UNIVERSITY OF USAK HEALTH VOCATİONAL COLLEGE NURSING ECTS LESSONS IST YEAR – IST SEMESTER Zorunlu/ Theoretic Practice Seçmeli Total ECTS/ AKTS 1 1 2 Z 4 4 4 Hıstology and Embryology Z 2 2 3 Physıology Z 3 3 4 Z 8 16 12 Z 2 2 1 Z 2 2 1 Z 3 3 2 CODE COURSES 101 Concepts of Nursıng Z 103 Anatomy 105 107 109 111 113 115 Fundamentals of Nursıng I Atatürk’s Prıncıples and Hıstory of Turkısh Revolutıon I Turkısh Language I Foreıgn Language I (EnglıshI) 8 121 Physıcal Educatıon S 2 2 1 123 Fıne Arts S 2 2 1 IST YEAR -2 ND SEMESTER CODE 102 COURSES Zorunlu/ Seçmeli Z Theoretic Practice Total 8 8 16 ECTS/ AKTS 12 106 Fundamentals of Nursing II Microbiology and Parasitology Biochemistry 108 Psychology Z 2 2 2 110 Introduction to Dietics Interpersonel Relationships in Nursing Atatürk’s Principles and History of Turkish Revolution II Z 2 2 2 Z 2 2 3 Z 2 2 1 Turkish Language II Z 2 2 1 104 112 114 116 Z 4 4 4 Z 2 2 2 Z 3 3 2 124 Foreıgn Language II (EnglishII) Health Education S 2 2 1 126 Envıronment Health S 2 2 1 118 2 ND YEAR – IST SEMESTER CODE Zorunlu/ Seçmeli Z COURSES 201 Pathology 203 Pharmacology of Nursing Epidemiology Internal Diseases of Nursing Fundamentals of Information Tecnology I Foreign Language III 205 207 209 211 2 2 ECTS/ AKTS 2 Z 2 2 3 Z 2 2 2 Z 8 24 17 Z 4 4 3 Z 3 3 3 Theoretic Practice 16 Total 2 ND YEAR – 2 ND SEMESTER CODE COURSES 202 Health Sociology 204 Infectious Diseases of Nursing Surgical Diseases of Nursing Fundamentals of Information Tecnology II Foreıgn Language IV 206 208 210 Zorunlu/ Seçmeli Z 3 3 ECTS/ AKTS 4 Z 2 2 3 Z 8 24 18 Z 4 4 3 Z 3 3 2 Theoretic Practice 16 Total 3 RD YEAR –IST SEMESTER CODE 301 303 305 307 309 Zorunlu/ Seçmeli Z COURSES Obstetric and Gynecological of Nursing Statistics Educational Psychology History of Nursing and Deontology Professional English I Theoretic Practice Total 8 16 24 ECTS/ AKTS 18 Z 4 4 5 Z 3 3 3 Z 2 2 2 Z 2 2 2 3 RD YEAR – 2 ND SEMESTER CODE COURSES 302 Pediatric Helath and Dıseases of Nursing Research in Nursing 304 308 310 Emergency Nursing and Fırst Aid Professional English II Zorunlu/ Seçmeli Z Theoretic Practice Total 8 16 24 ECTS/ AKTS 20 Z 3 3 4 Z 4 4 4 Z 2 2 2 4 TH YEAR – IST SEMESTER CODE COURSES 401 Mental Health and Psychiatric of Nursing Education in Nursing 403 407 Professional English III Zorunlu/ Seçmeli Z Theoretic Practice Total 8 16 24 ECTS/ AKTS 18 Z 4 8 12 10 Z 2 2 2 4 TH YEAR -2 ND SEMESTER CODE COURSES 402 Public Health Nursing 404 Administration in Nursing Professional English IV 406 Zorunlu/ Seçmeli Z Theoretic Practice Total 8 16 24 ECTS/ AKTS 18 Z 4 8 12 10 Z 2 2 2 HEM - 101 CONCEPTS OF NURSING HEM -101 Concepts of Nursing (1-0)1 (ECTS:2) 1st Year/ 1st Semester Compulsory Historical development of nursing, concepts related to profession of nursing, theories and theoreticians on profession of nursing, associations and foundations related to nursing. Prerequisite/Recommended£ None This course is to acquaint the first year students of nursing Objective of the program in health school with fundamental concepts of the Course profession of nursing and its contributers, by introducing the setting in which they will continue their education. Textbook / Recommended Lecture notes Reading Lectures Form of Teaching Classrooms of Afyon Health School Place of Instrument One written midterm exams (40 %); one written final exam Form of Assessment (% 60) Turkish Language of Instruction Instructor Year/Semester Type of Course Course Contents HEM - 103 ANATOMY HEM – 103 Anatomy Year/Semester Type of Course Course Contents Prerequisite/Recommended Objective of the Course Textbook / Recommended Reading Form of Teaching Place of Instrument Form of Assessment Language of Instruction Instructor (2-2)3 (ECTS:4) 1st Year/ 1st Semester Compulsory The skeletal, muscular, respiratory, circulatory, gastrointestinal, reproductive, endocrine and neurologic systems and the structure, localization, functions and contiguity of organs forming these systems. None This course is to acquaint the first year students of nursing program in health school with fundamental concepts of the normal structure of human body, and the skeletal, muscular, respiratory, circulatory, gastrointestinal, reproductive, endocrine and neurologic systems and the structure, localization, functions and contiguity of organs forming these systems. Sarsılmaz, M.,. 2000, Anatomy , Taner, D.,.2001, Functional Anatomy, Taner, D.,. 2002, Functional NeuroAnatomy, Snell, R.S. 2000, Clinical Anatomy for Medical Students Lectures and laboratory Classrooms and Anatomy Laboratory of Afyon Health School One written midterm exam (40%); one written final exam (60%) Turkish HEM- 105 HISTOLOGY AND EMBRYOLOGY HEM-105 Histology and Embryology Year/Semester Type of Course Course Contents Prerequisite/Recommended Objective of the Course Textbook / Recommended Reading Form of Teaching Place of Instrument Form of Assessment Language of Instruction Instructor (1-1)1,5 (ECTS:3) 1st Year/ 1st Semester Compulsory Introduction and terminology of histology, microsop and microscopic techniques, laboratory tecbniques in histology, introduction to cell and organelles, cell membrane, nucleus and nucleolus, intracellular transporting systems, cell skeleton, other organelles, cell cycle, mitosis and meiosis, introduction and terminology of embryology, gametogenesis, genital cycle, ovulation, fecundation, segmentation, implantation and ectopic pregnancies. None This course is to acquaint the first year students of nursing program in health school with fundamental concepts of the structures of cell, histological laboratory techniques, light microscope and general embryology as well as laboratory skill. Junqueria, L.C., Carneiro, J. and Kelly, R.O., 1997, Basic Histology, Sadler, T.W. 1996, Medical Embryology Lectures and laboratory Classrooms and Histology Laboratory of Afyon Health School Two written midterm exams (25 % each); one written final exam (50 %) Turkish HEM -107 PHYSIOLOGY HEM - 107 -Physiology Year/Semester Type of Course Course Contents Prerequisite/Recommended Objective of the Course Textbook / Recommended Reading Form of Teaching Place of Instrument Form of Assessment Language of Instruction Instructor (2-1) 2,5 (ECTS:4) 1st Year / 1 st Semester Compulsory Environment, organisms, regulations, homeostasis, cell physiology, neuronal, skelaton-muscular systems, endocrinology, blood and cardiovascular mechanisms, renal system, lung physiology, gastrointestinal bioactivities and reproductive cycle. None This course is to acquaint the firts year students of nursing program in health school with fundamental concepts of bioactivities, physiological mechanisms and to survive a scientific way in occupational life. Noyan, A., 2003, Physiology in Life and Medicine Lectures and lobarotory Classrooms and Laboratories of Afyon Health School Two written midterm exams (25 % each); one written final exam (50%) Turkish HEM -109 FUNDAMENTALS OF NURSING I HEM – 109 Fundamentals of Nursing I Year/Semester Type of Course Course Contents Prerequisite/Recommended Objective of the Course Textbook / Recommended Reading Form of Teaching Place of Instrument Form of Assessment Language of Instruction Instructor (6-10) 9 (ECTS:11) 1st Year/ 1st Semester Compulsory Patient and health caring environment, body mechanic and action, decubitus ulcer, basic physiological necessities, acceptance of a patient and discharing, control of infection, heat of body, hot and cold applications, pulse respiration, arterial blood pressure, medicine application methods, parenteral medicine application, inner vessel medicine application, shock and nursing caring, liquid electrolit balance and blood transfusion. None This course is to acquaint the first year students of nursing program in health school with fundamental concepts capacity to comprehend the importance, position, role and functions of the discipline of nursing in the protection and improvement of the health. İnanç, N. and Hatipoğlu, S., 1996, Fundamentals Nursing, Ulusoy., M.F. and Görgülü, R.,S.,1997, The Fundamentals Nurrsing Lectures and clinical application Classrooms and Professional Techniques Ability Laboratory of Afyon Health School, University Hospital and Afyon Govermental Hospital Two written midterm exams (15% each); one pratical assesment (20%); one written final exam (50%) Turkish TAR- 111 ATATÜRK 'S PRINCIPLES AND H1STORY OF TURKISH REVOLUTION I TAR -111 Atatürk's Principles and History of Turkish Revolution I Year/Semester Type of Course Course Contents Prerequisite/Recommended Objective of the Course Textbook / Recommended Reading (2-0) (ECTS:1) 1st Year / 1st Semester Compulsory The definitions of revolution, reform and improvements, the reforms during period of Ottoman Empire’s regression, the movements of Mesrutiyet I-II, the wars of Trablusgarp and Balkan, the entering of Ottoman Empire to the First W'orld War, the treaty of Mondros Armistice, the National Struggle, the beginning of National Struggle, the congresses, the opening of the Turkish Grand National Assembly, the wars of İnönü I., II and Sakarya, the Great Attack, the treaties of Mudanya and Lozan. None This course is to acquaint the first year students of nursing program in health school with fundamental concepts of movements of reforms and democratization before the Republican period. Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, 1927, Nutuk l-III, Turan, R., 2004, Atatürk 's Principles and History of Turkish Revolution I Lectures Classrooms of Afyon Health School One written midterm exams (40 %); one written final exam (% 60) Turkish Form of Teaching Place of Instrument Form of Assessment Language of Instruction Instructor TDL - 113 TURKISH LANGUAGE I TDL -113 Turkish Language I Year/Semester (2-0) 1st Year/ 1st Semester (ECTS:1) Type of Course Course Contents Prerequisite/Recommended Objective of the Course Textbook / Recommended Reading Form of Teaching Place of Instrument Form of Assessment Language of Instruction Instructor Compulsory The relationship between language and culture, the status of Turkish among the languages worldwide and its history and the grammar of Anatolian Turkish. None This course is to acquaint the first year students of nursing program in health school with fundamental consepts of his/her mother tongue's grammar rules as well as its semantics and phonetics, the language in an accurate way considering these rules and in every field of study and working after graduation, the skill built for using the native tongue effıciently and accurately to express one's ideas. Afyon Education, Health, Science and Research Society Press, 2004, Turkish Language and Writing Skills, All reference materials, without any criteria, regarding Turkish language and writing skills,Turkish dictionary, orthography guide, punctuation guide, dictionary of idioms and dictionary of proverbs. Lectures Classrooms of Afyon Health School One written midterm exams (40 %); one written final exam (% 60) Turkish YAD – 115 FOREIGN LANGUAGE I ( ENGLISH I) YAD- 115 Foreign Language I (English I) 1st Year/ 1 st Semester (3-0) (ECTS:3) Year/Semester Type of Course Course Contents Prerequisite/Recommended Objective of the Course Textbook / Recommended Reading Form of Teaching Place of Instrument Form of Assessment Language of Instruction Instructor Compulsory Basic english, introduction to basic nursing terminology the verb to be, introducing yourself, greetings, expressing abilities by using can expressing possessions, through 'have/has got there is/are likes and dislikes, daily routines, expressing frequency, use of simple present tense, present continuous tense, past acitivities, regular and irregular verbs, comparing past and present. None This course is to acquaint the first year students of nursing program in health school with fundamental concepts of the basic English and give them the communicative skills at the basic level. Sandra, J.B., 1994, Grammar Strategies Lectures Classrooms of Afyon Health School One written midterm exams (40 %); one written final exam (% 60) English BEG - 121 PHYSICAL EDUCATION BEG - 121 Physical Education (2-0)2 (ECTS:1) Year/Semester Type of Course Course Contents 1st Year / 1 st Semester Optional Related to atleticsm branch; running, throwing and jumping, free gymnastics, team sports: football, volleyball, basketball and basic abilities about handball. Prerequisite/Recommended None Objective of the Course Textbook / Recommended Reading Form of Teaching Place of Instrument Form of Assessment Language of Instruction Instructor This course is to acquaint the first year students of nursing program in health school with fundamental concepts of the teenagers' physical, mental and social developement by procuring the basic knowledge, ability, and habits about physical education and sports. Aracı, İ.L., 1998, Physical Education in Schools ,Hazar, M., 1997, Physical Education and Game Educationin Sports Lectures Classrooms of Afyon Health School One written midterm exam (% 40); one written final exam (%60) Turkish GSN - 123 FINE ARTS GSN -123 Fine Arts Year/Semester Type of Course Course Contents Prerequisite/Recommended Objective of the Course (2-0)2 (ECTS:1) 1st Year / 1st Semester Optional Definition of art, classification of arts, esthetic, functions of art, disorder in art- “Kitsch trouble”, a general point of view to world art historical and Turkish art and modern art. None This course is to acquaint the first year students of nursing program in health school with fundamental concepts of definition of art, classification of arts, esthetic, functions of art, disorder in art- “Kitsch trouble”, a general point of view to world art historical, and Turkish art and modern art. Textbook / Recommended Reading Form of Teaching Place of Instrument Form of Assessment Language of Instruction Instructor CD, DVD, MP3, Different Art Periodicals Lectures Classrooms of Afyon Health School One written midterm exams (40 %); one written final exam (% 60) Turkish HEM - 112 INTERPERSONEL RELATIONSHIPS HEM - 112 Interpersonel Relationships in Nursing Year/Semester Type of Course Course Contents IN NURSING (2-0)2 (ECTS:3) 1st Year/ 2 nd Semester Compulsory Nursing and communication, factors affecting communication, importance of knowing yourself and others in communication, helping relations and basic concepts technics easing nurse-patient communication, approaches affecting communication nursing interferance to some patient behaviours communication in special occasions assertivenes abilities in nursing. Prerequisite/Recommended Objective of the Course Textbook / Recommended Reading Form of Teaching Place of Instrument Form of Assessment Language of Instruction Instructor None This course is to acquaint the first year students of nursing high program in health school with fundamental concepts of the students' behaviours so that they can understand human behaviours and they can know about methods, techniques and information which will provide them to be creative, happy and satisfied by succesfull relationships both in personal and professional life. Özcan, A.,1996, Nurse-Patient Relation and Communication Lectures Classrooms of Afyon Health School Two written midterm exams ( % 25 each); one written final exam (% 50) Turkish HEM – 102 FUNDAMENTALS OF NURSING II HEM - 102 Fundamentals of Nursing II Year/Semester Type of Course Course Contents Prerequisite/Recommended Objective of the Course (6-10) 9 (ECTS:11) 1 st Year/ 2 nd Semester Compulsory Respiration necessity, feeding necessity, intestinal excretion, urinary excretion, preoperatif patient care, nursing process, necessity of sleeping and resting, killing pain, death consept and caring of a mortal patient. None This course is to acquaint the first year students of nursing program in health school with fundamental concepts of the capasity to come to decision in a right and proper way, in Textbook / Recommended Reading Form of Teaching Place of Instrument Form of Assessment Language of Instruction Instructor the application of the process of care and solution determining the health problems with relation to him or her and to his or her family, in case of a disease or infirmity. Çakırcalı, E., 2000,The Fundamentals Basic and Pratical in the Patient Care and Treatment Lectures and clinical application Classrooms and Professional Techniques Ability Laborotory of Afyon Health School, University Hospital and Afyon Govermental Hospital Two written midterm exams (15% each); one practical assesment (20%); one written final exam (50%) Turkish HEM - 104 MICROBIOLOGY AND PARASITOLOGY HEM- 104 Microbiology and Parasitology Year/Semester Type of Course Course Contents Prerequisite/Recommended Objective of the Course Textbook / Recommended Reading Form of Teaching (2-2)3 (ECTS:4) 1st Year/ 2nd Semester Compulsory Microbiologic and parasitologic concepts and diagnostic tests with application to laboratory practice . None This course is to acquaint the first year students of nursing program in health school with fundamental concepts of the basic microbiologic and parasitologic topics and related tests in practice . Bilgehan, H., 2002, Clinical Microbiologic Diagnosis, Lectures and labarotory Place of Instrument Form of Assessment Language of Instruction Instructor Classrooms and laboratories of Afyon Health School One written midterm exams (%40); one written final exam (%60) Turkish HEM - 106 BIOCHEMISTRY HEM - 106 Biochemistry Year/Semester Type of Course Course Contents Prerequisite/Recommended Objective of the Course Textbook / Recommended Reading (2-0)2 (ECTS:2 ) 1 st Year / 2 nd Semester Compulsory Defınition and history of biochemistry, structure of matter and atom, chemical bounds, water and pH, proteins, carbohydrates, lipids, enzymes, vitamins, hormons, biochemistry of muscles, nutrition and minerals, nucleic acides. None This course is to acquaint the first year students of nursing program in health school with fundamental concepts of the structure of matter and atom, chemical bounds, water and pH, proteins, carbohydrates, lipids, enzymes, vitamins, hormones, biochemistry of muscles, nutrition and minerals, nucleic acides. Menteş, G. And Ersöz, B., 1993, Harper’s Biochemistry Lectures Classrooms of Afyon Health School One written midterm exams ( 40 % ); one written final exam (60 % ) Turkish Form of Teaching Place of Instrument Form of Assessment Language of Instruction Instructor HEM - 108 PSYCHOLOGY HEM - 108 Psychology(2-0)2 Year/Semester Type of Course Course Contents Prerequisite/Recommended Objective of the Course Textbook / Recommended Reading Form of Teaching (ECTS:2) 1st Year/ 2 nd Semester Compulsory Introduction to psychology, research methods in psychology, learning, perception, psychological development, defence mechanisms, personality, intelligence and tests, motivation, language and communication. None This course is to acquaint the first year students of nursing high program in health school with fundamental concepts of the principles of psychology and the general scope of it. Ünlü, S., 1992, Psychology Lectures Place of Instrument Form of Assessment Language of Instruction Instructor Classrooms of Afyon Health School One written midterm exams (40 %); one written final exam (60 %) Turkish HEM - 110 INTRODUCTION TO DIETICS HEM - 110 Introductionto Dietics Year/Semester Type of Course Course Contents Prerequisite/Recommended Objective of the Course Textbook / Recommended Reading Form of Teaching (2-0)2 (ECTS:2) 1st Year/ 2 nd Semester Compulsory Importance of feeding, definition and importance terms, roles of carbohydrate, fat, protein, mineral and vitamins in body, sources of them, daily necessities and deficiencies of them, enzyme, hormones, nucleic acides, enough and balanced feeding of pregnant and woman after childbirth and diet principles of systematic disease. None This course is to acquaint the first year students of nursing program in health school with fundamental concepts of the importance of nutrition in the protective and healing health services, necessary changes in diet during the time of diseases and the rules of preparing and cooking food. Baysal, A., 1996, Dietics Lectures Place of Instrument Form of Assessment Language of Instruction Instructor Classrooms of Afyon Health School One written midterm exams (40 %); one written final exam ( %60) Turkish TAR - 114 ATATÜRK'S PRINCIPLES AND HISTORY OF TURKISH REVOLUTION II TAR – 114 Atatürk's Principles and History of Turkish Revolution II (2-0)2 Year/Semester Type of Course Course Contents Prerequisite/Recommended Objective of the Course Textbook / Recommended Reading Form of Teaching Place of Instrument Form of Assessment (ECTS:1) 1st Year/ 2 nd Semester Compulsory Turkish foreign policy (l 923-1938) after the treaty of Lozan, the revolutions on the political and social areas, the progressions on the economic, culturel and health areas, the experiment transitions to the political life of various parties, the revolutions that is done by the goal of secularization and Kemalizm. None This course is to acquaint the first year students of Nursing program in health school with fundamental concepts of Atatürk's revolutios and his ideas. Mustafa Kemal Atatiirk, 1927, Nutuk l-III, Turan , R., 2004, Atatürk’s Pinciples and History of Turkish Revolution II Lectures Classrooms of Afyon Health School One written midterm exam (40 % ); one written final exam (60 %) Turkish Language of Instruction Instructor TDL - 116 TURKISH LANGUAGE II TDL - 116 Turkish Language II Year/Semester Type of Course Course Contents (2-0) 2 (ECTS:1) 1st Year/ 2 nd Semester Textbook / Recommended Reading Compulsory Writting skills, literature types, scientific research methods, orthography and punctuation. None This course is to acquaint the first year students of nursing program in health school with fundamental concepts his/her mother tongue's grammar rules as well as its semantics and phonetics, the language in an accurate way considering these rules and in every field of study and working after graduation the skill built for using the native tongue efficiently and accurately to express one's ideas. Afyon Education, Health, Science and Research Society Press, 2004, Turkish Language and Writing Skills, Form of Teaching Place of Instrument All reference materials, without any criteria, regarding Turkish language and writing skills,Turkish dictionary, orthography guide, punctuation guide, dictionary of idioms and dictionary of proverbs. Lectures Classrooms of Afyon Health School Prerequisite/Recommended Objective of the Course Form of Assessment Language of Instruction Instructor One written midterm exams (40 %); one written final exam (% 60) Turkish YAD – 118 LANGUAGE II (ENGLISH II) YAD- 118 Foreign Language II (Englis II) Year/Semester Type of Course Course Contents Prerequisite/Recommended Objective of the Course Textbook / Recommended Reading Form of Teaching Place of Instrument Form of Assessment (3-0) (ECTS: 3) 1st Year/ 2 nd Semester Compulsory Vocabulary concerning illnesses and diseases, parts of body, some basic medical terminology, simple future tense, going to future, expressing future plans, intentions, predictions through 'will\ expressing obligations, developing skimming/scanning skills through reading the lives of famous people, etc Florence Nightingale, Marie Curie, etc, expressing obligations through 'must. None This course is to acquaint the first year students of nursing program in school with fundamental concepts of the basic English and give them the commnunicative skills at the basic level. Sandra, J.B., 1994, Grammar Strategies Lectures Classrooms of Afyon Health School One written midterm exams (40 %); one written final exam (% 60) English Language of Instruction Instructor HEM-124 HEALTH EDUCATION HEM- 1284 Health Education Year/Semester Type of Course Course Contents Prerequisite/Recommended Objective of the Course Textbook / Recommended Reading Form of Teaching Place of Instrument Form of Assessment Language of Instruction Instructor (2-0)2 (ECTS:1) 1st Year/ 2 nd Semester Optional The aim of health training which provides this change and, continues it's function as a method in the protection and improvement of health is to explain the value of health to the people or individuals, to teach the individuals and the society. None This course is to acquaint the first year students of nursing program in health school with fundamental concepts the developments and improvements in human health depend on the changing of their own ways of life. Öztürk , Y. and Çetinkaya, F., 1999, Health Training Lectures Classrooms of Afyon Health School One written midterm exams (40 %); one written final exam (60 %) Turkish HEM- 126 ENVIRONMENT HEALTH HEM- 126 Environment Health Year/Semester Type of Course Course Contents Prerequisite/Recommended Objective of the Course Textbook / Recommended Reading Form of Teaching Place of Instrument Form of Assessment Language of Instruction Instructor (2-0)2 (ECTS: 1) 1st Year / 2 nd Semester Optional Environment, the definition of environmental health, factors on environmental health, factors of biological, physical, social environment and the role of nurse in the services related to environmental health. None This course is to acquaint the first year students of nursing program in health school with fundamental concepts of environmental health, its importance and the role of nurse in it. Tuncel , N., Şanlı, T. and Perk , M., 1992, Public Health Nursing Lectures Classrooms of Afyon Health School One written midterm exams (40 %); one written final exam (60 %) Turkish HEM - 201 PATHOLOGY HEM - 201 Pathology Year/Semester Type of Course Course Contents Prerequisite/Recommended Objective of the Course Textbook / Recommended Reading Form of Teaching Place of Instrument Form of Assessment Language of Instruction Instructor (2-0)2 (ECTS:2) 2 nd Year/ 1 st Semester Compulsory Definition of pathology, cell injuries, inflammation and repair, etiology, circulatory disturbances, neoplasia and immunpathology. None This course is to acquaint the second year students of nursing program in health school with fundamental concepts of general pathology and pathogenesis of diseases. Tel, N., Oner, 0. and Pasaoglu, Ö., 1997, Pathology Lectures Classrooms of Afyon Health School Two written midterm exams (25 % each ); one final exam ( 50 %) Turkish NURSING -203 PHARMACOLOGY OF NURSING Nursing -203 Pharmacology of Nursing Year/Semester Type of Course Course Contents Prerequisite/Recommended Objective of the Course Textbook / Recommended Reading Form of Teaching Place of Instrument Form of Assessment Language of Instruction Instructor (2-0)2 (ECTS:3) 2 nd Year/ 1 st Semester Compulsory The sections of pharmacology, drugs and ways of getting them, classification the drugs, naming the drugs, the pharmaceutical sorts of drugs, preparing and applying the drugs, the application ways of the drugs absorbtion, dissociation, metabolism, excresion, the effects of the drugs, the interaction of the drugs, the factors changing the effects of the drugs, the intoxication of the drugs, intoxications and the treatment principles, histamine and antihistamine drugs,cardiovasculer system drugs,respiration system drugs,gastro intestinal system drugs,antibiotics,antiviral, antifungal drugs chemoterpotics, the drugs having effects on autonomic nervous system, the drugs having effects on control nervous system, missuse of the drugs, and drug addiction and general information about the prescriptions . None This course is to acquaint the second year students of nursing program in health school with fundamental concepts of training members of profession having the knowledge and skills required for pharmaceutical applications and aware of their responsibilities. Kayaalp, O., 2000, Pharmacology Lectures Classrooms of Afyon Health School One written midterm exams (40 %); one written final exam (60 %) Turkish HEM - 205 EPIDEMIOLOGY HEM - 205 Epidemiology Year/Semester Type of Course Course Contents Prerequisite/Recommended Objective of the Course Textbook / Recommended Reading Form of Teaching Place of Instrument Form of Assessment Language of Instruction Instructor (2-0)2 (ECTS:2) 2 nd Year / 1 st Semester Compulsory Definition, objectives,historical development and fields of epidemiology, usage in nursing application, important variants epidemiologic examinations, research types in epidemiology, defining researches, analytic researches, selection of control group in epidemiologic researches, epidemiologic examination of epidemics and clinical epidemiology. None This course is to acquaint the second year students of nursing program in health school with fundamental concepts of research the interactions between diseases and human beings, factors and environment, and their cause and effect relationships and to plan measures to protect and promote public health. Sümbüloglu, V. and Sezer, E., 1999, Epidemiology and Research, Tezcan, S., 1999, Epidemiology Lectures Classrooms of Afyon Health School Two written midterm exams ( 20 % each); one written final exam (60%) Turkish HEM -207 INTERNAL DISEASES OF NURSING HEM - 207 Internal Diseases of Nursing Year/Semester Type of Course Course Contents Prerequisite/Recommended Objective of the Course Textbook / Recommended Reading Form of Teaching Place of Instrument Form of Assessment Language of Instruction Instructor (8-16)12 (ECTS:17) 2 nd Year/ 1 st Semester Compulsory Health and disease conception, fluid and electrolyte balance and acid-base balance and shock, nursing care in patient, blood diseases and blood exchange, geriatry and nursing care immobilization with patient, immun sytem and hipersensitivity, nervous system, respiratory system, coronery and peripheral vascular disease, digestive system, urinary system, muscle and tendon, endocrine system, medical diagnosis and treatment and nursing implication/ care ,orthopedic nursing care and oncology nursing. None This course is to acquaint the second year students of nursing program in health school with fundamental concepts of contemporary role and functions in the protection, improvement, cure and rehabilitation of public health. Birol, L., Akdemir, N. and Bedük, T., 2003, Internal Diseases of Nursing Lectures and clinical application Classrooms and Professional Techniques Ability Laboratory Afyon Health School, University Hospital and Afyon Governmental Hospital Two written midterm exams ( 15% each);one pratical assesment (20%); one written final exam (50%) Turkish TBT - 209 FUNDAMENTALS OF INFORMATION TECNOLOGY I TBT - 209 Fundamentals of Information Technology I Year/Semester Type of Course Course Contents Prerequisite/Recommended Objective of the Course Textbook / Recommended Reading Form of Teaching Place of Instrument Form of Assessment Language of Instruction Instructor (2-0)3 (ECTS:3) 2 nd Year/ 1 st Semester Compulsory Concepts of information technology, using the computer and managing files, Word processing, Microsoft Excel, presentation, Microsoft Powerpoint and internet/ e-mail. None This course is to acquaint the second year students of nursing program in health school with fundamental concepts of the basic functions. Ekincioglu, İ. and Melihsaraoğlu, H., 2003, Information Technology Use and Internet Lectures and laboratory Classrooms and Computer Laboratory of Afyon Health School One written midterm exams (40 %); one written final exam (60 %) Turkish HEM -211 FOREIGN LANGUAGE III HEM- 211 Basic English I Year/Semester Type of Course Course Contents Prerequisite/Recommended Objective of the Course Textbook / Recommended Reading Form of Teaching Place of Instrument Form of Assessment Language of Instruction Instructor (3-0)3 (ECTS:3) 2 nd Year/ 1 st Semester Cumpulsory The verb to be imperatives, possessive adjectives,the use of present simple tense: daily activities,the use of present simple tense: third person singular have-has /describing people,“there is and "there are" for descriptive purposes/prepositions of position / parts of a hospital, some, any with countable nouns,expressions of quantity:many ,much, a lot of, a few, a little, etc can'to express ability and ask permission,the use of present continuous to describe what is happening at the moment. None This course is to acquaint the second year students of nursing program in health school with fundamental concepts of the basic english and given them the communicative skills at the basic level. Sandra, J.B., 1994, Grammar Strategies Lectures Classrooms of Afyon Health School One written midterm exams (40 %); one written final exam (60 %) English HEM - 202 HEALTH SOCIOLOGY HEM - 202 Health Sociology (3-0) 3 (ECTS:4) 2 nd Year/ 2 nd Semester Year/Semester Type of Course Course Contents Prerequisite/Recommended Objective of the Course Textbook / Recommended Reading Form of Teaching Place of Instrument Form of Assessment Language of Instruction Instructor Cumpulsory The basic concepsts related to health sociology, development in history, the social determiners of health, doctor-patient relations, the social roles and status, medical jobs and being professional, the importance of health and illness in social system,social care system and looking through the social control mechanism. None This course is to acquaint the second year students of nursing program in health school with fundamental concepts of the comprehend the social structure, and values of the society and their influences on health. Doğan, İ.,1999, Socilogy Textbook Lectures Classrooms of Afyon Health School Two written midterm exams ( 20% each); one written final exam (60%) Turkish HEM - 204 INFECTIOUS DISEASES OF NURSING HEM - 204 Infectious Diseases of Nursing (2-0)2 (ECTS:3) 2 nd Year/ 2 nd Semester Year/Semester Type of Course Course Contents Prerequisite/Recommended Objective of the Course Textbook / Recommended Reading Form of Teaching Place of Instrument Form of Assessment Language of Instruction Instructor Compulsory The concepts related to the infectious diseases and collecting data, the control of infectious diseases, symptoms, and nursing care, the role of the nurse in process of recognition, vaccination and serum, the diseases infected by way of weather and their features, the diseases infected by way of water and food, the disease infected by way of vector and sexual relation. None This course is to acquaint the second year students of nursing program in health school with fundamental concepts of the definitions of epidemics, their epidemiological and clinical characteristics, cure, control and the principles of care through nursing. Görak, G. and Savaşer, S., 1992, Infectious Diseases Lectures Classrooms of Afyon Health School One written midterm exams (40 %); one written final exam (60 %) Turkish HEM - 206 SURGICAL DISEASES OF NURSING HEM - 206 Surgical Diseases of Nursing 2 nd Year/ 2 nd Semester (8-16)12 (ECTS:18) Year/Semester Type of Course Course Contents Prerequisite/Recommended Objective of the Course Textbook / Recommended Reading Form of Teaching Place of Instrument Form of Assessment Language of Instruction Instructor Compulsory Introduction to surgical diseases nursing, ethics in surgical diseases nursing, stress, wound management and tissue injuries and repairs, fluid and electrolyte balance and acidbase balance and shock and nursing care, surgical nutrition, introduction to sterilization, infection control, surgical infection and care, perioperative nursing, nervous system, respiratory system, hearth and peripheral vascular disease, gastrointestinal system, urinary system, surgical and prepostoperative nursing care, orthopedic nursing care, endocrine system surgical, ear-nose and throat diseases surgical and nursing care, eye surgical and postoperative care, breast surgical and care, transplantition and nursing care of burnt with patient. To be able to take the course “Surgical Diseases of Nursing” in the spring semester of second year,the students have to accomplish " Fundamentals of Nursing II" course in the first year, spring semester. This course is to acquaint the second year students of nursing program in health school with fundamental concepts of the principles of surgical diseases. Erdil, F. and Elba, N.O., 2001, Surgical Diseases of Nursing Lectures and clinical application Classrooms and Professional Techniques Ability Laboratory of Afyon Health School , University Hospital and Afyon Govermental Hospital Two written midterm exams ( 15% each); one pratical assesment (20%) ;one written final exam (50%) Turkish TBT - 208 FUNDAMENTALS OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY II TBT - 208 Fundamentals of Information Technology II Year/Semester Type of Course 2 nd Year/ 2 nd Semester Compulsory (2-2)3 (ECTS:3) Course Contents Prerequisite/Recommended Objective of the Course Textbook / Recommended Reading Form of Teaching Place of Instrument Form of Assessment Language of Instruction Instructor Advanced Microsoft Word, advanced Microsoft Excel, presentation and advanced Microsoft PowerPoint. None This course is to acquaint the second year students of nursing program in health school with fundamental concepts of the use of computers. Ekincioglu, İ. and Melihsaraoğlu, H.,2003, Information Technology Use and Internet Lectures and laboratory Classrooms and Computer Laboratory of Afyon Health School One written midterm exams (40 %); one written final exam (60 %) Turkish HEM -210 FOREIGN LANGUAGE IV HEM – 210 Basic English II Year/Semester Type of Course Course Contents (3-0)3 (ECTS:2) 2 nd Year/ 2 nd Semester Compulsory The use of the past of the verb to be: was;were/giving, the use of past simple tense: regular verbs, irregular verbs, the use of past continous tense, comparative and Prerequisite/Recommended Objective of the Course Textbook / Recommended Reading Form of Teaching Place of Instrument Form of Assessment Language of Instruction Instructor superlative forms of adjectives, the future with 'going to' for future plans and intentions and infinitive of purpose. None This course is to acquaint the second year students of nursing program in health school with fundamental concepts of the basic english and give them the communicative skills at the basic level. Sandra, J.B., 1994, Grammar Strategies Lectures Classrooms of Afyon Health School One written midterm exams (40 %); one written final exam (60 %) Turkish HEM - 307 HISTORY OF NURSING AND DEONTOLOGY HEM - 307 History of Nursing and Deontology Year/Semester Type of Course Course Contents (2-0)2 (ECTS:2) 3 rd Year / 1st Semester Cumpulsory Introduction to the course, reasons of illness, medical care and social services, development of medical care under the effect of religious motives, important events affecting the development of medical care in medieval period, development of medical care and present condition in Prerequisite/Recommended Objective of the Course Textbook / Recommended Reading Form of Teaching Place of Instrument Form of Assessment Language of Instruction Instructor Turkey and in the world, features of nursing profession, principles and adaptation, professinal nursing organizations and problems of nursing in Turkey. None This course is to acquaint the third year students of nursing program in health school with fundamental concepts of the importance of deontology in nursing, the developmental history of nursing, national and international profession organisations, the social status of nursery, the reguired properties of the nursing and the rights, duties and responsibilities of nurses against law in the point of view of ethics. Eren, N. and Uyer, G., 1989, History of Nursing and Deontology Lectures Classrooms of Afyon Health School One written midterm exams (40% each);one written final exam (60%) Turkish HEM - 301 OBSTETRIC AND GYNECOLOGICAL OF NURSING HEM -301 Obstetric and Gynecological of Nursing Year/Semester Type of Course Course Contents Prerequisite/Recommended (8-16)12 (ECTS:18) 3 rd Year/ 1 nd Semester Cumpulsory The male and female reproductive system, its anatomy and physiology, pregnancy physiology, normal delivery and nursing care, risky delivery and nursing care, post-partum period nursing care, family planning and nursing services, gynecologic examination, diaognosis and treatment, cancers of reproductive system and nursing care. None Objective of the Course Textbook / Recommended Reading Form of Teaching Place of Instrument Form of Assessment Language of Instruction Instructor This course is to acquaint the third year students of nursing program in health school with fundamental concepts of obstetric and gynecologic nursing. Taskin, L., 2000, Obstetric and Gynecological of Nursing Lectures Classrooms and Delivery Techniques Ability Laboratory of Afyon Health School, University Hospital, and Zübeyde Hanim Maternity and Child Hospital Two written midterm exam (%15 each); one practice exam (20%);one written final exam (50%) Turkish HEM - 303 STATISTICS HEM - 303 Statistics Year/Semester Type of Course Course Contents Prerequisite/Recommended Objective of the Course Textbook / Recommended (2-2)3 (ECTS:5) 3 rd Year/ Semester Compulsory Statistical concepts, descriptive statistics, parametric and non-parametric statistical tests, regression and correlation analysis and health statistics. None This course is to acquaint the third year students of nursing program in health school with fundamental concepts of statistics, statistical tests and other analyses. Sümbüloğlu, K., 2002, Biostatistic Reading Form of Teaching Place of Instrument Form of Assessment Language of Instruction Instructor Lectures Classrooms and Computer Laboratory of Afyon Health School One written midterm exams (40 %); one written final exam (60 %) Turkish HEM - 305 EDUCATIONAL PSYCHOLOGY HEM - 305 Educational Psychology Year/Semester Type of Course Course Contents Prerequisite/Recommended Objective of the Course (3-0)3 (ECTS:3) 3 rd Year/ 1 st Semester Compulsory Introduction to psychology, the foundation of growing and development, physical growing and devolopment, cognitive approach, personality development, moral development, behaviourist approach and motivation. None This course is to acquaint the third year students of nursing program in health school with fundamental concepts of the definitions regarding to the occupation to understand what she reads and to be informal an the level that she can make translations. Textbook / Recommended Reading Form of Teaching Place of Instrument Form of Assessment Language of Instruction Instructor Erden, M. and Akman, Y.,1997, Educational Physicology Lectures Classrooms of Afyon Health School Two written midterm exam (20 %); one written final exam (60 %) Turkish HEM - 309 PROFESSIONAL ENGLISH I HEM - 309 Professional English I Year/Semester Type of Course Course Contents Prerequisite/Recommended Objective of the Course Textbook / Recommended Reading (2-0)2 (ECTS:2) 3 rd Years / 1 st Semester Compulsory Introductory notes, terms and medical vocabularies pertaining to the body as a whole, modals principally used in medicine, all the compartments of the body and the basic structure of tissues and cells, and important diseases localized all sytems of the body. None This course is to acquaint the third year students of nursing program in health school with fundamental concepts of of the definitions regarding to the occupation to understand what she reads and to be informal an the level that she can make translations. - Form of Teaching Place of Instrument Form of Assessment Language of Instruction Instructor Lectures Classrooms of Afyon Health School One written midterm exams (40 %); one written final exam (60 %) English HEM - 302 PEDIATRIC HELATH AND DISEASES OF NURSING HEM - 302 Pediatric Health and Diseases of Nursing Year/Semester Type of Course Course Contents Prerequisite/Recommended Objective of the Course Textbook / Recommended Reading (8-16)12 (ECTS:20) 3 rd Year/ 2nd Semester Compulsory Definition and objective of the course, drug application, healthy, risky newborn, hospitalized infant and nursing care, congenital chronic problems and nursing care, hematologic, oncologic, neurologic problems and care,infants with fatal diseases and muscle-skeleton problems, endocrine problems, infant with urinary system abnormalities disturbance of fluid and electrolits, and nursing care. None This course is to acquaint the third year students of nursing program in health school with fundamental concepts of the role of nurse in the early diagnosis, treatment and care of the factors threatening infants health. Çavuşoglu, I.L., 1997, Pediatric Health of Nursing Form of Teaching Place of Instrument Form of Assessment Language of Instruction Instructor Lectures and clinical application Classrooms and Delivery Techniques Ability Laboratory of Afyon Health School, University Hospital, and Zübeyde Hanim Maternity and Child Hospital Two written midterm exam (%15 each); one practice exam (20%); one written final exam (50 %) Turkish HEM - 304 RESEARCH IN NURSING HEM - 304 Research in Nursing Year/Semester Type of Course Course Contents Prerequisite/Recommended Objective of the Course Textbook / Recommended Reading Form of Teaching (3-0)3 (ECTS:4) 3 rd Year/ 2 nd Semester Compulsory Science and research terms, the ways of getting information steps of scientific methods, importance, definition and the history of research in nursing, ethic in nursing research, gathering data methods and the features of data, measuring process and criterion, examining causal relations, error sources in researches, planning the research, steps and kinds, usage of the tables and graphics in research, report writing method and sources. None This course is to acquaint the third year students of nursing program in health school with fundamental concepts of scientific thinking and combine the data they have received with what they have learned. This makes them adopt a researcher's attitude in their professional life. Aksakoğlu, G., 2000, Research Technics and Analysis Methods in Medicine Lectures Place of Instrument Form of Assessment Language of Instruction Instructor Classrooms of Afyon Health School One written midterm exams (40 %); one written final exam (60 %) Turkish HEM - 308 EMERGENCY NURSING AND FIRST AID HEM - 308 Emergency Nursing and First Aid Year/Semester Type of Course Course Contents Prerequisite/Recommended Objective of the Course Textbook / Recommended Reading Form of Teaching Place of Instrument (2-2)3 (ECTS:4) 3 rd Year/ 2 nd Semester Compulsory Objectives, definition and features of first aid, first aid in respiration and hearth stop, first aid in bleeding and shock, first aid in trauma, first aid in twist, sprain and fracture, first aid in termal injuries, first aid in poisoning, first aid in inhaling odd things, first aid in necessary medical care, first aid in disasters, first aid in radioactive and nuclear war, transferring the victim, to be organized in first aid. None This course is to acquaint the third year students of nursing program in health school with fundamental concepts of first aid and emergency health care services . This makes students adopt its contemporary role and functions in preventing accidents and supplying the first and emergency care. Dramali, A. and Kaymakçı, Ş., 1999, Basic Pratice of First Aid Lectures and laboratory Classrooms and Professional Teachniques Ability Laboratory of Afyon Health School Form of Assessment Language of Instruction Instructor One written midterm exams (40 %); one written final exam (60 %) Turkish HEM-310 PROFESSIONAL ENGLISH II HEM - 310 Professional English II Year/Semester Type of Course Course Contents Prerequisite/Recommended Objective of the Course Textbook / Recommended Reading Form of Teaching Place of Instrument Form of Assessment (2-0)2 (ECTS:2) 3 rd Year/ 2 nd Semester Cumpulsory Sources of energy, the process of digestion, gross anatomy of the trunk, the stomach, the small and large intestine, the liver, and the pancreas, the epithelial tissues, the study of cell structure and vocational translation on services in the Hospital. None This course is to acquaint the third year students of nursing program in health school with fundamental concepts of the definitions regarding to the occupation to understand what she reads and to be informal an the level that she can make translations. Lectures Classrooms of Afyon Health School One written midterm exams (40 %); one written final exam (60 %) Language of Instruction Instructor English HEM - 401 MENTAL HEALTH AND PSYCHIATRIC OF NURSING HEM - 401 Mental Health and Psychiatric of Nursing Year/Semester Type of Course Course Contents Prerequisite/Recommended Objective of the Course (8-16)12 (ECTS:18) 4 th Year/ 1st Semester Compulsory Introduction to mental health and psychiatry nursing, definition, objectives, philosophy and the history of psychiatry nursing, basic terms in psychiatrypersonality development periods and importance for mental health-psycho-dynamic basic of behavior and defence mechanisms for ego, general symptoms in psychiatric patients, communication and relations with the individuals having mental illness, nursing process, mental illness coming out during infancy / childhood/adolesence and approach in nursing- psychotic disorders, feeling, situation disorders, anxiety, somotform, disosiyatif disorders and approaches in nursing, physical function and structural disorders up to mental factors, personality disorders, sexual accordance problems and psychosexual disorders, drug usage disorders, organic mental disorders, medicine cure in mental disorders, interdisciplinary approach and team work in psychiatry and urgent psychiatry nursing in psychiatry. None This course is to acquaint the fourth year students of nursing program in health school with fundamental concepts of human behaviour, degeneration in behaviour, the basic principles, concepts, functions and processes of nursing in psychiatry and the methods of improving human relations. Textbook / Recommended Reading Form of Teaching Place of Instrument Form of Assessment Language of Instruction Instructor Öztürk, 0., 2001, Mental Health Disorders Lectures and clinical application Classrooms of Afyon Health School, University Hospital, Afyon Governmental Hospital, Child Improvement Home and Afyon Old Age Asylum Center Two written midterm exams ( %15 each);one practice confuse( % 20); one written final exam ( % 50) Turkish HEM - 403 EDUCATION IN NURSING HEM - 403 Education in Nursing Year/Semester Type of Course Course Contents Prerequisite/Recommended Objective of the Course Textbook / Recommended Reading Form of Teaching Place of Instrument Form of Assessment (4-8)6 (ECTS:10) 4 th Year/ 1st Semester Compulsory Introduction to the lesson, teaching and learning method, relation between nurse and patient, and teaching, the procedure of teaching preparation, the possibilities of spontaneous training, group training, health training, inservice training and training in nursing. None This course is to acquaint the fourth year students of nursing program in health school with fundamental concepts of teaching nursing, the objectives and philosophy of teaching, the characteristic of trainers and traines, learning systems organization and planing, the learning activities, and evaluation in teaching and learning process. Bilen, M., 1993, Education From Aplication to Planing, Lectures and clinical application Classrooms of Afyon Health School, University Hospital, Afyon Governmental Hospital, Primary Education Schools, Child Improvement Home, and Afyon Old Age Asylum Center Two written midterm exams ( %15 each);one practice Language of Instruction Instructor confuse ( % 20); one written final exam ( % 50) Turkish HEM - 407 PROFESSIONAL ENGLISH III HEM - 407 Professional English III Year/Semester Type of Course Course Contents Prerequisite/Recommended Objective of the Course Textbook / Recommended Reading Form of Teaching Place of Instrument Form of Assessment Language of Instruction Instructor (2-0) (ECTS:2) 4 th Year/ 1 st Semester Compulsory Terms and medical vocabularies pertaining to the body as a whole,modals principally used in medicine, all the compartments of the body, and the basic structure of tissues and cells, and the heart, the lungs, the central and peripheral nervous system, and vocational translation on medicine. None This course is to acquaint the fourth year students of nursing program in health school with fundamental concepts of the definitions regarding to the occupation to understand what she reads and to be informal an the level that she can make translations. Lectures Classrooms of Afyon Health School One written midterm exam (40 %);one written final exam (60 %) English HEM – 402 PUBLIC HEALTH NURSING HEM - 402 Public Health Nursing Year/Semester Type of Course Course Contents Prerequisite/Recommended Objective of the Course Textbook / Recommended Reading Form of Teaching Place of Instrument Form of Assessment Language of Instruction Instructor (8-16)12 (ECTS:18) 4 th Year/ 2nd Semester Compulsory The basic conceptions about the lesson of public health nursing, knowing the society, the short history of doctorhood and public health nursing, the organization of health services, the aim of public health nursing, functions, roles, the statistics and records held in nursing homes, the aim of home visits, basic principles, population and health, family and health, mother and child health, school health, contagious social diseases, nursing at home for chronic diseases, the health of old people, mental health of the society, social services, the methods of early diagnose and social nutrition. None This course is to acquaint the fourth year students of nursing program in health school with fundamental concepts of principles and practice of public health nursing, including visiting nursing, school nursing and occupational nursing, responsibility of the nurse for the promotion of the individual, family and community health. Tuncel, N., Şanh, T. and Perk, M., 1992, Public Health Nursing Lectures and clinical application Classrooms of Afyon Health School, Zübeyde Hanım Maternity and Child Hospital, Child Improvement Home, Public Health Loboratory , Afyon Old Age Asylum Center, and Primary Education Schools Two written midterm exams (15 % each); one practice confuse (20 %) ;one written final exam (50 %) Turkish HEM - 404 ADMINISTRATION IN NURSING HEM - 404 Nursing Administration in Nursing Year/Semester Type of Course Course Contents Prerequisite/Recommended Objective of the Course Textbook / Recommended Reading Form of Teaching Place of Instrument Form of Assessment Language of Instruction Instructor (4-8)6 (ECTS:10) 4 th Year/ 2 nd Semester Compulsory Theories and constructs in administrative sciences, administrative procedures in nursing services, organization and management of health services, leadership traits and functions of head nursing, duties, responsibilities, and authorities of nursing, motivation and job satisfaction, time management, decision making and problem solving procedures, recruitment, retention, evaluation and development of staff, ethical and legal issues,working with superiors , in -service training and total-quality management. None This course is to acquaint the fourth year students of nursing program in health school with fundamental concepts of the theories and principles concerning administration and management of nursing services. This makes students get the knowledge, skills and conduct to be the leaders of health care personnel in the health teams. Uyer, G., 1993, Nursing and Administration Lectures and clinical application Classrooms of Afyon Health School ,University Hospital, Afyon Governmental Hospital, and Zübeyde Hanim Maternity and Child Hospital Two written midterm exams (15% each); one practice confuse (%20); one written final exam (50%) Turkish HEM- 406 PROFESSIONAL ENGLISH IV HEM - 406 Professional English IV Year/Semester Type of Course Course Contents Prerequisite/Recommended Objective of the Course Textbook / Recommended Reading Form of Teaching Place of Instrument Form of Assessment Language of Instruction Instructor (2-0) (ECTS:2) 4 th Year/ 2 nd Semester Compulsory Terms and medical vocabularies pertaining to the body as a whole, modals principally used in medicine, all the compartments of the body and the basic structure of tissues and cells, and the endocrine glands, the femele and male genital system, and muscle and tendon, and the eye and ear, and vocational translation on medicine. None This course is to acquaint the fourth year students of nursing program in health school with fundamental concepts of the definitions regarding to the occupation to understand what she reads and to be informal an the level that she can make translations. Lectures Classrooms of Afyon Health School One written midterm exam (40 %);one written final exam (60 %) English