 108.12 0.33 972.77 2.94 16.26 0.05 7.97 0.02 3647.01 11.02 972.77 2.94 288.10 0.87 44.85 0.14 33080.10 100.00 28969.57 87.57 MiMilitary MiOther Nature Conservancy 1.12 0.34 0.34 0.00 0.00 0.03 0.00 88.01 0.41 88.04 0.41 Other (Mostly Private Land) USFS 0.01 12.01 1.12 0.01 21060.28 98.87 21060.28 98.87 0.06 USFWS USNPS 0.43 0.00 0.00 1.55 0.01 1.77 0.01 28.43 0.13 0.00 0.00 122.33 0.57 4.33 0.00 0.02 Total 21149.16 99.28 12.01 0.06 4.76 0.02 1.77 0.01 21301.47 100.00 MiMilitary MiOther Nature Conservancy 2.40 77.95 77.95 0.39 0.39 0.02 0.00 113.18 0.57 113.20 0.57 Other (Mostly Private Land) USFS 0.01 130.08 2.40 0.01 18867.51 95.21 18867.51 95.21 0.66 USFWS USNPS 1.34 0.00 0.00 3.76 0.02 6.24 0.03 26.21 0.13 0.04 0.00 804.89 4.06 0.00 0.01 0.00 Total 18981.59 95.79 130.08 0.66 1.34 0.01 6.28 0.03 19816.45 100.00 Yellow-headed blackbird MiDNR Status 4 164.25 USFS 0.05 Western meadowlark MiDNR Total 12.44 Other (Mostly Private Land) Eastern meadowlark MiDNR Total Nature Conservancy Red-winged blackbird MiDNR Status 4 MiOther Bobolink MiDNR Total MiMilitary 0.07 0.05 27.68 20.14 MiMilitary MiOther Nature Conservancy 0.02 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.01 3.62 2.63 3.63 2.64 0.02 Other (Mostly Private Land) USFS USFWS 0.01 0.01 15.78 78.98 57.47 78.98 57.47 177 11.48 USNPS Total 0.00 0.00 15.80 11.50 0.00 0.00 0.45 0.33 10.22 7.44 1.13 0.82 0.00 0.00 38.52 28.03 10.22 7.44 16.91 12.30 0.00 0.00 137.44 100.00 82.67 60.15 DRAFT 02/01/05 abpbxb5010 Rusty blackbird MiDNR Status 1 5.86 0.32 Status 2 11.01 0.59 Status 3 485.81 26.25 Status 4 Total 0.00 0.00 502.68 27.16 abpbxb5020 Status 1 51.39 0.14 Status 2 160.83 0.45 Status 3 6518.75 18.10 Total 7.75 0.02 6738.72 18.71 abpbxb6070 Status 1 56.53 0.32 Status 2 91.83 0.52 Status 3 4221.21 23.90 Total 4.02 0.02 4373.59 24.76 abpbxb7030 Status 1 241.22 0.26 Status 2 280.37 0.30 Status 3 10820.88 11.50 Total 11.06 0.01 11353.53 12.07 abpbxb9070 Status 1 0.00 0.00 Status 2 32.34 0.37 Status 3 538.76 6.23 Status 4 0.14 0.00 571.24 6.60 abpbxb9190 Status 1 164.69 0.28 Status 2 209.27 0.35 Status 3 7022.77 11.82 Total 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.28 0.02 16.76 0.91 17.04 0.92 3.82 0.21 1089.46 58.87 1089.46 58.87 USFWS USNPS Total 0.45 0.00 0.00 10.13 0.55 0.25 0.01 11.26 0.61 0.02 236.06 12.75 0.00 0.00 1.01 0.05 723.16 39.07 236.06 12.75 0.45 0.02 1.26 0.07 1850.77 100.00 1106.22 59.77 MiMilitary MiOther Nature Conservancy 34.40 34.81 0.10 34.81 0.10 2.62 0.01 401.78 1.12 404.40 1.12 34.40 Other (Mostly Private Land) USFS USFWS 0.10 0.10 259.18 25160.32 69.85 25160.32 69.85 3128.72 8.69 0.00 3128.72 8.69 259.18 USNPS Total 0.72 205.62 0.57 550.59 1.53 26.62 0.07 187.45 0.52 25.34 0.07 9710.24 26.96 0.72 257.58 0.72 36018.13 100.00 0.00 25569.85 70.99 MiMilitary MiOther Nature Conservancy 23.05 17.92 0.10 17.92 0.10 1.59 0.01 199.43 1.13 201.02 1.14 23.05 Other (Mostly Private Land) USFS USFWS 0.13 0.13 279.08 11056.22 62.59 11056.22 62.59 1.58 USNPS Total 55.08 0.31 413.74 2.34 18.01 0.10 109.84 0.62 1613.46 9.13 12.16 0.07 14.67 0.08 5881.01 33.29 1613.46 9.13 291.24 1.65 87.76 0.50 17664.26 100.00 11259.67 63.74 MiMilitary MiOther Nature Conservancy 26.57 269.73 0.29 269.73 0.29 1.10 0.00 779.73 0.83 780.83 0.83 26.57 Other (Mostly Private Land) USFS USFWS 0.03 0.03 64.83 72105.85 76.64 72105.85 76.64 USNPS Total 0.07 417.88 0.44 750.50 0.80 275.11 0.29 555.48 0.59 8647.16 9.19 14.81 0.02 129.15 0.14 19882.83 21.13 8647.16 9.19 79.64 0.08 822.14 0.87 94085.45 100.00 72896.64 77.48 MiMilitary MiOther Nature Conservancy 1.68 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 77.17 0.89 77.17 0.89 Other (Mostly Private Land) USFS 0.02 209.67 1.68 0.02 7765.75 89.75 7765.75 89.75 2.42 USFWS USNPS 1.46 0.00 0.00 3.14 0.04 25.77 0.30 58.11 0.67 0.00 0.00 748.43 8.65 0.00 0.02 0.00 Total 7843.06 90.64 209.67 2.42 1.46 0.02 25.77 0.30 8652.74 100.00 Baltimore oriole MiDNR Status 4 0.00 USFS 0.21 Orchard oriole MiDNR Total 3.82 Other (Mostly Private Land) Brown-headed cowbird MiDNR Status 4 Nature Conservancy Common grackle MiDNR Status 4 MiOther Brewer's blackbird MiDNR Status 4 MiMilitary 5.66 0.01 7402.39 12.46 MiMilitary MiOther Nature Conservancy 19.08 184.62 0.31 184.62 0.31 0.99 0.00 569.75 0.96 570.74 0.96 19.08 Other (Mostly Private Land) USFS USFWS 0.03 0.03 14.40 45539.45 76.67 45539.45 76.67 178 USNPS Total 0.02 131.05 0.22 329.22 0.55 231.89 0.39 441.16 0.74 5186.70 8.73 17.05 0.03 103.10 0.17 12515.23 21.07 5186.70 8.73 31.45 0.05 466.04 0.78 59400.47 100.00 46114.86 77.63 DRAFT 02/01/05 abpby04020 Purple finch MiDNR Status 1 40.03 0.19 Status 2 116.49 0.54 Status 3 5228.57 24.30 Status 4 Total 4.86 0.02 5389.95 25.05 abpby04040 Status 1 0.00 0.00 Status 2 9.94 0.27 Status 3 35.62 0.98 Status 4 0.11 0.00 45.67 1.25 abpby05010 Status 1 40.02 0.26 Status 2 76.49 0.49 Status 3 3803.16 24.51 Total 4.90 0.03 3924.57 25.29 abpby05020 Status 1 30.67 0.37 Status 2 53.82 0.65 Status 3 1887.36 22.83 Total 3.49 0.04 1975.34 23.89 abpby06030 Status 1 68.36 0.25 Status 2 138.23 0.50 Status 3 5751.21 20.87 Total 5.58 0.02 5963.38 21.64 abpby06110 Status 1 2.19 0.01 Status 2 49.04 0.33 Status 3 1849.78 12.37 Total 0.25 53.82 0.25 2.05 0.01 240.80 1.12 242.85 1.13 26.64 USFWS 0.12 69.79 11532.99 53.61 11532.99 53.61 3967.10 18.44 0.80 3967.10 18.44 70.59 USNPS Total 0.32 163.98 0.76 300.44 1.40 38.49 0.18 154.98 0.72 27.25 0.13 9279.59 43.13 0.33 229.72 1.07 21513.66 100.00 0.00 11778.65 54.75 MiMilitary MiOther Nature Conservancy 0.18 0.92 0.92 0.03 0.03 0.00 0.00 29.45 0.81 29.45 0.81 Other (Mostly Private Land) USFS 0.00 9.77 0.18 0.00 3561.67 97.59 3561.67 97.59 0.27 USFWS USNPS 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.18 0.00 0.72 0.02 10.66 0.29 0.00 0.00 47.37 1.30 1.06 0.00 0.03 Total 3591.23 98.40 9.77 0.27 1.06 0.03 0.72 0.02 3649.44 100.00 MiMilitary MiOther Nature Conservancy 19.33 53.25 0.34 53.25 0.34 1.37 0.01 179.88 1.16 181.25 1.17 19.33 Other (Mostly Private Land) USFS USFWS 0.12 0.12 68.94 7763.86 50.03 7763.86 50.03 3292.43 21.22 0.00 3292.43 21.22 68.94 USNPS Total 0.44 152.64 0.98 280.93 1.81 33.67 0.22 110.16 0.71 27.51 0.18 7177.72 46.26 0.44 213.82 1.38 15517.45 100.00 0.00 7948.64 51.22 MiMilitary MiOther Nature Conservancy 16.45 14.04 0.17 14.04 0.17 1.33 0.02 93.43 1.13 94.76 1.15 16.45 Other (Mostly Private Land) USFS USFWS 0.20 0.20 0.15 4284.79 51.83 4284.79 51.83 USNPS Total 0.00 141.76 1.71 189.03 2.29 12.13 0.15 65.95 0.80 1712.17 20.71 0.00 0.00 15.24 0.18 3630.14 43.91 1712.17 20.71 0.15 0.00 169.13 2.05 8266.83 100.00 4381.71 53.00 MiMilitary MiOther Nature Conservancy 27.90 77.53 0.28 77.53 0.28 2.15 0.01 321.27 1.17 323.42 1.17 27.90 Other (Mostly Private Land) USFS USFWS 0.10 0.10 64.80 15544.51 56.41 15544.51 56.41 5247.07 19.04 0.92 5247.07 19.04 65.72 USNPS Total 0.24 221.19 0.80 382.25 1.39 58.26 0.21 196.49 0.71 29.31 0.11 11108.19 40.31 0.24 308.76 1.12 27558.29 100.00 0.00 15871.36 57.59 American goldfinch MiDNR Status 4 53.82 USFS 0.12 Pine siskin MiDNR Status 4 26.64 Other (Mostly Private Land) White-winged crossbill MiDNR Status 4 Nature Conservancy Red crossbill MiDNR Status 4 MiOther House finch MiDNR Total MiMilitary 0.92 0.01 1901.93 12.72 MiMilitary MiOther Nature Conservancy 2.62 96.32 0.64 96.32 0.64 0.06 0.00 150.28 1.01 150.34 1.01 2.62 Other (Mostly Private Land) USFS USFWS 0.02 0.02 10.81 12149.65 81.26 12149.65 81.26 179 0.07 USNPS Total 20.00 0.13 35.62 0.24 30.76 0.21 79.80 0.53 576.91 3.86 2.10 0.01 9.36 0.06 2534.53 16.95 576.91 3.86 12.91 0.09 60.12 0.40 14950.80 100.00 12300.85 82.28 DRAFT 02/01/05 abpby09020 Evening grosbeak MiDNR Status 1 31.31 0.39 Status 2 27.42 0.34 Status 3 1416.53 17.55 Status 4 Total 1.26 0.02 1476.52 18.29 MiMilitary MiOther Nature Conservancy 2.98 30.12 0.37 30.12 0.37 0.26 0.00 100.83 1.25 101.09 1.25 2.98 Other (Mostly Private Land) USFS 0.04 0.04 USFWS 3.79 4896.14 60.65 4896.14 60.65 180 0.05 USNPS Total 64.23 0.80 102.31 1.27 28.50 0.35 55.92 0.69 1461.01 18.10 0.00 0.00 8.50 0.11 2916.42 36.13 1461.01 18.10 3.79 0.05 101.23 1.25 8072.88 100.00 4998.23 61.91 DRAFT 02/01/05 Appendix J. List of Example GAP Applications Businesses and Non-government Organizations The following are some examples of applications of GAP data by the private sector: The Wyoming Natural Heritage Program (a private non-government organization) transformed the endangered and sensitive species database into a spatially referenced digital geographic information system using the GAP digital base map and other GAP spatial data. Hughes Corp. is experimenting with the Utah and Nevada GAP digital base maps, simulating images to aid the development of new space-based remote sensing devices. The Nature Conservancy used the Wyoming GAP data to develop a map of ecoregions of Wyoming. Weyerhaeuser Corp. is using the Arkansas GAP data in managing their lands in Arkansas. IBM Corp. is funding a project at the University of California-Santa Barbara that, in part, uses GAP data in the development of visualization software. NM-GAP vegetation data is being used for an environmental assessment of a proposed spaceport, a state/private venture. County and City Planning Some other examples of the use of GAP by local governments are: CA-GAP biological data were combined with the Southern California Association of Governments (SCAG) land ownership data to show which ownerships and jurisdictions were needed for joint conservation planning and management of a particular natural community or species, maximizing efficiency and minimizing the potential for yet another conservation crisis. In California, county and city planners of several jurisdictions, wildlife agencies, developers of the 4S Ranch property, and the state Natural Communities Conservation Planning program used the GAP regional data, as well as more detailed information, to conserve 1,640 acres of habitat within a 2,900-acre planned development. Day-to-day county planning operations in Piute, Grande, and Washington counties, Utah. County planners in Piute County, Utah, used GAP data to optimize the siting of a proposed sawmill for aspen with respect to the distribution of aspen stands. Missoula County, Montana, used the GAP land cover map of the area as a base map for its comprehensive long-range plan. Snohomish County, Washington, used the GAP land cover map in meeting state requirements for a growth management plan. The City of Bainbridge Island, Washington, used GAP data to assist them in development of a watershed planning project. State Uses 181 DRAFT 02/01/05 The following are some examples of uses of GAP data by state agencies. The GAP database of species habitats was used by the Tennessee Wildlife Resources Agency (TWRA) to update its book "Species in Need of Management." Images of land cover derived from GAP TM data are used by TWRA for locating particular habitat types. Information on the locations of these habitat types is provided by TWRA to the public for a wide variety of public service functions, from education to cooperative resource management. Early GAP data developed by TWRA were used to help identify an extremely important area of the state with high biodiversity that was subsequently purchased by the state for conservation. Preliminary findings from GAP were used by TWRA to develop three resource management initiatives. The Tennessee GAP project, which is being carried out primarily by TWRA, is the foundation of a multi-agency, long-term biodiversity program for Tennessee. GAP data have been used by the Tennessee Forestry Stewardship Program to help develop a district program for nine conservation planning districts, outlining Best Management Practices (BMPs) for biological conservation on private lands. GAP data are being used extensively by TWRA in the preparation of project proposals to the North American Waterfowl Conservation Program. These proposals require that biodiversity issues are addressed in specific detail. The use of GAP data on occurrence of land cover types and terrestrial vertebrates has made this possible. The Wyoming Department of Fish and Game used GAP data to assist them in transforming the Wildlife Observation System database into a spatially referenced geographic information system. The Utah Division of Wildlife Resources and the Bear River Water Conservancy District used the Utah GAP land cover map in a resource management assessment for mitigating conflicts between a proposed groundwater withdrawal project and the maintenance of an elk calving area in the Uinta Mountains. The Utah Division of Wildlife Resources, the Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation, and Sheik Safari International used the Utah GAP land cover map to identify critical elk habitat. The environmental profile of these areas was then used to identify other similar areas for elk habitat enhancement. The Utah Division of Wildlife Resources used the Utah GAP land cover map for a rapid ecological assessment of the Echo Henefer Wildlife Management Area. The Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife used GAP data to develop a breeding bird atlas and an atlas of mammals of Washington State. The Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife uses GAP data to operate an integrated landscape management program. The Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife uses GAP data from Eastern Washington to assist with an innovative program that brings the forest products industry, state agency biologists, non-government organizations, and tribal biologists together in the field to jointly determine the appropriate management practices for any particular site of concern (Timber, Fish & Wildlife Program). The Idaho Department of Fish and Game used GAP data to evaluate the impact from expanded military training activities on public lands in Southern Idaho. 182 DRAFT 02/01/05 The Idaho Department of Fish and Game uses GAP data for regional planning efforts on a regular basis. Federal Agency Applications Some examples of applications of GAP data by federal agencies follow: GAP data are being supplied to all military installations in the Great Basin ecoregion for integrated management of the natural resources. These installations constitute a very large amount of land area. Much of it is of high value for native species. The Ouachita National Forest used the Arkansas GAP data to help them develop an ecosystem management plan. The Wyoming GAP data were used by NASA to calibrate a model that predicts vegetation types based on climate and soil variables. The potential contributions to biodiversity conservation of four different options proposed for new wilderness designation in Idaho were quantified by the Idaho Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit in cooperation with the Park Studies Unit. The potential contributions to biodiversity conservation of four different options proposed for new national park designation in Idaho were quantified by the Idaho Cooperative Park Studies Unit. The U.S. Forest Service in Booneville, Arkansas, used the Arkansas GAP data land cover maps in a 3-dimensional presentation to provide the public with a visual representation of the region and to enhance the public's involvement with the National Forest planning process. The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service regularly uses the GAP data for Southern California for habitat evaluation and management. The U.S. Forest Service, Bureau of Land Management, and National Park Service are using the GAP data for a wide variety of natural resource management operations in Utah. For example, the entire Utah GAP database is directly linked with existing National Park Service databases for use by National Parks. The Bureau of Land Management uses the Wyoming GAP data for managing the Buffalo Resource Area. The U.S. Forest Service used the Utah GAP data to help assist them in evaluating human-induced impacts to forested lands surrounding ski resorts in central Utah. The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service in Delaware used GAP data to help identify potential habitat for the federally endangered Delmarva fox squirrel. These maps were displayed and served as a catalyst for bringing together people with a stake in the issue. The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service used the Indiana GAP data as part of a biological assessment for the base closure of the Jefferson Proving Grounds and its conversion to a National Wildlife Refuge. This 58,000-acre installation has restricted human access due to unexploded ordinance and contains some of the highest-quality natural habitat in Indiana. The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service in Louisiana used GAP data to avoid conflict over the designation of critical habitat of the federally endangered Louisiana black bear. The NOAA Coastal Marine Sanctuary in Washington State uses GAP data for an educational display. 183 DRAFT 02/01/05 In Washington and New Mexico, digital land cover maps have been distributed to all National Forests. The U.S. Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) in New Mexico is using a GAP clustered imagery as a base for their land cover mapping activities. The Department of Defense is funding the development of an electronic environmental information system for the Mojave ecoregion, which would use GAP data as a foundation or base layer of information. The system will link 29 DoD installations to a common source of environmental information. 184