Individual initiative template Part A Attachment C: Individual initiative template Initiative title: <Note: the initiative title should be short, succinct, and clearly describe the initiative> A.1 Budget priority A.2 Proposal type Election commitment Output only Service demand Asset only Asset and Output Prison demand Acute health Concessions Disability services Out of home care Revenue Offset/savings A.3 Responsible Minister Other, subject to offsets Minister for XXX Asset approved for consideration in the 2014-15 budget process A.4 Coordinating Minister’s ranking: XX A.5 Location Region: A.6 Area of service: Summary description <Provide a brief (i.e. one paragraph) description of the initiative> A.7 Performance measures To which output in the Department’s 2014-15 output structure will the initiative contribute? Output name: <Using the table below, identify all output performance measures (existing and new) to which this initiative will contribute. This should include all measures that the initiative will contribute to, regardless of whether the target will change as a result of this initiative> <Do not include in this table any measures/KPIs that will not form part of the Department’s output structure to be published in the 2014-15 budget papers. KPIs other than output performance measures should be outlined in the full business case or Part B of the submission template (as applicable)> Individual initiative template 1 Individual initiative template Part A Change in target if this initiative is endorsed Performance measures Unit of measure 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 Quantity: Quality: Timeliness: <Refer to Attachment D for an example of how to complete the above table> If there are no changes to outputs and/or performance measures as a result of funding this initiative, provide an explanation and/or justification, including how the initiative will contribute to departmental objectives. A.8 Funding/revenue A.8.1 Funding history <In the table below provide details of the funding history for this or similar/related initiatives. This table should include funding for an earlier stage in a multi-stage project, funding for business case development or scoping study, funding for a lapsing program, or funding for a related program that has broadly the same policy objective as this initiative> Description of funding provided 2009-10 $m 2010-11 $m 2011-12 $m 2012-13 $m 2013-14 $m A.8.2 Existing funding base over forward estimates <In the table below provide details of the existing funding base that has been provided for this or similar/related programs. This should include funding that is in the Department’s base as well as funding for any related lapsing programs> Description of funding provided Individual initiative template 2014-15 $m 2015-16 $m 2016-17 $m 2017-18 $m Ongoing $m 2 Individual initiative template Part A A.8.3 Output funding Escalation The process and rates for applying indexation to new output initiatives will be advised in January 2014. Budget impact – output funding Price change requested for provision of output (Component a) gross output price (Component b) gross output price (Component c) gross output price (Component d) gross output price (Component e) gross output price Offset from internal reprioritisation Sub total (net output price increase) Offset from revenue Offset from another funding source (eg. Commonwealth funding, CSF, trust account) – please specify Net Impact 2013-14 $m 2014-15 $m 2015-16 $m 2016-17 $m 2017-18 $m Ongoing $m 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 (0.000) 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 (0.000) 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 (0.000) 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 (0.000) 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 (0.000) 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 (0.000) 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 (0.000) (0.000) (0.000) (0.000) (0.000) (0.000) (0.000) (0.000) (0.000) (0.000) (0.000) (0.000) 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 <Notes: Indexed and non-indexed expense items are required to be separately listed. The attached Standard costing for VPS staff impacts is required to be used to estimate the cost of any additional VPS staff. If existing VPS staff will be transferred to this initiative, the cost of these staff should only be included in the costings where it is not already in the Department’s forward estimates (eg. where the staff are currently funded through a lapsing program ceasing before this initiative commences). Where an initiative relates to grants payments, the funding table must separately identify the value of grants to be provided and administration costs sought (if any) to manage the grants program. A detailed costings spreadsheet, including all cost assumptions, is required to be attached to this submission> A.8.4 Asset funding Budget impact – capital funding 2013-14 $m 2014-15 $m 2015-16 $m 2016-17 $m 2017-18 $m TEI $m 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 (0.000) (0.000) (0.000) (0.000) (0.000) (0.000) 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 If the project requests funding beyond 2016-17, please provide the year that funding for the project ceases 0.000 Estimated asset investment cash flow (Component a) (Component b) (Component c) (Component d) (Component e) Sub total (gross asset price increase) Funds from other sources (e.g. proceeds from asset sales, trust accounts, Commonwealth funding) – please specify Net impact Individual initiative template 3 Individual initiative template Part A <Note: A detailed costings spreadsheet, including all cost assumptions, is required to be attached to this submission> Budget impact – CAC and depreciation equivalent revenue 2013-14 $m 2014-15 $m 2015-16 $m 2016-17 $m 2017-18 $m Ongoing $m 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 2013-14 $m 0.000 0.000 2014-15 $m 0.000 0.000 2015-16 $m 0.000 0.000 2016-17 $m 0.000 0.000 2017-18 $m 0.000 0.000 Ongoing $m 0.000 0.000 (0.000) (0.000) (0.000) (0.000) (0.000) (0.000) 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 Capital asset charge Depreciation expense Output price change required A.8.5 Revenue Revenue increase/decrease Revenue initiative 1 Revenue initiative 2 Less revenue already in budget/forward estimates Net revenue impact A.8.6 Proposed funding sources <Outline the proposed funding source(s) for the initiative. Provide details of discrete components, including funding from offsets or revenue> <If the initiative is proposed to be funded through offsets/internal reprioritisation, provide details of the nature of the reprioritisation option nominated, including: a description of the offset/internal reprioritisation; the impact on service delivery (i.e. whether an existing program/project will be discontinued or downsized); the reason(s) why this offset/internal reprioritisation has been selected; whether the new initiative addresses, in whole or in part, the problem/service need addressed by the offset program/project; the impact of the offset/internal reprioritisation on performance measures and delivery of election commitments; and details of any new revenue sources> <If the initiative is not proposed to be funded through offsets/internal reprioritisation, outline why cost recovery/reprioritisation are not appropriate> A.8.7 Alternative funding options <Identify any alternative funding options for the initiative. For example: could cost recovery be introduced/increased to fund the initiative? if there are multiple stakeholders, could other stakeholders provide a financial contribution?> Individual initiative template 4 Individual initiative template Part A A.9 Staffing requirements <Estimate the impact of this initiative on the number of VPS staff (i.e. number of staff to be employed within the State government) and the number of non-VPS staff (i.e. staff to be employed in the private or non-government sector). All numbers entered should be full time equivalent (FTE). For all VPS staff, the number of staff is required to be broken down between new and existing VPS staff, and between each of the five functional categories (refer to Attachment D for definitions of these categories). Full time equivalent (FTE) numbers should include employment opportunities created as a direct result of this initiative, if the initiative is funded. FTE numbers should not include downstream jobs created, or estimated jobs created indirectly as a result of the initiative> New VPS staff Functional category 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 Ongoing Service delivery category (i) Service delivery category (ii) Public administration and accountability category (i) Public administration and accountability category (ii) Corporate support services Total Existing VPS staff (i.e. staff that can be transferred from within the Department) Functional category 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 Ongoing 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 Ongoing Service delivery category (i) Service delivery category (ii) Public administration and accountability category (i) Public administration and accountability category (ii) Corporate support services Total Non-VPS staff Service delivery staff* Non-service delivery staff Total * Service delivery staff means any worker that would fall into Service Delivery category (i) or (ii) if these staff were employed within the VPS. Individual initiative template 5 Individual initiative template Part A Attachments Attach the following documents to the submission (as applicable) Detailed costings in Excel (required for all initiatives) Full business case or Part B of the individual initiative template (a full business case is required for all asset initiatives with a TEI of greater than $10 million, and is optional for other initiatives. The business case template is available from Investment Logic Map (Note: an Investment Logic Map (ILM) should be completed in the initial stages of the investment lifecycle process subject to the discretion of the submitting Minister/Secretary. The ILM template is available from Investment Concept Brief or Strategic Assessment Benefit management plan Lapsing program evaluation (Note: a Lapsing program evaluation is required for all lapsing programs for which further funding is sought) Report back requested by BERC Other supporting documents Individual initiative template 6 Individual initiative template Part B <Note: Part B – Short form business case is not required if a full business case is attached to the submission> Initiative title: Description of proposal B.1 <Provide details of the initiative, including the proposed outcomes that are to be achieved and the drivers for this funding request. This section should focus on what the initiative is, how it is to be delivered, by who, and why this is considered to be the most effective and efficient way to deliver the proposed outcomes. The description should specify exactly what the Government will be buying (what, when, how many units, number of staff etc)> <Where applicable, briefly outline the history of this or a related program. For example, if this initiative is intended to replace or continue a lapsing program, provide details of that lapsing program> Problem/service need and benefits B.2 <Clearly state the problem(s)/service need(s) in terms of cause and effect. The focus should be on identifying the existing gap in service delivery that is to be addressed by this proposal> <Include evidence of the cause and effect of the problem(s)/service need(s), including the extent and nature of demand> <Describe the benefits arising from addressing the problem(s) including: type and level of benefits (social, economic, environmental etc) beneficiaries; and how the benefits address the problem> <Provide details of how this service need is currently addressed, and the impact this proposal will have on the service level. For example: what approaches have been taken to address this problem? who currently delivers similar or related services at the location where they are required (consider both government and non-government providers)? how are these services currently provided? what is the current service level and by how much will this increase/improve if the initiative is endorsed? if the proposal is a lapsing program, what is the current service level? Will there be any change in service level if this proposal is funded?> Individual initiative template 7 Individual initiative template Part B Why Government should be involved B.3 <Outline the reason(s) why the State Government should be involved in addressing this problem/service need. Consider: could this problem/service need be addressed with little (or no) Government intervention? is involvement consistent with Government policy? how does the proposed initiative align to the published objectives of the department? are there currently mechanisms in place to address the problem/service need either partially or fully? If so, how will Government involvement improve on the current mechanisms? is this currently/or is it more appropriately addressed by the Commonwealth government or local government? could the problem/service need be addressed through a market-based solution?> Alternative solutions B.4 <Outline alternative options that would address the service need. This could include: different approaches to achieving the desired outcome different combinations of services alternative service providers or procurement options scalability/size options for the proposed initiative phasing options> <Outline the criteria used to compare these options, and the reason(s) why the preferred option was selected> B.5 Procurement and service providers <Who will deliver the services (eg. government, non-government)? Will there be a number of service providers?> <What process will be used to procure the services?> <Is there an established market for non-government service providers? If so, how will the department leverage off this market? How can the department further develop the market? If there is not an established market, what attempts have been made to develop a market? What further work could be undertaken to develop the market?> Individual initiative template 8 Individual initiative template Part B Timelines/key milestones B.6 <Using the table below, outline the timelines for this initiative. This should include details of key implementation components or project milestones. This should include both the forecast start and end dates> Implementation component/key milestone Timeline Evaluation strategy [Section not required for asset initiatives] B.7 <Outline the proposed evaluation strategy for this initiative> <A strategy should include the following: how will the initiative be evaluated to ensure it meets its objectives? at what stage of implementation will the evaluation be conducted? what information, data collection and evaluation methodology will be used? what mechanisms are/will be in place to collect the relevant data? how do you intend to report on the evaluation findings and use it to inform the government’s understanding of the success of the initiative?> Key performance indicators B.8 <Define the measures used to determine that expected benefits have been delivered> <This should include: KPIs that will be used as evidence that each benefit has been delivered, including: - Measures; - whether KPIs are totally attributable to the initiative; - baseline target measures and deliverable date for each – including interim targets, indicating why the specified targets are appropriate; whether data can be collected in a timely manner to enable reporting of benefit delivery> Individual initiative template 9 Individual initiative template Part B B.9 Exit strategy <Detail the exit strategy should the initiative not be endorsed by BERC for ongoing funding> B.10 Other relevant information <Provide information on any factors not addressed elsewhere in this submission that may impact on the department’s ability to deliver the initiative as stated, or that should be considered by BERC in making a funding decision> Individual initiative template 10