ECE 4112: Internetwork Security

ECE 4112: Internetwork Security
Lab : SIP Security
Group Number: _______________
Member Names: _________________________
Date Assigned:
Date Due:
Last Edited:
Authored by: Jennifer Stoll
Please read the entire lab and any extra materials carefully before starting. Be sure to
start early enough so that you will have time to complete the lab. Answer ALL questions
and be sure you turn in ALL materials listed in the Turn-in Checklist ON or BEFORE
the Date Due.
Part 1: SIP Security
Goal & Summary:
The specific goal of this lab is to become more familiar with the SIP protocol and some
of the security vulnerabilities related to this protocol. We will set-up a SIP server to
mediate sessions between hosts. We will also set-up an attacker to compromise the SIP
sessions being established to better understand some SIP security issues. In addition to
attacks, we will become more familiar with countermeasures to make SIP sessions more
secure. The general goal is to apply security theory to better understand SIP security.
Background and Theory [1, 4]:
SIP stands for Session Initiation Protocol, and it is an application-layer protocol used to
set-up, maintain and tear-down interactive sessions between computers. It has been
standardized by the IETF (Internet Engineering Task Force) as the multi-media signaling
protocol. This protocol has been used inside networks for interconnecting and tracking in
long distance calls. However, it is now being used to set up sessions for virtually any
application where a session initiation is requirement, e.g., event subscription and
notification, local & long distance telephony, instant messaging, rich media conferencing,
push-to-talk, voice messaging, presence (showing status of users such as “busy”,
“online”, or some other status) etc. In fact, the next generation of mobile phones will use
SIP as the primary signaling technology. The popularity of SIP is partly due to the fact
that it is the first protocol that enables multi-user sessions regardless of the media content
of those sessions.
The advantage that the use of SIP has over current telephony is the extreme flexibility
regardless of user location. For example, a user can attach a phone anywhere on the
Internet and be immediately reachable. The phone used may have video, instant
messaging or even file sharing because it is on an IP network. People will be able to find
each other more easily on the Internet much in the same way that using a phone number
helps us locate people.
Current trends indicate that SIP will be the primary protocol for constructing P2P systems
and resident telephony such that the current PBXs will be replaced to enable the rise of
the next generation networks such as IMS (IP Multimedia Subsystem). In the
development of SIP, the focus has bee on interoperability rather than security. Therefore,
as a protocol, it is conveniently extensible, but vulnerable to not only general IP attacks
but also to attacks unique to SIP. These attacks are unique to SIP because it is an
evolving protocol that must incorporate more security measures to be built-in.
The four potential threats we will look at include:
Confidentiality: Is someone else listening on the user’s SIP call setup?
Integrity: Is the SIP message received by the host the same one that was actually
Authentication: Can users steal the identity of other users?
Privacy: What are the potential violations to privacy and why does protecting
privacy matter?
From the end-user’s perspective, any system or service should provide confidentiality,
integrity, authentication and privacy. We will examine how SIP does or does not meet
these security requirements. Some of these reasons are due the lack of maturity as a
protocol; other reasons include design tradeoffs that were made which now have security
Prelab Questions:
Lab Scenario:
This lab requires two host machines and two virtual machines. The first host (Host1)
which is a windows machine will have the RedHat7.2 (or Ubuntu) Virtual Machine. The
second host (Host2) also a windows machine will have another linux virtual machine set
up on it as well. This will be the SIP network that is used for the lab. There will be one
SIP server running on the RedHat7.2 virtual machine (or Ubuntu) of Host1.
1: SIP Protocol, Functions & Features [4, 6]
1.1 SIP Protocol
The following terms are for the major components in SIP [collier] :
User Agent (UA) – an endpoint in a SIP system, typically an IP phone, media
gateway, or other media processing component such as voicemail. Identified
using URIs (Universal Resource Identifiers) which incorporates a phone number
or a name, e.g.,
SIP Proxy – an application that enables UAs to locate and communicate with one
another. The SIP Proxy we will use in this lab is Openser [open] which is an open
source SIP server.
SIP Registrar – an application which enables UAs to register themselves so they
can receive calls
SIP Redirect Server – an application that receives requests from a UA or proxy
and returns a redirection response indicating where the request should be tried
The SIP architecture is fairly simple and is usually composed of a SIP Proxy, Registrar
and Redirect servers implemented on one system. Below is a description taken from RFC
3261 which describes the SIP protocol [RFC]:
SIP makes use of elements called proxy servers to help route requests to the user's
current location, authenticate and authorize users for services, implement
provider call-routing policies, and provide features to users. SIP also provides a
registration function that allows users to upload their current locations for use by
proxy servers. SIP runs on top of several different transport protocols.”
Interoperability has been the focus of the SIP protocol so that different components can
be used to build the SIP network. Developed in the ‘90’s, this protocol relies heavily on
existing protocols. As described in the RFC, this protocol works in conjunction with a
number of other protocols and specialized servers to provide the capability of connecting
multiple users over the Internet. Unfortunately, according to SecureLogix:
“Interoperability can be an issue from a security point of view because all components
must support the same security standard. If they don’t, you can use only a common
capability (which may be weak).” For example, SIP is effectively designed as an IP
protocol and its messages are text-based to enable easier and more flexible, e.g., similar
to HTTP or SMTP, since such protocols can more easily work in conjunction with others.
Once SIP establishes a session, other protocols are used to negotiate the type of media to
be exchanged and how it is to be transported.
Q1.1.1: The Universal Datagram Protocol (UDP) is one protocol which SIP uses to
provide basic functionality. Use RFC 3261 or other information available on the
web to list a few other transport protocols on which SIP runs on top of.
Q1.1.2: What is a benefit of SIP being workable with many different protocols?
Q1.1.3: Some implementations use UDP for transporting SIP messages. What
security implication does this have and what protocol should be used instead?
Q1.1.4: Based on your answer to Q1.3 and the notes provided above, what would
you say is a disadvantage of SIP’s interoperability?
1.2 SIP Functions and Features
User location: A program uses SIP to register a user with a server by providing
the user name and IP address of the computer being used. This allows other users
to now locate that user on the Internet via this server and establish a session with
the user.
User availability: This function allows a user to control whether or not s/he can
be contacted. This conveys the user’s presence status as “busy”, “away”, “online”,
or as available only for particular types of information. If the user is available,
then other users are allowed to invite that user to participate in a session.
User capabilities: SIP can be used with different programs and different
platforms; therefore the exact capabilities that the user has during a session
largely depends on the features provided by the program and platform. It also
depends on the capabilities of the other user being invited to the session, e.g. both
ends must have a camera participate in a video-conference initiated using SIP.
Session set-up & tear-down: This function sends request for session-initiation to
the invited user and terminates the connection at the end of session.
Session management: This function modifies the session while in use, e.g. if
users decide to share other media during a session that was initially a voice call or
if users decide to switch to video conferencing, etc.
Q1.2.1: Based on the functions and features described above and using information
available on the Internet, discuss what attacks could be executed.
Section 2: SIP Server & Network Set-up
In this portion of the lab we will set-up the SIP server and the two UAs who will be using
the SIP Proxy to communicate. We will also set up an attacker who will attempt to
compromise the session.
2.1 SIP Proxy set-up on the RedHat 7.2 VM on the Windows host
2.1.1 Server set-up instructions
Openser is an opensource SIP server. Download openser-1.1.1-tls_src.tar.gz (SIP Server
1.1.1) from the NAS ( to your home/tools directory. This SIP server will be used to resolve
usernames to IP addresses so that requests from one user or UA to another can be
properly directed. Each user agent must register with the server with a username and
current IP address. We will be running a stateful server which remembers all the requests
and responses it receives [[double-check this]].
Steps for set-up:
 Unpack the source files: tar xvzf openser-1.1.1-tls_src.tar.gz
 Build the executable: make
 Install the program: make install
 Run the server by entering openser
2.1.2 SIP signaling commands
 REGISTER – used by UA to register with a SIP server
 INVITE – used to invite another UA to communicate and establish a SIP session
between two users
 ACK – used to accept a session and confirm reliable message exchanges
 OPTIONS – used to obtain information on the capabilities of another user
 SUSCRIBE – used to request updated presence information
 NOTIFY – used to send updated information on the UA’s current status
 CANCEL – used to cancel a pending request w/o terminating the session
 BYE – used to terminate the session
2.2 Softphone set-up on both of the two host machines
X-Lite will be used as softphone. Throughout the document, the two Windows-based
hosts will be referred to as Host-UA1, which runs SIP-VM, the virtual machine hosting
the SIP server; and Windows Host-UA2, which runs Attack-VM, the virtual machine
running the attacks.
Steps for set-up on Windows Host 1:
 Download X-Lite_Win32_1006e_34025.exe from the NAS server
 Double-click the file to begin the setup process. Follow the instructions on the screen.
 Open X-Lite. The first time you run the program, it will prompt you to add a SIP
account. Click the “Add...” button.
 Display Name: UserAgent1
 User name: UA-1
 Password: password
 Authorization user name: leave blank
 Domain: IP address of SIP-VM (see section 2.2.1 instructions on how to do this)
 Make sure “Register with domain and receive incoming calls” is checked.
 Select proxy under “Send outbound via:” and set the Address to the IP address SIPVM (see section 2.2.1 for instructions on how to do this)
 Click “OK”.
 Close the SIP Accounts window.
Repeat this process for the Windows Host 2, using UA-2 for the Display Name and
UserAgent2 for the User name.
Next, the default gateway for both hosts has to be cleared:
 Open Control Panel and open Network Connections.
 Double-click “Local Area Connection”. Click the “Properties” button.
 Under the “General” tab, select “Internet Protocol (TCP/IP)” from the list of
items. Click “Properties”.
 Make sure “Use the following IP address:” is selected with the following values:
 IP address:
 Subnet mask:
 Default gateway should be cleared
 Repeat this process for the second host, using for the IP address
2.2.1 Determining the IP address of the virtual machine
In the Ubuntu Linux virtual machine (SIP-VM), enter the following command into a
terminal: ifconfig. Find the eth0 entry and the inet addr field within that entry. This value
is the IP address of the virtual machine. For example:
# ifconfig
Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 00:AA:BB:CC:DD:EE
inet addr: Bcast: Mask:
RX packets:2023 errors:0 dropped:2 overruns:0 frame:0
TX packets:1544 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000
RX bytes:848679 (828.7 Kb) TX bytes:147853 (144.3 Kb)
Interrupt:19 Base address:0x6000 Memory:b0107000-b0107fff
In this example, the IP address is
2.3 SIP Session Description
SIP Proxy Server
Host 1
Host 2
The above diagram shows the SIP Proxy Server setting up a session between Host1 and
Host2. Once the session is established, Host1 and Host2 communicate with each other
without the help of the proxy. The attacker will execute attacks on both the server and the
session between Host1 and Host2.
Section 3: SIP Attacks [2, 3]
3.1 Common SIP attacks
SIP security can be weak due to both vulnerabilities in the protocol and attacks. Most
attacks are successful when vulnerabilities are exploited. Some exploits that can occur
have to do with the fact that the SIP protocol either recommends weak defenses or the
default is not to use any encryption. The majority of SIP attacks are similar to those
executed on IP networks. Some well-know SIP vulnerabilities and attacks are as follows
Registration Hijacking: This is similar to a man-in-the-middle attacks where an
attacker sniffs a REGISTER message from a legitimate user and modifies it with
its own address at the contact address. The SIP server will receive this fake
message and update the contact address belonging to the legitimate address with
the fake address. All incoming calls for the legitimate contact will be redirected to
the fake address.
IP Spoofing/Call Fraud: This attack is executed by impersonating a legitimate
user with a spoofed ID and sending an INVITE or REGISTER message. This
attack is easy to do when SIP messages are sent in clear-text. An illegitimate
REGISTER message from an attack can cause calls for the legitimate user to be
redirected to a random IP address with no user at the other end. An attacker can
use a legitimate IP address to make free calls.
Weak Digest Authentication: The SIP protocol recommends using the MD5
digest algorithm for authentication. However, this particular hash algorithm is
considered to weak for use in systems requiring high security. Additionally, the
SIP hash authentication algorithm has minimal header fields which can be forged.
INVITE flooding: This is similar to a SYN flood attack in TCP connections
where an attacker can execute a denial-of-service attack by flooding a SIP server
with fake INVITE messages.
BYE Denial-of-Service: When a SIP signaling packet is sent in clear text, it can
be tampered with. For example, an attacker sniffing legitimate INVITE messages
can forge a legitimate BYE message and send it to one of the UAs in a session
and effectively tear-down the session prematurely.
RTP Flooding: This attack is related to media transmission since most of these
transmissions are based on RTP once the session has been created with SIP. An
attacker forges RTP packets and bombards either UA in the session which results
in degrading the quality of the session or a terminal reboot.
SPIT (Spam over Internet Telephony): This attack sends unsolicited calls to
legitimate users without their consent. At best, such an attack is an annoyance; at
worst, it can flood the voicemail system, resulting in a form of denial-of-service.
Q3.1.1: Identify two vulnerabilities of the SIP protocol and give an example of an
attack that exploits each of the vulnerabilities.
Q3.1.2: The negative effects of attacks on end-user systems are more than just on
the system itself. Attacks can have potentially devastating consequences on the users
themselves. Using three of the attacks listed above, give one example for each attack
of the social disruption that could occur as a result of a successful attack.
3.2 Executing attacks on the SIP server
3.2.1 Setting up the attack environment
For the attacks to build successfully, you will first need to install a special library. The
instructions for obtaining the library and setting it up are below:
 Download hack_library.tar.gz from the NAS server
( and save it to the home/tools
 Unpack the source code: tar xvzf hack_library.tar.gz
 Change to the hack_library directory: cd hack_library
 Build the library: make
 The attack programs below will expect to find the files hack_library.h and
hack_library.o in ../hack_library.
3.2.2 INVITE flood Attack
The first attack on the SIP server will be an INVITE flood denial-of-service attack. This
attack sends many SIP INVITE packets to the server, which the server then tries to
process. The set-up instructions for Attack-VM are below:
Download inviteflood.tar.gz from the NAS server
( and save it to the home/tools/
Unpack the source files: tar xvzf inviteflood.tar.gz
Switch to the inviteflood directory: cd inviteflood
Build the executable: make
Run the program:
# inviteflood eth0 UA-1 <num_packets>
 where:
 eth0 is the network interface to use for the attack
 UA-1 is the username of the target user
 is the IP address of the target domain (the SIP-VM's IP address)
 is also the IP address of the flood target
 <num_packets> is the number of packets to flood the target with
 Replace any of these values with the ones you specified, if necessary
To see the attack in action, open Ethereal on the victim host (Host-UA1) and select the
network interface that the virtual machine is using. Begin capturing packets, and then
mount the attack. Take a screenshot of the capture and turn in as Screenshot #1. An
example is below:
Screenshot of INVITE flood attack
3.2.3 Registration Hijack Attack
The registration hijacking attack overwrites a specified user's registration information. It
requires the attacker to know the target user's password. This attack is performed from
the Attack-VM. The set-up instructions are:
 Download reghijacker.tar.gz from the NAS server
( and save it to the home/tools
 Unpack the source files: tar xvzf reghijacker.tar.gz
 Switch to the reghijacker directory: cd reghijacker
 Build the executable: make
 Run the program:
 # ./reghijacker eth0 hijack@localhost outfile.txt -u UA-1 -p
 where:
 eth0 is the network interface to use for the attack
 UA-1 is the username of the target user
 is the IP address of the target domain (the SIP-VM's IP address)
 is the IP address of the domain's registrar (same as above)
 hijack@localhost is the replacement contact information for the target user
 outfile.txt is the file to write the results of the attack to
 UA-1 is the user name of the victim user agent
 password is the password of the victim user agent
 Replace any of these values with the ones you specified, if necessary
To verify that the attack succeeded, in the SIP-VM, run the following command:
# openserctl ul show
and look for the new contact information (hijack@localhost in the above example).
Additionally, if you try calling the victim using the softphone, you should get an error
saying that the user does not exist.
Take a screenshot of the output showing the hijacking and turn in as Screenshot #2. An
example is below:
Sample screenshot showing output of the SIP server’s user list: UA1’s registration being
3.3 Executing attacks on the UAs’ SIP clients
3.3.1 SIP phone disruption attack
This attack repeatedly calls a user, even disrupting them after they answered a call. It
uses the inviteflood program, so follow the instructions in section 2.3.1 for retrieving and
building the program. Then, from the Attack-VM, run inviteflood as follows:
# ./inviteflood eth0 UA-1 <num_calls> -s <interval>
 eth0 is the interface the virtual machine is using
 UA-1 is the user name of the user to attack
 is the IP address of the SIP-VM
 is the same as above
 <num_calls> is the number of calls to place
 <interval> is the number seconds to wait between calls
To confirm that the attack is succeeding, check that the softphone on the target host
(Host-UA1) is receiving multiple calls, even after it hangs up or answers.
Take a screenshot of the UA-1s SIP phone showing the multiple calls and turn in as
Screenshot #3. An example is below:
Screenshot showing UA-1’s phone receiving a flood of calls from UA-2
3.3.2 SIP phone BYE session tear-down attack
This attack disrupts a call that is in session between two users. Instructions to run the
attack are below:
 Download teardown.tar.gz from the NAS
( server to the home/tools
 Unpack the source files: tar xvzf teardown.tar.gz
 Change to the teardown directory: cd teardown
 Build the executable: make
 Run the program:
 # ./teardown eth0 UA-1 <Call-ID> <FromTag>
 where:
 eth0 is the network interface being used by the virtual machine doing the
 UA-1 is the user to attack
 is the address SIP-VM
 - same as above
 <Call-ID> is the ID number of the call
 <FromTag> is the tag appended to the “From” of the SIP header
 <ToTag> is the tag appended to the “To” of the SIP header
<Call-ID>, <FromTag>, and <ToTag> can be discovered by capturing the SIP packets
transmitted during the initiation of the phone call using Ethereal. See the figure.
Take screenshot of the capture showing the <Call-ID>, <FromTag>, and <ToTag> and
turn in as Screenshot #4. An example is below:
“To” tag
“From” tag
Screenshot of Ethereal packet capture and where to find info needed to run attack
Take a screenshot of the disrupted call on both ends and turn in as Screenshot #5 & 6.
An example is below:
Screenshot of UA-1 & UA-2 where call from UA-2 was disrupted with a BYE session
tear-down attack.
Section 4: SIP Countermeasures [2, 5, 6]
4.1 Countermeasures for attack on SIP server and session
Despite the effectiveness of the attacks detailed in Section 3, there are several
countermeasures that can be put in place to deter the attacks or reduce their damage.
Use TCP/IP for SIP Connections: All four attacks could be prevented by using TCP
rather than UDP as the transport protocol underlying the SIP session between a client
and the proxy. TCP provides persistent connections, sequence numbers, and other
features that add robustness to the connection, making it more difficult for to trick a
phone into accepting packet floods (i.e., the INVITE flood attack in section 3.2.1 and
the disruption attack in section 3.3.1); it also makes it more difficult to trick the SIP
server into accepting unauthorized requests (i.e., the registration hijacking attack in
section 3.2.2 and the teardown attack in section 3.3.2).
Use TLS for TCP communication: Transport Layer Security (TLS) is a security
protocol used in the transport layer. See section 4.2 for more information on how it is
used to prevent SIP attacks.
Session Border Controller: A session border controller (SBC) is a type of stateful
firewall that is placed at a VoIP network's borders to manage the setting up and
tearing down of phone calls. SBCs are stateful because they maintain information
about each session they are monitoring. They can then use this information to reject
packets that are invalid; this is useful in preventing the flooding and disruption
attacks (sections 3.2.1 and 3.3.1, respectively) by leaving the proxy server and clients
Message Authentication: By authenticating certain packets sent to it, the SIP server
can prevent some attacks, like the session teardown attack presented in section 3.3.2.
Message authentication is performed by verifying that the message is coming from a
valid client using some shared secret between the participants. One way to do this is
by having the sender produce a message digest of a special value called a “nonce”
before processing any requests from it. A nonce is large, possibly random, nonrepeatable number. The server sends this value to the client, the client computes a
cryptographic function on the nonce to produce a digest , and the client sends back the
nonce, the digest, and the original request. The server then computes the same
function on the nonce and ensures that what it received from the client matches; since
the nonce is non-repeatable, the server is able authorize the sender and agrees to
process the request. Message authentication can thus be used to prevent the session
teardown attack because the SIP server can verify that the teardown request did
indeed come from one of the participants in the VoIP call.
Q4.1.1: Why is a TCP connection needed between every softphone and the SIP
server if we want every phone to be more secure?
Q4.1.2: Is it necessary for the challenge value used in message authentication to be
non-repeatable? Does it need to be random? Why or why not?
4.2 Using an encrypted channel for SIP
Transport Layer Security (TLS) is a protocol used to secure transport level
communication. It provides confidentiality and authentication by encrypting data sent
across a TCP connection (or any other transport layer protocol). Encryption of the data
provides confidentiality by preventing eavesdropping on packets moving across the
network; even if an attacker captures some packets, he will be unable to read them. This
can prevent registration hijacking (section 3.2.2) and session teardown (section 3.3.2)
attacks, which require the attacker to capture information about the server and the users.
Similarly, TLS provides authentication because only an authorized agent can properly
encrypt and decrypt the data. Thus, the INVITE flood (section 3.2.1) and SIP phone
disruption (section 3.3.1) attacks can be deterred because the server can authorize the
requests coming in before passing them along or trying to process the packets.
Use information available on the Internet and the diagram above to answer questions
Q4.2.1, Q4.2.2, and Q4.2.3 below.
Q4.2.1: Define confidentiality, integrity and authentication.
Q4.2.2: Discuss what mechanism in the in the diagram above would protect
confidentiality, integrity and authentication.
Q4.2.3: What are some of the drawbacks of employing TLS in the communication
between SIP clients and the proxy?
1. Collier, Mark. “Basic Vulnerability Issues for SIP Security”. SecureLogix
Corporation (2005).
2. Endler, David, Collier, Mark. Hacking Exposed: Voice Over IP Secrets &
Solutions. The McGraw Hill Companies (2007).
4. Porter, Thomas, et al. Practical VoIP Security. Syngress Publishing, Inc.
Rockland, MA (2006).
5. RFC 3261.
6. Ward, Michael. “Secure SIP protects VoIP traffic”. NetworkWorld (2006).
Available at:
ECE 4112: Internetwork Security
Lab : SIP Security
Group Number: _______________
Member Names: _________________________
Q1.1.1: The Universal Datagram Protocol (UDP) is one protocol which SIP uses to
provide basic functionality. Use RFC 3261 or other information available on the
web to list a few other transport protocols on which SIP runs on top of.
Q1.1.2: What is a benefit of SIP being workable with many different protocols?
Q1.1.3: Some implementations use UDP for transporting SIP messages. What
security implication does this have and what protocol should be used instead?
Q1.1.4: Based on your answer to Q1.3 and the notes provided above, what would
you say is a disadvantage of SIP’s interoperability?
Q3.1.1: Identify two vulnerabilities of the SIP protocol and give an example of an
attack that exploits each of the vulnerabilities.
Q3.1.2: The negative effects of attacks on end-user systems are more than just on
the system itself. Attacks can have potentially devastating consequences on the users
themselves. Using three of the attacks listed above, give one example for each attack
of the social disruption that could occur as a result of a successful attack.
Q3.2.2 Screenshot #1
Attach to answer sheet
Q3.2.3 Screenshot #2
Attach to answer sheet
Q3.3.1 Screenshot #3
Attach to answer sheet
Q3.3.2 Screenshots #4, #5, #6
Attach to answer sheet
Q4.1.1: Why is a TCP connection needed between every softphone and the SIP
server if we want every phone to be more secure?
Q4.1.2: Is it necessary for the challenge value used in message authentication to be
non-repeatable? Does it need to be random? Why or why not?
Q4.2.1: Define confidentiality, integrity and authentication.
Q4.2.2: Discuss what mechanism in the in the diagram above would protect
confidentiality, integrity and authentication.
Q4.2.3: What are some of the drawbacks of employing TLS in the communication
between SIP clients and the proxy?
Q5: How long did it take you to complete this lab? Was it an appropriate length lab?
What corrections and/or improvements do you suggest for this lab? Please be very
specific and if you add new material give the exact wording and instructions you would
give to future students in the new lab handout. You may cross out and edit the text of the
lab on previous pages to make minor corrections/suggestions. General suggestions like
add tool xyz to do more capable scanning will not be awarded extras points even if the
statement is totally true. Specific text that could be cut and pasted into this lab, completed
exercises, and completed solutions may be awarded additional credit. Thus if tool xyz
adds a capability or additional or better learning experience for future students here is
what you need to do. You should add that tool to the lab by writing new detailed lab
instructions on where to get the tool, how to install it, how to run it, what exactly to do
with it in our lab, example outputs, etc. You must prove with what you turn in that you
actually did the lab improvement yourself. Screen shots and output hardcopy are a good
way to demonstrate that you actually completed your suggested enhancements. The lab
addition section must start with the form “laboratory Additions Cover Sheet” which may
be found on the class web page.
Appendix A: Answer Sheet
Q1.1.1: The Universal Datagram Protocol (UDP) is one protocol which SIP uses to
provide basic functionality. Use RFC 3261 or other information available on the
web to list a few other transport protocols on which SIP runs on top of.
Answer: any combination of SDP, TCP, RTP, RTCP, MGCP, RTSP
Q1.1.2: What is a benefit of SIP being workable with many different protocols?
Answer: It enables SIP to be highly flexible and extensible.
Q1.1.3: Some implementations use UDP for transporting SIP messages. What
security implication does this have and what protocol should be used instead?
Answer: Because UDP does not use re-transmission or sequence numbers, it is easier for
an attacker to spoof UDP packets. TCP would be more secure because
Q1.1.4: Based on your answer to Q1.3 and the notes provided above, what would
you say is a disadvantage of SIP’s interoperability?
Answer: SIP is now also vulnerable to the same security issues with each of the different
protocols it works with.
Q3.1.1: Identify two vulnerabilities of the SIP protocol and give an example of an
attack that exploits each of the vulnerabilities.
#1: SIP sends messages in clear-text by default. The BYE DoS attack exploits this
#2: SIP recommends using the MD5 hash for authenticating. Any flavor of impersonation
attacks can exploit this vulnerability.
Q3.1.2: The negative effects of attacks on end-user systems are more than just on
the system itself. Attacks can have potentially devastating consequences on the users
themselves. Using three of the attacks listed above, give one example for each attack
of the social disruption that could occur as a result of a successful attack.
Answer: Can be a variety of answers, e.g., any DoS attack such as the BYE attack can be
extremely socially disruptive depending on the nature of the session being disrupted. If
the session is time-sensitive, such as the conversation between a financial consultant and
a client wishing to purchase shares of stock or between medical personnel collaborating
on the emergency treatment of a heart patient.
Q3.2.2 Screenshot #1
Attach to answer sheet
Q3.2.3 Screenshot #2
Attach to answer sheet
Q3.3.1 Screenshot #3
Attach to answer sheet
Q3.3.2 Screenshots #4, #5, #6
Attach to answer sheet
Q4.1.1: Why is a TCP connection needed between every softphone and the SIP
server if we want every phone to be more secure?
Answer: Any phones that use UDP to talk to the server will still be vulnerable to attacks
because they will not take advantage of the features of TCP that provide connection
robustness, so the server will not be able to authenticate packets to or from that phone.
Q4.1.2: Is it necessary for the challenge value used in message authentication to be
non-repeatable? Does it need to be random? Why or why not?
Answer: If an attacker were eavesdropping and recording all the values used as
challenges and their respective digests, then if one of the challenges showed up again, the
attacker could intercept it and send a valid digest, imitating the client
Q4.2.1: Define confidentiality, integrity and authentication.
Answer: Confidentiality is a security concept that implies safety from interception,
viewing or copying, i.e. the information remains secret. Integrity is a concept that implies
safety from illegally modifying data across endpoints. Authentication is a security
concept that implies that the user of a system has provided the proper credentials to be
allowed access.
Q4.2.2: Discuss what mechanism in the in the diagram above would protect
confidentiality, integrity and authentication.
Answer: Using an encrypted channel such as TLS better ensures confidentiality, integrity
and authentication for communication across each hop.
Q4.2.3: What are some of the drawbacks of employing TLS in the communication
between SIP clients and the proxy?
Answer: Encrypting packets adds a speed overhead to the communication. Encryption
key distribution might be complicated.
Appendix B: Set-up Instructions for the TA:
The set-up required by the TA is to set up two windows machines with a linux (we used
Ubuntu) virtual machine running on each. A cross-over cable should be used to connect
the two windows machines. Both machines should have access to the NAS server. The
student will be able to set-up the rest.
Two Windows Machines
Host 1
+ VM
Host 2
+ VM