Minutes of the meeting of Beaumont Parish Council held on Monday

Minutes of the meeting of Beaumont Parish Council held on Monday 19th May 2014 in the Supper
room at Monkhill Chapel at 7.30pm.
Present; Mrs B. Kirk, Mrs L Beattie, Mrs M. Reay, Mrs E Williamson, Mrs W. Betts, Mr A Grainger,
Mrs K Bowron, Mr J Johnson, Mr J. Collier(District Councillor) , Mr T. Allison(CCC).
Minutes of the last meeting were distributed, agreed and signed by the Chairman.
Matters Arising.
1. Field 4818 at Beaumont. We have not received any correspondence regarding our request for
access to see developments on this site. Mr Collier will speak with the Enforcement Officer again.
2. The Notice Board for KOE has been ordered and is to be delivered to Hollow Creek Farm.
3. Ponies in KOE. Clerk received no reply to letter sent to Mr Burnett, but can report that all three
ponies are now in the care of RSPCA.
4. Training Courses for councillors; we are awaiting replies from our neighbouring parish councils on
possibility of sharing venues and sharing of costs of £150.
5. Sign for Drovers Rest.; Mr Johnson reported he had spoken to the licensees of the pub, and
encouraged them to make contact with householders around the Green at Beaumont to investigate
the possibility of putting sign on their frontage. The Green is owned by the Parish Council so they
could put up a sign on this area, taking the risk of it being knocked over by cattle moving around the
village. Clerk to write and confirm this.
Councillors Reports;
1. Highway Report; Trevor will give us update at our next meeting.
2. Bus Subsidy; Trevor is setting up meeting with Paul Carrigan as this issue concerns other parishes
in his area. Kathleen agreed to join discussions as all subsidies are to be withdrawn, with 56 days
notice. This meeting will consider other possible options e.g. finding extra funding, community
vehicles etc.
3. Playscheme; Liz has contacted other parishes and Trevor will also approach parish councils in our
area as we (Beaumont Parish) currently take all the risk with this project.
4. Speed limit issue in Monkhill; after consultation with residents and councillors, Sara Steel
has now outlined the action plan: there is no justification for moving the 30mph signs. Instead, a
“gateway” feature is to be developed at location of the speed limit signs in both Monkhill and KOE,
with a wide band of red surfacing with a 30mph roundel which would alert motorists to the speed
5. Parish plan progress;
Library Drop; more signatures are needed on petition to support this measure .We will use the direct
approach in the villages .To be completed by 15th June.
Website; We have purchased fridge magnets with website info /contact for the website. These will
be inserted in the parish magazines for June. The website is short of info on people and events. We
need to encourage parishioners/clubs to contribute to and make use of the website. Albinas has
suggested that we make a collection of photos, documents and recollections relating to WW1.
Tennis courts; Malcolm Cotter has made contact with English Heritage regarding possible dig and
cost. The subcommittee is to meet to establish the needs at the hall (car parking/tennis
courts).More info at next meeting.
6. Mr Collier asked if we were doing anything about the First World War in the parish. Grants are
available from Carlisle City Council. Members considered that this was a good idea and that we
should think about commemorating the end of the war in 2018. Mr Collier is to make enquiries.
Mr Collier also said grants are available from Solway Coast AONB.
Clerk reported £13848 in dep acc (includes the precept for this year) and £500 in current acc.
Council approved the following payments;
Fridge magnets; £33.77
Notice Board KOE; £580 +carriage +VAT (no invoice as yet)
Grass cutting account; £320 for April/May cutting
Hire of Supper Room: £15.
Clerk reported the Audit has been completed by Mr Johnson and Mr T. Cornish.
Total Income
Total Expenditure
Excess of Income over Expenditure: £4069.98.
The Annual accounts were accepted by council, proposed by Bryony and seconded by Linda and
signed by the Chairman.
Planning and Decisions.
The following applications were seen by relevant councillors;
No 14/0323: Extension to existing agricultural shed/Park Farm Grinsdale. No comment.
No14/0302 Demolition and rebuild of Barn Extension;/West View Grinsdale Bridge. No comment.
Correspondence Received.
1. Clerks Direct; Noted
2. Bus Timetable; Noted
3. Student grants City of Carlisle (Parish Magazine/Website)
4. Letter received from Hall Committee thanking Parish Council for their support over the past
Circular Noted.
Councillors’ Concerns.
1. Mrs Beattie brought to our attention horses grazing in the Pound. This is the property of the
Parish Council and, in view of the Parish Plan; we need to address what we can do with this
space. To be discussed at next meeting.
2. Wendy suggested that a board for the Drovers could be positioned at the Parish Hall. Also
she reported on the progress of the Wiggonby Trust.
3. We will distribute copies of the Parish Plan to new householders in the parish and produce a
“Welcome Pack”. It was decided that the Parish should be divided up, with each Councillor
taking responsibility for new arrivals in their area. To be discussed at the next meeting.
There being no further business, Bryony closed the meeting at 9.25pm.
Date of next meeting July 7th 2014 in Grinsdale Village Hall.