Category: HR-PERF POLICY & PROCEDURE Subject: Performance Excellence Program (Non-Management Performance Management) Classification: Management Approved Policy Owner: Senior Vice President, Human Resources Approved by: WFH President and CEO POLICY: Effective: September 1, 2011 It is the policy of Wheaton Franciscan Healthcare (WFH) that all non-management associates are provided with performance expectations and an evaluation of job performance and valuesbased behaviors annually. The performance excellence program is WFH’s formal system to manage performance and provide for the evaluation of the quality of an individual’s performance over a specific period of time. To be successful, performance management is an ongoing process and not merely an annual event. The performance excellence program is an integrated process that includes five steps: Step 1: Leadership preparation Step 2: Performance planning Step 3: Mid-year/mid-orientation discussion Step 4: Performance review preparation Step 5: Performance review and merit pay adjustment Human Resources and Organization Development/Leadership Development will evaluate and update the performance excellence program and educational sessions annually. RATIONALE: The WFH Values of Respect, Integrity, Development, Excellence, and Stewardship call forth behaviors that influence for the better every person whose life we touch. Leaders are also called upon to provide continuous feedback and support of our staff in their efforts to attain their goals and live out our values. The Performance Excellence Program (PEP) is an integrated approach to support staff in their desire to achieve their goals and live out the Values, plan intentionally for future development and contribute to the achievement of organizational and department goals. SCOPE: This policy applies to all non-management associates in the owned and managed regions of Wheaton Franciscan Healthcare. PROCEDURE: Documents entitled “Performance Excellence Program Leadership Guide” and “Performance Excellence Program Associate Guide” outline roles, responsibilities and timing of the program. WFH’s performance excellence program has five key steps summarized below. A detailed process flow chart is included in this policy. Step 1: Leader Preparation To ensure the best outcome for associates, leaders are expected to spend concentrated time preparing and planning for the process. This preparation takes place prior to engaging the associate in the performance planning discussion. During leader preparation, department/team goals are set and communicated, essential job duties and SMART* expectations are written for each position that the leader oversees, and reviewers are identified for each associate. All of this information is documented on the PEP form. It is also important to note that for some of the HR-PERF Performance Excellence Program Page 1 of 5 preparation, leaders will be expected to work with other leaders to establish department/division goals, essential job duties and SMART expectations that are consistent for similar positions. Educational sessions have been designed to train leaders in the use of the performance excellence program form, to understand performance management best practices and to learn to apply strategies for success. Leaders are expected to attend all mandatory PEP educational sessions. *SMART (Specific; Measurable; Agreed upon; Realistic but challenging; Tied to a timetable) Step 2: Performance Planning Once leader preparation is completed, the leader and associate meet for a performanceplanning meeting. Generally, this session takes 20-30 minutes and allows discussion around what the associate will achieve (and how the leader will support) over the next 12 months. This meeting is held around the beginning of the fiscal year (approximately July) or during the first month of employment. Specific attention should be paid to the essential job duties, SMART expectations and how the values behaviors relate to the associate’s specific role as documented on the PEP form. This time may also include discussion of the associate’s development plan. To foster a collaborative relationship between associates and leaders and underscore the importance of associate participation, leaders should emphasize both their responsibilities and commitment to the process as well as discuss the associate’s responsibilities. The PEP Associate Guide is a useful tool to support this dialogue. Newly Hired and Transferred Associates Upon hire or transfer, it is expected that a leader and associate will set up a performance excellence document within the first 30 days of employment. This requires the leader and associate to meet and discuss the SMART expectations that the associate will be evaluated on. Developmental goals should be set and recorded on the Introductory Review Form. New associates and transferred associates are reviewed within the first three months of employment (like a mid-year discussion) and thereafter, on an annual basis. Individuals hired between January 1 and March 31 of each year (introductory reviews scheduled between April 1 and June 30) would not require an introductory review; rather an abbreviated “annual review” would take place on the common review date as they would be eligible for a performance-based pay increase. Individuals hired between April 1 and June 30 of each year will be eligible for a performance excellence review and performance-based increase in July of the next year. The Introductory PEP form should be sent to Human Resources to be placed in the associate’s file. Step 3: Mid-year Discussion / Introductory Review (newly hired or transferred) Over the review period, the associate works to achieve essential job duties and SMART expectations, as well as demonstrate desired values behaviors. The leader provides coaching and feedback to the associate to increase the probability of success. At mid-year (approximately December) the leader and associate meet to discuss the associate’s performance so far against the plans and goals that were discussed in the performance planning step. Generally, the discussion is 15 to 20 minutes. Notes from the discussion are captured on the PEP form. Newly hired or transferred associates will have an introductory review which is similar to the mid year discussion, but recorded on a one page Introductory Review Form. Step 4: Performance Review Preparation Beginning in April of each year, the leader reflects on the associate performance of essential job duties and carrying out our mission, vision and values behaviors over the last review period and completes the planning and review form. A leader may request peer and key customer feedback to assist in the process. In turn, the associate is responsible to complete a selfassessment for the period and provide it to the leader before the annual performance review meeting. During this step, the leader also determines an appropriate adjustment in base pay for the individual if appropriate. Last, the leader will review their associates’ performance forms and performance-based pay adjustments with his/her own immediate supervisor. HR-PERF Performance Excellence Program Page 2 of 5 Step 5: Performance Review and Merit Adjustments During the months of May and June, leaders meet with associates to review the performance report that has been written by the leader and the associate self-assessment. At this point, the leader should discuss with the associate the overall rating and recommended base pay adjustment, if appropriate. In some circumstances, the leader and associate may need to schedule an additional meeting to finalize the review, if significant changes in the performance review report are agreed to in the original discussion. The leader should finalize the PEP form summarizing the results of the performance review meeting. The leader should note any information or suggestions raised during the performance evaluation meeting regarding barriers to work, as well as process or system improvements that are in the control of the leader or associate. The leader should consider these issues and discuss the decision made or follow-up actions to be taken regarding such information. The leader and associate should review and sign the PEP form. The associate should be given the opportunity to attach any comments he/she wishes regarding the performance evaluation process or the contents of the performance excellence program form. If an associate refuses to sign the form, the leader should make note of that refusal on the form and continue on with the process. The signing of the form acknowledges a review was done, not that an associate agrees with the content. The PEP form should be sent to Human Resources to be placed in the associate’s file no later than July 31 of each year. The final step includes an agreement to meet to hold a performance planning discussion for the next review period. The performance review meeting and the performance planning discussion should each take approximately 30-40 minutes. Resolution Process A disagreement on the PEP review or merit pay increase will be reviewed and resolved by the immediate supervisor of the leader/appraiser. No further appeal or review under the associate appeal procedure is permitted. Forms Performance excellence program (PEP) performance Planning & Review Form PEP Associate Guide PEP Leadership Guide PEP Peer Input Form PEP Performance Log PEP Review Preparation Timeline Tool PEP Introductory Review Form COMPETENCY ASSESSMENT Purpose: The purpose of this assessment is to assure that the competency of all associates is assessed, maintained, demonstrated and continually improved. The competency process includes job descriptions with initial job competencies, verification of license, registration and/or certification, a system-wide orientation, department specific orientation, an initial assessment of competencies, annual performance feedback, on-going competency validation of incumbents, population appropriate competencies and continuing education. Competency Assessment Procedure: The competency assessment procedure is defined in the Competency Assessment of Associates policy. HR-PERF Performance Excellence Program Page 3 of 5 Replaces: Existing performance management policies and procedures Site based Competency of Associate policies Competency of Associates (WFH – All Saints) Competency and Performance Feedback (WFH – Iowa) Competency of Associates (Marianjoy) Cross reference: Competency Assessment of Associates Performance Excellence Program Flowchart Review Period: One (1) year effective in 2010 (Prior years, review period was every 2 years) Original Policy Date: February 15, 2005 Dates Updated: March 1, 2007; July 1, 2010; September 1, 2011 HR-PERF Performance Excellence Program Page 4 of 5 Performance Excellence Process – Flow Chart Overall Organization Strategy Mission, Vision and Values Wheaton Franciscan Healthcare Strategic Goals Entity Organizational Strategic Goals Supports Organization Goals Executive Performance Management GPA – Supports Entity & Organization Goals Director, Manager, Leader Performance Management LEAD – Supports Entity & Organization Goals PEP Process – Supports Entity, Leaders & Organization Step 1: Leader Preparation Department goals Values-based behavior illustrations Competency plans Developmental goals Essential job duties and SMART expectations Who will conduct performance reviews What Essential Job Duties SMART expectations Step 2: Performance Planning Discussion How Competencies Values/Behaviors Leader’s Responsibilities Step 5: Performance Review and Merit Adjustment Associate’s Responsibilities Adapted from Grote Consulting Corporation Communicate Openly Provide coaching and feedback Create conditions that motivate Eliminate performance barriers Update objectives Provide development opportunities Reinforce effective behaviors Log performance and accomplishments Step 3: Mid-year/Discussion OR Introductory Review Achieve objectives Solicit feedback and coaching Communicate openly Collect and share data Prepare a self-assessment in preparation for review Personal and professional growth Step 4: Performance Review Preparation HR-PERF Performance Excellence Program Page 5 of 5