KIMEP UNIVERSITY Bang College of Business (BCB) Fall Semester 2013 BRAND MANAGEMENT Course Syllabus for: MKT 3214 Brand Management __________________________________________________________________________________ _ 1. Basic Information Course Code and Title: MKT 3214 Brand Management Course Meeting Time and Place: T-Th, #510 (Dostyk building), 13.00–14.15 Course Credit: Three (3) credits Instructor Information: Elmira Bogoviyeva, Ph.D., M.Phil., MPA, Dip.M. (CIM) Office: Room #324 Dostyk Building Phone: 270 4440 Ext. 2318, E-mail: Prerequisite: MKT1201 Principles of Marketing 2. Instructor Availability Office Hours: to be announced Location: Room #324 Dostyk Building Teaching Assistant Information: TBC Office hours: TBC 3. Instructional Resources Required: Kevin Lane Keller, Tony Aperia and, Mats Georgson (2008), Strategic Brand Management: A European Perspective, 1st ed., Pearson Ed.; Rosenbaum-Elliot, R., Percy, L. & S. Pervan (2011) “Strategic Brand Management, 2nd ed., Oxford University Press; Cases and Additional Readings: Listed in Course Schedule, distributed in the class or available on L-Drive, etc. Recommended: Susannah Hart; John Murphy. Brands: The New Wealth Creators, (Macmillan Business,1-th ed., 1998); Micholas Kochan ed., The World’s greatest brands, (Macmillan Business, 1st ed., 1996); D. A. Aaker, Building Strong Brands, (The Free Press, 1st ed., 1996). 4. Course Description/Overview Brand Management is an advanced course designed for students with marketing major, which explores issues relevant to deep analysis of branding strategies and tactics. Students are expected to enter the course with in-depth knowledge of current marketing concepts and theories. Students must be comfortable with analyzing marketing problems, developing solutions, designing and implementing strategies and tactics. 5. Learning objectives Brand Management introduces students to state-of-the-art research and practice in branding. Classes emphasize 1) discussion of the field’s most current branding concepts, principles, and theories, and 2) application of brand management concepts to actual business situations through case analysis, assignments and field projects. At the end of the course, students should be able to do the following: KNOWLEDGE: Students will have an understanding of Various types of branding strategies The relationship between brand management and other marketing functions. The importance of brand management The growing importance of brand equity for company Analysis and interpretation of different brand types Frameworks for understanding and building brands SKILLS: Students will learn to Define and develop brand strategies; Base brand strategy on corporate attitudes and values; identity and positioning statement Analyze development of branding globally and in Kazakhstan; Evaluate the effectiveness of brand management; Interact with a team to develop a creative solution to marketing opportunities APPLICATION ABILITIES: Students will be able to Develop and execute brand development project Implement ethical decisions and incorporate strategies to achieve goals and objectives. Link various stages in brand development and launch. Develop effective groups to solve marketing problems. VALUES AND ATTITUDES: Students practice KIMEP Core Values Academic honesty Respect for peers and instructors 6. Teaching Methodology The format of the course will include the following: Lectures, videos Homework assignments, case studies, and discussions Group project report and presentation 7. Assessment Scheme Continuous assessment (55%) o Case studies/assignments/ topic presentation (30%) o Midterm assessment (exam) 1 & 2 (20%) o Participation (5%) Final assessment (45%): o Final Course Project (25% ) o Final Exam (20%) Total: 100% 2 ASSESSMENT IN DETAIL Organizational Note: For group assignments and the group project, you should form groups of four (4) students maximum. The team leader will submit a formal list of group membership by the end of fourth session (12.09.2013) to the instructor. Otherwise instructor will assign a student to group. Continuous Assessment (55%) (5%) Class Participation Every class has an agenda and a purpose, so that the time that we spend together is used effectively and efficiently. Every class will have assigned readings and tasks detailed and posted. Homework assigned must be turned in at the beginning of the class. The number of students in the class is about 30, due to this fact students need to be proactive and participate actively in each session in order to earn participation grade. There are two factors that will determine your grade for class participation: Quality, based on how effectively you move the discussion forward and the extent you show mastery of assigned material. Quantity, as a denominator and control threshold, so that all students are active and involved. Come prepared. Show evidence of analysis of the chapter/case/project. Go beyond simple repetition of facts without analysis and conclusions. Keep in mind that your grade for participation is not simply a function of the amount of "air time" or "space" you take up. In general, you will be evaluated on how well you respond to the questions and how effectively you take into account the comments and analyses of your classmates. Case Studies and exercises to be completed or to be discussed in the class will vary in terms of length and complexity. Please, make sure that diversity of case studies is planned and each of these cases should be thoroughly prepared for the discussion in the class. The success of case discussion in class depends on degree of preparation by students. Case studies might be introduced before theoretical material on the related topic is presented due to the fact that basic concepts have been learned during Principles of Marketing’ course as well as advanced reading of chapters assigned according to syllabus is required. (50%) Other Continuous Assessment This part of assessment will include both group and individual components, as follows: (20%) 2 Mid-term examinations, to assess mastering course material. There will be open questions based on related chapter material and cases/exercises. (5%) Topic presentation. Each team will have to present one topic on brand management. It might be a history of brand development in Kazakhstan, specifics of branding for luxury goods, branding of hi tech products, new approaches to launching a brand. Each team will have 20 minutes for presentation. Students will have to confirm the topic and content of presentation with the instructor two weeks prior to presentation. Presentation schedule will be announced additionally and incorporated in syllabus. (15%) Assignments (individual) will be distributed in order to test the ability to analyse brand identity and strategies, practice research on branding and consumer attitudes to brands (10%) Case Presentations, PowerPoint™ in-class 25 minute performed by a group. There will be case studies to be graded during semester. Time for team presentation is 15 minutes. If team fails to present a case, it will be penalized with 0% grade. The order for presentation of case studies will be arranged according to the team number. Presentation handout and electronic version of PPT transparencies should be submitted to the instructor before presentation starts. Late submission will 3 be penalized by 20% deduction. Case studies for class discussion and for presentation will be distributed during semester. Please, make sure that you have a copy of case study to be discussed or presented. All students should be ready to answer questions related to case study presented and to be active during questions and answer sessions. Final Assessment (25%) Group Project & Presentation The purpose of the project is to provide you with the opportunity to apply the concepts and frameworks learned in the course to a real-world situation. You will have to create and defend during presentation new brand to be launched in Kazakhstan. The topic/product category/ company of the group project has to be approved by instructor. The scope of the project has to be significantly larger than the various aspects assignments/exercises, but its content will build on various aspects or elements of these tasks. The group project report should be worth 20% and will be included in the final assessment. Presentation of final project report is worth 5%. Taking into account number of people in a team, 20% allocated for the project grade is equivalent to each member’s input into project. 8. Grading Scale Letter grades for the course will follow the same standards as specified in the Catalog. See the following table for grading scale: Letter grade A+ A AB+ B B- Numerical scale or percentile 90-100 85-89 80-84 77-79 73-76 70-72 Letter grade C+ C CD+ D DF Numerical scale or percentile 67-69 63-66 60-62 57-59 53-56 50-52 Below 50 9. Course Policies and Instructor’s expectations of students Students must attend 80% of the classes and those who are more than five minutes late will be marked absent. Academic honesty: We have a zero tolerance policy for academic dishonesty. Check the catalog for details. Cell phones: should be turned off at the beginning of the class, or put on vibrate/silent mode (in case of emergency). Information dissemination: information regarding this course and assignments will be given by the instructor during the class. No checking E-mails or surfing the Internet during the class. Enrollment in the course constitutes an agreement with the terms and requirements in this syllabus. 4 Indicative Content Week Topic Readings Topic Case (Tue) (Th) 1 Course introduction. Brand and brand management. Ch. 1 2 Customer Based Brand Equity and Brand Positioning. Ch. 3 3 Theoretical framework: Customer-Based Brand Equity Pyramid. Ch.2 4 Brand as an Identity Marker. Ch. 4 1 2 Assess ment Selecting Brands Elements to build Brand Equity. 5 Brand building approaches. Ch. 4 6 Designing marketing programs to build brand equity. Ch. 5 Integrating Marketing Communications to Build Brand Equity. Ch. 6 Designing and Implementing Brand Strategies Ch.11-12,7 4 5 7 8 7 Ass-nt 1 10.10.13 3 6 8 Brand Extension Strategies. 9 Branding nations and cities. 10 Ch. 9-10 5 4 5-7.11 Researching Brands: capturing customer mindset. Measuring performance and equity of a brand. 11 Brand as Social Glue: Brand Community. Ch. 10, 11 6 3 Managing Brands over Time. Ch.12,13, 7,8 1,2 1214.11 12 1921.11 13 2628.11 14 15 14 Baitas ov??? Ass-nт 2 Managing Brands over Geographic Boundaries and Market Segments. 26.11.13 Project Presentations Project Presentations. Course Review. Ch. 15 5