CRUSHING SIMULATION OF SQUARE ALUMINIUM 6061-T6 POLYURETHANE FOAM-FILLED UNDER DYNAMIC LOADING M. F. Basiran1,a, A.Othman1,b, S.M. Sharif1,c Department of Mechanical Engineering, Polytechnic Port Dickson, Malaysia a,, 1 Abstract - The paper present the numerical studies of dynamic axial crushing of thin-walled metallic aluminum 6061-T6 alloy extrusion empty and foamfilled tubes polyurethane foam-filled square sections. Nonlinear dynamic simulations were performed on empty as well on foam-filled modeling. The dynamics non-linear finite element code ABAQUS standard and explicit was used to simulate the buckling and crushing of columns. The influence of fillers on energy absorption and behavior of square thin-walled metallic aluminum 6061-T6 alloy extrusion empty and foam-filled tubes arrangements was examined. Three main collapse modes were identified for the crushed model, for example, compound diamond asymmetric, concertina axisymmetric and mixed mode fold formations. Three different arrangement of foamfilled tube inner column were examined and investigated. The polyurethane foams turned out to be a significant factor positively influencing the energy absorption capability and so by application in the longitudinal members of cars frame improving passengers’ safety. Keywords: Thin-Walled Structure, Finite Element Modeling, Progressive Damage, Foam-Filled I. INTRODUCTION Many types of device are employed to absorb high energy releases in containment structures such as pressure vessels and in transport systems such as cars, trains and lifts which are subject to collisions or impacts. These devices usually have the advantage of being cheap, light weight, easy to construct and are able to sustain a high energy absorption density with constant loading before failure. They may take the form of groups of thin walled tubes, of uniform or tapered wall thickness, with circular or polygonal cross-sections under axial impact loading, which have desirable stroke dependent characteristics. The energy absorption capacity will depend on the degree of plastic deformation which the device can sustain under the prevailing loading regime. To fully understand and appreciate the energy absorption behavior, a systematic parametric study of the device should be undertaken with special reference to the geometrical dimensions for instance tube length, thickness, cross-sectional radius, die geometry, and material properties. The derivation of a design formula in terms of the influencing parameters then becomes a practical tool for the design engineer. The Finite Element Method (FEM) can be employed as a useful tool in this regard. Over the last decade Finite Element Analysis (FEA) has become firmly established as a design method across a wide range of engineering disciplines. The unique insights that numerical techniques such as FEA can afford make these methods very attractive to industry. Furthermore, modeling and simulation techniques are often significantly cheaper and more flexible than other methods, which make them attractive as aids in experimental testing and prototype development. However, it should be stressed that although computer modeling techniques in general and FEA in particular, have become standard tools in design and manufacture, experimental verification remains an important requirement. There is a growing interest in the use of thin-walled structures as a means of absorbing the kinetic energy of a moving body. Thin-walled structures are capable of carrying loads for deflections beyond that corresponding to ultimate or nominal buckling load. They are also known to accommodate very large deflections through the formation of folds and wrinkles [3]. In applications such as aerospace, weight is a critical factor and must be minimized. With thin walls less material is used, and the structural performance per unit weight, can be improved. Thin-walled structures comprise of plates, shells, and thin-walled components acting as beams, columns and beam columns. The purpose of this study is to explore the effect of impact velocity on the peak load and energy absorption for double square tubes empty and foam-filled. Figure 1 shows progressive buckling, for example the sequential formation of adjacent local folding patterns of the deferent specimens. The double cell arrangements were shown to be particularly efficient crush elements, as long as global failure (Euler buckling) could be avoided. The study also showed that double cell arrangements may be preferable to single tube based on energy absorption because the inner tube is more mass efficient. Figure 1: Empty, foam filled single tube and double Square crushed specimens II. FINITE ELEMENT MODEL It is well understood that numerical simulation using finite element analysis allows wide variety of optimization. Therefore, ABAQUS/EXPLICIT version 6.10 was used throughout the analysis. The simulation processes have two differences composition of tubes, which are empty tube (unfilled foam with double tubes), and a double tube with filing foam into inner hollow outer tube and outer surface inner tube. Shell elements are used to model structures in which five integration points were selected for each simulation analysis. The two difference wall-thickness was analyzed significantly, and the stresses in the thickness direction are negligible. Generally three-dimensional shell elements are available with three different formulations; general-purpose, thin only and thick only. General-purpose shell elements are valid for use with both thick and thin shell problems. Furthermore, all general-purpose shell elements consider finite membrane strains. All special-purpose shell elements assume finite rotations; however, they assume small strains. crushing behavior and having of 60 x 60 mm outer tube arrangement with inner tube were 50 x 50, 40 x 40, 30 x 30 mm and 1.0, and 2.0 mm wall-thickness. The foamfilled models were carried out from two tubes having outer wall from the same material as empty tube profiles as well as inner wall of tube. The inner tube has varied with three different length width including 50 x 50, 40 x 40, 30 x 30 mm and 1.0 and 2.0 mm wall-thickness but constrained at the same thickness as well as outer tube thickness. All sections had a length of 150 mm. The empty tube sections were tested as empty and foam-filled tube profiles only with the foam in between inner and outer tube wall. Figure 2 illustrates typical test model geometry, whereas Table 3 presents tensile stress-strain data curves of the used materials. In this study the velocity dynamic of impact was applied at 20, 30 and 40 m/s axially onto the frontal crash flat plate analytical rigid surface. A. Crushing parameters To represent real progressive collapse events, the velocity and time need to be suitable. Taking a = 196.2 m/s2 as the benchmark since humans can only sustain 20 g of acceleration, value of sufficient crushing time can be obtained. The initial velocity (V) of the tube is set to be 6 m/s, hence calculated value for crushing time; (t) was found to be 0.02 s. The other important parameter of representing crushing event is boundary condition. In structural analyses, boundary conditions are applied to those regions of the model where there displacements or rotations are known. Such regions may be constrained to remain fixed or may have specified nonzero displacements or rotations. In this model the ENCASTRE (V1 = V2 = V3 = VR1 = VR2 = VR3 = 0) condition has been used where the top section of the tube is constrained completely and thus, cannot move in any direction also. The bottom section, however, is fixed in the horizontal direction but is free to move in vertical direction (V1 = V2 = VR1 = VR2 = VR3 = 0). The direction in which motion is possible is called degree of freedom (dof), hence this model only has a single degree of freedom. A mechanical, concentrated force with a magnitude of 500 N was applied in order to initiate the crushing process. The actual load magnitude is not critical because ABAQUS will report buckling loads as a fraction of the applied load. B. Material models and properties Two types of models were analyzed in this study which is empty and foam-filled tubes. The empty square tube models were arranged as double tubular ones, material of aluminum 6061-T6 alloy was used to determine the Figure 2: Test model geometry of type A, B and C Table 1: Dimension of column finite element modeling Table 2: Material Properties of Modeling C. Crushing process The simulation, which normally is run as a background process, is a stage in which ABAQUS/Explicit solves the numerical problem defined in the model. ABAQUS/Explicit is a special-purpose analysis product that uses an explicit dynamic finite element formulation. It is suitable for short, transient dynamic events, such as impact and blast problems, and is also very efficient for highly nonlinear problems involving changing contact conditions, such as forming simulation. It is well known that a nonlinear structural problem is one in which the structure’s stiffness changes as it deforms. All physical structures are nonlinear. In this simulation the stiffness is fully dependent on the displacement; the initial flexibility can no longer be multiplied by the applied load to calculate the spring’s displacement for any load. Results evaluation can be done once the simulation has been completed and the reaction forces, displacements, energy or other fundamental variables have been calculated. The evaluation is generally done interactively using the visualization module of ABAQUS/CAE. The visualization module, which reads the neutral binary output database file, has a variety of options for displaying the results, including color contour plots, animations, deformed shaped plots, and X–Y plots. Figure 3: Verification of collapse modes foam filled section, with the simulated on the left and experimental on the right. Table 3: Validation of experimental and numerical analysis Parameters Experimental Numerical Error (%) Total compression (mm) Peak load (kN) Mean load (kN) Absorbed energy (kJ) 150 85 65 21 168 96 50 19 10 11.4 23 9 D. Validation of the finite element model Numerical simulation using finite element codes is currently an important approach to learn in the crushing behaviors of foam-filled columns. Some key issues in the modeling, such as material model for aluminum foam, contact definition; friction effect, boundary condition and the bridge from dynamic to quasi-static were discussed. In this work, nonlinear finite element ABAQUS/Explicit version 6.10 package was employed to simulate the crushing characteristics of foam-filled tube section. The foam filler was modeled with 8-node solid element. The model is highly dependent upon the mesh quality and mesh size, due to the conditional stability characteristic for an explicit finite element code. Strain–stress curve of the foam obtained from the uniaxial compression experiment was input into the model. Since the aluminum foam filler would undergo extremely high local compression and distortion, internal contact algorithm must be applied to the solid elements to prevent negative volume and numerical collapse. Rigid body property was assigned to the shell elements, because no fracture or failure or deformation was observed in the spot-weld in the experiments. Only half of the specimen was modeled due to the symmetry character. The load was applied at the upper end of the specimen with a constant displacement condition, through a rigid body which is modeled with shell elements. Validation and verification of the finite element model is necessary before an effective partition work could be carried out. The validation work was carried out on the model of foam-filled column to check if it could maintain calculation stability while undergoing very high local deformation and distortion in the filler, and check contact conditions as well. Collapse mode and force history depict a complete crushing process, therefore, both the simulated collapse mode and force–displacement history need to be verified with the experiments. Figure 3 give the verification of these two main aspects and the simulated collapse modes are compared with those from experiments. For both empty and foam-filled columns, the simulated and actual collapse modes are very much alike, even in some detailed information, such as the folding wavelength, the number of lobes, and the effective crushing distance. The comparison of simulated crushing force histories with the experiments also gives good agreement, for each result of foam-filled. The simulated mean crushing force is about 10% higher than that measured from corresponding experiment, because the loading rate in the model was increased to reduce the solution time for a dynamic problem. III. RESULT AND DISCUSSION With respect to the failure modes of test series empty and polyurethane foam filled square extruded aluminum 6061 alloy profiles with small cross-sectional dimensions the numerical revealed that progressive buckling could almost exclusively be observed for some empty tubes and the foam filled crush elements with square cross-sections in Figure 4 to 7. All square empty and foam-filled tubes profiles of this analysis test series having a foam density than the square ones rather showed local progressive damage, but not typically progressive, deformation behavior, where the formation of folds began at different locations, generally not in a sequential manner. Furthermore, these element models buckled extensionally with all folds moving outwards, which is obviously caused by the presence of the foam core. The extensional deformations are also evident from the dynamic load compression displacement curves in Figure 4, because the load fluctuations are much more pronounced. Filling polystyrene foam inside of the tubes was in general accompanied by shorter wavelengths of the individual folds which is holds true for all element model test series. Within element model test series empty and foam-filled square tubes, which were arranged in different ways, empty, foam-filled tubes, and arrangement with dimension of inner square tube profile, were analyzed. foam-filled tube element model show a pronounced load fluctuation during the load cycles, owing to the extensional folding modes, which is followed by minor differences between maximum and minimum loads due to the inextensional buckling deformations of the extruded aluminum 6061 alloy tubes. Figure 5: Example deformation pattern of crushing tube Figure 4: Dynamic load (N) versus displacement ( m) type of A foam-filled tube square profile (Wall-Thickness = 1 mm: Velocity = 10 m/s) The inner material profile in Figure 5 which is 50 x 50 mm was used inside the outer square filling with polyurethane foam with 100 kg/m3 density. The typical progressive buckling characteristics, which could be observed in most numerical analysis of this test series of wall thickness 1 and 2 mm as well as variable dynamic impact loading of 20, 30 and 40 m/s, are evident from the deformed elements shown in Figure 5 to 7. The type of A, B and C foam-filled tube square profile also reveals the higher densification in the outer region of the foam core due to a multiaxial state of compression illustrated resulting from foundation effects of the foam with respect to the profile. Global failure was observed only for the foam-filled tube foam filled elements. This can be traced back to global buckling of the slender inner profiles, leading to overall buckling of the whole arrangements. All filled element modeling that deformed locally began to buckle in an extensional mode, but after the formation of some folds most switched to an inextensional mode, which is typical for the empty profiles of this type of A, B and C empty. The measured dynamic loads versus displacement curves from Figure 4 also clearly display the effects of the change of deformation modes. The Furthermore, the dynamic load versus displacement curves reveal a distinct quasi-steady progress of the crushing forces which is fluctuating around a more or less constant value, provided that the average foam density is not too high. The ascending slope of the force level of foam-filled tube type of B which square inner profile of 40 x 40 mm, however, is due to the foam behavior itself. Example deformation pattern of crushing tube are shown in Figure 5. Figure 7 showed that the foam-filled tube type of C of the sectioned inner square tube of 30 x 30 profile. Noted that element model was crushed far beyond the stroke length. Whereas the square inner and outer element model rather tended to buckle inextensionally, a typical extensional folding mode is apparent from the square both of inner and outer crush elements of this test series. Furthermore, many of the investigated elements started with the simultaneous formation of folds at different locations, and as a result a local, but not typically progressive buckling behavior could be observed. For the first stage this led in combination with breaking of the global buckling of the tubes. The gluing between filler and tubes of element model obviously caused the lobes to be filled with polyurethane foam for the most part almost of wall-thickness 1 and 2 mm square tube. However, some breaking of the interface can also be observed for these element models. It should be noted, however, that the main reason for applying fiction coefficient for these interaction surface of inner, outer and foam element geometries model. efficiencies can certainly be traced back to the foam behavior. With filled with foam into the region of densification, where the compressive dynamic load starts to increase steeply and shifted to lower values of the compressive strain. Figure 6: Dynamic mean load (N) versus displacement (m) empty tube square profile (Wall-Thickness = 1 and 2 mm: Velocity = 20 m/s) IV. MEAN LOAD EFFICIENCY Regarding the mean load efficiency, distinct enhancements due to foam filling are shown in Figure 6 for all investigated crush elements. The filled tubes of element model test series deliver improvements of up to 40 ± 50% for all cross-sectional shapes. Even higher absolute values for empty and foam-filled tube can be observed for the corresponding crush elements model, mainly owing to the higher mean force efficiencies of the inner with respect to the combination of tube and foam to build up mass efficient energy absorption devices it has to be taken into account that the mean load efficiencies of the constituents should not differ much. The lower mean load efficiency for the tubular member will be advantageous. The filling foam density leads to: (1) An increased tendency for the outer tubes to buckle extensionally, (2) An increased tendency towards global failure, (3) But also to the activation of higher interaction effect The results obtained for the different efficiency parameters, which is showed in Figure 6, are presented for all 3 different types of element model test series in dynamic mean load versus displacement curve form in Figure 6. For the empty square profile (empty) and filled profile (foam-filled tube) of element model test series where an increasing the wall-thickness of square inner and outer profile the dynamic mean load will increase opposite of displacement curves. The axial compression load capacities were crushed progressively when square profile increases a thickness. The reduction of the stroke Figure 7: Dynamic absorbed energy versus type of tube profile empty and foam-filled tube Cross-Section As a result, from Figure 7, the element model analysis apparent foam density of 100 kg/m3, a regular progressive buckling behavior, dominated by inextensional folding modes and, hence, with not too large energy fluctuations, while retaining marked efficiency improvements with respect to the mean load. Because the stroke efficiency should also remain high for such densities, distinct improvements of the whole energy absorption capacity can be expected. To our experience this does not only apply to empty crush elements with square cross-section although the improvements are most pronounced in this case of foam-filled tube profile. It can be seen in the Figure 7; the velocity increase when a crush faster and progressively even on empty absolutely in foam-filled tube. It can be seen that the type of C apparent the highest performance of energy absorption capability. However the cross-sectional dimensions have to be selected carefully in order to avoid global failure of one of the tubes. Such metallic structures are, therefore, expected to be of advantage mainly in structures that have to resist considerable compressive load, so that larger crosssectional dimensions have to be applied in any case. V. SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS The test element results model presented here confirm that the mass related mean load level may considerably be improved by filling tubular members with polyurethane foam. Provided that the plastic buckling behavior remains characterized by local modes, essential enhancements were obtained for all investigated shapes and dimensions. These improvements may partly be traced back to the axial compression of the foam cores themselves, but interaction efficiency is also play a substantial role that the simple estimates. With respect to the total energy absorption capacity of a given crush element, however, improvements are less pronounced. The reason for this is that the maximal crushing distances, which may be utilized for energy dissipation, reduce with increasing foam densities. Nevertheless, improvements of the mass the investigation of foam-filled tube arrangements revealed that these may be preferable to empty analysis. It could be shown that improvements are mainly due to the presence of the inner profiles, which are in general more mass efficient than the outer ones. Interaction effects are somewhat less pronounced that for empty tubes. An analysis of interaction effects was performed, which not only allowed to determine the relative c influences of such effects onto the mean load levels but also to and some explanations concerning the differences between crosssectional shapes and mono-and foam-filled tube arrangements, respectively. Furthermore, some basic conditions for the appropriate choice of tube filler combinations could be obtained this way. Design considerations, pointing out the essential constraints for the appropriate choice of foam densities for the construction of mass efficient crush elements, have been summarized. However, all considerations stated therein are restricted to the behavior of dynamically loaded crush elements, which are filled with polyurethane foam. Furthermore, influences of gluing have to be investigated in more detail, because they are expected to markedly influence the energy absorption capacity of filled crush elements. With respect to the design of `optimally tuned' composite crush elements, numerical methods could also turn to account, which allow to gain more insight into the mechanics of such complex plastic deformation processes. ACKNOWLEDGMENT We would like to thank the members of the Mechanical Engineering Department, Polytechnic of Port Dickson for their constructive comments, encouragement, and support the commercial finite element software ABAQUS 6.10 theory and user’s manual. REFERENCES N. Jones. Structural impact. Cambridge University Press, 1989. W. Abramowicz. Thin-walled structures as impact energy absorbers. Thin-Walled Structures, 41(2/3):91{107, 2003. A. Airoldi and G. Janszen. A design solution for a crashworthy landing gear with a new triggering mechanism for the plastic collapse of metallic tubes. Aerospace Science and Technology, 9:445{455, 2005. Hibbit, Karlsson and Sorensen Inc. ABAQUS 6.10 theory and user’s manual. Providence: Hibbit Karlsson and Sornesen Inc., 2010. 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