MSL 202 SYLLABUS MILITARY SCIENCE DEPARTMENT ARMY ROTC “CHIPPEWA BATTALION CENTRAL MICHIGAN UNIVERSITY Mount Pleasant, MI 48859 ATOW-IMI-CM MEMORANDUM FOR ALL Military Science Students MSL 202 Leadership and Teamwork Course Syllabus SPRING, 2009 Instructors: 1LT Tierney Williams / CPT Robert Gaskill Office: Finch 111 Phone: 989.774.3149 OFFICE Hours and Appointments: M-F 1:00pm-3:00pm I will meet with any of you to discuss assignments, issues, or concerns. My schedule is generally flexible and I will schedule a specific time to meet with you beyond office hours, if necessary. I will communicate by using student email accounts. All class materials will be posted in Blackboard. It is imperative to check your student email accounts daily to ensure that you are getting all the information needed. Email: / CLASSES: Tuesday 5:00pm-6:50pm & Wednesday 3:30pm-5:20pm LABS: Wed 6:00pm-7:50pm CREDIT: 3 Hrs Subjects: Army Values, Team Goals and Time management, Terrain Analysis, Introduction to Patrolling, Defense, Effective Writing,OPORDS, Navigation Methods and Route Planning, Transformational, Situational and Adaptive Leadership, Leadership Analysis, Terrorism Awareness.. Course Objectives: The key objective of this semester is to explore in more detail the Army’s leadership philosophy and learn fundamental military concepts. Course Description: MSL 202 expands upon the fundamentals introduced in the MSL 201 level. The MSL 202 course examines the challenges of leading tactical teams in the complex contemporary operating environment. The course highlights dimensions of terrain analysis, patrolling, and operation orders. Further study of the theoretical basis of Army leadership framework explores the dynamics of adaptive leadership in the context of military operations. MS 202 provides a smooth transition into MS 301. Cadets will develop greater self awareness as they assess their own leadership styles and practice communication and team building skills. Contemporary operating environment case studies give insight into the importance and practice of teamwork and tactics in real-world scenarios. SPRING 2009 Page 1 MSL 202 SYLLABUS To Achieve the Course Objectives the student will be able to: Explain the situational, transformational, and adaptive theories and their relationship to the Army. Describe methods of assessing leadership styles. Explain the Army values and the Army’s Consideration of Others program. Write in accordance with the Army standard for effective writing. Describe the history of terrorism and basic US antiterrorism policy. Distinguish between operations, fragmentary and warning orders Demonstrate terrain analysis and route planning skills. Explain the five- paragraph format for an operations order. Plan, write and brief an operations order. Describe the characteristics and techniques of defensive operations. Explain how squads and platoons plan for and conduct patrols. Student Preparation: Students will read and study assignments prior to class when applicable and be prepared to be examined on material and/or discuss material during class as well as demonstrate proficiency with each skill. Students are expected to participate actively in learning through critical reflection, inquiry, dialogue, and group interactions. This includes participating in class discussion, sharing personal perspectives and experiences related to principles discussed in class or reading, and working with fellow students to engage in class and lab exercises. Course Textbooks and Required Materials/Uniforms/TA 50: Cadets are required to wear the Army Combat Uniform (ACU) for Class, LABS and any other mandatory activities. Cadets participating in Physical Fitness Training are required to wear the Army Physical Fitness Uniform. All materials will be supplied by the Military Science Department. Textbook/Required Materials/Uniforms/TA 50 will be returned at the completion of the Semester or when a Cadet drops from the Military Science Course. Failure to return books and equipment will result in a hold being placed on student’s university account until the equipment is returned or paid for. This hold will prevent student from registering for the next semester and from receiving final grades/transcripts of current semester. MSL II CADET TEXTBOOKS: Provided by ROTC Department Readings Student Text: MSL II, Leadership and Teamwork, Pearson Custom Publishing, 2008 FM 3-25.26 Map Reading and Land Navigation FM 7-8 Infantry Rifle Platoon and Squad, including Appendix A FM 22-100 Army Leadership Be, Know, Do STP 21-1-SMCT Task #071-326-0502 Army Publications Site: SPRING 2009 Page 2 MSL 202 SYLLABUS DVD Support Materials (Curriculum Utility Pack – CUP) o “Saving Private Ryan” o “Blackhawk Down” o “Gettysburg” o “We Were Soldiers” o “Remember the Titans” Physical Training (PT): PT is MANDATORY every Wednesday (non-contracted Cadets) and Monday, Wednesday, Friday (contracted/Scholarship Cadets). PT Attendance IS A REQUIREMENT for the 202 class Quizzes: The class is interactive and uses homework and in-class assignments to evaluate learning. Quizzes will be used at the Instructor’s discretion. There will be 9 quizzes worth 20 points each. Mid-Term Exam: A mid-term exam will be given to test the levels of learning achieved by students in the first half of the course. Final Exam: A cumulative final exam will be given to test the levels of learning achieved by students throughout the course of the semester. Homework/Project Assignments: 1) 104R academic completion 2) Personal Mission statement 2-3 pages in APA format 3) Write a 2–3 page essay describing a time when you demonstrated or experienced someone else demonstrating one of the seven core values. What was the situation? How was the value demonstrated? What was the result? Describe how the demonstration of values link to the Army attribute –mental, physical and emotional. 4) Leader Actions presentation to the class (in a team) from FM 22-100. Presentation must have supporting documentation and meet the lesson objectives. Conduct of Course: Course will stress leadership theory (science) in the classroom and the application (art) of leadership during Leadership Labs. Methodologies used will include lecture, class discussions, practical exercises, case studies, and announced and unannounced examinations. Course Outline: See attached Training Schedule. SPRING 2009 Page 3 MSL 202 SYLLABUS Grading Policy: Grades will be recorded for each student in accordance with Grading System as outlined in current CMU Bulletin. The student’s grade will be based upon 1000 points. The points and grades are allocated as follows: Point Breakdown Class Attendance Class Participation 104 R PERSONAL MISSION STATEMENT MID-TERM EXAM ESSAY Assignment PRESENTATION QUIZZES FINAL EXAM 50 50 100 50 150 100 100 180 220 Grading Scale 940-1000 A 900-939 A870-899 B+ 840-869 B 800-839 B770-799 C+ 740-769 C 700-739 C670-699 D+ 640-669 D 600-639 D0-599 E Extra Credit: 50 Points-for 80 points or higher in each event (APFT) 20 Points-Queens Guard, Rifle Team, Mu Sigma, or 300 Club 15 Points-attending Spring CFTX 10 Points-100% Physical Fitness Sessions Semester 10 Points-attending the military ball Deductions: 20 Points for every class or lab missed up to 100 points 10 points for every required PT session missed up to 50 points SPRING 2009 Page 4 MSL 202 SYLLABUS NOTE 1. All Military Science students will attend a Leadership Lab on Wednesday from 6:007:50 p.m. Attendance is mandatory to receive credit for this course. Subjects will be taught in labs with an emphasis on practical exercise/hands on training. Physical Fitness, Field Training Exercises participation is mandatory for all Contract and Scholarship Cadets. NOTE 2. Attendance at class and Leadership Lab is an important part of your grade. 5 points will be deducted for unexcused non-attendance at any class or lab (50 pts total). To offset the loss of points for unavoidable absences or sub-standard test scores, bonus points may be earned as follows: a. Field Training Exercises (FTX): [SEE NOTE 3] 20 bonus pts per day b. Joining and participating in a Military Science sponsored club (50 pts) NOTE 3. Field Training Exercise (FTX): (27-28 March- Ft. Custer) a. Attending a Chippewa Battalion FTX allows the student an opportunity for practical exercise. b. Prerequisites: (1) Student must submit DA Form 3425-R and CC Form 139 prior to participation NOTE 4. Physical Fitness Training (PT): Student must submit DA Form 3425-R and CC Form 139 prior to participation in any Physical Fitness Training Session (PT). Bonus points for attending PT are at the discretion of the Instructor. Request for Accommodation: CMU provided students with disabilities reasonable accommodation to participate in educational programs, activities or services. Students with disabilities requiring accommodations to participate in class Activities or meet course requirements should first register with the office of Students Disability Services, (telephone 989-774-3018, TDD #2568), and then contact the professor as soon as possible. CMU Policy on Academic Integrity: Because academic integrity is a cornerstone of the University’s commitment to the principles of free inquiry, students are responsible for learning and upholding professional standards of research, writing, assessment, and ethics in their areas of study. In the academic community the high value placed on truth implies a corresponding intolerance of scholastic dishonesty. Written or other work which students submit must be the product of their own efforts and must be consistent with appropriate standards of professional ethics. Academic dishonesty, which includes cheating, plagiarism and other forms of dishonest or unethical behavior, is prohibited. *All MS students are required to read the CMU Policy on Academic Integrity. This policy is online for your convenience at: Very Important Notices: Classroom Civility: “Each CMU student is encouraged to help create an environment during class that promotes learning, dignity, and mutual respect for everyone. Students who speak at inappropriate times, sleep in class, display inattention, take frequent breaks, interrupt the class by coming to class late, engage in loud or distractive, use cell phones or pagers in class, use inappropriate language, are verbally abusive, display defiance or disrespect to others, or behave aggressively towards others could be asked to leave the class and be subjected to disciplinary action under the Code of Student Rights, Responsibilities and Disciplinary Procedures.” Except in emergencies, students are not to leave the classroom, nor leave and return to the classroom, without first obtaining the instructor’s permission. Such behavior is uncivil to both me and to other students. Students may not leave the classroom and return during tests. SPRING 2009 Page 5 MSL 202 SYLLABUS Electronic Devices: No electronic devices of any kind may be used during class without the instructor’s permission. These devises have become major classroom disruptors in some cases, and interfere both with the instructor’s and other students’ working. Be sure cell phones are switched off/silent before coming into the classroom. OVERVIEW OF SESSIONS: Week OF 13 JAN 14 JAN 14 JAN Period 1 LAB SUBJECT COURSE OVERVIEW/ARMY VALUES AND CO2 CLAYMORE / FIRST AID 2 / 9-LINE MEDEVAC / REACT TO IED 20 JAN 21 JAN 2 21 JAN LAB 27 JAN 28 JAN 3 28 JAN LAB 03 FEB 04 FEB 4 04 FEB LAB 10 FEB 11 FEB 5 11 FEB LAB 17 FEB 18 FEB 6 18 FEB LAB 24 FEB 25 FEB 7 PATROL BASE OPERATIONS / DEFENSE II 25 FEB LAB CONDUCT AMBUSH / CONDUCT ATTACK 03 MAR 04 MAR 8 04 MAR LAB SPRING 2009 TEAM GOALS AND TIME MGMT/ADVANCED TIME MGMT CLAYMORE / FIRST AID 2 / 9-LINE MEDEVAC / REACT TO IED INTRO TO TERRAIN ANALYSIS / TERRAIN ANALYSIS PE SQUAD MOVEMENT TECHNIQUES/ HAND AND ARM SIGNALS INTRO TO PATROLLING/ PATROLLING ORGANIZATION CWST REVIEW FOR MID TERM KOB / MTC / RTC (BACK UP DAY FOR CWST) MID-TERM KOB / MTC / RTC (BACK UP DAY FOR CWST) EFFECTIVE WRITING / OPERATIONS ORDERS I NOLDE LECTURE Page 6 MSL 202 SYLLABUS 10 MAR 11 MAR 9 11 MAR LAB SPRING BREAK **NO CLASS** SPRING BREAK **NO LAB** 17 MAR 18 MAR 10 OPERATIONS ORDERS II 18 MAR LAB CONDUCT AMBUSH / CONDUCT ATTACK 24 MAR 25 MAR 11 NAVIGATION METHODS & ROUTE PLANNING / PE 25 MAR LAB CFTX PCI 31 MAR 01 APR 12 TRANSFORMATIONAL, SITUATIONAL, ADAPTIVE LEADERSHIP 01 APR LAB PATROL BASE 07 APR 08 APR 13 LEADERSHIP ANALYSIS / CAPSTONE PRESENTATIONS 08 APR LAB HIGH ROPES COURSE / RIFLE RANGE / RAPPELING 14 APR 15 APR 14 CAPSTONE PRESENTATIONS / LEADERSHIP ASSESSMENT 15 APR LAB MAROON PLATOON TRAIN UP 21 APR 22 APR 15 TERRORISM AWARENESS / OPERATIONS ORDERS III 25 APR LAB BN SKILLS COMPETTION 28 APR 29 APR 16 REVIEW FOR FINAL EXAM 29 APR LAB Awards (UC Auditorium) 05 MAY 06 MAY FINAL EXAM *I will NOT be teaching the HIGHLIGHTED SECTIONS. SPRING 2009 Page 7