Continuity of Operations (COOP) Plan MILWAUKEE COUNTY [INSERT YOUR DEPARTMENT, INSERT YOUR OFFICE] February 1st, 2014 MILWAUKEE COUNTY [INSERT YOUR DEPARTMENT] Your Office Name Your Office Address, Your city, Wisconsin, Zip Code [INSERT YOUR DEPARTMENT LOGO] MILWAUKEE COUNTY [INSERT YOUR DEPARTMENT, OFFICE] Continuity Plan February 2014 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY i MILWAUKEE COUNTY [INSERT YOUR DEPARMENT, OFFICE] Continuity Plan February 2014 CONTINUITY PLAN FOREWORD This plan provides instructions and guidance for enduring insert your Department, your office functions and is in accordance with the following: Continuity Guidance Circular 1 (CGC 1), Continuity Guidance for Non-Federal Governments (States, Territories, Tribes, and Local Government Jurisdictions), dated July 2013 Continuity Guidance Circular 2 (CGC 2), Continuity Guidance for Non-Federal Governments: Mission Essential Functions Identification Process (States, Territories, Tribes, and Local Government Jurisdictions), dated September 2013, FEMA National Preparedness Directorate’s Comprehensive Preparedness Guide 101 (CPG 101), Developing and Maintaining Emergency Operations Plans, dated November 2010. DRAFT Questions concerning this plan may be directed to: Milwaukee County INSERT YOUR DEPARTMENT, OFFICE Your office building, Room # City, WI Zip Code Your office phone # Your office email Or, Milwaukee County Emergency Management Office of the Sheriff Training Academy 9225 S. 68th Street Franklin, WI 53132 (414) 525-5770 Or, National Continuity Programs Continuity of Operations Division Federal Emergency Management Agency 500 C Street, SW, Suite 515 Washington, DC 20472 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ii MILWAUKEE COUNTY [INSERT YOUR DEPARMENT, OFFICE] Continuity Plan February 2014 DRAFT THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY iii MILWAUKEE COUNTY [INSERT YOUR DEPARMENT, OFFICE] Continuity Plan February 2014 TABLE OF CONTENTS PROMULGATION STATEMENT ...................................................................... 6 I. ANNUAL REVIEW ..................................................................................... 7 II. RECORD OF CHANGES ............................................................................. 7 III. RECORD OF DISTRIBUTION ...................................................................... 7 IV. PURPOSE ................................................................................................. 8 V. ASSUMPTIONS......................................................................................... 8 DRAFT VI. SECURITY & PRIVACY STATEMENT ........................................................... 9 VII. BUDGETING AND ACQUISITION OF RESOURCES .................................... 10 VIII. PLAN DEVELOPMENT AND MAINTENANCE ......................................... 10 IX. AUTHORITIES AND REFERENCES ............................................................ 12 X. GLOSSARY.............................................................................................. 13 XI. ACRONYMS ........................................................................................... 16 ANNEX 1: MISSION ESSENTIAL FUNCTIONS .................................... 17 Continuity Personnel Roster ....................................................................... 20 Continuity Plan Activation Notification ....................................................... 22 ANNEX 2: ORDERS OF SUCCESSION .................................................. 24 ANNEX 3: DELEGATIONS OF AUTHORITY......................................... 26 Delegation of Authority .............................................................................. 28 Proclamation of Existence of a County Emergency ..................................... 30 City of _____________ Disaster Proclamation ............................................ 31 ANNEX 4: CONTINUITY FACILITIES .................................................... 32 MAP OF CONTINUITY LOCATION ................................................................. 34 CONTINUITY FACILITY FLOOR PLAN ............................................................ 35 ANNEX 5: CONTINUITY COMMUNICATIONS ................................... 36 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY iv MILWAUKEE COUNTY [INSERT YOUR DEPARMENT, OFFICE] Continuity Plan February 2014 USING GETS AND WPS ................................................................................ 37 ANNEX 6: VITAL RECORDS MANAGEMENT ..................................... 38 EMERGENCY CONTRACTS ........................................................................... 40 ANNEX 7: HUMAN RESOURCES ......................................................... 41 RENDEZVOUS LOCATIONS ........................................................................... 41 GO-KITS....................................................................................................... 42 DRAFT FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY v MILWAUKEE COUNTY [INSERT YOUR DEPARMENT, OFFICE] Continuity Plan February 2014 PROMULGATION STATEMENT Department Mission: Insert Department, Office Mission Statement. Check out the 2014 Adopted Operating Budget Narrative for your Department, Office at To accomplish this mission, the your Department, Office must ensure its operations are performed efficiently with minimal disruption, especially during an emergency. This document provides planning and program guidance for implementing the your Department, Office Continuity Plan to ensure the organization is capable of conducting its essential missions and functions under all threats and conditions. Your Department, Office staff will deploy to your alternate location building, address and room number, with the exception of xxx personnel who will telework. Upon arrival, continuity personnel will establish an operational capability and perform essential functions within 12 hours from the time of the activation of the Continuity Plan, for up to a 30-day period or until normal operations can be resumed. DRAFT The National Continuity Policy of the United States mandates a comprehensive and effective continuity capability. Milwaukee County’s government supports the ability of the Federal Government to perform National Essential Functions (NEFs), continue Enduring Constitutional Government, and maintain Continuity of Government ensuring essential services are provided to the Nation’s citizens. This plan is one of many, which enhances the credibility of our national security posture and enables a more rapid and effective response to, and recovery from, an emergency. Your Director’s name Your Director’s title, Department This plan is developed in accordance with guidance in the following: National Continuity Policy Implementation Plan (NCPIP), dated August 2007; National Security Presidential Directive- 51/Homeland Security Presidential Directive-20 (NSPD-51/HSPD20), dated May 4th, 2007; Continuity Guidance Circular 1 (CGC 1), Continuity Guidance for Non-Federal Governments (States, Territories, Tribes, and Local Government Jurisdictions), dated July 2013; Continuity Guidance Circular 2 (CGC 2), Continuity Guidance for Non-Federal Governments, dated September 2013; and Wisconsin §§ 323 Emergency Management, 63 County and City Civil Service, and 59 Counties, dated January 1st, 2014. FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY 6 MILWAUKEE COUNTY [INSERT YOUR DEPARMENT, OFFICE] Continuity Plan I. February 2014 ANNUAL REVIEW Once a year, the your Department, Office reviews its Continuity Plan, components, and supporting elements, and makes any required updates or changes. Element Reviewed Date of Last Review Individuals Conducting Review Continuity Plan Mission Essential Functions (MEFs) Continuity Facility Functionality Continuity Facility MOU DRAFT Continuity Communications II. RECORD OF CHANGES Change Number III. Date of Change Section Individual Making Change Description of Change RECORD OF DISTRIBUTION Date of Delivery Number of Copies Delivered Method of Delivery Name, Title, and Organization of Receiver 1 email Milwaukee County Executive 1 email Milwaukee County Emergency Management FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY 7 MILWAUKEE COUNTY [INSERT YOUR DEPARMENT, OFFICE] Continuity Plan IV. February 2014 PURPOSE Insert your Department, Office Mission Statement, again. To accomplish this mission, the your Department, Office must ensure its operations are performed within 12 hours from plan activation, for up to 30 days or until normal operations can be resumed. While the severity and consequences of an emergency cannot be predicted, effective contingency planning can minimize the impact on your Department, Office missions, personnel, and facilities. Continuity planning ensures the continuity of the essential functions under all threats and conditions. Recent emergencies, such as the Milwaukee County Courthouse fire of July 2013, have increased the need for viable continuity capabilities that enable organizations to continue their essential functions. DRAFT The your Department, Office continuity objectives are: 1. Ensure our essential functions can be performed under all conditions. 2. Reduce the loss of life and minimize property damage and loss. 3. Execute a successful order of succession with accompanying authorities in the event that our leadership is unable, unavailable, or incapable of assuming and performing their authorities and responsibilities of office. 4. Ensure there are facilities from which our duties and functions can be performed. 5. Protect personnel, facilities, equipment, records, and other critical assets. 6. Achieve a timely and orderly recovery and reconstitution from an emergency. This plan applies to all your Department, Office personnel at the your primary office location, address. The your Department, Office staff shall be familiar with continuity policies and procedures and their respective continuity roles and responsibilities. V. ASSUMPTIONS An emergency condition may require the relocation of the your Department, Office staff to the continuity facility at your alternate facility building name, address. Insert number of persons teleworking, if applicable. The Director at your alternate facility that you are coordinating with will support the your Department, Office staff and the continuation of the your Office mission essential functions by available communications and information systems within 12 hours from the time the Continuity Plan is activated, for potentially up to a 30-day period or until normal operations can be resumed. A Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) titled, MOU FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY 8 MILWAUKEE COUNTY [INSERT YOUR DEPARMENT, OFFICE] Continuity Plan February 2014 between the your Department’s Director and your alternate facility’s Director, has dual signatories establishing such. In most situations, the your Department, Office regional operations are unaffected and available to support actions directed by your Department Director or a successor. However, in the event that staff deployment is not feasible due to the loss of personnel, the your Department, Office will devolve to insert a Department or Agency (could be another County) that will assume all essential functions of your Department, Office should all persons be incapacitated. VI. SECURITY & PRIVACY STATEMENT This document is For Official Use Only. Portions of the Plan contain information that raises personal privacy or other concerns, and those portions may be exempt from mandatory disclosure under the Freedom of Information Act (see 5 United States Code §552, 41 Code of Federal Regulations Part 105-60). Personal information contained within is protected under the Privacy Act of 1974. DRAFT It is to be controlled, stored, handled, transmitted, distributed, and disposed of in accordance with open record processing and is not to be released without prior approval of the your Department Director/Designee to the public or other personnel who do not have a valid “need to know.” Some of the information in this plan, if made public, could endanger the lives and privacy of employees. The disclosure of information in this plan could compromise the security of essential equipment, services, and systems of the your Department, Office or otherwise impair its ability to carry out essential functions. The your Department/Designee for the your Department, Office will distribute copies of the Continuity Plan on a need to know basis and will distribute updated versions annually or as critical changes occur. Distribution of the Continuity Plan in whole or part is limited to personnel who need to know the information in order to implement the plan. This Continuity Plan is stored with your Department’s Vital Records, electronically on the your share drive/secure cloud/secure URL. This Plan and all of your Department’s Vital Records are also stored hard copy at your primary Department’s location and your Department’s alternate location. This Plan will be distributed via email to staff. Copies of the Plan will be distributed to other organizations as necessary to promote information sharing and facilitate a coordinated inter-organization continuity effort. Further distribution of the plan is not permitted without approval from your Department Director/Designee. FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY 9 MILWAUKEE COUNTY [INSERT YOUR DEPARMENT, OFFICE] Continuity Plan VII. February 2014 BUDGETING AND ACQUISITION OF RESOURCES The your Department Director budgets for and acquires those resources and capabilities essential to continuity operations. A copy of the continuity budget is found at your Comptroller/Fiscal Department. Within this budget, the your Department Director budgets for continuity resources and capabilities in accordance with Wisconsin State Statute 323.50, et seq., Emergency Location and Continuity of Government and other applicable directives. This budget provides for the acquisition of those resources necessary for continuity operations on an emergency basis for up to 30 days or until normal operations can be resumed. DRAFT As part of the budget process, the your Department, Office uses a risk management methodology to identify, prioritize, and justify the allocation of budgetary resources. This methodology is based on both counsel and audit of the Department of Administrative Services (DAS), Risk Management and the Office of the Comptroller. The your Department, Office integrates the continuity budget with its long-term strategic plan and links the budget directly to objectives and metrics set forth in that plan. A copy of the strategic plan is found at the Office of the Comptroller. For those contracts vital to the support of the your Department, Office essential functions, the your Department Director has ensured contractor statements of work include the provision to provide staffing, services, and resources during emergency conditions. A list of vital contracts is found at the DAS, Procurement. These contracts and price agreements are negotiated in concert with Corporation Counsel and the Community Business Development Partners. During an emergency situation, the DAS, Procurement, Contracts Administrator and Purchasing Administrator is responsible for oversight and handling of emergency work by contractors. VIII. PLAN DEVELOPMENT AND MAINTENANCE The your Department Director’s Continuity Coordinator is responsible for maintaining the your Department, Office Continuity Plan. This Continuity Coordinator also holds the position of include their day-to-day position/title. The Continuity Plan, your Department mission essential functions, and supporting activities, will be reviewed by the your Department’s Director and Continuity Coordinator and updated annually from the date of publication as part of the maintenance of continuity plans and procedures. Updates will be forwarded to Milwaukee County Emergency Management for distribution and approval by the County Executive, Comptroller, Corporation Counsel and DAS, Risk Management. FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY 10 MILWAUKEE COUNTY [INSERT YOUR DEPARMENT, OFFICE] Continuity Plan February 2014 The plan will be updated or modified when there are significant organizational, procedural changes, or other events that impact continuity processes or procedures. Comments or suggestions for improving this plan may be provided to: Your Department’s Location, Building Title Address and Room Number Phone Number, Email Your Department, Office Continuity Plan Development and Maintenance Position Responsibilities Provide strategic leadership and overarching policy direction for the continuity program Implement the Continuity Plan (activate COOP) when necessary, or when directed by a higher authority Update and promulgate orders of succession and delegations of authority Ensure adequate funding is available for emergency operations Ensure all organization components participate in continuity exercises Update Continuity Plan annually Review status of Essential Records, files, and databases Conduct alert and notification tests Develop and lead Continuity training Plan Continuity exercises DRAFT Your Department Director Your Department’s Deputy Director, Designee Your Department’s Deputy Director, Designee Your Department’s designated exercise planner Your Department’s administrative staff person Update telephone rosters monthly The Staff Positions noted above, and Be prepared to deploy and support organization essential functions throughout a continuity event Be familiar with continuity planning and know individual roles and responsibilities Participate in continuity training and exercises as directed Have a telework agreement for this position, if applicable Provide current contact information to manager Your remaining staff positions. FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY 11 MILWAUKEE COUNTY [INSERT YOUR DEPARMENT, OFFICE] Continuity Plan IX. February 2014 AUTHORITIES AND REFERENCES National Continuity Policy Implementation Plan (NCPIP), dated August 2007 National Security Presidential Directive-51/Homeland Security Presidential Directive-20 (NSPD-51/HSPD-20), dated May 4th, 2007 Continuity Guidance Circular 1 (CGC 1), Continuity Guidance for Non-Federal Governments (States, Territories, Tribes, and Local Government Jurisdictions), dated July 2013 Continuity Guidance Circular 2 (CGC 2), Continuity Guidance for Non-Federal Governments: Mission Essential Functions Identification Process (States, Territories, Tribes, and Local Government Jurisdictions), dated September 2013 DRAFT Wisconsin State Statute 323, Emergency Management, et seq., dated January 1st, 2014 Wisconsin State Statute 63, County and City Civil Service, et seq., dated January 1st, 2014 Wisconsin State Statute 59, Counties, et seq., dated January 1st, 2014 Department Ordinances, Resolutions FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY 12 MILWAUKEE COUNTY [INSERT YOUR DEPARMENT, OFFICE] Continuity Plan February 2014 X. GLOSSARY Activation – Once a continuity of operations plan has been implemented, whether in whole or in part, it is considered “activated.” All-Hazards – The spectrum of all types of hazards including accidents, technological events, natural disasters, terrorist attacks, warfare, and chemical, biological including pandemic influenza, radiological, nuclear, or explosive events. Alternate Facilities – Locations, other than the primary facility, used to carry out essential functions, particularly in a continuity event. “Alternate facilities” refers to not only other locations, but also nontraditional options such as working at home (teleworking), telecommuting, and mobile-office concepts. DRAFT Communications – Voice, video, and data capabilities that enable the leadership and staff to conduct the mission essential functions of the organization. Robust communications help ensure that the leadership receives coordinated, integrated policy and operational advice and recommendations and will provide the ability for governments and the private sector to communicate internally and with other entities (including with other Federal agencies, State, territorial, tribal, and local governments, and the private sector) as necessary to perform their Mission Essential Functions (MEFs). Continuity – An uninterrupted ability to provide services and support, while maintaining organizational viability, before, during, and after an event. Continuity Facilities – Locations, other than the primary facility, used to carry out essential functions, particularly in a continuity situation. “Continuity facilities” refers to not only other locations, but also nontraditional options such as working at home (teleworking), telecommuting, and mobile-office concepts. Continuity Event – Any event that causes an agency to relocate its operations to an alternate or other continuity site to assure continuance of its essential functions. COOP, or Continuity of Operations – An effort within individual organizations (e.g., Federal executive branch departments and agencies) to ensure that Mission Essential Functions continue to be performed during a wide range of emergencies, including localized acts of nature, accidents, and technological or attack-related emergencies. Continuity Personnel – Those personnel, both senior and core, who provide the leadership advice, recommendations, and functional support necessary to continue essential operations COG, or Continuity of Government – A coordinated effort within each branch of government (e.g., the Federal Government’s executive branch) to ensure that National Essential Functions continue to be performed during a catastrophic emergency; and responsibilities and provide for orderly succession, appropriate transition of leadership, FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY 13 MILWAUKEE COUNTY [INSERT YOUR DEPARMENT, OFFICE] Continuity Plan February 2014 interoperability, and support of the National Essential Functions during a catastrophic emergency. Delegation of Authority – Identification, by position, of the authorities for making policy determinations and decisions at headquarters, field levels, and all other organizational locations. Generally, pre-determined delegations of authority will take effect when normal channels of direction have been disrupted and will lapse when these channels have been reestablished. Devolution – The capability to transfer statutory authority and responsibility for essential functions from an agency’s primary operating staff and facilities to other agency employees and facilities, and to sustain that operational capability for an extended period. ECG, or Enduring Constitutional Government – A cooperative effort among the legislative, executive, and judicial branches of the Federal Government, coordinated by the President, as a matter of comity with respect to the legislative and judicial branches and with proper respect for the constitutional separation of powers among the branches, to preserve the constitutional framework under which the Nation is governed and the a capability of all three branches of government to execute constitutional responsibilities and provide for orderly succession, appropriate transition of leadership, interoperability, and support of the National Essential Functions during a catastrophic emergency. DRAFT Essential Functions – The critical activities performed by organizations, especially after a disruption of normal activities. There are three categories of essential functions: National Essential Functions, Primary Mission Essential Functions, and Mission Essential Functions. Facilities – Locations where an organization’s leadership and staff operate. Leadership and staff may be co-located in one facility or dispersed across many locations and connected by communications systems. Facilities must be able to provide staff with survivable protection and must enable continued and endurable operations. Interoperable Communications – Communications that provide the capability to perform essential functions, in conjunction with other organizations/entities, under all conditions. Leadership – The senior decision makers who have been elected (e.g., the President, State governors, County Executive) or designated to head a branch of government or other organization. Memorandum of Agreement/Memorandum of Understanding – Written agreement between departments/agencies that require specific goods or services to be furnished or tasks to be accomplished by one organization in support of the other. Mission Essential Functions – The limited set of agency-level government functions that must be continued throughout, or resumed rapidly after, a disruption of normal activities. Organization Head – The highest-ranking official of the primary occupant organization, or a successor or designee who has been selected by that official. FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY 14 MILWAUKEE COUNTY [INSERT YOUR DEPARMENT, OFFICE] Continuity Plan February 2014 Orders of Succession – Provisions for the assumption by individuals of organization senior leadership positions during an emergency in the event that any of those officials are unavailable to execute their legal duties. Primary Operating Facility – The site of an organization’s normal, day-to-day operations; the location where the employee usually goes to work. Reconstitution – The process by which surviving and/or replacement organization personnel resume normal operations from the original or replacement primary operating facility. Risk Analysis – The process by which risks are identified and evaluated. Risk Assessment – The identification and assessment of hazards. DRAFT Risk Management – The process of identifying, controlling, and minimizing the impact of events whose consequences are or may be unknown, or events that are fraught with uncertainty. Telework – The ability to work at a location other than the official duty station to perform work or emergency duties. This may include, but is not limited to, using portable computers, personal computers, high-speed telecommunications links, and mobile communications devices. Testing, Training, and Exercises – Measures to ensure that an agency’s continuity plan is capable of supporting the continued execution of the agency’s essential functions throughout the duration of a continuity situation. Virtual Offices – An environment where employees are not collocated and rely exclusively on information technologies to interact and conduct their work across distance from multiple geographic locations. Essential Records – Electronic and hardcopy documents, references, and records that are needed to support essential functions during a continuity situation. The two basic categories of Essential Records are (1) emergency operating records and (2) rights and interests records. FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY 15 MILWAUKEE COUNTY [INSERT YOUR DEPARTMENT, OFFICE] Continuity Plan XI. February 2014 ACRONYMS DAS CGC CIO COG COS COOP ECG GETS IT MEF MOA MOU NCPIP P-Card STTEF TT&E WPS Department of Administrative Services Continuity Guidance Circular Chief Information Officer Continuity of Government Chief of Staff Continuity of Operations Enduring Constitutional Government Government Emergency Telecommunications Service Information Technology Mission Essential Function Memorandum of Agreement Memorandum of Understanding National Continuity Policy Implementation Plan Your Department Purchase Card, if applicable State, Territorial, Tribal Essential Functions Test, Training, and Exercise Wireless Priority Service DRAFT FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY 16 MILWAUKEE COUNTY [INSERT YOUR DEPARTMENT, OFFICE] Continuity Plan February 2014 ANNEX 1: MISSION ESSENTIAL FUNCTIONS The your Department MEFs are based on its mission and represent responsibilities of government leaders to ensure the well being of their communities. The your Department MEFs are a limited set of their organizational functions that must be continued throughout, or resumed rapidly after, a disruption of normal activities. These MEFs, as validated and approved by the Milwaukee County Executive, Comptroller, Corporation Counsel, and DAS, Risk Management are listed below in priority order. Remember, check here for your Department’s Mission Statement and Objectives: What may not be found in the 2014 Adopted Operating Budget, however, are EMERGENCY functions that you will provide the County and constituents during a disaster. Think critically on these most essential functions and enter them below. DRAFT Description YOUR DEPARTMENT Mission Essential Functions Equipment requirements to perform the Function MEF 1: SAMPLE – Maintain the office of elected chief executive officer for the County. MEF 2: SAMPLE – Coordinate and direct all administrative and management functions of County government. MEF 3: SAMPLE – Appoint, supervise, and direct all department heads and members of boards and commissions. MEF 4: SAMPLE – Submit annually a recommended County budget to the County Board. MEF 5: SAMPLE – Communicate to the County Board the condition of the County or other matters requiring their attention. MEF 6: SAMPLE – Approve and veto all resolutions or ordinances enacted by the County Board. SAMPLE Telephone, Internet, County email, USPS mail, copier/printer/fax services. Telephone listings, Tax rolls, Delinquent tax reports, Legal resources, Criminal records, Court judgments. 800 MHz radio system, Infrastructure, Heavy equipment, Refrigerated equipment. *People for these MEFs are on the next page. The your Department has determined the staff positions necessary to relocate under Continuity Plan activation. The roster is below and also stored with your Department’s FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY 17 MILWAUKEE COUNTY [INSERT YOUR DEPARTMENT, OFFICE] Continuity Plan February 2014 Vital Records, electronically on the your share drive/secure cloud/secure URL. The Vital Records and this Roster are also stored hard copy at your primary Department’s location and your Department’s alternate location. The your Department’s Administrative Designee is responsible for maintaining roster currency and ensuring personnel are matched against needed positions. Each continuity member is selected by the your Department Director based upon: The essential functions that must be performed, regardless of the operational status of the your Department’s primary operating location. The member’s knowledge and expertise in performing these essential functions . The member’s ability to rapidly deploy to the relocation site in an emergency situation YOUR DEPARTMENT, OFFICE Continuity Personnel by Mission Essential Function Title/ Position DRAFT Function MEF 1: SAMPLE – Maintain the office of elected chief executive officer for the County. MEF 2: SAMPLE – Coordinate and direct all administrative and management functions of County government. Name Your Department Director Successor 1: CHIEF/DEPUTY/ASST Successor 2: CHIEF/DEPUTY/ASST Successor 3: CHIEF/DEPUTY/ASST Your Department might have a need for a separate succession of Administrative OR Legal functions. INSERT DIRECTOR OF ADMINISTRATIVE/LEGAL SERVICES] Successor 1: CHIEF/DEPUTY/ASST Successor 2: CHIEF/DEPUTY/ASST Successor 3: CHIEF/DEPUTY/ASST Your Department Director, Designee Successor 1: CHIEF/DEPUTY/ASST Successor 2: CHIEF/DEPUTY/ASST Successor 3: CHIEF/DEPUTY/ASST Your Department might have a need for a separate succession of Administrative OR Legal functions. [INSERT DIRECTOR OF ADMINISTRATIVE/LEGAL SERVICES] Successor 1: CHIEF/DEPUTY/ASST Successor 2: CHIEF/DEPUTY/ASST Successor 3: CHIEF/DEPUTY/ASST FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY 18 MILWAUKEE COUNTY [INSERT YOUR DEPARTMENT, OFFICE] Continuity Plan Function YOUR DEPARTMENT, OFFICE Continuity Personnel by Mission Essential Function Title/ Position MEF 3: SAMPLE – Appoint, supervise, and direct all department heads and members of boards and commissions Your Department Director, Designee Successor 1: CHIEF/DEPUTY/ASST Successor 2: CHIEF/DEPUTY/ASST Successor 3: CHIEF/DEPUTY/ASST MEF 4: SAMPLE – Submit annually a recommended County budget to the County Board. Your Department Director, Designee Successor 1: CHIEF/DEPUTY/ASST Successor 2: CHIEF/DEPUTY/ASST Successor 3: CHIEF/DEPUTY/ASST MEF 5: SAMPLE – Communicate to the County Board the condition of the County or other matters requiring their attention. Your Department PIO, Designee Successor 1: CHIEF/DEPUTY/ASST Successor 2: CHIEF/DEPUTY/ASST Successor 3: CHIEF/DEPUTY/ASST MEF 6: SAMPLE – Approve and veto all resolutions or ordinances enacted by the County Board. Your Department Director, Designee Successor 1: CHIEF/DEPUTY/ASST Successor 2: CHIEF/DEPUTY/ASST Successor 3: CHIEF/DEPUTY/ASST February 2014 Name DRAFT FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY 19 MILWAUKEE COUNTY [INSERT YOUR DEPARTMENT, OFFICE] Continuity Plan February 2014 Continuity Personnel Roster YOUR DEPARTMENT, OFFICE Continuity Personnel Roster Title/ Position Your Department Director O (414) M (414) H (414) Your Department Deputy O M H O M H Team Leader B* (414) (414) (414) (414) (414) (414) Continuity Location Office Mobile [Continuity Site] O (414) M (414) Consider the use of employee mobile phones at Continuity Site [Continuity Site] O (414) M (414) [Continuity Site] O (414) M (414) DRAFT Your Department Deputy/Chief/Asst Team Leader A* Office Mobile Home Name Your Department Deputy/Chief/Asst O (414) M (414) H (414) [Continuity Site] O (414) M (414) Your Department Deputy/Chief/Asst O (414) M (414) H (414) [Continuity Site] O (414) M (414) Your Department Deputy/Chief/Asst O M H O M H [Continuity Site] O (414) M (414) [Continuity Site] O (414) M (414) Your Department Deputy/Chief/Asst (414) (414) (414) (414) (414) (414) Your Department Deputy/Chief/Asst O (414) [Continuity Site] M (414) O (414) H (414) M (414) Your Department O (414) [Continuity Site] Deputy/Chief/Asst M (414) O (414) H (414) M (414) * Team Leader Use to PUSH and RECEIVE information. e.g., Activation of the Continuity Plan, a change in Successor. Your Department Deputy/Designee is Team Leader A and responsible for communications of those bracketed above. Your Department Deputy/Designee is Team Leader B and responsible for communications of those bracketed above. FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY 20 MILWAUKEE COUNTY [INSERT YOUR DEPARTMENT, OFFICE] Continuity Plan February 2014 YOUR DEPARTMENT, OFFICE [Your Department may have a need for separate succession of Administrative or Legal duties] Continuity Personnel Roster for DIRECTOR OF ADMINISTRATIVE/LEGAL SERVICES Functions Office Title/ Position Name Mobile Continuity Location Home Your Department’s O (414) [Continuity Site] Administrative/Legal M (414) O (414) Director H (414) M (414) Your Administrative/Legal Services Deputy O (414) M (414) H (414) [Continuity Site] O (414) M (414) Your County Board Chairperson, if applicable O (414) M (414) H (414) [Continuity Site] O (414) M (414) Your County Board First Vice Chair, if applicable. O (414) M (414) H (414) [Continuity Site] O (414) M (414) DRAFT FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY 21 MILWAUKEE COUNTY [INSERT YOUR DEPARTMENT, OFFICE] Continuity Plan February 2014 Continuity Plan (COOP) Notification Consider those Departments that you have interdependencies with. This may look much different than the sample below if you are not located at the Courthouse. Title/ Position IMSD Director/Deputy County Board Chairperson Emergency Management YOUR DEPARTMENT Continuity Plan (COOP) Notification Office Name Mobile Home O (414) M (414) H (414) O (414) M (414) H (414) O (414) M (414) H (414) Director of O (414) Operations M (414) H (414)) O (414) M (414) H (414) O (414) Department of M (414) Administrative H (414) Serives Continuity Location [Continuity Site] O (414) M (414) [Continuity Site] O (414) M (414) [Continuity Site] O (414) M (414) [Continuity Site] O (414) M (414) [Continuity Site] O (414) M (414) [Continuity Site] O (414) M (414) DRAFT Facilities Management Mail Room SAMPLE Courthouse Department Head Human Resources Child Support Services Corporation Counsel Family Care Government Affairs SAMPLE Courthouse Constitutional Treasurer FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY O M H O M H O M H O M H O M H O M H (414) (414) (414) (414) (414) (414) (414) (414) (414) (414) (414) (414) (414) (414) (414) (414) (414) (414) [Continuity Site] O (414) M (414) [Continuity Site] O (414) M (414) [Continuity Site] O (414) M (414) [Continuity Site] O (414) M (414) [Continuity Site] O (414) M (414) [Continuity Site] O (414) M (414) 22 MILWAUKEE COUNTY [INSERT YOUR DEPARTMENT, OFFICE] Continuity Plan Title/ Position Officers YOUR DEPARTMENT Continuity Plan (COOP) Notification Office Name Mobile Home O (414) Clerk of Circuit Courts M (414) H (414) O (414) County Clerk M (414) H (414) O (414) Sheriff M (414) H (414) O (414) Register of Deeds M (414) H (414) Chief Judge O (414) M (414) H (414) O (414) M (414) H (414) February 2014 Continuity Location [Continuity Site] O (414) M (414) [Continuity Site] O (414) M (414) [Continuity Site] O (414) M (414) [Continuity Site] O (414) M (414) [Continuity Site] O (414) M (414) [Continuity Site] O (414) M (414) DRAFT Public Information Officer FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY 23 MILWAUKEE COUNTY [INSERT YOUR DEPARTMENT, OFFICE] Continuity Plan February 2014 ANNEX 2: ORDERS OF SUCCESSION The your Department’s order of succession is critical to ensuring effective leadership during an emergency. In the event an incumbent is incapable or unavailable to fulfill essential duties, successors have been identified to ensure there is no lapse in essential decision-making authority. The your Department has identified successors for x-number positions, your position titles, e.g., County Executive, Chief of Staff, and Director of Communications. Your Department may have a need for separate succession of Administrative OR Legal duties. The role of Director of Administrative/Legal Services successor for the your Department Director is included below. A copy of these orders of succession is also stored with your Department’s Vital Records, electronically on the your share drive/secure cloud/secure URL. This is also stored hard copy at your primary Department’s location and your Department’s alternate location. DRAFT The your Department’s designated Administrative position is responsible for ensuring orders of succession are up-to-date. Review by the Milwaukee County Executive and Corporation Counsel are required. YOUR DEPARTMENT Orders of Succession Position Designated Successors* 1. SAMPLE – CHIEF OF STAFF 2. SAMPLE – DEPUTY CHIEF OF STAFF 3. SAMPLE – DIR OF COMMUNICATIONS 1. SAMPLE – DEPUTY CHIEF OF STAFF Your Department 2. SAMPLE – DIR OF COMMUNICATIONS Deputy/Chief/Asst 3. SAMPLE – DIR OF LEGISLATIVE AFFAIRS 1. SAMPLE – DEPUTY CHIEF OF STAFF Your Department 2. SAMPLE – DIR OF LEGISLATIVE AFFAIRS Deputy/Chief/Asst 3. SAMPLE – EXECUTIVE ASSISTANT Your Department of Administrative 1. SAMPLE – ADMIN SERVICES, DIR OF OPERATIONS OR Legal Services, as applicable 2. SAMPLE – COUNTY BOARD CHAIR PERSON 3. SAMPLE – COUNTY BOARD FIRST VICE CHAIR *Ideally, designated successors are dispersed geographically, thereby ensuring a survivor in a catastrophic incident. Your Department Director Wisconsin § 323.55 requires the successor to take the oath in order to fully exercise the powers and discharge the duties of the insert Department position if the oath of office, FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY 24 MILWAUKEE COUNTY [INSERT YOUR DEPARTMENT, OFFICE] Continuity Plan February 2014 323.55, applies, e.g., County Executive. They shall serve in a temporary manner, with the title Interim Your Department Director, until the previous elected official can resume the duties of the office, or until a special election can be held. Wisconsin § 887.01 identifies qualified officials to administer the oath, which include the following: any justice, judge or magistrate, any clerk of any court of record, county commission or municipality, and nay notary public or commission for Wisconsin. Insert the following, only if applicable: Procedurally, the successor must be determined by an ordinance or resolution should they remain the Interim your Department Director after the conclusion of the disaster, imminent threat of a disaster, or the emergency period. The County Board shall convene and determine the necessary action for enduring the office of the your Department. In the event of a change in leadership status, the Interim your Department Director must notify the other your Department staff, and departments identified on the COOP Notification list in Annex 1. This is to be accomplished via county email, at a minimum. The your Public Information Officer or the County Executive’s Public Information Officer (should your office not have one) will release public notice. DRAFT In the event the Your Department Director leadership becomes unreachable or incapable of performing their authorized legal duties, roles, and responsibilities, the County Executive, the Office of the Sheriff, or Emergency Management will initiate a notification of the next successor in line. In the event the your Department is wholly disparate, it may require an outside agency to initiate devolution of your Department, Office. Devolution will be assumed by insert a Department or Agency (could be another County), entailing the assumption of essential functions, which cannot be reasonably assumed by your Department, Office. This Department or Agency (could be another County), is aware of this plan and the necessary tasks involved in each essential function. Annual discussions and updates are held in conjunction with updates of this Continuity Plan. Training on the assumption of the role of Interim your Department Director, insert other Titles/Positions that have a successor designated, is conducted annually; insert the month that you will designate to Continuity renewal, e.g., February, the annual Continuity Plan renewal month. Critical procedures such as e.g., veto and approval authorities of ordinances and resolutions, reside in the your document title that details the how-to of job duties, e.g., County Executive Responsibilities Binder, which is stored with your Department’s Vital Records, electronically on the your share drive/secure cloud/secure URL. This Plan and all of your Department’s Vital Records are also stored hard copy at your primary Department’s location and your Department’s alternate location. FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY 25 MILWAUKEE COUNTY [INSERT YOUR DEPARTMENT, OFFICE] Continuity Plan February 2014 ANNEX 3: DELEGATIONS OF AUTHORITY The your Department Director’s, and list all other positions that have a Successor’s, authority will be delegated to the successors listed in Annex 2. These authorities will be assumed when normal channels of direction are disrupted and will terminate when these channels have resumed. Orderly succession to the position of your Department Director, and list all other positions that have a Successor, shall occur in the case of the said leader’s absence, a vacancy at that office, or the inability of the said leader to act during an emergency or national security emergency. The your Department Director has identified the following delegations of authority: DRAFT There are no limitations to the authority of the successor to the your Department Director. Accountability of the actions of the successor will remain in accordance with current laws and policies of Milwaukee County. The explicit powers and duties of the your Department Director are: o SAMPLE – The authority to direct all management functions of County government. o SAMPLE – The authority to appoint all department heads and members of boards and commissions. o SAMPLE – The authority to make budgetary decisions for County expenditures. This includes the submission of the County budget to the County Board annually. o SAMPLE – The authority to freely communicate with the County Board on all matters requiring their attention. o SAMPLE – The authority to veto or approve all resolutions or ordinances enacted by the County Board. REPEAT this for each position that has a Successor, to include Administrative OR Legal Successors. The authorities listed above may be modeled after the MEFs in Annex 1. The your Department Director has informed the Successors listed in Annex 2 of the expectation that he/she will assume the Interim your Department Director functions during a continuity event. Annual training with the Successors will occur in conjunction with the update of this Continuity Plan; e.g., February. The your Department’s delegations of authorities are stored with your Department’s Vital Records, electronically on the your share drive/secure cloud/secure URL. This Plan and FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY 26 MILWAUKEE COUNTY [INSERT YOUR DEPARTMENT, OFFICE] Continuity Plan February 2014 all of your Department’s Vital Records are also stored hard copy at your primary Department’s location and your Department’s alternate location. DRAFT FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY 27 MILWAUKEE COUNTY [INSERT YOUR DEPARTMENT, OFFICE] Continuity Plan February 2014 Delegation of Authority Your Department Delegation Number: [Number] Issue Date: [Date] DELEGATION OF AUTHORITY AND SUCCESSION FOR THE Your Department PURPOSE This is a delegation of authority for the continuity of essential functions through the orderly succession of officials at the Office of the Your Department in case of leadership absence, a vacancy at that office, or the inability of the leader to act during a disaster or national security emergency. DRAFT DELEGATION I hereby delegate authority to the following officials, in the order listed below, to exercise the powers and perform the duties of the said position listed below, in case of the leader’s absence, inability to perform, or vacancy of the office, and until that condition ceases. Officials to exercise the powers and perform the duties of Your Department Director: 1. SAMPLE – Chief of Staff 2. SAMPLE – Deputy Chief of Staff 3. SAMPLE – Director of Communications REPEAT this paragraph for each position that has a Successor, to include Administrative OR Legal Successors. Officials to the duties of the [INSERT ADMINISTRATIVE DIRECTOR, IF APPLICABLE]: 1. SAMPLE – Director of Operations, Department of Administrative Services 2. SAMPLE – Chair Person of the County Board 3. SAMPLE – First Vice Chair of the County Board Eligibility for succession to the Office of the Your Department shall be limited to officially assigned incumbents of the positions listed in the order of succession, above. Only officials specifically designated in the approved order of succession are eligible. Persons appointed on an acting basis, or on some other temporary basis, are ineligible to serve as a successor; therefore, the order of succession would fall to the next designated official in the approved order of succession. FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY 28 MILWAUKEE COUNTY [INSERT YOUR DEPARTMENT, OFFICE] Continuity Plan February 2014 AUTHORITIES Wisconsin State Statute Chapter 323 ________________________________ [Name] Your Department Director Have this signed immediately. The idea is to have it signed by the Department Head before the disaster, and before they may be incapacitated. [Date] DRAFT ________________________________ [Name] Corporation Counsel [Date] [For a cancellation of delegation, use the following verbiage:] CANCELLATION [Delegation of Authority No. XXX] to Office of the Your Department Director is hereby rescinded. FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY 29 MILWAUKEE COUNTY [INSERT YOUR DEPARTMENT, OFFICE] Continuity Plan February 2014 Proclamation of Existence of a County Emergency Included as a reminder that an emergency may need to be declared. WHEREAS, Ordinance 99 of Milwaukee County and State Statute 323, empowers the Director of Emergency Management to proclaim the existence or threatened existence of a local emergency when said county is affected or likely to be affected by an extraordinary natural disaster event and the County Board is not in session; and WHEREAS the Director of Emergency Management of Milwaukee County does hereby find: [INSERT] _________________________________________________________________________. NOW THEREFORE, IT IS HEREBY PROCLAIMED that a local emergency now exists throughout Milwaukee County; and DRAFT IT IS FURTHER PROCLAIMED AND ORDERED that during the existence of said local emergency the powers, functions and duties of the emergency management organization of this County shall be those prescribed by State law, and by ordinances and resolutions of this County, and by the Milwaukee County Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan, as approved by the Milwaukee County Board of Supervisors. Declaration of a Major Disaster WHEREAS, the County of Milwaukee has sustained severe losses of a major proportion, caused by [INSERT] _________________________________________________________________________; and WHEREAS, substantial damage has been incurred to public and private property, as outlined in the attached Uniform Disaster Situation Report; and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the County Executive, for and on behalf of the citizens of Milwaukee County, request the Governor of the State of Wisconsin to petition the President of the United States to declare Milwaukee County, Wisconsin, to be a major disaster area, through appropriate channels, to include a request for Public Assistance and Human Services Programs as offered through PL 100-707, and the Hazard Mitigation Program, as offered through PL 100-707. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the County Emergency Management Director is authorized to coordinate the damage assessment survey teams with local units of government and assist in the administration of the disaster recovery process, as needed. Adopted this ________________________________ day of ______________________, 20__. Signed: ____________________________________________________________________________ Milwaukee County Executive FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY 30 MILWAUKEE COUNTY [INSERT YOUR DEPARTMENT, OFFICE] Continuity Plan February 2014 City of _____________ Disaster Proclamation WHEREAS, a disaster, namely ______________________________________________________ has struck the City of __________________________, and WHEREAS because of such emergency conditions, the Common Council is unable to meet with promptness: NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, pursuant to Wisconsin State Statutes 62, 66, and 323, as Chief Elected Official of the City of __________________________, I do hereby proclaim a state of emergency in effect until further notice. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and have caused the great seal of the City of __________________________ to be affixed. DRAFT Done at the City Hall this ________ day of ________________, ________. __________________________ Mayor Ratified by Resolution No. ________ of the City of __________________________ Common Council for the ________ day of ________________, ________, by a vote of ________ for, ________ against. Attest: __________________________ City Clerk Adopted: __________________________ Approved: __________________________ FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY 31 MILWAUKEE COUNTY [INSERT YOUR DEPARTMENT, OFFICE] Continuity Plan February 2014 ANNEX 4: CONTINUITY FACILITIES The your Department Director has designated your alternate facility address, as its continuity facility. Your alternate/continuity facility provides the capability for the your Department to perform MEFs within 12 hours of plan activation for up to 30 days or until normal operations can be resumed. Notification of your alternate facility relocation is made to the your POC at the alternate facility, e.g., Chief Information Officer (CIO) of the IMSD, located on the 3rd Floor. A joint MOU exists between the your Department Director and the alternate facility POC. It is maintained by the your Department, Office and jointly reviewed on an annual basis. The MOU is included in this annex. The MOU is between two County entities, a City entity, an NGO, a private partner, etc. and guarantees space and resources among a congested customer base. DRAFT YOUR DEPARTMENT Continuity Facility at INSERT ALTERNATE FACILITY* Facility Location INSERT ADDRESS AND ROOM NUMBER(S) Facility Owner INSERT GOVERNMENT, NGO, OR PRIVATE COMPANY, AS APPLICABLE INSERT UTILITY COVERAGE, e.g., Normal lighting, computers, heat, air-conditioning. Emergency/back-up power available POC’s Activation POC INSERT PRIMARY POC O (414) M (414) INSERT SECONDARY POC, CONSIDER 24HR CONTACT O (414) Security POC INSERT PRIMARY POC O (414) INSERT PRIMARY POC O (414) Maintenance POC Personnel Access Notice required to receive personnel Number of persons ready-to-receive Parking INSERT #HOURS REQUIRED TO READY THE ALTERNATE FACILITY. MUST BE LESS THAN 12 HOURS. INSERT # OF STAFF Building Access INSERT REQUIRED BADGING, ACCESS CODES, KEYS, ETC. Workspace # of banquet tables FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY INSERT PARKING LOCATIONS AND AVAILABILITY # 32 MILWAUKEE COUNTY [INSERT YOUR DEPARTMENT, OFFICE] Continuity Plan February 2014 YOUR DEPARTMENT Continuity Facility at INSERT ALTERNATE FACILITY* Vital Records # of desks # # chairs # # of conference rooms # # of private offices available Office supplies available # Stored electronically on the your share drive/secure cloud/secure URL INDICATE LOCATION OF HARD-COPY RECORDS, THUMBDRIVES, ETC. Stored hard copy at your primary Department’s location and your Department’s alternate location. INSERT EXACT LOCATION, e.g., file cabinet, safe, contractor provided storage. INSERT PURCHASING ABILITY, IF APPLICABLE DRAFT Human Services INDICATE ON-SITE OR NEAREST MEDICAL FACILITY Food INDICATE KITCHEN, CAFETERIA, VENDING MACHINES. ALSO INDICATE LOCAL RESTAURANTS AND/OR DELIVERY SERVICES. INDICATE MAIL SERVICE PROVIDERS US Post Office, Inter-office mail Physical fitness facility INDICATE ON-SITE OR NEAREST FACILITY available *See Annex 5 for Communications/IT availability Your Continuity Facility Logistics Full operations of the your Department space in your alternate facility room #, building location, can occur within number of hours (must be less than 12 hours). Computer access with appropriate configurations, software, and email are in place or describe IMSD requirements. All day-to-day operational supplies are pre-positioned to include vital records. The your Department’s Vital Records are stored electronically on the your share drive/secure cloud/secure URL. Vital Records are also stored hard copy at your primary Department’s location and your Department’s alternate location. Your Department’s employees are accountable to find transportation to your alternate facility. During extreme events, transportation may be coordinated through Milwaukee County Transit. In such a case, rally points may be considered for pick-up and rendezvous of personnel. FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY 33 MILWAUKEE COUNTY [INSERT YOUR DEPARTMENT, OFFICE] Continuity Plan February 2014 MAP OF CONTINUITY LOCATION Consider showing directions from your primary building to your alternate building. DRAFT FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY 34 MILWAUKEE COUNTY [INSERT YOUR DEPARTMENT, OFFICE] Continuity Plan February 2014 CONTINUITY FACILITY FLOOR PLAN For your Department, Office at alternate location. The your Department staff is familiarized with their continuity space at alternate facility on a yearly basis during the month of your Continuity training month, e.g., February. Familiarization is accomplished with an annual relocation exercise whereby the staff relocates to your alternate facility, or teleworks, for an entire workday. INSERT DIAGRAM INDICATING: seat locations, phone numbers, vital records storage, and equipment. DRAFT FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY 35 MILWAUKEE COUNTY [INSERT YOUR DEPARTMENT, OFFICE] Continuity Plan February 2014 ANNEX 5: CONTINUITY COMMUNICATIONS The your Department, Office continuity space at alternate facility has available and redundant critical communication systems. Upon notification of your Department’s relocation, the continuity space will be available in insert number of hours (less than 12). IMSD has insured the readiness of the equipment listed below or insert requirements. Virtual communications capabilities exist through public Internet, County email services, County Intranet, and landline and mobile telephony means. Pandemic or other social distancing emergency may require the usage of telework and virtual offices. Insert drives, servers, platforms, unique to your Department. We are consolidating these Annexes and coordinating with IMSD to insure connectivity. Minimum devices and services necessary to support MEF’s System Provider # Available Landline IMSD Fax Lines IMSD Cellular Phones e.g., VERIZON/SPRINT Desktop Computers IMSD Laptop Computers Tablets Your Department IMSD Sharedrive/Local Area Network Computer Login E-mail E-mail folders E-mail archives Internet Access Internet Favorites Thumbdrive Stored in filing cabinet for vital records retrieval Two-way Radios IMSD Printer IMSD Scanner IMSD Fax IMSD Copier IMSD Cable or satellite IMSD television media WPS subscription The following staff are subscribers to WPS: service GETS cards The entire Your Department staff has been issued a GETS card (# cards total). DRAFT FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY 36 MILWAUKEE COUNTY [INSERT YOUR DEPARTMENT, OFFICE] Continuity Plan February 2014 USING GETS AND WPS Using GETS and WPS WPS is to be used when cellular networks are congested. GETS is to be used when landline networks are congested. Congestion is indicated when cellular callers: receive fast busy signals, the destination phone number does not ring, or hear messages that their call cannot be completed. If on a landline, use GETS. Dial (710) NCS-GETS, (710) 627-4387. It may take over 60 seconds to connect. DRAFT Listen for the tone, then enter the twelve digit PIN: XXXXXXXXXXXX (Do not enter # after the last digit.) “Please enter your destination number now.” (Do not enter 1 before the area code.) “You are using GETS, AT&T/Sprint/Verizon.” It may take over 60 seconds for all completion. If on a mobile phone, use WPS. Dial *272 and the destination number. It may take 30 seconds or longer to complete the call. There may be intervals of ringing and/or silence. After several unsuccessful calls, use WPS and GETS. Dial *272 (710) 627-4387. Follow the GETS instructions above. WPS and GETS calls are drilled quarterly. FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY 37 MILWAUKEE COUNTY [INSERT YOUR DEPARTMENT, OFFICE] Continuity Plan February 2014 ANNEX 6: VITAL RECORDS MANAGEMENT Vital Records are information systems and applications, electronic and hard copy documents, references, and records, to include classified or sensitive data, needed to support MEFs during a continuity event. Your Department’s Vital Records are located in two places: 1. Electronically on the your share drive/secure cloud/secure URL. 2. Hard copy at your primary location and at your alternate location. Identifying Vital Records The your Department, Office has identified the following as vital to its operations, and has assigned responsibility for those records to the your designated Administrative Position. DRAFT YOUR DEPARTMENT Collection of Vital Records Vital Record Storage Location Milwaukee County Purchase Card (PPosition /Title of Card) person who’s name the card is in Milwaukee County Purchase Card (PPosition /Title of Card) person who’s name the card is in Total dollars available through P-Cards: COOP, Emergency Plans Primary and alternate locations A your Department Position Primary and alternate Responsibilities Binder (for succession) locations Keys, access codes Primary and alternate locations List of Recovery Experts and Vendors Primary and alternate locations Records which protect legal and Primary and alternate financial rights of the your Department locations Form $ amount on the PCard $ amount on the PCard $ Total amount Electronic, hard copy Electronic, hard copy Electronic, hard copy Electronic, hard copy Electronic, hard copy Protecting Vital Records The protection of Vital Records is essential to ensuring the records are available during a continuity event, thus enabling an organization to perform their MEFs. FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY 38 MILWAUKEE COUNTY [INSERT YOUR DEPARTMENT, OFFICE] Continuity Plan February 2014 Offsite storage locations of Vital Records are in place through the services of insert private contractor if applicable, e.g., Coakley Bros. This provides redundant offsite protection for purposes of reconstitution should primary or alternate records become unusable. Additionally, insert private contractor, is responsible to deliver these records at such time they should be needed within twelve hours of notification. DRAFT FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY 39 MILWAUKEE COUNTY [INSERT YOUR DEPARTMENT, OFFICE] Continuity Plan February 2014 Maintenance This packet will be reviewed and updated annually by the your Department’s designated Continuity Coordinator during the annual review and staff orientation, the month of e.g., February. New your Department, Office functions, programs, or organizational changes will be incorporated. A review of Vital Records is completed in collaboration with DAS – Procurement, DAS – Risk Management, and Corporation Counsel. EMERGENCY CONTRACTS YOUR DEPARTMENT Emergency Contracts Contacts Vendor Contact INSERT APPLICABLE VENDORS/CONTRACTORS O: (414) DRAFT The emergency contracts listing shall be reviewed by both the the your Department’s Continuity Coordinator and the DAS – Procurement office on a yearly basis, during the month of e.g., February. FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY 40 MILWAUKEE COUNTY [INSERT YOUR DEPARTMENT, OFFICE] Continuity Plan February 2014 ANNEX 7: HUMAN RESOURCES Human Resources Milwaukee County Human Resources has the responsibility to dictate guidance on pay, leave/time off, work scheduling, benefits, telework, hiring, authorities, and flexibilities. The your Department’s Designee has the responsibility to communicate this information to staff. Milwaukee County Human Resources has developed organization-specific guidance and direction for continuity personnel on human resources issues. This includes: Employee Assistance Program, Benefits, Premium and Annual Pay Limitations. This information can be found by contacting: Human Resources, (414) 278-4143. DRAFT Business Readiness It is important that your Department keeps all staff; especially individuals identified as telework, informed and accounted for during a continuity event. During any facility closure or relocation situation your Department, Office employees are expected to maintain accountability by reporting in every morning no later than 0800. The call-in contact is listed as the Team Leader in the Continuity Personnel Roster in Annex 1. The dissemination of information shall be expedited utilizing Team Leader A, B, etc. as shown in the Continuity Personnel Roster in Annex 1. The your Department Team Leaders ensures all staff are familiar with the Human Resources guidance in order to continue essential functions during an emergency. This includes payroll, staffing patterns, and operating status. The your Department, Office will update all staff via County email and/or Team Leader phone call down. During a facility evacuation during working hours, personnel will report to the location listed below. RENDEZVOUS LOCATIONS Location Your Primary facility Your Alternate facility FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY YOUR DEPARTMENT Rendezvous during working hours Rendezvous Location The corner of insert intersection or shelter The corner of insert intersection or shelter 41 MILWAUKEE COUNTY [INSERT YOUR DEPARTMENT, OFFICE] Continuity Plan February 2014 The City of Milwaukee Police or the on-site Incident Commander will be notified of personnel who cannot be accounted for. Personal Readiness All personnel are accountable for family preparedness. The following URLs provide guidance for developing a family plan. These websites explain the importance of being prepared and offer templates that can be tailored to meet family-specific requirements. The following URLs provide alerting services for weather and city notifications: DRAFT The following URL provides traffic alerts, closures and road conditions. Your Department’s critical staff are recommended to create and maintain go- kits. Personnel would ideally carry the kits to the continuity facility or pre-positioning the kits at the continuity facility. Your Department will maintain currency of the go- kits. GO-KITS Go- Kits Identification and charge cards – Organization identification card – Drivers license – Organization travel card – Health insurance card – Personal charge card Communication equipment – Pager/BlackBerry – Organization cell phone – Personal cell phone Hand-carried Vital Records (thumbdrive) Continuity Plan Directions to continuity facility Maps of surrounding area Business and leisure clothing Flashlight FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Business and personal contact numbers – Emergency phone numbers and addresses (relatives, medical doctor, pharmacist) Toiletries Chargers/extra batteries for phones, GPS, and laptop Bottled water and non-perishable food (i.e., granola, dried fruit, etc.) Medical needs – Insurance information – List of allergies/blood type – Hearing aids and extra batteries – Glasses and contact lenses – Extra pair of eyeglasses/contact lenses – Prescription drugs (30-day supply) – Over-the-counter medications, dietary supplements 42 MILWAUKEE COUNTY [INSERT YOUR DEPARTMENT, OFFICE] Continuity Plan February 2014 DRAFT FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY 43