Jones English 10 CPI Things Fall Apart: Anthropological study Project overview: As we read Things Fall Apart, it becomes clear we are looking as a world with which we are unfamiliar. To add to our understanding, you will take on an area of inquiry from native Nigerian culture. This can be art, music, culture (marriage, birth, death, etc.), government, geography, architecture, history, etc. You will pick one aspect and research it, using a variety of resources. You may work with a partner. Using your research, you will create a poster which includes visuals relating to your topic, as well as a four page paper and a brief presentation. The paper: The paper will be four pages, double spaced, which give an overview and understanding of your topic. It will be edited, and material will be cited. This paper will be affixed to your poster, as well as handing in a separate copy for Ms. Jones. The poster: The poster will be a visual representation of what you have learned about in your area of research. It will include pictures, photos, maps, etc. which will be explained with captions, so the viewer has an understanding of your topic. Your poster should also have a title, and be visually appealing. On the back of the poster, you will include a works cited list of your sources for the visual material. The presentation: You will present your research to the class in a five minute presentation. Your presentation will include a summary of your paper, a verbal explanation of the visual elements, as well as three questions people should be able to answer after hearing your presentation to give to Ms. Jones. The presentations will occur over several days in class. How you will be graded: Your work will be assessed using the following criteria for success. Use this as a checklist before you hand in your work to ensure you do not loose credit for something silly. The paper: - Paper will be typed, double spaced - Paper will be edited for grammar, spelling, clarity - One paper should be affixed to the poster AND an additional copy for grading - Paper will demonstrate an understanding of the topic (when I read this paper, it is obvious you worked hard and did some serious research on your topic) - Paper will have sources cited appropriately (you will receive a style guide to help you with this process) - Paper will include a works cited page which includes multiple sources - Paper will be four pages NOT including the works cited page - Paper will be uploaded to to be graded The poster: - The poster will be visually appealing - The poster will have a title pertaining to the content - The poster will include pictures, maps, illustrations which add to the understanding of your topic - The poster’s elements will contain captions - The poster will include a copy of the paper - The poster will have a works cited page on the back - The poster will reflect thought, time, and effort - The poster will be edited for spelling and grammar The presentation: - The presentation will be five minutes long - The presentation will summarize the important points from your paper - The presentation will use the poster to help illustrate the points being made - During the presentation, the presenter(s) will speak knowledgably and clearly - The presentation should make a connection to Achebe’s Things Fall Apart - The presenters will give Ms. Jones three questions, with answers, someone should be able to answer after hearing the presentation - The presentation should reflect planning and thought Each element will assessed, giving you three grades for this project. If you work with a partner, you will both get the same grade, NO EXCEPTIONS. Make sure you follow the criteria for success! Come and see me with any questions.